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/ot/ - Off Topic

Home for the homeless.
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This is for discussing the somewhat overly excited janitor who seems to have taken an interest in MLPG.

Post any evidence of abuse on his part in the thread, caps of rule-breaking threads out in /mlp/ that are going ignored while he's in the general, bans for bad reasons, etc. If there's enough evidence of him overstepping his boundaries maybe we can coordinate a response to be sent to moot.

If mods think this would be a better fit for /meta/ or one of the others please move it there


Hi guys. I'm Janitor


What's the point…


I think that apart from sometimes deleting on-topic stuff screencaps from Larson's Twitter or similar he's doing a decent job.


File: 1362582690815.jpg (46.53 KB, 794x265, stairs.jpg)

Someone posted a precarious set of stairs over a computer. Someone reposted with one other image. People had a bit of a laugh, then moved on.

anons considered this petty, myself included, and the thread devolved into an argument over it. Janitor went full damage control, deleting everything, and has just now tried to have me banned. Meanwhile a completely stupid 'hurr post your bedroom /mlp/ thread goes untouched on the front page.

Last time he went ding dong mode on mlpg it was a gay porn thread on the front page that went untouched. Janitor needs to be stopped.


People are calling him scruffy.

Who the hell is he? Can we get rid of him?


>Last time he went ding dong mode on mlpg it was a gay porn thread on the front page that went untouched.

Link it to him next time he's around, if he deletes it or not it's not our problem (I mean, I really doubt we care about the state of the frontpage).
Most of the time he shows up he deletes meta, /soc/ and off-topic shit, sure it's annoying but other than enforcing the rules he's not doing anything wrong, maybe people need to chill out when he's around.

>People are calling him scruffy.

Every janitor on 4chan since forever.


File: 1363026513871.png (216.76 KB, 536x906, Screen2.png)

Somebody dumped like 10 Celestia pictures and the janitor started deleting them along with ones that weren't even posted by the same guy. A few of them were NSFW, those aren't included in the screencap. Bottom right corner has the thread's post count for reference.


Spamming pony image without a purpose is still spamming. At least have a topic with it rather then dumping the image in the thread.


The first one was just a reply, not related to the dump.


He probably mistook it.


Janitor has just started deleting non explicit diamond dogs.


File: 1363272677041.gif (1.86 MB, 200x129, anon tries to talk discuss….gif)

He just deleted this with pretty much the same filename.

While the thread was on page 7


File: 1363390971928.jpg (17.25 KB, 668x74, No discussion about anythi….jpg)

Why the hell was this deleted?


File: 1363432214970.png (84.14 KB, 752x437, SURVIVAL OF THE DYNAMIC IP….png)

Some anon just posted this. Janitor is no fun incarnate.


It's not the first time I see this in the last few months, a bunch of people were also complaining on /q/.
Yes, it's excessive, but I'm sure it was an order from moot to the new moderation staff.

>not pony gif




>defending that gif being deleted

So the janitor by rights should go on /v/ and selectively delete not only every filename thread but every non vidya reaction image, gif and image in general?

He should ban anime reaction faces from /co/?


So, where does the janitor come from? Seems like he's active early in the morning, I dunno.


Considering earlier that day, the janitor deleted filly porn, HS spam, /pol/, meta about Krauts, and other bullshit, I would not be surprise that one of those faggot imitate a janitor just to mock him when the janitor was doing the good work of making the thread pony.


If other janitors don't do their job or they do it "in a different way", doesn't mean this janitor is doing it wrong.

Maybe you all have to stop overreacting every time he deletes our precious meta and porn.


>our precious meta
fucking this

will you people please stop spamming "OMG JANITOR!!!1" every time he shows up and goes on a killing spree?


They can't.


This happened
It's hard to blame the janitor but that's still a lot of posts ded in a short timespan

Imgur link because it's too big to post: http://i.imgur.com/q6blsnW.jpg


Usually. He did went in the thread before that and delete a heck loads of meta in it though.





I don't really see the harm in occasional off topic posts if they don't derail from the thread topic. It's a 24 hour constantly active general.


Go to /b/ if you want to be offtopic



If I wanted to talk to obnoxious teenagers i'd just go to gaia or something.


>janitor comes in
>deletes shit or not shit
>people complain
>people wonder why janitor deletes meta
>people naturally post more meta
>janitor deletes meta
>people complain about janitor deleting meta
>janiturd deletes more meta
Thank God I filtered the word "janitor".


File: 1364160099150.png (92.81 KB, 265x291, 1352212532969.png)

Have you guys tried with going to the IRC and tell the mods?

You know, give them some screencaps and stuff so they can have tell moot and stuff.



>implying they'd care


File: 1364160289384.png (334.16 KB, 583x423, Brock.png)

You will never know if you never try.

You can also e-mail moot, he always replies to e-mails as far as I know.


Actually he only always reads emails
He's never replied to mine


What would you say to mods and moot? There's a Janitor on /mlp/ enforcing the rules? Oh, what a disaster.


That's the purpose of this thread, collecting screencaps that are worth something. There are like 3 - 4, nothing particularly good either.


>Janitor stop showing up

Why am I not surprise? Now the thread just going to be bad from here on out.


>If mods think this would be a better fit for /meta/ or one of the others please move it there

I think /meta/ is more oriented towards discussions related to this website in particular and not the MLPG in general.


Good one Dooks.
They haven't been there since like 2007


how about we just make and mark a new thread without linking it in the old thread 10 minutes after the janitor shows up? It's not like he does anything on the rest of /mlp/ anyway


>janitor deletes posts talking about him
>leaves the off topic friend zone shitposting up


The tulpa garbage has to go.

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