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File: 1363124412689.png (189.22 KB, 945x839, fluttershy_by_moongazeponi….png)



I hope this works out for you.

So how is the flash gonna play out?
Those voices are kinda hot.


Porn aside, I hope one day you can get into something like Double Rainboom. Except not horrible.


He will become involved in a project so filled with brony references you can't even see the ponies behind them all.

The worst fate


I wouldn't wish that evil on anyone. They bring it upon themselves.


So the insulting humans for not lasting like stallions thing (which is kind of weird), is that meant to deliberately be like a white girls belitting guys for not having big black penises or what? Was it a commissioner's choice?


I don't think he does commissions anymore


Bassicly it starts off in her trailer after a show casting.

It continues with the interviewer asking her basic show questions and her replying and slipping something really adult. After words she discusses what she does in her down time and how shes not as shy as she makes it out to be on the show which leads into talking about her boy toy big mac and what she does with im (and how rainbow dash watches when they do it, shes actually shy irl and is a virgin).

after that she says she cant do humans because they are too small and cum too quick giving a 20 second deomonstration of how it goes with moans/groans
Yea i dont know why they went so meme heavy really. I was going to join the team after being asked but I was just too busy.



I don't take any commissions anymore, everything I do is my own free will.


Oh, okay, so it's just basically a reversal because you like the idea. Fair enough!


Yea it just seems like a funny idea to change the personalities a bit around off show/on show.


The only problem with this idea is how are we gonna let people know all of your stuff is here without stirring up the shit?


I'm fine with it being here as is and if anyone cares enought about what I do they'll find it here.


So, any tips for someone interested in making a living doing youtube flash videos?


It all depends on what kind of niche you're trying to carve out. Is it original animations, parodies, other?


While practising FBF decided to make something and it kinda led into a game of its own. So gonna make a small thing with AJ and timberwolf tentacles (and then back to the FS interview)


More wip


Gif of the internal that occurs after the entree.


And some sample dialogue (all wip lines)


Ganna say, that is a perfect AJ for that. It fit nicely with those images.


>Bunny thrust
Not sure if want




More to that one


Test, sorry.


File: 1364355258305.png (121 KB, 640x360, 640px-Rarity_anypony_home_….png)


dat internal shot


Needs to be sexier. I'd rather have a mexican accent AJ if it sounds hot.


File: 1368205479674.png (822.23 KB, 1146x1036, datass.png)

I didn't know you had a thread




Cool! I'm pumped.


I got excited until I noticed the timestamps

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