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File: 1367078589018.jpeg (119.29 KB, 599x577, WHY WOULD PINKIE HATE CRA….jpeg)


So I pitched this idea on MLPG

An idea that MLPG should make its own episode for saturday. The catch however is that its all done in one week. The point would be just to get something done, not worrying about quality.

The idea was to take one day in the week for artists to draw characters. The other day, writers would make up a script in Google Docs.

Wednesday through Friday would just be time for people to submit lines and edit everything together.

It would take some effort but we aren't necessarily thinking about trying to make the best fan episode ever. The end result is supposed to be a catastrophe with weird dialougue, twitchy animation, rushed voice acting and strange background music. We're essentially trying to make a FoodFight version of MLPFIM in one week.

What do you guys think? Do you think you would be interested?


how long would it be?


If quality is a non issue, I'd be up for some terrible, terrible voice acting.


The goal was to make it 22 minutes like the actual episodes.


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P.Q. pls
you have a generic American accent
you would probably be a background pony


I would be an amazing background pony.


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>I'm an amazing background pony


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File: 1367380318571.png (66.83 KB, 573x723, the threads are pretty bad….png)


So is this idea going anywhere?

I really would like to see it come through.


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This is going to end up like Do Or Deer.


but unlike do or deer, quality and being show-like wouldn't really matter

just for the hell of it have different drawfags draw each individual pony, object, background and such in the short and then someone animates 'em in papercut out style


The big issue is that even if you got every single person who's at least semi-active in MLPG and made them work 12 hours a day for a week, assuming perfect organization, you'd still barely have anything that can be called a very badly done episode, that's the scale of this. You could aim for a 2-3 minute short, but even then, I don't think people would work on it enough to get it anywhere near done, and I understand that you're aiming for really terrible quality, but this issue still remains.

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