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File: 1721757903673.jpeg (237.3 KB, 1170x906, IMG_9098.jpeg)




there's no helping you


I can't take it anymore. It's dissolving my sanity. Everywhere I look I see it. Oh my fucking god I see it. It's everywhere, it's the baseline of humor. I can't stand to see another cbat meme again. My wife left me and took the kids. I lost my job and I am now using what little I have to voice my thoughts. Cbat must die. It has been milked so much. It's a dead song, a dead meme, it isn't funny anymore. Please. I send a prayer above, to let this monstrosity perish, and be banished to the depths of hell. No longer will we have "2 years reddit sex" on this Earth. Only then will I regain my sanity and return to my family.


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File: 1726468788994.png (21.32 KB, 230x198, 35448DFBE761E0800E45A70658….png)

There is no one here to help you.

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