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 No.743859[Last 50 Posts]

The party have concluded their business in Withick, having made an ally of Sprig, gaining a new companion in the form of the griffon Sir Gawain, and being rejoined by Aegis. However, not all is well. They have been effectively forced to flee the peaceful swamp town due to a new threat, a nefarious assassin and old enemy of Hermodur's called Gavrilo. Employed by Lysander, Gavrilo has delivered a mysterious dagger to the party, its purpose unknown.

Not all is despair, however. The party have decided on a heading after much debate; they have opted to head southeast, retracing their original journey and traveling back towards Durenwol Fen. There, they hope to strike a deal with the Beldam, a captive spirit of the swamp, and have her keep the Cuckoo's Egg safe from harm in exchange for her freedom. To do that, however, they will first need to deal with their old acquaintance Black Pudding, an adversary of the Beldam. With his current whereabouts unknown, the party have opted to follow his trail, heading to his last known whereabouts: The cursed hamlet of Larkstead, which has been plagued by a false Oneiromancer. This mysterious entity is a puppet of Lysander and Grosvenor, intended to act as a threat to distract from their true intentions…


>>743322 (Hermodur)
She blinks. "Makes sense. I just hope we're ready for him, when the time comes. If not…" She lingers on the possibility of failure. It seems to be eating her.


The ship lowers closer to the ground to get a better view of the aftermath of your cannon assault. You see that there's three surviving Mummers, stumbling to get away and escape into the surrounding wilderness.

"Maybe we should let them go," Aurora remarks. "Having more reports of us in this area might throw Lysander and his goons off our trail."

"Should we land to look around?" Etrigan asks.

"I say we head to those ruins over there and plant the decoy Egg like we planned," says Marisol, folding her arms. "If nothing else it'll buy us some time."

"Not to mention the possibility of further adventure!" Gawain chimes in enthusiastically.


"Maybe someone should have a quick look down there, but I do wanna check out the ruins too after." I step away from the guardrail. "Anyway, yeah. I say we should let'em go. I'm sure even if somehow they still wanna attack the little village the guards'll be on high alert after the cannon blast."



"I've said it before, and I'll say it again. Lysander is setting himself up for defeat. When the time comes, he will die by his own designs."


"Decoy egg sounds like a good idea," Hermodur nods.


"Hrm… a quick look couldn't hurt- then we can check out the ruins. As for the bandits… yeah, let's let 'em go."


"We zhould let zhem zee uz heading towardz ze ruinz, zo zhere iz zhat rumor too. I plan to zpend ze time we're zhere creating many zeveranze runez around the ruinz, az zhey will exzpect uz to try and hide it az bezt az pozzible. It will alzo hide ze true nature of ze egg until inveztigated phyzically." Zunden says, continuing to try and shape the wood with a creation rune.

[1d10] Creation

Roll #1 1 = 1


''I'll follow along then, I want to be there if you run into something bad lurking in those ruins… By the way, have you found a good use of the Liber Animarum while I was gone?''


"I have barely been on ze zhip in ze time you left."


"What makes you so sure?" she asks. "He's striking deals with people left and right to expand his influence. Grosvenor included. …I don't know how much her plans have changed, but I think we should be more afraid of her than of him."

You gather some dirt, wood and stone from the ground below and form it into the shape of an egg. It holds its form for a moment, then just crumbles apart. You now have a pile of dirt on the floor of the ship. A Servitor appears with a dustpan.

"Let's see what we can find then."

Etrigan lowers the ship to ground level, and a Servitor lowers the ladder for ground access. There's not much in the immediate area that you can see, mostly dirt and shattered stone, but you might be missing something.
>roll for looting


I take a look around, taking my bag with me to make sure to grab some dirt.


And also shoveling dirt into my bag.

Roll #1 4 + 1 = 5



"Exactly. He is the least threatening part of his own operation. Everyone hates him. Even the people he employs. It's only a matter of time before that sort of situation catches up to him."


Hermodur inspects the stone to see if it's anything special.

[1d10] looting

Roll #1 2 = 2


Aegis shines up a light and does a through search, carefully pressing down on cobblestones and the walls for hidden buttons or triggers
The wisp of light produced by the crystal mare also shone on the Lapis Norv was holding, drawing her attention to it ''Master Norvegicus. I believe that belonged to me'' She stated stoically, standing still


Zunden continues shaping, frustrated.
[1d10] Creation

Roll #1 9 = 9


forgot roll

Roll #1 8 = 8


>Looting [1d10]
Rabi will take a look around for a little!

Roll #1 9 = 9


At first I'm not totally sure what she means. I tilt my head and knit my brow, about to say as much when it dawns on me and my eyes widen a little. "Oh!" I say, flashing her a sheepish smile. "Yeah. Sorry. You just said-" I pull the lapis over my head and hold it out. "Sorry."


''No need to apologize, I'm the one who forgot to ask for it. Thank you for keeping it safe. I know it must be hard for you to part with such a nice gem''


You don't find much to loot amidst the debris.

You grab some of the dirt. As you all look around, Marisol arches an eyebrow. "What are you doing?"

"Even if it does, it's still a dragon," she muses. "A dragon that thrives on petty revenge and sadism. Even alone, defeating him will be easier said than done."

You manage to get the dirt and stone to come together into a coherent shape, roughly the same size, shape and colour as the Egg. Knocking it a bit reveals that it's more or less stable through the power of your runes.

As one of the brigands limps away, he inadvertently leaves behind a satchel. Inside, you find two smaller bags: one filled with coins and the other filled with a strange emerald green powder. There is also some sort of key inside, with a bone-shaped motif running across it. It looks valuable, and you can sense some magical energy coming from it.

>Silver rolled a 3

While you don't find anything valuable in the traditional sense, you spot some interesting mushrooms growing near a tree, pale pinkish things with clusters dark red tendrils of some kind. Consulting your notes might yield some information on this strange fungus.



Hermodur waits for the others to decide it's time to go. In the mean time, he surveys the area to make sure there's no one else around waiting to ambush them.

[1d10] perception

Roll #1 7 = 7


Aegis joined the contents of the coin bag with her own, and opened the other bag and sniffed it
She presented the odd green powder and the bone key to the others (Gawain and Marisol included) ''What can you tell me about this?''


Eyeing the mushrooms curiously, I flip through the alchemical guide for information on these strange mushrooms, careful not to disturb them as i search
[1d10] knowledge (just in case)

Roll #1 3 = 3



Satisfied with the egg, Zunden investigates the object Aegis presented her, "Let uz zee if I can identify your find."

[1d10] Antiquarian

Roll #1 9 = 9


I glance up at Marisol as I shovel handfulls of dirt into my bag. Looking back down, I'm not sure how it isn't obvious. Looking back up at her with furrowed brow, I say, "Collecting dirt?"

"That," I point to the green powder. "Is some kind of green dust. And that," I point to the bone key. "Is clearly a Skeleton Key."


Aegis gives Norv an indecipherable look for a few seconds too long in silence
''I see. And what do you suppose this key is for?''



"Huh. Take a look at this." the stallion says, looking over the key. He chuckles a little as he notices the motif, and says "Maybe it's a skeleton key."


You see one of the brigands peering out from the treeline, making note of everyone around. When he sees you staring back, though, he winces and scurries off into the green. Most likely not the last you've heard of them. "Most likely not the last we've heard of them," Gawain comments.

"Oh, I've seen this before," says Marisol, referring to the green powder. "Powdered Wildfyre. Very volatile. Handle it with caution."

You recall the strange green liquid that caught aflame in bright green at the castle out of time you stopped at at one point. It must be the same substance in solid form.

You flip through and quickly find information. Seems like a decent find!

>Death Gripper

>A dangerous mushroom found in some parts of the Echoes. When powdered, it is a key ingredient in an incredibly deadly poison known as the Strangler.

A beat. "…But why?"

It turns out, that's exactly what it is. This Skeleton Key, from what Zunden can glean, will open any lock, changing size and shape to fit whatever it is applied to. However, it can only be used six times before crumbling to useless dust. "Someone had a sense of humor," Gawain comments as he flies back on board the ship.



"Good," Hermodur responds to Gawain, grimacing at the retreating slaver.


"Oh. Sorry. I bought these metal and wood oranges filled with gears. If you plant the gears they grow into more oranges, meaning I have a constsnt supply of gears, metal, and bits of wood."


''So that is what they planned to do with this'' Aegis carefully puts away the powder ''An easy firestarter like this could be put to a better use than starting forest fires''
''So, any lock? Even the non-conventional ones? Do you think this could open the door in the inner part of the City of Tears?''
''…Do you think this could open the egg?''



"Zhere iz no lock to ze egg. Az for ze Zity of Tearz, zhere iz ze chanze it could work." Zunden muses.

"We should head back to ze zhip and get a move on to ze ruinz."


"My, what an exciting find! Something to increase poison potency was just what I needed."

Preparing my bag, I ready my jambiya and carefully cut free the death grippers from the ground, setting them inside.

[1d10] harvest

Roll #1 3 = 3


''Truly odd how a common thug could be carrying around something with so much potential. I dont think they planned any good for this other than to escape prison cells if they were caught''
Aegis followed the others back into the ship


"Let's, uh… let's not try that last one, ahaha…" the stallion chucjles, before nodding "And, yeah- it probably could. You'd only have six uses though."

"Oh- you found something for your poisons? That's great!"


"Indeed. Quite the nasty thing, part of a recipe for a strangler poison when ground into a powder. Just what i need if we ever need somepony poisoned!"


"Strangler poison?" he asks, cocking his head to the side.


"Yes, by the looks of it a powerful paralytic, the victim's airways quickly closed due to swelling. Not very subtle but if imagine a very quick affair."


"Oh. I didn't know you were an inventor. Did you make that device of yours too?"

"I don't see why it couldn't," says Marisol. "Open the door that is. I know of a secret entrance through the Haventunnel though. It's how Hermodur and I were able to get in."

You manage to harvest the death grippers and put them away for later use.

Marisol's ears perk up. "The Strangler?" she repeats. "You have the recipe for that? It's probably one of the deadliest poisons you can make here in the Echoes. I've only seen its effects once. It's horrible."

You return to the ship and fly over to the nearby ruins. It's little more than the crumbling remains of some sort of underground structure, with stone staircases and corridors dug into the earth and a wall at the top surrounding it all. Looks to have been some strange sort of fortress at one point.

Taking a closer look, you can see the upturned remains of some wooden structures on the lower levels. Looks like the place was ransacked fairly recently. If there was anything outstandingly valuable before, it's probably gone now, but there might be something left over.
>roll for looting if desired

Gawain peers over the edge, then back at you, then shrugs a little. "Well, nothing ventured, nothing gained!" He flies into the underground fort to look around.


Rabi blinks a couple of times, before nodding. "A-Ah! That does sound pretty nasty, yeah. The only toxins I've ever dealt with before this were animal venom."

Rabi hums a little, looking the fort and saying "Guess we're a little late to the party. But, there's no sense in not looking around a little."

Roll #1 6 = 6


''What were the effects?'' Aegis speaks up, snooping in on the conversation

Aegis follows right after ''Do not stray too far, whoever was here before might have not triggered all the possible traps this place holds

Roll #1 8 + 1 = 9



"If it was this easy to ransack, is this even worth the decoy?" Hermodur ponders aloud.


With the grippers stored away, I approach the sublevels, with the others, sifting through the ruined area as we go.

[1d10] search

Roll #1 3 = 3


Instead of looting, Zunden looks for a good spotting place for the Egg replica.

Roll #1 6 = 6


I blush a little. "Well," I say. "I wouldn't say I'm an inventor but I'm a bit of a tinkerer. Definitely not on par with some of the really skilled smiths I've seen around the echoes. I mostly just dabble." I pull the bag over my shoulder and smile. "I'd like to think I'm getting pretty decent, and creative enough to make things work, though. The poison sprayer was actually made by a smith named Hadrian. Definitely not that skilled."

I give the place a quick, cursory once-over.


Roll #1 8 = 8


"Well it's in the name, isn't it. It chokes them. Their faces turn as purple as the crystal the poison takes the shape of."

"We don't lose anything by doing it," Marisol points out.

"Oh, I've heard of Hadrian. He's the best smith around. Grosvenor commissioned him several times."

You head down into the underground fort, combing the ruins. You find a good hiding spot at the very bottom of it, inside what looks to have been a food storage cupboard. Searching for valuables reveals a few long-dead skeletons, among which you find 100 bits, a bronze studded helmet still in great condition, and a pair of strange, bladed metal rings. Those versed in exotic weapons would recognize them as chakram.



Hermodur picks up the bronze helmet and looks it over.

[1d10] to examine

Roll #1 5 = 5


Zunden begins preparing Severance runes carved into wood and stone to prevent the location of the decoy egg from being scryed.
[1d10] Severance

Roll #1 10 = 10


"Yeah. It's been really useful so far, and I'm pretty sure I can use it for even more than I have. So far most of the time it's been a flamethrower or spray sleeping gas. Also wanted to experiment with potions and smokescreens and stuff, but I haven't had much of a chance."


''This would be more useful with the rest of the armor'' Aegis comments on Hermodur's helmet ''Are you thinking of suiting yourself properly?''



"I still prefer the utility of intimidation over the practicality of full armor. Besides, I'm not certain I could maneuver properly in armor."


Taking interest in the strange weapons, I examine the design further.

"Oh my, what a curious pair of blades. How does one fight with a ring blade?"


''You cant intimidate a arrow away from your lungs. I dont think the safety of protecting your organs can be beat by being more intimidating. Besides, with or without armor, I dont think it'd make much of a difference in your case, Master Hermodur''


"Ah- paralysis and swelling of the airways." he says, flicking his tail.

"Hrm… well, I guess this is about what I expected to find here. Does anyone want some, uh… ringblades? I think I've seen these before, but the person was dancing…"


You turn the helmet over. It's a tarnished bronze hue, with several studs along the bridge of the nose, and two narrow eye slits. Around the eyes is decoration almost giving the impression of a bird of prey. From the tip of the nose downward is a sort of veil that drapes downward over the neck and shoulders. Looks menacing. And, more importantly, sturdy while still being lightweight. Marisol looks over your shoulder. "Cool," she remarks.

>10, 5, 6, 4

You manage to engrave several potent Severance runes to keep the false Egg well and truly warded from prying eyes. No one should be able to spy on it through magical means now.

She nods. "Seems that way. Quite an ingenious device. I imagine we'll be able to make good use of it. Say. Maybe you should work with Silver. She knows a thing or two about making potions, after all."

"Oh, I've seen these before!" Gawain chimes in helpfully. "Quite a nasty weapon in the right hands. They're thrown, mostly. Like thus!" He demonstrates by taking one and throwing it. It wobbles through the air and bounces off a stone wall rather pathetically. "…Er, but with more finesse, of course. A rather tricky weapon. Ahem."



"Which is scarier: a beast which fears your arrow or the beast which does not? I was raised to be a messenger, not just a fighter. The combat itself is a part of sending that message. It's not just about winning the fight. It's about affecting an air of uselessness: the idea that fighting won't result in anything effective. If done effectively, the fight is already won before the battle has begun."

"This is why I am satisfied with these scars," he says, gesturing to half-burnt face, the glass eye, the missing ear, the gouge across his abdomen, the stab wounds in his chest all of which are on top of his older scars. "It demonstrates that others have tried worse and it didn't work. That effect would be lost from armor."


"Hmm," Hermodur mutters with some dissatisfaction in response to Marisol. "Previously mentioned obscured view of the scars aside, I already have enough trouble with my vision with only one eye. I don't want to obscure my vision worse."

"Would you like it?" he offers.


"Ah- I see! I've never been particularly great at throwing things, but that sounds rather neat. Something like that would be pretty tricky, I imagine."


Content with the amount of runes, Zunden gives the place a once over herself before she leaves back for the ship.

[1d10] loot

Roll #1 3 = 3


"Yeah, I've actually been thinking about that. Getting her to check out some of my potions and dilute them, seeing what recipes she knows, stuff like that. Can't ever seem to catch her, though." I laugh. "Actually sorta seems like we all usually have our own things going on, even during lulls."


Aegis scrutinizes Hermodur's many scars as he motions to them ''Hm. Yes You have an excellent idea, it can be said that a battle never fought is already won, but my earlier point still stands. Your scars wont stop blade or bolt. What will you do when you are faced with something you cannot scare away? I'm sure you will wish you had the armor''


"Interesting.. If nopony is terribly bothered by the idea, I'd like to take them along for myself. A ranged blade would be quite helpful, provided I learn how to wield it."



"The answer to that is obvious: one of the two of us will die," Hermodur shrugs.

"I understand your concern, and I would agree with it if I were a fighter. But, I am not. I am a messenger. My primary concern is preventing death. Not just my own and my comrades, but the enemy's as well. Each death is a failure. If I have a path available to me that ends a fight before death occurs, then I will take it. And, that path involves less armor."


''Very well. At least you stay true to who you are and that by itself is admirable'' Aegis nods and looks away, but a couple seconds later looks up to Hermodur again
''Also, I apologize if I intruded in your personal life like that. I always feel like I should speak my mind in how I think one could improve, I was raised in such an enviroment, but I have come to realize most people dont appreciate that''



Hermodur smiles. "Think nothing of it. The notion of improving others was the basis of Ailuros's goals. No one ever improved without realizing that they needed to improve. It all starts with communication. As the messenger of Ailuros, my role was a valuable part of that process…" he trails off, looking sad.


She blinks. "Hm. It needs some work done, but I have been meaning to get some better armor than this." She looks down at her rather shabby brown cloak and black leather tunic. "Sure. Why not. Thanks." She gives you a bit of a smile before tucking the helmet under her arm.

Unfortunately, you don't find much of interest.

"Mm." She seems to agree with that sentiment. "We ought to come together more.Put our individual skills to better use. We'll need every advantage we can get with what lies ahead."

"Not at all." You take the chakram. They're rather small, and tricky to wield. Especially given your lack of digits. You'll need some decent practice to be able to wield them effectively in combat.



>Zunden, Norv

That night, you prepare for what's to come. Everyone else is asleep, except for Etrigan, who seems to be brooding on the upper deck. You can hear Dawn in her room as well, pacing restlessly.


I take a deep breath. Well. Here goes. I look down at Vi and smile. "Well," I say. "You ready?"


"I will do my bezt. I am zhinking how I will go about zhiz, zomezhing to Zever her zoul from the doll, Zever half of yourz, Return herz to her body, zhen uze Union to bring yourz and herz together. Zhere a lot of moving partz."

She looks to Norv, I know not want ze zenzation of giving half your zoul will be like- do you need zomezhing to bite down on? Reztrainz? We can alzo azk one of ze ozherz to be here for ze prozezz."


My face pales a little and I swallow. "Actually, uh… yeah. Restraints and something to bite down on could be a good idea. If we don't need em we don't need em, but if we do and we don't have them- well…"

I rub the back of my neck. "You think any of the others would wanna be here?" My eyes widen a little. "Oh!" I grab my mask, pull my Good Luck Charm out of it, and hand it to Zunden. "Here. This could be good, too."


"Zhank you, Norvegicus." Zunden takes the charms, taking out her Arcana artifacts, "Ideally, zhiz will not be down to luck, but ze gezture iz appreziated regardlezz."

She pulls some twine from the bag of holding, gesturing for Norv to lay down on the bed. "It zhouldn't need anything too ztrong, juzt to prevent you hurting yourzelf if you flinch or move around."

Zunden rubs her chin, "Marizol and Gawain are razher new, I don't want to get ze reputation of being a necromanzer to zhem, even if zhat may be an accurate dezcription onze zhiz iz over…" Zunden looks down, "Likewize, perhapz performing necromanzy in front of Etrigan would be razher inzenzitive, given hiz pazt. Dawn or Aurora could be choizez if you dezire, ozherwize we zhould be fine wizhout."


I lie down on the bed and nod. "Yeah, I think Dawn or Aurora would be fine. Probably Dawn, honestly. I'm not sure Aurora would have much of a reason to want to be here. What do you think?"


"Ze only reazon I zhink we'd need anozher party prezent iz if performing ze ritual taxez my body enough to pazz out, I would need zomeone to enzure I'm zafe. Zhall I fetch Dawn zhen?"


"Oh. Yeah. I didn't think about that. Go ahead."


Zunden heads to Dawn's door, knocking if she doesn't hear the casting of spells.


Dawn opens the door with telekinesis. She seems to have been poring over a scroll written in Braille. Looking around, you see she has a good few books written in the same script. She seems to know why you're here. "Ah, Zunden. …I take it tonight's the night, then. I'm guessing you'll be wanting me to help. Resurrection isn't something I've ever studied extensively, but I'll do what I can."


She looks up and grabs your coat nervously.


"Juzt to enzure zhere are no complicationz, you zhould not need to do anyzhing related to ze ritual yourzelf." Zunden nods despite it being a useless gesture, "I zhould be mentally prepared for zhiz."


"Hey." I reach down and pet her, giving her a reassuring smile. "It'll be fine. Just about everything is in place, Z knows what she's doing, and I'm as prepared as I can be for what's coming. By tomorrow you'll be back in your body."


"Both of us should," she says quietly. "I don't know what this will entail."

Dawn follows Zunden back into the room where Norv and Violet are. The latter has a strange reaction as Dawn enters the room; she seems to look around, as if it's dawning on her what's about to happen, then squirms out of Norv's pocket and falls to the floor, starting to try and bolt to the exit.


"Hey!" I try to stand and scramble after her. "It'll be alright! Come back!"


Roll #1 8 = 8



"Zhere iz ze parazitic azpect of ze doll," Zunden goes to scratch a rune onto the door, preventing any entity from entering or leaving this room for the next 30 minutes, "I know not if you've actually been zpending time wizh Violet, or juzt ze doll uzing her az a battery. Regardlezz, zhiz zhould be remedied tonight."

[1d10] Severance

Roll #1 1 = 1




Norv manages to grab her. As Zunden scratches a rune on the door, it closes gently, and wood forms around the frame interior, effectively turning it into a wall. Dawn looks confused; then, when Zunden speaks, she nods. "Ah. The Crucible. Definitely not the last trick it'll have."

The doll keeps struggling to get away from Norv.

Please don't do this.


"It iz unfortunate, but I take zolice in ze fact we have a limited amount of zoul to zacrifice in case a zimilar zituation occurz. We may have a new hozt for it zoon enough."

She looks to the doll, trying to appeal to the artifact, "You are not unwelcome here, only zhat zhiz dog iz willing to give half hiz zoul to return hiz loved one to life. We can keep you on our perzon in caze one of our alliez diez, zo zhat we may not loze zhem fully and zo zhat you may have life again. Do not zhink zhiz an act of malize."


I tear up a little as the doll tries to break free. I know it was Vi before. That much was obvious. Now, though, I'm almost certain it's the doll acting. I hold her against my chest and try to stroke her head to calm her down.


They'll both die.

Dawn stands by to begin the resurrection.


I lie back down on the bed where I was before, but keep holding Violet.


Zunden looks uncomfortable, holding up a claw, "If I may make one more precaution, I wizh to uze one more artifact before we begin. Zhiz will, however, require me to briefly become unconzciouz." Zunden says, removing the lute from the straps on her back. "I want to dizprove a zuzpizion I have."


Let go.

Let go.

Let go.

Let go.

Let go.

The other one seems to be still, for now.

The blind one tilts her head. "What are you planning?" A pointless idea.


"Uh, alright. Whatever you think is best, Z. You're in charge of this thing."

I hold her tighter and close my eyes, resting my cheek on her.


"When I zaved Etrigan from being conzumed my ze Oneiromanzer, I undid fate zhrough ze effectz of a Zonata zhat haz allowed me to have vizionz of Ze Zhree in ze pazt. I have vizited zhem twize, but I want to confirm zhiz iz not zomezhing zhat will cauze more harm zhan good."


The other one is temporary. And fading. Meat will rot. This will last longer.

It enjoys your caress.

The blind one doesn't know what you know. "The Three?… Well, if you think it will help. It seems you're more knowledgeable in the Echoes' esoterica than I am, at least this time. I hope it works…" It won't.


I keeping my eyes closed, I whisper, "Then we can rot together."


"Zey knew of what would happen in ze dezert, I do not wizh to attempt zhiz lightly, nor overztay a welcome."

Zunden pulls out the Moonlight Sonata, letting the sheet music take her as her claws wait on the lute.



The reptile plays. A cacophony worms from her fingertips. Everything writhes around her. Your ears scream for mercy, and you find yourself on your hands and knees. The blind one continues to stand, and see nothing. And know nothing.

The reptile will destroy you.

>roll to resist the Crucible's will

>But it will fail.

You begin to play. You hear something in the back of your mind, like the thundering of great wheels.
>freed from the Crucible

You feel Norv standing up all of a sudden, but keep playing, letting the arcane melody carry you away. You feel your heart pounding, your spirit soaring as the fateful melody carries you away…

You are in that empty space between spaces. A wrinkle in existence. A black nothingness, save for that omnipresent stone wall that stretches into the horizon on either side.

They are there again. You, and yet not you. Young, middle aged, and ancient. They are huddled together, whispering to each other, glancing back at you on occasion. Every once in a while, the Three laugh, sharing some private joke. They know you're there, but don't seem too interested in paying you much mind.


My eyes dart around as my head is filled with the voice. My ears- I squeeze my eyes shut and shake my head, trying to will it away. We're doing this for Vi. It'll be alright. We'll be fine. It'll be just like it used to be.


Roll #1 5 = 5


No, it was definitely the Crucible using my thoughts, not their voices. Zunden nods to herself, sighing relief even in the strange place. She looks nervous to approach, but eventually does so, "I erm.. already have had my question answered just by arriving here. I am not sure when I should I be here, if ever. what does He visit for?"


You know it won't.

The blind one does nothing as you draw closer to the reptile. You should destroy her before she does you.
>Don't try again.

They don't acknowledge you at first. When you draw closer, they move away from their huddle, snickering slightly. Their claws are slippery with blood, but there's nothing there they could have come from.

Oh, she's back, she's back! And still after answers…

Poor child. So lost and confused. Why not rest a spell?

You notice there's an old rocking chair behind you.

Hm. Well if you must know. He wants what you have. What all of your kind have. What most of you fear. What you're working to undo right now.

She traces a familiar symbol in the air: two eye shapes, criss crossed, with a circular eye in the center. It looks around wildly, focuses on you, then is gone.


No. My vision grows blurry as I start to cry. I keep trying to resist, attempting to call out to Dawn to stop me.


Roll #1 3 = 3


Zunden nods, assuming she understands, but refrains from resting at the chair, "That would explain his motivations a lot actually. I don't think I should linger, but I feel as if I understand better. The Crucible means you didn't actually rezeive one of mine, did you?"


She can't stop you. "Is something the matter?"

You take another step forward. The predator is blind to her own peril.

>Give up.


I try to nod and say, 'It's controlling me."



Roll #1 9 = 9


"We have. And we haven't."

"So many riddles…"

"Time is a strange thing, sweetin. Especially now, and then, and thereafter. Don't you worry. It's not anyone's time just yet. Why not try to relax over a nice cup of tea?"

"You didn't come here for tea. You came here for answers. As much as we can provide. Don't pretend otherwise. Ask your burning question and begone with you."

You hadn't noticed before, but they're gathered around a round table, taking turns knitting with a needle and thread. Or maybe they're not taking turns, and it's just one of them doing it. Or maybe all three at once. Maybe they were never doing this at all. You also notice there's no coffins this time.

"You're not in the wrong place, are you dear?…"

"Heh. If she was lost she'd be home by now."

"Home again, home again, jiggity jig…"


You feel weak all of a sudden. Your knees give way, and you collapse. You see the Crucible running away, towards Dawn. Looking down at your hands, you notice your claws are bared, inches away from Zunden's vulnerable throat. You feel a great weight being lifted off your shoulders.
>freed from the Crucible

Dawn continues to stand there blankly. A mild, insipid little smile starts to form on her face, and she absent mindedly crouches down and picks up the Crucible.


"One more, though maybe it's two, and I take my leave. Is it the music that brings me here? I don't know if it's the artifact or the thought behind it." Zunden asks, watching what they're knitting.


I gulp and close my paw. Looking up at Dawn, I slowly step toward her with my hand out. "Dawn. You should probably give that to me."


They're not knitting anything. It's just a single string. As it trails downward and to the floor, it seems to pierce through it as if passing through water, continuing onwards infinitely. Following it in the opposite direction, you can see the string goes upwards as well. A single thread, stretching infinitely in both directions.

"All of them. And none."

"Why, you are a special thing, aren't you? You've always had this. Wouldn't you agree? Something that pulls you towards us, ever since you were a wee little sprog. Those little things you have, they just… nudge you towards us."

"Home again, home again, jiggity jog…"

"What else do you want, then? Be quick about it. We're not obliged to humor you."

A familiar door opens behind you.


She doesn't seem to hear you. Under her bandaged eyes, you see dampness. Her smile grows, until she herself is weak at the knees, sobbing tears of joy. She clutches the Crucible close, and it goes limp. "I knew," she whispers. "I always knew you'd come back… They said you were dead… They won't take you from me again… Never again…"


"As I just said, I take my leave. I have had answered what I needed, now I need to start what I intended to."

Zunden returns herself to consciousness, feeling ready to perform the deed.


"No…" I rush over and try to pry the crucible away from her. "It's not him! Violet is in there. The crucible is lying to you."


Roll #1 9 = 9


"That's not what we're asking."

"Isn't it? I thought… Oh…"

"It's a question you should ask yourself, really. What do you want from us? What would you have happen? Think about it! And come back to us with answers."

"If you can find them."

"If you can find them."

"If you can find them."

You walk through the door, reawakening in your body. You find Norv confronting Dawn, who is clutching the Crucible with a rapturous grin.


You wrench the Crucible away, only to find yourself blown clear across the room by a blast of concussive magic. Dawn faces you down, hovering a foot above the air, glowing with energy, face twisted with rage. Her horn lights up. "YOU WON'T TAKE HIM FROM ME!"
[2d10+2] Magic Bolt

Roll #1 3, 6 + 2 = 11


I hold the crucible tight and turn around, shielding it with my back. "Dawn!" I shout. "It isn't him! It's trying to trick you! It's using Violet's soul, but right now it isn't even really her either. It's trying to use you!"


Roll #1 7 = 7


Eyes opening, Zunden subtly scratches Severance into the wood again, clutching The Devil in her other claw, She turns her head to the Crucible, "You have never had any choize in ze matter."

Invoking the powers of The Devil for the first time, Zunden severs the ability for the Crucible to hold a soul within it, making it impossible for it to take host.

>The Devil: automatic instant; Give yourself or a target any roll result you desire, without modifiers. However, this guarantees a future roll of theirs in the session, usually their next, will be equal to the "opposite" of the declared result. A 1 becomes a 10, a 9 a 2, etcetera. This opposite roll may be redirected to the invoker of the Devil card, but only if the opposite is a 5 or below. If the target of the Devil card dies or is otherwise incapable of rolling again before the next session, the opposite roll is granted to the invoker if the result was negative, or the nearest ally of the target if the result was positive. Can be used once per day without consequence.



"Oh, neat. I'm going to need more popcorn for this one!"

A familiar, genteel voice, brimming with playful joy, rings out around the room. Looking around, Discord is nowhere to be seen.

Norv's words fall on deaf ears as Dawn, entranced, fires a crackling orb of silver magic into his chest. He is knocked backwards and takes a knee as it explodes violently, searing his skin and burning his fur.
>Norv takes 3 hits

Zunden's invocation makes the Crucible writhe, flopping out of Norv's grasp. Simultaneously, Dawn gasps, clutching her chest and leaning against the wall, released from its grip. On the floor, the Crucible squirms and turns, its limbs contorting in impossible shapes and twisting like licorice sticks, the little wooden box in its torso rattling and shaking violently, threatening to burst out of its chest like some vile parasite.

If I go, so will Violet.


"No!" I say. "You're saying whatever you can to keep us from doing this. This is to save Violet."


File: 1596222654512.png (53.08 KB, 585x714, Healing Bonds.png)

"If you tell ze truzh, zhen we never could've returned Violet in ze firzt plaze. We loze nozhing in doing zhiz."

Given that the doll is incapable of taking in another soul at the moment, Zunden looks to Norv,
"We will try ze act wizhout your bindingz, hold zteadfazt. By intuition zhiz will be eazier wizh your willingnezz. Let go ze worriez, and focuz on what iz driving you to make zhiz zacrifice."

>Assume this part would be after Norv does so, if he wants to make a post saying as such

Zunden extinguishes two of the orbs surrounding her, bringing part of Norv's willing and living soul together with Violet's expired one.

[8] Severance (Orb), Half of Norv's soul
[9] Union (Orb), The two souls of the lovers



You'll regret it.

The Crucible's flailing reaches a fever pitch as its torso continues to rip at the seams; then, pathetically, it collapses, deflating into a pile of sawdust and burlap. You feel a tremendous weight lifted from the room. Dawn slumps over, seemingly having passed out.

Zunden begins the rite. Severance appears across Norv's chest, and a ripple appears in the air, almost like some strange gas. Norv feels a sudden tightness in his chest, followed by a feeling of overwhelming heat, then cold, then heat again, alternating over and over. It's like getting plunged into flames then drowned in an icy lake, except there's no pain. Not physical, at least.

Three rings interlocked appear above Violet's body, which begins to glow slightly, like one of Zunden's suns. The rippling effect reappears, echoing the Severance rune. It's as if they're speaking to each other. Norv feels weakened all of a sudden, like the energy's been punched out of him by a spiritual fist. There's a feeling of sudden… distance. Apathy, perhaps. Ennui. It's all so meaningless all of a sudden.

As Zunden continues to concentrate, both runes fade away gently. The numb feeling Norv is experiencing doesn't, however. Looking over at Violet's body, nothing seems to happen…


With one last orb being extinguished, Zunden tries to return the breath of life to Violet by invoking Return to finish the rite.

[8] Return (orb)


File: 1596224271133.png (52.76 KB, 585x714, Healing Bonds.png)


I clutch at my chest as my heart races. My lungs burn, and I can feel my breathing grow heavy. So this is what it's like to have your soul torn in half. I squeeze my eyes shut and clench my teeth together, trying to steady my breath. Boiling. Freezing. My body trembles.

Finally, the entire thing stops and I collapse. My breath is still ragged, and there's a feeling I can't place. Or maybe it's a lack of feeling? Not quite sadness.

Finally catching my breath, I stand, walk over to Vi, crouch down, and wait.


Dawn starts to come to. Zunden invokes Return. Nothing more happens.


I wait and reach out to rest my hand on her side. "Hey," I whisper. "Vi? It's Norv. You there?"


Zunden goes to check in on Dawn, offering to help the mare up, "Everyzhing alright, Dawn?" Zunden says, speaking with some weakness from doing all she can think of to finish the rite.


Nothing happens.

She gladly takes your hoof. "I… I think so. What happened? I feel like I blacked out the minute I entered the room… Did it work?…"


Takes your hand*


"I performed the rite, unlezz I have forgotten an azpect it iz all zhat waz needed to be done. Now I am not zure what happenz."

Zunden tries to think of anything she may have forgotten [1d10]

Roll #1 3 = 3


I don't take my eyes of Vi. "I don't know. Maybe it takes time?"


Nothing comes to mind…

Dawn joins you both, looking over to Violet anxiously. Nothing happens.

You wait a bit longer.

Nothing happens.

A bit more.

Nothing happens.

Dawn looks defeated. "…I think we should-"

She stirs.

Violet turns over, as if stirring from a deep sleep. With a soft groan, she gets up, opening her eyes and looking around.

Something's different. Her left eye is a deep reddish purple, as normal, but her right has changed. Where once it was green, now it is a dead, milky white.

She stares around the room in confusion, looking through you all, clutching her head. "Where…?"


Zunden lets out a deep sigh, leaning against one of the walls and burying her head between her knees. "Zhank goodnezz…"

Zunden peaks a look at the Crucible, seeing if it still holds enchantment.

[1d10] Antiquarian

Roll #1 4 = 4


My lip quivers just a little as she stirs. When she stands up and looks around, I can't keep myself from throwing my arms around her. "I knew it would work," I say. "I knew we could put you back. I love you. It's only been days, but I've missed holding you so much."


The Crucible is inert. For now.

She looks a bit surprised, grunting a little as you throw yourself at her. "Oof! Whoa, hey, steady on. Bit forward of you, innit. You're Norv, right?"

"Easy," says Dawn gently. "You've been through a lot. Try to relax. We can explain everything."

"Sorry, do I know you?" says Violet innocently. "Uh, I feel like I'm missing something here… Zunden? Norv? Where are we? This isn't the Monastery, is it?… Gods, my head feels…" She tries to get up, but almost falls. "Agh… What's wrong with me?…"


Seeing Violet's state, Zunden quietly prepares a Union orb.

[1d10] Union (Frozen)

Roll #1 5 = 5


I let her go and slowly take a step back, open my mouth, close it again, and take a second to try to figure out what to say. "Yeah? No, we're back on The Fortune. I-" I swallow, and, a little less enthusiastically, gently rest my hand on her side. "Vi, are you okay?" I chew my lower lip, and finally say, "You died at Last Hearth, but we were able to bring you back. Just in time to go back to the spring, too. Like you wanted."


You summon a Union rune. Violet does a bit of a double take. "Damn, when'd you learn that? Never seen anything like it before."

"I… I think so?…" She seems a bit weirded out by you touching her, but doesn't shy away. Most likely too confused to. "What's a Fortune? What do you mean I died? Is this some kind of joke?" She seems annoyed.


"No, Vi-" I study her and step back again. "I-" I take a deep breath. "Is the Lunar Monastery really the last thing you remember? That's been-" I look up at Z and knit my brow. "Months, right?"


"I can attempt to create runez zhat'll let you zhare memoriez, but I do not zhink I will be at my one hundred perzent until I have rezted again - ze ritual to bring her back waz taxzing, ezpecially wizh my vizit to ze Zhree beforehand."

Zunden looks to Violet, "You have zomeone talking to you like zhey know you, I'm uzing far more technical zpellz zhen you've ever zeen, and are in a plaze you do not recognize, while ze zhree of uz are talking about zhingz you do not underztand. Pleaze take a breazh, apply logic to ze zituation, and realize your memoriez may have a gap."


"M-months?" Her annoyance turns to trepidation. She pulls away and tries to stand up again. She manages to do so this time, hauling herself up. She looks at you both with slight panic. Zunden's words seem to stop her from completely freaking out. She swallows and nods. "I… Just… …What happened? Tell me everything. Please. I get the feeling I shouldn't be here."


I rub the back of my neck and give her some space. "Pfew. Everything. That's gonna be a doozy. I'll have to flip through my journal to remember everything, probably. Definitely to remember everything in order. Let's see. Braildorn is really where stuff started happening. Before that it was just mostly traveling. You got kidnapped in Braildorn by Lysander, who I guess you remember different than you would now." I look away. "Actually, come to think of it maybe you still think he's dead? After that we saved you and sorta stole his ship." I close my eyes and think. "I think that was after we visited the Sands the first time?" I scratch my head trying to get everything in order.

"Yeah, I'm gonna need your help. Probably would be better if we have her something to work with for now, even if we give her sorta replacement memories later. If that's even how it would work, and-" I look back at Vi and knit my brow. "And if you're even comfortable with that."


"You died, zo yez, technically you zhouldn't. I will work to help you reztore your memoriez, but for me to have zome time to rezt, and to give you time to calm down and acclimate to being alive again, I would recommend we attempt zhat in ze morning."

The saurian takes another deep breath, and exhales slowly, "Ze mozt bazic information zhat iz I zhink you will need to know before breakfazt iz zhat we are currently on an airzhip owned by Lyzander, ze very one from your pazt, which we took after az Norv zaid, he kidnapped you. He haz allied himzelf wizh a maliziouz entity zhat can invade one'z dreamz, who iz intent bringing great harm to reality. For zhiz reazon, I would azk if it iz okay you zleep wizh a few charmz around your neck tonight, juzt for protectionz zake. Zhere are multiple alliez on zhiz zhip you will not recognize, a bat pony priezt from ze Moneztary, Dawn here, a ztag wizhout a phyzical body who can control zhiz zhip, a cryztal pony mage, a female felid, and mozt rezently a gryphon knight. Zheze, along wizh an infant balaur, are friendz, zhould you run into zhem on zhiz zhip."


"I mean technically she'd probably recognize Gawain and Aurora, and maybe even Dawn if she remembers the Monastery. Just not as friends or anyone she really knows." I shift and let out an uncomfortable laugh. "Actually, she probably wouldn't recognize Gawain as a friend anyway. I haven't even really talked to him yet either."


"I don't know at what point in ze Moneztary ze haz her memory from. We may have juzt arrived."


She nods, frowning in bewilderment. "Lysander as in the Lysander? Gods. You guys have been busy, huh. That's… a lot. Last I remember we were just going to head to the Monastery. Part of me hopes this is just a weird dream."

"…Hold up, hold up. I died? How? When? Explain that.Seems like kind of a big deal." She smiles dryly, then swoons a little and catches herself. She's still weak from the whole ordeal.



"Helping a mare ezcape a zity zhat preventz it'z rezidentz for leaving in exzchange for ratzionz we needed to zurvive." Zunden says, looking concerned, "Az I zaid, it iz bezt for you to rezt before we try catching you up. Norv, I do not know what you wizh to do in zhat regard."


I move to catch her on reflex. "Hey," I say. "Easy. You need to rest." I freeze. My mouth suddenly feels really dry. How much should I tell her about that?

I nod. "In Last Hearth," I say. "We were fighting a bunch of their Keepers trying to escape, and the fight didn't go so well. Most of us barely made it out, but you-" My eyes drop to the floor. "Anyway," I say. "Yeah. I, uh…" I laugh. "I guess you wouldn't be comfortable sharing a bed tonight like we usually do. If you want I can take a different room for now. Until you start getting things back."


"Last Hearth," she mumbles. "What the hell were we all the way out there for? Weren't we going to the Sands? Or is that past now?…"

She blinks and looks over to Norv with a slight frown. "What do you mean like we usually do?…"


Zunden looks to Norv, "Let's keep from continuing to talk more and more until daw- err, until morning." She turns back to Violet, "You're weak, and ze rezt of ze party will be awake to confirm what we are zaying in ze morning, let uz wait till zhen."


I shuffle my feet and feel my face grow a little hot. "In braildorn, we sorta- Well…" I clear my throat. "Sorta started goin steady? We have been for a while."


"Oh. Right. Sorry. We all should probably get some sleep."


You notice Dawn has elusively exited the room.

"We… I…" She looks at you both at a complete loss for words, her gaze lingering on Norv with an unreadable expression, trying to make sense of it all. "……Yeah. Alright. Good idea. I, uh, guess I'll try and get some rest. Dunno if I can, but I'll try. ….Goodnight? I guess? This is all really… weird." She rubs her temples.


"Can I get you anyzhing to eat or drink before you rezt?"


I feel tears welling up in my eyes a little as there doesn't seem like there's really anything there. "Alright. Goodnight. I lo-" I catch myself and frown, and nod. "Goodnight." There's something wrong, though. It hurts, yeah, but I'm not as crushed as I'd expect to be. Maybe it's because I'm confident it'll come back when we can get her memories back for the most part?


"Some water would be great," she says with a smile. "I'm…really thirsty. Actually."

She notices the wounded look in your eye, and her expression softens. She tries to think of something to say, but can't seem to find the words. "…I, uh… I can find a room for myself. This is yours, isn't it?…"


I force a small smile. "Not your fault. There're, uh… There are plenty. I think. They're filling up so I'm not totally sure how many are actually left, but there should still be several at least."


"You haven't ate or drank in dayz, technically, I azzumed az zuch."

Zunden unseals the door, allowing a Servitor to visit with one.


A Servitor enters with a glass of water, along with some fruit. Violet tentatively drinks and starts eating, then proceeds to promptly annihilate the rest.

"…Sorry, didn't realize how hungry I was. Heh. I, uh, think I'm going to go lie down for a bit, if it's okay. Lot to process right now, you know? And, uh, thanks. For everything. You're good people."


I smile, a little more genuinely this time, and laugh. "Yeah," I say. "No prob, Vi. I'll see you in the mornin." I give her a short wave. "Night."


"Be zafe, I'm glad you're back." Zunden says softly, making sure Violet has access to the Severance charms before leaving her to herself.


The rest of the day goes by without much incident. You return to the ship with your spoils of war and continue on your journey. Etrigan estimates you'll reach the Dreaming Spring the following afternoon, assuming there are no further interruptions.

Silver has time again to practice her potion making skills. She may craft one more of any of the following:
>Alacrity Draught: A potion that stimulates the sense and improves reflexes. Dodge rolls autocrit for the next 3 rounds
>Addersfang: A wicked burning venom. When applied to a weapon, on the next successful attack the target will take 1 hit/rd for 3 rds, or until helpless. Stacks with repeated uses.
>Pheromone Tonic: A potion that seems to attract baser animals. Useless if ingested, but when applied to something, will draw creatures to it over time.
>Aqua Vitae: A potion that closes wounds and cures all manner of ailments. Functions as per Heal when imbibed.
>Snailgut: A potion that stimulates natural healing and numbs the user to pain. Target takes 1 less hit of physical damage until the end of combat, but suffers a -1 to Dodge rolls.
>Beast's Bile: A poisonous gas, despite its name. When release, will release a cloud of noxious, stinging vapors that will gradually blind and choke anything in a 30 foot radius.
>Potent Redwater: A stronger brew of Redwater. Rupture gets a +2 and crits on 8+.
>Potent Midnight Oil: A stronger brew of Midnight Oil. Sleep Serum gets a +2 and crits on 8+.
>Potent Sightsbane: A stronger brew of Sightsbane. Blind gets a +2 and crits on 8+.

The following morning, you wake to the delicious scent of pancakes. You feel well rested, more so than usual. From the kitchen comes cheery humming from Gawain, to the tune of Jenny of Oldstones, the song Aurora sung earlier.


I wake up alone in my bed for the first time in- I think for a second. Since we even got the ship? There was probably another time, but I can't recall. For a while I just lie in bed and stare at the ceiling, restless but also not able to will myself to get up.

Finally I smell someone cooking and decide it's probably time to go ahead and get dressed. I just slide on my pants and my white undershirt I got with my newest suit, not bothering to gear up. Before anything else, I stop at the bag of dirt I'd planted eight of the clockwork orange gears in to check on it and, even though I'm not totally sure if they even need water, lightly water them. If Purdue is awake I bring him. If he's not then I bring him with me.

Heading to the kitchen, I'm surprised to find it's Gawain and not Etrigan cooking. "Mornin," I say, taking a seat in the dining area. "That's that song I hear Aurora singin a bunch, ain't it? Been trying to noodle the melody out on my sax." I chuckle. "Got part of it, but I guess I should really probably crack open the book I got with it and learn to play properly."


Her resting place being in a corner of the dining room since hers was lost, Zunden stirs from her pile of pillows and blankets when she hears movement. Taking a deep breath, she positions herself so that she might watch Violet's door, replenishing her orbs in the meantime.

[1d10] Union (frozen)

Roll #1 4 = 4




Hermodur silently enters and awaits delicious pancakes.



Rabi rolls out of bed and stretches out, giving his recently-healed leg a bit of extra stretching before hopping to all fours and heading for the kitchen. He'll stop long enough to give Silver a kiss, if she's still in bed.

Rabi flicks his ears and smiles a bit as he takes a seat in the dining area, giving both Gawain and Norv a friendly wave. "Morning, both of you. Pancakes smell great, Gawain."


As usual, Aegis wakes up a tad early and goes through her morning routine. Shower, brush, dress up and leave the room looking nice and tidy after an hour of preparation
This time the first thing she does is to visit Aurora before breakfast



I knit my brow. "There a reason you slept in her"


Zunden blinks, "Have for ze pazt week or zo."


The clockwork oranges grow remarkably fast. You can see a copper pipe poking out of the dirt already. Purdue is fast asleep, as usual. You hear him mutter something indistinctly as he slumbers; you think you hear the word 'conjunction'.

Your rune fizzles out of existence as you conjure it, not quite stable enough to hold its form.

You find Aurora up above deck as usual, reading a book. She looks up and smiles. "Hey. Good to have you back. What's on your mind?"


"Ah- morning, Zunden. You want some help picking out a new room, or something? Can't have you just sleeping in a corner."


Your leg feels more or less healed, though it's still a bit sore. You should be back to normal by tomorrow.


"If it iz an izzue I can move, I have juzt been too preoccupied wizh bringing back Violet, ze Egg, Oneiromanzer, et zetera. I zee no purpoze in moving everyzhing back to anozher room if it will not be a permanent home."




"W-Well, it's not. I just want to make sure you're comfortable."



Using more of the ingredients gathered, I begin to brew a batch of more potent Redwater, the thin red liquid slowly bubbling over the burner.

Refreshed after a good night's sleep, i slip on my underdress and trot over to the table to examine the spread of breakfast.

"Ah, Sir Gawain, How goes things this morning? The cooking smells wonderful!"


>assume you heard the second half of


"I came to check your recovery" Aegis replies bluntly, giving Aurora a look over "You seem as healthy as usual. How have you been feeling?"


"Yeah, but you could still use a bed in the other room or something."


"It iz not uncomfortable."


"Huh. Well, alright. As long as you're comfortable. Did you need help moving your stuff? I'll help next time I'm not too busy if you want."


"Legs are still a little weak," she confesses. "Luckily I have wings to fall back on. I'm getting there though. One step at a time." She puts the book away and stands up, leaning on the walking stick she's been using while she recovers from her injury. "What about you? I heard you ran into that bounty hunter."

You gather in the kitchen, soon joined by Aurora, Marisol, Dawn and Etrigan, all looking well rested.

"Good morning everyone!" says Gawain cheerily, bringing out a steaming plate of pancakes with all the usual topping options. A Servitor sets the table for everyone. Marisol smiles at the sight of the hearty breakfast. "Thank you, they look wonderful."

"Think nothing of it. My way of repaying you all for your hospitality!"

The pancakes are as delicious as they look. As you begin to tuck in, you hear footsteps, and a familiar face appears around the corner.

"I-is there room for one more at the table?…"

Violet enters the room, looking out of sorts. Her left eye is a milky white, and she overall looks a bit out of sorts, but offers a meek smile in greeting. "Yeah, I'm here. Kind of. Still getting my bearings. Apparently I missed a lot. Don't even remember getting this… ship? We're on a ship, right?"



Hermodur happily eats a large pile of pancakes. When Violet comes in, he looks up at her in confusion.

"How?" is all he asks. It's more bemused confusion than shock or awe.


I look up and smile, probably a little more excited than I should be to see her. My tail beats against the sides of the chair as I fail to keep it from wagging, and I give her a wave. "Morning," I say. "Yeah. Plenty of room. And yeah, ship. The Fate's Fortune. Don't remember its original name, but it's a- uh…" I pause and look between Etrigan and Zunden. "Sanctuary? Am I remembering that wrong?"

I dig out some pancakes and douse them with syrup. "Anyway, yeah. Big breakfast. Plenty to go around."


"Yes. I think it could have gone better" Aegis raises a leg to show scars "I also learned that I might be a poor judge of character, but I'll learn. Come, we can talk more after breakfast"
Aegis silently watches the punished Violet show herself
"Do you remember me?" She asks


Eating my buttered and syrup'd pancakes, i pause mid-bite and visibly pale as i see the ghost of Violet arrive into the hall.

"..oh my. V-violet?"


"…Violet?" the stallion asks, setting his fork down and turning to look at the mare. "I-I, uhm… yes?"


"I will move my zhingz today, I apologize for worrying ze bozh of you." Zunden looks down.

Zunden nods,

"I had prezerved her body in a zpare room when zhe pazzed, I learned of ze ritual zhrough a rare concoczion given by Pudding'z alchemizt. It waz taxzing, and Norv had to make a zacrifize of hiz own." Zunden says, picking at the pancakes, "Zhe holdz no memoriez from before ze moneztary."


*made after ze moneztary



"Why specifically then?"


"How curious.. And what was Norvy's sacrifice?"


Aegis chews her pancakes, eyes locked on Zunden


I let out an awkward chuckle. "That's-" I clear my throat and avoid eye contact. "That's not important. Vi is back! That's what matters!"


"I know not, perhapz it waz dependant on how long her zoul rezided in ze Cruzible, and it slowly ate away at memoriez."


Aegis cold gaze turns from Zunden to Norvegicus


I shift a little and take a bite of pancakes, continuing to avoid eye contact. "Really," I say. "Look at me. I'm fine."


Rabi huffs a little bit and folds his ears back, before wrapping his forelegs around Zunden and pulling her into a hug. "Please, don't apologize- you've done nothing wrong, Zunden. You do a lot around here, and I just want to make sure you're comfortable."

"It's, ah… not important, huh? Well, hopefully it isn't. But, yes- Violet's back! Losing people is really, well… hard. Especially when I still feel like that was on me."


The others look about as surprised as (most of) you are. Aurora looks at her blankly, while Marisol looks a bit apprehensive at her appearance.Dawnand Etrigan don't look too shocked though, having been privy to the ordeal.

"Yeah, it's like Zunden said. There's a big gap in my memory. Last I remember was traveling to the Monastery. Whatever happened, it probably… erased everything else." She swallows. "But I'm here now. Right? It's like Norv said. I, uh, don't really have the full picture of what's going on though.I think I'll have to get caught up… or…" She doesn't finish that thought.

"There's a couple of new faces for me, yeah. I met Dawn last night, but I don't know about half of you." She refers specifically to Aegis, Aurora, Etrigan, Marisol and Gawain.

The latter, as usual, is eager to introduce himself. "Well, allow me to welcome you back, good lady! I am Sir Gawain, an unlanded knight of Andraxis. I'm rather new to all this as well, so I suppose we have that in common!"

"Etrigan. I control the ship."

"I'm Aurora. I got picked up right after the Monastery." She doesn't really elaborate.

"And I'm Marisol. Also rather new. I joined the group when Hermodur returned. My former employer is an enemy of ours, so I'm here to help."

"Uh, too many names to keep track of, but hi." Violet finds an empty spot at the table and quietly starts serving herself breakfast. Norv notices Dawn staring in his direction for a moment.

Violet blinks. "On you? Why?"


Aegis just continues staring for a moment, chewing slowly before swallowing
"You look fine" She says with no intonation to her voice
"I am Aegis Glaze. How is the wound on your chest? Did it regenerate completely?"



"Hmm… I wonder if we can use this memory loss somehow," Hermodur muses out loud.


I silently eat my pancakes, briefly casting glances up as others talk. I linger a little longer as Dawn almost seems like she's staring at me, but I don't say anything.

"Yeah! See! No big deal."


"I know not if I can reztore her memoriez, only zhare our own." Zunden says, then turning to Hermodur, "And we do not know if it iz a mental block, or totally gone- zhere iz ze rizk zhat zhe might not be able to accezz zhem, but an enemy could."


"That doesn't mean you are fine. I'd suggest you told at least one of us what exactly you have done, Master Norvegicus" Aegis makes a cut on her pancake, not breaking eye contact "You very clearly show when you are bothered, so it might help to have someone to vent to"


Rabi folds his ears back a little, and says "W-Well, we were… escaping Last Hearth, we took a route I helped scout out. Maybe if I'd scouted it out better, you wouldn't have gotten… y-you know."


I look up at her and knit my brow. "I mean I'm not feeling anything bad. No pain or anything. No real negative side effects at all, so there's not much to tall about. But-" I shrug. "I don't know. Maybe."


I feel my blood freeze in my veins, and sink down into my chair a little. "Blown up," I finish. I guess she's bound to find out anyway.


"Very well" Aegis nods "I will come to you later to talk about it"


"Interesting.. A shame so much was lost, but if it meant returning to life we can hardly complain!"

"We'll be making a detour to the Dreaming Spring as we decide our plans for the egg, a welcome chance to relax, if only briefly."


"I don't feel anything, so I think so?" She looks down at her chest; no scarring or anything. It's like it never happened.

"Use how?" Etrigan asks from across the table. "Uh, I'd rather not be a guinea pig, if that's alright," says Violet quietly. Her demeanor seems changed from when you knew her; more quiet, introverted even. Though it might just be her getting her bearings after her ordeal.

You get the feeling she's thinking about what happened that night. She was there. She knows.

"Maybe we should ask Black Pudding about it, when we find him," Dawn suggests. Violet pales and freezes. "B-Black Pudding? You're visiting him? Why? We shouldn't… No. Bad idea. We don't want anything to do with him."

Violet raises her eyebrows and pauses mid bite. "…Blown up?… How?… What happened? Is… is there something you're not telling me?…"

"What Egg?" she asks obliviously. "Are you raising chickens or something?"


"We were surrounded by keepers. The guards at Last Hearth. Everyone was in a bad way, and I tried to buy some time to get everyone out. I kind of had something back that I was gonna save for an emergency, and it was an emergency. I pitched an explosive into the middle of the keepers, but it came up short. We all got caught in the blast -most of us, anyway- but you…" I trail off.



"We're working on a complicated plan to hide an egg that could destroy the world from Lysander," Hermodur gives Violet the massively abbreviated version.

"Honestly, I'm not sure how this is better for her than the doll," Hermodur says, looking to Zunden.


"I must agree. Unless Violet is in shape to fight like she did before, this seems like a sacrifice with little payoff"


"You, uh, you got killed in the explosion. I'd thought we'd had a safer route, but I hadn't scouted it out well enough."


I slam my fist on the table. "Are you serious?!" I shout. "She's not some kind of tool. Her value isn't based on how much she can contribute to the team."


"I suppose being trapped as a doll would be quite upsetting.. though the memory regression may have wiped even that from her mind."

"..My, that sounds needlessly cruel. She Is our friend, after all, should we not be happy for her?"




"Well, she doesn't need to fight- I don't think we were bringing her back to do that, anyways."


"I didn't say there was no payoff" Aegis taps the sides of her mouth with a napkin "At the height of the stakes we are in currently we need all the help we can get to save both worlds"


"Ze doll wazn't her, zhe had no memory of it, it waz a parazite pretending to her." Zunden affirms, "Zhe haz free will, ze ability to finizh her life razher zhen have it cut zhort."

"Zhat iz fair, Violet, I have never required you to meet wizh Black Pudding in ze pazt, and I do not wizh to ztart given how you've alwayz been made uncomfortable by zhem."



"I wasn't talking from a combat perspective. I specifically said FOR her. Personally, I'd rather be stuck in a subpar body but still have all of my memories. Memories are what matter. They make you who you are."

"Wait…" Hermodur sidetracks. "The doll could fight?"


"How could you tell?" Hermodur asks curiously.


"When we tried to remove her zoul from ze Cruzible, it began to referenze Violet az anozher being alltogeher. It holdz pzychic powerz zhat were interfering wizh our zhoughtz."



"I wonder what it was made for…" Hermodur muses.


I relax a little. "She hasn't lost all her memories. And it's really shitty we keep talking about her like she's not right there. She has an opinion too. As far as we're concerned she doesn't even have to stay with us anymore. She has a way out of this. She can just go back to whatever she was doing before she met us and not put herself at risk anymore."


She sets her jaw. "That's… a lot. I mean I knew you guys weren't on good terms with Lysander and all, and I heard there was some pretty high stakes stuff, but this is… well, everything. What's this I keep hearing about a doll though?" Your slight seems to have gone over her head; though, not over Marisol's. You notice her stop eating and start watching you like a hawk over the table. Gawain coughs slightly and becomes very interested in his plate.

"I… Oh. …I see." She doesn't seem too hungry anymore, overwhelmed a bit by the implications of that. "…I think I should, uh… I don't know." She plays with her food a bit.

"Not just that, I think it's a bad idea to go making deals with him in general. Unless there's no other way, I think we should do something else."

"I don't think there is," says Dawn calmly. "We've reviewed all out options, and contacting him seems the most expedient solution to our predicament."

"It fought back against us," Dawn muses darkly. "Warping our sense of reality. It was…" She trails off, not finding the right word to describe it.

"I, uh…" Violet speaks up. "I think Norv's right. …I should go. Next chance we get. I mean, I like you guys, but this is way over my head, you know? I'm not really cut out for all this. I always worked better off alone anyway. Maybe once this all blows over we can meet up again. Somehow."


Aegis chews quietly for a moment before raising her head
"A fateful mission"
"No memories if we fail"
"Prowess is crucial"



"Are you going to with her, then?" Hermodur asks Norv.


"I didn't take you to be one for poetry," Hermodur comments.


"Very well. Then at least enjoy the food, it is a blessing to have such a hearty meal made for you by another"
"My Sister taught me the value of having hobbies besides combat and the goods it does to the mind. Since then I could never stop"


Even being the one suggesting it it still hurts to hear. I force the last of my pancakes down my throat and nod. "That might be what's for the best. Lysander- I think they all think you're dead, considering… anyway, I might not use the same name if you can help it, but it might be a good idea. The things we've been running into…" She doesn't have to deal with that anymore.

I slowly shake my head.


"If zhat iz what you dezire, I will not ztop you. I do not imagine you would be going wizh uz to do zhiz when we firzt met, it waz monzhz of uz knowing eazhozher. I worry for when you will be found alone by ze enemy and attacked for zhingz you do not remember, but you are a capable mare." Zunden says, still picking at a pancake she's barely started, "I couldn't bring back ze Violet we knew, but at leazt you will have a chanze to live a full life."


"Oh my, so it was very much worth the effort then, the wretched doll holding Violet's soul hostage!"

"Would there be some means of helping her with her eye before she leaves? It would be a shame to let her go with only one working eye.."



Hermodur opens his mouth to say something, but then he realizes. "Oh… right…"


"Sorry." the stallion manages, gently setting his fork back down. He doesn't feel particularly keen on eating right now, either.


Aurora does a bit of a double take at the haiku, smiling to herself in recognition.

"Why would he… Oh. R-right. No, I think I'll do this alone."

As she realizes what this means to you, she looks a bit hurt. "I… I'm sorry, Norv. It's… it's just not me. You know? Please don't think I have anything against you for what happened. I'd like to stay, but this is just… well, too much for me. I can't handle all this. I'm sure you'll do great though. All of you! Right?" She gives you a rather forced smile of encouragement, but you can tell it hurts her to see you like this.

"Thanks for understanding," she says quietly. "I know I'm in great company, but I'm not really the save the world type. I've had to go undercover before anyway. And hey, this doesn't have to be a goodbye. I'm sure we'll meet again eventually."

"Now, let's not linger on all that, yeah? I don't gather we're anywhere near a settlement anyway. That can come later. Where are we headed now? The Dreaming Spring, right? I'm guessing it's to help free that Swamp Spirit and…" She puts two and two together and frowns. "Hold on. What is it you're going to Black Pudding for exactly?"


I return her smile with an equally forced one. "Nah," I say. "Don't worry about it. You'll probably be safer this way, anyway."

"Honestly it might be best if you just didn't know. You can't extract information that isn't there."



Hermodur silently contemplates what he's going to do when he arrives at the Dreaming Spring.


What would have been a hearty breakfast is dampened by the bittersweet reunion. As the day progresses, Violet keeps mostly to herself, occasionally exchanging pleasantries with whoever she runs into. She recovers her personal effects from Norv's room, but doesn't seem to feel comfortable in them anymore.

Much of the day is uneventful. Gawain seems a bit more subdued after the breakfast, serving sandwiches for lunch and not much else. Violet and Marisol do a bit of sparring at one point. Despite having been out of commission for so long, she's still got some moves.

Late in the afternoon, you arrive at the Dreaming Spring; or at least, where it's meant to be. Down below and all around is nothing but dense woodland, stretching in all directions as far as the eye can see. Etrigan brings the ship to a halt, leaving it hovering over the canopy. "Hmm. I thought it'd be easier to find than this. The map says it should be here, but it just… isn't. …Should we disembark and take a look around?"



"It's not like we have another option," Hermodur nods. He grabs his stuff and stands ready to disembark.


"Are you certain that you aren't simply misguided, Master Etrigan?"


I look out over the dense forest. "Think the compass would help lead us the rest of the way? Unless part of the spring is underground or something. I'm pretty sure me and Vi ran into some of it a while back, so that wouldn't be too surprising, but we could specifically try to search for the flowers."

I pull out the second Compass of Want and do just that.


"While I am not a betting lizard, I imagine zhat one muzt rezt near ze locazion in order to find it. A zmall guezz into ze nature of ze plaze." Zunden muses.


I remain conflicted in Violet's changes, mostly spending my time enjoying the view as we sail along and making sure my potions are in order.

as we approach the location of the spring, i look over to see.. nothing?

"Hmm? how strange, the springs are missing?"


Rabi, for what it's worth, tries to keep Gawain in slightly better spirits- he might not be the best at it, though.

"As good an idea as any." he says, looking over the canopy and frowning. "No time like the present."


"I've never been wrong before," he shrugs.

"We could just search from above," Aurora points out. "Probably best to disembark though."

"That's a good idea," Dawn chimes in. "Maybe they only reveal themselves at night?…"

Etrigan brings the ship down in a small clearing, and lowers the ladder for you to descend. Violet opts to come along to explore a bit, wanting to spend a bit of time with the group before she leaves. You may have one other party member accompany you from here.

Norv's compass seems to point you in the right direction, but it leads right through the woods you're in, a dense thicket of bushes, saplings, vines, and other such greenery. It'll be difficult to carve a path through all this.
>roll Navigation



Hermodur has claws for such occasions!

[1d10] navigation

Roll #1 2 = 2


Aegis actively avoids getting any torns on her battle dress, traversing through the brambles with care

Roll #1 1 = 1


After spending the descending getting ready, I pull my coat on and slip my gas mask in my pocket, already having replaced my good luck charm from last night.

I sigh as I see just how dense the place is. Welp. Guess I didn't expect this to be easy.


Roll #1 5 = 5


As we land, i take the time to add the plating to my battle dress, diembarking with a quiet clattering of mail.

"Right then, i suppose we should get started. A curious development, but i'm certain the springs are here somewhere.."

I follow the others as Norvy leads us further into the brush

[1d10] Navigation

Roll #1 2 = 2


Zunden follows the others, not wanting to leave the ship but accepting she should be there to prevent any harm.
[1d10] nav

Roll #1 4 = 4


>Navigation [1d10]
"I definitely trust Etrigan's judgement, that's for sure. This isn't much of anything I'm used to, but hopefully I won't get too lost."

Roll #1 7 = 7


Gawain accompanies you, flying down with a confident grin. "I'm certain we'll get to the bottom of this mystery!"

You start pushing through the undergrowth, to little effect. More than once you get completely turned around, despite the compass. You find a few paths laid out, but they don't help much as you push through all the greenery. It doesn't seem like this place gets many visitors. Gawain helps by taking the lead, hacking down the worst of it with his zweihander. Violet uses her dual blades as machetes to whack through it as well, but the more you cut down, the more seems to spring back up.

Before long, you're forced to face the facts. "Seems we're rather lost now," Gawain bemoans. "I-I'm sure we'll find this place eventually!" "Maybe we should retrace our footsteps and go back to the ship?" Violet suggests. "Try another path from there?"

Both your companions fall silent as you begin to hear voices in the distance.
>roll Perception


[1d10] perception

"Now now, i'm sure this is but a minor setback! All we need is a few moments more with the compass and we'll be all set.. Now, which way is it pointing again?"

[1d10] navigation

Roll #1 3 = 3 / Roll #2 3 = 3


Rabi flicks his ears, trying to listen carefully.
>[1d10] Perception
>[1d10] Navigation
"We could, yeah. Aside from that and 'keep going', I'm not really sure… well, what else. Maybe there's a way to… I dunno, look at this place differently?"

Roll #1 8 = 8 / Roll #2 8 = 8


"I should have considered the possibility of us being lost. Forgive m-" Aegis cuts herself short and perks her ears at the sound of the voice
'1d10-1' perception

Roll #1 10 - 1 = 9


Zunden keeps quiet, not wanting to alert those talking ahead. [1d10] percep

Roll #1 4 = 4


I try to keep following the compass, but it pointing in a straight line seems like as much a problem now as ever. I pause and my ear twitches as I hear the voices.


Roll #1 8 = 8


You overhear parts of the conversation. Two male voices are speaking:

"…hate the woods. Why does she want this water anyway?"

"Who knows. Says it's to be able to see things?"

"What's that meant to mean?"

"I dunno. Ask her yourself when we get back."

"If we get back. Swear this place doesn't want us to be here. All these branches and vines and just, ugh."

"Why couldn't we have just been sent on a raid or something instead?"

"Shut it you two." A third male voice, gravelly and menacing. "Or I'll see you get thrown to Tiny when we get back."

Violet tenses up. "Sounds like bandits," she whispers.

"And they're as lost as we are," Gawain adds. "Should we try to take them on? Surely there's not as many of them as there are of us."

"I say we ignore them and keep searching. If we even can. I didn't miss this part of bushwalking."

You hear the faint rumble of thunder. Seems like a storm's coming eventually.


"I feel ambuzhing zhem in a plaze foreign to uz would be unwize, let uz be covert and try to find it dezpite zheir zimilar mizfortune." Zunden continues searching. [1d10]

Roll #1 10 = 10


"Maybe we ought to keep searching, yeah. We're bound to find something eventually… or, maybe we won't. But, I'm sure we can figure out a way to find it."

Roll #1 3 = 3


"Judging by their conversation, they don't seem like common bandits. They must have been ordered by someone to come here. I think we should confront them now but if you think wiser to move on then so be it"

Roll #1 5 + 2 = 7


"But what stops them from ambushing us?" I whisper, pulling out my dart gun. We should probably take care of them now before they're a problem. I pull out a vial of sleeper poison and- I freeze. Am I seriously planning on ambushing three guys who I don't know anything about? I slide my dart gun back into my coat and nod. "Yeah. Let's keep looking.


Roll #1 6 = 6


"So, they're searching for the springs as well? Interesting. With luck we can yet avoid them among the brush." i add, following Zunden's lead
[1d10] search

Roll #1 4 = 4


You creep closer to the voices, going as stealthily as you can. Before long they come into view. There's more than their voices suggested; a party of twelve, well armed and prepared for a lengthy journey. They seem to be currently huddled over a map, bickering amongst themselves, not noticing you. You also become aware that you have the high ground on them, though this might not be as much of an advantage as you'd hoped; the ground ahead slopes sharply downward, almost at a 90 degree angle. They're a good eight feet below you; you wouldn't be able to see them if it weren't for them clearing out bushes in their path. Getting down there will be tricky for those without wings.


Aegis takes a moment to get a good look at them. Seeing if she could find anything from their attire, equipment, weapons etc



"Plan?" Hermodur whispers.


peeking over the edge to see the armed group below, i pull back and turn to the others.

"My word, that's quite the group. There must be a way around them.. perhaps we should check the compass?"


'1d10' squint

Roll #1 9 = 9


"Hrm… yeah. Let's look for a way around this, yeah?" he asks, trying to take a look for other ways around.
>Perception [1d10]

Roll #1 5 = 5


"Perhapz a diverzion in ze wrong direczion? Juzt have zomeone create a noize back ze way we came from."


Woah. Way more than I expected. I glance down at the compass to see if the group is going in the same direction. "Yeah," I agree. "A diversion is probably our best bet. Really don't need to take on that many ponies at once." I rub my chin. "But then again me and Silver could probably pick a few off before a fight actually breaks out. Hit the leader with a sleeper dart and maybe get someone else before they actually find me. The forest is really dense, and if there weren't so many makin so much noise I doubt we woulda seen em. Same probably applies to them, right?"


They are of varied races, with no real uniform to their gear except the overall rough quality of it. Closer inspection though reveals a tattoo on each one's forelimb: a skull over two crossed axes. This coupled with their mean, weathered appearance seems to confirm Violet's suspicions of them being brigands.

Violet and Gawain both look at you, then back at the bandits, then shrug. "I say we try and avoid them," she says. "Or distract if we can. Don't fancy fighting all those guys at once." "Perhaps we can take them by surprise," Gawain suggests. "We do have the high ground."

The compass is pointing you straight ahead, directly through their numbers. They seem to be heading in that direction now, much to Violet's chagrin. "So much for sneaking around them. Looks like we're gonna be running into them eventually." "If we move quickly, we could beat them to the Spring," Gawain chimes in. "There's far less of us."

The cliff seems to slope a bit more gently down a ways off to the left. You could make your way down from there, or try and go down the steep slope. To the right, the foliage seems to let up a bit, opening into a small clearing. There could be a long way around that way.

"That could also work," Violet nods. "Only question is who's gonna try and draw them off."


Rabi hums a little as he tries to spy out a better way down, before flicking his ears and humming. "Maybe we could cause a distraction from a distance- like, an arrow?"


"Ah, that might work. Something akin to a flare? given their numbers they would be inclined to investigate, giving us time to circle around them."


I shake my head. "Beat them to the spring and then what? They're obviously going the same place as us. We're just as likely to run into them there and not have the advantage. Past setting traps once we get there I think we're just setting ourselves up for an ambush by avoiding them." It does seem like I'm in the minority here, though. I rub the back of my neck. "But I guess if everyone else wants to try and avoid them then I don't want to give us away."

I try to think of something, but I brought pretty minimal gear. If I had the bell I might be able to have Butler do it. Pretty sure he can disappear at will, so probably wouldn't put him in any danger, but I left it back on the ship. I hum, taking a look around. "Maybe I can scout ahead and set some traps there. If we can move faster circling around maybe we can set an actual ambush up."


''Just and arrow?'' Aegis questions Rabi ''If they are not clueless they will just trace where it was fired from. How about something a bit more loud and compelling, like an explosion?''



"Mayhapz I could collect water uzing a rune, cauze a zplazh a wayz away. Perhapz zhey'll zhink ze Zpring iz zhat way."


Rabi blinks, before shaking his head a little "Oh! No, I don't use normal arrows, Aegis- I make them out of magic, so I could fire off a bolt of light or fire. Something kinda flashy?"


''Yes, the sound of water will surely bring them running if the Spring is what they're after. How much will be needed?'' Aegis presents a wooden bottle


"Hmm.. I suppose you have a point. If they are searching for the springs as well, leading them into a trap would be a better course. Numbers wouldn't matter if most are caught up in pitfalls or nets."


"I like to limit bloodzhed if pozzible, do we have enough time to zet zhoze kind of trapz? We have no way of guaranteeing ze direction zhey will go."



"This all based on the assumption we all can't simply mind our own business. Perhaps there's enough room at the spring for everypony?"


"You think you could set up some quick traps then, maybe? Might work."


I let out a dry chuckle. "That's assuming a lot from a group of bandits."

"If we can't get far enough ahead for me to set something quick up like a log trap or something then there's no point skirting around them to begin with because they'll catch up shortly after we make it to the spring. If I take my last swig of the strong ale then I can set up a pretty hefty log attached to a tripwire. Could take a bunch of them out at once."

I turn the compass around. "But we do. They're probably following their own compass of want. Which, if they're anything like me -and by the way they're hacking through the forest they probablh are- they're making a beeline. Unless there are obstacles you can't hack through if we're in a position where the compass points straight ahead we're somewhere we'll probably cross their path."


"I'll prepare a rune to return you to uz in ze caze you get captured, zhen."


"If you're sure, then."


"Between the ale and the rune, we may as well give it a try. Shall we circle around them while you prepare the trap ahead?"


I laugh. "Thanks for the vote of confidence. Probably still good to have, just in case."

I nod. "I'm sure. Like I said, it's better than getting ambushed by a dozen brigands while our backs are turned."

I pull my coat off, peel off the mournwing cloak, and slip it on back over the coat. "I'll be back."

I make my way into the forest, keeping to thicker brush as I make my way straight ahead.


Roll #1 5 + 2 = 7



Roll #1 8 = 8


Zunden begins preparing an orb
[1d10] Return (frozen)

Roll #1 6 = 6


"Be careful," says Violet slightly anxiously.

You take off from the rest of the group, looking around the dense underbrush for a fallen log somewhere ahead. It doesn't take too long to find one; a hefty black-barked hulk of wood, covered in moss and fungi, twice as wide as you and about four times as tall. It's the trunk of a dead tree. You've positioned yourself somewhat far ahead; however, you find yourself facing a problem. You won't be able to move this log or set up your trap without making significant noise. It's sure to draw attention to yourself, so you'll have to work quick.

You conjure yourself a Return rune.


Not content with the held orb's strength, she uses it on a fallen branch, attempting to make a strong orb with the sun's burst.

[6] Return branch to tree

[1d10+1] Return (Frozen)

Roll #1 2 + 1 = 3


I take a step back and look at the surroundings. Rubbing my chin, I try to find a good spot where most of them will probably be funneled through. Between a couple trees or something. I know the sinew probably won't hold it, so I try to find some nice, thick vines. If I do I throw one over the top of one of the tree limbs between the trees, then save one to attach to the trigger.

Once I get an idea of how I'm actually going to set it up, I get to work.

[1d10]One to find sturdy vines
[1d10]One to rig the trap
[1d10]One to be quiet

Roll #1 5 = 5 / Roll #2 1 = 1 / Roll #3 3 = 3


Ruse the one, good luck charm the 3.


With not too much else to do, Rabi will wait patiently.


You watch as a nearby branch floats off the ground and reattaches itself to a nearby try, the splinters and cracks sealing as if it had never been. Violet watches in slight awe. "You've gotta tell me where you learned all that sometime. That's so cool."

You fail to conjure another for now.

With a bit of ingenuity, you manage to set your trap, finding some powerful vines and using them to rig the log trap. Moving the log around with the Whale Ale makes a whole lot of noise though. You hear the nearby bandits get alerted to your presence…

Not long after Norv takes off, you hear some loud rustling in the undergrowth from his location. The bandits seem alerted.

"Hear that?"

"Hear what?"


"Something crawling about. …Cara, Millwood, Jorran, Garth, you're volunteering to investigate."


"Shut up and go. Now."

Four bandits begrudgingly split off to investigate, at the behest of their leader. He is a one eyed, snaggle-toothed Diamond Dog with a wild mane of brown fur.

Violet and Gawain shrink away from the cliff edge and look back at you with concern. "Now what?"


Well, guess they heard me. Still, doubt they have any idea what I was actually up to. Might not be a bad thing if it lures them in. I load a sleeper poison dart into my dart gun and try to slip back into the brush before they actually catch up and find me.


Roll #1 7 + 2 = 9


''Master Rabi, I think now is the time for the 'flashy' arrows''


"Well… hrm. We better be ready to move fast, then- They might've spotted him." he says, frowning a little.

He flicks his ears a little, before looking to Aegis "Hmm? Might be, yeah- if everyone's sure, I can fire it off to distract them."


Zunden chuckles quietly, "Black Pudding taught me runecraft, unfortunately."

Zunden tries preparing the Return rune again, a little frustrated.

[1d10] Return (frozen)

Roll #1 8 = 8



Hermodur quietly draws Mjolnir and revs it up out of sight.

>Sentry, Sharpen

He sizes up the lead bandit.

>Hunter's Eye Diamond Dog bandit leader


"Hmm.. Perhaps i can move into position while they're busy. A spot of sleeping poison will certainly help."

crouching low, i slink into the treeline, circling down into the foliage to wait nearby.
[1d10] Stealth

Roll #1 8 = 8


''We'll see if we can trust Master Norvegicus to succeed, and if not Zunden can bring him in, but in either case stand ready to fire at moment's notice''
Aegis follows her advice and summons a set of crystal orbs behind her
'1d10' homing magic, ice

Roll #1 7 = 7


You hide in the bushes, laying on your belly as they approach. A squad of four approach; a griffon, an earth pony, a crocodile saurian and a Dog. They look armed to the teeth, and are moving in single file, scanning the area intently.

Your Return rune flips about like a coin as you conjure it. "Never heard of such a thing," Violet remarks, watching with interest.

You keep an eye on the leader. He seems to be scanning the horizon with his single eye at the moment, doubtless looking out for any other threats.
[1d10] Perception

Violet nods. "I'll go with Silver and catch them off guard." She grabs her dual blades, frowning a little as she briefly wonders what happened to her spear, and takes off after Silver into the bushes. "I'll, er, stay my ground with the rest of you, I suppose," Gawain says sheepishly. "I've never been good at staying quiet for too long."

Two icy orbs manifest behind you with a subtle hiss.

As the bandits start putting themselves on alert, you flit out of sight, taking the long way around to hide in the nearby foliage, completely hidden. You are aware of Violet following you, soon splitting up to flank them.

Roll #1 2 = 2


''We'll be the artillery then, Master Rabi, be ready''
Aegis turns to Gawain ''Master Sir Gawain, you'll be our first defence, dont let them get to us''


I quietly lie in wait with my dart gun at the ready. As I see them start to make their way this way, I search on the ground for a rock or stick or something and toss it a little away from the tripwire, attempting to coax them toward it. I should have left something subtle as bait, but I guess it's too late now.


"Of course. I'll be ready." the stallion says, putting his magic bow away in ordr to ready the Dragonslayer Yumi.


safe in the undergrowth, i prep my shivs and wait for the commotion of traps sprung.



"I only see the leader. You'll have to tell me when to unleash hell on him."


"Zymbolz of baze conzeptz, zhat are zhaped by one'z interpretation of ze conzept, wizh zheir power defined by zheir meaning and intent." Zunden says, shaping another as she watches Violet follow Silver.

[1d10] Severance (frozen)

Roll #1 7 = 7


You grab a rock and throw it. The griffon perks up. "Over there. Easy now. We don't know what we're dealing with."

"Probably just a mosscat or something," the earth pony gripes, picking her teeth.

The saurian takes the lead. "Don't worry lads, I'll find whatever's out there. I've got the ears of a fox and th-"


He doesn't get the chance to finish his sentence as he springs the trap. The log swings towards them, throwing all four bandits into the bushes like bowling pins. Three of them are out of commission, but the fourth, the mare, seems relatively unharmed. She pulls herself up and starts running back to raise the alarm. "Men down! Men down!"

"The only problem is how to get down there safely and in a timely fashion," Gawain muses. "I have wings so I can fly, but you…" Idea. "Say. What if I were to give you a boost?" he suggests.

You conjure another orb. The eyes blink and look around before settling into their usual shape.

You don't have to wait long. You hear a commotion of splintering wood, followed by yelling. The bandit leader turns sharply, growling. "Ambush. Stay close, boys. Someone's got the drop on us!" They start heading towards Norv's position.


Springing into action, i wait for the bandits to begin moving, creeping forward to stab the bandit furthest back, applying a coating of midnight oil as i approach.

[1d10] Sleep serum

Roll #1 8 = 8


I draw a bead on the bandit leader, take a small breath, hold, and squeeze.

[Cheap shot, automatic, autocrit]


''Now'' Aegis muters before getting a bit closer to the cliff's edge for a clear shot and unleashing frozen hell on the nearest bandit
'1d10' homing Magic, ice

'2d10' Magic bolt, ice

Roll #1 5 = 5 / Roll #2 2 = 2 / Roll #3 4, 5 = 9


File: 1597293075223.png (52.96 KB, 585x714, Healing Bonds.png)

Zunden prepares the final orb of hers, watching from more of a distance.

[1d10] Union (frozen)

Roll #1 6 = 6



"I can make do," Hermodur says to Gawain as he swings back Mjolnir like a golf club. The front opens up. He launches a magic ball at the bandit leader.

>[1d10+3] [1d10+3] ranged attack

>DC-1, take the higher roll

Roll #1 7 + 3 = 10 / Roll #2 6 + 3 = 9


Rabi nods a little bit and draws back the bowstring, forming a bolt out of light and firing it at the bandits. The bolt spreads out into a wave, trying to catch a couple of the bandits

>Dragonslayer Yumi (Light Element, Cleave 3): [1d10+2]

Roll #1 8 + 2 = 10



Well, three ain't bad. I wait until the still standing mare is out of sight and step out of the brush, circling back around toward where the group was to wait, watch the fight from the side, and wait for a good opportunity to snooze someone.


You shank one in the back, wrapping one hoof around his mouth and dragging him into the bushes. He's out like a light in a matter of seconds, and no one is the wiser.

Your volley of magic misses, hitting the side of a dead tree. It seems to weaken the trunk; you hear a wooden creaking and groaning after the fact. The bandit, a blunderbuss-wielding griffon, yelps and takes to the air!

The familiar three rings coalesce with a faint clang sound.

You hit him straight in the chest, making him stagger backwards and take a knee. He clutches his chest and looks upward, face twisted in pain and anger. He lets out an inarticulate cry, pointing towards you as he makes eye contact. The other bandits are on full alert, and start swarming to attack the party!

You anchor the longbow and draw an arrow of light, which bursts in a brilliant display, blinding three of the bandits. They yell and cower, raising their arms to defend themselves.

The fight is only just beginning. Seems the party took the opportunity to spring their ambush!

The bandit leader, whose name is Ahab, pulls out a black longbow and fires an arrow at Hermodur!
[1d10+1] [1d10+1] Higher roll succeeds

The blunderbuss griffon runs and guns, flying toward Aegis and opening fire!

Two crossbow wielding Felids, including one who was blinded by the light arrow, fire at Rabi and Aegis respectively!
[1d10] vs Rabi, DC8
[1d10] vs Aegis

Those without ranged weapons start heading up and around to your location. Violet takes the opportunity to pounce out at one and tackle him to the ground!

Gawain lets out a battle cry and swoops down to meet them, unsheathing his zweihander!

Roll #1 2 + 1 = 3 / Roll #2 3 + 1 = 4 / Roll #3 7 = 7 / Roll #4 9 = 9 / Roll #5 6 = 6 / Roll #6 4 = 4


Zunden prepares for battle, heading towards those with ranged weapons while channeling magic.

>Bask: Flash

>move zones



Hermodur side-steps the arrow while he swings another ball of energy at Captain Ahab.

>[1d10+3] [1d10+3] ranged attack

>DC-1, take the higher roll

Roll #1 1 + 3 = 4 / Roll #2 8 + 3 = 11


Rabi nods a little bit to himself, and tries to line up another shot- this time, aiming for one of the ones moving towards them.
>Lightning Bolt: [1d10+2] [1d10+2] )Take Higher)

Roll #1 9 + 2 = 11 / Roll #2 1 + 2 = 3


With one dispatched and my cover intact, i approach the leader of their band, applying a blinding agent to my shivs next, waiting for him to turn before slinging the soaked blade at his face!

[1d10] Blind

Roll #1 1 = 1


I stick to the shadows in the treeline, looking for the best one to fire on. Seems Hermodur has the leader under control, so I fire at one of the crossbow weilding felids.

[1d10]Cheap shot, improvise, autocrit

Roll #1 2 = 2


Aegis raises her shield in front of her and backs off, reloading
'1d10' homing magic, ice

Roll #1 6 = 6


You join the fray as Gawain charges in to 1v4 the bandits.

Your ball of energy sends him barreling backward, slamming into the tree Aegis hit. It creaks even more, and you hear wood splintering. Groaning, he pulls himself up, minding the delicate tree.

Despite being blinded, the Felid manages to clear his vision, firing a crossbow bolt at you. A rush of pain shoots up your right foreleg as it hits you in the elbow. You stumble backwards and fall momentarily.
>Rabi takes 5 hits, helpless

As Ahab recovers from getting hit by Hermodur's blast, you rush out to try and blind him. His ears prick up, and at the last moment he shoots a powerful arm out with a snarl, grabbing you by the face and throwing you to the ground. Without hesitating, he wraps the longbow over your head and starts pulling you backwards!
>Silver takes 5 hits, helpless

The Felid that shot at Aegis does a little 'huh?', turning around. He does a double take and smacks you in the jaw with the butt of the crossbow. You see stars!
>Norv takes 4 hits

You back off and conjure another orb, but are not quite fast enough to avoid the incoming shots. You are hit by two quarrels and the blunderbuss shot, knocking you over, winded.
>Aegis takes 5 hits, helpless
>1 homing magic orb

Violet's attack misses as her attacker sidesteps her, kicking her in the back. She grunts and whirls around, lashing out with her dual blades and engaging the bandit in single combat!

Gawain takes on two of the other bandits at once, cleaving at them with his sword!

A fourth bandit breaks off, going after Zunden with an axe!

The griffon shotgunner starts flying to target Zunden!

Ahab yanks Silver backward, one hand on the bow and another grabbing her by the mane. He grins evilly in Hermodur's direction as he starts using her as a meat shield!

The Felid Norv attacked extends his claws and lashes out at him!

The other Felid breaks off and starts gunning for Violet!

Roll #1 9 + 1 = 10 / Roll #2 1 = 1 / Roll #3 8 = 8


Zunden raises her claw, beckoning her allies to rise again through the healing power of her magic.

[1d10] Healing Bonds, Rabi, Silver, Aegis
>Temperance if fails

Roll #1 1 = 1


Grimacing, Aegis tries rolling back to her hooves and into action

Roll #1 8 = 8


Rabi lets out a panicked whinny, before muttering "A-At least it's not the bad leg."
>Recovery: Arabian Endurance


I wobble a little and shake my head trying to get my sight strait. Everything comes back into focus right as the felid swipes its claws at me. Instead of trying to get away, I growl, pop my sun, and lunge at him, trying to bite him.


Roll #1 5 + 1 = 6


Slammed into the ground with my mane being painfully pulled, i grit my teeth and buck against his grip!
[1d10] Struggle

"Why the nerve! Unhoof me this instant!"

Roll #1 9 = 9



Hermodur pauses briefly. Then, he smirks. Ahab is underestimating them. He's underestimating Silver. And, he's underestimating Hermodur's resolve to attack anyway.

He swings for another attack. Either Silver will get out of the way in time, or he's wrong, he'll hit them both, and he'll likely lose his grip on her.

>[1d10+3] [1d10+3] ranged attack

>DC-1, take the higher roll

Roll #1 10 + 3 = 13 / Roll #2 3 + 3 = 6


Zunden spins around and lashes with her tail, tripping up the axe wielding bandit before channeling healing magic into her allies. They all find their wounds healing as quickly as they appeared, and filled with the strength to keep fighting.
>Rabi, Silver, Aegis all healed

You heal yourself with the sun, but are unable to dodge the incoming claw swipe. Gashes appear across your chest with a spurt of red. Instinctively, you rush forward, biting his shoulder briefly. You get a mouthful of fur. The bandit yowls and pulls back, doing a bit of a capoeira spin before getting into a defensive position.

Silver manages to pull away just in time, kicking Ahab in the shins and pulling the longbow off of her. He growls and barks ferally, grimacing in pain, only to get blasted in the face by Hermodur's attack. He hits the tree again. The impact proves too much for it to handle, and it starts splintering and cracking…
>Silver roll to dodge

The axe bandit gets back up and shakes his head before charging Zunden again!

The shotgunner, now in range, fires at her!

Gawain strikes both bandits down in one mighty swing. Without missing a beat, he rushes to help Zunden, Rabi and Aegis!

The brigand attacking Violet headbutts her, knocking her to the floor. Seeing him having the situation under control, the other Felid instead fires at Aegis!

The Felid fighting Norv extends his other set of claws, swiping furiously at him!

Ahab looks up in slight horror as the tree begins to collapse. He's too weak to get out of its way, but chooses to take this last opportunity. He pulls out a metal orb and whispers something to it before throwing it at Hermodur!

Roll #1 5 = 5 / Roll #2 8 = 8 / Roll #3 8 = 8 / Roll #4 3 = 3 / Roll #5 9 = 9


Holding out her ring, Zunden explodes in a ray of light.

[1d10+2] Flash: spell, recharge 3; Emit a burst of magical energy, attuned to Light. Affects enemies all around you, but does not deal damage unless on crit, instead debuffing them with the effects of the Light element. (The target is momentarily blinded, suffering +1 DC to all rolls on its next turn, or +2 on a crit. This damage type deals twice as many hits versus undead enemies. Radiant spells can be used to illuminate the environment, providing a dazzling light source.)

Roll #1 7 + 2 = 9



It's an unlikely shot, but you know what? What the hell, why not? Hermodur decides he doesn't want this man to succeed at anything. So, he aims his next shot specifically for the tiny ball.

>[1d10+2] [1d10+2]

>ranged attack, DC-1

Roll #1 7 + 2 = 9 / Roll #2 1 + 2 = 3


Kicking away from the dog, my elation is cut short as the sound of the tree collapsing brings me back to attention. Scrambling to get away from the tree, i use the commotion to slip back into the shadows.

[1d10] dodge
[1d10] stealth

Roll #1 3 = 3 / Roll #2 1 = 1


renewed, Aegis tries shooting the gryphon with the blunderbuss out of the skies again
'1d10' homing magic, ice
'2d10' magic bolt, ice

Roll #1 3 = 3 / Roll #2 3, 6 = 9


"Thanks, Zunden!" he manages, before lining up a shot at the Axe Bandit and the Shotgun-Wielding Bandit.
>Magic Bow (Lightning, Split): [1d10+2]

Roll #1 3 + 2 = 5


Not letting up, I focus completely on the felid attacking me. Not having an actual weapon, I pull the sleeper coated dart out and let my dart gun fall to the ground. Trying to step inside the felid's claws, I lunge out and attempt to stab the dart into the side of his neck.

[1d10]Cheap Shot

Roll #1 7 = 7


You move away, avoiding taking an axe blow to the collar. The buckshot from the blunderbuss catches you, though, peppering you with shrapnel. It smarts like nothing else.
>Zunden takes 2 hits

It's an almost impossibly precise shot you're aiming. Your fireball goes wide, but only by a hair.

You try to scramble away, avoiding getting crushed by the falling tree, but a branch splinters off and hits you on the head. You are knocked to the ground, only just managing to get back up.
>Silver takes 3 hits

You clip his wing, forcing him to land momentarily. He grunts and turns to face you, reloading.

Your shot misses, electrifying a nearby boulder.

You charge him. You feel a flash of blinding pain as his claws sink into your gut, but you manage to stab him in the neck with the dart. He gasps, reels, then his eyes roll up and he slumps over. Exhausted from the exertion, you find yourself sinking to the forest floor on your hands and knees.
>Norv takes 4 hits, helpless

An almighty creaking and crashing rings out as the tree gives in, falling and crushing Ahab under its enormous weight. The ground quakes, and a cloud of dirt and debris flies up, limiting your vision momentarily. Through it all, Zunden thrusts her fist into the air, a flash of blinding light sweeping across the battlefield. Those bandits that are left are incapacitated by the burst of light, blinded and knocked away.

It seems the worst of it is over; however, Hermodur notices the metal orb is emitting a sinister fizzling sound…
>Hermodur roll to avoid the grenade blast


Zunden waits a small bit to make sure Ahab as expired before returning the tree in place with a rune carved into the tree.

[1d10] Return

Roll #1 8 = 8


My chest heaves as I look over the felid, and I clutch at my stomach. I wince and pull my paw away as a sharp pain shoots back through it. My mind wanders back to that cannibal in the Shifting Sands so long ago, and the scar across my face aches with a phantom pain that feels almost as real as the slashes across my chest and stomach. Something seems different, but I can't really figure out what.

I jump as the tree slams into the ground, pulling my thoughts away. Right. Battlefield. Even though most of the bandits are out of commission probably better to focus for now. Drawing in a sharp breath as I try to stand back up.


Roll #1 10 = 10


Aegis trades glares with him, looking down at the gryphon from her high ground, reloading as well
'1d10' homing magic, ice

Roll #1 3 = 3



"Shit," is all Hermodur has time to say before he holds up the shield to activate it's mostly-broken magic.

>Bulwark [1d10]

Roll #1 2 = 2


"Gah- almost. Everyone alright?"

"S-Shouldn't have said anything." he says, folding his ears back as he spots the grenade.


mostly clearing the tree's collapse, i briefly see stars when a splintered branch bonks my head. with a pained hiss, i shake it off and return to the others.

"Phew.. Is everypony alright? Have we sent them scattering to the wind?"


You invoke Return, but it's only partially successful. The tree starts lifting slowly before suspending in midair. A closer look reveals it's falling in slow motion; it'll be a few minutes before it's back where it just was. The grisly crushed remains of Ahab lie beneath.

You stand back up, looking around and getting your bearings. Seems the fight's over, for now.

You feel an unexpected tap on your shoulder. It's Violet. She's holding some medicinal herbs, looking a bit roughed up but in decent shape all things considered. "Here. You might want to line those wounds with these, if Zunden doesn't have time for us. …You alright?"

The griffon is no more, having been knocked out by Zunden's blast of light. Looks like it's all clear now.

You lurch backwards and throw the battered shield up to defend yourself from the explosion. A deafening BOOM rings out as the grenade goes off, with a flash of flame and magical blue smoke. Your ears ring as you recover, dizzy but otherwise unharmed. Your shield, however, is a goner. It absorbed the brunt of the explosion, getting shredded and warped into an unusable mess of steel. It's not much more than scrap now.



You look around. Everyone seems a bit out of sorts, some more injured than others, but nothing fatal.


With everyone relatively healthy, i brush myself off and approach the crushed form of ahab, picking through the remains for a hint of their plans.
[1d10] Search

"Now then, just what was their plans for the spring? perhaps this one has an answer.."

Roll #1 3 = 3


I take a deep breath and let it out, glancing at Vi long enough to take the herbs. I begin gently applying them to my wounds and nod. "Yeah," I say. Not really sure how convincing it is if I can't even convince myself. "Yeah. I'm fine. Thanks. Plus the plan went off without a hitch."


"Everyone alright?" The stallion asks, leaning over the side of the cliff and looking for the others.


Zunden scooches the corpse out of the way of the log with her staff, letting the tree fall back down slowly after it's been nudged out of the way. She gives the body a glance over to see if it had anything of interest on it, whether it be valuables, notes, or insignia denoting their allegience.
[1d10] search

Zunden turns her head to the loud explosion, "Are you alright Hermodur? Zhat waz a razher alarming noize."

Roll #1 9 = 9


Aegis dismisses her magic, but remains alert, looking around the battlefield for any remaining counscious survivors to interrogate



"I'm fine," Hermodur says as he rubs at his ringing ears. "My shield is more or less destroyed, though…" he says, looking it over.


File: 1597886373117.png (52.97 KB, 585x714, Healing Bonds.png)

Zunden looks to the tree, and remembers how the tomb golem's shield would return every time he threw it with the use of her runes.

"Let me try zomezhing."

>Spending held Return (8) to return the shield to the state it was in moments ago.


There's not much left to go through. Most of his gear was destroyed by the tree.

The medicinal herbs start easing the pain, and accelerating the healing process.
>Norv heals 1 wound

"More or less," she nods. "You did good. Really good. Looks like you've been busy while I was… gone." She looks a bit uncomfortable all of a sudden, and breaks eye contact.

Everyone seems to be alright. A bit roughed up, but nothing serious.

They seem to be Bloody Mummers, from the crossed axes tattoo they all sport. You find a crumpled up note in Ahab's coat pocket, but it seems to be written in some sort of code at first glance.

It works, to a degree. The shield's still battered, and nowhere near as good as it used to be, but it's not completely broken.

You notice one of the nearby bandits stirring, groaning softly as she pulls herself up and starts limping away before anyone can catch her. When she notices eyes on her, she starts hobbling a bit faster with a panicked grunt.


"Ah- Should we, uh, just let her go? She definitely isn't going to be a danger anymore, but… I don't know what you all want."


I softly exhale a tightness in my chest as the wounds close up a little and the pain eases. "Yeah," I say, letting out a quiet chuckle. Still, I don't look up. "I've changed a lot. More confident in my abilities. Learned to do new things, or learned new ways to do things I already knew. You weren't any small part of it, either, you know." I put my dart gun away for now. "You helped me out a lot. Basic combat, but also helped me learn to hide and sneak better. I guess you probably noticed that, though."


Zunden fetches the note from the captain's pocket, "Could azk her to tranzlate zhiz note firzt, zhen I'd heal her and let her be on her way."


"I think that'd be a good idea, actually. No need to rough her up any more than we already have."


I sigh, use another dose of my dwindling sleeper poison to coat a dart, and pull out my dart gun. Taking aim at the retreating bandit, I pull the trigger, shooting her in the back.


"There. She should pass out. Problem solved. Now if there was anyone she could have alerted, she can't."

Roll #1 4 = 4


Aegis fires off an unrefined bolt of ice on the mare's tail, gluing it to the ground ''Stop, we have some questions to ask before you can leave'' She says as she approaches, looking down on the wounded Mummer



Roll #1 1 = 1



"Ah, a note! Perhaps orders from a higher position?"

My attention is drawn to the others finding a survivor. With an avenue of inquiry found, i rush to grab her, wings quickly propelling me up and towards her!
[1d10] Grapple

Roll #1 5 = 5



"Thanks," Hermodur says with a nod as he looks it over again. "It's at least as good as it was before the explosion. How hard would it be to return it to its original state?"


Hermodur swings Mjolnir again, aiming for in front of the fleeing mummer to knock her backwards with the ensuing explosion of force.

[1d10+2] [1d10+2]
>DC-1, take the larger roll

Roll #1 5 + 2 = 7 / Roll #2 3 + 2 = 5


Gawain flies over and lands next to you with a loud clank and a thud. "Let her go, I say," he chimes in. "They can't harm us from here. By the time they can bring reinforcements, we'll be long gone!"

"She might know something useful," Violet

You look over the note. It's written plainly, but reads like gibberish:

Trouble of feathers case in you beak with group a nest take

Hideout our wings of north days talon three spring egg the find chick you'll fly

Himself for peck water that bird of sample a preen wants he perch


The note is signed M, and features the familiar Mummer logo drawn clumsily. For deciphering the note itself, it seems to be cluttered with irrelevant words…

She nods. "You've come a long way since that beach. The Norv I knew wouldn't have done what he just did." She gives you a friendly pat on the back and goes to rejoin the others.

She looks back, yelps slightly, and breaks into a pained sprint. You miss your shot.

Your ice bolt fizzles in midair ineffectively.

You fly up and soar toward her. She lurches to the side at the last minute, kicking up dirt in your face to stop you from following her.

Hermodur's bolt causes a small explosion of dirt, twigs and leaves, sending the bandit stumbling backwards and flat on her ass. Violet and Gawain rush forward to flank her, stopping her from escaping. The bandit growls and starts futilely looking around, eyes darting around the forest for an escape route. It doesn't look like there is one.


''Thank you Master Hermodur. She has been surprisingly slippery… Now'' Aegis approaches the bandit ''You will tell us what you know and what were your ground looking for in this place''



Hermodur nods toward Aegis. He looms over the mummer as Aegis asks the questions, looking intimidating.

>[1d10+2] intimidation

Roll #1 5 + 2 = 7


I put my dart gun away again and join the rest of the group, taking the time to look around the general area for my lost dart. For now I stay out of the interrogation, letting either scarrier or more diplomatic handle her for now.


"Zhat iz a queztion for a zmizh, not myzelf. I have been able to uze ze Return rune to return zhingz to how zhey were momentz ago, but I imagine I'd have to be well ztuddied in runecraft to know how to return zhingz to how zhey were weekz or monzh ago."

Zunden hums and looks over the note, trying to make sense of it.

[1d10] roll cause im low energy and dont wanna figure out irl

Roll #1 5 = 5


Landing to shake my mane and wipe the dirt out of my face, i trot over, annoyance turning to surprise as i see Aegis take the lead.

"It would be wise to cooperate." i chime in "fleeing with injuries like those, you likely won't get far."

[1d10+2] persuasion

Roll #1 1 + 2 = 3


Rabi looks away from the bandit and over to Zunden, cocking his head to the side. "Hmm? Is there something written on it, Zunden? Looks like it, at least."


There's an awful lot of references to birds in the message. They don't seem very relevant.

She scowls at first, kicking to get away, but grimacing in pain at her wounded leg. "I don't have to tell you nothing," she growls. "What do you care? Just finish me and be done with it."

You manage to find the dart.



"The fight is over. There's no reason to kill you," Hermodur speaks up. "You're no threat to us. But, we do have questions. So, you can either walk away having given us the information we need. Or, you can hobble away after I cripple you. Your choice."

[1d10+2] intimidation

Roll #1 3 + 2 = 5


"Aha, it'z backwardz. Zhat wazn't zo bad."

Zunden clears her throat, reading the full mezzage out loud, "Take a group wizh you in caze of trouble. You'll find ze zpring zhree dayz Norzh of our hideout. He wantz a Zample of zhat water for himzelf."

"Zheir hideout iz zhree dayz Zouzth from here, we zhould ze about dizmantling it before continuing."


''That will not be necessary Master Hermodur, this is the perfect opportunity for me to test this properly'' Aegis pulls out the Maiden of Woe from her bag, floating it omniously in sight of the mare with its spiky opening laid bare
''Are you afraid of pain? If you are you should start talking now''


I put the dart away and turn my attention to the adamamtly resisting bandit. I still have the Bileblood venom. That's supposed to hurt like the dickens. I could probably get her to talk if I just- I pause that train of thought and my stomach sinks a little. No. That- that'd be really messed up. What kind of hero would do something like that?

I blanch. What kind of hero would crush three people with a giant log? I continue to stay silent for now.

I nod. "Yeah, probably."


"Well, nice. We're pretty close then, but they sounded a little lost themselves, didn't they?" he asks, cocking his head to the side.

Rabi lets out a nervous whinny, before waving his hooves a bit. "M-Maybe not using that."



"Oh? A Mummer's camp so close to here?"

"I suppose if we have the time for it.. It would make our presence known, leaving the camp in ruins."


"Go ahead," she taunts, "do your worst. I don't even know anything, and even if I did, I'd never talk. Bigger than you have tried to take us down. Do what you will, it won't get you anything." She hocks and spits a bloody gob on Hermodur's clothes.


''Why not? We gave her a chance to say it herself and to let her go, now I will give her the chance to prove her loyalty''
''Very well. Master Hermodur, hold her down for me''



Hermodur doesn't respond to the spit. It only adds to the blood and mess of his outfit. It makes him look more intimidating.

He follows directions and holds her down.

[1d10] if necessary

Roll #1 10 = 10


With the mare properly immobilized, Aegis proceeds to take her blood with the Iron Maiden
''Now, you will tell us everything you know. The name of who you work for, what do they want the spring water for and where exactly your hideout is''


Hermodur pins her down, immobilizing the bandit. Gawain looks uncomfortable. "Is this really necessary?" he asks. "We got the note from Zunden, I don't see why we should…" Violet frowns. "What… what are you two doing?"

The bandit rolls her eyes at the maiden. "What, you going to poke me to death? I told you, no one ever tells me nothing. Ahab just led us all out to the middle of nowhere. Now quit messing around and let me go, you pricks." She struggles uselessly.



"I'm sure you're telling the truth. At this point, I'm just doing this because you spat on me."


Aegis just silently waits, cold eyes locked on the mare's face as she closed the maiden


I rub my eyes and shake my head. Without saying anything else, I walk away so I don't have to watch this.


Rabi tilts his head to the side, and frowns. "That doesn't really sound… hrm. You just kind of follow along blindly? Whatever works, I guess."


"Why should I care about the details, long as I'm getting paid," she smirks. "Where do you think we are, mate."

"Yeah? Have another." She spits again.

You hear a low throbbing sound as Aegis closes the maiden. It starts to pulse in her hoof like a beating heart, the cracks on its surface glowing red and black. The bandit hisses sharply and tenses up, groaning in pain and kicking frantically. The groan turns into a scream of abject pain that echoes through the forest, startling some nearby birds.

Gawain looks deeply disturbed. "That's barbaric! Stop it at once!" he demands. Violet looks like she's going to be sick.


"Zhat iz enough, Aegiz. We know where zheir camp iz, zhere iz no reazon to torture her for informazion zhat izn't needed." Zunden says sternly.


Aegis stays put, and waits a second or two longer before she opens the Maiden, releasing the mare from torment
''How about now? Will you speak?''
''There is no information that isnt needed'' the crystal mare spares Zunden a glance



"I do also have business with her, anyway. I need to know where a stolen shipment of a rare metal went."


A-Aegis, cut it out!" the stallion shouts, letting out a disturbed whinny. "We had what we needed, didn't we?"


I watch with interest as the maiden activates, seeing the bandit writhe in pain from the magic taking hold.

"Goodness.. what a torturous trinket. I had seen it before but never while active."


''Not yet Master Rabi. Do not give her undeserved sympathy, she would not do the same for you. Steel your heart to it''


Finally, I turn to Aegis. "Alright, Aegis, Z is right. Stop. We know where their base is. That's all we really need if we're going to do anything. What kind of information are you even trying to get from her?"


''Were you not listening Master Norvegicus? I want to know their leader, who they are, what do they want the water for, and Master Hermodur wants to know something as well. This is necessary''


"Is it really? We're going to go deal with them after this. Same result with less boundary crossing. This is really messed up, Aegis."


You hear faint, deep whispering as the maiden opens. She doesn't answer you for a while, heaving with shuddering raspy breaths. "…I… I swear, I don't know anything. We were just told to follow Ahab. I heard something about a spring, but that's it. Gods, what the hell did you…?"

"We must be better than this," Gawain says darkly. Violet just stares in disbelief, shaking her head slightly.

"We know most of that already!" Violet points out, her voice trembling slightly. "We…. You can't do this. Give that to me. We have to get rid of it." She takes a step toward Aegis firmly.

She looks over to you wearily. "What, is that what this is about? You're really determined to get those rocks back, cat."



"I will perzonally dizenchant ze artifact if you continue to uze it in zhiz way, Aegiz Glaze. Ceaze at onze." Zunden says, visibly preparing a spell.

>Bask: Snare



"Oh. Wow. I'm surprised you actually know something," Hermodur says genuinely, but in a dry tone.


"No one has any objections to crippling, yes? I mean, I've already done it before."


''I take no pleasure from this, but if we want to end Lysander, we might need to get used to fighting on his level. Using whatever means necessary and taking any possible advantage we can get. This is a sample of what we might have to face''
''…I see'' Aegis puts away the maiden, turning to Gawain ''This is not about being better or worse Master Gawain. I will personally take any measure needed to save this realm and the Domain from Lysander and the Cuckoo. Her suffering means nothing compared to the existence of all we know''
Then to Violet ''No'' She says simply, keeping the maiden well hidden in her bag
''Very well. Now that I know if works properly, I will save it as a last resort. Do what you want with her and lets move on''


She's right. "You're wrong. We're better than him and can keep being better than him. This? This isn't right."

"Are you serious? Just leave her alone. We took care of this already. It's done. We know what we need to know. Let's move on and get what we came here for."


"A fascinating item you've found, Aegis. As morally dubious as it is, it's effectiveness isn't without merit, though perhaps we should save it for a more.. connected target."

"There is the alternative of Zunden healing her, though the concern of her warning the other mummers of our coming is something to make note of."

"It is up to your discretion otherwise, Hermodur."

"Right then.. I suppose we should check the compass for the location of this camp, Hmm? Making our presence known by clearing them out would only benefit our plans."



"I still need to know where they took the ore. And, she's actually indicated she knows where it is. This isn't pointless," Hermodur says to Norv. "And, you haven't had any objection the other times I did this."

"And, her warning her allies is a concern regardless of what I do," Hermodur addresses Silver.


"Only that it happened. What, you want to talk to my boss or something? He's right over there." She points at the fallen tree.

"W-we've spilled enough blood here already," says Violet with a haunted expression. Gawain simply shakes his head in disapproval.

"We don't do this," Violet says firmly. She doesn't back down. "We're not highwaymen. We can't go around torturing people. By all rights we shouldn't even be attacking these bandits unless we have to. I don't know who you think you are, but the friends I knew would never stoop to torture. You either play by our rules or you leave."

"Why get involved?" says Violet. "This isn't what we're here for. Trust me, we don't want to go pissing off the Mummers any more than we already have. We've got other fish to fry. Let's… let's just keep searching for this Spring and move on…" She looks exhausted all of a sudden.


''Last time you were better than him you've let him escape, and now there is a real chance our world will at the mercy of a tyrant at best, and cease to exist at worst. You can think what you want of me Master Hermodur, but I will not play the saint. If our salvation will be mounted on my sins then so be it''
''Yes, half of this was a taste to ensure its effectiveness, and it escalated much faster than I expected''
''We? I thought you werent one of us anymore Violet'' Aegis remains motionless, giving Violet an empty look ''I was never your friend, even before you've lost your memory. My purpose here is for us to work together and save the realms, the bonding can come later''


"Hmm.. I suppose you have a point. The mummers here are evidence enough that we were here. If our goal was to lead Lysander along, destroying an entire camp may be overkill.."

"Very well." i reply, nodding. "Let us continue on to the spring. I had been curious to see if i could synthesize something from the waters there, and we've done enough to leave proof for now."


My jaw locks. I haven't? Most of the times I remember seeing him do this he never made it to actually injuring anyone. But this- I just swallow.

"We need to go. The dart I fired at her was laced with sleeper poison. We could have avoided this, and she wouldn't be able to report back to anyone until well after we're done. What are we going to do? Going around slitting all the throats of the ones still living?"



"Very well, then. At least now I know it's in some Mummer base in the area. I'm sure I'll find it eventually. Thank you for your cooperation," Hermodur says to the Mummer, paying her no more mind.


"They can do what they want," Hermodur waves a dismissive hand. "More Mummers coming after us just means more dead Mummers. Does the world a favor."


Rabi shakes himself out a little and sighs, before getting up to go.


She gives you a scathing look. "Yeah, I don't think anyone can really call you friend, huh. I dunno what your major malfunction is."

"How are you so confident?" Violet asks warily. "We're not invincible. This is a dangerous organization we're crossing."

She squirms loose and hobbles off as Hermodur frees her, giving Aegis a hateful look. "Bloody rockheart," she spits, and hobbles off into the wilderness. Gawain winces a little at the racially charged insult.

As Norv mentions the other bandits, you look around. Many are dead, but many more are starting to come to, though in no state to escape any time soon. Gawain looks eager to get going, quietly disturbed by everything that's transpired. "Hm. Where does the compass lead?" he asks Norv.
>roll Navigation


Aegis says nothing to Violet and carries on with the group

Roll #1 4 = 4



"Lysander is more dangerous," is all Hermodur has to say to Violet.


Roll #1 6 = 6


Zunden keeps a side eye at Aurora, venturing forward cautiously.
[1d10] nav

Roll #1 9 = 9


with the bandit troubles behind us, i do my best to keep up as we progress towards the spring.

[1d10] Navigation

Roll #1 2 = 2


"Right." I look down at the compass and point everyone else in the right direction. "This way."


Roll #1 5 = 5


>Navigation [1d10]
"Onwards to the spring, then."

Roll #1 4 = 4


"That doesn't mean we shouldn't be worried about pissing them off. We have enough on our plate as is."

You press onward. You get lost again for a little while, but Zunden and Hermodur manage to eventually carve a path forward. It takes a few more hours or so, but eventually, you come to what you can only assume is the right place.

You stand facing what must have once been a pond, but has mysteriously gone dry. It's as if all the water from this muddy crater has been sucked out in one go. The crater is surrounded by exotic flowers and endemic silver trees. Nearby, on a nearly forgotten path, is a hand-carved sign:

The Dreaming Spring

Drink, gentle stranger, and be welcome.

Those of evil will, beware.

Violet blinks at the rather unimpressive sight. "Is… is this the right place?" She looks over to the compass, which is indeed pointing right at the muddy pit. Gawain looks around in utter bewilderment; it's as if a giant question mark has appeared over his head. "I expected something a bit more grandiose from the name. If this is the Dreaming Spring, then where's all the water? I don't understand…"


"Looks like someone stole it. Pumped it or something." I squat and look down into the hole. "Guess it's a good thing we weren't here for the water, because this is pretty bad. Especially if -and I really hate to keep assuming it was him. Seems like we can't go two paragraphs without sayin his damn name.- especially if it was Lysander who has it. Stuff is a really strong spying tool, I imagine."


"Might just be paranoia, though. Think we should go down and check it out?"


Glaring at the empty crater, i lean over the edge to look into the now empty pool

[1d10] perception

"Really now, the entire pool is missing? There must be some hint of what happened, right? Surely It couldn't have simply evaporated.."

Roll #1 10 = 10


"I ztill wonder if one needz to rezt near it in order to zee ze water, even if it'z a longzhot…"
"…Do you zhink projecting yourzelf would allow yourzelf to zee zuch an effect, if zhat were ze caze?"


"Hmm.. would he really go to such lengths to find us? Quite the shame, really. I was so looking forward to taking a sample for my potioncraft.."



"They're too disorganized to come at us in force any time soon. Which means they'll keep harassing us in smaller numbers. Which is exactly what we want," Hermodur responds to Violet.


Hermodur stares at the empty spring with a forlorn expression. He secret harbored great hopes for this place. He takes out his own vial and holds it aloft in front of him. He stares at it pensively.

Then, he puts it away and looks toward the others. "Rather than asking the compass to bring us to the Dreaming Spring, ask it to bring us to Dreaming Spring Water," he suggests.


"Hmm? Yeah, I could try that." the stallion says, looking at the muddy
'spring' and frowning. "I'd been wondering if you had to be asleep or something to see it, anyways. Can't hurt to try, right?" he suggests, settling down on the ground to focus.
>Astral Projection


"I imagine we're not his only enemies. Like I said, even if not aimed at us it's probably a valuable spying tool."

"I can try, but I'm not really sure that's specific enough. This stuff is probably everywhere."

I look down at the compass and try to make it find the water that was in the spring.


"How could he do that?" Violet wonders. "As in literally. It doesn't seem physically possible…" Gawain just looks around, gesturing slightly in confusion. "Hm… Well, if this really was fruitless, maybe we should signal our friend Etrigan to pick us up from here…"

You look in, and tap the mud to be sure. There's really nothing there. It's like the whole spring just… evaporated.

Looking towards the center of the muddy hole, you can see something bubbling. But it's not water. It almost looks like… tar?

"I wouldn't get so confident. We don't know what they're truly capable of. If they decide we're a real threat, they'd make our lives a living hell."

The needle spins wildly as you change its desire, pointing at nothing in particular.

You both start getting a sort of tingling feeling of ineffable dread. Something's very wrong here. And it's not just the dried up spring.

You sit down and project. You have the now customary vision of Elaina. This one is nothing too unique; it seems to be a memory of her as a young kit, reading on her own. She seems to be locked in the library, wherever she is.

You pass into the Astral Plane. Nothing changes, but you get a sudden terrible feeling looking out at the mud. An icy, overwhelming wave of dread sweeps over you, rooting you in place and sending chilly blasts up your spine. You've only felt this sort of abject horror once before. In the presence of the Oneiromancer.


"Ah, that could work! Though we've no way to tell the distance from us with the compass' needle. It could be the next clearing over or a month's journey for all we know.."

squinting into the crater's bottom, i get back onto my hooves and begin navigating the crater's edge towards the dark liquid.

"I think i see something within the crater. Perhaps a remnant of the pool?"


Rabi doesn't have much time to think on the mmory he's shown before the unsettling, cold presence puts him on edge. The stallion whinnies nervously (possibly in his normal body, too), before taking a look around him. Is he here? Am I alone? [1d10]

Roll #1 8 = 8



Hermodur grows very still and very silent.


"Not fruitless," I remind him. "We still gotta grab the flowers. That was part of the reason we came."

"Yeah. That's what I thought. No dice. Ain't specific enough."


Zunden tries to sense what could be causing this dread [1d10]

Roll #1 2 = 2


''What kind of flowers will be needed?''


His presence begins to coalesce in the center of the mud crater. He's here.


>End Astral Projection
Rabi wakes with a start, and lets out a panicked whinny. "I-It's the oneiromancer! He's in the mud, I can feel him!"


''Here? Right now?''
Aegis questions as she readily starts amassing magic bolts
'1d10' homing magic, ice

Roll #1 5 = 5



Zunden immediately takes to carving a Severance ruin into the earth with her staff, invoking the power of the tarot as not to treat the Oneiromancer as an idle threat.


[10] Severance


"Pretty sure, yeah! I can feel him… forming? In the mud, or something!"


The tar in the center begins to spread at an alarming rate as Silver investigates. It doesn't seem to obey the rules of physics, spreading out almost like a spider web in a time lapse, quickly beginning to cover the entirety of the spring. Gawain's eyes widen and he mutters a prayer under his breath. Violet starts backing away. "I think we should leave. Now."

You carve a rune into the earth. It holds fast amidst everything.


Hearing Rabi's warning and seeing the tar rapidly spread from the center, i quickly take flight to avoid making contact!

"What? He's here?!"


Aegis dismisses her magic and quietly turns around to flee



Hermodur waits for the others to leave and quickly follows behind them.


"Black Lily." I take a look around for the flowers. "I don't remember how many, but I imagine they're literally lilies that are black."

"No," I mumble. "Shit. Not good. I still need to-" I stay behind, frantically looking for the specific flowers.



Roll #1 10 = 10


Watching Norv head towards the corruption, Zunden continues to carve Severance ruins to try and prevent the Onieromancer's taint from reaching him.

[1d10] Severance

Roll #1 9 = 9


"Etrigan, we need the ship, quickly! The Oniromancer is here!" i call out mentally, hoping he's nearby


"Yeah. Let's get out of here, for now." the stallion says, picking himself up and scrabbling off.


Zunden's rune protects Norv as he quickly spots a large, black, six petaled flower growing nearby.

Wh-? What?! W-we're on the way! I can sense you. Gods… He's here…

You turn around. He's there.


A monstrous elk, roughly shaped like Etrigan's body, antlers dripping with black ichor, draped in a cloak of shadows. In one hoof, he holds what can only be described as a black hole in reality, bleeding black. Where the eyes once were are lipless mouths, filled with gnashing teeth. He towers over you all, larger than ever before, almost double the size of Hermodur.

He doesn't speak a word, nor does he move, simply standing amidst the rapidly spreading corruption, still as a statue. Walls rise from the tar behind you, blocking off escape in that direction.

At this point the tar's spreading to the trees. They seem to be swallowed up by it, sinking into the blackness and leaving nothing but a flat plain of black in its wake. Zunden's Severance rune is all that is protecting you from it, but it doesn't seem like it will hold very long. You are in a bubble of normality amidst the void.


File: 1598487990948.png (52.99 KB, 585x714, Healing Bonds.png)

"We leave when able, it iz not our fate to fight him on zhiz day." Zunden shouts over the chaos, trying to slowly cut her way through the darkness with Severance runes while preparing more during the process.

>Held Severance rune (7) to sever the Oneiromancer's influence a small distance back.

[1d10+1] Severance rune to replace (frozen)

Roll #1 6 + 1 = 7


"Not hearing any complaints from me!" the stallion whinnies out, backing away. He readies an arrow of light in his magic bow, ready to fling it just in case.


''If we are not fighting then what will we do Zunden?'' Aegis says, looking characteristically calm despite the situation, and summoning orbs of ice, despite the suggestion of not fighting
'1d10' homing magic, ice

Roll #1 7 = 7


I grab the flower and quickly tuck it away. "Got it!" I shout, sprinting back over to everyone else.

I pull my sprayer, slam an oil canister into it, and use the spyglass to light the wick. "Not really any clue what to do here, anyway." I swallow. "ETA on our ride?" I both say out loud and think at Etrigan.


"When able, Aegiz Glaze. Prevent it'z zpread to uz if we can."



Still runnan.

Not to be confused with rune-an.


''Lets see if my magic will be effective then''



Reality is what I make of it!

>I also have a severance charm [1d10]

Roll #1 9 = 9


You create a small bubble of Severance, but it gets snuffed in a matter of seconds.

You summon two orbs of crystalline magic.

He seems to falter as he speaks in your head, slurring his words. I'm… Tryyyying to figure out wheeere you are… It's all sssso… Daaaark…

You try to push through the black tar, invoking the Severance charm. It seems to work, to an extent. You manage to carve a hole in the wall of blackness, like waves parting to let you through. It'll only be a matter of seconds before they reseal, but it might be enough to be able to flee…

You have what is owed.

Severance, severance.

Scriniarii does not realize her potential.

The alicorn. Who is the alicorn.

A burning house.

A knife, a vial, and an unwitting lover.

The false dragon bitten by the purple snake.

Who is the alicorn.

You are but a thought.

Inferior sister.

Your unconscionable cowardice.

Climb the steps again.

His words seem fractured, like a voice bouncing between a thousand different thoughts at once. They seem to worm their way into your own minds. It's like your brains are being pierced by a hundred hooks, scrounging about in your heads for any information. Gawain sinks to his knees, while Violet struggles to breathe, frozen in fear.
>everyone takes 2 hits
>roll to resist, instant action

I… I caaaan't see you… I don't see anythinnnng anymore… Wheeeere…. Whereeee?… Etrigan seems to be struggling to speak, and unable to find you.

The Oneiromancer seems to draw closer, and yet further. The bubble is about to give way.


Aegis stands perfectly still, reinforcing the walls of her mind to deny the Oneiromancer's influence as she fires off a blast of ice shards to freeze its physical form
'2d10' magic bolt
'1d10+2' resist

Roll #1 5, 7 = 12 / Roll #2 10 + 2 = 12



Only for the briefest of instants does Hermodur consider calling out to the others. But, there's no time, and he'll be of more use outside of this effect than in it.

[1d10] to escape
[1d10] to resist also

Roll #1 9 = 9 / Roll #2 1 = 1


Rabi lets out a pained grunt, hunkering over and trying to fend off the worst of it.
>Resist: [1d10+1]
Hoping it'll do something, the stallion looses his arrow of light at the Oneiromances.
>Magic Bow (Light Element): [1d10+2]
>Popping Frozen Light for a +1 to the Resistance roll!

Roll #1 9 + 1 = 10 / Roll #2 6 + 2 = 8


>free action resist [1d10]
"We're right HERE"

Zunden holds up her ring, flinching and invoking The Devil to have light pierce through the darkness.

>Invoking The Devil, instant auto, setting next roll as 10

>lash: spell, recharge 3; Emit a burst of magical energy, attuned to Light. Affects enemies all around you, but does not deal damage unless on crit, instead debuffing them with the effects of the Light element. (The target is momentarily blinded, suffering +1 DC to all rolls on its next turn, or +2 on a crit. This damage type deals twice as many hits versus undead enemies. Radiant spells can be used to illuminate the environment, providing a dazzling light source.)


Roll #1 6 = 6


I clench my jaw and barely keep my eyes open at it feels like my brain is being torn apart. I let out a cry of both pain and determination, and, noticing everyone around me trying to defend themselves, I aim the flaming nozzle and pull the trigger.


Roll #1 10 = 10 / Roll #2 7 = 7


Receiving a brief hoofhold on reality as Zunden's rune flares, i grit my teeth and struggle against the pain of the oniromancer magic!
[1d10] resist

with some effort, i try to follow the others as we begin our escape

[1d10] escape

Roll #1 6 = 6 / Roll #2 8 = 8


Your hand starts to pulsate. …No. Not a hand. It's just metal and wood now. But it burns all the same…

You push through, standing in a little bubble amidst the unreal. The Oneiromancer does not seem to be interested in snuffing it out. It's as if he's intrigued by your will to keep fighting, tWho


>Hermodur takes 2 hits

You manage to close yourself off to his influence. You unleash an ice blast, but it's like trying to attack the absence of light.

You shrug off the mental attack and fire your arrow. It fizzles against the blackness.

Oh, it's this old stick-in-the-mud. Next time you're available you should hit me up so we can gossip about him. Wink wink, nudge nudge!

You thrust your fist upward, firing off a beam of light that seems to pierce the clouds. For the briefest of moments, the dark that covers everything here is dispelled, letting your signal reach the heavens.

You fire your flamethrower. A powerful roar of flame carves a path through the shadow, giving yourselves more room to move, but the Oneiromancer himself is unaffected. He tilts his head slightly.

She is dead, then.

>Norv takes 2 hits

You try to shrug off the attack, but to no avail. It feels like he's trying to find something in particular amidst your memories…

You cannot hide what you are.

>Silver takes 2 hits

Iiii… see… yoooou… It sounds like Etrigan is in agony.

I see your mind.

You could not save them.

He stands on the swaying bridge with a crow on his shoulder.


You are monstrous existence.

Don't jump.

Are you alright? Those monsters can be quite deadly. Count your blessings you ran into just the one, for now.

Another hole.

You are further out to sea than you can know.

You hear the movement of a huge, unseen shape above. A familiar rope seems to snake from the heavens, offering you to grab hold!

The bubble bursts. The shadows seem to cling to your feet, snaking upwards. Suddenly, you feel yourselves being physically ensnared, being dragged downwards into the abyss. You see eyes and brains and viscera bubbling to the top of the tar. Nothing but flesh and organs.
>roll to escape


I scream bloody murder as I snuff the flame on my sprayer and make a mad dash at the rope.


Roll #1 2 + 1 = 3


Zunden holds fast, pulling for the Whale Ale in her bag and drinking to improve her strength momentarily.

>WHALE ALE [A bottle of a wondrous brew, resembling ale in color, flavor and texture. When imbibed, it gives the user incredible strength and resilience, if only momentarily. Each bottle holds enough ale to be consumed six times.]

[1d10] +whatever

Roll #1 9 = 9



Hermodur grunts in frustrated struggle as he grabs the rope to climb up.

[1d10] to escape

Roll #1 2 = 2


'Hm. That didnt seem to work'' Aegis states blankly to herself before noticing the rope, then the shadows. She fires off the magic she was holding on to to try and freeze the shadowy tendrils off Her and Rabi while struggling trying to escape them
'1d10+2' homing magic at shadows near self
'1d10+2' homing magic at the shadows near rabi
'1d10+2' escape

Roll #1 3 + 2 = 5 / Roll #2 4 + 2 = 6 / Roll #3 5 + 2 = 7


Rabi grits his teeth and tries to drag himself free- his arrow did little to nothing, so the most he can do now is try to escape.
>Escape: [1d10]

Roll #1 4 = 4


staggering as the magic rips through my mind, i reach into my bag to pull the cork on my share of Whale Ale, throwing back the drink and using the newfound strength to hurl myself onto the dangling ladder!
>Whale Ale
[1d10] Leaping escape

Roll #1 1 = 1


>Whale Ale: +3


You try to grab the rope, but to no avail. You sink into the black liquid. Bloated organs and tar fill your nose and throats as you are dragged down into oblivion…


You find yourselves jolting awake. The three of you are on the deck of the ship, somehow. The other half of the party join you, shimmying up the rope.

You lunge for the rope, grabbing a hold and pulling yourselves up by sheer determination. Looking back for a brief moment, you see the blackness receding, with the Oneiromancer as its epicenter. He does nothing but look upwards at you, making no effort to pursue you further. It's almost as if he's letting you go.

As you haul yourselves up on deck, you find the half of the party that weren't so lucky. They seem unharmed; they're there in front of you, without a scratch on them. No sign of Etrigan, or anyone else from the group, save for Violet and Gawain, who follow you up.

Gawain almost collapses as he reaches the deck, hitting the floor with a clatter of armor. He seems exhausted from the ordeal. "In all my years… Never have I seen something so fell…"

"What was that thing?" Violet asks, trembling slightly. She does a double take as she sees the half that didn't manage to escape already there ahead of everyone else. "…How did you…?"


Aegis conjures up another set of magic orbs once up on the deck with the others ''This is no doubt a trick from Him. An illusion? Mind control? Corruption? I will find out'' Aegis says, ignoring the lack of Etrigan and threatening Silver, Norv and Hermodur with magic


Out of the immediate danger, Zunden's stalwartness quickly fades to paranoia once again, "We're not out of it, Etrigan waz affected, ze Oneiromanzer can acczezz ze zhip at will, we're not zafe on zhiz vezzel. We eazily could very well not be awake right now, and anyzhing we're doing iz falzehood."

"Rabi, if you could find ze carpet, I wizh to get off ze zhip az fazt az pozzible."


My stomach sinks as what just happened sudenly seems very familiar. After a hard gulp I reach into my pocket. "He knows," I say. "There's no way he doesn't. Something bad is gonna happen as soon as one of the three of us gets near the Beldam. I can feel it."


Rabi grabs ahold of the rope and pulls himself up, before letting out a panicked whinny as he realizes Silver didn't make it!

Rabi lets out a soft wheeze as he pulls himself about, before looking to Gawain and Violet. "I-It's… awful. Horrible, is what it is."

"S-Silver! Y-You're… you're here!" he shouts, wrapping her up in a hug.

"Hmm? What, this is… oh. Well, let me go look. Are we all us?"
>Search: [1d10]

Roll #1 10 = 10



Hope fades as i fail to catch the rope, drowning in the tar as i flounder against the rising tide..

..Only to wake wide-eyed on the ship's deck.

After a moment, the panic crashes away into exhaustion and i slump wordlessly into Rabi's grip as he races over to grab me.



Upon suddenly arriving at the boat unharmed, Hermodur first checks that he still has his Dreaming Spring vial. Upon confirming it is or isn't there, he checks his body for any signs of corruption like the one that used to be on his hand.


''I dont think so Zunden. I feel perfectly awake and out of his influence. Not once did he lay a finger in my mind. The Oneiromancer cannot touch me, but I cannot say the same about the others''


If it's an illusion, it's extremely realistic. Violet looks alarmed as you summon magic. "Whoa, calm down. Let's just figure this out before we go blasting anyone, yeah?"

Violet looks at you, fraught with worry. "You know this for a fact? M-maybe there's another way… Surely some sort of protection exists against that… thing…"

Gawain speaks up, swallowing. He looks spooked beyond belief. "Perhaps we could… plan around this? We were speaking earlier of setting a diversion for Lysander. Perhaps the same could be done for this entity that stalks us…"

You look around. Everything seems to be real. Or at least real enough. This doesn't seem to be some illusion of his.

It's there alright. He didn't take it. You don't have any spots of corruption on you either. In fact, everyone seems unscathed by the encounter.

You hear movement from the lower deck. Before long, the others are coming out to check on you. Dawn, Aurora and Marisol emerge, looking various degrees of concerned, frightened and wary. Etrigan brings up the rear, looking extremely shaken. Even Ganzen pokes his head out, trotting over to Zunden.

Aurora rushes to Zunden's side, putting her arm around her shoulder. "Are you… are you guys okay?"

"What happened down there?" Dawn asks, her voice trembling. "Was it really him?…"

Marisol moves over to Hermodur. "Are you hurt?" she asks, looking him over with concern. She offers to help him up. "Anything I can do to help?"

Etrigan says nothing at first. "I thought we were rid of him," he whispers to himself. "Gods damn it all… What have we done?…"


''I know, I am just being preemptive. Actually I think I have an idea''
Aegis opens up her bag and pulls out the bell of revealing, holding it up with a magical grip and letting it ring out


"It's okay. I've got you. You're here." the stallion says quickly, stroking the mare's mane a little bit and holding her tight.

"I, ah, I don't know what we've done. We might just need to… just need to put some space between us and here. The water wasn't even there anymore."


"I-i don't know, I don't zhink any of zhiz iz right. I need zpaze and I need time to zhink." Zunden says, growing incredibly tense when Aurora touches her, not pulling away but gripping her staff so tight the blood drains from her claw.


"Yeah. Maybe." I swallow. "We're going to have to. It's him we're trying to keep the egg from, even more than Lysander."

I swallow and talk at Etrigan without looking up at him. "You can't get rid of a bedbug infestation by throwing out the mattress. That's all we did. Threw out the mattress. We never got rid of him. Not completely."


"It… it feels real enough. Looks real enough. Maybe I could try projecting again, and looking for that feeling again?"



A wave of relief rushes over Hermodur.

When Marisol offers to help him up, he gets up of his own accord. "I'm fine," he says. "I hate that demonic… thing…"

"Why did it just dump us here? What is it planning?"


"What does that do?"


My hand twitches and I feel a twinge of annoyance. Why are most of them focusing so hard on the water. "We weren't. There. For. The. Water. The water was going to be a bonus." I reach into my belongings and pull out the black lily. "We were there for this."



"The oniromancer.. He found what he sought from our minds.." i mutter into Rabi's shoulder.

"We musn't stay, i've no idea what he plans to do but we must leave while we can."


''It reveals what is hidden. Its what I used to reveal the demon that was possesing me back in the City of tears''


"I know. It was just an observation, relax."

"Right. It might not be worth hanging around here."


You ring the bell. Nothing happens.

Etrigan nods glumly. "It… wasn't there?…" Dawn echoes, confused. "What do you mean?…"

Aurora jerks away in surprise as you tense up. "Zunden…" She's not sure what to say. "I… I'll bring you some tea, if you like."

"I don't think we can." Etrigan looks shaken.

"He was looking for something," says Etrigan. "He was in my mind too. But it was different this time… He wasn't… He wasn't like before. He was… chaotic. Angry. He was trying to destroy me…"

Dawn looks up at Etrigan with concern. "The ship almost crashed while he fought him off. We're all lucky to be alive."

Aurora breathes a slight sigh of relief. "The lily. That's one of three things, right? So it wasn't all bad."

"At what cost, though," Dawn muses. "We need to talk to Black Pudding. As soon as possible. Surely he must realize what's at stake. The sooner we find him, the sooner we can be rid of this burden."

"…Should we stay the course, then?" Etrigan asks, as the ship starts moving again. "Keep heading west in search of Black Pudding? Or should we do something else?"

"Whatever we do, we can't stay here. Not after… that." Dawn's ears twitch nervously.


I take a deep breath, put the flower back away, and relax a little. "Yeah. Sorry. Just- just a little tense is all. I almost didn't even get the flower." And I'm pretty sure I just killed three people earlier without batting an eye, but I don't say that part out loud.


"Well, I'm not sure- when we got there, the spring was dry." He gestures to Norvegicus. "While he was grabbing the flower, I decided to project to see what'd become of the water. The dry spring started to fill with tar a little after that."


"We go to Braildorn to find Black Pudding," I say, mater-of-factly. "You guys don't have to if you don't want. You can just drop me off, but it's what I'm doing. I'll sneak into The Downs. Pay a visit to Carnifex's place. She'll probably know how to contact him, and he was supposed to be in Braildorn anyway, right? We just need the eyes and her skull. I know where to find both."


''Agreed. If there is someone who can help with this its certainly Black Pudding, although I do also fear for his safety, but I'm sure he has set up defenses of his own against the Oneiromancer''



"If we can't get more Dreaming Spring Water, what good is it to go to Black Pudding? We can't use the Lady of the Swamp anyway," Hermodur says, completely unsure of what to call the spirit they encountered so long ago.


I just tense up, stare at him, and shake my head. "Almost nobody listens to anything I say. Why do I even bother?" I turn around and head back to my room. Whatever. It doesn't matter. I know what I need to do, and I'll do it.


"He must have… drained it. Taken its power for himself…" Dawn looks pale and tight-faced.

"Is that even possible?" Marisol asks in disbelief.

"It's not supposed to be."

Marisol almost chokes on the swig of water she's drinking. "Braildorn itself? I shouldn't have to tell you how bad of an idea that is. The last thing we want after what just happened is to split up the group. We can go west, outside of Grosvenor's sphere of influence. That's where Black Pudding was last headed. But Braildorn is a death sentence. We can't risk anyone being captured or worse. Not in there."

"We don't need the water, we need his help," Marisol points out. "Aegis has the right idea. He's one of the most powerful warlocks in the Echoes. With what we're up against, we're going to need him. Petty squabbles with this swamp spirit be damned."


"You have other leads, then? I do have some dreamwater. It's a little different. Diluted or something, I think. I can try to use it to hone in on Black Pudding, but if it doesn't work then Braildorn is all we have. The water might not even be a good idea with-" I gesture vaguely toward where the dreaming spring was. "Him. And with what just happened."



"I'm confused…" is all Hermodur has to say in response.


"If we're abandoning the swamp spirit idea, then sure," Hermodur says distractedly.

As he speaks, he finds himself once again pulling out the vial of Dreaming Spring water to stare at it. Before he knows what he's doing, he's staring at its contents.

He grows concerned. What if this water is somehow contaminated? How will he be able to see Ailuros… if she's even alive? That thought lingers with him. IS she alive?

"Why was he so interested in Ailuros…?" he finds himself asking out loud to no one in particular.



A veil of unease hangs over your crew as you depart, making your way further to the south-west, towards Braildorn. Nothing out of the ordinary seems to happen, despite the circumstances, further building doubt and discomfort.

Gawain busies himself with keeping everyone well fed, making a hearty moussaka dish for dinner. He seems to be doing his best to keep spirits up.

Violet seems to be keeping to herself, shaken by the events that transpired. She has a long talk with Dawn to be properly kept up to speed on what she witnessed. She seems to have a better grasp of the stakes.

Aurora and Marisol keep themselves occupied by playing a few games of chess. Both seem to be quite good at it. They too are trying to distract themselves and not succumb to paranoia.

Etrigan keeps the ship steady, and in the meantime, starts doing some reading, parsing the book Norv found for him. He seems to struggle with the concepts presented.

Two days go past without incident, and your sleep is restless and uneasy. You are plagued with bad dreams, albeit not of the supernatural kind, rather brought about by the general tension on board.

On the third day, you spot some points of interest:

There is another Sanctuary ship nearby. Not one you've seen before either; it seems smaller than yours, less grand. Very practically built. They seem to have noticed you, but are not hostile; rather, they raise a maroon flag, and you see two tiny bipedal figures on the deck waving at you, trying to get your attention.

Below, you see a small, isolated little hamlet, situated near a river. It looks like a pleasant place to stop for a spell, far removed from most of the outside world. Its inhabitants go about their daily routines, looking like ants from where you are. A couple of them notice your ship and look up in curiosity.

Far ahead, you see a mountaintop, with some sort of tower built at its summit. It seems to be on fire, either being burned down or acting as a signal beacon for… something. It's too far to be able to make out any details right now.

Your companions gather and weigh in on the situation:

Etrigan: "Hmm. I don't recognize that ship. We should be cautious. They could be agents of Lysander."

Violet: "They don't seem hostile… Maybe we should check them out, see what they want from us. Maybe they're in danger."

Aurora: "I kind of want to go to that village, if we can. It'd be good to stretch our legs a bit, given everything that's… that's happened."

Dawn: "We have our mission. We shouldn't let ourselves get distracted. I say we ignore everything and press on."

Gawain: "Hm. Hmm. I wonder what's going on over on the mountain yonder? It intrigues me. We could fly over and take a closer look…"

Marisol: "I agree with Dawn. Let's keep moving and not get distracted. You never know who could turn out to be our enemy."



"Agreed on the count that the only two things which should distract us are potential enemies and people who are immediately in danger. It's difficult to say that that ship presents either scenario."


Rabi stretches out a little bit and takes a look over the side towards the hamlet, before shrugging a little bit. "I dunno. Taking a moment to stretch our legs and, you know… not be on a boat'd be fantastic. It's just hard to say what's safe. How are we doing on supplies? If we're not in the best spot the hamlet could be a decent bet, and after that we could fly a little closer to the… is that a beacon? A tower?"


Aegis spends the days offering to practise swordsmanship with Aurora and Gawain, to keep both their skills and wits sharp. As well as training with Dawn in the magic arts

She has not made any attempts to further justify her previous actions with anyone

''We move on. Once we are finished with the Egg we'll have all the time we want to help the common folk if you wish. We must remain focused on the big picture


I lean on the edge of the ship and scan the horizon. "I agree with Dawn," I say. "We can send our Raven harbenger to greet those guys, if we really want to." I pull out my spyglass and try to get a better look at them. "A short echange is one thing, but we really ought not stay anywhere for too long."


Zunden has finally moved her pillows and blankets into a spare room, and has exited for two meals a day, otherwise etching rune after rune into the walls, trying to prevent scrying throughout the ship as to prepare it to be the final resting place of the Egg.

Having left upon hearing a good deal of discussion outside, Zunden weighs in, "We know what happened ze lazt time we ztopped for zomezhing we azzumed would juzt be a zimple ztop for reagentz, we zhould not diztracted ourzelvez any longer. Let uz be done wizh zhiz buzinezz onze and for all."


''The Harbinger wont work unless you know their names, Master Norvegicus'' Aegis chips in


"Ack- well, fair enough. We can always come by here again, later."


You take a closer look through the spyglass. It's a pair of very familiar merchants. Since when do they own a ship?

Spending time with Etrigan reveals he's studying a book on lucid dreaming, in the hopes he'll be better equipped to combat the Oneiromancer. "The heart of this war we're in isn't on the battlefield," he muses. "It's in the mind. We have to be ready for the next time we see… him." It's all very complicated, however. Neither of you can really understand much from the book at first.

Gawain takes a quick look. "Hm. Food is starting to dwindle a little. We'll be fine for now, but we'll have to restock soon…"

Gawain seems to be avoiding you a bit since the last encounter, but Aurora is happy to train with you. Her fencing has improved significantly, and her legs have mended more or less. Dawn is usually busy studying something, but does fit in a few training sessions here and there.

You set up a new room. Ganzen moves in, making himself well at home, completely undisturbed by your carvings. He sleeps through most of it. He's quite large now, about the size of a German Shepherd.

"Guess we're outvoted," Violet says to Gawain and Aurora with a small humorless smile. Aurora just shrugs and retreats, while Gawain's face falls a little at being denied the chance to get off the ship for a while. Etrigan nods and steers the ship, moving it slowly away from everything once again.



I put my spyglass away and blink. "Oh, hey, it's Rosen and Glider. You guys want to stop in for a second?"


"Lucid dreaming? I think I've heard of that before, but never experienced it. Some of the concepts it mentions sound kind of similar to Astral Projection. It's not really the same, but maybe some of the things I do to practice that could help you?"

"Rosen and Gilder? Well, uh… maybe, yeah."


''Hm. They might have something useful for sale. Do we have the money?''



"Hmm… Should we find their new ship suspicious? Considering that it's similar to ours. And we stole ours from Lysander…"


"I do have zmall zuspizionz given ze different zhip, a changeling can emulate a living creature, but zhey cannot replicate a vehicle. It iz paranoid even for me to make note of, but at zhiz point I juzt wizh to rid ourzelvez of zhe accurzed object we have in our pozezzion, we can zeek zhem out afterwardz."


"I'm actually not sure how much we have left, now that I think about it. It does seem like we're stockpiling a bunch of stuff we aren't using, though."

"I think it'll be fine. They've always been good to us before."


"Hmm.. Would the compass still point to an impostor? perhaps that could prove a useful test."



"Sorry, to be clear, I'm not suggesting some sort of trick or illusion. I'm suggesting that Lysander has may have bought them out."


''Too much is better than too little. I'm sure we'll find use for our trinkets later, after all we can always sell them''


"Hesitant as i am to admit it, you do have a point. As much as i'd love to pop in and see their wares, we are quite busy."


I sigh. "Yeah. Paranoia aside, I guess we really should get a move on." I give them a big wave before we leave.


Rabi at least offers a wave to the two as they pass, hoping to be friendly.


"I exist in both worlds," he replies pensively. "I can see you when you project, if you recall. I can't imagine what would happen if I were to try astral projection. …Maybe we could try it as an experiment, at some point. But not right now."

The merchants stop waving as you depart. Even from afar, you can tell they're confused and disappointed at not getting to say hi.

Another few days go past. You fly over an expanse of marshlands, and behind, you see the faint outline of the Weeping City. Green turns to brown, then green again. A storm hits, slowing your progress while it lasts, not letting up for a good few hours.

Eventually, looking ahead, you see the bend of the Broad River, and at its edge, the river city of Braildorn. Etrigan gives it a wide berth, to avoid any eyes, heading further south and starting to cross the river from there.

As you near your destination, Zunden starts getting a strange sensation in her right arm; a sort of painless throbbing, emanating from the black spot where she wore the Prowler bracelet Black Pudding had fashioned so long ago. It doesn't hurt; it's similar to the feeling of suddenly becoming aware of one's own heartbeat.



Hermodur watches quietly as the scenery goes by. In particular, he stares for a long time at Braildorn off in the distance.


Zunden passively watches the black spot as they continue onwards, having Ganzen sniff at it.


Aegis spends the days doing her usual activities. Aside from regular training, she also takes good care of the chickens. Esuring their breeding is kept in control
She also attempts to approach Gawain again, trying to discuss about what are the best ways to prepare the many eggs she's filling the pantry with


Waving the merchants off with a wing, i settle in for the long journey ahead.

Scenery passes by as we sail on, the duty to finish the mission taking precedence over the chance to gather ingredients.


"Hrm… well, we'd best be safe. No telling what could happen- after all this mess, maybe?"


You move on. Crossing the Broad River is no small feat, given its gargantuan lake-sized width, and you only manage to do so by nightfall.

The following morning, you awake to the smell of scrambled eggs being prepared by Gawain. Looking outside, you can see Etrigan has landed atop a rocky peak, looking down at the land below. It is noticeably less fertile than the eastern bank; further to the north, there's no vegetation at all, and the land turns to barren waste. You can see a large town to the north, on the western bank of the river, across from Braildorn.

Aurora checks the map. "That must be Larkstead over there. This is where we know Black Pudding was headed, right?"

"I don't like the look of it," Marisol remarks. "It's normally a thriving town, but something feels… wrong."

"A madman rules those lands. One of Lysander's puppets," Dawn muses. "A false Oneiromancer, to give the people of Braildorn an enemy to rally against."

"Doesn't seem to have worked out for him," Marisol replies. "Have you heard about the state of Braildorn nowadays? It's a war zone."

"How are we going to do this?" Etrigan asks. "We have to find Black Pudding. Should we fly over, or investigate in person?"


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Forgot to attach map


"Well, we have to figure something out somehow. Sending someone in person seems like our best bet, no matter what the place is like. We need to find Black Pudding. There isn't much else to say on the matter." I clear my throat. "With that said, I might have an idea. I have that bell that summons this Butler guy. Maybe I could have him collect some intel. Not sure if it's actually an option, but maybe."


''If needed, we could send out a harbinger and see if it will head towards the town. This will both comfirm if Black Pudding is indeed there, and we can send him a message to come meet with us out of the city''



"Shouldn't it be somewhat easy to spot her big, walking shop?" Hermodur asks, looking around at the scenery for any sign of her shop.

[1d10] perception

Roll #1 6 = 6




The witch is a guy!


"I do like ze idea of zlowly circling ze outzkirtz in a manner zhat will hide ze zhip az we try to triangulate Black Pudding'z locazion uzing a Harbinger, he haz rezponded to zhem in ze pazt, zo he doez not have wardz to stop friendly mezzagez."


"Maybe we could find a safe landing elsewhere and try to scout things out? You know, land out of sight."


"Between the two of us, we may be able to slip in and gather information undetected."

"Then again, a harbinger message may prove enough to at least get Black Pudding's attention. Perhaps we could convince him to meet us out of town."


''Very well. Master Norvegicus, please bring your Harbinger and send the message. Tell Black Pudding to come meet with us outside of the town''


I nod. "I guess a harbinger would be a good place to start before we try anything else. All else fails, yeah. I'll join you, Silvy." I grab my harbinger and hold it out. "Someone else should send the message. I ain't the best with words."


''I believe Zunden has the best ties with him. Let her deliver the message''


There's no sign of his Sanctuary anywhere.

"I'll move the ship once we decide on something," Etrigan nods. "It's not as simple as just doing it though, I have to find an open enough place to land it…"

You send out the Harbinger, followed by Etrigan moving the ship a bit closer, but out of sight of Larkstead, parking it at the bottom of a ravine.

24 hours pass.

No reply. The Harbinger doesn't even return, though it headed in the direction of the town.

Dawn looks a bit worried. "You don't suppose something's happened to him?…"

"He'll be more willing to help us if we help him first," Marisol points out.

"I don't like any of this," Violet muses. "Not this place, and definitely not the idea of helping Black Pudding of all people. But, if we must, I suppose we'll have to."

"And we may be able to help the people of this town in the process!" Gawain chimes in.

"Should we go, then?" Aurora asks, looking from person to person.


''We have no other choice. But we must decide how to approach. A large group might be too suspicious so we could try entering the city and searching for Black Pudding in separate, smaller groups of three, four at most. We also need a way for each group to contact the other in case something happens though''


I shake my head. "Yeah, that settles it. We send a group in. We can contact eachother through Etrigan. I guess you weren't here when we figured that out."


''I was not informed of this, no. How does it work?''


"Oh dear.. Well, i suppose the next step would be a foray into the town."

"Indeed. You and I should be able to enter undetected, while Rabi could project into the city from the ship."

"If Lysander is operating off of old information, Aegis and Gawain may be inconspicuous enough to simply enter the city, given their relatively recent addition."


"Seems like a solid idea, yeah. As long as we stay in touch, just a few people heading in could work."



"Then, just a few stealthier people go and contact us when you find Black Pudding or get into trouble?" Hermodur purports.


Zunden deflates at it not arriving, but gives in to the general will of the others, "We'll have to hope to find him, I fear ztaying here zo cloze to Braildorn iz dangerouz, but I underztand ze will of ze group iz to get ze aide of Pudding."


''We'll make haste. I dont want to stay in here for any longer than we have to either''
''Master Norvegicus, are you going in too? Will you need the Mournwing Cloack?''


It just works. You hear Etrigan's voice in your head. I… can't explain how. It's an instinct. A feeling. I can speak to anyone in this room from any distance, it seems.

"One of us should come along too," says Marisol. "In case of a fight. Not that you can't handle yourselves, of course. I volunteer, if you'll have me."

Gawain speaks his mind. "I don't feel we should waste this opportunity and have everyone just stand around, if you don't mind me saying so. Maybe the rest of us could look for clues in the area surrounding the town, while you all go sneaking?…"


"Yeah," I say. "I'm actually going to hang onto the cloak. It's done me a heck of a lot of good."

I nod. "Me and Silvy, at least."

"I don't know. It seems pretty dangerous just to expose yourselves like that, but I don't blame you for not just wanting to sit around."


''Hm. Very well, we can try to discover the meaning behind this convenient power later''

''I was hoping you'd join me, Master Gawain. Master Silver has a good point, we might be able to go by unnoticed even if we are seen''
''I understand. You can hold on to it as long as you need, but I will be taking it with me when I find a way out of the Echoes. It'd be an excellent asset to my family''



Hermodur looks to Gawain, then looks to Etrigan. "As long as Etrigan is able to inform if anyone else is in trouble, I suppose it's not a big deal. I'd just prefer to be in a position to come to help as quickly and directly as possible."


"Right- and, meanwhile, I'll get searching my way." the stallion suggests, trying to find either somewhere nice to sit or a cushion to fall over on to. "If I see something bad, I can pop back, tell Etrigan, and he can tell everyone. Sound good?"


"If there will be a ztealzh party, Aurora would do well to go along az I am not ezpecially zneaky, and a healer might be needed. Perhapz I will wear one of ze outfitz I have not yet worn in public and go along wizh Gawain."


"That would be appreciated, dear." i reply

"An excellent point, Sir Gawain. With you leading the search party and Marisol's aid infiltrating the town, i'm certain we will find our answer soon enough."


You slip into the astral plane, but for a change, you don't form a connection with Elaina. First time since the Sands you haven't seen a memory of hers.

"Alright, sounds good to me," Violet nods. "Violet and I will stay behind and guard the ship," says Dawn. "I might try some new spells and see if I can't contact this Black Pudding from afar…"

Marisol and Aurora both join you in your approach to Larkstead. You are forced to ascend a narrow stone path up the ravine to get to the top, and from there it's a straight shot to town.

The first thing you notice is how… normal it looks. You can see the townsfolk going about their daily routines as per usual. In contrast to the barren landscape surrounding it, nothing really seems to be wrong, at least on first glance.

"Strange. I expected it to look a lot worse," Marisol comments as she keeps clear of it, moving around to try to infiltrate the town unseen. "You don't suppose this is some sort of illusion?" Aurora asks.
>roll Perception

You disembark. Gawain follows behind you, flying down and landing on the cracked dirt with a solid clunk and rattle. "Luckily I'm not going with the other group," he jokes.

You are currently in the ravine where the ship is parked. To your left you can see a precarious stone path that leads upward. The other group went up this way to get to Larkstead. Otherwise, you can see three paths:

Forward leads to a gentle upward slope in the ravine. There are some dead bushes here, and you think you see some sort of movement.

Back leads to a darker part of the ravine. It's hard to see much from here, but you can hear dripping water.

There is also a cave opening on your immediate right, leading into the ravine wall itself.


''Did you also see that?'' Aegis points out to the bushes, squinting as she tries to get a good look

Roll #1 4 = 4



"I don't imagine ze cave iz a good choize for finding hiz houze, zo perhapz up zhat zlope. Be cauziouz zhouzgh, I imagine it might've been a prowler."

[1d10] Zunden also keeps her eyes open.

Roll #1 1 = 1



"That's not luck," Hermodur says to Gawain as he spots the movement over in the brush. "That's just proper strategizing."

[1d10] to investigate the movement

Roll #1 6 = 6


I scan the town. Weird. "Well, illusion or not we should still keep a low profile. Guess that goes without saying, though." I briefly consider putting on my mask, but decide that'll probably attract more attention than I really need. For now I keep it in a pocket.


Roll #1 10 = 10


"Strange indeed.. If things are as they seem, why hasn't the Harbinger arrived?"

remaining inconspicuous, I look around at the seemingly normal town, recalling the wanted posters pinned up in the past and keeping my head down.

[1d10] Perception

Roll #1 7 = 7


You approach the rustling bushes. Something shoots out of them and hits Zunden square in the face; it's a glob of greyish material, which clings to her and restricts her vision, beginning to settle and solidify as soon as it hits.
>-2 to Perception rolls for the next 5 rounds or until the substance is removed: DC6

The creature responsible reveals itself; it resembles an oversized whip scorpion, having spat the gunk from its chittering maw. It seems to make this region its lair, rearing up and spreading its claws menacingly, telling you to stay away. Gawain frowns. "Guess we're not going that way, unless you all fancy fighting that thing. Are you alright?" He moves to help Zunden.


"I, uhm… well. That's weird." he says to himself, shaking it off- why did, for once, it not happen? Regardless, he moves on.
>Perception [1d10]

Roll #1 6 = 6


Zunden gives a small yelp, prying at the material for a small moment before digging around in her bag for a book, holding it out to Aegis,

"Can you read up on ze creature and make zure zhiz izn't poizonouz?" Zunden says, handing the Bestiary, going back to prying at the material.


Roll #1 9 = 9


Aegis's shield glows for a second until she realizes that attack was just a warning ''It seems to be defending something, its territory or something'' Aegis points out
''Oh so thats where the Bestiary was'' Aegis picks it up magically and searches for the entry on the Whip Scorpions
''Well if you can still see then it is likely not poisonous'' She says as she flips through the pages



Hermodur draws mjolnir and his shield. He gently pushes Zunden back and steps between her and the scorpion. Mjolnir revs to life.

>Sentry, Sharpen

He waits for confirmation to attack. He stands in a battle-ready position, looking like an imposing opponent.

[1d10+2] intimidation

Roll #1 8 + 2 = 10


Looking around, you come to a strange realization. Aurora voices what's dawned on you. "There's no farms. No gardens. Where do these people get their food and drink?…"

Norv notices that they seem to be acting out their routines instead of actually doing anything, like dolls in a dollhouse. It's as if they've been enchanted to simulate life.

Marisol watches them do this for a while, looking a bit unnerved. "Should… should we find a way in and explore more? Something tells me we don't want to alert them to our presence."

You move into the town itself. It seems like a perfectly ordinary town in its architecture and layout; upon first inspection, there's nothing about the town itself that's of particular note. It's only upon a closer look that you realize what Aurora voiced just now.

This is a significantly large town; it seems exploring it will take quite a while, if you're looking for signs of Black Pudding's presence. It is divided into many sections:

There are four gates to the north, south, east and west.

To the northeast is a residential area, having the most houses, as well as some miscellaneous shops and a church.

Southeast is an inn, a book shop, and an apothecary.

Southwest is a marketplace and a smithy.

Southeast is the town hall, a hospital, and a bell tower.

In the center of town is a park containing a fountain.


Rabi frowns a little at the realization… this can't be right at all. What's even going on here?

Trying to shake off the unsettling feeling, the stallion floats over towards the apothecary. Maybe Black Pudding might be in here? Or… something less concerning, at least?


>Perception [1d10]

Roll #1 7 = 7


You manage to pull off the blinding gunk before it can solidify any further.

The creature backs off slightly, but continues to spread its claws to assert dominance. It won't back down.

You consult the bestiary.


>Threat level: Medium

A large species of arthropod found in arid regions. Rock spitters are almost always found in pairs, and are not particularly dangerous creatures, relying on their menacing size and appearance to ward off any potential opponents. When confronted, they rely on their powerful claws, as well as their namesake; the grey substance they secrete can subdue an enemy in seconds as it solidifies to become hard as stone, trapping prey and shutting down predators from afar. They are not venomous, however, and to those so inclined, make for a decent meal when prepared properly.

>Weak: Ice

"Maybe that cave system will lead to another path," Gawain suggests. "I think we should leave it be. We are trespassing, after all."



"The cave? That would have been my last choice. Why would Black Pudding have gone that way?" Hermodur comments as he continues to stare down the scorpion, unmoving.


Aegis relays the information found on the book before closing it and briefly exchanging stares with the Rock Spitter
''Yes maybe so. No reason to try to force our way through this, yet''
Aegis carefully begins to back off, respecting the creature as she heads towards the cave, staying right behind Gawain
''It doesnt seem like a bad choice. Staying in a cave ensures you will never be caught by surprise if there's only one way in. Of course you'd be cornered if the problem is more than you could handle but sure Black Pudding would have a plan for that''


"I honeztly don't believe ze houze would fit in ze cave, I zhink Aegiz could make uze of her zpecialized magic to take out ze Zpitter, given it'z natural weaknezz. If one of uz getz zpit on, we will all focuz on prying ze material off firzt."


"I don't know… This isn't right. It's like they're brainwashed or something. Just kinda doing things you'd expect townsfolk to be doing because that's what you'd expect to see. If that makes sense. We can slip in and have a look around, but yeah. We really shouldn't alert them."


Mere shells of life, acting out a recording of life in the town.

"Oh my.. This is certainly unexpected."

"I suppose we should try to enter the town proper, though we must be cautious.."

Picking my way through the outskirts, i wait for the bustle of fake life to move away from an entrance and slip inside.

[1d10] Stealth

Roll #1 10 = 10


Aegis stops and turns back around ''As you wish, but we should be careful for its mate''
Turning back to the Spitter, Aegis begins calling for orbs of frozen crystal
'1d10' homing magic, ice

Roll #1 4 = 4



"Black Pudding doesn't strike me as one to hide. That's why you establish the whole scary persona. To make it so that people are too scared to mess with you. Then, you don't have to hide."


"So, what's the plan?"


[1d10] Zunden keeps an eye out for the other Spitter

Roll #1 10 = 10


''Estabilishing yourself as the mightiest is an invitation for potentially stronger enemies to seek you out. You dont try to gather that reputation unless you're certain you can attest for it, and I am yet to see Black Pudding's prowess against when cornered''



"Mightiest and scariest are not quite the same."


You don't find any trace of him at the apothecary. It's a perfectly ordinary shop. Too ordinary.

You enter Larkstead. Aurora and Marisol take the high ground, flying from rooftop to rooftop, unseen. As you progress, you notice something even stranger. Apart from them acting out aspects of day to day life, some of them appear to be moving… backwards? It's as if they're stuck on a loop, constantly moving back and forth, being rewound through time.
>see >>746360 for the layout

Silver enters completely unnoticed, clinging to the shadows and moving only when no one is looking. She's almost impossible to notice.


''You definetlystand on the scary side, Master Hermodur''


Rabi frowns a little as he floats into the store, finding… nothing out of the far-too-ordinary ordinary. He'll move along to the bookstore next, keeping his eyes peeled for something, anything strange.
>Perception [1d10]

Roll #1 9 = 9


Gawain explains his reasoning. "Caves are usually connected to other parts of a region. We could use them to travel to more open places where this Pudding may have been. Yes? It makes sense in my head, at least. We could try traveling via the caves, or turn back and explore the other way, where the dripping water was. Or go where the others went and explore the barrens above!"

Your spell fails.

You notice movement behind the one you can see. It's keeping its distance more than the other one, more defensive.


I take a deep breath, pull the cloak tighter against me, and follow Silver in. Not entirely sure what we'll do now that we can't exactly interact with anyone but I'm sure we'll figure something out.


Roll #1 8 + 2 = 10



"I learned from the best."


"Up to you guys."


''Master Gawain, are you afraid of scorpions?'' Aegis briefly turns to the gryphon
''I have no problem fighting here, but I dont mind checking the other routes before we commit to killing these Rock Spitters here''


Skulking through the dark, i make my way southeast towards the Inn, slipping inside before anypony takes notice.


"I had a bad time ze lazt time I waz in a cave, and we don't know for zertain it will actually have anozher way out. If we are to venture in, we will need to have a way to mark our way back."


''If it doesnt then we just try something else. Or we can try the other paths first''


Seeing Silver head to the inn, I decide to cover more ground and skulk toward the bell tower.


This town is strange enough as is, but you do notice something: there is a little symbol drawn in chalk on a pillar of the book store. Looking close by, you can see other such symbols drawn on nearby buildings. It's like a breadcrumb trail left for someone to follow.

No one seems to be going to the inn, so it's easy enough to enter. You find another strange scene inside: the whole thing is frozen. Not by ice, but in time.

There are patrons sitting around eating and drinking, a pianist playing a tune, a cat sleeping by a fireplace, a barmaid sweeping the floor, but they are all suspended in the middle of their actions, like store mannequins. Even the flames of the fireplace are frozen, and you can see a drink being spilled, pouring over a table and about to hit the floor. It's like you've wandered into a painting, or a photograph.

Marisol follows you in, while Aurora looks around outside. "What in the…? What happened here?" She seems hesitant to touch anything.


"Some form of time magic?" i whisper, slinking over to the front desk to search for a guest book of some sort.

[1d10] search

Roll #1 10 = 10


Rabi hums a little bit, and slowly begins to follow the series of symbols. It's hard to say if he's going the right 'direction' on the trail, but he can always come back this way if he isn't.
>Search? Perception? Is it needed? [1d10]

Roll #1 3 = 3


"I think that goes without saying. The false Oneiromancer's work, you think? This seems like some really darn strong magic, affecting this many folks like this." I check behind the bar for anything.


Roll #1 1 = 1


"Afraid? Me? Hah! I fear nothing! …Except that shadow deer we ran into. A little."

You go through the caves. It seems Gawain had the right idea; it's less of a cavern and more of a complex of different tunnels. It's hard to see without a light source; luckily, you have Zunden's suns. You can smell mold, and water, and stone. Gawain tries to help mark the paths by scraping the rock with his gauntlet, leaving streaks on the tunnel walls to mark where you've been.
>roll Navigation


"If magic like this constitutes a false Oneiromancer, one shudders to think what depths of power the true version carries."


Silver finds a visitor's book. Marisol stops her from opening it, however. "I don't know if it's wise to tamper with anything here," she warns. "We could set this place off." She looks at the frozen barkeep, eternally pouring ale from a keg tap. "Maybe we should see if we can find any evidence of Black Pudding having been here upstairs. Or in the area."

You move from marker to marker. It seems to be taking you to the northwest quadrant of town, toward town hall and the bell tower, but you lose the trail.



Zunden keeps her eyes mostly low, making sure not to trip and fall down a crevice.
[1d10] nav

Roll #1 1 = 1



[1d10] Navigation

Roll #1 5 = 5


''Yes I was also very afraid''

Inside the cave, Aegis calls forth a couple wisps of light to help illuminate the way ''If Master Norvegicus had not taken the infinite red yarn ball, we'd have something a little better to track our way back''
'1d10' navi

Roll #1 8 = 8


It takes a bit of wandering, but you eventually find a path forward and out of the cave system. You are on the edge of the ravine now, on a seemingly carved out path that leads forward. Looking down, you can see that you're past the choke point that the Rock Spitters laid claim to. There's a path forward along the ravine side, and a path down that would lead you to ground level and past the Rock Spitters.

"Huzzah!" Gawain crows. "I knew we'd find a way! Good thing we had those orbs of yours to light the way, Lady Zunden. …Lady Zunden?"

She's gone.

You follow the others onward, but find yourself starting to lag behind some. You struggle to keep up, and at one point take a long way around to get to where you saw them. You get a bit turned around, finding yourself lost.

You backtrack. Stepping forward, you hear a soft crumbling sound. A sensitive part of the tunnel gives way under your weight, and you find yourself slipping and falling through a crevasse, deeper into the earth.
>roll to avoid taking fall damage


"We could check the rooms, but do you think he'd actually've left any evidence he was here? I think he's pretty paranoid as it is, but if he was actually looking into this guy then-" I shrug. "Still, should probably check."


"Ah, an excellent point, we'd hate to join the villagers in this out-of-time trap."

leaving the check in book in its place, i slip around the counter to make for the inn's bedrooms upstairs.

[1d10] navigation (just in case)

Roll #1 8 = 8


''We must find her immediatelly'' Aegis says with a hint of urgengy in her voice, despite the calm expression
''Master Sir Gawain, fly up and look for her from above, I will backtrack through the cave and see if she got separated from us on the way''
Aegis turns back and heads through the way she came, searching and calling out for Zunden



Hermodur lets out a long sigh.

He looks around for any sign of where Zunden with his eyes before actually going back into the cave.


>Hunter's Eye with applicable here

Roll #1 3 = 3


File: 1599699704170.png (52.98 KB, 585x714, Healing Bonds.png)

Knowing she doesn't have the orbs prepared to create something to catch her part way, she instead shapes a small bit of stone to stick out of the wall, just enough to grab ahold of with a claw to help with the fall.

>Frozen Creation (6) for small handhold

[1d10+1] avoiding fall damage with the help of breaking the fall

Roll #1 10 + 1 = 11


Rabi lets out a somewhat-annoyed huff, but he's too creeped out by the town for it to be much else- he'll keep looking for anything weird, while he tries to pick up on the symbols he'd been following.
>Navigation [1d10]

Roll #1 6 = 6



Roll #1 10 = 10


You make your way upstairs, careful not to disturb anything in the process. Looking around you see much of the same that was downstairs: frozen candles, patrons in the midst of sleeping or moving about, and workers cleaning or serving food and drink. However, while exploring, you notice something different about one of the rooms: one of them doesn't appear to be affected by the time freeze. It takes you a moment to notice, but the candles are flickering in this room.

"You don't suppose this is where he stayed?" Marisol asks, looking around the room interestedly.

The closer you draw to the bell tower, the more you feel… something. A presence. You're not sure if it's malevolent or not, but there's definitely something in there.

You arrive at the bell tower. The marking seem to lead you here. It's a large square sandstone building with a pyramid shaped roof. There are two guards outside, frozen as usual, and the door appears to be closed. The feeling of a presence is strongest here.

"It's just Sir, actually," he remarks. "I don't see how she could be anywhere but in the caves…" He opts not to follow your request and instead follows you in.

You can't see any signs of her.

>no roll from Aegis, using last digit of post number
You double back and make your way through the caves again. At first, you don't find anything, and it starts to feel like you're going in circles; then, Aegis comes across a section of the tunnel that's collapsed. Looking down into the hole, you can see Zunden clinging to the wall, having broken her fall. Looks like it goes down a few feet.

You manage to pull some stone out of the wall to grab and break your fall, leaving you clinging as the floor gives way under you. Looking down, you can see that it's not much of a drop; only a few feet below is a whole other sublayer of the caves. You think you can see something glowing down there.

"Oh good heavens! Lady Zunden, are you quite alright?" Gawain shifts uneasily on the spot, fretting and looking about. "How are we going to get her out of there? If only we had some rope, or…"


Rabi lets out a nervous whinny… to himself, mostly. As much as he'd wish to duck out, he needs to find out what's going on, so… he heads for the belltower. If he can't get through the door, then he'll float up and try to find a window.



Hermodur lays down and reaches out with Mjolnir to see if he can get her to grab hold of it.

>[1d10] if necessary

Roll #1 1 = 1


"Well, knowing BP it's entirely possible he knew how to counteract the spell. Seems like that means he was here when it happened if that's the case, though. Wish there was some way to know how long ago that was." I trail off. "Well, I guess there is. If we're brave enough to open the guest book. I wonder if bringing one of the frozen folks in here would break the spell, or if the anti-spell-area thing just protected the place when it was first cast."


''Not to worry, I have some'' Aegis magically floats some rope out of her bags in a neat donut and hands it to Gawain ''My magic grip is not strong enough to pull her out, however. So you will have to do it, Sir Gawain''


"I'm uninjured, waz able to catch my fall."
Zunden takes the rope once she knows someone stronger is holding onto it.


"Perhaps. If the room is out of the spell's effect, he may have had the time to place a severance rune."

peeking my head into the room, I step around the door and inside, searching for evidence of black pudding, runes or personal affects.


Roll #1 10 = 10


Gawain starts lowering the rope as Hermodur tries to reach down and help Zunden up. You hear a soft crumbling sound as a piece of rock loosens, however, and Hermodur finds himself tumbling into the tunnel. He plummets right into Zunden, and both of them hit the rocky ground below hard. Gawain winces and lowers the rope for them. "Are you alright?" he asks with concern. "Is anything broken?"
>Hermodur takes 3 hits
>Zunden takes 2 hits

You find an open window on the top floor of the tower. It's a fairly nondescript room. Some furniture, a workbench with some tools, and a bookshelf. There's a flight of stairs leading up to the bell itself, but it seems to be closed by a trapdoor. Other than that, you can't see anything too interesting here. At least on first glance…
>roll Perception

Upon further inspection, you notice that the room seems to have been subject to a struggle at some point. There are scorch marks on the walls behind some of the furniture, and one of the chairs is broken. There's strange dark stains on the wooden floor too, and a sort of cloying aroma in the air. It's vaguely familiar.

You also notice two markings on a bedpost. One is the Severance rune, carved with a knife, while the other is a symbol you don't recognize, made with chalk. Looking around, Silver finds another similar marking on a wall in the corridor, and yet another on a support beam on the lower level. "A breadcrumb trail?" Aurora suggests, having quietly joined you earlier.


I hum. "You think he would've made himself that easy to follow? Still, don't have much else to go on. We should probably point Z here when we get the chance, though. Or draw the symbols down for her to copy or something."


"There has to be something unusual here… anything, really."

Roll #1 9 = 9


''By the sounds they must still be alive'' Aegis comments as she looks down the hole, always keeping her ears peeled in case of any bushwhackers



"I'm fine," Hermodur grumbles. He waits for Zunden to climb up first, then follows after.

>[1d10] for climbing

Roll #1 3 = 3



"Injured, but only zlightly." Zunden groans, trying to push Hermodur off of her. "Zhere waz zomezhing glowing down here, I waz worried it waz a pair of eyez."

Zunden climbs up first.

Roll #1 10 = 10



"Did you figure out what it was?" Hermodur asks with concern.


"Waz buzy falling."


"Excellent idea, Norvy. perhaps she may have a sense of its use?"

taking my journal out to mark down the rune's shape with a shiv and ink, i follow the trail of symbols back downstairs, looking around for more of its kind on nearby surfaces.


"We're on his trail now, though the state of the room is quite concerning.. who could have done this to black pudding of all ponies?"

Roll #1 7 = 7


I follow Silver, trying to place the smell.


Roll #1 9 = 9


You notice something on the trap door. There's a black ooze of some sort dripping down every once in a while. It seems to be seeping through from above at a snail's pace.

Looking back, you see that the glowing is coming from an ore vein nearby. It's illuminating the whole chamber. It seems valuable.

Gawain fiddles with the rope, tying it firmly to the base of a stalagmite. "Not to worry, it's safe now!" he calls.

Zunden manages to shimmy up with no problems. Hermodur follows, but not without incident. The rope strains and almost snaps under his considerable weight, but he makes it up in one piece all the same. "Phew. That was lucky. We could have lost you both. Are you hurt?" Gawain looks you both over with a bit of worry.

You've smelled that before. It's Black Pudding's scent.

"Perhaps he wasn't leaving a trail for us, but for himself," Marisol muses. "Or maybe he didn't care if he was found or not," Aurora chimes in.

You follow the trail of runes. It leads out of the inn and all across town. It takes you a good while to reach its end, culminating at the bell tower at the far end of town. See >>746824 for a description.

You start to feel the strange sensation of a presence Rabi is feeling. Aurora comments on it. "Do you think it's him?" "Why would he come to a bell tower?" Marisol ponders.


''What happened Zunden?'' Aegis asks in her usual monotone ''Why did you lag behind?''


"Well, any doubt I actually had is gone. It was definitely Black Pudding. It was kinda faint, but the room smelled like him."

I look up at the belltower. "Well, this place caught my eye to begin with. Thought about splitting up and checking here first." I walk up to the door and stop. "There was a fight, so maybe we shouldn't just barge in. Could be trapped or something." I carefully inspect the door.


Roll #1 7 = 7


Rabi frowns a little bit and floats closer to the ooze, trying to get a better look at it- what exactly is it, anyways? Hopefully it's not the tar he'd encountered earlier. "Well, drat. I guess the most I can do is report it, seeing as I can't open doors…"

>Perception [1d10]

Roll #1 4 = 4



"Only slightly," Hermodur answers Gawain. "Nothing to be concerned about."

"We should be wary of how far we go, though. Our main goal is to be on call if the ones in town run into trouble. If our way back is this treacherous, then we won't be very helpful in an emergency."


Zunden scowls at Aegis, already having been uncomfortable for the past few days and having Aegis imediately putting fault on her, "I did not chooze for ze earzh to crumble underneazh me."

Brushing herself off, she follows quietly and brooding.


was definitely Black Pudding. It was kinda faint, but the room smelled like him."

I look up at the belltower. "This place caught my eye to begin with. Thought about splitting up and checking here first."

For now I stand back and wait to follow Silver's lead.


off put by the intense feeling around the tower,I hesitate to enter, opting to put an ear to the wood of the door.

[1d10] listening

Roll #1 2 = 2


''I see. Try to stay in the middle of the group then where we can keep an eye on you'' Aegis followed right behind the Saurian



"Hmm.. guards posted to the entrance. what do you suppose we should try?"

"I could use a spot of midnight oil, leave one guard asleep. would you be able to take the other? or perhaps I could fly in from the tower's bell?"


"I do have more sleeper poison. I'm running out, though. I have maybe six doses left? Still, it's probably a good idea. Maybe we should just try to talk to them first, though?"


Gawain frowns a little as Aegis admonishes Zunden.

You return to the exit you found before.
You are on the edge of the ravine now, on a seemingly carved out path that leads forward. Looking down, you can see that you've gone around the choke point that the Rock Spitters laid claim to. There's a path forward along the ravine side, and a path down that would lead you to ground level and past the Rock Spitters.

"Something tells me we shouldn't engage with these people if we can avoid it," Aurora mutters.

"Flying would be best," Marisol agrees. "We could try to cause a distraction down here." "I can come with you if you like," says Aurora, albeit with a bit of reluctance. Despite having made up more or less, she doesn't seem to like being around you much.

Upon closer inspection, it looks like part of Black Pudding.


"Well, I feel weird sending you two in alone, but I guess if that's what you want to do then yeah. I'll distract the guards with Marisol." I lightly tug on the Mournwing cloak. "Wanna borrow this for a bit?"


''Down there'' Aegis motions to the ground path ''I doubt the Rock Spitters would wander that far off their area, its likely safe''


Zunden follows without putting in any input into where to go, summoning orbs to replace the one she lost, trying to calm herself by just focusing on something else.

>Creation (Frozen)


Roll #1 8 = 8


"Well, huh… I guess this must be the place. I guess I don't have much else I can do here, so…

>End Astral Projection

Rabi awakens with a bit of a gasp, looking for the closest ship member.


"That could work. Circling to the back before flying in would be the least likely to draw their ire, though a distraction would guarantee our entry, if at your risk."

"The aid would be appreciated, Aurora. Better to enter with an Ally, we've little to go off of what may be inside."

Waiting a moment to confirm the plan, I slink around the shadows of buildings until reaching the back of the tower, lifting off the ground with my wings and scampering onto the bell floor.
[1d10] just in case

Roll #1 5 = 5



"I still worry about the return trip," Hermodur comments.

He keeps a lookout for any signs of Black Pudding or trouble.


Roll #1 2 = 2


You find yourself sitting at the dinner table. Dawn and Violet seem to be playing a card game. You briefly question how Dawn can see her hand. They jump as you reawaken. "Oh. Rabi. You're back." Dawn smiles softly. "What's out there?" Violet asks with curiosity, as Etrigan manifests by your side.

Aurora nods and dons the cloak. "Thanks. See you in a minute." With that, she takes off and leaves you with Marisol, who's eyeing the guards from your hiding spot. They seem to just be standing there, unmoving. "How are we going to do this then?" she asks quietly.

Aurora flies up with you. You both go undetected as you go all the way around, flying up to the top of the tower.

This floor of the tower contains little but the great bell itself, and a lever mechanism for operating it. However, on second glance, there's a black ichorous substance staining the wooden floor, and a piece of fabric nearby. "What… what is that?…" Aurora seems wary to go near it.


'1d10' Perception

Roll #1 5 = 5


Gawain shrugs and follows along.

The ground path consists mainly of unremarkable dirt trails, with a few dying bushes here and there. At one point, though, Aegis notices some familiar purple-black ooze sticking to one of the bushes, along with a trail carved through the dirt. Gawain does a bit of a double take. "Oh. It seems he came this way at some point after all. Curious."


Landing on the tower's floorboards, i follow Aurora's gaze to the black puddle, stumbling back briefly at the memory of the oneiromancer's similar substance.

Shaking my head, i reexamine the ooze and the cloth, checking for a trail of the substance.
[1d10] perception

Roll #1 4 = 4


"We could just go talk to them? We're newcomers to town, so it'd make sense to ask about the tower. It's one of the things that stands out most in the village. Just bugging them should keep them busy."


Rabi goes to say something, but hesitates for a second when he sees Dawn playing… cards? Shaking his head a little and putting that off for later, he says "Oh! Sorry if I interrupted the game, but a lot of… creepy. The whole town's too ordinary, but I found a couple things- some symbols scratched into walls and doors along town like some sort of… I dunno, trail, and some black ooze dripping out of a trapdoor in the clock tower. That might be our best bet… or, at least, the only abnormal thing to check."


''There is no mistaking it. I remember this hint of purple'' Aegis sniffs the bit of goop, seeing if it had the same strong smell she felt when being in Black Pudding's presence
''We have our tracks, lets go''
''Etrigan, are you there? Our group found something that might lead to Black Pudding. How are the others?''



"I don't recall, does his house usually ooze?" Hermodur asks with concern.

Following the trail.

[1d10] to keep watching for danger

Roll #1 8 = 8


Zunden squats down, looking at the liquid, "I wonder if it'z rezcent."

Zunden investigates the goo to see if it's coagulated any. [1d10]

Roll #1 9 = 9


The cloth is actually a familiar ruined hat. As you approach, it begins to bubble faintly. Aurora pulls back in trepidation as it rises. Two mismatched eyes and a mouth appear in the ooze. It's him.

"Thou… Who art thou? Another one of his tricks?…"

"Do you think it's a good idea to interact with anything in this town?" She seems wary of the idea of even touching things. "We should try and lure them away, if anything."

All of a sudden, they start moving. And not in a natural way. It's as if time is going in reverse for them. They open the tower door without looking and walk in backwards, vanishing into the building. Marisol blinks. "…What the hell was that?…"

"Black ooze?" Violet asks, looking fearful. "Is it that… that thing we ran into?…"

"It sounds more like Black Pudding," Dawn chimes in. "Maybe we should inform the others."

Etrigan nods. "Should I send the message?"

It's definitely the same aroma.

Yes, I'm here. Rabi's back. It sounds like he found Pudding himself. Maybe. Still trying to figure it out.

It seems to have coagulated. Seems it's been a while.

The trail seems to lead up and out of the ravine. Zunden notices an unfamiliar rune drawn on the stone surface in chalk. Looks like a trail of some sort. Following the path takes you up to the surface, facing the nearby town of Larkstead.


Zunden identifies the rune with her glasses as she's done in the past.


''Maybe? Could you give me more details about their situation?''


"I'm thinking it's black pudding, yeah. Or, I hope it is. Go ahead and send the message, Etrigan." he says, before stretching out and sighing "On top of that, this was just… weird, in general. This was the first time I projected where I didn't see any memories from Elaina."


"I don't know, but nothing good." I pull my dart gun and load a sleeper dart. "Come on. We're following them in. No way am I letting Aurora and Silvy get blindsided." I quickly make my way to the tower and slip in behind them.

[1d10]If there isn't anyone that can immediately see me and stealth is a viable option

Roll #1 8 = 8


recoiling in surprise, i look at the likely injured goopony with great concern.

"Black Pudding? It's me, Silver Song! My word, what happened to you?"


You examine the rune. It looks like a V with two small "wings" at the tips. You can't figure out what it means, though.

A mental shrug. The others aren't back yet, and it looks like Rabi split up from them. No word yet.

"No memories?" Dawn parrots. "That is strange. Perhaps it's this false Oneiromancer's interference…"

"I feel the others may be in danger the longer we're split up," Etrigan muses. "I'll call them back to the ship."

You touch the tower door. Inside, the guards seem to have gone up the stairs. There's a pony sitting at a desk reading, but again, it seems to be going backwards, flipping pages from left to right. Despite you being right there, he doesn't seem to be aware of your existence. "Did… did we trigger something, do you think? What is this?…"

Aurora covers her mouth. "Are… are you hurt, sir?"

"We underestimated him… that arrant interloper… Malverlain…" All color seems to have drained from him, going from his usual vibrant deep purple to a matte black stain on the floor.

"Malverlain? Who's… What?…"

"Well well. And he calls ME an interloper."

The voice comes from behind you. Standing off of the tower, seemingly perched in thin air, is a Felid. He is thin as a rake, with brilliant yellow eyes and long, striped grey fur. His hooded robes are black, with an emerald green trim. He stands straight-backed, eyeing you with a predatory gaze, hands clasped behind his back. He doesn't move a muscle as he stands suspended in thin air. It's like he's standing on an invisible platform.

"I hope you're enjoying what I've done with the place. Who do I owe the pleasure of speaking to? Wait, don't tell me."

The Felid closes his eyes and sniffs the air curiously.

"Silver Song, and Aurora d'Arbanville. My my."

\You receive a sudden message from Etrigan. Rabi says he might have found Black Pudding. We should reconvene soon and share our findings. What news on your end? Do you need my assistance?


Silver and Aurora are checking out the belltower. I think something is happening. The guards went inside. Could you warn them they're headed their way? And where is he?


''No I dont believe we will need help, Etrigan. We're heading back right now''


"I don't know." I briefly peak around the corner to see if anyone is there, and if it's clear quietly make my way up the stairway.


"Yeah- I'm not sure, but… it's kind of concerning. I've gotten used to seeing inside her head, as uncomfortable as some of the thoughts are. Maybe, I don't know… is she hurt? Is it blocked, somehow? Can she still look into my memories?"


Zunden continues to study the rune, "If the others need us, we'll head over."

[1d10] study

Roll #1 7 = 7


Whirling to face the intruder, i tense up for a fight as the mage floats calmly in the air.

"Interesting.. So you are the false Oneiromancer i've heard mention of."

"I must say the spellwork you've done here is quite impressive, though the reasoning behind it eludes me. Care to enlighten us?"


I… A feeling of exertion. I can't get in touch with either of them. What… What's going on up there? Can you reach them?

Copy. I'll get the ship ready for your return.

Marisol follows. As you peek around the corner, you come face to face with the guards, who are marching backwards up the stairs. Yet again, though, they seem unaware of your presence. Marisol blinks. "…I think we're in the clear. We should meet up with Silver and Aurora up at the top."

"There must be something blocking it," she agrees. "I'm… I'm having trouble contacting Silver and Aurora," Etrigan chimes in. "It's like they don't exist for me. Maybe this is the same thing…"

You try to discern the meaning of the rune. It seems to be placed as a way to guide one to something. Truth, perhaps, or guidance. Revelation. Some abstract concept relating to those. It's difficult to figure out.

"I suppose some would call me that, yes. There's no point in trying to contact your friends, by the way," he says to Aurora. She freezes in place. "He knew…"

"Straight to the point, aren't you. I like that. I won't mince words. I'm a villain. I know it, you know it, everyone knows it. And you know what. It feels GOOD. I've been given so much. I can do whatever I want with your kind. You mud people. And this maggot comes in and thinks he can interfere with my playtime."

He looks at the bubbling, strangely quiet form of Black Pudding, trapped atop the bell tower.

"I don't need to smell you to surmise why you're here. I'm only going to give you two one chance."

You suddenly feel a great weight being forced upon you. Like a force pushing you to the ground, crushing you against the hard wooden floor. Aurora struggles in vain, gritting her teeth from the sudden exertion.

"Kneel. Before your new god."


"M-Maybe we should go, then- At least, I don't think I can sit here and let… whatever's going on go on."



"If the others cannot be contacted, then there's no point not bringing the ship. If they've been captured or seen to the point of recognition, we might as well work with all the tools at our disposal."


I give Marisol a nod and try to push past the guards and creep up the stairs, keeping my dart gun at the ready.


The weight of magic crushes down on me! i struggle against this intrusive force mightily, eyes burning with rage at the notion of submission.

"The indignity.. You dare command me?! I yield to none!"

[1d10] resist

Roll #1 8 = 8


''Agreed. But Etrigan would certainly be warned if they were captured of anything of the sort, I dont think we have to worry… For now''


Zunden, Gawain, Hermodur and Aegis travel up the path, and are promptly picked up by the Fortune as a ladder lowers. You see the others gathered up top. Etrigan looks concerned. "Silver and Aurora… I can't contact them. We have to move now. Something's terribly wrong."

"It's him," Dawn muses. "That puppet of Lysander's…"

"Did you find anything down there?" Violet prompts the ground crew.

"We'll see."

You feel the crushing weight dragging you down. You keep standing defiantly for a good while, but eventually it becomes too much for you, and you collapse. It's not that something's pushing you down, you realize. It's you that's getting heavier and heavier.

"That's more like it. You'll make a perfect slave once I'm done bending this town."

The trapdoor opens, and you see Norv and Marisol enter, followed by two guards walking backwards.

You move further up, seeing the guards continue to walk backwards. You follow them all the way up to the top floor, where they open the hatch to the top of the tower. Below the bell, you can see a weakened, imprisoned Black Pudding, along with Aurora and Silver being bent to the will of a sinister Felid mage. See >>746874 for a description.

"Oh what fun. More playthings. (sniff sniff) Norvegicus Penelope Black. …Penelope? How quaint. And…(sniff) Marisol Tatyana Cerwyn. What a lovely name. …Hold on. Aren't you…"

Marisol's eyes widen with sudden recognition. "You!" She reaches for her dagger instinctively, only to find herself floating off the ground like a feather, up into the giant bell.

"Tsk tsk. You stay there for a bit. …And I suppose you're here for Black Pudding as well, Penny." It takes you a minute to realize he's talking to you.


''Some tracks of Black Pudding and his moving house. Etrigan, where were they when they contacted you for the last time? Can you take us there?''


Without missing a beat, the moment I see him I aim and pull the trigger, hoping but not actually expecting it to do anything.

[Cheap Shot]

My stomach sinks as he says my name. Including my middle name. I don't think I've even said it out loud in years, but somehow he knows it. "I am."


My strength fails me and i collapse onto the wood of the tower. Unable to move, i can barely shift my head as Norv enters.

"N-norv, get away from here! Leave us, take the others too!"


Rabi nervously goes to grab some of his equipment, pulling out both the Greatbow and the Copperhead rifle. He places his bow on the deck and draws the string back, readying a shot when he sees anything dangerous.


""Zhink we zhould repeat what we did lazt time when Norvegicuz waz captured? Fire ze cannonz near ze town, not at anyone actually zhere. Uzually workz to get zheir attentionz away from where zhey need to be."


He nods, and gets the ship into motion.

"That could work. …I just lost Norv. And Marisol. I can't contact them at all." "I don't like this…" Violet shifts in place uneasily.

The Fortune flies over, approaching the eerily silent little town. Etrigan starts piloting it in circles, trying to spot any trace of your companions. A Servitor produces a spyglass for one of you to use.
>roll Perception

Malverlain's head turns sharply to you as you fire. He seems to do something behind his back, and your shot redirects itself in midair, instead hitting Aurora. She grunts slightly, then her head hits the wooden deck as she goes out like a light. "Heh. How'd that work out for you, Penny?"

He snorts. "Don't tell me you called these idiots here, Pudding. This is your cavalry? This is pathetic. Bunch of amateurs. Fine by me though. By all means, send in the clowns!"

One of the guards stops to guard the watchtower, while the other keeps walking, stopping as he faces you. "So what, you fancy yourself a hero or something like that, Penny? Running in guns blazing like that? (sniff sniff) Ohhhohoho. You do. You really really do. Hehe. But you don't think you're strong enough. You're not cut from the same cloth as all the others. Interesting."

Silver suddenly finds herself being dragged by a magical force, then forced to stand upright again. She can barely move her body. She's standing on the very edge of the bell tower now, turned around to look up. It's a long, long way down.

"This one's a bad apple, you know. (sniff) A really rotten one. She's killed more than most of your friends put together. And for nothing but sport. Because she thought it was fun. …Wow. That's almost as bad as I am. How can you travel with someone like this, Penny? She's the sort of villain you want to try and stop, isn't she?"

Malverlain looks over to Norv. The guard walks over and presses his sword into Norv's hand before shoving him toward Silver.

"Kill her."
>roll Perception


Aegis quickly snatches it and begins looking for anything of interest
'1d10' Look-see

Roll #1 8 = 8


[1d10] Perception
Pulled to the edge of the tower, unable to even turn my head, my eyes go wide as Malverlain gives the order to Norvy.

"You'll find nopony here willing to play your games, monster!" I shout back, hiding the panic in my voice "My past is no secret between us, and I know norvy would sooner perish than kill a friend!"

Roll #1 4 = 4


My stomach sinks and I feel my knees grow weaker as he redirects my dart with barely any thought. I cringe as Aurora slumps over. Sorry.

I stumble forward as the guard shoves me. "No," I say. "She's changed. She's still changing for the better. It's different now." It's still pretty bad. A literal serial killer. Multiple murderer? It doesn't matter. That Silver and the Silver I know are different. "No," I say a little more firmly, trying to look him in the eye without trembling too much.

[1d10]Persevere in the face of adversity. How scared he look?

Roll #1 2 = 2 / Roll #2 4 = 4


>Perception (If I'm allowed to!) [1d10]
>Still readying a shot

Roll #1 6 = 6


Zunden watches out without the spyglass[1d10], taking a casual peek as she then makes it down to the cannon room. "I'm going to inzcribe ze cannon and munizion wizh Zeveranze, zee about making ze round fly zhrough ze air unzeen again."

Zunden starts drawing Severance runes to do just that. [1d10]

Roll #1 9 = 9 / Roll #2 10 = 10



"So, to be clear, they ARE still cannon balls right? If they hit one of us, they'll still hurt?"


You begin casting your runes, inscribing the cannonball with Severance. A Servitor stands by, ready to fire at your command.

Dawn nods in agreement with Hermodur. "Are you sure this is a good idea? If this warlock's taken our friends prisoner, they could get caught in the crossfire…"

It doesn't take long to spot where something is happening. At the top of a belltower in the north western quadrant of town, Aegis can see that your missing companions. They seem to be apprehended by an unseen force. Standing in midair away from the tower facing them is a robed Felid. He seems distracted dealing with them, not having noticed you behind him yet. Violet grits her teeth in worry. "I guess that's him. How are we going to do this?…"

His mocking smile falls. He shifts slightly, and the guard proceeds to turn around and mechanically hurl himself off the edge of the tower.

"Look, I don't ask for anything twice. Kill her, or I'll kill you both." You feel yourselves being dragged toward the edge of the tower yourselves all of a sudden.

Behind Malverlain, you can see the shadow of a ship behind him…


''The most I could do from here is try to blast him with magic from here. It wouldnt be as lethal as cannon fire but it could still break his grip from them
Aegis prepares a few orbs as she speaks

Roll #1 4 = 4



"I am, as ever, all for the heavy-handed, dramatic approach. I am just saying if we do this, we need to make sure our aim is true."

"Is anyone able to tell where exactly they are?"

[1d10] to see if he can find them (even though he almost certainly can't)

Roll #1 10 = 10


"Heavy-Handed is fine by me. I think I can line up a clear shot from here, if we're all ready to go…" the stallion tries to calm himself and focus on his aim.



"When I did this before, it was distraction more than anything, I had no intent on shooting or harming anyone with this cannonball. If a random steeple explodes elsewhere in the city with no site of a cannonball that did it, their attentions would be diverted. While I could use an artifact to ensure our aim is true, it will take a lifeline away that could be utilized later."


"We could try that again. With how things are lately, I say avoid using any lifelines- maybe I could take the shot?"


"It is your choice."


At first I try to resist his pull toward the edge. As I spot the ship, however, I do the only logical thing I can think of. I run at Silver. Slipping out my good luck charm I pray to whatever god is listening that this works out.

"Silver!" I shout, barreling toward her. Spreading my arms wide, I wrap them around her and slip the charm into the front of her armor, trying to take us both off the edge. "Ship! Glide!"


shoved forward as Norv climbs onto my back, i focus on breaking free of Malverlain's control, unfurling my wings to try and carry us off the tower!
[1d10] Resist (use GLC if fails)


[1d10] gliding w/norv

Roll #1 3 = 3 / Roll #2 8 = 8


"Alright. Here goes." the stallion says, moving to the cannon and taking aim…

>Cannon Shot (Lightning Element): [1d10+2]

>Aimed at the steeple, like suggested.

Roll #1 4 + 2 = 6


Aegis gives Rabi's shot a followup, unleashing a barrage of icy blasts on to the Felid at the Belltower
'1d10' homing magic, ice

Roll #1 3 = 3 / Roll #2 6 = 6 / Roll #3 2 = 2 / Roll #4 9 = 9


You conjure up 4 orbs. "If nothing else, it could cause a diversion," Gawain points out. "Perhaps it would buy them time to escape…"

You take a closer look. Norv and Silver seem to be being dangled off the edge of the tower by some magic, while Aurora seems to have been rendered unconscious, slumped on the floor. Marisol seems to be under the effects of zero gravity, trapped inside the bell itself. Finally, a black stain on the floor seems to be Black Pudding, grievously weakened to the point of unconsciousness.

Seeing Rabi start to line up a shot, you guide him to aim true.

Violet nods. "I don't see what other options we have, short of ramming this guy with the ship itself…"

"Aha! Very clever, Madame," says Gawain. "This should be interesting…"

Norv throws himself at Silver all of a sudden. Both of you fly over the edge.


Silver manages to shake off the magical weight dragging her down, spreading her wings and gliding over the enthralled town of Larkstead with Norv in tow. Looking back, you see Malverlain scowling in confusion and anger as he notices the ship having approached. Your companions on the tower start to come to, trying to make an escape with Black Pudding.

You fire at him. He brushes your shots aside, save for one that grazes his cheek.

Hermodur helps you aim the shot. You charge up with electricity, line up the cannon and open fire…

All of a sudden, you see Norv and Silver throw themselves over the edge. The latter catches him in midair and spreads her wings, gliding close to the ship. The warlock turns around, noticing your ship. He takes a hit from Aegis, then, a cannonball straight to the chest. He is sent flying, smashing into the side of the bell tower with a sky-cracking BOOOOM. A cloud of dust and debris flies up from the impact zone.

A little while later, you see Aurora, Marisol and what looks like Black Pudding emerge from the bottom of the tower, wounded but all in one piece. Aurora starts flying up, motioning for you to land so they can climb aboard.



Hermodur lets out a raucous laughter as the cannon ball hits its target fantastically. He slaps Rabi on the back roughly.

"Impeccable shot!" he shouts through his own laughter.


I yell as we glide toward the ship, letting go of Silver and dropping to the deck as we land. Dragging myself to my feet, I cackle, rush to the guardrail, and yell, "How's that for a clown you self-righteous bastard?!"


''Perfectly executed, Master Rabi'' Aegis says as she heads towards the ropes to help protect the ones who will be climbing up on board


With norv dropping to land on the deck, i land jerkily nearby, slumping over from exhaustion.

"Excellent.. timing.." i gasp out in between breaths

"We need to go.. Grab the others and get away from here. I'm not even sure if that could stop him."



"Are you all safe?" Zunden says telepathically, walking up the stairs with her staff clunking against the wood until she can make it to the top deck itself, "Zhere iz no reazon to linger for ze time being, unlezz it iz of grave importanze."


"We've made it aboard, but we must move quickly. This mage, Malverlain, he is the one that trapped the town, nearly compelled us to drop to our deaths with his magic!"

"I don't believe that cannonball killed him, not with his power. We must gather the others and flee while we can!"



"What happened?" Hermodur asks in urgent confusion.


"Malverlain, the one you fired into, he is the false oniromancer that took over the town." she begins, finally catching her breath.

"His magic held us in place, deflected Norvy's attack. He had almost killed Black Pudding! We were moments away from our deaths before you arrived!"


Rabi lets out a somewhat-excited whinny as the cannonball lands, moving from the cannon to his greatbow and drawing the string back.

"Thanks! Let's just get everyone on board and get out of here."



"Hmm. This could actually end well for us," Hermodur contemplates out loud.


"'End well'? Whatever do you mean?"

"We likely only escaped because of the ship's surprise attack, and even then i fear it might not have been enough!"



"And now, Black Pudding will be on our side because of it."


Gawain cheers, pumping his fist enthusiastically. "Huzzah! Capital work, everyone! We dispatched that villain with great dispatch!"

"That sounded like a good shot," Dawn agrees. "We should move with haste. Silver's right, I doubt that was enough to end him."

"Is anyone hurt?" Violet asks, looking over Silver and Norv. "Are you alright? What happened up there?"

Etrigan focuses on bringing the ship down to ground level for now, lowering the ladder for the other three.

The ship comes down to ground level, and Marisol and Aurora quickly clamber up to join you. Marisol seems to have hit her head, having blood running down the side, while Aurora looks dazed, and only half conscious. Behind them, Black Pudding sluggishly oozes up the ladder, but it seems he's too weak to move quickly. He's taking time to crawl up. Violet pales at the sight of him, shrinking away slightly and clamming up.

"We need to move. Now," Marisol urges. She looks uncharacteristically spooked.



Hermodur starts hauling up the ladder/rope while Black Pudding climbs up it to get him to safety faster, but not too fast/rough to jostle him off.

[1d10] for rope hauling

Roll #1 7 = 7


Aegis gave BP a little help with climbing with a weak telekinetic grip
''Where is your assistant'' She asks unenthusiastically


Zunden works the ship to have a servitor scoop up Pudding, letting Etrigan focus on piloting out.


Recovered, I eye the hole in the tower with concern as the others are brought aboard.

"We found the false Oniromancer, the one that destroyed the town. His power is.. overwhelming. It was as if he controlled gravity itself.. Holding us down, deflecting attacks, dragging us across the tower's floor. If you hadn't arrived in time, it was likely Malverlain would have killed us all!"

"Once Black Pudding is aboard, we must make for safer skies, while we have the chance."


"Right- I saw a little bit of what happened, and we need to be out of here."


Pudding slowly oozes aboard, having seemingly not registered Aegis' question. He looks over to Zunden, extending his foreleg. "Reader… Lend us thy strength and honor thy pact…"

Before he can explain, you see a chunk of debris fly out from the impact zone, heralding the return of Malverlain. He walks out on thin air, emerging from the rubble. He looks beaten up, wounded even, but unharmed. His robe is tattered from You can see now that the grey, skeletal Felid actually has no arms to speak of. Like they've been ripped from his sockets. He cracks his neck and stares down your ship from afar.

"Not too shabby." His voice seems to ring out all over town, coming from all around you. "Quite clever, really. Let's do this then, yeah?"

Several boulder-sized chunks of debris fly out from behind him, soaring up into the sky before arcing down to rain on you and your ship!


Aegis acted quickly and conjured a huge icicle, firing it towards one of the boulders in an attempt to pierce and shatter it
'2d10' magic bolt, ice

Roll #1 1, 8 = 9



Hermodur doesn't even wait for Malverlain to finish talking before he fires another cannonball at him.

[1d10] to fire cannon!

Roll #1 8 = 8


Panicked, i gallop downstairs to ready one of the cannons to fire, rolling the cannonball up and into the chamber.

[1d10] Loading

"Ah, i knew it! I should have prepared another round while we had the chance.."

Roll #1 5 = 5


Zunden nods, an orb bearing the rune of Return supernovaing behind her head as she tries to temporarily reverse the rocks as she did the tree, knowing that it won't be enough power to return them to place but enough to at least get the ship out of the way of their current trajectory.

>Spending Return orb (8) on shrapnel

With a temporary measure in place, Zunden moves to Black Pudding and removes the glove covering her runed hand yet again, making to carve the same symbol of Union on her palm to allow some blood to flow.

"I honor my pact, Black Pudding, you have my life blood and ztrengzh. Zhrough our Union let my debt be repayed and our agreement zanctified."

[1d10+1] Invoking Union for good measure to share life with Pudding.

Roll #1 2 + 1 = 3


Rabi whirls around and aims his greatbow at the boulders, trying to take out as many of them with a magic-laden arrow as he can.

>Dragonslayer Yumi (Cleave 2, Split): [1d10+2]

Roll #1 5 + 2 = 7


File: 1600920481568.png (53.14 KB, 585x714, Healing Bonds.png)


I follow Silver down and, after she loads it, line up a shot as best I can with the giant gun.

[1d10]Fire at him

Roll #1 5 = 5


The icicle manifests, then shatters in your face, momentarily disorienting you.
>-1 to next roll

This time, he's ready for it. He faces down the cannonball fearlessly, and it seems to ding off him, and falls to the ground below and… bounces? It's like it weighs nothing.

You load another cannon. You see Hermodur fire at him, but it has little effect this time.

Some of the rubble starts going backwards, as if being played in reverse, but it's not quite enough to prevent the ship from getting bombarded.

Black Pudding wraps his appendage around your hand, draining the blood from the open wound. Apart from the pain of carving into yourself, you feel strength starting to leave you. You feel faint, like part of you is being taken away.
>-1 wound, permanently

"Reader. Thy bond is honored." His voice sounds stronger now as he takes some of your life force. Color starts to return to his aqueous form, along with a tinge of red. He lets go of your hand, beginning to recover. "Our strength returns. Buy us time, Reader, that we may smite this unruly wretch once and for all."

Your arrow multiplies twice over, shattering some of the rubble into more manageable pieces.

You try to load up a shot with one of the cannons, but fail to lift the heavy iron cannonball.

Rabi and Zunden manage to mitigate some of the damage to the ship, but it's not enough to prevent it entirely. Etrigan lurches it out of the way, but a boulder smashes into the ship's prow, reducing it to splinters. A second one hits the mast, breaking it in two.

"Impressive! Finally, a real challenge!"

His gaze turns to the ship itself, and you feel it lurch suddenly as he tries to manipulate it, starting to turn it upside down. The ship rocks and groans under the assault, threatening to throw you all off balance. You hear things inside the ship rattling around and breaking.
>roll to keep your footing, instant action

Etrigan's manifestation wavers unsteadily as he struggles against Malverlain's grip. Aurora joins him, trying to use her novice attunement with the ship to break free of his manipulation.

You see Black Pudding starting to rise, color returning to his form. Zunden's offering seems to have given him newfound strength, but it will take him time to recover.

Dawn stands by nervously. "Should… should we abandon ship? It might be easier to avoid his wrath if we're not on it…"

"We need something to break his concentration!" Violet urges, scrambling to the edge of the deck to cling on. Marisol starts clambering up the mast to get to higher ground.


Aegis hisses and closes her eyes, struggling to maintain her focus as the ship rocks back and forth. With both mind and body occupied, she kept pushing on, trying to achieve enough serenity to cast her spells
'1d10-2' homing magic, ice
'1d10-2' keep balance

Roll #1 6 - 2 = 4 / Roll #2 5 - 2 = 3


>Hold on! [1d10]

Rabi tries to keep himself balanced, before calling out "Let me see if I can distract him- I have something that might work!" He readies his rifle and fires a wispy, blue-silver, ethereal 'bullet' at Malverlain.
>Astral Strike: [1d10+2]
>Frozen Light for +1

Roll #1 5 = 5 / Roll #2 8 + 2 = 10


Gripping the cannon for dear life as the ship violently turns, i try to draw the cannon into a good enough angle to split his attention.
[1d10] keep footing
[1d10] cannonshot

Roll #1 3 = 3 / Roll #2 3 = 3



"If it's his concentration we need to break, it may be time to use that ship in a bottle," Hermodur suggests to Zunden.

He then turns to Malverlain. "But, if it's a challenge he wants…" He holds Mjolnir aloft above him as its engine roars to life. "I'll give him one!" he shouts.

>Sentry, Sharpen

>Hunter's Eye on Malverlain


Zunden kneels as the ship sways and her body is sapped of energy. [1d10] footing

She holds up her ring, trying to do just what Violet says and throw off the phoneyromancer with a bright flash of light.

[1d10] Flash

Roll #1 5 = 5 / Roll #2 8 = 8


Something- something to break his concentration! "Line up a shot!" I yell. "I might have something, but I haven't gotten to test it yet! Hold on until I get back!" I start toward my room, dig out the Shatterhorn, and rush back up to the top deck. I stumble as the ship lurches, trying to keep my balance.


Roll #1 4 = 4




Roll #1 6 = 6


Your concentration is broken as you lurch to the side, getting thrown to the deck. You hit your head pretty hard.
>Aegis takes 3 hits

You slip and fall, quickly picking yourself back up.
>Rabi takes 1 hit

You fire the cannon, but the ship's movement makes it roll to the side, firing on nothing. You slip as the ship jolts, hitting the cannon wings first.
>Silver takes 4 hits

You manage to steady yourself, powering up Mjolnir and digging it into the deck floor for stability. You stand steady despite everything, for now.

You lurch unsteadily, stumbling slightly, knocking into the broken mast. Your scales protect you from taking damage.

You scramble to your room. It's a mess below deck, as everything's been thrown around by the attack. The kitchen especially has been hit hard; most of the plates are broken, and the food is ruined. Everything is strewn about your room, including muffled yells of protest and help from Purdue somewhere. As the ship jolts, you try to steady yourself, but end up faceplanting instead.
>Norv takes 3 hits

You find the Shatterhorn under a pile of clothes.

The ship is suddenly released as Malverlain's guard is momentarily broken by the flash of light from Zunden. A followup shot from Rabi knocks him out for a few moments while his guard is down. It probably won't keep him under for long, though.

Black Pudding begins to regain his usual shape, eyes opening, burning with indignant anger. He mutters quietly in a language you don't recognize.

Dawn gets up from the floor and seizes the opportunity, thinking fast. "Should I open a Door so we have an escape route?" she suggests.

Marisol doesn't speak, reaching into her coat and pulling out her trusty flintlock, lining up a shot on him.

Aurora and Etrigan start moving the ship upward, trying to put some distance between yourselves and Malverlain.

Gawain looks around before helping up Violet, who seems to have taken a blow from falling over. "Easy, we're not out of this yet!"


"He's out of it for a little! I won't be able to keep him like this for long, though- let's get outta here!"
>Automatic Action: Maintain Astral Strike


Aegis stumbles back to her feet, standing next to Dawn ''I was just about to ask you for that Master Dawn'' She says, rubbing her head ''We will need a window to escape from in case this goes south, but I wont allow it to be easy for him''
She raises her head, and gathers up some magical shots
'1d10' homing magic, ice

Roll #1 9 = 9


>Potent Potion

Roll #1 8 = 8


Slamming into the cannon, i yelp in pain at what is likely a bruised wing. Gritting my teeth, i search around for another cannonball amidst the ship's scattered armaments, struggling to load the ball.

[1d10] Reload

Roll #1 10 = 10



"If you don't have a way to hit him, it'd probably be the best use of your time," Hermodur says to Dawn as he lowers his hammer like a golf club.

He lines up a shot and swings it, launching a ball of energy at malverlain.

>[1d10+3] [1d10+3]

>ranged attack, DC-1, take the higher roll

Roll #1 7 + 3 = 10 / Roll #2 5 + 3 = 8


I grit my teeth and shake my head, grabbing the shatterhorn and rushing back up to the deck. "Dawn!" I shout. "Can you open up a small door next to his head? Or near him at least? This is gonna be loud!"


Zunden stays low, preparing to help with moving the ship.

>Bask, Dominion


As you say that, you start feeling a pounding sensation in your head, which quickly escalates into mental agony. It's like someone's invaded your brain and driven a spear through it.

"You're not the only one full of surprises, you know. Thanks for the link, though. Let's see what we can find in here…"
>Rabi takes 1 wound

It seems that as long as he's in the astral plane, he'll have full access to rifle through your thoughts and memories like an open book.
>roll to keep him under if desired

You conjure eight icicles, which float behind you in an octagon formation.

You load the cannonball and get ready to fire.
>+1 to the firing roll

Your energy orb slams him right in the kisser, leaving a smoldering impact on his face. He seems to still be under, for now.

She nods. "I can try. …What are you planning?…"

Dawn's horn starts glowing silver, and she begins to strain from the effort of opening Doors. Two open up: the first is in front of the ship and leads to the edge of town, big enough for the ship to pass through. The second is smaller, and goes right up to Malverlain. While he appears unconscious at first, as it opens, you see one of his sallow yellow eyes shoot open, looking through at you all. "Be quick," Dawn urges, her voice strained. "I can't hold it for very long…"


Rabi grips his head and slumps over, before letting out a pained huff. "H-He's digging into my head! I can keep him under, b-but it's gonna mess me up if I keep it up for too long."


Zunden holds off on helping with maneuvering the ship, looking to Rabi with concern,
"Cut your tiez, our planz our not worzh revealing for an act of herorizm."
Zunden heals herself and her friends.

>Healing Bonds: Zunden, Rabi, Silver


Roll #1 4 = 4



Hermodur does another ranged attack through the door.

>[1d10+3] [1d10+3]

>ranged attack, DC-1, take the higher roll

Roll #1 4 + 3 = 7 / Roll #2 8 + 3 = 11


With the cannonball packed and ready, i aim through the now opened gate and fire!
[1d10+1] firing

Roll #1 6 + 1 = 7


>Ending Astral Strike


"Cover your ears!" I poke the horn through and squeeze.


Taking advantage of the brief distraction caused by Dawn's portals, Aegis breathes out softly as she releases the orbs of crystal ice, causing a show of pale blue light to fly towards Malverlain, distracting from the extra icicle Aegis fired straight at the Felid
'2d10' Magic bolt, ice

>Homing magic, ice


Roll #1 9, 7 = 16 / Roll #2 1 = 1 / Roll #3 1 = 1 / Roll #4 8 = 8 / Roll #5 2 = 2



Roll #1 7 = 7 / Roll #2 6 = 6 / Roll #3 7 = 7 / Roll #4 6 = 6


Hearing the shout from Norv, i take cover and shield my ears!
[1d10] sound block

Roll #1 10 = 10


Malverlain recovers as Rabi breaks off the connection. He sees Silver lining up a cannon shot and focuses his power on it, deflecting the ball, but he seems to only be able to hold one thing at a time. Hermodur's orb blows him into next week, sending him hurtling through the air, while Aegis unleashes her barrage of icy missiles to juggle him in midair before he falls all the way to the ground. As he gets back up, mostly unharmed, he flashes you all a cocky grin and opens his mouth to say something. It quickly fades when Norv reaches through and uses the Shatterhorn.


The peal of the tiny device crashes throughout the town, emitting a near gale-force shockwave that ruffles you all the way from over there. It rolls up into the top of the bell tower, the shockwave tilting the bell itself and causing it to lend its clanging voice to the din. The sound rolls throughout the surrounding barren lands, echoing for at least half a mile around. And caught at its epicenter is Malverlain. So thunderous is its sound that it shreds his robe even further, leaving him trembling on his hands and knees, bleeding from his ears. It doesn't look like he poses much of a threat anymore.


Aegis looks down in silence at the pathetic form of the defeated Malverlain, then back to Norv ''That was very impressive Master Norvegicus. It seems that neither magical or physical attacks had effect on him, but you completely shut him down by attacking his senses. I am once again impressed by your show of brillance'' She says without a hint of excitement
''Now what shall we do about him?''


I pull my arm back through and, careful not to drop the shatterhorn, cover my ears as the sound continues to resonate for way longer and way louder than I'd expected. I squeeze my eyes shut and wait until the noise finally fades. My heard thuds against the inside of my chest as I finally open my eyes and look out at the damage. "Holy…" I blink. Why does it seem like every time I get into a situation like this I should he thanking Discord?

My face hardens as I see the felid on his hands and knees.

"I… thanks?" I can never tell when this mare is being sarcastic or not. "We have to deal with him somehow. There's no way he won't hurt someone else if we let him." I look over my shoulder at Black Pudding to see if he's still working on whatever spell he was trying to cast.


Zunden rests from her position, back against the side of the ship and visibly paler. "Ze me and ze ozherz learned our lezzon wizh letting ze drake live, we cannot afford zhem ze merzy we onze gave to Lyzander."


Covering my ears from the blast, i look up from my position on the deck to deafening silence, the fight seemingly over. peeking my head through the firing port to spot the bleeding and battered Malverlain, i sigh in relief, trotting back up to the top deck.

"Goodness, what a fight that was! Excellent work, Norvy!"

"Hmm.. There was mention of a bounty on his head back in Braildorn. Perhaps we could send somepony less conspicuous to turn it in?"



"Want me to finish him?" Hermodur asks, lining up another shot.


"This guy? Are you sure you're not thinking of the Oneiromancer?"


I rub the back of my neck and blush a little. "Thanks. Needed a distraction. Just sorta happened to have something that fit the bill. Guess it did a little more than just distract him, though."


Rabi rubs his head and groans a little bit, before looking to the result of the party's work. He lets out a relieved sigh, before flopping on to his haunches. "We got him, yeah? Is everyone alright? Dawn, you alright?"


Black Pudding rises, bubbling up to double his usual size. He seems to crackle with energy, white and purple streaks of lightning coursing through his pearlescent form, his eyes glowing like lanterns. He produces a jar from within him; within is a familiar black spidery creature. The same demon that once tried to drain Aegis of her very existence.

Leave Malverlain to us.

With that, he surges forward and down the ruined prow of the ship, leaving a trial of sparks in his wake. "…Do I want to know?" Violet asks with a bit of apprehension. Aurora shakes her head with a grim expression.

Dawn slumps back, closing the Doors with a bit of a sigh. She's getting the usual nosebleed that accompanies the exertion of doing so. She wipes it and smiles slightly. "I think so. Thank you. It's still taking its toll on me. I need to regain my old strength…"

"Oh, excellent idea!" Gawain crows. "I volunteer, as I'm the only one of you who has no hostile connections in there. Th-"

"I don't think it's a good idea to go there regardless," Marisol warns. "There's been all sorts of violence happening there lately from what I've heard. Riots, infighting between different factions… It's dangerous. I don't think it's worth the risk."

"We did lose supplies," Violet points out. "We'll need the money, right?"

Dawn chimes in. "As long as you keep your head down," she says to Gawain, it shouldn't be too hard. Right?"

"Of course! I am nothing if not subtle."

Marisol arches an eyebrow. "Well, I suppose I can't stop you if you do go. Just, do be careful. For everyone's sake."

Violet looks at the rest of you. "What do you think?"


"Dawn mentioned He was the 'Oneiromancer' the city was looking for, a fake to rally the city against. Perhaps he was the one the original bounty was alluding to?"



"That makes sense. Though, that would also make actually collecting the bounty tricky."


"Well, I'm certainly going to watch whatever Black Pudding has planned," Hermodur chuckles.

He watches the spectacle from the ship.


"Hmm.. Given the state the ship is in, we would benefit greatly from the bounty money."

"..If there is anything left of him after Black Pudding is done, that is.." i trail off, watching the ooze practically fly off the deck towards the mage.


"Az much az I have gone on record to hate ztoping at locationz, ezpecially zhiz one in particular, we will need ztock up wizh many zuppliez if we're to make it zhiz final ztretch wizhout any more ztopz. Zhree zhouzand bitz worzh of zuppliez would help… Zhat being zaid,"

She looks to Black Pudding, "We cannot claim a bounty on zomeone who iz about to zeaze to exizt az we know it."


Rabi watches Black Pudding swooceslide off the deck and descend towards the false Oneiromancer, deciding to leave him to it for now. He hops back up on to all fours after a moment, and trots over to Dawn to help her up if she wants to rise. If she doesn't, he just waits by her patiently. "Don't push yourself, yeah?"


''More money wouldnt hurt us. I could go down there and retrieve the bounty''
''I insist in coming along'' Aegis says simply


I watch Black Pudding make his way to take care of the fake Oneiromancer before turning away. "Well, that takes care of that, I guess." I look up at Gawain again. "So you think you'll be able to get in and out alright, then? Braildorn is supposed to be pretty rough now. If you think it won't be a problem I say go for it."


"O-oh! I don't think that's a good idea, my lady. You'd be walking straight into the lion's den. Lysander's agents know you, not me."

"Perhaps. It shouldn't take more than a day. While I'm gone, you could speak to this sorcerer, and figure out the next plan of action.

Aurora casts her vote in. "I don't think it's worth the risk. We have money already, after all."

Black Pudding seems to have overheard your conversation, looking back at you with a slight nod, and puts away the captive Squatterbloat for now.

You see him tower over the helpless warlock, looking at him with abject disgust for a moment. Then, he extends his hoof out, normally at first, then farther and farther, extending to unnatural length towards his face. His foreleg splits into several appendages, beginning to squirm into the Felid's orifices; nose, mouth, ears, even through his eyes. Violet looks like she's going to throw up, while Gawain covers his mouth, and Aurora looks away with horror.

Malverlain struggles and kicks helplessly against the black mass, then you hear a sick crunch, and his body falls to the ground. Pudding bends over, takes something from his robe, then makes his way back over to you as if nothing had happened.



"Ah, an excellent idea. You and gawain should be safe in braildorn working together, i'm sure."


I wince a little at the sound of I don't even know what but don't feel much beyond a little discomfort. Am I used to this kind of thing already? I feel like I should be more bothered by what BP just did, but… I force that train of thought away as Pudding rejoins the party. "Seems like we got a lotta catchin up to do, huh? You alright? Didn't seem like you were doin so hot up in the belltower."



Hermodur waits for Black Pudding to return to them.


Rabi winces a little and looks away, trying to ignore it to the best of his ability.

"I did see a… part of him in the belltower, I think. Didn't look good."


Zunden watches at first, but has to turn away as Malverlain starts to struggle. She looks to Pudding, speaking softly, "Do you know if zhey had any conneczion to ze name ze drake gave him?"


''We have some money now, but it wont be with us forever, Aurora. Its better to have too much than too little'' Aegis says calmly to the bat mare before turning to Gawain ''I'll cover myself and obscure my face so they wont recognize me then. I'm coming along to ensure your safety, Sir Gawain''


"My safety?" He looks confused, and maybe a bit offended. "I am a knight of Andraxis! I don't see why I couldn't handle venturing into a city on my own. I appreciate your concern, miss Aegis, but I'll be perfectly able to carry this out on my own."

Black Pudding rejoins you on board the ship, scowling as usual, still crackling with energy. It subsides as he regards you all, his expression softening almost imperceptibly. He bows his head in gratitude.

"Were it not for thine arrival, we would have surely perished. That wretch held me prisoner for untold weeks. We suffered… indignities." His lip curls slightly at the memory.

"Thou must be brimming with questions regarding all this. We shall answer what we can, then, shamefully, we have another favor to ask of thee."

"We shall survive. In no small part thanks to the Reader." He nods towards Zunden. "Thy concern is noted."

"Lysander dubbed him the Oneiromancer, for that is what he became. The people of this town are trapped in a reverie of his making, puppets to his will. With his death, they will begin to awaken, and, with time, undo his stain."

He produces what he took from Malverlain's corpse: a black crystal pendant in the shape of an orb. It resembles the void the Oneiromancer seems to carry in his manifestations, though it seems hewn of the same stone as what powers a Prowler. "The source of his fell strength," says Black Pudding. "And proof of his demise."


"You, uh- you don't gotta talk about it if you don't want to, Pudding. Wouldn't blame you, with what little I got to experience while he was rooting around in my head." he says, before cocking his head to the side. "Favor? What?"


''I too thought I would do fine on my own in the Echoes, but I would likely be dead on my first day if I hadnt met the other drifters. The Echoes and even its cities are dangerous, Sir Gawain, and if you have to learn this personally, I would like to at least be there to help. Whats more is that even if we are discovered, it will be another place where Lysander will have to waste time checking for the Egg''

Aegis also briefly turns to BP ''Where is your apprentice, Master Black Pudding?''



"It's fortunate that you have a favor for us," Hermodur comments. "We've come to you for a deal. So, I'm sure we can work something out with this."


"Ah, zhat explainz ze pulzing I felt in a mark left on my zcalez by ze charm you gave me on our firzt or zecond meeting. Ze cryztalz dropped by Prowlerz muzt be attuned in zome way, or at ze leazt ze tainted magic zhat can be left behind by zheir uze."

Zunden bows her head subtly, "I am glad our Union waz able to reztore your healzh, your runecraft zimilarly made for our worriez to be lezzened at leazt for a few dayz from when we parted lazt."


"Wasn't a councidence we ran into you, honestly. We were actually looking for you. We, uh…" I rub the back of my neck. "We kinda got something we need to talk about."


"You really are insistent on accompanying me, aren't you?" he comments with amusement. "Why, if I didn't know better, I'd say you have feelings for me! Hahahaha! I'd welcome the company, really. Traveling on your own does get rather dull."

"Carnifex escaped," he replies. "With what we could salvage from our Sanctuary. Doubtless she has made it safely to Braildorn."

"Our runes faltered, then. We should not be surprised. Our battle against Malverlain must have caused unforeseen repercussions. Had we prevailed, the spell would have held."

He arches an eyebrow at the mention of wanting something from him. Before asking what it is, he explains his situation.

"That interloping cur Malverlain has destroyed our Sanctuary," he explains. "Dashed to pieces in a ravine somewhere. Carnifex salvaged aught of use. But now we are left stranded with little recourse. We know not of thy plans, but we would ask of thy company to allow us to journey with thee. At least for a time. In exchange, we would undertake what thou wouldst ask of us. What seekest thee?"


I clech my jaw a little, but decide to just come right out and say it. "It's about the Beldam," I say. "I want to help her, and I think she would be a valuble ally. Or if not ally at least someone we can set up a mutually benefitcal relationship with. I'm not sure how much sense exactly it makes, and that's why I wanted to talk to you first, but I think we can convince her to guard the egg." I glance over my shoulder and shift. Maybe I should have waited before talking about that so openly.


Rabi glances to Zunden and the others, humming a bit in thought- "Well, we did mean to meet up with you, but I'm not sure if we want to ta-" he stops abruptly, and whinnies a tad.


''Its a good thing you know better. I do not want any misunderstandings'' Aegis responds, unamused by Gawain's quip ''We leave when you are ready then. I'll just go get something first''
''Master Norvegicus. I need the Mournwing Cloak''


"I ztill do not entruzt zhem az an ally zhough, who iz to zay zhey would not zide wizh ze Oneiromanzer in exchange for zheir peaze or zheir land being protected. We cannot make zuzh offerz."

"Zhey have taken ze phyzical body of one our alliez, which iz a dark omen for what power zhey may have gained from it. Nonezhelezz, you are more zhan welcome here, and I will make zure a room iz cleared for you onze we finizh repairz from ze damage ze falze dream weaver cauzed."


"The Beldam…" His expression darkens, and he rumbles softly.

"She is dead. We slew her in hopes to claim her strength, and dominion over the land, but… it was not to be. With her dying breath, the wisp denied me her power. It is lost forever. And the fen with it." He looks bitter, regretful even. Dawn visibly pales, and Marisol takes a step back with a frown, covering her mouth in thought. Aurora tilts her head slightly.

"If it is hiding the Egg thou seekest," he continues, "heed our words: thine efforts will never last. A more permanent solution will be required to do away with this artifact."



"Did you have something in mind?"


''I considered the option of sealing it away in a pocket dimension, but I do not know the means to achieve that'' Aegis speaks up, unphazed by the news of Beldam's death''


"Let uz zpeak over a meal, you have had zome ztrenzh returned by our Union, but ze comfortz of communion zhould help zome." Zunden says, gesturing into the ship, "We can zpeak on what you mean by a permament zolution zhen."


"Is there a way to do away with it, even? I don't even know if that's possible." he says, before looking to Zunden and nodding. "Right. Let's get a move-on, though."


"Dead? oh dear. so it seems we return to where we began, still on the hunt for solutions."

"Excellent point, zunden. I'm sure we could use the time to eat and resettle the lower decks. I've heard quite the ruckus during the fight, and i do hope my glassware survived.."

"Oh! whilst we were searching for black pudding, we came across one of those runes he made during the struggle."

I unfold the drawn rune from earlier, holding it out for examination.

"I've not the slightest idea what it's intended use is, but perhaps you could replicate the design to test?"

[1d10] design accuracy

Roll #1 3 = 3


Zunden chuckles a little, "I would azzume our guezt would know it'z meaning."


"..ah, yes." she trails off, quickly folding the paper back up in embarrassment

"I had sketched it in haste, but I suppose It would be easier to simply ask him. Just wanted to make sure you were aware, I know you've an interest in rune magic after all."


He shakes his head. "Only one with the power to twist reality itself could hope to do away with such a thing. It is not a power any of us here possess."

He looks a bit derisive of Silver's attempt, correcting her drawing with a piece of chalk he produces. It looks like an arrowhead, or an inverted V, with tapered ends. "Guidance," he says simply. "We inscribed them to know the way back. As allies, thou couldst follow the same path."

He nods to Zunden. "A sound plan." "I'll put the kettle on!" Gawain says eagerly, rushing off to the kitchen.

Violet immediately makes herself scarce, while Etrigan and Aurora excuse themselves, beginning to clean up the mess made in the lower deck. Only Dawn and Marisol remain; as does Ganzen, who rears his head out from a corner as you enter. The interior isn't as bad as it sounded; some of the chairs are broken, and the table is a mess, but you get it sorted easily enough. A Servitor brings out some biscuits, tea and coffee for you all. Pudding thanks it quietly, pouring himself some tea with milk and sugar.


Rabi settles in at the table after helping clean up around the lower deck, giving Violet an apologetic nod as she makes herself scarce.

"Alright, so… where were we starting?" he asks, taking a sip of the coffee.


''Then'' Aegis starts once everyone is at the table ''If we cannot destroy it, and we cannot hide it forever, what can we do? Spending our entire lives running away with it is not an option either''


"I would azzume figure out at leazt a way to hide it away long enough for it to become ze fate of anozher group to protect it zome day. If we can poztpone it'z dizcovery but even ten yearz, it givez time to make preparations. " Zunden pats on her lap to summon Ganzen, seemingly not minding the now rather large pet's presence on her lap.



"It's not a power any of us possess… yet. If it's worth doing, it's worth doing right," Hermodur responds before going below decks to enjoy some tea with the others.


"Ah, a path which eventually led us to the tower. Quite the useful Rune, I'd say!"

After making my way down to the lower deck, i check my lab to make sure the glass vials and jars are intact, before making my way to the table for tea, resigning myself to cleaning mine and rabi's room later.


Your lab is pretty beaten up; there's broken glass all over the floor. However, it's not a complete loss. Only some empty ones were lost, and there's still plenty of intact ones to spare. You'll still be able to use it.

He rumbles. "We know not," he admits. "Truly powerful beings are few and far between in these lands. Demons, perhaps, could do away with it, but not without considerable sacrifice…" There's a bit of an uncomfortable silence as you ponder your situation.

Aurora speaks up. "…What about Discord?" she suggests quietly. Dawn almost chokes on her coffee at the notion of working with him.

"The Draconequus?" Black Pudding looks bemused. "He is free? Is he not petrified somewhere in the Dominion still?"



Hermodur is practically petrified himself at this news. "IS he not!?" he asks with monumental concern.


I slip the cloak off, look down at it, and reluctantly hand it over.

Dead. After we agreed to help her. I clench my fist and glance down, trying to keep my voice calm and cool. "Right. It was probably a bad idea anyway."

And the only one I know with that power would be just as likely to destroy the egg for a laugh as he would be to protect it. But as things stand, with the power he was offering… "I guess we'll just have to keep playing it by ear, then."


''He traveled with us some time ago. Most likely is causing mayhem in some corner of the Echoes for fun, or searching for a way to escape it''


"He's free. Always seems to have a habit of not being all that far off, either. I've considered it, and I would be just as surprised if he didn't want to as I would if he did. Depends on if he'd have fun." Which, if I was in his position, would I be any different? Especially after being locked up for so long.


''I dont think even Discord would go that far to destroy reality for a laugh. With the absence of everything, there can be no chaos, and his existence is meaningless''


"Yez, zhey were trapped in ztone and waz wizhholding where ze Egg had been taken by ze zwarm of ze living zandz until freed. Wizhout ze zandz interfering wizh finding ze location of ze Egg, it waz ze only way to enzure it did not end up in ze drake'z handz."


"This isn't the only reality, though. Imagine how much chaos there would be if everything trapped here was let loose back in the dominion."



Hermodur says nothing, merely staring off into space with a shocked expression.


Scowling at the damage, i do what i can to sweep up and make my way to the table to sit down.

"Goodness, what a disaster that would be! Worse still, we'd be even further pressed to keep the egg intact, lest everything be erased at that stage."


"At that point I think he might actually protect it. Aegis is right about that much. You wouldn't destroy a toy you can't fix for a quick laugh."


"He's, uh, not. We bumped into him here, I believe. Parted ways a while ago. Do you think he could do something to the egg?"


''The Cuckoo will not stop in the Echoes. It will find its way to the Dominion and erase it as well'' She states


"For whatever it's worth," Aurora remarks, "he wasn't anywhere near as powerful as you'd think. Or if he was, he was doing a good job of hiding it. The fact that he's been free for so long and the world hasn't broken is most likely proof enough that he isn't looking to destroy the Echoes for a lark. At least, not yet."

"If my theories are correct," Dawn points out, "then the Echoes and the Dominion are inexorably linked in some way. Perhaps even physically."

"Aegis is right," says Aurora. "This entity exists across multiple perceptions of existence, doesn't it? I imagine Discord would have some insight into it. If he can't at least point us in the right direction to stopping the threat, I don't see what else could."

"These are all heavy presumptions," Pudding remarks. "Discord is legendarily impossible to trust. We would not bargain with him unless we had no other choice."

"Afternoon snacks!"

Gawain interrupts the conversation, bringing out a tray of scones, along with various flavors of jam. There is fresh fruit as well. He places the tray on the table for you all if you wish to pick at it before sitting down, eagerly rubbing his claws together and grinning at you all. "What are we talking about?"

"Preventing the end of the world as we know it," Pudding replies unamused.

"Oh. W-well, I'll do my best!"



"We canNOT trust Discord," Hermodur insists. "Even putting the thought in his mind is an extraordinarily bad idea. We shouldn't even talk to him AT ALL."


''Well the only two choices I can think of is Discord, or uncovering the Liber Animarum until we can find a demon powerful enough to deal with the egg. The cost will no doubt be extremely high, but at least demons are more trustworthy than Discord''


"Thanks, Gawain. We're all doing what we can." he says, before humming. "I… I think we can trust him on this, but I can't be sure. What other options do we have, you think?"


"Again, I only propoze prolonging ze time until it iz found, and azccept it will be refound and need to be hidden from time to time. We could zeek out a way to deal wizh it permamently when we are not actively holding it."


"Ah, excellent. Thank you, Sir Gawain."

using a knife to split a scone, i apply a layer of strawberry jam to the ends, before continuing, alternating between scone and tea sips.

"Well, there is the option of simply sailing from this continent to greener pastures. Perhaps there is some place elsewhere we can hide it?"

she pauses to bite a scone, shielding her muzzle with a wing.

"It would at least have our trail lost, for a time."


I cock my eyebrow at Aurora. "You guys haven't heard from him since the Sands, have you? He's gathering his power. Definitely stronger now than he was when we first bumped into him." I rub the back of my neck and let out an awkward chuckle. "I, uh… I've kinda talked ho him a couple of times since?"


"Actually, on that note I really need to check on Purdue. He's been acting kinda weird."



"I agree with Zunden on this. We need to hide it first."



"Indeed. the matter is finding a place which gives us the time necessary to search unhindered."

"Although.. if were to craft a double of sorts, that could provide some measure of extending time while we search. So long as he believes we have it, he wouldn't bother searching elsewhere, yes?"


''Yes I agree this is the best choice. It'll be much easier finding a way to hide the egg when we are not busy running away with it''
''So long as he doesnt somehow know how to tell the fake egg from the real… But I suspect the Oneiromancer would know, and he would whisper it upon Lysander's ear''


"Would he? Didn't Lysander backstab O-Man?"


''I wasnt aware of this. What happened'' Aegis's ears perk up slightly as she turns to Norv


"You've been talking to Discord?" Aurora asks Norv with a frown.

"None of these options are very appealing," Dawn comments. "But I think Zunden's right. We need to buy time before we commit to anything."

"A wise conclusion," Black Pudding concurs, taking another sip of tea. His complexion seems to change as it passes into him. "We should not be too hasty to commit to anything. It is our opinion that negotiating with Discord should not be utterly out of the question. Though, if we are to commit to this, we will have to be extremely careful not to grant this creature leverage. He lies as easily as he breathes." He looks to Hermodur. "Think not that your pleas fall on deaf ears, Herald. We would not strike a deal with Discord unless we truly had no other options."

"Who's Discord?" Gawain asks innocently between bites of scone. "No one friendly, I imagine."


''Then I suppose this means we are back to the original plan of hiding the egg'' Aegis gets up, with a scone on her mouth as she turns to leave ''Excuse me then, I have to tend to the chickens''



Hermodur grimaces slightly at being called 'Herald'. But, he says nothing of it.

He looks to Gawain. "He's a false-god of chaos," Hermodur explains to Gawain. "All of existence would have been better off if he remained petrified."


I stiffen up a little. "Well, talking to is a little strong. I have spoken with him once or twice." I look over at the door below deck. "Really gotta go check on Purdue, though." I break off from the conversation and make my way below deck, headed back to my room.


I join black pudding in sipping some tea.

"Then it seems our plan hasn't changed, for the moment. Continue towards the isle of glass whilst we lay a trail for lysander to follow."


"Well, buy time it is- what's the best way to do that, you think? Just keep heading somewhere, like before?"


Zunden nods, "Our plan, barring deziczionz we plan to wizhhold until ze moment we need to dezide az to prevent our mindz being zcoured, iz to repeat zomezhing zimilar to ze runecraft you firzt applied to zhiz zhip and surround ze egg wizh enough wardingz to keep ze infernal embryo from being dizcovered for hopefully zome time. Fatez I juzt need zome time."


Dawn fills you in. "It seems Lysander and the Oneiromancer split ways at the Sands. The dragon wishes to claim the Egg to use as leverage to gain greater power, while the dreamwalker only seeks to use it to erase us. Gods know why Grosvenor wants it…"

Pudding notices your reaction and frowns slightly. "Are you not the Herald of Ailuros Bastet? That is how you introduced yourself."

"Oh. Well, that's not good. I suppose we'll have to deal with that when we come to it."

"Oh, if you're still intent on going, I was planning on heading out in an hour!" says Gawain to Aegis. "Just let me know when you're ready. I'll be packing my things soon. Should only be gone for a day or so."

You head out from the dining table and to your room. It's a bit of a mess after that whole encounter. You hear Purdue's voice as you enter, muffled by being covered by a fallen bedsheet. "Oh! Is someone there? I say, hello? Hello? I'm, er… stuck."

Black Pudding nods. "It seems like a sound plan. A diversion should be enough to stay Lysander's ire. At least for a time. The Oneiromancer is the far greater threat. To him, eternity is but an eye's blink. He will procure it if thou seekest to obscure it from him. We have little choice but to find a way to stop his ceaseless pursuit."

"Until then." He finishes his tea. "Let us fly."



"Hey! Sorry, bud, I was in a hurry earlier. Had to grab something to deal with someone. Really should have brought you along, but you were sleeping." I squat down, pull the bedsheet off od him, and scoop him up. "How you feeling?"



"Lately I've felt… less than worthy of that title," Hermodur responds to Black Pudding.


''Yes I will see you then. I just need to ensure none of the chickens are dead or hurt''


"I've been lying here for 40 minutes."

You grab him and set him on the bedside table. There's a few chips in his chrome dome from being knocked around, but only superficial damage.

"Wonderful. Better than ever. Outside of being knocked around in an earthquake, or whatever it was. What's happening out there, anyway?"


"We fought the false Oneiromancer. He's dead now. Ship got rattled and banged up some during the fight. That's what caused-" I gesture around at the room. "Well, this." I start picking up while we talk, making sure nothing got damaged. In particular I check on my Clockwork Orange plants.

"Anyway, one of the things I got from R&G -the horn?- caused that huge shockwave." I theatrically rattle my head around some. "Ears are still ringin some. Fake O-Man had it worse, though." I laugh. "Got dawn to open up a little gate from me to him and honked that sucker right in his ear. He was talking real big, but after that he fell out of the air and Black Pudding took care of the rest."


"I heard that," he remarks as you tidy. "Thought the world was coming to an end. Frightened me out of my skull, it did."

The Oranges are blooming already, starting to take up a good corner of the room. You have several kilograms worth of scrap metal already. Purdue watches you tidy the room. "I'd help out, but, you know. Nyehe."

His gaze turns to the window. "Say. You remember that astronomical event I read about back at Sprig's? I think it might be coming up soon. Not sure when or where exactly, but I feel like something big is going to happen real soon. Don't you?"


"Hah, you're fine. Honestly I've been thinking of ways to get you a body. At least something that lets you move around. Not that I mind carrying you with me, but I can't imagine dangling from my waist is all that fun." I smile as I look the oranges over. Damn. These things grow fast. At this rate I'll actually be able to play around with them before the end of the week.

My smile falls a little as I look up at Purdue. "Yeah," I say. "I know what you mean. I might ask Black Pudding if he knows anything about it. I think there might have been something related about the sword one of us found, but I don't remember who or what about." I sigh. "I just hope it's not something bad. We're dealing with enough as it is. I just want some dang time to breathe."


"Sword?" He seems confused.

"If you can, I'd like to stargaze tonight," he adds. "For a change. I haven't left this room in a while. I feel like I need a fresh of breath air."


"Oh. Yeah. Definitely." I frown. "I guess my head has been other places recently. Haven't been helping you out as much. I'm sorry for that, brother." I knit my brow and study him for a moment. "But seriously. Are you feeling alright? You've been sleeping a lot. Getting a little worried."


"Oh, it's fine. Don't worry about me. I'll survive."

He pauses at your question. "I've… just been feeling more tired, recently. Kind of stretched, really. And… my memory isn't what it used to be. It's like I'm… slipping away… But I'm sure it's nothing! Just a passing phase! I just need to stay more active! Or as active as I can be, I guess. I'll be right as rain in no time."


"If it gets much worse I'm going to try to ask Discord about it. Not that I can expect a straight answer, but I'm scared the magic holding you to the skull is getting weaker. Like one day you'll just stop responding and never start again." I fall silent for a long moment, letting that thought really sink in. Against all odds Purdue is probably the best friend I have here, and he's technically already dead and barely being held here by a thread. Maybe there are others besides Discord I can ask about it, but there's no way I can figure it out on my own.

"Anyway." I pull out the spyglass and start fiddling around with it to see if I can find a new mode. "I'm going to build myself a rifle. I've noticed I can't do anything long ranged. Short range I have my sprayer. Mid-range I have my dart gun and my sprayer. Long range I always end up just standing around scratching my butt. I tried Rabi's out and it was pretty neat, so I kind of want one for myself. That way I can actually be useful."



Roll #1 4 = 4


"…I hadn't… hadn't considered that possibility." He doesn't seem to know what more to say.

You fiddle with the spyglass, ending up with an array of lenses focusing on some sort of crystal. But you don't get much more than that. "What's a rifle?" Purdue asks.


H'm. Weird. I wonder just how many things this thing can do. I keep playing around with it while I talk. "Oh yeah. I guess you wouldn't really know. Imagine they didn't have them back during your time. It's sorta like a really long cannon that fires way smaller balls. Designed to shoot em really far and at single targets instead of the huge boom you get from a cannon. So basically just a long tube with a trigger."


Roll #1 2 = 2


You hear a loud ratcheting sound from inside. It doesn't sound like it's meant to do that.

"I see." You get the feeling he doesn't. "How do you think you'll make this 'rifle'? How does it work?" He seems curious.


I slowly undo whatever I did and put the spyglass down. Let's not mess with that anymore right now. "Well, for now my main plan is to put a basic thing together. I can't do much myself, but I seen Z use this rune to sorta shape stuff. I'm gonna see if I can't get her to make a couple parts for me. A long tube with a rifled center. Maybe some smaller trigger pieces. I have some extra flint from a fire kit I got with the basic camping gear when we first got here, so I can probably set up something with a piece of that on the hammer. The clockwork oranges have springs and gears and stuff, so I'm pretty sure the hammer, the barrel, and the wood to set the stuff in are all I really need to get her to make. It probably won't be pretty, but it really doesn't have to be. Besides that I guess the real issue is how I'll get ammo for it. I don't really have any lead I don't think. Maybe Rabi has some extra, since he says he uses his for magic shots or somethin."


It all seems rather beyond him. "…Right you are! A worthy plan, brother. I'm sure it'll turn out excellent."


The Visionary:

Later that afternoon, Gawain comes to find you. He has his zweihander on his back, and is carrying several bags worth of food, drink, clothing, and other supplies. He is wearing an old cowl over his usual armor, and carries a second one in his claw. "Lady Aegis!" he booms jovially. "Are you ready for our little sojourn? With any luck it will be a short trip, no more than a day or two. Here!" He offers you the hood he's carrying for some reason.


Aegis was just done making sure the chickens were not dead or hurt and did some small cleaning up on the coop as Gawain comes in
''I am'' She replies, taking the cowl and wearing the Mournwing cloak over it, ensuring that most of her features are as well hidden as possible
''Also, while we are out on the field, call me Snowfall'' Aegis hides her shield under the layers of clothing and holds out the Dream Wine Staff at the ready, along with her saddlebags full of her usual stuff, except the Liber, which she decides to leave on the ship
''Lets go''


You put the cowl on. It doesn't match the cloak at all, not does it really cover up your face. Not much of a disguise.

"It's better if you do this!" Gawain takes the flap of the cowl and pulls it over his face, to little avail.

Once you're ready, he nods. "And I will go by… er… hm, I hadn't thought of an alias. I've never had to conceal myself before. I'll think of something on the road! Unless you have a suggestion?…"

After saying goodbye to everyone, you disembark and start trekking toward the river bank. Gawain explains the route you'll have to take. "From what Marisol said, there'll be a ferry crossing a few miles west of here. We'll have to pay to be taken there. We shan't reach it before nightfall. From there, we can secure transport across the river; then, we reach the hamlet of Brine on the other side, sleep for the night, then in the morning, we can travel up to Braildorn. How's that for a plan?"
>roll Navigation


''Maybe like this'' Aegis takes some time to ensure she can be disguised properly, even going as far as changing her manestyle and also putting the cowl over her face like Gawain suggested
''Gilbert. Its a fine gryphon name''

''I see nothing wrong with this plan. We are well prepared and I dont see how this could fail unless I am recognized. If that happens then we must be prepared to fight or flee''


'1d10' navi

Roll #1 2 = 2


He nods in approval. "Gilbert. I like it! With luck, we'll be able to avoid any entanglements on the way…"

You head off into the wild, traveling due east. The terrain consists mostly of rocky flatlands, though after the first hour or so you come to less barren terrain, populated by small, squat trees and dense bushes that come up to your torso. Gawain hacks away at them to clear the way, but it's easy to get turned around. At one point, as the sun's going down, you find you've gone in a loop, and are where you were an hour ago.

"Hm. This is quite a fix," Gawain grumbles. "We need to get to the ferry before the sun goes down. Perhaps we could try following the sun… but we're losing light fast. Hmm…"

You can't help but feel a little exposed out here in the wild after dark. You get the feeling you'll be running into the native fauna at some point, for good or ill.


''Here, let me hold on to the supplies for a moment while you fly up above, try to get a good view of the surroundings and see if you can spot the ferry''


"Oh, of course!" He unloads the gear he's carrying and flies up to scout.

While he's gone, you start getting a feeling you're being watched by someone or something.
>roll Perception


Aegis slowly slides her hoof to the shield under the clothing as she looks around without seeing obvious

Roll #1 10 = 10


You notice some movement in the bushes. Two yellow eyes like lamplights peer out at you. They rise up and rear above you; an enormous serpentine creature, with beautiful pearlescent blue scales and a white underbelly. Its cobra-like hood seems to crackle with electricity.

It makes the first move, darting at you with no warning, fangs bared!

"Beware!" Gawain swoops down to help, unsheathing his blade!


Aegis quickly pulls out her shield, glowing with magical energy. She swipes it in a mighty counterattack at the serpent creature as the shield grows a thick coat of ice and snow
'1d10+2' Earthen strike, Ice

Roll #1 8 + 2 = 10


[1d10] Autocrit

Roll #1 3 = 3


With the momentum from the attack, Aegis spun around to try and get a second hit in
'1d10' Potent potion

Roll #1 8 = 8


You pull your shield out of the cloak, surging forward and meeting its strike in a swift motion. Its head crashes into it with a loud smack, and you press the advantage with an uppercut, knocking it off balance. Ice spreads from your shield onto the creature, slowing its movements. The cold seems to affect the reptilian adversely!

"Yaaah!!" Gawain swoops in and slashes at the lightning cobra!

The serpent spreads its hood and rears its head back; in lieu of spitting venom, it unleashes a torrent of lightning in your direction!

Roll #1 4 = 4 / Roll #2 4 + 1 = 5


Hopping back to get some distance, Aegis tries to jump away from the lightning blast, gathering up magic as soon as she lands
'1d10+2' Homing magic, ice

Roll #1 8 + 2 = 10


'1d10' potent potion

Roll #1 7 = 7


You jump out of the way at the last minute; lightning crackles and bursts, scorching the dry grass where you were instants ago. You thrust the shield upwards and conjure a pentagon of icy shards behind your head like a halo.

Gawain charges in, but it twists its neck around at the last minute, knocking him off course. Undeterred, he rights himself in midair and charges at its jaws as it takes a snap at him!
[1d10] Gawain
[1d10] Snakebite, autocrit

Roll #1 9 = 9 / Roll #2 5 = 5


Enjoying this opportunity while Gawain distracts it, Aegis unleashes two of the crystal orbs in a flying spiral aimed at the back of the serpent followed by a piercing ice spike
'1d10' homing magic, ice
'2d10' Magic bolt, ice

Roll #1 7 = 7 / Roll #2 4 = 4 / Roll #3 10, 6 = 16


'1d10' potent potion magic bolt

Roll #1 7 = 7


Your orbs fly forth in a helix pattern, interrupting its vicious bite, piercing through its thick hide and briefly pinning it to a nearby sapling. It lets out a creaking hiss of anger and wheels around to face you, only to be met with an icy javelin. It recoils and looms over you, maw crackling with lightning; then, with a powerful stroke, Gawain severs the beast's head from its body, and the enormous serpent slumps over, dead.

He lands next to you triumphantly, driving his sword into the ground in victory. "Ha-HAA! That was quite the performance! Well done, my friend! You were incredible!" He beams with pride at how well that went.

"Oh, good news. The ferry to Brine is just over yonder. We weren't lost at all!"


''Yes it was a fine battle'' Aegis puts away her shield after briefly checking the surroundings to ensure its safe ''This creature was quite fierce to have endured so much and still fight. It must have been desperate for a meal in a long time now'' Aegis says, approaching the gryphon and looking over the corpse
''One moment'' Aegis pulls out the beastiary book, trying to find for an entry on this thing


The bestiary entry manifests itself.


>Threat level: Medium

>Enormous snakes inhabiting barren regions of the Echoes. Highly aggressive and territorial, they will kill and eat nearly anything they come across. They get their names from their natural ability to manifest lightning from their bodies, courtesy of a magical organ they possess called a Sparkstone: a valuable ingredient in some alchemical processes.

>Immune: Lightning

>Weak: Ice

"A nasty creature," he remarks, reading over your shoulder. "We were lucky it did not land any significant blows." He gathers the supplies and looks over to you. "Shall we?"


''Wait'' Aegis says, closing the book ''Could you carve out its organ? If we can get this sparkstone at least our time wont have been completely wasted. Master Silver might have a use to it''


He blinks. "I can certainly try…"

He pulls out a smaller knife and goes to town. It's gruesome work, but it does pay off eventually. He produces a matte blue kidney shaped stone from within the beast, which occasionally flashes with electric sparks. "Et voila!" He passes it to you for safekeeping after washing up.


Aegis wraps it carefully with a cloth and keeps it in her bag ''Well done Sir Gawain. Now lets hurry, before any more show up. Lead the way''


"Right you are!" He points dramatically and marches onward, then realizes he's going in the wrong direction.

A bit under an hour later, you make it to the river bank. At first, you're not quite sure you're in the right place, but Gawain assures you that it is indeed the Broad River. It's not called that for nothing; it resembles more a lake than a river, stretching out in every direction into a blanket of fog. It'd be impossible to cross without a guide. Luckily, you can see the ferry Gawain mentioned, a tiny little shack with a jetty attached. Several wooden boats are tied to it. You can see a bipedal figure skulking about there, going about some janitorial duties. "This must be the place! …Not much to look at, is it?" he adds in a lower voice. "The next crossing isn't for another 20 miles though…"


''Not every corner of the Echoes is a fantastic sight worth of paintings. Sometimes when I'm watching from my room in the captain's quarters it almost feels like I'm traveling through the Dominion''
Aegis squints as she tries to get a good look at the bipedal figure ''Do you think we should call out to that individual over there?'' She points a hoof


"True enough. Though, the Broad River is quite a sight, isn't it? It never ceases to astound me just how large it really is."

He follows your gaze to the figure. Looks like a Diamond Dog. "Worth a shot. Disguises up."

You approach the Dog. Gawain waves to him to get his attention. "Ahoy there! We're looking for transport to Brine!"

The Dog looks over to you. He's in his twilight years, but still looks powerfully built, presumably from all the rowing. He wears a tatty old sheepskin hat and a drab coat. The ferryman hobbles over to you, clutching a lantern and chewing on something. "That so, eh? 'S 40 bits a passenger ta cross at this hour. River's dangerous after dark, dontcha know. Who might you be then?" He looks at you both quizzically.


I sigh. "I hope so. I've learned a lot of things and it turns out I'm way better at some stuff than I'd ever have expected, but I still ain't really anything in a direct fight or a ranged fight. Compensating for that best I can, but-" I shrug. "Still. Hope it doesn't blow up in my face."

I can't help but snicker at that. The snicker slowly transforms into a rolling laughter, and then something halfway between a belly guffaw and manic cackle. "Man," I say, dragging my finger under my eye. "I never in my life thought I'd use that expression literally, but it's happening more and more."


Purdue doesn't seem to share your enthusiasm, forcing a nervous chuckle. "Nyehe…"

He looks at you for a while. "You don't seem… afraid. Of the consequences, I mean. Aren't you worried you might get someone hurt, or worse? There can be fallout to good intentions…"


''Snowfall'' Aegis replies, emotionless ''I was hired by this gentleman as an escort through these dangerous lands'' She produces the needed bits for her passage


"And I am Gilbert! A wandering knight seeking greater adventure!"

The bent old Dog arches a hairy eyebrow at the dramatic introduction. He studies your face quizzically. "Ain't I seen ye sumplace? …Erh, forget it. Climb aboard and we'll be off." He motions toward one of the docked boats, then shuffles off to grab some supplies.

An hour and a half later, you find yourselves disembarking on the other side of the Broad River. The trip across was uneventful; the ferryman asks few questions and has no desire to chitchat. Gawain, on the other hand, cheerfully hums most of the way, until the ferryman shoots him a glance.

As the boat pulls up on the other side, you exit, facing the road ahead. The ferryman mumbles indistinctly, grabs the brim of his hat to bid farewell, and rows off into the dark, guided by his lantern.

The road ahead is ill lit; Gawain pulls out the orb granted by Zunden in order to see better. It seems to lead through a patch of marshy grasslands, beyond which lies your first destination, the stopover hamlet of Brine. "That went rather well, I thought," Gawain remarks. "Shall we move on? Time waits for no one!"
>roll Navigation


Aegis nods a farewell to the ferryman before turning around with Gawain ''We shall. But be wary, road thugs are always a possibility'' She says, slowly trotting towards the Hamlet

Roll #1 1 = 1


"Of course, of course."

The two of you press on, sticking to the road as best you can. As you progress, however, you find a dense, nigh impenetrable fog descending, making it impossible to see more than a foot in front of you. Before long, you find yourselves completely lost; at one point, you almost wander off a ledge off the side of the road and into a pit of brambles.

"Bebother and confusticate this fog!" Gawain curses. "It's not natural, none of it!"

"Lost, are you."

A snide female voice rings out through the colorless fog. You're not quite sure which direction it came from.

"No telling which way's forward, back, up, down… My my, it's enough to make anyone sick."

"Fret not, drifters. We can fix that. For a fee."

A second voice joins the first, a male this time. You can only just see the silhouette of a pegasus mare standing before you now. Or maybe it's a bush. It's hard to tell. From somewhere else, you can hear the flapping of wings. There's at least two of them. Maybe more.

"How about it, strangers?" the mare asks. "Shall we lift the fog? It'll only be 300 bits…"

"This is outrageous!" Gawain blusters. "Let us pass this instant!"

"I don't think you're reading the situation properly, friend," says the stallion with barely concealed smugness.


''Stay close to me, Master Gawain'' Aegis says, pratically pressing herself against the gryphon, her eyes darting every in search of the ones behind the voices
''We do not have that money. But we are heading our way to Braildorn to claim a hefty sum of money, if you let us pass, we can return here and pay you later'' She says, trying to buy time as she subtly reaches for the Bell of Revealing in her bag


He nods and shifts behind you, the two of you back to back amidst the swirling fog.

"How stupid do you think we are, girl?" the mare asks mockingly as she flies up into the fog.

"You can't seriously think we'd let you go on false promises." The stallion sounds almost offended.

"If you can't pay now, then, lose yourself amidst our illusions."

"Oh, don't mind us though."

"We'll be watching."

"All the way from over here."

The two highwaymen laugh in unison, echoing all around you as they beat their wings. The fog seems to grow thicker, denser. It's almost like a solid wall now. Gawain doesn't dare take a step, in case you get split up.


Aegis stands there, squinting to see through the fog for a couple seconds
''Master Gilbert, give me your claw'' Aegis says, pulling out a rope and tying her arm and Gawain's together, making a tetter ''This is something I used to do with my family so we wouldnt get lost during blizzards, this will ensure we do not lose eachother''
Producing the Bell of Revealing, Aegis rung it three times ''We will not lose to a weak show of trickery from two cowards who cannot fight''


"Good thinking," he nods, extending his claw. Ringing the bell doesn't seem to have much of an effect on the fog, but you can see a bit further now. Looking upward, you can see the silhouettes of the two pegasi. They're using their latent weather manipulation powers to obscure your path.

"What! What did she do?"

"Can she see us?"

"We need to move faster. Make it denser!…"

Vexed by your use of the bell, they start working overtime to impede your progress!
>roll to navigate, +1 because of the bell


Pulling the rope with Gawain, Aegis relies on her mental compass and the faint silhouettes in the distance to find her way ''Over here, master Gilbert''
'1d10+1' nav
Meanwhile she tries to produce an ice shard to fire off towards the sky, trying to hit one of the pegasi
'2d10' magic bolt, ice

Roll #1 7 + 1 = 8 / Roll #2 4, 7 = 11


"Yes, this is the way! I'm sure of it!"

You start moving in the right direction. The fog doesn't seem as dense here, and you can see a bit further out. As you fire one off, the mare tries to dodge, but isn't quite quick enough. She cries out in pain as you hit her wing, and the fog disperses slightly as she corkscrews out of sight.

"Libeccio, no!" The stallion darts after her, and the fog becomes even easier to travel. He seems too preoccupied with her safety to stay and fight, giving you a clear shot to keep moving and reach Brine.

"Oho! Well done, friend!" Gawain congratulates you heartily. "Those highwaymen were no match for your wits!"


''Hmph, that was too easy'' Aegis says, untying the rope once they were a safe distance away ''Just novice bandits trying to make easy money off of one trick they know. I would help them find a better way, because all things considered, that is an interesting technique with potential, but we dont have time for this. Lets keep moving''


"Quite. They would make for worthy allies, if they were on a more honorable path. Let us move!"

You keep traveling toward the distant lights of Brine, soon arriving at its border. The hamlet is protected by a spiked wooden wall, and the entrance is barred by a heavy wooden gate. A saurian stands guard here, clad in armor bearing a white claw symbol. "Lysander," Gawain whispers to you as you approach. "We must be extra careful here."

When you approach, the guard blocks your way, looming over the two of you with a slightly threatening aura. "Name your business, drifters."


Aegis stays quiet and keeps her head low, not making eye contact as she lets Gawain speak


Seeing you stay silent, Gawain takes the hint and handles this encounter. "Goode evening! I am Gilbert, and this is my good companion Snowfall. We are passing through here on our way to Braildorn, and seek shelter for the night."

"Braildorn? Nowadays?…" He looks a bit suspicious, but stands aside to let you in. Gawain asks for instructions to the nearest tavern, then leads the way.

Brine is quiet at this hour. It consists mostly of wooden buildings, connected by walkways over the soft muddy earth below. It reminds you a little bit of Withick. There's not many denizens out and about, save for more of Lysander's hired guards on patrol. Gawain keeps his head down, and heads to the tavern: Bendak's Inn.

Bendak's is somewhat nondescript on the interior. A wooden plank floor is covered by a large bearskin rug. There are several low tables, alcoves and benches, as well as a bar, a kitchen and a second floor. Rooms are situated on the ground floor and the upper floor alike. There's no music playing, and it's not very lively inside. Only a handful of night-owls are scattered around the bar. The innkeeper, a handsome (by their standards) brown and white Felid, greets you with a small nod. "Looking for dinner and a room, drifters? Only 30 bits each."


''One dinner and room for each'' Aegis whispers to Gawain, still keeping on the low profile


He nods. "Two rooms, please! And two of, er…" He looks over the blackboard. There's only two options for dinner, and they're both stew. With or without meat. "Two stews, I suppose. One vegetarian, one regular. Oh, and a tankard of ale for myself, and…" He looks to you. "Care to join me for a drink?"

Regardless of your answer, the innkeeper rummages and hands you each a room key, and makes note of your orders. "Take a seat, it'll get brought out," he says unenthusiastically.

Gawain makes for an alcove, looking happy to be somewhere relatively safe again. "A simple little sojourn," he comments, leaning back with his hands behind his head. "By this time tomorrow, we'll be back with our friends, and much, much richer!"


''Just water is fine''

''Lower your voice, Gilbert. Even the walls have ears ''Aegis says bluntly, giving the cocky gryphon a look that is slightly harsher than usual


"True, true," he nods, speaking a bit more quietly. "Still. I think we've done well, at least so far. The real challenge will come when we reach Braildorn itself. Have you heard the rumors of what's going on up there? Street violence, riots, wars between a cult and the local crime syndicate… Not to mention Lysander and Grosvenor's involvement… It's enough to make anyone's skin crawl. We'll have to tread very, very lightly."

"Ah, the grub! That was fast!" He grins as the Felid brings out the plates of stew, as well as the ale and water for you. Gawain takes it and raises it to you cheerily. "Prost!" he toasts.


Aegis just gives him a blank look and slightly tilts her head ''Excuse me?''


My laughter dies off and my face falls a little. I guess it could hurt someone, couldn't it? And it wouldn't even be the first time someone got caught in the crossfire.

I study the floorboards for a long moment before finally clearing my throat and saying, "It should be fine if I make sure to do some out of combat testing. I really don't need something like that failing on me when I really need it anyway." I lick my lips and shift a little. "I, uh… that probably shoulda been the first thing I thought about, huh?" I knit my brow and look up at him. "Actually I had a question that's kinda related. Have I seemed… I dunno… different recently?"


He blinks in surprise as you don't return the gesture. "You don't toast where you're from? How queer." He thinks little of it, and takes a swig of ale himself, pulling a face afterwards. Apparently, it's not very good.

"Anyway, I hope we can turn in the proof of our deed, take our reward and be done with Braildorn as quickly as possible. Any other time I'd be happy to stay in the capital, but these are extraordinary times." He shows off the pendant Black Pudding took from Malverlain. "This should be proof enough of his demise, I hope. I just hope we don't give the game away. We'll have to interact with the local garrison, after all. Undoubtedly in either Lysander or Grosvenor's pockets. Or both."


"I think everyone's changed, for better or worse. We live in harrowing times, brother. Despite everything, though, it's still us. Right? We'll survive this. And, well, there's not too much further to go. This whole business with the Cuckoo's Egg is nearing its conclusion. I can feel it!""


Aegis perks up slightly ''Oh, that. I havent seen a toast in a very long time. We dont do it in my part of the family'' Aegis picks up her cup and raises it in a collected manner ''Prost. Like this right?''

''Put that back Master Gilbert'' Aegis cooly warns him before trying the food ''And you shouldnt worry. The more you do, the more they will feel your fear'' She sips her water ''Just remain calm and assume nothing bad will happen until it does, and when it does, be prepared''


"Oh, well in the Common Tongue it's 'cheers'. Where I'm from we say 'prost'. I'm sure you have your own word for it."

You both tuck in to the stew. It's not the most thrilling of meals, but it's better than starving.

"It's not a fight I'm worried about. The guards here are made of paper for all the good they are. It's getting caught up in Braildorn's entanglements. Our friends cannot wait for us forever, and we told them we would not be long. If we end up taking too long, they'll either leave without us, or worse, try to come to our aid and risk being identified. We'll have to be sure to not talk to anyone and finish our business as efficiently as we can."

"Pity, really. It is a remarkable city. If it weren't for all the villainy, it would make for a nice retirement place. Hm-hm." He takes another drink of ale.


''You'll have time to travel at your heart's desire later. Once our business is finished. And yes you are correct. We are to not talk to anyone we dont need to and even making eye contact could be bad''

Aegis finishes her meal
''Another reason why we should hurry. We let those two thugs live. I worry if they will try to take revenge on us somehow and report us to the local guards'' She shakes her head ''I made a mistake using my magic there''


"Hm, yes, those ruffians. I doubt we'll be seeing them again. They seemed more local, really. With any luck it shan't amount to much."

More picking at mediocre stew. There's a bit of an awkward silence as Gawain tries and fails to find a new topic of conversation. He looks slightly uncomfortable.


''Master Gilbert. Do you think any less of me for torturing that mare'' Aegis suddenly asks, staring directly at him with her usual cool look


He almost chokes on a piece of potato. You get the feeling he kind of wanted to forget about that. He looks back at you, his usual smile fading, replaced with a darker, more serious expression. He seems to struggle to find the words.

"It was… unnecessary. And, quite frankly, rather horrific. We gained nothing from doing it, and you did it anyway. I could never bring myself to do something so barbaric. Standing up to injustice is what led to me finding myself here."

He looks you in the eye. "I believe - no, I know - that we must be better than those we fight. Strength of sword and sorcery is nothing compared to strength of the heart. If we as a group bow to their level - fight and kill and cause pain like they are wont to do - then we are no true heroes at all."


''Heroes…'' Aegis lowers her gaze, staring intently at her bowl for a few seconds ''No, I never thought of myself as such'' She raises her head again ''Holding true to your ideals is admirable, but I'm afraid I cannot follow your path. I am just a forsaken hired blade. I will exploit every weakness and perform any sort of unspeakable things to ensure the safety of my family, but make no mistake, it displeases me to do such dirty deeds, especially after sensing the mistrust I created''
She takes a second off to breathe, glancing around to ensure no one is listening in

''My honor, karma, bad luck or divine retribution from gods if there are any. Their value cannot be weighted against my family, that is why I did what I did and will continue to do. I hope you can understand, and not think less of me for it''


He considers what you have to say, then smiles with a bit of a twinkle in his eye. "A forsaken hired blade? Is that all you see yourself as? Because I see a young mare with all the potential in the world to rise above the shackles she puts on herself. You are not a mere weapon! You are your own person! You should remember that, and cherish it! Live your life as you see fit!" His smile grows into an encouraging grin, and he gives you a small friendly arm punch.

"And don't think I think less of you. Gruesome as it was, it's important that you at least see the wrongdoing. I believe you can be a better person, my friend! Even if you do not!"


Aegis stares at Gawain, her expression and thoughts a mystery as her eyes shift between the gryphon, the food and her surroundings
''I am my own person huh…You sound just like my father'' She mutters, quickly finishing her meal ''I'm finished. Let us retire for tonight'' She says, getting up from the table


"Mm? Oh, yes, just a moment!" He inhales the rest of the stew, tips the innkeeper and follows you up to the rooms.

You find that they are fairly nondescript, and more or less identical. Situated on the same floor you're on now, they consist of a stone floor, some assorted furniture, and a comfortable looking queen sized bed. There is also a bathroom adjacent to each one, which includes a shower. Gawain nods in satisfaction as he surveys his room. "Capital! Let's get some rest, yes? It's been a long day, and we must wake early tomorrow for the next leg of our journey! Goodnight Ae- Snowfall!"

With a dramatic flourish, he enters his room and closes the door behind him. You hear the clattering of armor being removed, then, after a bit, the sound of a running shower, and muffled operatic singing.


''Good night Master Gilbert'' Aegis bows slightly and retires to her own room as well, taking her sweet time with a short nightly shower, drying up her mane and taking proper care of her appearance, as well as cleaning up any dirt off of her clothes and polishing her shield before unting her long straight mane and getting ready to sleep, her last thoughts being echoes of the conversation she had with Gawain


The day's events quickly catch up with you, and you're asleep before you know it. You sleep like a log, with not even any dreams to remember.

You are awoken the following morning by the call of an unfamiliar bird, doubtless analogous to a rooster in this land. You feel well rested, and ready for another day of travel. Looking out the window, it must be sunrise about now. You can hear snoring coming from Gawain's room.


Aegis got up and without any ceremony, went about her morning routine. A proper shower, using her beauty products, a couple minutes of brushing her jet black mane to perfection and some more to tie it, this time in a different style than her usual hairdo
When she was positively shining, she walked out of the room, knocking on Gawain's door if he was still asleep


As you knock, you hear the rattling and clanking of armor, along with straps and such being adjusted. Seems it takes him a while to get ready. "One moment, please!"

A few inches later, he opens the door with his usual winning smile, fully armored. "Good morning, miss Snowfall! You look quite fetching today! Shall we depart? We have quite a bit of ground to cover between here and Braildorn!"


''I dont look any different than what I looked yesterday'' She corrects him before turning around, heading downstairs for a nice breakfast before departing


"Even so!" He doesn't miss a beat in following you downstairs.

Unfortunately, it seems they don't open for breakfast. Gawain looks a bit disgruntled by this, but shrugs it off. "Perhaps we could buy some pre-packaged food for the journey at the general goods store," he suggests. "It would save time if we can eat while we travel too!"


''No. We can eat some of the food we brought here and get going'' Aegis settles down on oneof the tables ''No reason to stop for the local food when the one thing we're not missing is rations''


He shrugs. "As you wish."

Though one of the barmaids cleaning the inn gives you a weird look, you don't get kicked out as you have breakfast. It consists of dried fruit rations, mostly.

After this, you press on, heading out of town and on the road to Braildorn again. Gawain estimates you'll reach the city by early afternoon. The road ahead is hilly, and marred by stray settlements, as well as the occasional traveler on the road. It's a cloudy day today, and it might rain later.
>roll Navigation


As always, Aegis has to increase her pace a little to keep up with the larger gryphon's walking speed, staying wary to any road thugs or ambushes

Roll #1 7 = 7


Gawain leads the way forward with his head held high, humming cheerily most of the way as he helps keep an eye out for potential threats. Luckily, none rear their heads, or if they are present you avoid them without knowing.

After lunch that day, the settlements start to become more dense, until you are on the outskirts of the capital of this region of the Echoes, Braildorn. The landscape before you matches that depicted in the guidebook you read once: A huge, sprawling town on the bank of the Broad River, which over time has expanded to be partially built on top of the River itself. The eastern end of the city is made of wooden platforms and walkways, while the western end on solid land is the more traditional stone foundation. From afar, it almost appears like two different cities mashed together. "Quite a sight, isn't it?" Gawain remarks. "Though, that worries me a little…" He points out several plumes of smoke that are hanging over the city. Like there was a battle recently.


''Its understand you wish to help, but its not our place or time yet. Remember we are here only for the reward'' Aegis advises the gryphon as she walked on ahead, searching for the local map or some kind of directions to where they can claim their bounty


"It's not helping that worries me," he muses. "It's what may be waiting for us within its walls…"

You keep moving, going up to what seems to be the main gate in and out of the city. Braildorn seems to be fortified by an exterior wall, running for several miles along the city perimeter. The gate itself is guarded, and heavily. You can see several sentries on the wall looking down at you, along with armed guards at the gate. They are all clad in armor from head to toe, marked with the white claw of Lysander. "They certainly haven't skimped on security," Gawain remarks, trying not to make eye contact with them.


As you approach the gate, you are stopped by one of the guards, his voice muffled slightly by his bucket helmet. He is cradling a halberd, and backed up by two other guards. "No visitors are allowed in Braildorn without clearance. By order of Lady Grosvenor. Identify yourselves, drifters."


Once again, Aegis kept her head low and mouth shut, trusting Gawain would not screw this up


Gawain takes the lead. "My name is Gilbert, and this is my companion Snowfall. We come from the village of Larkstead, across the river. We have slain the Oneiromancer and restored order to the town. Behold!" He pulls out the pendant. "The source of his strength! We are here to collect our reward from the city magistrate."

The guards exchange a glance, then start to laugh. "Hahahaha! You think you're the first one to try and pull that one on us? You're a terrible liar, drifter. Now move along."

"Wh-" He looks to you with a frown of panic and disconcertion. It's clear he didn't plan on being turned away like this.


''He is not lying'' Aegis speaks up calmly and clearly without stuttering ''We have slain the one who claimed to be the Oneiromancer and uncovered their true identity. A felid named malverlain who used the power of this necklace to terrorize the people. We are not here to waste your time, we just want to claim our bounty and retire'' She stares straight through the guard's helmet ''Please let us through'' She said firmly



Roll #1 1 = 1


They don't seem too interested in what you have to say. "Right. Tell us another one. Get back and move along, you lot. We're not authorized to-"


Somewhere within the walls, a bell starts being rung. It sounds like a warning alarm of some sort. A few gunshots are heard, then some yelling. The guards seem distracted for a moment as they start scrambling to answer the alarm. It seems you have a shot to slip past them and through the main gate, though it won't be easy. Gawain seems keen on the idea, though, starting to move toward it before sparing you a glance.


Aegis moves in after sensing Gawain's intents. This was the only shot she'd have os she went for it, moving swiftly and silently through the taller, loud guards
'1d10+1' sneak through

Roll #1 4 + 1 = 5


You try to slip in, managing to do so. However, you are jostled and knocked around by the guards as they move past you, disorienting you greatly. By the time you get your bearings again, you notice two things:

First, you are past the gate and in Braildorn.

Second, Gawain is nowhere to be seen. You are alone in this unfamiliar city.


This simply wouldnt do. Aegis took a minute to gather her bearings and look around for Gawain. There's no way she could miss a gryphon that large
The other problem is that he had the necklace, so she needed him to get the bounty
She spent a few minutes pacing here and there around the gate, staying hidden from plain sight as she waited, hoping Gawain would show up eventually


You stand around waiting to see if he shows up. If he does, you missed him; plenty of crowds of guards move in and out of the gates, along with other citizens. It looks like you'll either have to stay put and wait to see if he tries to find you, or go searching for him yourself.


Aegis decided for a third option. She pulled out her Ebony Cat Harbinger
She set down the little statuette and spoke ''Seek Gawain. Tell him I am waiting near the outside of the gates''


Your Harbinger comes to life, turning into a real cat. It stares at you for a minute, then flops onto its side to sunbathe, ignoring your instructions. You have to prod it a bit to get it to get moving.

A little while later, it returns, with Gawain in tow. "Ah, there you are! I'm not quite sure what happened. We must've gotten split up in the chaos. There's something of a riot going on, apparently. I didn't catch the details."

"Anywho. Where to from here?…"

You take a good look around at your surroundings. The Braildorn skyline is dotted with distinctive red conical roofs. Most of the buildings around are made of wood, as are the streets. There is a distinctive smell of fish in the air; it seems to be one of the main exports here. Up ahead is a marketplace, though it seems to be closed off. Nearby are other points of interest: an inn called the Old Familiar, a clothing store, a forge, a billboard, a small church, and a signpost listing the various districts in Braildorn.


''How convenient. I'm certain that if it wasnt for that we wouldnt be able to get in so soon''
Aegis turns around and takes the initiative, trotting towards the signpost, seeing if she could find the way to the magistrate


Braildorn appears to be split into several districts: The Downs, The Grey Gardens, Whiteharbor, The Bazaar, Mercy Isle, and Daltry are just some of the regions of this city. It takes a bit of reading, but you figure out that the magistrate's office is in the Brax District.

Gawain looks concerned. "Brax? That's right next to Mercy Isle. It's a hive for Grosvenor's followers. We'll have to be very careful not to attract attention." He adjusts his disguise. "I know I've said it before, but especially in this place. We'll be going into the lion's den in that place…"


''We'll be fine. Remember what I said, you must believe that you will be fine, and only worry if things actually go bad, and if they do, have a plan. Remain confident Master Gawain''
Aegis reassured him in the most deadpan manner, not putting any conviction into her words before following the directions to the Brax District


He doesn't seem very assured.

The Brax District appears to be on the other side of town; you pass through most of Braildorn on the way there. The further east you go, the more the architecture turns to narrow, wooden walkways and platforms, as it goes to the portion of town built on the Broad River. You notice many of the city's denizens are reclusive, and you don't see almost anyone apart from guards running about. The whole place seems to be in a state of lockdown. You get suspicious looks from the guards just for being out and about.

You arrive at the Brax District in due time, reaching what you only assume is the city hall where the magistrate resides. It is a large wooden building with a black roof, situated behind a large gate. Next to the hall is a heavily guarded stone bridge, which seems to lead to an affluent looking manor way out on the river. It's built on an islet of some sort. You can only assume this is where Grosvenor is located.

Gawain adjusts his cowl and approaches the city hall, speaking to one of the guards on duty.

"State your business."

"We're here to speak to the city magistrate." Gawain puts on a much more serious, laconic tone, matching yours somewhat. He's not acting like himself. "The Oneiromancer of Larkstead has been slain." He shows the pendant. "We did it."

The guard looks at him funny for a moment. "Wait here," he barks, and goes inside. Gawain looks back at you, smiling under the mask. "So far so good," he says optimistically, lowering his voice somewhat. "…Do you think they'll let us in?"


''Start thinking of a plan'' Is all Aegis whispers to him, keeping her head down


He nods, and fidgets uncomfortably.

The guard returns, with four others in tow. "Come with us," he grunts, and they escort you into the city hall.

The building is spacious, and modern-looking, with varnished decor and sculpted pillars. It's like the place is designed to make you feel small. You are led into one of the side doors, into an office of some sort. A wizened old saurian, presumably the city magistrate, sits behind a polished desk. He wears a long brown coat, and a golden cat's eye pendant. He has a bottle on his desk, along with several stacks of paperwork.

"I take it you are the bounty hunters that slew the Oneiromancer." He speaks slowly and emphatically. He sounds as old as he looks, but there is a definite sharpness to him. He looks at you both with an unreadable expression. "It is always a pleasure, to bring some semblance of justice into this lawless land. May I offer you a libation to celebrate the closing of this narrative?" He gestures toward the bottle. You are painfully aware of the guards behind you. You hear a door close somewhere.

"I do wonder, how it is that two drifters were able to defeat such a powerful being. Tell me, how did you do it?"


Aegis spoke up before Gawain could''It turns out he was just an impostor, using an artifact to gain power and pose as a demigod of sorts. My friend is a skilled fighter and together we managed to catch him off guard and render the fiend helpless. I extracted the information out of him before he was killed'' She spoke without hesitating, as if she rehearsed this scenario the night before


I smile and nod. "Yeah," I say. "You're right. Guess it'd be silly to expect to be the same." I sigh. "Not that I'd want to be the same as I was back then. Still. Anyway, I guess you didn't hear. The plan we had for the egg is a bust. Gotta figure something else out."


He doesn't react much. "Only two managed to end the tyranny of this creature. You must be skilled hunters to pull off such an impossible feat. Many before you tried and failed. Greater warriors than yourselves, at that…"

"But. To the victor, go the spoils." He reaches under the desk and produces a large bag of coins. "Ample payment for your services. As agreed."

"But first." He puts it back down. "The pendant."

Gawain produces it and shows it to him. The magistrate reaches out for it wordlessly. Gawain seems slightly reluctant, giving you a brief side eye. "How uncharacteristic of your ilk," the magistrate remarks, "to refuse your client's wishes…"


''We were lucky'' Aegis gave Gawain the nod and moved in to slowly take the bag of coins as the gryphon handed the pendant
''Any suggestion where we could spend this?'' She casually asks the magistrate as the trade is done



Gawain hands the magistrate the pendant. "So much consternation, caused by such a small thing," he muses. "But no matter. What's done is done."

He frowns ever so slightly as you ask him that. "A soldier of fortune with the skill enough to defeat this dream-walker would know where and how to use such a reward. I think I will be the one asking questions from hereon out."

He taps twice on the desk. Someone enters the room, though the door remains closed. Looking behind, you see a fierce looking Felid just… walk straight through the wall. She thrusts her claw toward Gawain; it goes straight through his back and out his chest, phasing through him as if she were a ghost. He gasps, but doesn't seem to be hurt.

"Elaina here," the magistrate explains, "is gifted with unusual properties, as you can see. On my command, she will pierce your companion's heart. So tell me, bounty hunter, if hunter you are: who are you, really." His gaze is fixed on you. Gawain doesn't dare move a muscle, trembling slightly in his seat.


Aegis's eyes stay fixed on Gawain for a moment, before she cooly turns back to facing the Magistrate, apparently unphazed ''Snowfall. A mage for hire who happened to win big with her companion'' She says calmly ''Do you sincerely not believe we could have taken down the fake Oneiromancer with teamwork, a good plan and skill? I dont see what else it would take''


"I do not believe two common sellswords with apparently very little experience could do such an impossible task. At least, not without outside help."

"My employers have many enemies. Rats and worms crawl freely through this corrupted land. It is my duty, and my honor, to serve them in exterminating vermin. Why conceal your faces if you have so little to hide?"

"Remove your mask, Snowfall. If that is your name." Gawain starts looking around the room; you can almost hear the cogs in his head turning. Elaina's claw continues to be thrust through his chest. A guard steps right behind you.


Out of options, Aegis easily reveals her face, still glaring at the Magistrate with the same cool indifference
''I do not care about your duty or honor. I hide my face because I do not want to make enemies, only money for a peaceful life''
''And again, we had luck, planning and wits. This fake Oneiromancer, powerful as he was, was still vulnerable to the weaknesses of flesh. There is no grand mystery or trickery that I am trying to pull. You have his necklace, the town is free, and we have our prize, now release my partner''


He starts rifling through some papers as you speak. He doesn't answer you at first. There is a beat of silence; then, he starts listing off names.

"Dawn Chorus, unicorn, beige of coat, pink of mane. Blind, but extremely dangerous. Approach with caution."

"Hermodur Aput, felid, striped. Carries a hammer. Strong of body, weak of mind."

"Aurora d'Arbanville, bat, blue of coat and brown of mane. Mostly harmless."

"Zunden the Reader, saurian, brown of scale. A skilled magician. Lacks offense. High priority."

"…Aegis Glaze. Crystal. White of coat. Black of mane. Inscrutable. A destructive mage."

He shows you the page. It has a sketch of your face on it. It's a wanted poster.

"You struck me as shrewd. What particularly possessed you to come here, I wonder, miss Glaze. Surely you should have known, the eyes of the white dragon are not blind. Your antics at the Shifting Sands and Withick have not gone unnoticed."

The guards close in. One places their armored hand on your chair.

"As for your friend, we will extract his identity soon enough…"


''I see. Then I suppose hiding my identity is pointless, as is hiding my power''
With that, Aegis swiftly pulls out her shield, pushing away from the Guard's hand and shooting out a magical shot towards Elaina
''DUCK GAWAIN'' She shouts suddenly, springing into action and urging the gryphon to do the same
'2d10' magic bolt, ice

Roll #1 3, 3 = 6


Gawain kicks the Magistrate's desk suddenly, throwing himself backwards and slamming to the floor. Your shot goes straight through Elaina. Papers go flying in every direction as the desk topples, pinning the Magistrate momentarily. "Crush them!" he yells.

Two guards move to lock the doors, while two more advance on you with swords drawn!

Gawain charges at them in an attempt to escape!

Elaina sinks into the floor and vanishes with a snarl!

Roll #1 6, 3 = 9 / Roll #2 7 = 7


Aegis turns around and tries pushing one of them away with a mighty shield bash, covered in frost
''Master Gawain, stay away from the floor, dont let her catch you!''
'1d10' earthen grasp, ice

Roll #1 7 = 7


'1d10' potent potion

Roll #1 6 = 6


One of them manages to get a hit in on you, slashing you across the face. You block the second attack with your shield, and charge forward, shoving the guard against the wall and conjuring ice spikes point blank to pummel him.

Gawain barrels through them, slamming into the door with all his might. It cracks and buckles, but doesn't break just yet. He heeds your warning and makes to grab one of the guards to use as a meat shield!

The guard tries to avoid his grasp, while the other attacks him!

The guard you pinned with your shield tries to headbutt you!

The second guard takes another sword swing!

The Magistrate groans in exertion as he keeps trying to push the desk off of himself!

Elaina is still nowhere to be seen…

Roll #1 4 = 4 / Roll #2 2, 5 = 7 / Roll #3 8 = 8 / Roll #4 6 = 6


Aegis tries to stay on the move, jumping back in an attempt to dodge and block the furious hits from the guards while keeping her mind focused on making a set of crystal orbs
'1d10' Homing magic, ice

Roll #1 4 = 4


She also gets a hold of her dream wine staff and quickly shakes it, easily conjuring the spell
'1d10' Dream Wine

Roll #1 3 = 3


You try to concentrate for a split second to conjure your magic, but your attackers see the opening. You take a blow to the head, then a sword slash to the chest, and the floor rises up to meet you.
>Aegis takes 4 hits, helpless

The guard manages to wrestle Gawain away. Lashing out, Gawain deflects the incoming sword swing with his gauntlet. Seeing you fall, he rushes to your side, trying to help you up!

Two of the guards start trying to help free the Magistrate!

The other two keep attacking Gawain!

Elaina's lurking…

Roll #1 1 = 1 / Roll #2 10, 2 = 12


Correction: Aegis falls, but manages to pick herself up, though she's dizzy from the blows. Gawain instead rushes for the door again!
>using the 1
>guard actions stay the same


Aegis loses her composure from the pain, letting out groans and screams as the guards strike her, thankfully the quality of her reinforced dress saved her from the worst, and she managed to stay lucid enough to strike at the already wounded guard with another shield bash while attempting to set up a vision for advantage with the Dream Wine staff
'1d10' earthen strike, ice
'1d10' dream wine

Roll #1 9 = 9 / Roll #2 8 = 8


'1d10' potent potion on earthen strike

Roll #1 5 = 5


You send the guard flying into a bookshelf with the force of your shield attack, knocking him out for good. Invoking the power in the staff grants you some foresight, heightening your reflexes momentarily!
>Dream Wine: -1 crit range

Gawain charges for the door, but is tackled and stabbed through the back by one of the guards. He cries out in pain, stumbling, dizzied, but keeps fighting until the end. He strikes down one of the guards with his greatsword, following up with a pommel strike to incapacitate him.
>2 guards remaining

Gawain goes for a wild overhead swing with his zweihander, attacking the two remaining guards!
[1d10] Cleave

The guard attacking him goes for a stab to the leg!

The Magistrate struggles loose with the help of the other guard, reaching into his coat and pulling out a pistol!

A set of claws suddenly shoot out of the ground, swiping at you from underneath!
>roll to dodge, instant

Roll #1 1 = 1 / Roll #2 10 = 10


Aegis took a deep breath and her world quieted down for a moment, allowing her a lapse of concentration, fueling her actions
Her attention was drawn to the Magistrate, and she immediatelly shot him down with a near instant frozen bolt while dodging the claws, which she anticipated
'2d10+2' Magic bolt, ice
'1d10+2' dodge

Roll #1 8, 9 + 2 = 19 / Roll #2 8 + 2 = 10


'1d10' potent potion on Magic bolt 9

Roll #1 2 = 2


You fire off a bolt and leap out of the way of Elaina's grab. It strikes the saurian in the heart, killing him instantly.

Gawain gets stabbed through the leg, bleeding out. He lets out a cry of pain and collapses, propping himself up on his sword. He tries to get back up to continue fighting!

Both guards go for you now he's incapacitated!

Elaina rises out of the ground and starts moving towards Gawain with murderous intent!

Roll #1 2 = 2 / Roll #2 2, 3 = 5


Aegis lands with grace, and is about to face the guards in front of her, but her plans quickly change as she spots Elaina going for the kill, and dashes past the two guards ''Master Gawain, MOVE'' She screeches as she tries to dash past the spirit Felid and pull Gawain to his feet
'1d10+2' Help!

Roll #1 8 + 2 = 10


You spin around and buck both guards, sending them stumbling. This is enough time for you to rush forward, hauling the knight up with strength you didn't even know you had. He is bleeding heavily, and grits his teeth. "I'll be… alright…" He doesn't look alright.

With no time to waste, Gawain lurches towards the door, trying again to break it down with his weight!
[1d10] Slam

Elaina grits her teeth and wheels to face you instead, taking a double swipe at you with her claws!
[1d10] [1d10]

The guards recover from your blow!

Roll #1 2 = 2 / Roll #2 8 = 8 / Roll #3 3 = 3


Aegis almost raised her shield to block, but realized her mistake, and tried to step away from the Felid, strafing to the right of her attacks
'1d10' Dodge

Roll #1 5 = 5


You try to dodge, but she follows you mid-swing. Instead of just swiping at you, she grabs you by the face, extending her claws into your head. You hear a crash as Gawain tries to break the door down. It's almost gone. She focuses him again, phasing through you and letting you fall.
>Aegis takes 3 hits, helpless

Outnumbered now 3 to 1, Gawain gambles it all on a wild 360 degree swing, targeting both guards, Elaina and the door all at the same time!
[1d10+2] Cleave

One of the guards dodges, while the other attacks!

Elaina is forced to turn intangible to avoid the attack!

Roll #1 5 + 2 = 7 / Roll #2 7, 5 = 12


Aegis howls in pain, clutching her face and rolling on the floor
She gritted her teeth and tried to find the will to stand through the pain and fight
'1d10' recover

Roll #1 9 = 9


You manage to get back up, despite the throbbing pain in your head. Gawain cuts down both guards, then slams the door down with a mighty thrust of the sword. "RUN!" he yells to you.

Through the hallway, you can see even more armed guards coming!

Elaina starts chasing after Gawain as he starts trying to make his getaway, passing through walls like nothing!


Aegis followed Gawain's suggestion, running after him and struggling to find focus through the pain, but she recalled her training
''If we try to fight we'll be here forever, lets loose them on the commotion outside!'' She shouts to Gawain as she conjures orbs of magic while running besides him, wary about Elaina
'1d10' homing magic, ice

Roll #1 7 = 7


'1d10' potent potion

Roll #1 4 = 4


You conjure up two orbs of crystal magic.

You try and run to the foyer, only to be met by guards with shields huddling together, blocking your path. You can hear Elaina running behind you at full sprint. On both sides, you see even more of them coming to try and box you in.

Gawain starts slowing down, sizing up the situation and trying to find an out.
>roll Perception

Elaina catches up to you and springs toward you with claws bared!

Roll #1 8 = 8 / Roll #2 2 = 2


Aegis kept up with his pace, and easily sidestepped Elaina's attack
While scanning for any outs, Aegis quickly formed a contigency plan and shot out her magic crystals aiming at the guard's feet, trying to freeze their footing and make the floor under them slippery
'1d10' perception

Roll #1 10 = 10


'1d10' homing magic ice on the floor

'1d10' frigor

Roll #1 9 = 9 / Roll #2 6 = 6 / Roll #3 1 = 1


You fire your ice magic at the ground, freezing some of the guards in place. Many of them start losing their footing, making it difficult to move.

You and Gawain both spot the out at the same time: the ceiling has an elaborate glass design on it. Gawain moves to grab you without warning to fly up, but before he can, Elaina pounces on you out of nowhere, pinning you to the ground!
>Aegis takes 3 hits, grappled

"No… you… don't!…" The felid starts clawing at you in a fit of rage!

Gawain tries to shove her off and fly up with you! "Let go of her, you snake!"
[1d10+1] Slam

Roll #1 10 = 10 / Roll #2 1 = 1 / Roll #3 9 + 1 = 10


Eyes wide, Aegis glares down at Elaina, in a brief moment of clarity, her expression returns to her usual cold stare as she locks eyes with the Felid, then, with a mental command, her shield glows as she raises it up to the air slightly, and SLAMS it down on the felid
'1d10+1' earthen strike, ice

Roll #1 3 + 1 = 4


Aegis felt she was about to make a mistake, but a tune rang out in her mind and her eyes shone with inspiration
>Moonlight Sonata reroll

Roll #1 10 + 1 = 11


'1d10' potent potion

Roll #1 4 = 4


Elaina sinks her claws into your chest, phasing through it to dig even deeper. You almost black out from the pain, barely reaching out to your shield. Gawain lashes out with a kick from his injured leg, kicking her in the chest; then, you follow up with a shield slam while she's distracted, pummeling her in the face. She falls to the ground, yelling in pain and anger.

The pain catches up to you, and you feel faint, almost collapsing on the spot. You feel claws around your torso as Gawain hoists you up, flying upward through the foyer. You hear glass break, and feel the howling wind on your face as Gawain breaks through to freedom. Your vision starts to go dark and blur as you struggle to maintain consciousness…
>Aegis takes 5 hits, helpless



Aegis proves to be more resilient than she looks, and is still lucid
''They will have guards ready to shoot you down Gawain, be wary'' She mutters to gawain, casting up crystal orbs of magic
''And do not drop me''
'1d10+2' Homing magic, ice

Roll #1 4 + 2 = 6


"Wouldn't dream of it," he answers. Despite the dire situation, he's smiling.

As Gawain flies over Braildorn, there's a brief moment where you can't help but admire the seldom seen view of the skyline. It's all red spires and wooden towers against a backdrop of blue. It's beautiful, in its own way.

As the outer defenses come into view, you see more guards clamoring and setting up with crossbows. You hear them fire, and a volley of black quarrels comes flying towards you!

Gawain grips you tighter and flies higher to avoid the shots!

Roll #1 2 = 2


Aegis did her best to shoot down the arrowheads coming their way!
'1d10' homing magic, ice
'2d10' magic bolt, ice

Roll #1 6 = 6 / Roll #2 9, 6 = 15


'1d10' potent potion on magic bolt

Roll #1 1 = 1


Your volley of magic stops most of the shots from coming through. Gawain's armor pulls through, protecting him from most of the remaining damage. He still gets clipped, but it can't be helped.

Eyes burning with determination, Gawain surges towards the wall, aiming to fly past it and land outside the city. Another volley of shots comes flying your way!

Gawain gets a burst of speed and pulls his wings in tight, doing a barrel roll as he soars forward in an attempt to dodge the shots! "Don't you dare let go!…"

Roll #1 1 = 1


Trusting her life to Gawain, Aegis hunt tightly to him as he spun in the air

Roll #1 8 = 8


Your head spins as Gawain spirals through the air, dodging arrows and clearing the wall. You're not quite sure what's going on, but you feel yourself plummeting. You half land and half slam into the ground, though you are unharmed. Getting your bearings, it looks like you made it. You can't stay for long, though; looking back at Braildorn, there's a contingent of troopers pouring out searching for you.

Gawain is in terrible shape. Despite his armor, he has been pierced by many arrows. He stumbles in place, eyes glazed and unfocused. He looks at you, smiles weakly, then collapses unconscious. He needs medical attention, urgently.


Aegis looks down at Gawain, her expression blank as eyes. Her eyes dart back and forth, thinking of a solution. She pulls up some bits of the portable tent, making rags as she careful removes Gawain's armor, pulls out the arrows piercing him and makes some emergency first aid, covering his wounds with bits of cloth and cleaning the excess blood with some water. She worked as quickly as she could, always glancing back at Braildorn
'1d10' first aid

Roll #1 4 = 4


You try to do first aid to the best of your abilities. It doesn't seem to have helped much; he's losing a lot of blood. You see guards coming in your direction, though they haven't spotted you yet. You'll have to find a hiding spot, though you can't just leave Gawain there for them to find…


Out of options, Aegis tossed Gawain's armor away and dragged the gryphon with her to somewhere they could hide


You ditch the armor and drag him into a nearby ditch to wait it out. He looks much smaller without it, you think.

After a tense few minutes, the guards give up on searching around here, and move on. Eventually, Gawain comes to. He looks pale, but your impromptu bandaging seems to have staunched the flow of blood, saving him from bleeding out. He is too weak to say anything, but nonetheless tries to stand, determined to complete the mission. He only manages to croak one word: "water".

You're still almost a day's travel from the ship; you'll have to find some way to keep him from succumbing to exhaustion before arriving. It crosses your mind that he nearly gave his life for you back there.


Aegis quickly fulfills his request, pulling up her metal bottle and firmly pressing him down to stop him from moving ''Take a minute to rest'' She says, floating the bottle near his beak and covering him with her extra clothes as an improvised blanket


He nods weakly, taking a long swig of water. He takes a minute to convalesce, wincing in pain at the slightest movement. "How did I do?" he asks with a lopsided smile, his voice raspy from exertion. "Are they gone?"


''You did great, Master Gawain'' Aegis says, gently caressing his head ''And yes they are, but we cannot stay here forever. Gather your strenght, and when you can, we'll leave''


He blinks in surprise as you show a bit of affection, but doesn't shy away from it. He merely beams in pride. "Shame about my armor," he remarks, "but I suppose it can't be helped." He breaks into a coughing fit, taking a moment to recover.

After a while, he tries to stand again with lots of grimacing and groaning. He stumbles and nearly falls, throwing out his claw to catch himself, leaning against the wall. He hasn't fallen over, though; he manages to get up, and takes a few pained steps, pushing himself in an effort to get moving again. "This is… no place to die," he grunts stubbornly.


''We got plenty of money, we'll buy you a better one when we can'' She reassures him
''Indeed. Now lets get moving'' She says, putting on her disguise and helping Gawain walk the way back, towards Brine


He doesn't shy away from your help, leaning against you most of the way there.

It's slow going, with Gawain's wounded state, but you eventually make it to Brine, where you buy a healing potion and some other medical supplies. It doesn't miraculously heal him back to his old self, but he is able to recover his strength and walk on his own afterwards.

By nightfall, you find yourselves completing the crossing, and returning to the ship where your companions await.


>everyone else

The evening of Black Pudding's arrival, Gawain and Aegis leave for Braildorn to retrieve the bounty, estimating they'll be back in a day or two.

In the meantime, your companions take time to rest up and prepare for the next leg of the journey:

Black Pudding stakes a claim to one of the rooms. He has very few personal effects, save for his hat and staff, so he doesn't have much to personalize the room with yet. He is acting surprisingly humble and cordial, in contrast with his usual austere demeanor.

With him around, though, Violet becomes much more scarce, shutting herself away from the rest of you and only showing her face to grab food. Aurora expresses her concerns about her.

Dawn and Black Pudding get along well, both being practitioners of magic in their own distinct ways. They spend quite some time discussing things in private.

Etrigan doesn't seem too sure about his presence, acting polite enough to him but not entirely being sure he can be trusted. Regardless, he continues to perform his duties to the ship.

Marisol has an already established professional relationship with Pudding. They make some small talk and seem to be on decent terms. She fills Pudding in on most of what the party have gone through.

The following evening, Aurora alerts you all to Gawain and Aegis returning to the ship. They seem injured, Gawain much more so than Aegis. He looks like he's been through a terrible battle, and is now missing his armor, but nevertheless holds his head high and waves at you on the upper deck as they approach.


Zunden heads down to apply healing to the biggest of injuries, looking them over.

[1d10] mend

Roll #1 8 = 8


Aegis helps Gawain into a bed, almost carrying the gryphon along the way. She fetches Aurora and Zunden to come help
''He needs medical attention. I did what I could on the field to stop him from bleeding out and we used some medical supplies but not enough to ensure his long term health''
''That aside, things went as poorly as expected. We arrived in enemy territory and nearly got ambushed. If it wasnt for Gawain's will, we would have failed to return
Aegis pulls out a heavy bag of bits on a table nearby ''But in the end we got our reward''



"What happened?" Hermodur asks Gawain as he returns. There's no real urgency or concern to the voice. It's more a professional question, like asking for a report.


"Goodness, I'm glad the two of you came back, at least. The reward is… it's great and all, but I'm happier to have the two of you back."


Aurora joins you, examining his injuries and tending to them. He seems to have been pierced by many arrows; it's a miracle he's still standing at all. "What happened?" Aurora asks with worry as you work your healing magic, curing the worst of his injuries.

"They discovered our identities," Gawain grunts, nodding to Zunden and Aurora in gratitude. "We were lucky to escape in one piece. There was a cat that walked through walls…"

"Elaina!" Marisol blurts out. "…She's not…?"

"We managed to fend her off. She's quite a troubling foe. But! More importantly! We have the spoils! 2500 bits in our possession!" He grins proudly, then winces at the sudden exertion. "If you'll excuse me, I'll be lying down…"

Dawn looks deep in thought. "So the enemy knows we're close now. This could work to our advantage. If we leave now, they'll still be searching for us in this area. We should depart as soon as we're able."

"We still have a few days before we're at the Isle of Glass," says Etrigan. "Either they'll be on our trail and we'll be able to manage a diversion, or they'll be looking elsewhere and we'll have time to see about hiding this thing for good."

"This Isle…" Black Pudding looks intrigued. "It is not one we are familiar with. What does it entail?"


Indeed the reward was great. Two thousand and five hundred bits, to spend as we see fit. Starting with a new armor for Gawain's efforts''



"Or we could use their knowledge to our advantage and use the Isle of Glass as an ambush point," Hermodur points out.


''The servants of Lysander were more clever than I thought. Somehow they saw through my disuise. Either my story was not convincing or they anticipated we'd defeat the fake Oneiromancer'' She says, resting in a corner of the room
''Your sister is quite the dangerous foe, Marisol. I hope you understand I spared no effort fighting her''


Zunden turns to Black Pudding, "A hidden Izle surrounded by treazherouz waterz and great monzterz that apparently no one haz explored and zurvived, ze goal iz to go zhere and dezide our final locazion for ze egg zhere."


"Departing soon seems like the best, the. Seems we'll need to decide now, yeah?"

"Alright, so I guess what broke off the connection was the false Oneiromancer, then."


"I think it's more that they just deduced our identity through what they had heard," Gawain remarks. Marisol nods to Aegis. "I understand. I just hope she didn't hurt you too badly."

"If no one survives the Isle, how do we know of its nature?" he questions. "One for the philosophers," Aurora remarks.

Marisol chimes in. "In any case. I still think our best bet is to do what Hermodur suggests. Lure out Lysander, spring an ambush. We could kill two birds with one stone if we manage to defeat him."

Etrigan focuses on getting the ship running, Servitors manifesting themselves and rigging the ship to take flight once again. Before long, it starts rising off the cracked earth, flying into the air once more; potentially, for one of the last times.


"An ambush could be good, yeah- I think we've got some good stuff if we set up."


After finishing up healing Aegis and Gawain, and giving some time for people to return to their room, rapping at Black Pudding's door.
"Black Pudding, it iz Zunden. I do not wizh to intrude if you are ztill healing, but I wizh to azk about perhapz combining our effortz in Zevering ze zhip az it onze waz zo any future of our converzationz can be obzcured to our enemiez."


Aegis nods ''We have no reason to stay any further''
''I am not against this plan. If we end Lysander it'll be the end of many problems, but I recommend that once we set up an ambush, we have a way to swiftly escape if Lysander proves to be too much''



"The island itself is notorious for being extremely difficult to enter AND leave. It's the ideal ambush location."


"I'd say that would work quite well, Marisol. We've certainly kicked the hornet's nest with the excursion, now would be the chance to lay a trail to the isle."


He opens the door. You see a vivisected rabbit on the table behind him; he appears to have been studying its entrails. He listens to what you have to say, then nods. "We have had similar thoughts. It would behoove us all to be shielded from prying eyes. The mummer's dragon is not blind, nor is He-Who-Passes-Through-Nightmares. Through our Severance, as long as we remain in possession of our strength, we shall be shielded from their sight."

With your business here concluded, you depart these barren lands, heading south towards your destination. Zunden and Black Pudding take the time to invoke an extremely powerful Severance rune, covering the main sail. You cannot be spied on by magical means as long as either of them are around.

A few days of travel go by. The landscape below turns more fertile, and you follow the Broad River down towards swampier lands. The majority of you recognize the lands to the west. "Durenwol Fen," Black Pudding comments gravely. "The site of our folly. We must atone for our greed…"

Aurora, ever on lookout, spots a few points of interest:

A bit further south is a lighthouse on a volcanic beach, and near that, the sleepy village of Ironbrook. Where your journey began.

A bit to the east is a cove that is host to a plethora of shipwrecks, all mashed together and grounded ashore. Gawain, now on the mend, recognizes this place: according to him, it's the town of Broome, a remote haven for drifters like yourselves. It's a rather rough place, neutral ground for many.

Finally, you spot something odd rising from the Fen: an enormous glossy black spike of an unknown material, reaching almost to the clouds. It dominates the landscape.

Black Pudding frowns at the latter. "What devilry is this that could spawn such a structure?…" Dawn seems intrigued it as well, though her interest is more academic.

Gawain seems eager to visit Broome. "One of the few towns of interest in this part of the world. I have a second cousin who runs a tavern there! I'm sure he'd give us all a royal welcome!" "It'd be a chance to gear up as well," Marisol chimes in.

Violet makes a rare appearance, looking to Ironbrook. "That's where it all started," she muses. "Feels like a lifetime ago now…"



"What would you do?" Hermodur asks Black Pudding with a curious look as he speaks of Durenwol Fen.


''I suggest we avoid that Black spire, it might be a work of the Oneiromancer, and I am in agreement with a visit to Broome. It'd be great to spend the hard earned money on things to aid our journey''
''Master Silver, I have something for you, that me and Master Gawain have found in our trip'' Aegis presents an odd, blueish organ of some kind ''I believe it will be useful to you, its a Sparkstone''


Making my way above deck, i look out to the town of Ironbrook. "It really has been a while since then, hasn't it?" i muse "I recall us stirring things up quite badly with a few of the mummers back in the tavern. I hope they didn't take the thrashing they received out on the town.." i trail off in concern.

"Oh? a sparkstone?"

taking the object into my hoof, i look it over in curiosity.

[1d10] Examine

"Interesting.. How did you come about acquiring this?"

Roll #1 9 = 9


''We butchered a Spark Serpent''


"That is an odd-looking structure, but it's hard to say what could've made it- The Echoes are strange."

"We could drop you back off near there, if you wanted- Ironbrook, that is." he says, looking to Violet. He flicks his ears a bit, and nods to Gawain's suggestion.


"I'm untruztworzhy of alien-looking ztructurez made of any black material, wizh ze Oneiromanzer now zpreading hiz influenze on ze phyzical plane. We rezently zaw him corrupt ze dreaming zpring wizh zome degree of corruption. A few of our memberz were caught in it, but awoke on our zhip, whizh haz lead uz to concern over what effectz it had on zhem or if zhey are now acting az hiz eyez unknowingly."


"While in Braildorn? Goodness, Between the injuries and this it must have been quite the trip!"

"Had we known they would recognize you two we would have reconsidered, but at the very least you had each other for backup. I suspect things would have been much worse Had only one went to town."


''No, the Serpent was the second easiest obstacle in our way. It was no trouble at all. And yes, thinking back on it I should have planned better, but no use thinking about these things now. I look foward to seeing you put this to good use''


"Indeed! I'll have to consult my notes while we've stopped in Broome, by name alone i'd imagine there must be something of worth to make from this."


"I appreciate you thinking of me while away, Aegis. Thank you."


Gawain butts in. "Yes, quite so. This sparkstone was taken from a lightning-breathing serpent we encountered. The guide said it was quite a useful ingredient for alchemical processes!"

"So it is," says Black Pudding from the sidelines. You hadn't noticed him listening in as well. "My pupil invented a wonderous brew that imbued her body with lightning using a Sparkstone. Perhaps thou couldst consult her notes for a guide on replicating its effects."

Violet looks surprised at the attention. She considers your proposal, trying not to look at Black Pudding. "I-I… I'm… not sure. I think it might be better if I stay here… Even though I don't really want to, it… this task feels so important. You might need my help…"

"It was rather horrific," Gawain agrees.

Black Pudding listens to this. "Then we should not risk encountering Him," he responds to Hermodur. "We cannot allow Him to be privy to any of our actions."

With the general consensus being to travel to Broome, Etrigan steers the ship that way. "Last stop before our fate is decided…"

The unorthodox settlement comes closer into view. As you saw earlier, it is indeed made of many shipwrecks clustered together and forming a settlement. Some are intact still, while others are no more than a stripped down skeleton; others still appear to be almost merging into each other, passing through and connecting like they're semi-solid. From below, you can see the settlement's denizens, primarily saurians and griffons, going about their daily business, flying about or climbing like monkeys over the rigging connecting the various ships. "Quite a sight, isn't it?" Gawain says enthusiastically. "No one truly knows how it came to be. It just… manifested. As things in this land tend to do!"

"Looks tricky to navigate," Aurora comments. "I'd heard about this place, but it's something else to see it in person."

"I visited it once," says Dawn. "Carabas got into a barfight and nearly lost an eye. Nothing good's ever come from it."

"Well, my first cousin Parzival lives here," Gawain comments, sounding a bit miffed. "He's good. Rather loud and boisterous, but good."

"Boisterous by your standards?" Aurora mutters under her breath. It goes over Gawain's head.

Etrigan approaches one of the many docks leading into the town; as with most settlements in the Echoes' Heartlands, Broome seems to depend on the Broad River for sustenance. In this case, though, it's a little different; Broome is situated on the river's mouth, opening up to the ocean. You can smell salt, and hear dock workers toiling and chanting. A flock of seagulls disperses with a screech as Etrigan lands the ship in the water, moving it gently toward the dock.

Before long, a salty looking Dog in a navy blue coat walks up, holding a quill and clipboard. He looks up at you all aboard your ship quizzically; he seems to be an appointed official keeping tabs of all the docked ships at the entrance to Broome. "Your names, please," he calls up as a Servitor lowers the ladder.
>you may take up to 3 crewmates with you


The crystal mare nods ''Think nothing of it. I just want everyone on their best performance, and to bring any advantage I can in this war''
Aegis waits for the others before giving away the names, and insists on bringing Gawain along
''You know the only possible Ally we might find here, so you should come along Master Gawain''


"Remindz me of how tight ze alleywayz of where I lived in ze Dominion. We zhould ze about zecuring anozher wagon zhould we abandon ze zhip at zome point." Zunden makes mention, looking if Aurora would like to travel with her.



Hermodur lets someone else do the talking.


"Only if you're sure- you don't need to feel forced to be here, if you don't feel like you want to."

"It is a sight, man- as far as who's going, Gawain seems like a no-brainer. Want to come along, Aurora?"


"Interesting.. once we've concluded our business here i'll certainly have to take a look. Doubtless that would prove useful come time to face off against Lysander."

Trotting downstairs to deposit the sparkstone into a glass jar in the lab, i return above board to depart for the flotsam city.

"Silver Song, good sir!" i reply, waving to the official with a wing. "We'll be down shortly."


>Marisol, Aurora, Gawain

You give the official your names; he jots them down and retreats. "Welcome to Broome, messrs!"

Marisol rolls her eyes and jumps down without a ladder, her cloak billowing up like a bat as she lands.

Aurora looks around to make sure the coast is clear before hopping off the edge of the ship, spreading her wings to glide gently to the bottom.

Gawain flaps his wings, soaring down dramatically and landing heavily on the dock. It shakes slightly. He dusts himself off after landing.

Together, you travel up the dock and enter the sea-town of Broome.


Broome is teeming with life; the haphazard nature of its architecture means the town stretches up vertically as well as horizontally. You can see that you are at the very bottom of the town here; looking up, you can see houses built into the sides of some of the ships, with clotheslines connecting the various wooden hulks. Vertical mobility seems to be key to getting by. Most of the denizens are winged folk, or felids, or Dogs. Ponies are few and far between. The air is abuzz with idle chatter of the townsfolk, all of which look the part of reformed convicts. It wouldn't surprise you if many of these were pirates or former pirates.

Looking around, you can see several points of interest:

Above you seems to be a weapons shop, while across from it is an apothecary.

Across the street is a bakery of some sort.

On an adjacent block is a smithy and a brewery.

There's also a bath house on one of the upmost levels.

A general goods store can be seen to your immediate left.

Gawain takes a deep breath. "Ah, the smell of the sea! Invigorating! Now, where was that tavern…"

Marisol looks around. "It's good to be off the ship for once. I wonder how long we'll be able to stay here?"

Aurora doesn't look as optimistic. "This place gives me bad vibes. What's the plan?…"


"Az I waz zaying, we could look for somewhere to get a covered wagon for travel and rezting if we need to abandon ze zhip, I imagine zuch a ztore couldn't be high up, zo zomewhere along ze coazt or ze edgez of ze zity itzelf." Zunden says to Aurora, "Which haz ze added benefit of meaning we won't get lozt az eazily if we can alwayz zee ze water."



"I will follow you to the tavern, but I'll wait outside," Hermodur says to Gawain. "If it's the tavern I think it is, I don't imagine they'll appreciate my patronage."


''We spread out and enjoy what the city has to offer'' Aegis replies to Aurora ''Is there anything in particular you felt you wanted?''
She then turns to Gawain ''Does your kin know well about this city?''


"Hmm… tavern first seems like the best bet. Take a chance to unwind, get a bit to drink and eat."

He nods a little, continuing with "And, we could ask after something like a wagon."


Coming off the ship, i look about the bustling area eagerly, the hive of wood and water a far cry from minor towns of earlier.

"How exciting, It's been a while since we've been to a city like this!"

"A wagon? Well, it would be useful to have something less conspicuous as well, though i do wonder how we'll store it. Would there be enough room on the deck to strap it down, or perhaps some means to disassemble it.."

"Indeed. As in Braildorn, knowning the route to the tavern makes for easier times reconvening. Doubly so with a city like this, Even from the outside the city is a maze!"


''I'm certain the wagon can be dissasembled for easy transport, and I like the idea. As much as I enjoy the ship and its conveniences, a wagon is much more subtle, and wont draw nearly as much attention. What I do not like is the many lost benefits from a sanctuary, but subtlety is precious to us Drifters''


Gawain blinks at Hermodur's statement. "Oh, don't worry! This town can be rough, for sure, but my cousin runs a tight ship! Quite literally! Plus, you'll be among friends. What could go wrong?"

"Seems reasonable," Marisol nods in agreement with Rabi. "Let's go to the tavern first, if we can find it."

"Looks like any place here could be a tavern, to be honest," Aurora comments.

"But of course!" Gawain replies to Aurora. "Cousin Parzival has lived here for years! If anyone will know the layout of this place, it's him! He might even be able to help us find a place selling a wagon. That does seem like a sound plan, actually. Hm."

Aurora shakes her head at Aegis' question. "I'm just here to stretch my legs. Plus, it's nice to see someplace new, even if it's not the most…"

A street fight breaks out nearby, with someone getting clocked over the head with a wine bottle, breaking dramatically.


You wander the streets for a bit, looking for the specific tavern Gawain's after. Eventually, you find it; a large, multi-deck ship called Her Majesty. The ship itself has been flipped somehow so the hull is facing up, resembling the roof of a Norse building. It is currently early afternoon, and it doesn't seem too busy, at least from the outside. You can hear idle chatter and music coming from inside, and the smell of cooking food wafts through the window. Gawain holds the door open for you all with a big grin. "Shall we?"


Aegis enters without any ceremony, silent as a snake, giving Gawain a brief nod for the kindness


"Hopefully a large wagon- we've picked up an awful lot of people, to the point where I think even the ship might start feeling cramped." he suggests, chuckling a little. He tries to avoid the street fight.

He offers a friendly smile and starts for Her Majesty, saying "Sure, Gawain. I think we could use the chance to just sit for a bit."


"Perhapz two medium zized onez would be a wizer choize, I can't imagine fitting all of uz in a zingle wagon."

Zunden nods to Gawain, tucking her bag of holding under the front of her shirt to keep it safe from wandering hands or paws or hooves.


"Yes please." i reply, slipping past the griffon into the building.



"Last time I was in a tavern in this town, I put a hole in the wall and made a grudge with the Mummers against this town."

Hermodur puts his finger to his chin in thought. "I think it was the Mummers, anyway…"



Hermodur enters the tavern with Gawain.


You enter Her Majesty, looking around. It's about what you'd expect for a tavern in a seaside town; the decor is distinctly naval, with a set of shark jaws hanging above the entrance, crossed swords hanging from a wall, and a rustic decorated wooden interior. Mounted candles light the interior, and there's a distinct smell of alcohol and burning herbs. The patrons are more or less what you've come to expect; lively, rough and tumble looking denizens of Broome. Music is warbling from an old speaker next to the bar, behind which stands a monster of a griffon. He is immensely tall and fat, with brilliant red feathers forming a sort of beard, black legs like a panther, and fiery red eyes. He looks up from wiping the counter, and lights up as he sees your companion.


His bellow rings out through the tavern, and patrons stop and stare. The whole room shakes as Parzival steps out from behind the counter, limping with each step, and bearing down over the griffon knight. He even makes Hermodur look small by comparison.

There's a prolonged silence as the two cousins stare at each other. Parzival looks him up and down with a scowl.

"You got fat."

Gawain just looks down at Parzival's gut pointedly.

The silence is broken by a deep belly laugh from Parzival, who sweeps his cousin up in a bear hug, crushing his spine. "Where've you been? So good to see you!"

"Oh, the stories I could tell, cousin!" He beams back. "I've seen so much. How long has it been? A year, no?"

"Too long, too long!"

He only just seems to notice the rest of you standing around. "And who are all these characters then? What sort of company is Gawain keeping these days?" He eyes you all eagerly, excited to meet new people. He beams crookedly from ear to ear.


Rabi stifles a snicker, not wanting to be mean, before offering a short bow to Parzival. "I'm Rabi. It's good to meet you, Parzival."


''Aegis Glaze'' The crystal mare introduces herself with a respectful bow ''Pleased to meet you, Master Parzival. Your cousin has been an invaluable ally to us''



"Hermodur," Hermodur says, extending his hand to shake, mentally preparing himself for the way-too-hard grip.


"A pleasure to meet you, Parzival." I begin, offering a winged curtsy "I am Silver Song. You've quite the cousin, good sir. Whether preparing a meal or fighting alongside us, he proves himself a good friend."


"Zunden, ze reader." Zunden says quietly, "I'm zure zomeone in zhiz bar will be interezted to know we're here."


Marisol and Aurora introduce themselves.

"Any friend of Gawain's is a friend of mine! Food and drinks are on the house!" He eagerly pulls up some tables for the group, calling for one of his employees to help. "I told you we'd get a warm welcome," Gawain says as an aside.

"So," Parzival asks, "what'll it be today? Hungry? Thirsty? Looking for rooms?" You can see on a blackboard behind him that they have a huge variety of food and drink; practically anything that you could want, he serves.
>order what your character would prefer, or roll 1d100 to pick something at random



"I'm feeling adventurous," Hermodur says with a small smirk, amused by the big griffon. "Pick whatever you like for me."


Roll #1 44 = 44


''I would like something spicy with tofu, if thats avaiable. An orange juice on the side and something with Ginger for dessert''


Zunden sits down, though keeps her eyes on counter-reconnaissance, looking for eyes checking over the party, more interested in those that make to leave after looking the party over.
[1d10] percep

she orders a drink and a meal

Roll #1 10 = 10 / Roll #2 72 = 72 / Roll #3 26 = 26


"I'll take, ah… whatever you think's good! Aside from that, we're looking for somewhere to get covered wagons."
>[1d100] Food
>[1d100] Drink

Roll #1 24 = 24 / Roll #2 18 = 18



First one is food, second one is drink. [1d100]

Roll #1 4 = 4


Taking a seat, i eye the menu for a moment.

"Ooh, i'd like the seaweed salad with a white wine, if you have it. Not often you can have it as fresh as 'just harvested'."


Parzival's dramatic intro aside, no one seems to be paying you much mind. You see a few people leave after finishing their meals, but nothing really suspicious. Seems the coast is clear, for now.

Marisol orders herself an owlbear meat pie, while Gawain orders a leg of roast boar. Aurora will just have an ordinary salad.

A waitress seems to materialize out of nowhere to take your orders down. She bows out of the scene as Parzival pulls up a chair for himself at the table, sitting down with a soft grunt.

Parzival thinks as Rabi brings up what Zunden was after. "A wagon, hm? I'd say you're in the wrong place, but you can surely find something of use. Hmm…" He strokes his feathered beard. "I'm not sure where, but if you head to the center of town, there's a big public announcements board. Bounties, advertisements, job offers, all that sort of thing. You go there, you might be able to find someone selling what you're buying. Maybe. That's the only thing I can think of though."

"So!" He rubs his hands genially. "What brought you all my way? Why, if I knew you were coming I would've prepared a bit better! You should've sent a Harbinger, Gawain!"

"Oh, we won't be staying for long," Gawain replies. "We have some business in the area. We're just stopping by for supplies and such. New transport as well, hence the wagon…"


I quietly take my seat and gently set Purdue on the table in front of me. After everyone else is done ordering I just clear my throat and mumble, "Whiskey. Straight." For some reason I donz't have much of an appetite. Too much on my mind, I think. I really need to talk to Black Pudding about a few things before he leaves us. I should stop in at some shops, too. On top of everything I keep wanting to check in on Vi, but… I sigh and sink into my chair.


"We were in the area and Gawain mentioned he had family here, so we decided to stop here to resupply and visit."

"it's quite refreshing to be in a bustling city once again, We haven't had the chance to stop in ages!"


"I can imagine mozt of zhipmentz leave ze town via zhipz, but if zhiz iz ze wrong plaze, how do you make trade to zhoze furzher inland?" Zunden says, keeping an eye on the door but otherwise relaxing somewhat.


"Well, that's better than nothing- thanks, Parzival." the stallion says, stretching out in his chair a little. "A chance to sit and relax is nice too, though."


>The Whisperer:

It is mid afternoon, two days after your adventure in Larkstead. You can hear Marisol and Aurora having a conversation up on the top deck, while Gawain and Etrigan seem to be taking inventory in the magazine. Purdue is reading in your room, while Dawn seems to be working on a spell in one of the last unused rooms. Violet seems to be self isolating as usual since Black Pudding joined. As for the latter, he's presumably in his room at the moment, though you can't hear him. He's either asleep or busy developing something.


I step up to BP's door and, to my surprise, manage to knock without hesitating.


After you knock there's a loud, dull thump; then, a slightly uncomfortable silence. Eventually, he answers, opening the door wordlessly. The towering, vaguely equine shaped ooze looms over you, staring down with his mismatched eyes bearing steely expression. He has a way of making everyone feel small compared to him.

"Rat-Speaker. What bringeth thee to our doorstep?"


My heart thuds against my chest a little as I sudenly question not hesitating. All things considered, though, I did kind of save his life recently. I nod. "Black Pudding. Sorry for interrupting, but you're one of the strongest magician-" I pause. Is magician even right? Wizard? Mage? I don't even know. "Magic user? Anyway, you're one of the strongest I know and definitely the closest. I was wondering if you could give me a little bit of your time so I could ask you some questions about some magic related stuff."


He moves aside. You see he's already been busy in the little time he's been here; the shelves are lined with strange bottles, runes are written on the walls in chalk, and hanging from the ceiling is a dead chicken, along with some ritualistic carvings and fetishes. A lit candle gripped by a wizened paw rests on a mantlepiece, illuminating a map laid bare, along with a jar of what look like small bones.



I step inside and tuck a hand into my pocket. "I'll just cut right to the chase. I have a couple smaller questions, but they're not as important. Do you know anything about binding souls to objects? We had something called a crucible, and it seemed like it could do it in a way, but my friend -The skull. You've met him once or twice I think.- seems different. I want to move him to a full body, like a golem or something, and I want to strengthen the magic that holds him to our world. Do you know anything about any of that?"


He notices your hand in your pocket.

"Thou speaketh of the Oracle. Erstwhile, now, no doubt. Thy wish can be done. But not by any means any on this vessel possess. Such a Union can only be strengthened by he which performed the binding. And he will not be willing to do such an act."

He looks at you earnestly. "Our advice true: forget this. Our path art entwined with Chaos Eater, aye, but he cannot be reasoned with or bargained with. That we wouldst deign to seek him is proof of the desperation of our endeavour. The only cause we possess to believe he wouldst lend us succour regarding the Cuckoo is due to his… beholden duties, as they are rumoured. Lest thou art in possession of some intangible leverage over his being, thy wish to recruit his services will yield aught but a reverie. We hath spoke."


I sigh and rub my eyes. "So the only way I can help Purdue is if Discord agrees to it. I was afraid of that." I pace around the room a little, looking at the stuff he has set up. Dang. He works fast.

"I've actually kind of wanted to talk to him more, honestly. Just to chat some if nothing else. Curious why he started calling himself Persolus, for one." I shake my head. "But yeah, it's not like he'd help me out of good will. Second, I was wondering if you knew anything about summoning magic. I can summon my rats with my cage, but I have to use the cage -which is inconvenient to lug around- and I can only summon my rats -which I don't want to risk getting hurt if I can help it-. Do you know if the spell is actually this limited, or do you think I could use it for something else?"

I clear my throat. "And last, where the heck can I get a bigger-inside bag of my own? I don't know how many times I've thought 'man, I have what I would want in this situation back on the ship' because I just have too much stuff to carry."


He just blinks as you start rambling about Discord. You get the feeling he's a bit annoyed by how much you talk.

"Conjurations, alterations, deviations, permeations of the magical flow…" He thinks, then nods. "We know of this. Bring us this cage, and we may pluck its magics, and grant them to a more useful item. As for thy murines… They are base creatures. Simple to animate and replicate. Allow us time with them, and we shalt ape their real, that no harm may come."

"To the matter of the satchel thou seeketh, 'tis a most vexing spell to weave. Beyond our skill. The sightless one may be of more assistance to this end. Or perhaps at our next destination, thou shalt find thy desire."


"Oh." I smile and nod again. "Alright. Perfect. I'll be back with the cage, then. Thank you. It'd be really nice not to have to worry about my actual pets. Guess I'll talk to Dawn about the bag, then. Probably easier to find one somewhere to buy than to make it. Really wish we stopped in with Rosen and Glid-" I stop myself. Wait. How much of that was I saying out loud? I glance away from BP and snicker. I'm either being really annoying or he's starting to think I might be a little crazy. "Sorry," I say, clearing my throat. "Sorry. I'll be right back with my cage and I'll leave you alone."


He offers no reply.

You fetch your cage from your room and return to the sound of Pudding muttering in an unknown language. Entering, you see he is shaking the jar of bones, eventually finishing his incantation and scattering them over the weathered parchment map. He studies where they fall with an intrigued expression.

He acknowledges you before you can say anything. "The future of this company art tumultuous, it seems. As tumultuous as our destination." He doesn't face you. "A great storm awaits us at sea near the Isle. We will warn the others. Now. The cage, Rat-Speaker."


I knit my brow as I set the cage near him. "Something bad always happens. Just seems like how the job we took on works. You saying something worse is gonna happen? It have somethin to do with the 'celestial event' or whatever?"


"Perhaps. Or perhaps not. We speak not in tongues. A true and terrible maelstrom shall ravage the sea that day. 'Tis writ."

"An obstacle for our future selves. For now."

He turns to the cage, reaching out to it with a molded foreleg. He focuses on it, allowing energy to flow through him. The purple crackle of magic you saw him course with when granted energy by Zunden now flows through his extension as he probes the cage. It begins to glow in a color that can't quite be described, running upwards from its base and to his "hoof". He pulls gently upward, and the glow coalesces into a small, ever-shifting shape, twisting and writing like a captive octopus. The cage clatters to the ground, looking more or less the same as ever, yet somehow lesser.

"Now. What shall this enchantment be imparted to."


Well, alright. Yeah. Guess that's something for us to worry about in the future. I hold my long coat open, gesturing to it. "What about this?"


He wordlessly moves the enchantment, touching you on the shoulder. It spreads across the surface of the coat, causing it to shimmer and move slightly of its own will. It's an uncomfortable feeling, having clothes that move independently of you. It only lasts a few seconds.

Nothing happens after, for a beat. Black Pudding frowns and gives it a few pokes. Suddenly, your pockets explode as all your remaining rats come bursting out, squealing and chittering in sudden panic as they're willed into existence. They pour onto the floor and start running about chaotically, scattering across the room and invading every corner of Pudding's room. "Fie," the warlock growls in annoyance.


I jump and take a step back as all ten of my remaining rats pour into the room from my pockets and scatter across the room. As Black Pudding curses in frustration, I put a paw to my hand and snicker again, this time unable to keep it from shifting into a faint giggle. "Sorry. I really appreciate this." And hey! It worked! The enchantment is in my coat now! "Here. I'll help gather them up really quick." I sit down on the floor and click my tongue a few times, tapping the spot in front of me.


After a bit of scrabbling, and the muffled sound of glass breaking, the rats eventually return to you cautiously. Black Pudding watches from the sidelines as the almost-dozen curious rodents gather around you, looking up inquisitively and occasionally rearing up to sniff the air. "We must retain one if we are to replicate them for thy artifact," he reminds you.


My smile falls a little. "Right. I figured that'd be the case. You don't have to hurt one of them to do it, do you?" Really I probably should've asked that to begin with. "If not then it doesn't really matter." I look around at the rats and finally scoop my hand under a fat, black male. "Here," I say. "This is Porter." I reach down, smile, chitter a little, and gently scratch him under his chin.


"Naught is guaranteed. But we shall make an effort to ensure its survival."

Porter presses his head against your finger as you scratch. Black Pudding takes him eventually amidst squeaks of nervous protest, and begins to crackle again. He extends a limb to touch your enchanted coat once again, closing his eyes and focusing. Porter seems to calm down, although he still looks uncomfortable.

This time, you don't feel anything having changed, but Pudding looks satisfied. "Thou art attuned to this artifact. Attempt to invoke its strength now," he instructs, watching keenly to see what happens.


I knit my brow and look down at the coat. There aren't any rats in it, but if he actually managed then I should be able to-

[1d10]Improvise, conjure minion

Roll #1 1 = 1


A nondescript rat comes out of your pocket and jumps onto the floor. It sniffs around for a few seconds, then freezes and just… deflates like a football. Nothing's left of it except a gross patch of fur. Black Pudding raises an eyebrow and scoops it up for future use. "Progress," he states satisfiedly. "Again."


I'm a little less excited as the rat is gone just as fast as it appears. Even thought that was kinda funny. "Right."

[1d10]Conjure Minion

Roll #1 9 = 9


A large, healthy looking brown and white rat comes out of your pocket, ready to obey your commands. You can sense some magical energy coming from it; it doesn't seem to be alive in the traditional sense, but rather a magical simulacrum of a living being, able to be dissipated as easily as it was created just now. Much like Harbingers, it looks and acts like the real thing, but is a forgery.

"Most excellent," says Pudding. "The enchantment works as intended. It will be of great use to thee in the days to come."


My eyes widen a little and I crouch down, prodding at the rat. "Oh, wow. Yeah. That's really neat." Standing back up, I clear my throat look up at BP. "Thank you. Yeah. This'll be really useful. Both being able to wear the thing I use to summon around and not needing to worry about them getting hurt."


He nods slightly, watching the rat pace around. "Thou art welcome anytime. Seldom do we have a chance to witness our efficacy firsthand. We anticipate thy ingenuity."


I chuckle. "I can't make any promises, but I'll try. I'll let you get back to whatever you were doing now." If he doesn't have anything else, I grab my now non-magical trap, leave the room, and click my tongue a few times to get my rats to follow me out.


Aegis quietly waited until her order arrived, seeing as others were handling the questions she enjoyed this opportunity to taste her spicy meal, having gone a long time without one


"Capital, capital! Truth be told, the same goes for most passing through these doors. Broome is a free port, and my humble establishment is a free port within a free port! No rulers or masters within these ships! That is the way!"

The food arrives. Zunden is presented with a large steak of an unknown variety of fish, along with an alcoholic orange and brown concoction called a Sea Leg. A local brew in Broome. Hermodur is presented with a tankard of sweet apple cider and a calamari dish, ostensibly made from kraken. As for Rabi, he receives a hearty mushroom stroganoff and a white wine that packs a powerful punch. Aegis' dish consists of a steaming vegetable, onion and tofu soup. It's quite spicy, as requested. Finally, Silver is presented with a fresh, elaborate seaweed salad, decorated with garnishings, along with the same white wine as Rabi.

Parzival notices Norv not eating. "Not hungry, friend?" he asks, looking over from his own dish: a large seafood platter. "You wound me!" Gawain looks over, mumbles incoherently through a mouthful of roast boar, and offers some of the chips that came with his meal.

"Oh, we're mostly self sufficient around here," he explains to Zunden as lunch begins. "We do get traders coming in now and again, but the sea provides everything we need for the most part. And when we trade, we do it mostly down through the coast or upriver. Not that we try to get involved in others' affairs. Much to the chagrin of that pale little dandy of a dragon…"

Marisol looks over from her pie, intrigued. "You're talking about Lysander?"

"Curse his name, yes," Parzival grumbles. "Pain in all our arses, he is. Keeps trying to get on good terms with us, trying to buy out the whole damned town. But it won't happen! We're independent, and proud of it! We don't need any fancy lords or kings or emperors! He tries anything, we'll run him out of town!" He thumps his fist on the table emphatically. You hear some mutters of agreement from nearby patrons. Seems Lysander isn't very popular in these parts. Marisol seems intrigued, retreating into her own thoughts.


Aegis's pale white face slowly gains a fierce tint of pink as she eats her meal, and aside from occasionally taking a moment to breathe, she managed to maintain her usual poker face
''No place in the Echoes needs a lord or king. No single ruler of faction should have complete control over this realm, or it would become just another Dominion''


"Oh, this is all good stuff!" the stallion says, sipping some(a little bit too much) wine as he eats. "It's good to hear there's no love of Lysander here, at least."


Zunden sits and slowly eats at her her fish, sipping her Sea Leg as she's interested in how self-sufficient a city can be, "Orez and metalz, clozh and linenz? I have lived in a dezert growing up - I azk out of curiozity, not doubt. Even zhough we were zelf zuffizient zhen, you could not find every matter of zpizez juzt from ze local land."



I think about it for a second and sigh. Free food is free food, I guess, appetite or no. "Just get me what seems good, thank you." I knit my brow. "Honestly kinda surprised you've managed to keep him away. Lysander, I mean. That's kind of impressive."


Roll #1 51 = 51



"Excellent!" Hermodur says excitedly as his meal arrives. He happily eats it.


"On this, I disagree. A proper ruler makes for a prosperous nation. Equestria was a perfectly pleasant place in times past when it had its god-monarchs guiding its people and protecting them from harm. It wasn't until they abandoned the world that things fell apart."

"Lysander simply isn't that monarch."


Gawain can't contain a laugh as he sees you fighting the spicy food. "Hah! I knew it was strong!"

You are served a plate of blue crab fondue. It's quite delicious.

Parzival blinks at Hermodur's opinion. "You'd do best to keep your voice down with that kind of talk, friend. Many here would disagree. Violently at that. Broome values its freedom more than any other hold you'll find this side of the sea."

The Sea Leg seems to be a citrus-y cocktail, made with vodka, orange juice, rum, and something else you're not too sure about. It packs quite a punch. "Capital choice!" Parzival comments. "It's a Broome classic!"

"Well, I'm just a simple innkeeper, but the way I understand it, most of this place came as is. It was founded by pirates from Ovail, but the shipwrecks were always here. Most of the food and resources come from local craftsmen, or merchant ships along the coast. It's rare to get many visitors now, with that withered old wyrm trying to run the bloody place, but we tend not to run out of resources easily. We're frugal that way!"

Marisol nods in agreement with Aegis, working down her pie slowly. "There's been plenty of attempts to claim dominance over the Echoes before. None have succeeded. Lysander won't be any different. I think all it would take to really topple him would be to unite people against his rule…"

"We're a tight knit group," Parzival asserts. "Broome takes care of its own! And we won't be bullied or cajoled by some two bit snake! If you're on the run from him, don't worry. We've made it very clear he's NOT welcome. Last time he started sniffing about here, several of our local rival crews were forced to band together to fend him off!"

"Rival crews?" Aurora asks.

"Oh, aye, there's always some sort of squabble going on. This place was founded by pirates, and that spirit lives on. There's always clashes over treasure, property, the usual. But I'm not having any of that under my roof! Everyone's welcome, long as there's no fighting. Otherwise, we're going to have problems." He grins wickedly and cracks his knuckles with a bit of an evil chuckle.

"But! Enough about me! What about you all? Why come to this little corner of the Echoes? Apart from supplies, that is. Are you merchants?"


My food arriving, I take a moment to enjoy the change of meal, pairing a bite with wine as I listen with interest.

"Ah, so his influence reaches even here." I comment, hiding my chewing with a wing.

"Not a surprising thing, but I'm happy to hear we're in good company. It feels as if most of the echoes is at his beck and call by now."



"And, with a proper ruler, they would remain free," Hermodur responds to Parzival, not skipping a beat.


"It's as I said to Lysander himself," Hermodur responds to Marisol's comment. "He is sowing the seeds of his own defeat. The more greedy he gets, the more aggressive he gets. And, the more aggressive he gets, the more people are willing to unify against him. It won't be long until Broome comes out of their figurative shell to respond to whatever foolhardy aggression Lysander attempts against them next."


Aegis nods with teary eyes''Its delicious, Comparable to my mother's Tofu soup even. The only thing I'd change was the choice of vegetables and swap the onions for cabbages but that is just my personal preference'' She calmly keeps eating, her face almost all red now


"Eh, I dunno- I think if they're getting along fine here wthout a monarch, they probably won't need one." Rabi says, offering a shrug.

"We're passing through, mostly- looking to pick up some supplies here, and hopefully a wagon."


"Fair enough, I kept a zortz of inn back in ze Dominion, I could barely handle keeping a ledger. I read fortunez by trade, but I'm a healer az well."


My appetite returns a little as I taste the fondue, pairing surprisingly well with the whiskey for something picked at random. "Do you guys have any gunpowder here?"


"Why, to avoid Lysander, of course. we've been eager to find respite from the dragon and his lackeys, and hearing of your shared disdain i believe we've found just the place, if only for a little while."


He scoffs amusedly. "Hah! You can't be free with someone lording over you!"

Marisol gives you a side glance and nods again. "It's inevitable he'll destroy himself. I'm more worried about what will happen when he is. Lady Grosvenor will surely inherit his power, and her true agenda I never truly figured out in all my time with her…"

"A fortune teller?" Parzival looks intrigued, stroking his beard. "That's interesting. I've never had people like you pass through my doors that I can recall, and now two in the same week!"

"I don't know how you keep your cool," Gawain comments as he passes you some water.

"Hah! Do farms have crops? Weaponry is one of our finest achievements in Broome! Fernald's alchemists are always experimenting and working on new innovations with that stuff! I think his crew are in town, actually. Look for his ship at the docks. You'll know it when you see it…" He gives a big Cheshire cat grin.

Rabi seems to jog his memory. "Oh yes, of course, the wagon! Hm… Now I recall, there is a woodworks on the upper levels… If you're in the market for that, you could commission the Bewlay brothers up there to craft you one. They're quite good, but it would take some time. Otherwise, you'd do best to see about that announcement board I mentioned. There's always something interesting there!"


"It iz quite varied in termz of mezhodology, and I do not claim one to be better zhan anozher. My medium iz tarot cardz, what perchanze waz zheirz, if zhey zaid?"

She looks to the others,
"Perhapz we could commizzion zome of ze more complex objectz like ze wheelz, and I could zee about purchazing rune-ing togezher ze rezt of ze materialz. Zavez uz time and ze prize of labor."


''Its a concentration technique of my family. I supress my emotions and feelings to greatly increase the focus on my mind'' She takes a moment to thank Gawain and sip some water, sighing with relief
''I try to not do it out of combat when I need all the attention I can have to cast spells, but I also enjoy testing my limits when I can'' With that she picks up the bowl and lifts it to her mouth, finishing her meal by drinking up all of the spicy broth. Aegis then sets down the empty bowl with her eyes closed and her face even redder than before, and moments after, it contorts into a very pained face as she hits her limit, and almost desperately chugs whats left of Gawain's water



"Again, I strongly disagree," Hermodur says to Parzival respectfully. "I'm certain there are many things which you would like to do but can't due to not having the resources, time, or means to do so. With the proper leadership organizing everything into a more efficient and generous version of yourself, you could have more resources, more time, and more means to do the things you wish to do. Thus, you would be MORE free than you were before."


To Marisol, he says, "Is her goal not immortality for its own sake? The prospect of death is frightening. It would be perfectly reasonable for one's end goal to be to remove that prospect."


"Hey, that could work- might as well see what's on offer at the announcement board, too, but that might be the better option." he says, humming a little.

Rabi flicks his ears, shaking off a bit of the alcohol. "Right. So, we'll want to be careful we don't make things worse, then. I don't think I've been able to figure out her motives from what I've been learning either, but… I don't know. Maybe I'll figure something out if I keep digging."


"Ah, that could save us quite a bit of time, just the small matter of assembly once we've purchased the wood from them"


He blinks. "Why, the same. I think. They stayed overnight, but I think she might still be in town. Tall kirin, long red mane. Didn't get her name…"

He laughs again seeing you lose your cool. "Breathe!" he urges you. "It's not for everyone, is it. I never took a liking to spicy food myself. Why, I think that's the second time I've seen you break that veil. Maybe it's a good thing!"

Marisol shrugs, drinking from her tankard. "She was deeply involved in occult research. I fear immortality might only be one of her goals. Perhaps, like the Oneiromancer, they are beyond our understanding."

Aurora perks up at Zunden's suggestion. "Maybe Black Pudding could help with the construction. He knows runes as well." "I like this plan," Marisol agrees. "Maybe we could even have it enchanted in some way to be roomier inside." "Or even portable!" Gawain suggests. "Imagine a base that could fit in our pocket!"



"If we're trying to make a portable base of operations, might I suggest we finally find a way to make use of the ship in a bottle?"


A smile slowly spreads across my face. "Great! I was expecting another no. Now I know where I'm headed when I go into town. That and that board." I take a swig of my whiskey, a little surprised at just how excited I am. Especially considering how I've been feeling. Putting that thought behind for now, I start making a mental list of things I want to try to find.


"Ideally, I wouldn't want zomezhing zo conzpiculouz zhat we can be identified no matter where we go. I do like Gawain'z zuggeztion of making it portable, but I know not how wizh ze Runez I have learned - only zhat it would aid in our ability to hide ourzelvez."


''No, I sincerely enjoy it. The sting of it energizes me while putting my resistance to the test. Its like playing a game while enjoying a delicious meal'' Aegis sighs and relaxes back on her chair, staring at the ceiling for a moment ''I'm reminded of the calm blizzards of my moutain home'' She mutters before turning to call the waitress ''Could you bring me something sweet made with Ginger?''

''Wont that ship only be useful on that sea? We need something to cross the land as well''


"Yeah, that much I can tell. Any idea what kind of occult research? Maybe that'd be a start, I don't know."



"Perhaps we could find someone knowledgeable enough with magic to find a way to reverse engineer the charm on the ship in a bottle."


"I thought we were just operating under the assumption that we would be walking. Virtually any vehicle would be conspicuous."


"Zhere ztill iz ze matter of lodgingz and ztorage during travel, it would not be in our bezt interezt to pull a zhip out every time we need to wizhdrawl zomezhing bigger zhan ze circumfrenze of ze bag of holding. Zhat being zaid, I imagine an ezpecially powerful Return rune could make ze zhip in a bottle'z magic reverzable."


"And we've just the source of Rune magic for the job. We'll have to consult Black Pudding once we've concluded our business here. If not him, he may at least point us in the direction of a mage that can help"."


"Right away!" A waitress takes your order and dips, returning with your request. Seems their kitchen is packed to the rafters with ingredients.

"I suppose when you put it that way, I can see the appeal," says Gawain. "It's just not for me, I suppose." He smiles fondly as you relax.

Parzival interrupts with a devious grin. "Do I need to book you two a private room? Haha!"

Gawain blinks, looking a bit embarrassed. "What? No! Aegis is a very good friend of mine, cousin. We're not-"

"Ah, I'm just joking, cousin! I won't pry into your private affairs! …Though, if you're interested, I can direct you to some healing baths here in town…"

"Parzival!" Gawain looks flustered. The huge red griffon lets out a booming laugh.

"Runecraft. Demonology. Necromancy. History of ancient magicians from the Age of Steel. She was always collecting artifacts and consorting with warlocks, especially from the Necropolis Litharge…"

You've heard of this place only in rumors. It's a dread city in the Dominion where no rules are said to apply. All sorts of black magic is said to be practiced there.

"In any case, it can't be anything good she's planning. I fear immortality might just be the beginning of her ambition."

"That might not be a bad idea," Aurora pipes up at Hermodur's suggestion. "What was the name of that enchanter back in Braildorn? The one with the floating house…"

"You mean Fumblemore?" says Marisol. "He's… eccentric, but he might be able to get the job done. If he's even still in Braildorn."

"We didn't see a floating house when we went there, for what it's worth," says Gawain. "At least I don't think we did. It was all very chaotic."

"I think it'd be worth seeing what's on that billboard, anyway," says Aurora. "Norv, you're heading there, right? Mind if I come with you?"

"While we're here, I'd like to consult a cartographer," Marisol muses. "See if we can't find a place to be rid of this onus of ours." She gives Hermodur a meaningful look.

"If it's maps you're after, there's a mapmaker somewhere in town, I believe," Parzival comments.


Aegis perks up a little ''A healing bath would be excellent actually. Where can I find one?'' She says, ignoring the sibling's teasing


Zunden orders another drink as they talk, "Probably fled in ze inzuing chaoz, I forget if I ever azked Pudding if zhey've interacted. I know zhey were bozh at ze Zwap Meet. He did not zeem like ze type for politicz, az mozt great cazterz are."

[1d100] random drink table

Roll #1 96 = 96


I shake my head. "Not at all. I was gonna make a pit stop after, though. At the Alchemist's."


Rabi snickers a little at Gawain's situation, before leting out a soft hum. "Yeah, I think I've heard of it- one of the drifters I bumped into mentioned it. Didn't sound particular pleasing…" the stallion shivers a bit. "Anyway, I'll do what I can to try and figure something out."

"I'll go ahead and make for the billboard, too- might as well take a quick look. I can have another drink when I get back!"



Hermodur pauses to wrap his head around this.

"I assume the plan here is to give us some way to shrink down into whatever portable lodging we had, ship in a bottle or not. So… what if we…"

Hermodur rubs his temples. "This is too complicated for me…"


"I'd rather not focus too heavily on another task right now," Hermodur says to Marisol. "But, as we have the time right now, we can devote some to it."

He finishes up his meal and puts down his utensils. "Would you like to go see what we can find now?"


"Oh that does sound lovely, doesn't it?" I chime in, swirling my wine before taking another sip.

"I haven't had a proper spa visit since my time back in the Dominion. We could make a day of it!"


Aegis nods ''Yes, warm waters are excellent to heal sore muscles from the trials we faced. I'd say its a much needed treatment to ensure we are in good condition for what waits us ahead''


Parzival looks amused at Aegis' deadpan question. "The ship you're after is called the Plum Blossom. Third level, south end of town. Big junk ship with purple sails. Hard to miss."

Gawain looks a bit uncomfortable. "P-Perhaps it would be good, yes."

Parzival grins again. "That's my cousin."

You acquire a Red Dragon: a spicy red cocktail that tastes as fiery as it looks. It's a bit hard to get through. You feel a bit woozy afterwards, as well as a faint burning sensation in your lungs. "Easy," Parzival comments. "That one's not for the faint of heart."

"Sounds like a plan," she nods. "Is there anything you want to do in town? Seems we have some spare time ahead of us."

Aurora nods. "Guess we're going, then."

Gawain speaks up. "Before we get going. Should we settle on a time to reconvene back at our ship? We don't want to just scatter without a plan."



"It might be nice to find some blacksmith in town," Hermodur says as he stands up and offers his hand to Marisol to help her from her chair.

He looks to Gawain. "Are we sleeping here tonight? If so, I would say we should just agree to be here before nightfall."


I finish my food, throw back the last of my whiskey, and stand up. Looking up at Parzival, I hook Purdue back to my waist and say, "Alright. Where did you say it was again?" Before actually leaving I wait on everyone to decide a time to be back at the ship.


''Understood. We should rendevouz here by nightfall then after we all finish our business in the city''
Once everything is decided, Aegis gets up, thanks Parzival for the meal and sets off towards the Plum Blossom with anyone who wished to join her


Zunden drinks it heartily despite the wooziness afterwards, realizing how long it's been since she's had a proper spicy meal, "It iz good zhough, I am not zure why I have not zeeked zpicier food zinze ariving in ze Echoez. I did not have much in ze Dominion, but az a child I zertainly built an affection for it." She looks at the quarter left of the mug, surprised to have gotten that much down so far, "I waz not drinking zhen zhough."

Zunden nods to Gawain,

"I prefer before zunzet yez, zo zhere iz ztill zome light when we're all accounted for."


"Before sunset, yeah- we'd want to be back with enough light to see each other."


"Hmm.. Making our way back by night to sleep here would be just fine, i say."

finishing the rest of my wine, i slip out of my seat to wander after Aegis to the bathhouse, the strength of the drink proving greater than expected.


Marisol takes your hand with muttered thanks.

"Oh! I'm looking for a blacksmith as well to repair my armor," Gawain comments. "But, I'm already going with Lady Aegis… Maybe we'll run into each other if we find one?"

"Blacksmith… Hm… There's one on the second level. The ship called the Queen Twilight, I believe it is." Parzival nods confidently. "Yes, that's the one. It has mauve sails."

"The billboard is on this level at the center of town, and Fernald's crew should be at the docks right now. Back the way you came."

"Guess it's settled, then. Good luck, everyone," Marisol nods.

"Pleasure to meet you all!" Parzival calls as you depart. "If you need anything, you know where to find me!"

You depart with Gawain in tow, looking for the Plum Blossom.

You and Marisol head off to find the blacksmith and the cartographer.

You head off with Aurora to the center of town to examine the billboard.

You head off on your own to find the woodworks Parzival spoke of.

>roll Navigation, lowered DC due to directions


''Unfortunate the others did not come with us. I was thinking of trying to convince Zunden to try it too. I noticed she has been showing signs of stress lately''
'1d10' navigation

Roll #1 10 = 10



Hermodur heads to the second level to find the Blacksmith.


Roll #1 6 = 6



"So, thoughts on this town?" Hermodur asks as he looks around at the seedy place.


I nod. Convenient. "Thank you." First thing's first. Check out jobs in case I have an easy way to pick up some cash. I tuck a paw in my pocket and follow along.


Roll #1 10 = 10


"Yes, the poor dear has been in quite the state! Between the constant stress of maintaining the runes and the struggle with Lysander she is certainly overdue for a spa day."

"Rabi too, his leg could use a rest i'm sure.." i trail off, following close behind.

[1d10] Navigation

[1d10] Navigation

Roll #1 2 = 2 / Roll #2 5 = 5


Zunden watches as Aurora heads off, feeling suddenly alone in a foreign place and realizing she has to seek after the wood on her own.

Hearing her name, Zunden quickly turns and tags along, not wanting to be alone, "What waz zhat now? I mizzed where you two were planning to go but I'm zure it'z zomewhere I'll like too, ze wood can er.. wait.."


"It's… rustic," she remarks as a group of obvious pirates run past yelling something. "Rowdy, difficult to navigate. But it has its charm. It's admirable of these people to stick to their freedom so closely."

You climb a set of rickety stairs and come to a set of shipwrecks. You eventually find the Queen Twilight, a large galley which has had its hull cut away and turned into a stone forge. You can see some flags with Twilight's insignia hanging in the background; the proprietor must be a loyalist. Marisol arches an eyebrow, but makes no comment.

The blacksmith, a small, bent old earth pony, looks over to you after putting down his smelting tools. "Afternoon," he says gruffly. "What can I do for you?"


''Oh?'' Aegis turns around and tilts her head ''We were going to what I assume is a bathhouse. Like I said earlier, a warm soak is incredible to relax the body and heals soreness. I was telling Master Silver that I planned to ask you to come along with us, but I assumed you would be too busy'' She coldly stares at the Saurian for a moment before turning back around to leave''I must have been mistaken to assume then. Come, it will be good for you I'm sure. Have you ever been to a bathhouse before?''


>Navigation: [1d10]

Roll #1 6 = 6


"Ah, Lovely! We were just talking about our plans to take a dip in the sauna here. Given how things have been, a nice soak would be just the thing for our stress, right?"


"I have not…" Zunden says hesitantly, before looking back and seeing everyone split off, "-and I may have had been punizhed by fate every time I have had tried to relax for onze, but maybe zhat time haz pazzed. I don't like wazting time wizh ze ztate of zhingz, but I worry I'll die of ztrezz before we complete our journey."


As Parzival said, the Plum Blossom isn't hard to find. It's a junk ship, similar to the Fortune, with bright purple sails. The interior hosts a similar color scheme, with a lavish interior decorated to almost resemble an emperor's court. You can see many rooms hosting bath houses, and from a boiler room somewhere beneath, steam gushes through vents, coating the bath in a haze. You smell smoke of some kind, as well as incense. From somewhere, faint zen music warbles from a gramophone.

The Plum Blossom is, overall, opulent and muggy. You feel yourselves sweating already. Gawain frowns, feeling a bit out of place. You are approached by one of the attendants, a mare dressed in an Eastern garb. "Welcome, travelers. Do you have a reservation?"


''Taking care of your body and mind is not a waste of time'' Aegis states cooly without turning back



"Indeed! You won't be able to help everypony if the stress gets to you. It does quite the number on the heart, you see, and the last thing you'd want to deal with is a heart attack, yes?"


You find the center of town relatively easily. You are greeted with the rather macabre sight of a gallows in the town square, mercifully unoccupied. There are a few street merchants and performers nearby; Aurora watches a juggler with curiosity for a while.

The billboard is quite large, and covered from head to toe in notes from citizens. Most of them are obscene graffiti or unsavory advertisements, but there are a few job listings:

One is from a local sailor, Nereus, who's looking for some muscle to accompany him on a one day trip down the coast. He is transporting some unspecified cargo, and is wary of the risk of being looted by marauders.

A captain named Zeb is looking for a crew for a trip to an uncharted isle off the coast, where he believes treasure can be found. Reward will come in the shape of splitting the loot. He can be found at the docks, manning the ship known as the Sojourn.

Finally, a mare named Milquetoast is looking to meet face to face with someone looking to earn some easy money. She is currently staying at a local tavern named the Black Squire. Sounds shady.

"Not much to choose from, is there," Aurora remarks, looking over Norv's shoulder. "What do you guys make of it?"


"I only worry ze movementz of our enemiez az we take time to erm.. bazhe ourzelf." Zunden takes a deep breath, "I'll juzt, try my bezt to quell zhoze worriez."

Zunden looks to the others, a little uncomfortable.


''Lysander doesnt have Omnipresence, not yet. And if you fall to the exhaustion, you'll just play into their plans. We must make use of every opportunity we have to maintain our health. And you heard Parzival, this place is safe from Lysander's influence, so long as we are here we dont have to worry too much''
''Yes'' Aegis speaks up first ''Separate bath for the ladies and one bath for our friend here'' She motions to Gawain


"..Reservation?" I whisper with concern to Aegis. "Parzival never mentioned reserving a spot!"



Hermodur throws his head back and laughs. "That's one word for it, I suppose."

"I'll admit, I am impressed they've managed to pull together any sort of order in this chaos. But, I don't admire the way they stubbornly cling inefficiency."

Hermodur grimaces at the insignia, but says nothing.

He steps inside and greets the blacksmith. "Hello. I was wondering if you might have any ideas on improving this," he says, showing off his prosthetic hand.


''Whatever that means, we just need to ask for some spots on the baths, right?'' Aegis whispers back


"They don't sound bad, but definitely not the kind of stuff we'd want to do right now, aside from that last one I think."


"He probably didn't know. I doubt he's actually been here before," Gawain points out.

She narrows her eyes at Aegis as she goes through the list. "I'm not seeing any reservations for a saurian, a crystal pony, a pegasus and a griffon. Would you like to make one for later today?"


''No, I would like one for right now'' She replies, deadpan


"Suppose it takes stubborn to know stubborn," she says with a bit of a teasing smirk.

He puts on a pair of glasses. "What peculiar craftsmanship. Seldom have I seen anything like it. It'd be quite a challenge to add to it. But I think it could be done." He looks up at you. "Did you have anything in mind?"


Clearing my throat, i step around Aegis to address the attendant.

"Yes, that would work just fine. When would be the earliest time you have available?"


Zunden speaks up, "It'z fine I didn't intend to be here any-"
Zunden quiets up.


"No. I don't guess there is," I say, taking note of the "easy money" job at the Black Squire. "At least not any we can probably do." I look around a little more to maybe see if anyone is selling anything of note.

[1d10]Perception/Luck if either apply

Roll #1 2 = 2


"I see what they're after, dear. The bathhouse only has a few spots at a time, so we'll have to take a time for later, yes?"



"Conviction is necessary in executing the vision of others," Hermodur says defensively with a smirk.

"I didn't have anything specific in mind," Hermodur says to the blacksmith with a shrug. "It's just become a bit of a hobby of mine -if you will. I enjoy seeing what sort of addition people across the echoes can make to this."

"I should add that I don't have much in the way of money. But, if you need something done, I CAN pay in the form of tasks. I AM quite capable."

[1d10] for bartering

Roll #1 4 = 4


She checks the roster. "There is a slot available in one hour. Would you like to come back then?" Gawain doesn't seem too sure about all this either.


There's not much interesting for sale, unfortunately.

"I mean some of them don't sound too bad," Aurora remarks. "Might be worth taking for two or three people. Or that crew job might be worth investigating, while we're having downtime. Something to do while we plan our next move."

"Anyway. Was there anything else you guys wanted to do?" she asks.


Aegis reads the situation and nods ''Very well. We'll return in one hour then''
''I suppose this gives us some free time to do other business in town. Is there something else you were interested in?''


"I don't really need an extra pair of hands," he replies. "I can pay if you want," says Marisol quietly.

He continues to examine your prosthetic. "There's some tools built into it, hm. I think I could add something interesting to it. A sort of collapsible shield to be deployed. Again, though, I'm not working for free." He shows you the blueprint he's developed; it's an iron round shield with a ridged pattern, which collapses like a fan. Seems it'd be useful. "I can add this for 250 bits. I already have most of it finished. What do you think?"


"Alchemist," I say. "And maybe ask something from that smith. Even if they can't do something I want em to, I still need to buy some lead. Was there something you wanted to do?"


Zunden nods, "I waz going to go wizh Aurora to zee about getting ze wood for wagonz but zhe'z underztandably looking to go wizh ozherz right now. Maybe we make ze order now and pick it up in ze morning?"


"Perfect! We'll be back shortly, thank you."

"Ah, that should be fine. We'll make the order and be back in time for a dip."

"Now, Parzival mentioned it was on the top floor, correct?"



Hermodur ponders for a moment, rubbing his chin.

"I already had a shield, a nice one," he says, pulling what remains of the Silvermane shield from off his back. "It was sturdy AND enchanted. Yet, I appear to be in a habit of breaking shields. What you're offering me is collapsible and not enchanted."

"I don't mean to disparage your work. Far from it. What you've made is very impressive, and I am very intrigued. And, for most people, I'm sure it would be a perfectly fine addition to their arsenal. But, for me, I'm not sure if my… high-impact life-style can handle such a shield, at least for the price you're offering."

"200 bits," he counters.

[1d10] barter

Roll #1 5 = 5


"Hmm… not for me, personally. We might want to swing by here again after we're done, just to see what's still up to do."


''Its a plan then. I assume this will be multiple wagons yes? Our crew is so big as it is that we would need something closer to a moving house to fit everyone''


He narrows his eyes. "250, and I can incorporate your broken shield there into it."


You leave the Plum Blossom and head outside to talk. "I think this is a sound plan," Gawain agrees. "Maybe we'll run into our compatriots on the way up!"
>roll Navigation



Roll #1 4 = 4


Aurora shrugs to Norv. "Explore, really. It's always nice to visit new places. And to get a break from everything we've been up to…"

She nods. "Sounds like a plan then. Should we go to the blacksmith or the alchemist first? Actually, now I think about it, Silver might be interested in visiting these alchemists as well."
>roll Navigation, whichever you choose



"Very well," Hermodur says with a satisfied nod. "Marisol, would you mind providing the final 50 bits?"


Zunden nods, "Upper levelz yez. I waz afraid to go alone and get lozt." She turns to Aegis, "I'm zhinking two larger wagonz zhat'll have enough to hang zome hammockz from to zave zpaze, and zhen zee about what zort of enchantment might give uz even more zpaze after ze fact."
Zunden sets off, shakily taking the lead.

Roll #1 7 = 7


"Enchantments for the wagons? Perhaps, though this city strikes me as rather mundane when it comes to magical aid. Do you think they would sell something like that?"

[1d10] Navigation

Roll #1 5 = 5


"Blacksmith first, I'd say- we can swing back by and pick up Silver before checking out the Alchemist's place."


"Well, I'm gonna drop by both. Might as well check out the Alchemist first. I can drop by the Blacksmith on my own later if nobody else feels like it. Just got some parts I wanna see if they'll put together for me."


I shrug. "Blacksmith works too if you actually wanted to. Just didn't wanna drag anyone around or anything."


>Navigation: [1d10]

Roll #1 8 = 8



Roll #1 9 = 9


"In my experience, there's always at least one person that specializes in magic in a settlement," Gawain comments. "I'm certain if we ask around we can find someone!"

Zunden manages to find the right way, heading to the topmost levels of Broome and exploring. You come across the wreck of a massive galleon, repurposed into some sort of factory. You can hear the sounds of machinery coming from within its bowels, and craftsmen hard at work with tools of the trade. The entrance is closed, and there doesn't seem to be anyone around at the front door at the moment; at least, that you can see…
>roll Perception

"Might be a good idea to visit a blacksmith, actually," Aurora comments. "My sword's got some chips in it…"

Looking around, you manage to locate one on the bottom level. Built out of what looks like the half of a longship, a spacious forge is running, operated by miscellaneous workers. The bellows blast and metal hisses; the whole place is covered in a layer of hot mist.

You are greeted by what looks like the foreman. She's one of the mushroom-folk you've seen a handful of times; most notably in the master blacksmith Hadrian back in Braildorn. She is tall, and powerfully built, with beady dark blue eyes and several tendrils forming a sort of shaggy, unkempt afro. She greets you with a wave and walks over to you, putting her hammer and tongs in her apron for storage. "Afternoon, drifters. What can I do for ya?"


I pull out some gears, my lock, stock, and barrel, and a musket hammer. "I was just wondering if you could fit these parts together for me. I haven't had a whole lot of experience and I don't want to damage anything before I even get to test it. Also wanted to buy some raw lead and a bullet mold if you have one."


Zunden knocks politely, looking around.
[1d10] percep

Roll #1 2 = 2


"Afternoon. Just looking around, mostly- my friend here needs a bit of work on her sword though, I think." he says, before humming. "Though, I am curious- any bows, or something similar?"


The blacksmith takes them and looks them over with squinty eyes, turning them over in her hands. "One mo'." She turns around and calls over a passing donkey in a language you don't recognize. They mutter to each other, looking the pieces over with curiosity.

The blacksmith looks back over to you as they examine the materials. "You make these? It's pretty decent craftsmanship. Needs some reinforcement, though. One shot and it'll just crumble."

"Anyway. We can do this for you, yeah. It'll cost though. Less than the usual going rate for custom pieces since you're supplying the materials, but even so. That'd run you about 300 bits total."

"Oh, if it's buying weapons you're after, you're in the right place. You'll want to speak with our armorer over there." She gestures at an alcove nearby, where you can see a short but burly saurian poring over some blueprints. There's a large rack of weapons and armor lining the wall behind him.


Rabi nods a little and flicks his tail, heading for the Saurian. "Afternoon! Just wanted to look around a little- Got any neat bows, or something like that?"


300 bits. Jeeze. Thought it'd be half that since I'm giving her the parts. "Well, better than it cracking after one shot. The 300 bits include reinforcing it, the lead, and the mold?"


He gestures slightly in greeting. "That we do. Finished forging some just yesterday. Take a look."

He pulls out a small but heavy looking bow, forged from some form of flexible steel. It has a complex pulley and cable system hooked to the strings. He pulls on them to demonstrate its efficacy. "A newer design," he explains. "Packs a punch, but, being metal, these babies don't travel quite as far. Bit harder to shoot too."
>Compound Bow
>ranged, crits on 8+, DC+1 to hit
>75 bits

He also seems to have more standard issue bows for sale for 50 bits.

"Yup. We'll make it a fully functioning weapon for ya. Finest you could ask for. We've got one of the greatest forges in these parts. So, how's about it?"


Aegis moved in, and searched for any signs of a sign or writing in the walls or doors ofthe Galleon

Roll #1 10 = 10


I hum and rub my chin. With what we got from taking care of the false Oneiromancer and what we had before I can cover it, but wouldn't really have much left over to check out the alchemist with. I nod. "If you can add a couple brackets to the barrel where I can mount a telescopic sight then it's a deal."


"Huh- I don't think I've ever seen something like that before. Did you make it?" he asks, cocking his head to the side.


She looks to the donkey, who just shrugs. "Sure," she concedes. "Sounds like a plan. We're not too busy with orders, so we should have this done by tomorrow morning."

He shakes his head. "Not our design. Some drifter came through a while back and worked here. Brought the blueprints with him. Then he disappeared, and we just kept making 'em. Pretty advanced, really." He tugs on the strings, demonstrating the strange mechanism that seems to aid in firing the hefty bow.


I smile and nod. Well, at least there's that. "Great! I'll be back to pick it up tomorrow, then."


Arriving at the top floor after much climbing, my relief at arrival is replaced by puzzlement. "Closed already? surely it's not that late." I trail off, eyeing the structure for an entrance.

[1d10] perception

Roll #1 1 = 1


"Huh… 75 bits, yeah? Might as well give it a shot." the stallion says, passing over the bits.


Aegis notices a hatch on the side of the wooden wall. Before she can point it out, it opens right in front of Silver and Zunden. A swarm of Breezies pour out, carelessly flying into their faces. Jabbering in their secret, high pitched language, the swarm seethes before slowly forming into the shape of a face.

"Ah crap, sorry gals, didn't see you there." The Breezies all speak in unison. "Welcome to the Broome Woodworks. Lookin' to place an order?" The door opens, presumably operated by other Breezies out of sight.


Aegis stays by Silver's side and whispers to her ''Are those Breezies?''


"Tomorrow," she nods. She passes off the parts to the donkey and issues an order. He promptly trots off to get started. "Now then, is there anything else you were after?…"
>-300 bits

"Perfect. It's a bit tricky to master, but once you do, I guarantee you'll be happy with the results." He takes the money and passes you the strange black metal bow.
>-75 bits

"Anything else I can help you with? Tools, armor, weapons?…"


Zunden jumps at first but is relieved when they seem to be friendly, "Oh, hello zhere. Yez, We were looking to get lumber cut for a project - enough boardz for two reazonably zized wagonz and zome wheelz for zhem. No need to azzemble the boardz zhemzelvez into wagonz, we're zorta in a hurry."


They buzz for a minute. "Well, you're in the right place. If you're in a hurry we can have that done by the end of the day. Shouldn't be too hard a job. Do you want it delivered somewhere?"


"Indeed they are." I whisper back, having recovered from the sudden impact of a hoofful of them to the face.


''I have never seen them before. Only heard stories. I was told they can be made into a potion that can increase one's magical capabilities tenfold''


"Hmm… what kind of tools do you make, actually? Never know when something might be needed."


"We have a zhip in port named ze Fate'z Fortune. How much will it cozt for zuch an order?"


"Lessee…" He rifles through a set of blueprints. "We've got all sorts for sale. Survival kits, repair kits, cooking utensils, trapmaking gear… Really, just standard stuff that's generally useful out there. …Though," he adds with an intriguing tone, "there's something a bit more unorthodox that's come our way. A portable forge, we call it. An enchanted toolkit that can do the work of this whole building, if you have the skills." He looks up at you. "How's about it? Only 200 bits."


They confer amongst themselves. "…400 bits all in all. It's a hefty order, y'know."


Aegis presents her pouch, caerfully levitating a couple bits to the mass of Breezies ''150 here''


Zunden nods, "We azzumed az much." She hands the rest of the coins over, "Might you know ze locazion of a mage'z zhop from here?"


"I… hrm. That sounds really useful, actually. I don't have the money for it on me, though, so let me go ask my party- maybe we can split the cost."


"Goodness, what books have you been reading?"

"Quite rare within the dominion, at least from my experience, though i suppose they'd be more at home outside of the busy cities of the dominion proper."


''It was not from a book, just tales that get passed around. Dont worry I wont try to do that. I was just wondering if you would have the interest, seeing that you are the one who practices Alchemy''


The Breezies reform into an arm and take the money. "Thank you kindly. That'll be delivered by the end of the day. You can count on us."

At your query, the swarm takes the form of a question mark as they think. "Mage's shop… Hm… Oh, yeah, there's a wizard a level above, we think. The red ship with a black door. Carlotta, we think her name is. Bit of a witchy type, from what we've heard. If you don't mind trading with that lot, go right ahead."

The Breezies overhear your conversation, turning into a skull and crossbones shape. "We'll have you know, that's an urban myth. We are NOT good for any sort of potions. If that's your intent, keep your prying little hooves to yourselves, thank you very much."


Zunden chuckles, "I find I break bread eaziezt wizh 'witchy typez', zhank you again."


Aegis turns her stoic gaze to the shaky mass in the form of a skull ''Good to know that is just a myth then. I'll make sure to correct anyone that passes this tall tale around if I see any''
With that, Aegis gets ready to leave with Zunden
''What are you looking for in a witch's shop, Zunden?''


"Any time, ma'am. Don't worry, we'll have those materials sent to you in no time."

With that, the Breezies dissolve into a cloud, and re enter their workshop. "Well that went rather well," Gawain comments. "A quick and easy transaction, all things considered. Shall we go and find this sorceress they spoke of?…"
>roll Navigation, lowered DC due to directions


''Lets hope all our future dealings will go the same way'' Aegis replied without looking back ''They said upper levels, red ship, dont forget''

Roll #1 9 = 9


"Eizher an enchantment to learn to increaze ze zpaze wizhin ze wagonz or knowledge on how to do zo. Ozherwize, it iz alwayz nize to look at trinketz and baublez."

Zunden nods to Aegis, following along and sending a psychic message back to the ship,

"There will be breezies bringing lumber to the ship at some point in the next day, they are aware which ship to send it to."


[1d10] navigation roll

Roll #1 1 = 1


Understood, Etrigan thinks back to Zunden. We'll keep an eye out. Say hi to Violet for me if you see her, by the way. She's left the ship to go check out the town for a bit. …What are you all up to, anyway?

It takes a bit of wandering, but you eventually manage to find the place, courtesy of Aegis steering the group in the right direction. It isn't far from the bath house you reserved either, luckily.

You eventually find the place you're looking for: a small ship with a dark red hull, and a round black door built into its side. A rickety wooden sign above it simply reads:

Madam Carlotta's Magical Shoppe

With a smaller sign next to the door listing the services provided:




Fishing supplies


Boats for hire

Your fortune by the Orb

Gawain looks it up and down, then shrugs a little. "Sounds 'witchy' enough," he remarks. "Shall we?"


''We shall'' Aegis replies simply and goes in first


"I am with Aegis, Gawain, and Silver doing as I said prior. The others are similarly gearing up I would imagine, though perhaps you could ask them yourselves given your mode of communication."

"Fortunez, zhat would make zhree zootzhzayerz in zhiz town apparently. I've alwayz wondered what could be clairvoyed from a cryztal ball. I am curiouz to find out."


''It is likely not much different from casting any other scrying spell on a clear surface, but I have not studyied much about the Divination school so I could be wrong''


"Indeed." i reply, following through with Aegis.

"Perhaps it is something about the sea that attracts them, fortune tellers and mages. The sea's mysteries proving a lure to them."


"Not a bad assumption," Gawain comments to Silver. "I'm afraid I'm rather out of my element amidst all this, but that does seem like a sensible conclusion."

You enter the shop. Inside, it fits the description the Breezies gave of it being 'witchy' almost to the letter. You are reminded of the interior of Black Pudding's hut; lit by candlelight, Carlotta's store is stacked quite literally to the rafters with all manner of oddities. Trinkets and fetishes carved of wood, rock and bone dangle from the beams, and the shelves are lined with strange scrolls, jars of unknown objects, and small animal skulls. It is lit by candlelight, giving the shop a warm yellow glow. At a table, hunched over some sort of map, is a ginger and white longhair Felid, wearing a shawl made of black and white feathers. She looks up and smiles mysteriously as the three of you enter.

"Ah. As the claws foretold. Welcome, drifters. What services made the wind blow you to me, today of all days?" She acts like she knows you already.


Stepping into the shop, taking in the arrayed goods for but a moment, i am surprised by her foresight.

"Ah, greetings." i begin with a wave of wing. "My companions and i are in need of assistance. We've plans to construct a cart for transport, and have come to see if you carry some means of enchanting it."


Aegis nods to the Felid ''Browsing, on my end at least'' She says while looking around the shop, searching for anything magical that would fit her interests


"I've only zeen ze ocean onze or twize in my life, it remindz me of ze dezert zhough. Juzt blue, inztead of yellowz and red."

"Az ze pegazuz zaid, we look for zpacial enchantmentz primarily and trinketz zecondary. I waz alzo curiouz in ze art of cryztal ball readingz."


"Az ze pegazuz zaid, we look for zpacial enchantmentz primarily and trinketz zecondary. I waz alzo curiouz in ze art of cryztal ball readingz."


Carlotta nods at Silver and Zunden's queries. "This I can do. But know that this is not a meeting like any other. You all have a touch of destiny about you. A shadow follows your every footstep, but you may yet be rid of such a burden." She folds her paws together, eyeing you keenly. "Payment today will not be in gold, but in something other." Gawain tilts his head inquisitively.

You take a look around the shop. Many of the objects here are gruesome in nature; pickled creatures in jars, mummified organs and extremities, and carvings with frightening, leering faces in twisted poses all rest on the shelves. Peering through a door nearby, you see a table, on which seems to lie a body covered by a blanket. Carlotta eyes you from across the room. "A curious one, aren't you," she remarks with a smile.

A few objects catch your eye:

A jar of a fiery orange powder, which seems to spark with embers.

A demonic looking carving, making an arcane gesture. It seems to depict one of the demons from your book, but you can't recall which.

A black pearl necklace. Looking into it reveals a red glow within. It reminds you of similar gems you've seen from the creatures known as Prowlers.

A cloak on a mannequin, made of what looks like satin. It is split down the middle, and has patterns that overall make it resemble a pair of wings.

A map that seems to be constantly erasing and refashioning itself.

A creature in a cage, currently fast asleep. It is a small blue winged reptile, resembling, for all intents and purposes, a dragon.

A small bonsai tree, with nooses hanging from its slim branches.


''You never know when you'll find something you needed, but were not looking for'' Aegis replied, seemingly unphazed by the grotesque collection of wares
She stops at the bonsai tree and tilts her head, examining it up close ''Interesting. This one reminds me of my home'' She points a hoof at the tiny tree ''My brother makes these in his spare time, but I never him put any nooses on them''


"I have made the bond of Union before, but not wizh zhoze I have yet to made ozher bondz wizh. What payment do you zeek?" Zunden tilts her head.


"Oh? and how would one rid themselves of this shadow?"

"You discern correctly our intent, but one such as this is not a burden to be removed so easily."


"Interested in it, are you." She makes her way over to the bonsai. "What would an upstanding mare like yourself want with such a grim artifact. She proceeds to explain its significance:

>Gallows Bonsai

>A magical artifact created using enchanting techniques from Litharge. Similar to the Maiden of Woe in function. When a noose is affixed to the branches of this bonsai while in the presence of a target the user focuses on, they will be strangled to death by an unseen force. Enough struggling from the victim can cause the noose to snap and free them from its grip. Once a noose is tied, it can never be untied.
>cost: 200 bits
>3 uses remaining

"That is for you to discover. I can not walk the path for you, only show you towards a crossroads that may lead you to it."

Carlotta smiles. "I seek no bond of Union. Rather, a favor for a favor. What you want, I can provide, but you and your friends must carry out a task for me in return. The oldest currency. Wouldn't you agree?"

Gawain speaks up. "What task?"

"There is someone I have crossed paths with that follows you. A servant of the false dragon. Gavrilo, he calls himself now."

Gawain looks stony. "The assassin?"

"Yes. He stole something from me at the dragon's behest. A certain whetstone. The source of much of his current strength, I believe. He carries it with him at all times. It's inevitable you will meet him again. When you do, take this whetstone from his corpse and bring it to me. You may be tempted to keep it for yourselves, but it belongs here. Do this, and I will grant you the gift you seek, as well as point you towards a place that may be of interest you, if you wish to be rid of the Nightmare."

She holds out her paw and smiles. "Do we have a deal?"


''I thought perhaps it could make for a nice gift for my brother, but he would greatly dislike this, and I have no use for another instrument of torture. Tell me about this cloack of wings'' Aegis walks away from the creepy tree on display and on to the cloacked mannequin


"Ah, that cloak. Quite beautiful, no? There's an interesting story about how I came across it, but perhaps another time…"

>Bowerclaw Cloak

>A cloak designed to evoke the impressive wings of the Bowerclaws, an elusive type of bird indigenous to the Echoes. When worn, it allows the wearer to glide when falling great distances, allowing them to survive impossible heights.
>cost: 150 bits


"I have little need for a whetztone," Zunden muses as she looks at her staff, "And az you zaid, it zeemz we are Fated to crozz pazhz wizh zhem again."


''Now this is something much more interesting and useful for someone like me. And expensive as well'' Aegis reviews the Cloak for a few seconds longer before turning to Carlotta ''Before I make a choice, tell me more about the carving of the demon. It seems familiar''


"Hmm.. I've no doubt we will have to face him either way. dealing with one shadow and gaining a possible solution to the other sounds quite amicable." i reply, nodding.

"Very well, we have a deal."


She blinks. "Ah. If you are steeped in the occult, you would know that this is a depiction of Hasalian." She turns the artifact over in her paws; the demon seems to be like a serpent, with six furred arms and a leering ape-like face. Its body is twisted in a knot, and in one hand it clutches a symbol that you recognize as Severance. "The Lady of the Hearth, some call her."

>Hasalian Effigy

>An effigy depicting the demon Hasalian, a demon whose domain is pure serenity. When placed in a room, no harmful magical entities may enter. The range of Hasalian's protection only lasts as long as the room it is placed in, however, and once invoked and affixed to the room it cannot be removed or destroyed by conventional means. Using this effigy is sure to attract its patron's attention eventually.
>cost: 250 bits

"Then it is settled," she smiles as Gawain nods resolutely. "I will hold you to your word, transient ones. I have no reason to believe you would go back on your word."

"Now. The enchantment." She looks to Zunden. "You have a similar object, don't you. Give it to me, and I can replicate its magics for you." She starts putting on a pair of clawed gloves covered in faintly glowing runes.


''Do you hear this Zunden?'' Aegis calls out to the saurian ''This seems like quite the useful bauble to own for drifters like us. However it is too expensive for me to buy it on my own… Do you happen to have anything more special in stock that you dont put on display?''


"Ze queztion iz in which mode of tranzportation we would affix it to. Eizher az a defenze mechanizm for what iz to come, or a ward for traveling." Zunden responds, without speaking further on the matter.

Zunden nods, "Zhould it be emptied firzt? I will admit I keep all my clozhez wizhin it, az well az few boltz of clozh. I would hate to make a mezz."


"The bottled ship? Isn't that a fair bit dangerous to be handling to hold some laundry?"


''Either sound useful enough, more than enough. If we want to guarantee the safety of our cargo''


Zunden pauses, "I was zhinking the bag itzelf, but the bottle muzt have a zimilar enchantment, even more powerful zhan zhat of ze bag."


She laughs a little. "It makes no difference. I just need access to the enchantment, so I may replicate it."

Carlotta quickly gets to work as Zunden passes her the Bag of Holding. She gets to work as you've seen enchanters do in the past; her catalyst gloves aglow, she begins to pass the bag over and over in her hands, muttering under her breath as she attempts to replicate the enchantment. Eventually, wisps of light begin to stick to her fingers as she works, almost like spiderwebs. She grins in satisfaction and clasps her paws together, wringing them while whispering into them repeatedly. She does this for a solid minute or two, eventually pulling her paws apart. In one of them is a shapeless, gaseous form, strobing violently black and white. It's both hypnotic and difficult to look at. She grins from ear to ear in satisfaction.

"Ah, so. An enchantment in its purest, purest form." She hands it to Zunden; it feels oddly cold, and seems to float a few inches above the palm of her hand. "Be very gentle with it. From here, you need simply place the enchantment on whatever you desire, with the intent to infuse. Difficult if you have no skill in the magics, but I know you are versed in such things. No?"

"As for the second part of our deal, and what the Reader requested." She motions subtly toward a nearby cloth, which seems to be covering a crystal orb. "A glimpse into Fate will point you on the right road. But first, you must complete your ordained task, no? Bring me this, and Fate will put you on the right road."

"Now then. Is there anything else you desire from me, drifters? I offer cures, salves, and ingredients for such, if you are alchemically inclined…" She gives Silver a side look, as if knowing of her interests.


''We will take your effigy'' Aegis says, counting her bits and nearly emptying out her personal bag, leaving 150 bits on the table and letting Zunden cover the other 100


Zunden shudders a bit at the cold, but the sensation to her is more of a pleasant frisson than that of an uncomfortable chill. "It iz very ztrange, az I am uzed to identifying objectz. When I zpend time wizh zhem, I attune wizh ze energy wizhin and dizcover zheir zecretz in zhat way. To have it laid bare wizh no need to attune to it iz… I guezz I already zaid ztrange."

Zunden rubs her chin, "I queztion zhough, could I attune it to a bolt of clozh and create ze intended object wizh it later wizh no ill effect?"


"Mm, well now, i have been on the hunt for interesting ingredients to work with.."

"While we're here as well, i simply must ask about that necklace on display, it looks quite interesting."


"Capital." She smiles as she takes the money, passing you the creepy little wooden carving. "Take good care of her. Lest she take good care of you."
>-250 bits

She nods at your question, looking a bit impressed at your ingenuity. "Now you're thinking like a true practitioner. That would indeed work, if you have the acuity to wish it so."

"Ah, this. A strange artifact I happened across. A rather sordid thing, with an even more sordid past."

>Black Pearl Necklace

>A dark necklace once owned by the legendary assassin "Two Souls" Soraya. When the wearer takes a life, the soul of the victim is ensnared by one of the black pearls on this necklace, which can be used for powerful enchantments, or expended in order to gain great power in battle in the form of a 3 round roll bonus. The amount given by this bonus is determined by the strength of the soul ensnared.
>5 charges
>cost: 300 bits


''I will try to study more about this demon. I only hope getting its attention does more good than bad''


"How beautiful, yet macabre! Though i'm certain our shadow would make for a fine soul, should we opt to buy it."

"Alas, our finanaces are looking rather grim. An option perhaps, once we've sorted our past out." i lament, taking the moment to look over her herbal selections as i speak.

[1d10] Perception

Roll #1 5 = 5


''Would you be willing to accept a trade in exchange for reducing the price of the necklace?'' Aegis pulls out the Maiden of Woe ''This device is similar to the bonsai, but much more effective. It gives direct, ramping agony to anyone whose blood is drawn by it. I am willing to part with it for the Necklace''


"Literal zpellweaving, juzt az ze bag, anyzhing on ze inwardz fazing zide would be zubject to extra zpaze. I zhink I will find a more hardier bolt of canvaz firzt zhough. Ze clozh I have iz a bit more dainty zhan zomezhing zhat would make for good wagon coveringz." Zunden muses to herself, "Very well to your conditionz zhough, zhough I ztill would like to know in what way a cryztal orb attunez itzelf to fate - I am alwayz curiouz to zee ze mezhodz of ozher zo called "fortunetellerz, zhould zhey not zcream and run away mid-reading my palmz."


You notice that though there are 5 charges to the necklace, there are actually 6 pearls.

Looking around, you see some useful ingredients, mostly centered around curing and healing.

>Sun Leaf

>A brilliant golden leaf from a rare plant known as Dayseer. A key ingredient in a potent healing potion, which restores all hits and wounds.
>cost: 50 bits


>A red, tendril-like mushroom found in forested areas. A key ingredient in a general curing potion, useful for purging the body of poisons and bolstering it against them, as well as curing most diseases.
>cost: 20 bits

>Adder's Eye

>A small, round mushroom with patterns resembling an eye. A key ingredient in a Nighteye potion, enhancing one's reflexes (+2 to Dodge rolls until the end of combat) and allowing one to see in the dark.
>cost: 30 bits

>Flesh Granite

>A strange type of stone found deep underground in the Echoes, which is spongy and unusually edible even for non rock eaters. A key ingredient in a Stonefang potion, which seems to fortify the body and heighten one's defenses (+3 max hits until the end of combat).
>cost: 30 bits

Each ingredient would be usable to make 3 of each potion.

Carlotta takes the Maiden and turns it over, smiling slyly. "I would ask where you found this, but it is not my place to pry. This is a wretched object indeed. Delightful." She looks back up to you. "I will give you the bonsai for only 100 bits in exchange."

She blinks slowly, as cats are wont to do. "The light of the Undying Sun, giver of life, reflects certain patterns on this Orb. With enough skill, it is possible to interpret the patterns from it, and determine what may come to pass. It is known."

"Of course, there are other ways. Haruspicy is practiced by some, as is reading palms, or even cards. I have heard whispers of a card-reader here in Broome, though I could not say where they are now…"


"I will give you the necklace for only 200 bits in exchange."


''Master Silver, I only have 60 bits to myself left. Are you fine with paying for the remaining 140 of the price?''


Zunden blinks twice in response, not catching on the cat means another card reader, "..Right." She however nods along at the explanation of reading crystal balls, "Ze zun iz zacred to my tribe, and I do not doubt it'z connection to ze Fatez."


"140? My word, that's quite the split.."

Making a circuit to purchase a bottle of sun leaf, i double check the glittering pearls of the necklace, noting the discrepency.

"Curious.. It seems one of the pearls already hold a soul within. Would you happen to know the source?"

"A discount for the maiden is one thing, but surely you'd show mercy for an item being sold secondhoof?"

[1d10+2] persuasion

Roll #1 6 + 2 = 8


''Keep in mind that I am already covering 160 of it on my end''


"Sun Leaf, hm? I picked them myself, you know. There was a grove in Durenwol Fen, but since the ousting of the Beldam, it has returned to the weeds."

Gawain pricks up slightly, looking away from a bottle containing a preserved fetus of some kind. "Ousting? Didn't our sorcerer friend say the spirit was dead?"

"Is it now?" Carlotta sounds confused, though whether it's genuine or feigned you can't tell.
>-50 bits

"There are many who worship the sun, in many different forms," she nods. "The devotees of Celestia, the House of the Undying Sun, the Beacons of Light, the Fire Witches… all stem from the same root. Whatever the manner of worship, it is all the same to the Sun. Wouldn't you agree?"

"Ah. Well spotted," she concedes. "I have never been able to make use of that last pearl. I can only imagine it is the soul of its previous owner…" She flicks her ears as Silver attempts to barter. She drops the air of mysticism as she continues to haggle. "Very well," she says sharply. "150 bits, and no less. I have spoken."


"Even ze faithlezz cannot deny zhat wizhout it, zhere would be no life. It'z plazement and zhat of our own world iz not by random chanze, but Fated az all zhingz are." Zunden nods again.


"It is appreciated, madame Carlotta." i reply with a wink, sliding the bits over to her, along with Aegis providing her half.

"And we will be sure to have Gavrilo taken care of as well, for both our sakes."


''We will put it to good use. Thank you for your business Madam Carlotta''


She blinks slowly, settling back in her chair. "Indeed. It's always good to meet someone with sensibility in this… rambunctious town. Be assured, upon your return I will provide some of the answers you seek. To the best of my ability."

She takes the bits and passes the necklace over. "Treat it well," she warns. "Or you'll end up like this one." She taps the already occupied pearl, within which you think you see a colorless form swirl.
>-150 bits

Gawain blinks. "I suppose that's that then. We defeat this fiend, return the whetstone, and we get information in return!"

"Just so," Carlotta nods.

As you say your goodbyes for now, she stands up and sees you out the door. "Until our next meeting. Do say hello to Black Pudding for me. It's been too long since our last fateful reunion…" She chuckles mischievously as you leave.

"Well, that was certainly something," Gawain remarks. He looks a bit unnerved by the whole encounter. "Not the sort of company I would usually keep, I'll admit. But, the circumstances call for strange bedfellows."

"Now then! Is there aught else we are missing? Or should we return to the, er, bath house?…"


''I yearn for a long warm bath, and I'm certain the rest of us are too. Lets take some time to treat ourselves, come'' Aegis takes the lead, seemingly eager to return to the baths


You make your way back to the upper levels of Broome, heading to the Plum Blossom bath house.
>reposting for convenience

The interior of the bath house boasts a rich purple color scheme, with lavish decor almost resembling an emperor's court. You can see many rooms hosting bath houses, and from a boiler room somewhere beneath, steam gushes through vents, coating the structure in a haze. You smell smoke of some kind, as well as incense. From somewhere, faint zen music warbles from a gramophone. Clients wearing towels occasionally move to and from the baths. The Plum Blossom is, overall, opulent and muggy. You feel yourselves sweating already.

The same attendant from before approaches you, a haughty looking mare with beady green eyes. "Ah, esteemed guests. Your bath houses are ready. Please, follow me to the lockers to secure your belongings."

After doing so and providing you with towels, the attendant leads you to one of the bath houses; Gawain is led to a separate one nearby. The room consists of four large circular baths, filled to the brim with steaming hot water. Soaps, oils, fragrances, shampoos and other such particulars line a wooden shelf, along with towel racks. The room is covered in a thin lingering mist, and you can smell certain incenses and salts. It looks fit for a king.

"If there is anything you require, please ring this bell." The attendant leaves a small servant's bell on the shelf, then bows out, leaving you to your own devices.


Aegis wastes no time undressing herself and undoing her complex hairdo, letting her long straight mane fall over her shoulder. She approaches the edge of one of the pools and takes a deep breath, taking in the scents of the room before carefully climbing down and letting herself sink in the water with a heavy sigh.
After a brief moment she then glances back at Zunden and Silver, her expression illegible


Zunden looks from Aegis to the bath and back again, disrobing but hesitantly standing near the bath, only eventually just dipping her legs and sitting on the side of the bath with the rest of her body out of the water. "It iz… not often I zubmerge myzelf, az water waz zcarze when I waz wizh my tribe. I zhink ze lazt time I bazhed waz when Hermodur left and zhat waz at ze behezt of Aurora and Violet, ozherwize I juzt wazh myzelf down wizh wet towelz and zoapz."
Not visibly usually, a large, old scars runs all over her chest, the deepest right above her heart.


Aegis just calmly glares at the large Saurian ''Warm baths like these are good for your health, both mental and physical. It relaxes your muscles, and at home, we used to infuse the warm waters with herbs and medicines to improve the body's natural healing. I dont know if the same is done here however''
Aegis takes the bell and rings it calling for the servant ''Bring us a brush for my mane, and a soft hair brush for scales…'' She glances back at Zunden
''That is what you use for cleaning scales, correct?


An attendant enters. They seem to be one of the native Batrocs of the Echoes, a race of bipedal amphibians similar to Saurians in variety. They procure the brushes as requested, then exit elusively.


Zunden tilts her head, lowering herself a bit further to try not to upset her companions. "I've never groomed myzelf more zhan wazhclozh and zoap no… I did try clipping my clawz wizh ze toolz in your gift zhough."


''Well now is the time for it. Go on, it'll do you good… Or would you rather I try and brush you?''


"Juzt bruzh zhem like teezh?"


Aegis blinks ''Yes? I assume that is how you were supposed to do it. I am not a saurian''


"It waz never a part of my culture zo I would not know. It iz not like ze act iz zomezhing I would learn juzt from owning zcalez."


Led to the lockers, i take the time to remove the underdress and leave my equipment in storage, trotting over to the steaming baths.

"Goodness, this all looks divine! A true bathhouse, after so much globe trotting."

Testing the water with a hoof, i slowly slide into the bath, briefly dunking my head under the water to wet my mane.


"Hmm.. Well, it certainly can't be much different from brushing anything else, right?"

hopping out of the water, i grab the brush and approach the hesitant saurian.

"Care for a back scrub?"


''I see. I thought you'd have known this. Would you like to try either way? It likely wouldnt hurt''
''Yes this one is a very high quality place. Much different than the one at my home''


"I zuppoze, it'z a zlow prozezz zhough for me zhough, and zhat'z wizh my thizk zcalez. If you are offering, pleaze do be careful."


''I will scrub the back end and you scrub the front then, Master Silver'' Aegis said, grabbing another soft brush and getting into position


"Oh? offering to help?" i ask with a chuckle.

Brush at the ready, i apply some of the soap from a nearby bottle, brushing it into a lather before scrubbing away at Zunden's chest.

"Not to worry Zunden. Between the two of us you'll be sparkling clean in no time!"


''It'll be hard enough for Zunden on her own. Together we can clean her throughly in good time. Later you can help me wash my mane, if you dont mind, Master Silver''



"Zhiz will be an odd experienze, I am already reminded of being wazhed by matronz of my tribe. Feel az a child, if zhat iz not offenzive to zay."

Zunden squints her eyes in the way lizards do as the two begin work, trying to untense her shoulders and actually let the time with the two mares relax her.


Reminder: You're with Aurora at a large workshop in Broome, doing some shopping for new equipment. Rabi is currently haggling for an item known as a Portable Forge, an enchanted toolkit that can do the work of the entire workshop, in the hands of a skilled worker. Essentially, it'd give you access to a blacksmith, repairworks, and general crafting at all times. It's only 200 bits. Norv, meanwhile, has just sealed a deal to make himself a rifle for 300 bits.

The Myconid blacksmith nods. "Tomorrow, then. Won't take longer than then to get that weapon of yours readied." She passes off the parts to the donkey and issues an order, and he promptly trots off to get started. "Now then, is there anything else you were after?…"

"I'm in no rush," the saurian armorer assures you with a shrug.

Aurora pipes up, looking over from inspecting an elaborate suit of armor. "I can lend you some money, if you're strapped. Probably not going to spend much here myself."


''What are these matrons you talk of'' Aegis asked, carefully cleaning the space between two of the Saurian's thorns


"Only if you want to- this does seem like it'd be good for the group, which is what got me mulling it over… I can cover most of it."


"While we have mozherz and fazherz az poniez do, my tribe did not give zhem zole role of raizing young. All children are raized az ziblingz to anozher, wizh zome of ze tribe taking ze role of matronz to look after uz. Zhoze zhat took care of ze brood were ezteemed, and had zpecial privledgez and made deczizionz for ze tribe. Zhoze zhat retired became 'lead' or 'head' matronz, we have a zpezific word for it but zhoze are cloze enough."

Zunden bends her body to try and help with the scrubbing, loosening up as she talks about her tribe.


"I'd be happy to help, Aegis." i reply, washing around a spike on zunden's side.

Pausing in her scrubbing, she ponders the thought before continuing. "It never hurts to let one's guard down amongst friends, Zunden. Perhaps a bit of child-like security is what you need, hm?"

"You do so much to keep us alive through whatever situation we find ourselves in, it's time overdue that you've had a chance to not worry for our sakes, if only for a day or two." i continue, tracing a spine with the brush to brighten the scale.


"You sure? Seems like it'd be useful for everyone. I can cover half of it, that way we can both have some left over for later."

Sensing a deal incoming, the armorer roots through a workbench, eventually producing a metal toolbox with an image of a hammer and tongs crossed on it. You sense some magical energy coming from it.


''How odd'' Aegis comments ''But I'm sure it must have been nice to be surrounded by siblings and grow up with many friends''
''Master Silver is right. I am aware of the risk and danger that looms us everyday, but constantly letting it take control of our every thought will eventually take its toll, as it has happened to you. Even now you seem to feel afraid to let your guard down despite knowing everything is safe''



"I have juzt had ze unfortunate Fate to have been ambuzhed or had zomezhing terrible happen every time I tried to relax. I have likely wrongly interpreted it az a zign not to ever let my guard down. I am zhankful my people do not have hair, ozherwize it would be greyed twize over." Zunden sighs.


"Ah! sure, then. Thanks, Aurora."


"Any time." She forks over her half, and the armorer hands you the Portable Forge after receiving the payment. It's surprisingly lightweight.

"Just open it up when you need it, and the rest'll follow," the armorer explains. "Take good care of it, won't ya? That's a one of a kind piece you've got now."


''Then let yourself relax once again. Dont let coicidences dictate your actions. How about you tell us more about your people? Thinking of home is almost always relaxing for anyone''


"Oh, I'll take care of it. Thanks a bunch!" the stallion whinnies, before whirling around and wrapping Aurora up in a loose hug. "Thanks, Aurora. I don't like having to borrow money too often, so… I'll pay you back. Promise."


"Hmm.. you have a point, our luck is rather poor it seems."

"Ah yes, a good idea! The forays through my father's study were never too precise on saurian lifestyles and practices, after all."


She jumps and stiffens a little in alarm at the sudden hug, but doesn't shy away, wrapping one foreleg around you in return. She looks a bit embarrassed. "D-don't mention it. It's for all of us. You don't owe me anything."


"While zome zhingz are pure coinzidenze, I had previouzly foretold zuch zhingz occuring in a reading."
Zunden shrugs but quickly returns her shoulds toher place as she realizes the two are still trying to rub her back, "Well… what do you want to know? I do not want to bore you wizh talking about daily life. Lot of zand and walking when we were not zet up at camp."


The portable forge catches my attention, and I smile. "Dang. Good catch. Yeah, thanks guys. I know I'm gonna end up using it too."

I shake my head to the mushroom lady. "Nah. Thank you."

I turn back to the others. "So. Alchemist next? Wanted to check on something."


''Do you have any mages or relation with the arcane in your family? I'm curious to what kickstarted your interest in divination''


"If you're sure- but, please. Even if it's just something small, I'd like to pay you back." he offers, letting go of the somewhat-nervous horse.

"Hmm? Yeah, sure- let's check out the alchemist."


"Magic yez, but if you mean academic zpellz by your uze of ze word arcane, no. Fighting, if needed, waz done by blade and zpear - magic waz rezerved for healing really. We gazher our energy from ze zun, and it iz night we make our own." Zunden summons one of her healing orbs to float around the pool as they talk, "Reading ze Tarot iz in no way magic, zhey are zimply cardz. I apologize if mentioning ze arcana zounded zimilar enough to confuze ze two."


''So you mean your tarot reading is not related to the Divination school at all?'' Aegis asks, tilting her head to the side ''I see, so you were raised to be a healer and not a warrior. Was it by your choice or were you assigned to the task by your elders?''


"We might be able to find something for Silver to experiment with there," Aurora pipes up. "And, maybe stock up on more gunpowder too. Let's check it out."

You make your way back to the docks, keeping an eye out for the place. "We're looking for a Captain Fernald, from what I recall," Aurora points out. "Parzival said we'd know his ship when we saw it. …Hm. That looks about right."

You look where she's pointing. A black ship with tattered sails, and a distinct trail of smoke coming from it. It looks in bad shape, like it's been in a cannon battle, but there don't seem to be any cannons to speak of. You can see a crew of Dogs carrying crates and barrels off deck. You see that the ship's prow is painted to have angry eyes and sharp teeth. Almost looks like a caricature of a shark or something.

Approaching the ramshackle ship, you see someone in charge issuing orders, a tiny little Dog with brass goggles standing on a crate. "Easy, men! Be gentle with the cargo! We don't need another incident! …Eh?" He looks over to you, adjusting his goggles to get a better visual. "Hoy there, drifters. Here to do business? Cap's not hirin' at the moment, if it's work you're after."


"Interesting.. leaving magic as a healing tool rather than a means of waging war."

"Markedly different from the Dominion's usage, aggressive study and liberal application."

"I can recall the frequent arcane mishap or rogue mage causing all manor of trouble within the slums, quite the differing attitude indeed." i trail off, scrubbing leg scales with the brush.


I get a little more excited than I expect as we approach the ship. The idea of having more stuff to play around with has been on my mind for a while, and after seeing just how effective gunpowder can be -for better or worse- it'll definitely be a good thing to fall back on, on top of being able to actually fire my rifle. "Definitely business. Wanted to do some trading."


"Tarot reading iz interpreting ze whimz of Fate zhrough ze act of drawing cardz from ze tarot deck and prezcribing meaning from what is drawn. No magic iz involved." She closes her eyes at the question of being given choice, "I know not what I would've choze to begun if I waz at the age to do zo, I waz young when ze plague zwept my tribe and I had to learn to heal quickly. It iz what I was Fated to do."

"Mayhapz if we were in anozher part of Abyzzinia, but our tribe waz deep in ze dezertz. Zhere were no ozherz to war wizh - we only fought dezert creaturez and ze elementz zhemzelvez. When ze Dominion zpread deeper into ze dezert, my tribe did not lazt long enough to truely react to zhem."


"Just here to look and trade, actually. Not looking for work."


''So you werent given a choice regardless. Are you happy with your purpose? Do you think you would have chosen to be a warrior if you could?''


"If ze dizeaze had never zpread and I would zpend my entire life in ze dezert defending ze tribe and hunting zand monzterz? It zoundz like it could have been fun, I do like bonking prowlerz from time to time wizh my ztaff." Zunden admits, letting out a bassy but feminine laugh, "But no, I am ztill happy wizh my fate, I have been able to help many ozherz wizh ze zkillz I have learned, and made alliez wizh it along ze way. My plaze in ze world haz allowed many ozherz to continue where zhey might not have, realize zheir pazh az well."


"Well, if you're looking for something to add to your arsenal, you're in the right place," the small Dog yaps. "Richter Fawkes, First Mate of the Arquebus, at your service. Captain Fernald's my brother. It's a joint operation, see. Two things that solve problems: money, and explosives." He flashes a gold toothed grin and folds his arms.

"So, what can I help you with? You interested in stockpiling gunpowder? Oil? Wildfyre? Maybe adding some siege gear to your ship if you have one? Or maybe you're just looking for some smaller weapons and things to make other things go boom. Whatever it is, that's what we're here for."


''Thats good. What truly matters in the end is that you are content with who you are. Now tell me, what is this disease you have mentioned?''


My lips slowly curl into a broad grin. Yep. Definitely excited. "Looking for gunpowder for sure. Maybe something like an explosives guide or something. I'd love to see what else you got, though."


"Az far az I am aware, nozhing more zhan a pony cold or flu. Our immune zyztemz were not adapted to it. Mozt of ze tribe waz wiped out, a few fled. I ztayed and nurzed ze matronz until zhey inztructed me to leave wizh my life inztead of die wizh ze ozherz."


''Hm. That sounds so pathetic, your whole tribe succumbing to a common illness. Were you not aware of its nature at the time? Could you have not sought out the ponies for the cure?''


"Arquebus, huh? That's a pretty strange name… what's it from?" he asks, cocking his head to the side. "And, what's Wildfyre?"


"Oh my.. What a tragic fate, brought to ruin like that.." shaking the thought off, i clear my throat.

"Well now, that should just about do it from here. You look positively radiant from here, Zunden."

"How goes your cleaning, Aeg-"

"Aegis! Do be careful with your words, dear! It's quite the sensitive subject i'd imagine."



Zunden pulls away suddenly, once again tense as her tail swishes into the water jerkily. She gets up and out of the water, "It iz fine. I need to uze ze bazhroom, I am going to zeek one out."


''There was one near the main hall. But here'' Aegis takes the bell and rings it ''I will summon a servant to guide you there and ensure you dont miss it''
''It didnt seem like it from the way Zunden spoke of it. But if I am wrong then I sincerely apologize'' Aegis nods her head with her eyes closed


"Zunden please! You know she doesn't mean to.." i trail off as she rushes out of the room, looking rather hopeless.

Dragging a hoof down my face, i give a tired glare to the icy mare. "Her entire tribe was destroyed and you choose to call them 'pathetic'?"


''I did not say they were pathetic, I said the way they died was. Wouldnt you be embarassed of yourself for succumbing to a simple illness?'' Aegis replies, deadpan


Richter scratches his head, seeming unsure. "Uh, couldn't tell you. We got the ship with the name already. Wanted to change it, but never got around to it."

"Right. Lemme just…" He sticks his fingers in his mouth and whistles loudly. "Oi! Bosun! Customer!"

The bosun, an extremely hairy Dog with singed fur here and there, waddles over and sizes you up, then just grunts and has you follow below deck to the cargo hold. Together, they show you around, displaying a large stockpile of weapons and explosives for sale.

>Oil Barrel

>Barrels of standard oil. Very flammable.
>30 bits each

>Wildfyre Barrel

>A green alchemical mixture, producing brilliant emerald flames. Even more flammable than oil, and much more destructive. Burns for days on end once ignited.
>50 bits each

>Gunpowder Barrel

>A grey and black powder. Very susceptible to flame, but explodes violently instead of catching alight. Handle with caution.
>40 bits each

>Viridust Barrel

>An infusion of gunpowder and wildfyre, creating an even more destructive explosion. Spreads lingering emerald flames.
>75 bits each

>Witchpowder Barrel

>A strange navy blue powder. Similar to gunpowder, but instead of exploding violently, spreads corrosive dark magic to everything in the area. Should not be used by amateurs.
>60 bits each

>Flying Scythe

>A huge pendulum blade, made to be suspended by rope. When release, it swings in an obliterating arc, destroying everything in its path. One use only.
>75 bits each

>Scorpion (x6)

>Mounted crossbow turrets, commonly used as siege weaponry. Lighter and easier to handle than cannons.
>150 bits for the lot

>Trebuchet (x6)

>Siege catapults, sometimes used in ship-to-ship combat. Difficult to handle, but more versatile than a scorpion.
>200 bits

>Boarding Towers (x2)

>Enormous ladders, designed to act as bridges between maritime vessels. Unwieldy, but practical.
>120 bits

>Battering Ram (x1)

>A powerful device affixed to a ship's prow, made of metal and stone. Designed to protect the front, while acting as a devastating blunt force impact weapon against another ship.
>175 bits

"We've also got some potion making ingredients for sale, but nothing too fancy," Richter concludes. "If it's ingredients you're after, you'd be better off talking to Madam Carlotta here in town. The local witch, as it were."

"This is pretty heavy duty," Aurora remarks as she sees the castle's worth of arsenal. She seems intimidated by the siege weaponry on display. "You think we can afford to load our ship with this sort of stuff? We should discuss it as a group, at least. …Might need some of it for what we're gonna be going up against…"


"Embarrassed, no. Traumatized for the family would be the feeling. You've put so much emotional distance between you and the event that you've lost the point, dear."

"We can point out the history but she lived through it. We should not be so callous as to critique her family's passing so clinically."


"That's some pretty potent-sounding stuff, actually." the stallion says, humming a bit in thought. "And, shame- Argquebus does sound really neat, at least."


Aegis silently glares at Silver for a moment, then looks away in thought, watching as her long black mane floats like an ebony serpent through the surface of the water
''I will apologize to her, and this wont happen. I will give Zunden's feelings more than a second of thought next time''


Oh, wow. This stuff is way crazier than I expected. I'll have to pay a visit to the witch he mentioned, but- "You have a roll of fuse cord? It's a real pain making your own, and the result isn't as-" I clear my throat. "Consistent as it could be."


You find a bathroom nearby. There's not much to say about it; it has what you'd expect from a bathroom.

"Sure." Richter scrounges around before pulling out a roll of cord. Seems to be enough to last you a good while. "Only 15 bits for it."


"Great! Do you guys stick around here? I was gonna do a couple more things around town, but I definitely wanna drop back in."


"We've got some business to finish up in town before we set sail, so we're going to stick around for a few days, yeah. If you and your crew settle on a deal, we'll be around."


"Good. I'll be back in touch. Do you know where I can find Madam Carlotta?"


Richter exchanges a glance with the quartermaster, and they both shrug. "Couldn't say. Not really my area. I've heard of her being in town, but it's not someone we'd usually deal with."

Aurora looks out the porthole. You can see it's starting to get a bit dark already. "Maybe we should head back to the ship soon. Share what we've found. Then if we have anything else to do, we can cover it tomorrow."


"Good thinking, Aurora- wouldn't want people worrying too much, with how things have been lately."


Zunden does her deed as she legitimately had the need to, before seeking out a tenant to fetch some chilled water and glasses to return to the baths with.


You are provided with refreshing, ice cold water, with a little lemon slice in the glass.


"Yeah. Guess that's probably a good idea. As long as we don't just up and leave before I can finish up, anyway."


Zunden brings back the pitcher glasses, returning with a calmer demeanor. "I have drinkz, it iz important to ztay hydrated, I have heard zweating takez a lot of water from ze body. I would not know myzelf."


Aegis watches as Zunden returns ''Very well thought Zunden. By the way, I want to apologize for my earlier words, Master Silver pointed out what I said, and I admit I spoke without consideration for your feelings'' She bows her head ''I'm sorry''
Then raises her head again, giving the Saurian a blank stare ''That said, I thought Saurians couldnt sweat''


"Ah, excellent thinking, Zunden!" taking a cup, i pour myself a glass of water, taking a seat nearby.

"Terribly sorry over how things have played out so far, dear.. Here i am trying to make sure the spa days works out, and it seems to have made things worse." i say while mulling over the cucumber water


"I had to ztep out, but I azzumed you did not intend it in zhat way." Zunden chuckles at the comment, "Az I zaid, I would not know myzelf, zhiz iz juzt what I know from treating dehydrazion myzelf."

"You are fine Zilver, I juzt had to ztep out a bit. Zhiz waz helpful." Zunden sinks back into the water.

"Do eizher of you need bruzhing of your own?"


''Yes actually. But I dont know how experienced you are at brushing manes, Zunden'' Aegis turns around, exposing her long jet black hair ''But you have the benefit of hands, so I trust you will do fine''


Considering the saurian's words, i let my concern fade as the moment passes.

"Why yes, we've still some cleaning to do now that your scales are polished. I do believe i still owe Aegis for her help earlier.." i trail off as i dip back into the bath, taking a moment to preen my wings in the meantime


"I took care of a colt for zome time in ze Echoez, I learned how to care for manez." Zunden nods, taking the brush and looking to Aegis for permission to start.


''How about I do your mane while Zunden does mine? It would be easier with my shield but they have a brush for hooves there''
Aegis tilts her head slightly in silence


Zunden silently gets to brushing expertly with the benefit of having opposable digits.


That evening, you all reconvene aboard the Fate's Fortune. Zunden's shipment of wood has been delivered, lying in a neat stack on the upper deck. Etrigan, Dawn, Black Pudding and Violet meet you up there. Aegis, Silver, Zunden and Gawain feel extremely refreshed after their baths, looking remarkably clean, healthy, and in good spirits.
>Zunden, Silver and Aegis gain +1 temporary wound!

Gawain in particular looks like a younger griffon, with soft, downy feathers. He greets the others with a wave. "Aha! Greetings, friends! Quite an eventful day! Welcome reprieve from all the unpleasantries we've suffered up to now."

"I think a chance to stretch my legs is just what I needed," Violet comments, shifting about in her newly purchased gear; she apparently spent the day on her own, rocking a hooded cloak, a new set of lightweight rogue's armor, and a bandolier for extra pockets. She seems to be in a good mood, for once, and more comfortable around Black Pudding. "What did you all get up to?"

"For our part, we just did repairs and maintenance today," Dawn adds. "I feel like we're going to need the ship in its best condition, with what's to come. …What's all this wood for, by the way?"

Etrigan blinks as Marisol arrives last - without Hermodur. She looks a bit concerned, but nods and smiles slightly in greeting.


"Zunden, Aegis and I had a lovely time at the bathhouse." i reply, practically glowing after the scrub. "Should we find ourselves back here again you really must try them."

"As for the wood, Zunden placed the order for wood for the cart we plan to build. A spot of runic magic, an enchantment of space applied and should hold everypony quite comfortably."


''The wood is for the wagon. Me, Zunden, Silver and Gawain spent our time getting preparations to build and enchant a wagon, which seems like it will be our next method of travel. After that I insisted we enjoyed a hot bath in the local spa'' Aegis says, looking almost radiant and glittering despite her lack of emotion



"Hey!" the stallion whinnies, lifting up the recently-purchased item to show the others. "It's a portable forge- everything we need if we ever need to make or fix something!"


Zunden nods at the words of her companions, "We have alzo vizited a witch zhat traded an enchantment for ze favor of killing ze azzazzin zhat hunted ze ozherz down in ze previouz town."


Turning to see Marisol sans Hermodur, my confusion is forthcoming.

"Everything alright, Marisol? Hermodur isn't lost, is he?"


"Mostly just took a look around. Getting the blacksmith to out something together for me. Also checked out some guys with some pretty heavy weaponry I think we should talk about grabbing for the ship."


Aurora blinks at Aegis' mention of a wagon. "But what about the ship? Are… are we still planning on abandoning it?…" "It might be for the best," Dawn muses. "This ship is too distinctive. Our enemies will know us anywhere. Perhaps even here."

"Heavy weaponry? What sort are we talking?" Etrigan seems intrigued by Norv's findings. Dawn tilts her head. "A chance to bolster our defenses, perhaps. This is good news."

"…He's gone," says Marisol to Silver, sounding a bit regretful. "He met someone he knew, from his time with his queen. Apparently she's still alive. He said this was something he needed to do, and just… left. I should've done more to stop him…"

"That's not good," Violet says with a frown. "Hermodur is one of the best warriors I've ever seen. Should we go after him?"

"I don't think we can. They could be anywhere by now. I… I think we should stick to the mission. That's all that matters." Marisol seems vexed by this development.

Black Pudding stirs at Zunden's mention of a witch. "Carlotta… 'Twas she, was it not. An interesting development. We must visit her posthaste. There is unfinished business to reap."

Gawain looks excited at Rabi's find. "Oh, how delightful! I know a little of smithing. Perhaps I could try my hand at it?…" He reaches out to take the forge to see how it works, overcome with curiosity.


"Do zo, Pudding, will you require accompaniment? I could ezcort you to her lodgingz if you zo dezire, az I have learned ze way now." Zunden offers, more confident in leaving the ship than before.


''All we should do now is hope Hermodur is not found by the enemy'' Aegis comments as she takes a seat by the table, opening the Liber Animarum, trying to find an entry on the demon Hasalian


"He, ah… left? I can't say we were the closest of friends, but… I hope stuff goes well for him, I suppose." he says, folding his ears back. They perk back up when Gawain speaks up, before saying "Sure! Here, give it a shot."


"These big ballista things and stuff like that. They were selling I think six of them for less than 200 bits, along with some other stuff. I also wanna buy some gunpowder."

I knit my brow. "Hermodur left again? I guess I'm not that surprised. He's been kinda distant ever since he got back." I let out an uncomfortable chuckle and rub the back of my neck. "Not that I'm one to talk, I guess. Still. Hope he's alright."

I look over at Black Pudding. "Yeah, I was gonna go look for her later anyway, so I think I'll come with you. You know where she is?"


"Oh dear.. So it seems he has business to take care of. I suppose it is too little to late to severance the plan from his mind, but i'm sure his mission will have him moving too much to capture."


He blinks slowly as both of you volunteer to accompany him. "Very well. Lead on, Reader. We shall return posthaste."

You flip through, reading up on the demon. The entry is on a page that has never been there before when you have read the book.

>Demon Name: Hasalian

>Gender: Female
>Appearance: A serpent with six furred arms and an ape-like head
>Required Offering: An open flame
>Sigil Shape: Hexagon
>Services Provided: Protection from magical threats; Hiding objects and people from sight; Resolving otherwise difficult and violent conflicts
>Personality: Calm, soft-spoken, patient

"I doubt it's the last we've seen of him," says Dawn. "Whatever he happens across on his journey, I feel it will affect us, for good or ill."

"Let's just hope we're up to the challenge of what's coming without him," Violet remarks.

Gawain takes it and opens it up eagerly. Within is a small model of a blacksmith's workshop, unfurling like a pop-up book. As he opens it, Gawain seems to just - blink out of existence, jumping as he does so, looking around in sudden confusion. The strangest part is, you can still hear him from somewhere close by.

"Whoooaaa! Hm. That was quite unusual. Er, hello? …Where am I?…"
>roll Perception


[1d10] Zunden guides her way the best she can, casting out orbs to light their way.

[1d10] Lowered DC

Roll #1 3 = 3 / Roll #2 4 = 4


Aegis raises her eyes from her book, noting that the huge loud mass of feathers was suddenly no longer in the corner of her sight
''Master Rabi, what happened? What did you do to Master Gawain?'' Aegis asks without a hint of worry or urgency in her voice


I nod ans follow, not at all sure where we're even going, but keeping a eye out for maybe any signs.


Roll #1 2 = 2


catching Gawain vanishing from the corner of my eye, i turn to see if i can find the Griffon.

"Sir Gawain? Are you alright?" i tentatively ask, scanning the deck.
[1d10] Perception

Roll #1 9 = 9


"E-Eh? What?" the stallion asks, whirling around. "I-I hope that's supposed to happen…"

Roll #1 2 = 2


You leave the ship for now and take to Broome once again. Many of the hulking shipwrecks are lit up as the sun goes down, with yellow lights in the portholes glowing like lanterns amidst the narrow, maze-like streets. Many of its denizens are still active even at dusk, many looking even more unsavory than usual. Black Pudding's presence seems to make them give you a wide berth, though.

You can't seem to find the way at first. Black Pudding growls softly. "Fie…" Eventually, though, you do manage to locate her home.

Reposting description:

Carlotta resides in a mall ship with a dark red hull, and a round black door built into its side. A rickety wooden sign above it simply reads "MADAM CARLOTTA'S MAGICAL SHOPPE", with a smaller sign next to it listing the services provided:




Fishing supplies


Boats for hire

Your fortune by the Orb

Carlotta herself, a ginger longhair Felid with a shawl of black and white feathers, is sitting on a rocking chair outside, seemingly knitting something by candlelight. She looks up as you approach, grinning like a Cheshire cat as she sees you three. "Black Pudding," she purrs. "I always knew you would end up on my doorstep again."

The old sorcerer bows his head respectfully. "Age hath weathered us, but thy countenance intact doth remain," he says softly, showing uncharacteristic reverence.

She chuckles mischievously, then turns her attention back to you two. "Back so soon, card-reader. And… who might you be?" She fixes Norv with her inquisitive gaze.

The others turn to see what's going on. "He was just here, then…" Violet looks as confused as the rest of you.

"Another magical oddity crosses our path. I'm hardly surprised," Dawn remarks with slight amusement.

Etrigan manifests close by, frowning as he helps look around. "Maybe it's cursed…"

Eventually, Silver is the one that spots him. He's in the model forge now, to scale with the rest of it. The gallant knight appears to now be only a few inches tall. He looks up, noticing the gigantic faces all around him, and cries out in alarm before noticing it's you. "Ah! …Well, this… this is less than ideal. Quite unheard of. I don't suppose any of you know what's going on?…" He starts fiddling with the diminutive workman's tools in the workshop.

"Well, at least he's safe? Kind of?" Violet is bewildered.

"It must be an enchantment so that whoever uses it can interact with the forge," Aurora comments. "I wonder how it's activated."

"A size changing spell? That's a difficult enchantment to weave," Dawn comments. "I should take a closer look…"


"Fascinating! an entire blacksmith's shop in the space of a hoof. You don't suppose the tools are enchanted as well? Or would it rely on the skill of the smith instead?"

"Tempting as it is to investigate, i should take the time to bring my ingredients down and work with my potion set."

"Do let me know how things go." i say behind me as i make my way downstairs, bottle of leaf in tow.


"Fate weavez myzteriouz relazionz and meetingz." Zunden nods.


"Ah… he said it would work, but I didn't really expect… this. S-Sorry, Gawain. Well, is everything there at least? Does it all work?"


''Quite interesting… But what about the weapons that are made in the forge? I assume they also change size once out, yes?''


I wave at Madam Carlotta. "Hello," I say. "Norvegicus Black. Just wanted to stop by and check out some stuff. Madam Carlotta?"


You head downstairs and get to work with your potions, following the instructions in the notes you've been granted. Brewing the potions from the Sun Leaf seems difficult, but not impossible…
>roll potion-crafting

"Indeed," she smiles. "It's no coincidence that we met today, of all days. It is an important date on the Dominion's calendar. I consulted the Orb after you left, and it showed me something very, very interesting. I'm remiss to say, as it may alter the outcome of what will come to pass, but I can give you something that may help you soon."

"The same. You must be the shadow man I saw in the Orb. Or perhaps, it's this specimen of a wizard…" Black Pudding remains quiet.

But, enough of the customary pleasantries. Shall we discuss business?" She gracefully stands and opens the door to her hut, beckoning you in.

"I suppose there's only one way to know for certain…"

Tiny Gawain gets to work in the tiny forge; the metal seems to heat up supernaturally fast, and he works with the casts as best he can, crafting what looks like a simple iron dagger. He cools it in a bucket of water with the characteristic hiss of steam, and before long, finds himself wandering around. As he reaches the edge of the forge, he takes a step forward, plummeting off the edge. With a sudden jolt, he grows to his regular size in an instant, stumbling forward and hitting his shin on the table. He yelps and hops on one foot with gritted teeth, clutching his leg. "I'm fine, I'm fine… Ow…"

You see that he is indeed still holding the dagger he made. It doesn't look to be very good quality, but the forge does seem to work as intended. "I suppose I'll need some practice. A new hobby to see to!"


I chuckle. "Probably Pudding. Can't imagine myself as a 'shadow man'. Spooky." I follow her in, trailing a little bit behind BP. "Thank you."


Zunden bows, "I waz here to act az a guide, if eizher Black will require privazy, I can wait outzide." She enters if both are fine with it.


Switching on the burners, applying water from the ship's tank and spreading the ingredients and notes onto the table, i scan through the pages with a hoof, reading the notes and beginning the brewing process.
[1d10] Potion making

Roll #1 7 = 7


"Oh… oh! That really did the trick, it looks like! Thanks for testing it, Gawain. Though, we'll make sure to clear some space for you, a-aha."


''Hmm… Here, try this'' Aegis plucks a little splinter of wood from the wood around and offers it to Gawain ''Test to see if small resources also decrease in size or remain the same, this can allow us to use very little resources for crafting''


By following the procedure closely and mixing and preparing the ingredients as directed, you manage to put your budding skills to good use, ending up with three brilliant golden potions!

>High Aqua Vitae

>A much more potent variant of Aqua Vitae, commonly known as a healing potion. Cures all hits and wounds on use.

"Might be good to give it a designated corner," Violet agrees.

"I could keep it in my room," Gawain suggests. "I-if no one else would mind, that is."

He frowns in thought, then nods and goes for it, activating the forge. Unfortunately, your theory doesn't pan out, and the splinter stays the same. "Pity," he says as he returns to your side. "It would have been most useful if not."

"Black Pudding and I have private business to attend to. But first, you."

Reposting description:

You are reminded of the interior of Black Pudding's hut; lit by candlelight, Carlotta's store is stacked quite literally to the rafters with all manner of oddities. Trinkets and fetishes carved of wood, rock and bone dangle from the beams, and the shelves are lined with strange scrolls, jars of unknown objects, and small animal skulls. It is lit by candlelight, giving the shop a warm yellow glow.

She offers the three of you a seat, then fetches a piece of chalk from a shelf, drawing something for Zunden: Two squares intersecting to form an eight pointed star, with a circle and dot in the center, much like Severance.

"You know of runes, yes? The next time the Nightmare visits you in your sleep, draw on this," she says to Zunden earnestly. "Turn his magics on him. He will come soon, and when he does, you will know. He can see your mind, but now, if you use this, you might see his."

"What is this?" Black Pudding asks quietly. "'Tis not a rune we have seen in tomes."

"Sight, dear Pudding," she answers simply. "Sight."

"Now." She looks to Norv again. "What service may I do you?"


Zunden nods, understanding, "I can cut zhrough hiz illuzionz but he can alwayz make more. To zee iz to bypazz ze zhem entirely. Zhank you for zhiz, Madam Carlotta."


"A couple of things. First, I was wondering if you could you help me out with something. I'm trying to put together either a gas or a liquid that smells really, really bad. Like, double over and vomit at the whiff of it bad. Do you know of anything like that? I was thinking of letting some garbage and meat rot together. Maybe stew in some sewage and collect the juice that pools at the bottom of the cask I make it in, but I really don't want that around where I'm living. Second-" I briefly give a sidelong glance to Black Pudding. "Well, I really needed this up until recently, but now I don't know if it has any kind of use anymore. I have a Black Lilly from the Dreaming Springs. Rare before, but I imagine are going to get a whole lot rarer now. Can you tell me anything about it? The flower, that is."


"I'm interested to see how it will work. You must tell me when we meet again." She seems to take the Oneiromancer quite lightly.

Carlotta's eyes widen at the sight of it, and Black Pudding gives you a withering stare. "We are not surprised," he says through gritted teeth. "But given the circumstances, and the Beldam's demise, it matters not now."

"Been there, have you?" Carlotta asks, amused by Pudding's reaction. "A wondrous place, yes. I felt it when the Nightmare took the place. A turn for the worse, but it will regrow in time. He is a passing sickness. Nothing more."

"This flower you hold possesses properties your mind could barely comprehend. They are linked to magics of the soul. The culmination of one's existence. Their uses are nearly infinite." She looks at the rather sour Pudding, then back to you.

"As for your first request." She looks around, then picks out a jar of what looks like mold, filled with a foul greenish brown gas. It is sealed tight. "These spores have toxic properties, and their smell is… pungent. To say the least. Mix these, and you'll find it an effective ingredient in whatever tomfoolery you plan, Norvegicus Black." She places the jar on the table, seemingly offering to trade it for the lily.

"I offer you this. In exchange, allow me to hold on to your little flower. For safekeeping, nothing more. As you say, it is a precious thing. Best kept here, where, perhaps, it could flourish. Take one petal from it, give it to your potionsmithing friend, and allow me to keep the rest."

Black Pudding blusters. "B-"

"No buts. This is my area, Pudding. Not yours." He looks annoyed, but remains quiet, seething in his seat.


I glare right back. "I did tell you what I wanted to do. Not sure why you're mad. You even sounded like you might have thought it was a good idea." Turning back to Carlotta, I glance down at the lilly. "I figured if it was one of the only three things then it was pretty powerful. The soul makes sense, along with the eyes and the skull. I think I'll accept if you're just hanging onto it for me. Thank you." I gently pluck a petal from the lilly and hand it over. "So what will the potion she makes with it do? Does it just depend on what she uses it for?"

I pick up the jar and carefully examine its contents. "So this is pretty potent stuff? I have some ideas, but any particular way I use it? I might need to get some kind of little pump. I want to pressurize it into little spheres that can sorta spray out a cloud of the stuff."


He doesn't reply, but you get the feeling he's more annoyed that you're actually going through with what you'd intended. He stares broodingly as you hand it over. Carlotta looks at him with amusement. "Tsk. Don't act so bitter, Pudding. Let it go. Lose this battle, win the war."

She nods in response to your first question. As for the second, she seems a bit dismissive when you start talking about your plans. "This you must determine. You are an inventor, no? Surely you can find a way to use this miasma to your own devices."


The Dissident:

Everything leading up to now has passed in a haze. Your capture, your trial, your bargain, and now, your exile. It is under dire circumstances that you find yourself falling through a tunnel in reality, made of glittering rainbow lights, propelling you onward towards unknown lands. You have been banished to the Echoes, where time and space have no meaning, and from where there is no return.

You land in a patch of dirt, roughed up but unharmed. You hear your worldly belongings fall all around you, scattering across the ground. Looking up, you see a whirlpool of colour swirl, then vanish. You have arrived.

Looking around, you find your surroundings to be… shockingly mundane. Your equipment lies all around you, and you are in the middle of an expanse of jagged, inhospitable rocky terrain. The sun and sky above are cloudless, for now, and the black rocks seem to stretch on forever. There's no signs of life nearby; you are well and truly alone.


Tlawīli looks on at her surroundings, struck with a paralyzing awe.

" Ko-" She begins, but chokes on the name of a god. "Not here." She says, out loud but only to herself. "Only I am here." She concludes, looking towards the sun. The same sun? A different sun?

With a deep breath she begins to try and gather her things, hopefully then setting off to somewhere more hospitable.

Search for Possessions [1d10]

Roll #1 6 = 6


Looks like the same old sun to you.

You manage to find your belongings. Most of them are scattered amidst the rocks, some of the smaller ones stuck in crevasses. It takes you a good while to find everything, but you manage to gather your personal effects in time.

Getting to higher ground and taking a look around, you can't see any signs of civilization anywhere. Or plantlife, for that matter. You're on an inhospitable stretch of rock which seems to stretch out a good way both east and west. To the north is an upward slope, and the terrain becomes more hilly, eventually seeming to lead to a plateau. It's a good few days away on foot. To the south, it seems to head downwards, eventually leading to what looks like a beach. It's closer, but it'll still be about a day and a half of walking.


As she collects her inventory, she thinks over what she decided to bring to her faux-execution. Her sword and armor seemed so irrelevant at this point, as she was expecting some sort of bloody punishment. One fitting of Trakali's new image. Her satchel had been with her for years, almost as a comforting reminder of her own resilience. The rest, a few salves for treating the wounds she expected, and four shards of Topaz, each with a different symbol scratched on.

She dwelled on these for a moment, something deep and draconic in her still fascinated with their luster. Putting them away, she turned towards the ocean. Despite being unfamiliar with the biome, a long term food source seems necessary for her survival.


You pick up your things and start heading in the direction of the ocean.

The rest of the afternoon is a long, hard slog. The hot sun beats down on you, baking you in your armor, and even with your tough scales and hide, your feet get weary of walking over sharp rocks. It feels like there's no end to them; when it gets too much, you fly, but even that is difficult with the high winds that pick up later in the day. You have no food and no water, and by the fifth or sixth hour it starts to catch up with you. It's becoming clear that you won't be in good shape to reach the ocean tomorrow in this state.
>roll Perception


"Yeah. I already have some ideas." I rub my neck and glance away. "Inventor is kinda a stretch, though. More of a tinkerer? Just kinda been slapping stuff together that seems neat. No actual training or anything." I carefully pocket the jar. "Anyway, I might be back to look at potions and stuff but for now I think that's all. Don't have a whole lot of money as things are. Gonna try to fix that before we leave. Thinking of looking for a quick little job, but I have some stuff I think I can sell here better than just about anywhere else. Do you know anyone here that might buy rare and exotic pets? Have you heard of Dragon Snails?"


The relentless sun here feels nothing like that of home. Home. The word burns in Tlawīli's mind, she has no home now. Only this strange isolation.

Treks like this seemed so much easier when she was doing them with others, each trying to cheer the others up with music or stories of local myth and legend. Now going it alone she had realized how essential that was, and how essential all the things she forgot to bring were.

Taking a moment to rest, she sits atop a rock and surveys the landscape again, paying close attention to the rocks below her.

[1d10] Perception

Roll #1 4 = 4


She blinks. "Dragon Snails? What a curiosity. I've never heard of them, but I'd be interested in taking a look myself. I do enjoy the company of odd creatures."

You take the high ground, but can't see any sources of food or water nearby.

You feel a sudden faint rumbling underfoot. The rocks themselves seem to be coming to life. You fly up as they shudder and shift; the rock you were sitting on appears to have been a creature of some sort, resembling a great stone tortoise, with six stumpy legs and no head or tail to speak of. It's difficult to tell which way is front or back, if it even matters to this creature at all. It doesn't look friendly, but doesn't attack for now, trying to suss you out first.


Tlawīli leaps off of the creature, trying not to land on a sharp rock. Once she lands, she looks over the tortoise as well. She keeps her weapon sheathed and her wings down, trying her best to not look intimidating.

"I am Tlawīli." She says, unsure of what to say from the shock of it all.

She does nothing else besides sliding a foot back a small amount to be ready to take off at a moments notice.


It just stares at you for a while, despite the lack of any visible eyes. You don't get the feeling it understood you, but it seems to acknowledge you're not a threat. Then, something happens; with a loud, mighty scraping of stone on stone, the chelonid moves away, revealing a hole to an underground cavern it was resting above. You can hear running water from somewhere inside.


She continues to stand there for a moment, confused and a bit in disbelief at what just happened. After this, she carefully heads down towards the edge of the cavern. She peers into it, trying to find the direction of the water.

Perception [1d10]

Roll #1 4 = 4


You can feel the stone tortoise watching you as it stands nearby. It seems benevolent, to an extent, despite its intimidating appearance. Peering down into the cavern, you can't see much past the first few feet; it's too dark to see down there without a proper light source.


She looks over to the creature, as if looking for a signal. When she doesn't receive one she simply nods her head and steps down into the cavern. Once there in the darkness, she takes a deep breath and tries to remember a gift she received long ago.

Dragon Breath: Light [1d10]

Roll #1 4 = 4


You let out a small puff of light, illuminating the caverns below the surface. They seem to stretch on forever, possibly all the way to the beach you saw. It's difficult to see much nearby, but you manage to inch forward a bit at a time. You think that if you had a way to mark your path, you could navigate these caverns easily, following them wherever they may lead.


Now with light to guide her way, Tlawīli walks to a nearby wall and scratches a large circle with a claw. In the center of it, a much smaller circle. She looks around and counts the branching paths around her, adding a small line coming out of the smaller circle for each. With her cave art completed, she heads off in the direction of one of them, hoping her light stays on.


Navigation [1d10]

Roll #1 8 = 8


You etch something into the walls of the cavern, slowly picking your way through the stone labyrinth. After about an hour, you reach the source of the running water, and with it, a glimmer of light; a stream from a large hole in the top of this chamber seems to run into these caverns, flowing deep underground. Around here, you can see the first signs of civilization you've seen so far; an abandoned campsite rests near the flowing water, marked by a ring of stones, what's left of a campfire, and a small pile of stones near the underground stream. For another dimension, this view is very worldly. Seems the campfire is quite old at this point; there doesn't seem to be much left to scavenge, at least on first glance. More importantly, though, there's fresh water, and a way out.


Tlawīli treads carefully towards the campfire. In utter disbelief she puts a claw into the ashes and looks around them. "No…" She says aloud, scared and confused of the truth. "How? Thousands of years of Trakalian existence and I was the first to bare this punishment." She stops, flicks the ashes out of her hand. "Another lie for their collection." She doesn't leave immediately, spending a few moments at this place of respite, reflecting on the path that lead her here. The web of lies spun by her home, and moving on from it.

Ikniutli ka Uelilistli Prayer

Overhealing (Self) [1d10]

After this, she takes a few drinks from the stream, and sets into the light.

Roll #1 5 = 5


You take a moment to rest, drinking from the stream. The water is refreshingly cool; just what you needed. You spot a few fish in the water, but they are too deep down and too fast for there to be much hope of catching them.

You press on, flying up through the hole and exiting. You find yourself at the border of the rocky expanse; it stretches on for a bit more, then starts giving way into more fertile grasslands, culminating in a cliff face overlooking the sea. You arrive by sunset; looking down, you can see the calm waves lapping at a beach of black sand. To the west lies a stretch of mangroves, along with what seems to be a fishing boat with an occupant. To the east is another distant cliff. You think you see a light at the top, as if it hosted some sort of watchtower or lighthouse. It's a few hours away.

You become painfully aware that you are vulnerable out here; even with your natural ability to produce light, you'll be very much exposed to whatever lies out of sight in the shadows once night falls. Not to mention your lack of food; your stomach rumbles as you survey your surroundings. With no signs of civilization nearby, it's looking like it'll be a long, wary night in a hostile land with no food.


Tlawīli steps out onto the black sand, fascinated with its appearance. She kneels down to admire it more but a fierce hunger pang cuts the moment short. She looks east and west, debating which direction to head in. For a moment she considers heading towards what she thinks is a lighthouse; The shelter would do her well. But she is unsure of what the light could truly be. She heads west, hopefully being able to catch the fisher's attention before they leave.

She lets out a "Ahoy!" with a wave as she approaches.


You notice that the sand has a similar color and in some parts texture to obsidian. It must be volcanic in origin.

You hail the boat, but whoever's on it makes no acknowledgement of having noticed you, at least that you can see. With visibility quickly lowering, it's hard to tell. You can't help the feeling, however, that something's watching you…
>roll Perception


As she presses on, she notices something as night begins to fall. Perhaps blind paranoia, she still reacts instinctively: She plants a foot in the sand with the sword still on her back, claw on the handle and elbow raised.

"Show yourself." She says, her voice a far stretch from the younger Sunbeam who would wariness and unsuredness in her voice. She has come far, or at least is better at hiding her fear.

Perception [1d10]

Roll #1 2 = 2


You turn around to the rocks behind you, trying to keep an eye out for whatever's watching. As you do so, you get a sudden feeling of incoming danger. The next thing you know, the sand rushes up to meet you as something bursts from the shallows, pouncing on you with murderous intent!

Roll #1 8 = 8


Unable to swing her sword in this state, Tlawīli breathes a burst of light into the creature's eyes or closest thing to eyes in an attempt to blind and harm it.

Dragon Breath: Light [1d10]

Roll #1 4 = 4


The creature claws your elbow, leaving a nasty scratch!
>Tlawili takes 3 hits

You emit a burst of light. Whatever it is flinches for a moment, giving you a window to get your bearings. It looks like a pony, but with dead, fish-like eyes, multiple rows of shark-like teeth, a wild kelp-like mane, and no coat to speak of, instead a coat of dull scales. Its legs end in stumpy webbed claws, and it possesses a powerful befinned tail.

It seems to dislike the light, letting out a horrible gurgling sound before swiping at you again!

>You are still pinned

Roll #1 3 = 3


"What are you?" She says, still thrashing and trying to get it off of her.

She swings in with her claw, slashing the beast and going to grab its kelpy mane to try and pull the creature off.

Unarmed [1d10]

Roll #1 7 = 7


You manage to grab it and restrain it for a moment, hauling it off by its mane. Part of it comes off in your claw. The fish-pony creature makes a creaky hissing sound, scrambling backwards for a moment before lunging at you again!

The shallows bubble as another one starts coming out of the water, sand sloughing off its slimy body!

Roll #1 8 = 8


I stand up and nod. "Well, alright then. I'll bring them by here for you to look at before I take them anywhere else. I'll let you two get to your business in private. Thank you for your time, miss Carlotta."


Finally back on her claws, Tlawīli unsheathes her blade and swings it down into the monster as it lunges towards her.

Weapon (Great) [1d10]

Roll #1 7 = 7


You cleave the beast as it pounces at you, killing it with a powerful stroke. Its body falls on you, pinning you once again.
>Tlawili takes 3 hits, helpless

The second one starts making its way over to you as a third begins to bubble to the surface! Seems like you stumbled into an ambush…


If she doesn't have anything else I make my way back to the ship for now. If not stopped I head straight to my room.


"Aaaghh, pitsa, pitsa, pitsa!" She curses, throwing the corpse off of herself as she tries to rise with her blade in hand.

Recover from helplessness [1d10]

Roll #1 5 = 5


She bids you farewell. You and Zunden return to the ship, leaving Pudding behind. You go to the cargo hold and examine the tank of snails, watching them as they move through their terrarium without a care in the world. Occasionally, one will stop to belch a small gout of harmless flame.


I laugh as I watch them lazily crawl about. Cute little things. Just too bad I don't really have time for them. As it is they seem like they're just taking up space. I slip my arms under the tank, lift it, and carry it to my room. Gently letting it down on my bed, I fish my bell out and give it a quick ring.


You struggle for a while, but eventually manage to throw the dead creature off you, standing up to face the two new threats. …Make that three. A third starts emerging from the shallows as the other two lope towards you, the closest one pouncing you with gnashing teeth!

Roll #1 3 = 3


You ring the bell. After a moment, the enigmatic unicorn known simply as Butler enters the room, looking phlegmatic as ever. "You rang, sir?"


Seeing the weak attack coming towards her, Tlawīli takes the lull to quickly protect herself. "Foul nightmares, you cannot hurt me."

Inure (Self) (Poison) [1d10]

Overhealing (Self) [1d10]

Roll #1 9 = 9 / Roll #2 6 = 6


I clear my throat and straighten up a little. "Yes. Mister Butler. I was thinking about it, and since lately I don't have a whole lot of time I do have a few things you could help me with. Do you know anything about cleaning and maintaining weapons, armor, and clothing? Also, if you wouldn't mind-" I gesture to the small Clockwork Orange garden in my dirt-filled bag. "If you wouldn't mind, could you harvest all the ripe oranges from time to time and, if the plant is done fruiting, replant some of the gears?" I pause. "Uh, do I need to summon you every time for that? Or do you just sorta… stick around? I'm sorry, not totally sure how this works yet. And sorry if it's all too much."


You dodge the attack and counter with an elbow to the beast's neck, taking the opening to cast a protective ward on yourself. You are filled with energy in the process, strengthening your resolve.
>+1 temp. hit

The two creatures that have emerged attack you as one!

The third starts galloping towards you; then, something odd happens. You hear a loud BANG, and the creature slumps dead, a wound appearing in its back. The sound seems to have come from the direction of the offshore boat.

Roll #1 10, 7 = 17


"I do, and I can," he confirms. "I will remain until you have no more use for me."


The noise absolutely startles Tlawīli, almost knocking her back. She looks to the sky in a panic, expecting another bolt of what she presumes to be lightning to strike at any moment. When it doesn't she steps forward to the creatures, hoping they'd think she summoned this noise. As she does she swings into them, aiming to cleave them both in twain.

Cleave (2) [1d10]

Roll #1 5 = 5


One of them bites into your arm, forcing you to drop the sword. The other launches itself at you and tackles you to the ground.
>Tlawili takes 7 hits, helpless

They both start biting at your unarmored hide and tearing away at your armor to expose you to further injury!

Roll #1 2, 7 = 9


"Perfect! It'll be nice actually having nice clothes and maintained weapons, on top of not needing to worry about picking those things myself while I'm working." I slip my jacket off, pull my gas mask out of the pocket and lay them across the bed for him. After, I get into my stuff and pull out my red suit and slacks, my white undershirt, and the hat I haven't worn in a long time, laying them out beside the jacket and mask.

I move to pull some of my other stuff out, but pause. Seeing the two laid out like that, side by side, is surreal. A nostalgic pang creeps through me, needling down my spine.

Finally, I sigh and pull out my dart gun and sprayer, laying them both on the bed too, along with the club things I found when we escaped Braildorn. I don't plan on keeping them, but they'd probably sell better cleaned up.

"Maybe I should invest in some actual armor some time," I say, picking the snail tank back up. "But for now that's all I have for you. Thank you, Mister Butler."


She hits the sand again, her exhaustion mounting as she tries to throw them off. As she does she reaches for her sword so she can try and put some distance between them.

"Get away!"

Recover from Helplessness [1d10]

Roll #1 1 = 1


"I understand, sir. I'll get on that right away." He takes your dirty clothing and walks off with it.

While he works on that, you take the dragon snails and go back through Broome, returning to Carlotta's. You find her alone now; Black Pudding has left, and is presumably on his way back to the ship. Even as the hour grows late, she answers the door, holding a candelabra seemingly made of bone. She greets you with a nod and allows you to enter, ogling the dragon snails. "What intriguing creatures," she remarks. "Where did you happen across them? I must know."


"I bought them from some traveling traders, who bought them from someone else," I say, not even considering saying it was probably Discord they got them from. Maybe I should say something about it? They seem harmless enough. I'm sure it'll be fine. "I've had them for a little while now, but haven't actually been sure what to do with them. Just kinda look in on them from time to time. I figured they're neat, but really they're just taking up space for me. Why not try to find someone who will enjoy them, y'know?"


One of them sinks into your shoulder, thrashing and gouging away with its pointed, shark-like jaws!
>Tlawili takes 1 wound

Another loud BANG. The second shark-like beast drops dead where it stands. The first one seems blind to this, however, going into a frenzy as it tastes blood and slashing and gnashing with renewed vigor!

Roll #1 8 + 1 = 9


Shrieking with pain, some deep seeded anger lights in Tlawīli's heart, some divine wrath spurred on from her righteous existence, she feels it grow until she tries to let it out and… then… nothing. A flame of youthful vigor quiets back down to only being a light of memory. Sparing herself the poetry, she goes to throw the last beast off of herself.

Recover from Helplessness [1d10]

Roll #1 3 = 3


She seems to sense there's something you're not telling her, but keeps it to herself, only sporting a knowing look.

"I know much of the creatures in all corners of the Echoes. Never have I seen one such as this. It will be a fine addition." She smiles and watches them trundle about for a bit. "You will want payment, of course. What do you want for them? Money? Or something other?"


You try to throw it off, but to no avail. It bites into your other arm with a feral snarl. You feel your strength ebb like the ocean's tide.
>Tlawili takes 1 wound

Another BANG. Another corpse. It slumps over, stone dead again. Something or someone is killing them for you. Looking around, you see lights on the boat flashing, as if trying to signal you. It seems to be moving closer to shore.


"You're an apothecary, right? I've been wanting to stockpile some more potions. Think I can have a look at some of your stuff? I have poisons and stuff, but it could be useful to have healing potions, strengthening potions, and stuff like that. Stuff I can use to help my friends. I have a couple of wands -wands that weren't exactly cheap, eithet- but they're not the most reliable."


Half conscious, Tlawīli lays flat on her back in the sand. "Even in this place… the gods offer this one miracles?" The light of the ship catches her eyes "Ah, they are here now…" she trails off, mumbling about divine intervention.

A few moments later she hears the sound of the boat approaching and it all starts to connect in her head. Wordlessly, and not really sure why, she raises an arm and waves towards the vessel, hopefully proving she isn't another corpse on the beach.


"Certainly. I am no master brewer, though. Our gelatinous friend's ward Carnifex is one of the better in these lands. But, I have tried my hand."

She shows you her potion stocks:

>Aqua Vitae: A potion that closes wounds and cures all manner of ailments. Functions as per Heal when imbibed.

>Cost: 25 bits

>Veinpurge: A potion that cures the body of ailments, cleansing poisons and bolstering one's defences against them, granting +2 to resistance rolls for half an hour or until the end of combat. Also cures most diseases, and changes color when mixed with poisons, allowing for an easy way to detect their presence.

>Cost: 35 bits

>Redclaw: A potion that increases one's strength and effectiveness in combat, but makes them act recklessly. +2 to damage done and taken for half an hour or until the end of combat.

>Cost: 35 bits

>Nighteye: A potion that enhances one's vision and reflexes. Allows the user to see in the dark and gain +2 to dodge rolls for half an hour or until the end of combat.

>Cost: 35 bits

>Stonefang: A potion that strengthens the body and fortifies one's resilience to pain. +3 max hits for half an hour or until the end of combat.

>Cost: 40 bits

>Sparrowhawk: A potion that makes one as light as a feather, allowing them to survive tremendous falls and glide on the wind for half an hour or until the end of combat.

>Cost: 40 bits

>Chameleon: A potion that can alter one's physical appearance, allowing them to take the shape and voice of anyone they envision for half an hour or until the end of combat. The disguise is limited to the user's general shape and body type.

>Cost: 35 bits

>High Aqua Vitae: A much more potent variant of Aqua Vitae, commonly known as a healing potion. Cures all hits and wounds on use.

>Cost: 75 bits

Carlotta will allow you to take a combination of any 4 of these, allowing up to 2 of each.


You get back up, nursing your wounds. You watch as the boat approaches; it is a small rowboat, with a fishing line attached to the back and a basket full of fish on deck. Its occupant is a stout, grizzled old Felid, who starts pulling up to you. Strapped to his back is some sort of long metallic tube-like object. He raises one paw to you in greeting, then continues to row towards you, starting to bring his boat ashore.


I rub my chin and hum. "Alright. Can I get two High Aqua Vite, and two Stonefang? If I can pick up some more money I can definitely see some of these others being useful, but those two are pretty much exactly what I'm looking for."


She nods and produces the potions: High Aqua Vitae is a golden, fizzling potion that emits a soft glow, while Stonefang is a matte grey, with flecks of brown and green, thick as syrup. It looks like you'd need a spoon to consume. She packs them up in a brown paper bag for you.


I smile and take the bag. "Thank you. Hope you like 'em. I get the feeling they're not easy to come by."


She sits up as the sailor lands, with one leg still flat and the other bent.

"You are… not a god." She says, barely able to make his silhouette out in the darkness and her pain. She reaches for her sword and bits of armor that fell off in battle.

"I am Tlawīli. Of the Koalti family of Trakali. It is my-" She stops herself yet again, realizing the concept of Trakali likely doesn't exist here. "I am but another exile. As are you, it seems." She says, a tone of defeat in her voice.


"As do I. If nothing else, they are a curiosity." She watches them leave their sparking ember trails; two of them cross paths and start spitting fire at each other, to absolutely no effect.


He looks a bit confused at your first statement. He leaves the boat anchored offshore, not stepping out to greet you properly yet.

"You're new here, then," he states. It's not a question. "No one would be out on the beach after sundown, not with kelpies around."

It's only then that you notice the moon coming up on the horizon. It's massive; at least six times larger than the moon back home, it dominates the landscape, bathing the world in an eerie pale glow.

The fisherman looks over his shoulder, then back to you. "I will help you." He seems a bit gruff and laconic, but not unfriendly. He beckons for you to join him on the little boat.


She stands up proper now, having gathered herself and her things. "Thank you, stranger." She says, really unsure of how to react to the acknowledgement of her new reality.

She heads over to the vessel, sitting in the back of it. For a while, she sits in awkward silence with it's owner. "I do not know what to say. All of this is… new to me." She says, unsure those were the right words.


"I have a name," says the fisherman. "It is Wake."

Wake waits for you to get adjusted to the boat, then takes off. He seems to know the waters like the back of his paw, spending no time on maps or calculations. He seems to be heading past the lighthouse cliff.

"The Echoes are hostile to newcomers," he acknowledges. "But it's not too far removed from your old reality. Treat the land well, and it will do you the same kindness in turn. It doesn't matter what you were before. I won't ask questions, if you don't want to share. Everyone is an equal here."


Eventually, you arrive at your destination; a small jetty, adjacent to a little cottage, presumably Wake's. In the distance, you can see the lights of a settlement of some sort. Wake docks the boat and starts making his way off it, carrying his fishing haul with him. He unlocks the door and motions for you to join him inside before starting to prepare dinner. By this point, you're practically starving, having eaten nothing all day.




"I…" She begins, almost about to share her past. "… I will tell you when I am ready." She says, upset at her own lack of conviction.

After the trip, Tlawīli enters with a graceful nod and hands clasped. "I am not used to being a guest, forgive me if my manners are unfitting of your culture." she says, removing some of her armor and leaving her sword by the door. She sits down, trying to assess her wounds, both physical and mental.


Wake merely acknowledges your apologies with a nod. The interior of his house is quite homely; a small wooden cottage, with some nautical paraphernalia here and there. It is sparsely decorated; he seems to live alone.

Seeing you are injured, he rummages in a cabinet before passing you a bottle of golden liquid, fizzling with a soft glow. You've seen it before: Aqua Vitae. A healing potion. "You'll need your strength to survive," he says plainly before getting back to cooking. Seems to be preparing fish and chips.

"I can't offer you a roof for more than tonight," he says as he cooks. "Tomorrow, I'll take you to Broome. It's the closest thing to civilization you'll find this side of Braildorn. From there you're on your own. You have questions about this place, this land, I'll answer what I can."


"I understand. Your hospitality has already exceeded my expectations." She says, carefully sipping the potion. She surveys it's taste, seeing if it's the same as the real world.

She ponders the empty bottle for a long while, conflicted on what to ask. "I… thought i knew what this was. Another realm, beyond the veil of even the light and life. Somewhere Trakali could banish their most vile, the ahmiki." She shudders at the word. "But this is not true. You are not of Trakali." She pauses again, carefully choosing her next words.

"Where are we, really?"


It's a standard health potion like any other.

"We're in the Echoes," he answers plainly as he cooks, the cottage filling with the delicious smell of frying fish. "What you've been told isn't untrue. Time is convoluted here, and those that are banished come from all different periods in history. We are outside of whenever you come from. I can only imagine you're from the Age of Steel." He doesn't elaborate on how he guessed this, for now.

"This land is a reflection. A ripple in space and time, they call it. Places and things that exist where we came from can exist here too. Devoid of life, different perhaps, but noticeably the same." He taps the bench. "This house was doubtless someone else's up above. I found it empty, and claimed it as my own, as is the custom."

"This place is not like the world we're used to. But in many ways, it's as if we never left. This is your home now, Tlawili Koalti. Such as it is."

He finishes cooking, serving up a delicious fried fish fillet with a side of golden chips and a slice of lemon. He serves you the plate, along with some water. "Eat," he says simply, and serves himself some as well.


"Ah." She takes some time to process this concept of anachronistic existence. "I think I can begin to understand what you are saying. When we are sent here does not matter. This place is outside of time." She says, the dots connecting in her head. "Fitting, the only place to put an ahmiki." She says without elaboration.

Her solemn tone is broken a bit as she eats. "It is very good. Not like anything I have had before." She says between bites. "This is customary where you are from? A local cui-sine?" She says, still a bit stuck on that pronunciation.

After finishing, she speaks up. "If you do not mind my asking, you said I was from the 'Age of Steel'. While I do not understand that, I would like to ask: When are you from?"


He nods at your first question, without much elaboration. He seems curious at the use of the word ahmiki, but doesn't ask questions. You get the feeling most people in the Echoes don't.

"Long after your time, I'm afraid," he answers the second. "When I'm from, no one has called themselves Trakali in almost a thousand years. If the historians in the Dominion met you, they'd have several questions. I am no historian, but I know the name."


She recognizes the confusion at her language. "Ah, I admit I still speak in the old tongue in hopes that one day I may meet another speaker. Ahmiki is the Trakali word for Immortal it is a insult and a curse, but my customs are far from me now."

She closes her eyes and sighs at the thought of Trakali long gone. "I always knew it would come, I was just never sure how, or if it would happen in my lifetime. Nothing can be immortal. Even the brightest sun sets at dusk." She repeats the same closed eyes and sigh. "Strange, letting go of something you knew was already gone."

She looks at Wake with a nod. "Thank you. I owe you a debt."


"A debt I won't collect," he replies. "Don't be fooled. This land is rife with evil. Consider yourself lucky you weren't caught by bandits, or slavers, or worse. It's only right that some try to do right by others, to counteract the wickedness of some of this land's prisoners."

He looks out the window. "The hour is late," he concludes as you both finish eating. "There's a spare room over there. Tomorrow at dawn, I'll take you to Broome."


"Tlasokamati. Then I only offer my blessing and a promise I will repay this kindness to another." She says, gently outstretching her claw, glowing with her pure light.

She nods in acceptance regardless of his response, and takes her things to the spare room, hopefully being able to sleep soundly.


He nods back, shaking your claw with both of his paws.

As he retires to his own room, you make yourself comfortable in the spare room. It's a little dusty - Wake presumably doesn't keep guests often - but not uncomfortable. You fall asleep almost immediately, exhausted from the day's ordeals.
>Sunbeam recovers all wounds!

That night, you suffer a wretched nightmare. You are trapped amidst an expanse of oily black. A shadowy elk looms over you, teeth dripping like teardrops from where his face would be. You try to turn away, but find you cannot move. The black tar at your feet begins to rise, swallowing you whole. Without moving, the elk draws nearer, reaching out to you with one hoof. He grabs your arm, and sprouts feathered grey wings. As the blackness engulfs you and drags you below, a single unknown word floats through your mind.


You awake at sunrise, finding a concerned looking Wake standing over you, jostling you. "You were having a nightmare," he says, looking worried. "…It's time to go. I've packed some breakfast for the journey."


Tlawīli does not bolt awake from her nightmare. Instead her eyes simply open as her fear washes over her in tides. As she slowly gets over it, her lips form one word: "masatl." She breathes for a few more moments, slowly getting up after. "I… have not dreamt in many years. This was not a kind return to it."

After regaining her composure, she gathers her things and sets out. "That nightmare.." She starts, but stops. "No. Best not to try and attach meaning to it."


"I didn't rest easy either. I've heard of such things happening recently. I feel there's a storm coming, and soon." Like you, it seems he'd rather not dwell on it much, motioning for you to follow to the boat. He grabs his equipment, including the strange metal pipe-like object he was carrying yesterday, and motions for him to join him. Breakfast on the move isn't as good as the home cooked meal from last night, being mostly biscuits and dried fruit.


She steps onto the boat, more assured in her sea legs this time. She sits quietly in the back again, surveying the sea around her. Eventually her curiosity gets the best of her and she asks.

"You said you come from a time long after mine. Is that where your weapon is from?" She says, looking puzzled at the tube on his back.


You set off. He starts rowing; he's presumably used to doing this as his main method of transport around the Echoes by now. You get a good view of the bay as you travel; it's mostly volcanic beach like you saw before, with the occasional crumbling ruin dotting the landscape. The water is clear and tranquil. Occasionally, a sea bird flies past.

He looks a bit confused at your question, then realizes what you're talking about. "You mean my rifle. I suppose you wouldn't know what it is. It's a ranged weapon. Very precise, and deadly, but not the easiest to handle. Unfortunate that I have to have it, but I'd be a fool not to."

He stops all of a sudden, his eyes narrowing. He seems to have noticed something in the water. He reaches for his rifle, cutting the conversation short. "Draw your weapon," he warns. "We're being followed."


She reaches back for her sword mounted on her back, assuming her usual stance. "Kel-pies?" She asks, trying to get used to the word. "Or worse than feral beasts?"

With the hand not on her sword, she blesses herself before the battle.

Inure (Dark) [1d10]

Overhealing [1d10]

Roll #1 8 = 8 / Roll #2 3 = 3


Perception [1d10]

Roll #1 9 = 9


You protect yourself against black magic, just in case. Wake shakes his head at your question, seemingly unsure of what you're dealing with yet.

You spot a huge dark shadow move past the boat, much faster than Wake can row. You alert him of it, and he readies the rifle. Suddenly, a huge, bright blue tentacle bursts out of the water, covered in thick black bristles. It flails blindly, grasping at whatever it can!
>roll to dodge

The sudden appearance of this creature rocks the boat violently!

Wake draws his rifle, firing a rushed shot at it!


"Why does everything here just try to kill me?" Tlawīli says, hopefully moving to the other side of the vessel in time to take a swing at a tentacle.

Dodge [1d10]

Weapon (Great) [1d10]

Roll #1 3 = 3 / Roll #2 9 = 9


As the larger target, you have a hard time dodging it. It scrapes your bare forearm, leaving a blistering, stinging touch like a jellyfish. Your arm starts to throb, a burning sensation spreading up it!
>Sunbeam takes 1 hit
>poisoned: +1 hit/rd for 3 rds or until helpless

You manage to slash at the tentacle, drawing red blood from the creature. Wake follows up with a loud shot to it, making whatever this thing is retreat momentarily. He works to steady the boat. "It'll be back," he warns you, pointing out the shadow in the water you saw just before. It looks like some sort of cetacean, from what you can see, swimming out and starting to come back around for another try. "Mirodan don't give up easily. Get ready…" Wake takes the time to reload his rifle, keeping an eye on the incoming creature.


She winces at the pain, quickly realizing it's poisonous nature. "Miro-dan? Hard to be familiar with this wildlife. Next time, tell me if they're poisonous before it hits me." She says with a bit of sass.

At the mention of it returning, Tlawīli holds her blade in both hands, ready to swing as it comes up. She also keeps her eye towards Wake's end of the ship, ready for attack from any angle.

Watchful Eye (Wake) [1d10]

Roll #1 6 = 6


He doesn't seem to find it very funny. "They never come out this close to the shore… This isn't right…"

He trains his rifle on the Mirodan as it comes back around, breaching the water and unfurling its long, frog-like tongue to lash at you both again!
>roll to dodge, instant

Wake jerks backwards to dodge it and fires a marksman's shot at it, quickly adjusting his aim by your hand!
>Watchful Eye roll expended on his attack roll


"I wouldn't know." She says, matching his lack of humor.

She quickly dives to dodge the tentacle before swinging down at it again. "If we cannot have it die, we can make it leave us alone. Why did they avoid the shore before now?"

Dodge [1d10]

Weapon (Great) [1d10]

Roll #1 10 = 10 / Roll #2 5 = 5


You jump upwards and fly over the grasping tendril, avoiding getting raked by its poisonous grasp. Wake curls up into a ball, then fires a precise shot into the water, hurting the Mirodan itself. You hear a muffled lowing sound from underwater, then it swims off, wheeling about for one final attack.

"Most of them live out in open water, close to the Isle of Glass. It's cursed by those creatures. What could drive them this far inland…"

You get a better look at the Mirodan as it swims off. It resembles a dolphin, with a mane like a lion, with the same seaweed appearance as a kelpie's. It has a reptilian head with a maw full of sharp teeth, and a long, prehensile blue tongue.

As it begins to swim through the water to attack again, Wake glances over to you as he readies another shot. "You can fly. Do you think you can attack this beast from above?"


"If it comes up, I will come down on it." She says, floating up a bit. "Swing for the eyes?" She asks, preparing herself for the poison this time.

Inure (Poison) [1d10]

Overhealing [1d10]

Roll #1 9 = 9 / Roll #2 4 = 4


"Aim for the head," he nods, preparing himself for the incoming attack as you protect yourself from further poisons.

You see the Mirodan do an about face and come surging towards you; then, it dives sharply downwards and vanishes out of sight. There's a tense beat before it slams into the boat from underneath, knocking you both off balance!
>roll to not fall in the water


Tlawīli groans as she tries to grab onto anything still aboard the vessel in an attempt to keep herself on it. "Is it just playing with us at this point?" She shouts, mostly trying to get a response proving Wake is still safe.

Don't get Soaked [1d10]

Roll #1 9 = 9


No response from Wake. In fact, looking around, he's not on the ship at all. You see some ripples on the surface of the water and a flailing silhouette beneath the surface.


"No, no, no!" Tlawīli shouts, shedding what armor she can before diving towards the silhouette, attempting to breathe light to help her find Wake.

Dragon Breath: Light [1d10]

Finding Wake [1d10]

Roll #1 7 = 7 / Roll #2 3 = 3


You dive into the water without a second thought. Visibility is high, but it helps illuminate the scene. You can see he's been grabbed by the Mirodan's tongue; it's swimming away with him in tow, kicking and scratching with his natural claws against the ropy appendage. You can't hold your breath for too long underwater.


Tlawīli climbs back onto the boat in a hurry, grabbing her sword and Wake's strange weapon as quick as she can, and then launching herself off into the sky in pursuit of the monster. In the air, she tries to track its movement to predict where it might be so she can come down on it with her blade.

Navigation(ish) [1d10]

Roll #1 1 = 1


You fly up. It's difficult to track, but you can just see the shadows of the Mirodan and Wake darting off into the waters. It swims faster than you can fly; you'll only have one shot at this.


She grits her teeth and beats her wings against the morning air as hard as she can, almost trying to claw at the winds themselves.

Upon realizing she won't be able to outpace the monster, she decides to go to take her only shot now. She debates using Wake's strange bow, but chooses her blade instead. With a single deep breath and a word Tlawīli tries to strike true.


Weapon (Great) [1d10]

Roll #1 10 = 10


You fly sword first out of the air, plunge into the waters. With a single powerful movement, you use the momentum to bring your blade down in an arc of obliteration. Steel meets flesh and bone, carving through the Mirodan's rubbery hide, decapitating it in a single blow. The water is filled with purple ichor, obscuring your vision as the carcass begins to sink to the ocean's depths.

Looking around quickly, you spot Wake floating in the water, unmoving.


"No, can't…" She starts, but stops and flies wordlessly to Wake, lifting him up and hopefully taking him back to the vessel. "…was I too late?" She asks, not sure if it's to herself, Wake, or the gods.

Carry Cat [1d10]

Roll #1 6 = 6


You manage to grab him and swim up and out of the water. Not a moment too soon either; you see several small sharks starting to swarm to the cloud of blood left behind.

You haul Wake up onto the ship. You're not sure whether he's alive or not.


"Wake?" She asks, unsure of what to do. "Wake?!?" She asks again, noticing the same markings she suffered when attacked. She quickly brings her claw down to his chest, slowly glowing with light as she tries to protect him.

Inure (Poison) (Wake) [1d10]

Overhealing [1d10]

Roll #1 7 = 7 / Roll #2 4 = 4


You protect him against the poison, halting its spread through his body. Still nothing from him.


She takes a deep breath, and tries to remember some of what she was taught as a healer. She leans down to him, her ear over his mouth, looking and listening for his breathing while keeping a finger on his neck, feeling for a pulse. With her spare hand, she goes through her satchel to find any sort of healing salve for his actively bleeding wounds, and to use the satchel to cover them.

"Tisi-Yotl Protect this one, he is not scalekin, but he has saved me as I hope you save him."

Improvised Healing [1d10]

Roll #1 2 = 2


He seems to be alive, just unconscious. While you can't find much to heal him with on you, you recall the healing potion he shared with you last night. Perhaps he has some on board. Or perhaps you can find some other way to help him.


On discovering his condition was stable Tlawīli breathes a long sigh of relief, dropping her shoulders while remaining on her knees. "No god willed that" She says to herself, not really thinking about it all that much.

After that moment, she places Wake's gun down near him and her sword down with the rest of her things and searches around the ship a bit while assessing any damages it could have suffered.

Search [1d10]

Roll #1 5 = 5


The boat seems fine. You look around for a bit, but can't manage to find anything to help Wake.

"Under the seat."

Looking behind, you see him struggling to sit up, feebly pointing where he indicated. He's hurt, but it looks like he'll survive.


"Oh." She says, going over to lift the seat up and search inside. Obtaining whatever is within, she heads back over to his side.

"Where are your injuries? I have stopped the poison but there isn't very much I can do." She says, trying not to dote on him.


Inside are some emergency healing potions he packed, as well as a box of medicinal herbs and bandages.

He seems too weak to talk much, instead indicating where he was attacked; he has several poison marks over his right arm, and some cuts on his torso.

As you treat his wounds, his strength begins to recover after drinking the potion. "Thank you," he says quietly. "I suppose this repays the debt."


"Wasn't expecting it so quick." She says, stifling her desire to let out a small chuckle. "I can row from here if you tell me where we are headed." She says, confident in her seafaring skills.

After getting things set on the vessel and making sure Wake is comfortable, she goes to take an oar.


He nods at your offer, pointing you in the right direction.

The rest of the journey is rather uneventful. Still recovering from the attack, Wake talks even less than usual, save to give directions. You eventually begin to come up on the town he called Broome; if it weren't for his directions, you wouldn't recognize it as a settlement from afar. It is a cliffside cove packed to the rafters with ancient shipwrecks, as if they've been gathered and mashed violently into the one place. Ships of all shapes and sizes make up this place, clustered next to and even on top of each other, some at awkward angles. Some, you notice, are even jutting OUT of each other, as if they've phased into each other and merged. You can see several smaller ships going to and from the place, and in the town, you can see its denizens flying around or crawling like monkeys up the rigging connecting the ships.

"This is Broome," Wake croaks. "Neutral ground for many in these lands. Be careful who you speak to in this place. It can get unruly." Looking around, most of the ships that are seaworthy look rather menacing; you can only assume this place is a haven for pirates.


She looks around, in awe of the craftsmanship of the ships looking so futuristic to her. Her eyes also go to the ones working on ships, reminding her of times in both Trakali and outside of it. After gathering her things and Wake's she turns to ask him.

"Is there somewhere I can take you for further care?" She offers, feeling inadequate in her own abilities. "Wounds can last long after the pain ends, Kalidan." She says, not noticing her slip on names.


It goes over Wake's head. "I will seek out a friend in town who can treat this. There's nothing more you can do for me now. Thank you."

You bring the fishing boat up at an unused jetty. Wake is strong enough to walk by now, gathering his belongings and getting off the boat. Before he starts heading off, he pauses, digs in his pocket, and gives you some spare change; the coin is similar to what you've seen used in your time. "Even here, money talks, I'm afraid. Take this. Rent yourself a room in the tavern called Her Majesty. Speak to the owner Parzival and mention my name. He'll be able to find you some honest work, if you're willing to stay."
>+50 bits


She takes the coinage with a nod. "Thank you. May you always have a friend in Tra-" She stops herself. "May you always walk in the light." She says, putting the coins in her satchel.

"I will stay, but not for long. Growing attached to another homeland…" She loses her meaning. "… I cannot do it right now." She says, conflicted on her conviction.

Tlawīli walks away, taking in the sights of a new town as usual, but not hesitating to find the tavern as soon as she can.

Navigation [1d10]

Roll #1 5 = 5


He extends his hand in friendship to you. "Goodbye for now then, Tlawili. I hope you find some peace in this land." With that, he nods goodbye, and you go your separate ways.

You set off into Broome, with little more than the clothes on your back. As you explore this strange place, with its unfamiliar technologies and strange races, you ponder the possibilities. This is a new beginning. What has happened cannot be undone. It is on you now to start again.


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