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File: 1361254919494.png (195.39 KB, 800x800, rumble fly.png)

 No.1036[Last 50 Posts]

I draw cute pones and cute pone accessories. It's tough goings but goings it is. I'll post stuff frequently/infrequently depending on if I remember that this threads here.
Also. If I ask for requests in the thread, on the offchance I'm drunk/tired and forget, please post your request here. I try writing them down but sometimes I even lose those.


File: 1361255637942.png (595.24 KB, 3500x3500, ponders quietly.png)

Also since I haven't used it… at all. How busy is the sub anyway?


That depends on which board you're using. I make it a point to visit each one to see if anyone's posted anything outside of /q/ and /qt/ Those places are always hopping; you should definitely go there for all your questing needs, even if it isn't MLPFMTORPG.


File: 1361259038062.png (114.04 KB, 899x583, rumble homework.png)

/qt/ is quest discussion huh? This is exactly the board I needed to visit. Thankee muchlee!


File: 1362196543028.gif (952.95 KB, 600x600, rumble button iron will to….gif)

Anybody have little animation tips or guides?

Photoshop related ones would be helpful!


File: 1362332588036.png (171.64 KB, 1100x1100, babs long mane.png)

Babs is a cute little pony


File: 1364780093894.png (1.25 MB, 2000x2000, largest scootafixed.png)

I sometimes might draw my fetish.


File: 1366856861590.png (130.05 KB, 1000x1000, big meaty docks.png)

I was introduced to tail docks and want to keep them as a part of ponies to draw


File: 1368075870948.png (395.53 KB, 1200x1200, licketSplit headshot2.png)

Lickety Split
Refining how I draw stallion faces and coloring them. How's he look?


File: 1368334573306.png (306.98 KB, 1200x1200, soarin derpin.png)

Soarin's faec yesterday

Thunderlane later


yes YES. more stallions, MORE I SAY


you should post the full list here


File: 1369071120562.png (920.49 KB, 1200x1200, batguard and dayguard sfw.png)

Still have some left.
Next up is either Thunderlane or Care Package.
Have another stallion
I beefed the face though ;_;


File: 1369328540569.png (447.47 KB, 1000x2500, babs teach babs teach.png)

laerning with babs


File: 1369328602998.png (138.86 KB, 885x1161, YOWZA WOWZA.png)

and though i liked this one the most, the pose is still troubling. Pones weren't meant for upright.

Four legs good, two legs bad.


Yeah, you forget to put the end of the pants.


I did.
I'll have to fix that…


File: 1369452582918.png (169.96 KB, 1000x1000, so british he shagged the ….png)

In the wake of his first appearance poor Pip has endured dressies and shipping with Luna. Poor little bloke. He's also the only mottled coat character on the show so he's pretty unique. That's cool.


File: 1369863892009.png (150.1 KB, 1500x1500, Babs jeans fixed.png)

Fixed it!


File: 1369863922467.png (151.3 KB, 1500x1500, Babs standing cutoffs.png)

and cutoffs version


File: 1370072639564.png (1.15 MB, 1887x2400, stallion head practice ske….png)

more stalllion head practice


File: 1372136215270.png (144.26 KB, 1000x1000, ay cabron.png)

I just remembered this thread existed. Hi sub


File: 1372136577473.png (265.96 KB, 1100x1100, rumble note.png)

Also as I've thumbed through my old pics, I noticed that I've changed how I draw pone ears quite often. This one is months ago.
This is like last year aaand


File: 1372136673510.png (501.65 KB, 1400x1400, rumble head sketch.png)

like a few days ago. I feel comfortable doing it this way. Pretty sure I gleaned this from how joeydarkmeat does them.


File: 1372183767617.png (1.08 MB, 1800x1800, Zecora cooking stew, crude….png)

Somebody requested zecora the other day. I drew this as fast as I could and cut a lot of corners and skipped some steps. Usually requests take me much longer but for this I actually finished before the thread closed.
How the hell does atryl make it look so easy.


File: 1372697124753.png (138.13 KB, 1200x1200, Midnight Blosson.png)

Doin' more batpones recently. Gonna post them soon once I add text.


File: 1372747624420.png (2.58 MB, 2200x2200, Ivy the batfilly.png)

This is Ivy. She's a laid-back, easygoing, prankster who likes going out for midnight excursions and messing with her brother. Ivy is one of the main characters in Flicker Quest.


File: 1372748024763.png (2.25 MB, 2100x2100, batpone colt-Nook.png)

This is Nook, the batcolt. He's the grumpy, quick tempered, aggressive brother to Ivy. Nook is one of the main characters in Flicker Quest.


File: 1372748213696.png (2.11 MB, 2200x2200, Flicka.png)

And finally, this is Flicker, the timid, shy, easily frightened little unicorn filly and the main character of Flicker Quest. She befriends the two young batpones and begins a grand adventure!


File: 1372837641583.png (1.86 MB, 2100x2100, batpone colt Nook- flats.png)

and flats for the trio


File: 1372837877021.png (1.17 MB, 2200x2200, Flicker flats.png)

flats for Flicker


File: 1372894182068.png (61.65 KB, 322x191, scootaloo.png)

An old, cropped, scootasketch appears


File: 1372918135799.png (3.8 MB, 3400x3400, Ivy.png)

and flats for Ivy


File: 1373080259461.png (545.25 KB, 1700x1800, Ivy grins.png)

I like this batfilly she's cute.


File: 1373319653834.png (594.8 KB, 2100x1312, ivy and nook peek in your ….png)

Ivy and Nook peek in the window.


File: 1373499019172.png (1.21 MB, 1000x1750, Ivy spots you watching.png)

Upside down Ivy.


File: 1373557422871.png (590.15 KB, 1700x1100, its ok, she's got plenty o….png)

Make a sketch of the trio one time last week.


File: 1373557456919.png (361.3 KB, 2100x1184, bite to eat inked smaller.png)

Here it is inked


File: 1373557734357.png (532.84 KB, 2100x1184, bite to eat trio flats.png)

Since all 3 of them are here I can just open this pic from now on when I want to color.


File: 1373557871265.png (1016.41 KB, 2100x1184, bite to eat no lights.png)

Lighting. This is usually where I end up calling it a day but I don't like doing this sort of. I want my pictures to look more colorful and this method is just so boring. Never really satisfied with it -_-.

I want to scope out how some other people do it and learn from them. Or maybe attempt to learn painting. I dunno…


File: 1373557924189.png (1.73 MB, 2100x1184, bite to eat finished.png)

Added some detail, and the warm yellow light from 3 streetlights.



lol, the dialogue


File: 1373682570270.png (6.13 MB, 3400x3400, bug girl full res.png)

Could I get some colouring tips or guides or something pls. I want to draw colorful things but I don't think I'm doing it right…


It took me a while to really grasp it, but I think your lighting/shading is extremely rudimentary. It may also have something to do with just your general style. For some reason it has a very "flat" feel to it that keeps it from being translated into three-dimensional shapes, which destroys any sensation of depth even when you add shading to it.

I think your best bet would be to dial it back a bit and work with harder shadows, like cel-style shading or at least using less gradients all throughout. Draw the shadows first before you paint them.


I don't follow very well what I should do.


Experiment with flat shading to have better-defined lighting.


File: 1373862523494.png (2.46 MB, 2400x2400, rumble hoodie fixed.png)

Would you mean something like this?



eek. bit softer and more gradient!


File: 1373921361109.png (242.93 KB, 741x1077, babs seeeds.png)

How that? Like I see other people doing pics with hard shadows. And where would I gradient?



I hope that's the ONLY place you put them.


File: 1374218928309.png (1.28 MB, 2200x1358, peach bottom sfw edition.png)

Chickadee has a lovely rump


I can't wait for the porn version


File: 1374541588757.jpg (661.09 KB, 1700x1050, dooks an me collab.jpg)

I did a collab with dooks look. I made the background and dooks made the pretty ponies. Isn't it cool!


Turned out well.


File: 1374907832409.png (943.91 KB, 1190x735, scootaloo long hair.png)

wip. Have to fix the shading and other things.


File: 1376289834636.png (438.36 KB, 1111x1111, cloudchaser needed braces.png)

Sketches Cloudchaser with braces because ponies with braces are adorable


File: 1376289875530.png (167.84 KB, 1111x1111, CC needed braces.png)

Then after a few minor alterations, inked it!


File: 1377978343477.png (2 MB, 2200x1512, 2lewd.png)

Wow I am in now way consistent with updating things.


Amazing how much one letter made that sentence so difficult to read.


File: 1378190930197.png (754.88 KB, 2100x1354, allie way headshot.png)

I flub my writing all the time now. Usually its Swypes fault. Adding extra letters, words or using wrong ones.


File: 1378488165715.png (652.47 KB, 1100x1100, graboid eating.png)

This is months old but…


File: 1378837498751.png (314.2 KB, 1344x840, applemest.png)

Full Metal Applebloom


Th-the horns are touching…



File: 1379440859296.png (274.52 KB, 1200x750, licku.png)



File: 1380010740455.png (369.06 KB, 1234x863, dash v neck.png)

I need to practice more wings…


File: 1380144387269.png (760.15 KB, 1000x1478, BERRY THIS IS THE 3RD TIME.png)

Some thing I did with ArtAnons ocs because they're all so cute.


File: 1380558212907.png (170.63 KB, 768x768, 09-25-13 Cosmo's Cloudbrac….png)

goat train was an awesome person and colored this picture of Cloudchaser with braces that I was pretty fond of when I asked.
She's so pretty!


File: 1380602028377.png (309.56 KB, 1240x920, gaffer.png)

Ok I kind of like Gaffer. He's not horrible like Poindexter. The pegasus is alright but kind of boring. Overall he's pretty neat with his design.


File: 1380929591266.png (953.92 KB, 3100x2100, docking permits open.png)

Cloudchasers butt~


File: 1381469232327.png (788.02 KB, 1550x1150, cmc 63.png)

Sooo… R63 aged up CMC anyone?


File: 1381765468213.png (108.08 KB, 1000x885, booping intensifies.png)



File: 1382153813279.png (712.63 KB, 1275x1083, savanna smilez.png)

Best scout


File: 1383693328253.png (1009.43 KB, 2100x1740, 1rmbst.png)

I'm gonna post all that Silver Spoon and Rumble stuff here because.


File: 1383693360577.png (821.02 KB, 1550x1000, 2ssdtrrmb.png)


File: 1383693878861.png (731.51 KB, 1550x1200, 3rmbst.png)


File: 1383694054741.png (680.04 KB, 1550x1200, 4rmbst.png)


File: 1383694326955.png (625.96 KB, 1550x1000, 5rmbst.png)


File: 1383694500903.png (558.65 KB, 1550x1000, 6rmbst.png)


File: 1383694742045.png (529.32 KB, 1550x1200, 7rmbst.png)


File: 1383694880282.png (564.16 KB, 1550x1200, 8rmbst.png)


File: 1383695108167.png (761.76 KB, 1550x1000, 8rmbsta.png)


File: 1383695269025.gif (176.54 KB, 888x573, 9rmbst.gif)


File: 1383696731964.png (490.57 KB, 1212x781, 11rmbst.png)


File: 1383696869614.png (1.18 MB, 2220x1200, 12rmbst.png)


File: 1383697154480.png (255.34 KB, 1240x800, 13rmbst.png)


File: 1383698046213.png (225.26 KB, 1240x800, 14rmmbsta.png)


File: 1383702219762.png (167.69 KB, 1240x800, 14rmbst.png)


File: 1383702401900.png (258.64 KB, 1550x1000, 15rmbst.png)


File: 1383704462519.png (423.7 KB, 1395x900, 16rmbst.png)


File: 1385166574497.png (355.98 KB, 1470x980, wisp and cobalt.png)

Cobalt and Wisp from Aspirants cute quest


File: 1386696464689.png (809.09 KB, 4200x2800, wisp and cobalt inkd.png)



File: 1386896590593.png (457.98 KB, 1100x1100, be chill.png)

I drew this…maybe last year ish.


File: 1387398548370.png (162.94 KB, 1200x800, chill out re text.png)

Whoops I was wrong. I drew that at the beginning of February this year. I need to date all my stuff so I can keep better track of it.

Here's my re-draw of it.


File: 1388479904980.png (503.95 KB, 900x900, re draw sheet.png)

A year in art…


File: 1389125114511.png (1.19 MB, 2970x1542, babs painting.png)

Im going to try painting this year


some twinkie belle


File: 1389731360107.png (504.93 KB, 1600x1120, MONACO.png)

More old schlock


File: 1390535893925.png (1.4 MB, 2423x3135, a little lamia.png)

snake pone


File: 1390535913633.gif (787.12 KB, 900x467, sweet-pic-hypno.gif)

is coolest pone




File: 1390879693383.png (284.49 KB, 1159x773, older rumble answer.png)

I'm pretty happy with how this came out. The pose was a challenge at first, followed by the limbs.
Got to thank tanman for his help here


Wow, lewd. He's not old enough for that!


File: 1390937367238.png (423.03 KB, 2000x2500, rumble smile 2.png)

Oh, he's old enough for that


Soarin being a giant blue stallion. Spoilered for lewd.


File: 1391784792198.png (1.17 MB, 2235x1161, rumble and CCtext1.png)

rumblr update 1/3


File: 1391784830385.png (958.82 KB, 1275x1650, cc comic with rumbletext2.png)


File: 1391784855810.png (2.52 MB, 2550x3300, rumble and CC 3rd.png)


File: 1392424952879.png (1.39 MB, 1917x1669, rumble valentine 2.png)

Valentines update 1


File: 1392424980379.png (1.18 MB, 1667x865, rumbloo lake.png)


Interrupting current rumblescoot for some very lewd ponies.


File: 1392866227338.png (1.68 MB, 2000x1400, sweetie naga and rumble.png)

I did a thing here is the thing I did.
Here's the thing that goes with it:


File: 1393383214864.png (238.1 KB, 1173x1205, flying saucer.png)

Ice Cream OC


File: 1393558742379.png (108.9 KB, 537x557, flying saucer collared.png)

And thing


File: 1395189235034.png (510.32 KB, 852x532, career change.png)

For my fanfiction


File: 1395443008462.png (132.07 KB, 807x652, maud rock.png)

Maud thing


File: 1395443048485.png (563.46 KB, 1275x1650, stoners.png)

Another maud thing. I wasnt feeling great drawing this but I knew I wanted to.


File: 1396284509955.png (203.42 KB, 1500x778, delivery dash.png)

I wish MLPG.co was more active than it is now…


File: 1398729612638.png (662.95 KB, 1205x1337, swiggins.png)

not pone


File: 1400208237052.png (3.6 MB, 3940x2045, marina ask intro.png)

I have a new ask blog starring an OC I made. Her name is Marina Fae and her special talent lies in transformation magic.




File: 1400603177661.png (405.11 KB, 1153x599, Marina Fae Winery.png)

She can be quite a big pony


File: 1408397327717.png (934.69 KB, 1080x814, marina snake.png)

snake pone


File: 1428474535795.png (1.81 MB, 3500x2300, marina butt answer.png)

oh yeah this place


File: 1429038992760.png (Spoiler Image, 252.62 KB, 1050x690, 2 20 2015 tuftjob.png)

Im using DA now


I dont know why I picked this name


File: 1432942674733.png (1016.78 KB, 1600x2400, 5 7 2015growing flitter.png)

Are ppl even using this site anymore????


File: 1433000082018.png (2.5 MB, 2400x1600, transformation pony in the….png)

No, not really

This is super pretty though!


I do just to see what artists are up to.


File: 1433957964229.png (567.02 KB, 1360x1599, 5 26 2015 batpony requests.png)

I wish it were less ded


I actually wanted to ask you something on steam if that's okay with you. Used to hang with you guys for a long time and left in 2013.


ya ask away


You're Cozomo on steam right?


Sometimes? I used to change it a lot


File: 1461180050277.png (1.93 MB, 3200x2200, 2 13 2016 Dashing.png)

I keep forgetting this place…


File: 1487742776048.png (922.41 KB, 1380x1290, SHE CAN BREATHE FIRE.png)


File: 1487743304227.png (851.86 KB, 1380x1290, dragon scoot cloud pose.png)


File: 1487743317333.png (809.02 KB, 1560x938, 12 9 2016 Hammock.png)


File: 1487743331213.png (595.35 KB, 1725x1613, draco scoot sketches 2.png)


File: 1487743341264.png (459.72 KB, 1380x1020, 10 22 2016 bubble berry.png)


File: 1487743354056.png (428.18 KB, 1680x1020, 10 24 2016 rumblekiss.png)


File: 1487743369580.png (672.43 KB, 1380x938, 11 7 2016 I can beat you a….png)


File: 1661289632979.png (217.99 KB, 547x725, 1 17 2022 rambl.png)

it he

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