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/ot/ - Off Topic

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This is for discussing the somewhat overly excited janitor who seems to have taken an interest in MLPG.

Post any evidence of abuse on his part in the thread, caps of rule-breaking threads out in /mlp/ that are going ignored while he's in the general, bans for bad reasons, etc. If there's enough evidence of him overstepping his boundaries maybe we can coordinate a response to be sent to moot.

If mods think this would be a better fit for /meta/ or one of the others please move it there
35 posts and 7 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


>If mods think this would be a better fit for /meta/ or one of the others please move it there

I think /meta/ is more oriented towards discussions related to this website in particular and not the MLPG in general.


Good one Dooks.
They haven't been there since like 2007


how about we just make and mark a new thread without linking it in the old thread 10 minutes after the janitor shows up? It's not like he does anything on the rest of /mlp/ anyway


>janitor deletes posts talking about him
>leaves the off topic friend zone shitposting up


The tulpa garbage has to go.

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