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 No.746978[View All]

Our heroes have journeyed far and faced many dangers, culminating in their daring escapade in the arid city of Galatian, where they retrieved the Heart of the Sun once and for all, crossing the agents of the sinister warlord Styr Thenn. Aided by one of his former servants, a zorse named Kothbiro, they destroyed the precious jewel, that none could claim it.

Their actions will not go without repercussions, however. They are in hostile territory, on the run from Thenn's servants. Aided by a mysterious ally known only as the Fire Witch, they travel now to the closest pocket of civilization on the borders of Thenn's territory. From there, only the stars and I know what awaits them…
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I briefly glance down at the cat, look back up, and answer. "Job." Can't buy nothin when you ain't got no money. Less he was plannin on sleepin outside.

I nod back and sit down at the bar. "Liquor. Hot food." Don't really care what right now. Just want a drink and somethin in my belly.


Sunbeam smiles and nods in return. She carefully approaches a carpet and sits down.

For a moment, she is overwhelmed by this peace. When she was on her own she often took hours or even days simply to rest and pray. Now with her newfound companions, she has had hardly a minute to think truly about herself.

"uikpa mochintin inon tikpiah…" (For all that we have…)

Emotions wash over her. She has not said those words in what has felt like years. Feelings of home and of comfort, the innocence of a young lastborn princess. The bitter sting of realization, as the nightmares prophesied. And the day she left, hopeful this was the right thing to do.

"…iuan mochintin inon tipiatiuhkeh…" (…and all we are going to have…)

Her friends. The four fools she thought she could command like subjects when they met. Sunbeam had never realized what they would mean to her. This journey was something they had all shared. A mutual memory she never realized possible.

"…titlasokamatih, Kōl-Ti, uikpa in itlamant in tonatiu." (…we thank you Kōl-Ti for the gifts of the sun.)

The Sun. The untouchable ideal guiding the life of so many Trakali. To bask in its unachievable perfect light is a gift no Trakali has ever received or ever will. A faith based on idealism and impossible perfection. For a second, Sunbeam wonders. Is a belief in the impossible better than none at all?

"tiyah" (Amen.)

She continues to sit with her eyes closed.


Kothbiro follows you. You both enter the village of Oriole, getting odd looks from some of its citizens. The Thenn guards seem a bit wary of you. You both follow the scent to the local inn, where you find Thungr, Vajra and Kalidan getting comfortable.


As the group was unable to cash out the hunting expedition, Vajra keeps quiet as the others discuss payment.

"Ah yess, the job board. The sscholar sshould be here by now. Perhapss we could find thiss hidden ruin while we're waiting?"


Noghu looks to the others, leaning on his spear, "When is next hunt?"


"Keep a tab for me, will you?" The cat slaps down a couple coins, totaling around 50 bits, before sauntering away.


"Hmm," Kalidan sips his ale thoughtfully before walking away.

"Real talker, that one," he quips, gesturing over his shoulder at the overly stoic minotaur. He nods his head at the small grey unicorn in the corner. "Looks like our man. Want to lead the way?"

The cat grins at the dog. "Soon, and for the rest of your life."


looking to where Kalidan is pointing, Vajra nods.

"Very well. Let uss meet with the sscholar while we wait for the resst."

Uncoiling herself, The sorceress makes her way over to the seated unicorn.


You sit there for a while, thinking of everything that's happened. Despite recent events, it feels like this new chapter in your life is just beginning. The future is uncertain, for now, but you feel that as long as you stick with your new friends, you'll be able to take on whatever the universe may throw at you.
>+3 max hits and +1 max wounds, temporarily


Kothbiro, having entered alongside Noghu, tilts her head slightly at your words to him. "What's that meant to mean?"

You approach the unicorn, who looks up from studying a scroll of some sort. He sizes you all up with a slight smile. "I take it you saw my notice here in town. You are travelers, yes?"


"Forever hunt I know, when is soon."


Sunbeam takes a deep breath, then arises from her rug. She takes out a Trakalian coin and marks it the same way as she did for the beggar, and leaves it on the altar.

She steps out of the church and goes to find her companions.

Navigation [1d10]

Roll #1 4 = 4


"Indeed. We had noticed the offer for work and wissh to disscus further while we have the chance. What do you know of thesse ruinss?"



Kalidan stays behind Vajra while she speaks. He keenly eyes the scholar, trying to read his character, and whether he has backup in the tavern, all while sipping his ale nonchalantly.

Perception [1d10]

Roll #1 10 = 10


Noghu tags along.


It takes you a good while, but you eventually find them; they're in the local inn, speaking with a scholarly unicorn you don't recognize.

He seems a shrewd type. Polite, soft spoken, and speaking very plainly. He is quite confident in his own abilities, but not to the point of arrogance. Looking at the scroll, it appears to be a map of some sort, ostensibly of the crypt.

"Excellent. I'd hoped someone would show up. I would have tried in the capital, but traveling there alone is… difficult." he extends his hoof. "My name is Adamant, by the way."

"To answer your question, madam, I know that they have been here a very, very long time. I have asked around about them in this place, and was able to acquire something of a map." He gestures at the scroll. "Doubtless out of date by now, given what's happened, but they will do as a rough guide.

"According to local legend, an exalted priest of the Undying Sun, Hoppipolla, coveted heretical artifacts, and used them to become a terrible warlock, claiming dominion over these lands long ago. The kings of old sealed him here, burying him and his acolytes alive in their own secret temple along with their riches, but not before he put a curse on them binding their souls to our world…"

Kothbiro looks uneasy; you recall the terrible wraith-kings you encountered some time ago.

"Since then," Adamant continues, "the Grave of the Fallen Saint has been investigated several times, but cave ins and certain warding seals have made it impossible to make much progress. Until now."


Hidden ruin? I glare at the wall and shake my head. "Different job. 'Less y'all wanna split up. Don't do hidden ruins, ancient temples, or forgotten tombs."



Kalidan listens, rapt, under the scholars spell against his better judgement. "Until now??" he blurts out, then looks around sheepishly. "I mean. What changed?"


Sunbeam enters, catching only the tail end of the conversation. She approaches her friends and asks.

"Oh? What trouble are we getting ourselves into this time?" She says with a giggle.



"Ssome meanss of traverssing through the ssealss, perhapss?"


"What other job, prefer outside." Noghu nods, sharing Thungr's sentiment.


"Apparently we're raiding a tomb," Kothbiro answers dryly.

"The crypt has changed," Adamant answers simply. "Ways that were shut or blocked have reopened, and some doors have closed altogether. I am something of an antiquarian. There is much scholarly potential in investigating these ruins.

"Make no mistake, however. I am well aware of the risks involved in delving into the tombs of forgotten madmen. It is one I am not willing to take. Therefore, I have acquired this." He reaches into his robe and produces an odd tool or weapon: it looks like a branding iron in the shape of the sun symbol Sunbeam saw in the church, but shorter, the length of a dagger. "I procured it from a roaming exorcist. A Blessed Firebrand. Anathema to Hoppipolla's ilk. To combat the undead that surely roam those halls, we must use this weapon to fend them off. And by no means should we disturb the tomb of Hoppipolla himself, if we should come across it. Awakening a forgotten evil would be… less than ideal."

"You will be rewarded, of course," he goes on. "Money is not a concern of mine. I don't expect you to make a decision immediately, but I can guarantee this venture would be well worth your while."

Kothbiro joins you both. "I've heard enough. This doesn't sound good. I'm all for exploring forgotten places, but the tomb of a dead sorcerer is just asking for trouble. Is there anything else we could do around here?"


Sunbeam is intrigued by the iron. "What a fascinating implement. It can cast away vitel?" She says, shortly before Kothbiro protests.

"Hmm. I have trust in your faith myself, but if my friends protest I must stay loyal to them." She says, a bit conflicted through wanting to both thank the church in a way and recognize her friends wishes.

"How different would it be from the tomb you explored before we met?" She says, not entirely sure if that was a tomb of anything.

"I can tell your fascination comes from a point of admiration, Vajra. This sorcerer sounds like a powerful member of your fellow necromancers."


With a hissing sigh at the other's annoyance, i turn back to the Scholar.

"Perhapss another time, Adament."

drawing myself back up, i snake my way back to the bar for my water.

"Yess yess, i am aware of the group'ss disstasste for tombss. There iss alsso the boar that hass been desstroying the nearby farm. Perhapss that iss more to your tasste?"


Kalidan shows his pointy teeth at the aged unicorn. "Just a second please, while my compatriots and myself converse."


Kalidan pulls the group into a huddle, somewhere away from any prying ears. He looks to either side before addressing the group.

"Look, guys. This buttwipe," he notices the scholar looking at them, offers him a wide and genuine smile before continuing, "this total egghead wants us to do his dirty work for pennies. I'm all for an honest days work," he looks around as if to rebuke interjections, and finding none, continues. "But it kinda seems like he has bits for grabs, and I for one don't see any reason not to grab them." He smiles up again at the scholar before continuing his hushed whisper to the group.

"Look. Let's agree to his terms, get payment up front, find out where he keeps the cash if possible, and then get the buck out of this podunk backwater town, onward and upward to greener pastures. What say?"


"Indeed. To think of the wealth of artifactss hidden below! It iss enough to ssalivate over."

"Unfortunately, pressent company iss not inclined to aggree with me, and i would not ssurvive the trek alone." she laments, sipping her drink forlornly.


"He did ssay 'we'" she w(hiss)pered back

"He intendss to travel with uss to the tomb, pressumably. Up front payment iss unlikely."


"Boar good, means food without pay. Explore with full stomach."


"Yeah. And where'd that place get me? Ain't nothin but bad luck."

I nod again. "No tombs."

I grunt and shake my head. "Gonna pretend I didn't hear that. Ain't gonna stop y'all. Ain't gonna join. I'm with the dog. Gonna look at other jobs."


"I am with you scalekin. Perhaps for very different reasons, but we should respect the wishes of our companions."

She scoldingly whispers back to Kalidan with the fury of an upset mother. "We are already branded criminals here! Do you really want to attract the ire of a whole nation over robbing one noble?" She takes a deep breath, then continues. "I apologize. I did not want you to act too hastily."

"Noghu is wise. Perhaps taking an easier job first would benefit us. This tomb is not leaving anywhere, but the boar may leave anytime."

"Do you consider us bad luck Thungr?" She says, mostly as a joke.


Kalidan flattens his ears against his head, assumes a look as if struck. "Of course not, my dear dragon! I wouldn't dare attract the ire of the entire nation to rob a single noble!" He smoothes his whiskers with a paw. "Of course you realize, we're already outlaws here by denying Thenn of his precious topaz. He's the boss, right? In case you didn't notice, every guard here is dressed just like his goons back at Galatian. Coincidence? I don't assume so. We're already outlaws, sweetie pie, and I wouldn't put too much stock into us fixing our reputations right now. Not after the debacle with the fire and whatnot." He eyes the dragon coolly.


He nods, presuming vitel means undead or cursed.

"I understand your reservations," he says calmly. "The job won't be going anywhere, and it is a significant commitment. And there is risk involved, of course."

Kothbiro considers what Kalidan has to say. "As long as we don't stir up too much trouble in there, I think we'll be fine. But… it's risky. Very risky. And we're still in Galatian. It's only a matter of time before word of the capital reaches this place. We have a week, if that…"

"Maybe taking something else first would be good though," she muses. "We really do need the money, and resources. The problem right now is that we don't have those or a real plan. Sunbeam's right. We're fugitives now. We have to tread lightly."

She gives Thungr a side eye. "I don't like the idea of grave robbing either, but what's with you? You're the strongest one I know. Why are you so afraid of sorcery? It's nothing you can't handle. Besides, we have a sorceress of our own, don't we?"


"There iss alsso the boar." I reply, louder for the otherss to hear.

"Of dire ssize, ssupposedly. it hass been tearing through a farm nearby, and there iss payment to deal with it. Perhapss that would ssuffice in the mean time?"


"Perhapssss." She says, sounding like Vajra as she thinks while extending her s. "I am no thief, but given the present situation… agh. What am I saying? No, Kalidan. I will not abet your thievery."

"We do have two very talented hunters in our company. Both of which seem interested in this bounty as well." She says, looking over Thungr and Noghu for confirmation.


"Hunt." Noghu confirms.


I grunt.

I shift a little. "Ain't nothin good come from no witchin. Specially the old magic and curses you see in tombs and such. Ain't had many good encounters with it. I can kill it, but-" I try to suppress a shiver. "Things got a way of gettin ya from beyond the grave."


"Hunt," I agree.


"You do not have to speak further of this. I understand your distaste for the undead and while it is not where we are going right now, such creatures are powerless in the face of the light. toneltokokayouh ka tochimal Our faith is our shield." She says, trying to comfort and empower him.

"I agree." She says simply to Noghu, giving him a gentle smile and nodding.


"Hmmph." Kalidan makes an annoyed face at Sunbeam, then sticks out his tongue for about two seconds before dissolving into laughter. When his eyes open at her, they are all good nature and humor.


"Fine. The boar, maybe? At least we won't go hungry."

"A week, huh?" He eyes the zebra. "That's giving Styr a long time. You don't think we've been followed?"


She rolls her eyes. "They're just strolling bones. I'm sure if it were really serious, Adamant would've mentioned curses and such."

"Messengers take time to travel," she points out. "I doubled back to check for following tracks the other night while I was on watch too. Didn't see anything. I think we're safe."

She looks around, seeing that there's a consensus among the group. "Hunt," she concurs. "So who do we see about this then? Doesn't sound like too hard a job. If it's anything like those birds it shouldn't be more than a day."


I nod. Definitely boar.

I hum. You don't mention curses if you want folks to go in. Not on a community board. Guess if it really was that bad they'd look for someone who actually deals with it.

"Take the job. Visit whoever is givin it for the details. Resupply some. Spend the night here," I say. "Rest up. Eat. Sleep. Eat breakfast. Leave in the mornin."


"Should wake before sunrise, best hunts at dawn."



"Fine." Kalidan downs the rest of his ale.

After finishing his small coughing fit, he addresses the group. "Are we staying here? Room isn't free, but it seems safe. And warm."

He flicks his tail as he meets eyes with the sorceress.


"The board only mentioned the farm nearby. Perhapss we sshould ssearch the area?"

she meets your eyes and nods towards the others, shrugging knowingly.


"Perhaps we catch it while it is still sleeping?"


"Surround, at least. Give no room to start charging."


"I see. Were such tactics common in your homeland?"


"Or lead it into chargin. Some boars can change the way they're headed, but most gotta stop and turn. Kilt a big ole devil pig that way. Stuck it in the ribs after it ran by."

"Wild things ain't usually light sleepers. Takes some doin to sneak up on em. Best to track and ambush."

I nod. "Here, I imagine."


"It likely does not sleep in the open. We will have it cornered in its den? Does that sound right?"


"Hmm.. quite the dangerouss possition, i would imagine. a beasst backed into a den would likely gore one of uss before we could sstop it, much too closse."


"Ah. I never presided over the military tactics of our empire. Trakali usually had such an overwhelming numbers advantage it rarely mattered. I trust whatever Noghu and Thungr come up with." She says with emphasis on the and.

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