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File: 1374024252191.png (180.16 KB, 960x580, tropicana for challenge.png)


My name is Dooks, and I draw and color.

Have any request? Post it here!

Might be NSFW sometimes, who knows.


File: 1374024329429.png (350.93 KB, 1200x1000, good night mlpg1.png)

Posting doodles in no apparent order, brace yourselves!


File: 1374024776932.png (109.59 KB, 900x900, she screwed things up inde….png)


File: 1374024856498.png (315.53 KB, 700x850, rude dash copia.png)


File: 1374024912417.png (231.5 KB, 1200x1200, resting twily.png)


File: 1374184032750.png (478.61 KB, 1500x900, pank and gummy sketch.png)

A sketch for a dude


File: 1374299085863.png (280.71 KB, 1500x900, trixie butte.png)

Trixie Butt.


How can an ass be powerful?


No pony should have all that power.


File: 1374381086423.png (334.71 KB, 900x1600, color palette horse.png)

I doodled a horse based on a color palette.

I call her "Red Spark"


File: 1374476969585.png (582.37 KB, 900x1300, lunestia finished.png)

Royal Sisters!


File: 1374763493333.png (488.74 KB, 900x900, Luna.png)

you asked for this to be colored some time ago, and i did my best.

i promise to get better, slowly.


Oh my god dude, that's amazing!

Thanks for coloring it, it turned out really pretty!


File: 1374883219270.png (414.92 KB, 900x1200, chrisalis painting.png)

A painting exercise.




File: 1375036089035.png (297.17 KB, 900x1300, pank butt.png)

Pinkie Butt.


File: 1375209057792.gif (111.46 KB, 400x400, pone-nod.gif)



File: 1375717140850.png (743.03 KB, 800x1000, Fluttershy idunno.png)



I really like these.


File: 1376073803511.png (332.54 KB, 900x900, horse heads practice.png)

Thanks bro!

Also some horse heads practice


File: 1376546023062.png (276.79 KB, 900x900, pinkamena 2.png)


File: 1398277154477.png (410.29 KB, 2000x2000, big ass ponk.png)

Oh god, when was the last time I updated my thread?

Time to fix that!


File: 1398277400054.png (12.4 KB, 500x500, tropical horse11.png)

Tropical horse


File: 1398277498816.png (164.1 KB, 1000x1300, princess tropicana.png)


File: 1398277544996.png (411.57 KB, 1000x1000, toriel.png)



File: 1398277665431.png (62.39 KB, 500x500, ponka peek.png)


File: 1398277707109.png (885.97 KB, 1000x1000, musical ponk.png)

Musical ponk


File: 1398277768460.png (94 KB, 684x681, femanon practice dressed.png)


I did a few lewd variations of this one, so prepare.






Full neekid

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