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 No.7873[Watch Thread][View All]

Something to kill time while 4chan's ded.
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You can't this is like ponychan


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Fluttershy is the best pony.


Anon, it's not slander. It's not even a bad thing. While Pinkie does it for free, Rarity is a part of a very prestigious industry in Equestria. In a country whose population is primarily mares, it is important for there to be prostitutes like herself to help relieve ponies in heat with no other means of sexual release.

Just because the profession is looked down upon here in the states does not mean it is that way in Equestria.


4chan is back up. Lets talk of ponies in /mlp/


You'd best back the fuck up

Ponk is purest pony


Her mind and soul may be innocent and pure but her body sure loves to party.


>Just because the profession is looked down upon here in the states does not mean it is that way in Equestria.
That's fair enough, but you're still making unsubstantiated claims about not one but two ponies
You cannot verify what you're saying in the slightest. The only 'prestigious industry' Rarity is a part of is as part of her dress-making business, which is her passion and primary source of income, if not her only source of income
Also, although Pink and (maybe to a lesser degree) Rarity are both very loving ponies, this does not in any way equate to them treating sex lightly

Please desist from asserting facts about ponies you do not know to be true


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What he says. Get lost horsefuckers!


>implying your rusery will work
>implying I don't have a window open attempting to post every two seconds


keep talking bullshit anon

lets see how you like a relative ass-to-ears ratio of kicking


Sex is fun. Pinkie Pie loves fun.

Therefore, pinkie pie would be the sluttiest of the mane 6. Yes even more sluttier than Rarity.


This… is disturbingly long downtime.


> The only 'prestigious industry' Rarity is a part of is as part of her dress-making business, which is her passion and primary source of income, if not her only source of income

Do you really think that a pony could make a living wage as a dress maker in a society where nobody wheres clothes except for special occasions? I'll agree that it is her passion and her first love, but it is her other business that allows her the freedom to pursue it during daylight hours.



>Sex is fun

Now how would you know that, anon?


moot is probably taking a 24 hour nap

and started napping when the downtime started




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>Do you really think that a pony could make a living wage as a dress maker in a society where nobody wheres clothes except for special occasions?
They have weird fashions in this world that nobody really wears, but their creators still make money because enough people buy it. Are you saying those people, too, must be prostitutes?
Again, you have no way of backing up your pointlessly incendiary comments regarding these ponies, or any ponies. Come back when you have established some credible evidence to support your claims, if any such evidence exists


Ive had sex before anon.


>Are you saying those people, too, must be prostitutes?

Not at all. I am simply saying that in a primarily nudist society you cannot make a sustainable living off of tailoring alone.



Sure you did


Well … yeah Im sure I did too. It was about a year ago.


Moot is in Japan and will never return
He's sick and tired of 4chan


You wouldn't hug a pony


Because pinkie pie is a slut and would rather fuck me.


>primarily nudist society
Canterlot ponies wear clothes almost every day, you know. All of them. Same goes for Manehattan ponies.
While clearly the standards are a little more relaxed in Equestria regarding clothes, that's two big cities that clearly have clothes as an important part of their society's norms. Ponyville's basically a hick town, remember? The population of both cities probably dwarfs Ponyville by many thousands of ponies. Even the tiny frontier town of Appleoosa's inhabitants wore clothes, notably hats and bandannas.

In this situation, it is clear that Ponyville that is the outlier. "Primarily nudist" is a very, very bold claim, and again one without evidence


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Why would he be? He doesn't really has to do anything but rake in the advertisement/4chan pass money and make sure the big switch down in the server room is set to "ON".



Yep, I know anon. I was there even and saw it all personally.


But Rarity lives in neither of those places and has only recently started gaining recognition as seen in a pair of season one episodes.


4chan is unded


You were in thailand with me? Rick is that you? I told you about those ladyboys now you have ass aids.


Actually, make that three episodes.

Green Isn't Your Color
Suited for Success
Diamond Dogs


4chan is alive guys really! Lets pone in /mlp/


there was an episode named diamond dogs?


Whichever one had the diamond dogs in it, I forget the name.


>tfw in 10 minutes it's all going to be shitposting again



I'm not ever gonna check again because you guys fooled me one too many times


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enjoy staying here alone
we're all migrating back


But anon it's up! I am serious!



No, I'm staying here forever!


Okay it really is back.


Doyoubwant me screen cap a new post on 4chan to prove to you its up?


I'll keep you company, anon.

Don't worry.

We can be frieeeeeends


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Coffee tastes awful, Luna.



I just caved and checked. It really is up. And to think I may have been trapped here forever due to your shenanigans.


Shit, all the more reason to get the fuck out of Dodge.

See you there, people.


So it really IS back. I think it's funny that posting has resumed in /mlp/ before it resumed in /b/, which is generally a better indicator of 4chan's status.


In NONE of those places, I think you mean. I mentioned a town and two cities that wear clothes ubiquitously, compared to Ponyville's one small town.
Just because we do not see every single Ponyville pony wearing clothes does not mean that there is no market there for clothes, as well. Many Ponyville ponies do choose to wear clothes, such as the Granny Smith, Applejack, the Mayor, Rarity's parents (although that can be kind of expected), postal pony uniforms, the vet pony's cute lab coat, the ENTIRE TOWN during Winter Wrap up, not to mention all the costumes the ponies periodically make with their parades and festivals and so on. With the fact that we have never seen another Ponyville clothes store in mind, it could even be the case that Rarity has cornered a niche market in the Ponyville clothing sector, and is rolling in dough. There is at least enough evidence supporting this as there is evidence supporting your outlandish theory that promotes a sex industry in Equestria which has never been shown or referenced, even in passing.

Although it's true that she's only recently begun to be known outside of Ponyville, how long she's been working as a designer is not known, similarly to how the ages of the ponies are also unknown. She could have just been starting out, as she is certainly by now a rising star in the Equestria fashion scene, having won an award, had her dresses featured and modeled by prominent celebrities, and formed quite a number of connections in Sweet and Elite(or at least Fancypants).


Enough talk about silly nothings that will never be.

4chan is back


Not with hazelnut and sugar.


I want to cuddle with filly flutters

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