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/art/ - Art

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File: 1429606434291-0.jpg (1.78 MB, 3840x2160, DSC_0007.JPG)

File: 1429606434291-1.jpg (1.9 MB, 3840x2160, DSC_0003.JPG)

File: 1429606434291-2.jpg (1.81 MB, 3840x2160, DSC_0001.JPG)


I'm a wannabe drawfag.
I dump some of my "art" here.


Hello Nori, good to see you on /art/. I would advise you reduce the resolution of the images you post a tad. Never stop drawing.


OK! I will downsize them.

Also no. It just begins and there are no breaks.


File: 1430424546518.jpg (429.62 KB, 1728x972, DSC_0001 01.jpg)

had a long run with depression; didn't improved
but at least I can draw again and will resize my pics.

I try to use the digital too but I am so bad that I just can't get myself to use it.


Oh boy. I sure had a break and didn't improved at all.

But on the bight side I am emotionally stable and more autistic with my horses.
I kinda want to have a second or n+1 th chance with you guys. Dunno why. Maybe to prove something.

>implying anybody remembers me




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I took up drawing again a few weeks ago.
This was my old thread. I haven't improved at all in just two short years. lol

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