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Bay Area Brony Spectacular 2016 is April 22-24 in Burlingame, CA at the Hyatt Regency SFO (just a shuttle ride away from the airport)

Any Bay Area MLPGers visiting or want to hang out? Let strangers on the internet know in this thread!


Full disclosure, I did apply for a vendor booth, but either there's not enough space or I'm not horsefamous enough to get off the waitlist! When I visited in 2015 I saw that the bar for QUALITY wasn't set particularly high, so maybe given enough effort…

Either way, til further notice I'm slated for a three-day pass as a regular visitor, and I'll likely be doing what I did last time: walking around and giving out sketches to random strangers from morning to sundown! I don't think Andrea Libman is visiting this year ;_;

Also Braeburned was there last year. I'm sure you guys will want to go shake his hand at least, if he's going again this year.

Anyways, if a formal meetup does form up, we can use /ht/ to mark it on the calendar.


If you're still in the Bay Area, we should get lunch sometime. I'm usually free on Saturdays if you want to meet up. Same for anyone else in the area.

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