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 No.757843[Last 50 Posts]

At last, the final sight of the Tartarian Descent Team is engulfed by the interminable darkness.

The Great Seal rends the earth with a deafening quake, as it slides nearly shut, open only by a hairsbreadth. The Loyal Kerberos, ten thousand Umbral Hounds strong, holds one end of Shei's Black Thread in one of his mouths. He leers at it contemptuously, but holds it nonetheless as agreed.

Most of the others accompanying Sir Pryce cannot look anymore at the Great Seal, ready to direct their thoughts to anything other than the fates of their friends… and foes. Sir Estuary is the only one who seems composed. He looks to Pryce, and with a slight bow of his head, says, "Perhaps we should make for the surface, milord. We have no further business here."



Pryce is still, staring at the seal for long after it nearly closes back up. He makes no movement or sound, almost stuck in a trance, until Sir Estuary speaks to him, and even then it takes a moment for him to respond.
"…Right. We should," He says, voice sounding empty, though not moving from his spot.


It seems you are not alone. Renee, River, Zjetya, and the children also remain more or less where they stood when they said their final farewells, either trying to busy themselves with the pets or the hellhounds, or simply staring off into space altogether.

The silence is at last broken by Spark, who has begun to cry audibly for Shorthorned, despite the brave face he put on for her at the very end. Vortigern, ever the caring mother, scoops little Spark off of Lockjaw's back. Lockjaw grunts with frustration, and Vortigern relents, carrying Spark at a low enough height that Lockjaw can sniff and grunt at the tiny baby drake to assuage his cries.

Estuary elbows you and nods his head toward the exit.


KP looks up at everypony, concerned, though also feeling the mood himself.

Pryce's head turns as Spark cries out, feeling the sting of the audible remorse of being left behind. Estuary's elbow is enough to get Pryce to move after that, getting him to re-realize the world and the others around him.
"… Come on everypony, we got our share to do still."
Pryce speaks aloud to the group, turning to follow towards the exit with lingering heaviness in his steps.


Gravity bends your stomachs and senses as you leave the chamber of Kerberos, the hounds silent at your departure, out of respect.

Upon leaving the darkened chamber, the Dragon of Mercury is found waiting, floating nearby. Eight spiraling stairways connect to the stone chamber, but after a moment, with a shuddering quake, the stairways start to combine, one step at a time.

"In a moment," the Dragon of Mercury begins, "A path straight back to your World shall be complete. You will understand that we must reset the randomization of God's Entombed following your departure. It is part of the protocols left behind by the ancient ones."

Estuary nods.

As you wait for the stairway to align, Renee's mouth opens and shuts in frustration many times. She looks like she's having trouble formulating her thoughts.


Pryce looks up the staircase as it is slowly formed together, a little shocked that leaving will be a simple task.
"Oh… thank you."

KP looks up to Renee as she looks to be troubled.
>"Is everything alright?"
He asks her.


"You all…" Renee begins. "What do you intend with Ecclesia? Will you join them, work alongside them, or disregard them altogether?"

"Well," Zjetya says. "I will remind you I'm at the rank of Evangelist among the Laity. Even if I'm not assigned to the front lines of the coming war, I don't think I'm going to be able to avoid involvement with it for much longer."


"We don't have many allies on the surface. Any disagreements are minor outside of the bigger threat coming," Pryce comments, turning back to face the group.
"Rooster recommended joining the Vermillion Corps. It does sound like our best option all things considered, we're allied but not beholden. And at the very least, we can use it to fill in their interest with Ornifex instead of their other troops."


"I was actually… thinking of joining Eccleisa, myself," Renee says.

"It is not a decision I come to lightly, one I toiled over many nights with Flow. I learned from Sir Freischutz that some of my friends, who I believed dead, have come to involve themselves with Ecclesia, and now must be standing at the ready against the Treibheanna."

"You… sure you want to do that?" Zjetya asks. "No guarantee you'd be able to see us again. As a healer, they'd want you close to the action, probably at some kind of forward camp…"

"I've considered well the risks. After all, have I not seen what atrocities demons and angels alike can engineer in our travels?"

At last, the grand staircase forms, and the others, one by one, gradually set hoof upon it.


"I can't say whether you should join them or not, only that if you do so, that you stay safe. But, I would like us to stay as grouped together as possible," Pryce says. He looks forward to the staircase as it finally forms, stepping up to return back to the surface, with KP following behind.
"I know you can handle yourself, my concern would be over if they let you leave after all this."


"I understand…" Renee says. "But with Flow gone, I fear the anticipation may drive me mad if I do not have a sufficient undertaking before me to occupy me body and mind… besides, I would be remiss if the world were not a peaceful place where a warrior like him could come back, rest his head and get some peaceful dreams."

"Well hey," Zjetya says. "We're gonna have to deal with the Eccleisan bureaucracy to get my assignment with you all extended and information on the Vermillion Corps. You could inquire about it there."

After what feels like an interminable climb back up, the stairway through that liminal dungeon at last deposits you in a hallway, a hallway you perceive upon a 2-D plane as if you were characters in a storybook. As you open a door at the end of the hall, your vision reverts to normal, and you are in the grand hall of Fantasia Palace once more, just as you were so many months ago when storming it alongside Blessings and River against the tyrant demon Orcus.


"We have plenty to do to prepare for the Treibheanna, it's not like we'll be resting much while the others are—" Pryce stops, not finishing that line of thought, continuing on and brushing past it. "We're all working to make the world safe. But like Zjetya says, we have a lot to work with first today to plan what we do next."

Once they return back to the surface, Pryce feels a small bit of relief that they're back in a familiar and safe environment.
>"Feels like we were down there forever! Do you think we'll have to go through the puzzles again next time?"
KP chimes up once they enter the grand hall.


"We should have told them our secret knock so they'd know it's us next time," Spitshine says.
"We have a secret knock?" Sugar asks.
Spitshine remains aloof and nods silently to KP as a silly girl tries to steal away their esoteric knowledge. Sugar just puffs out her cheeks at this idiocy.

As you step back outside, the glare of the late afternoon sunlight momentarily blinds you. Though it is nearly sunset, it brings with it no comfort or beauty, instead casting an ominous bloody shade over the fortress-city and the landscape beyond.

"Most of the other Choristers have advanced to the front far south of here," Zjetya says. "We should speak with Einmal ist Keinmal tomorrow, he should still be in Lilane overseeing support operations."


KP snickers at Sugar's annoyed reaction, and runs a hoof over his muzzle to show his lips are sealed on the subject.

"Tomorrow? There's still time today we could stop by and talk," Pryce comments, looking out towards the setting sun, hooves already moving forward to return to the airship.


"We could try," Zjetya says. "But I hear it's pretty difficult to catch Sir Einmal at this time of day, apparently he's something of a workaholic."

"I can't guarantee I won't fall asleep before we arrive," River says. Judging by the others' weary expressions, the trials of God's Entombed and the stress of saying what may have been your final farewells to everyone seem to have exhausted everyone.

"I'll be the copilot," Vortigern says. "Earl Volkama left me the user manual for the airship. And, with him and Wireframe gone into Tartarus, we're down to only Pryce knowing how to fly it. We should get everyone trained posthaste."

Spitshine yawns. "Wonder how Regina's taking Box leaving…"


"I'm sure he can make time, we can just explain the situation," Pryce starts, then notices how worn the others are by their expression and comments. He stops, taking a breath to collect himself at realizing the rush he was pushing through.
"Or… let's just wait until the morning."

>"Yea, they only just met… We should check in on her before we fly off to wherever."


Before you can head back to the airship, River reminds you that the others took the majority of your food and drink supplies into Tartarus with them. Dividing up some funds, your group splits up to go into town and purchase some supplies. Spitshine and Sugar stick with KP, River and Zjetya pair up, and Vortigern decides to take Spark and Volkama's trio of mage mice back to the airship – they in particular are truly despondent.


Renee goes back with Vortigern.


KP goes off with Spitshine and Sugar, debating both the balance of smart decisions and snacks.

"…How are you feeling about all this?"
Pryce asks Sir Estuary as they're left in their own group alone, not wanting to shop in silence and also seeing this is the first calm moment he's been in around the knight.

As they look around, Pryce still feels despondent over the whole ordeal and the atmosphere over the group. Then, an idea surfaces at the back of his mind. His mood looks to lift a slight bit, and he turns, with a new focus to find classic camp food.


"I have little feeling on the matter," Estuary says. "I hardly knew any of them, save for what I gathered while hunting you down. The only exception was Sir Flow, who gained much power from my medallion, and to whom I entrusted one of my swords. For him, I am simply confident in his success."

As you try to purchase camping food, you find that options in general are quite limited, and prices high, with the current ration restrictions. In your discussion with the shopkeepers, you find that things have been fluctuating following Easy's agreement to a joint city governance treaty with the Ecclesians. Things are better than they were before, but belts are still tighter than people would like.

In the end, you manage to get whatever simple amenities you were after, and a few luxury sweets as well, but at the cost of all but a few coins of the airship's collective food budget.


"…What about us up here?" Pryce follows up.

The limited supply and high prices wear on Pryce, but right now he is feeling that they need a moral boost. Getting some hay dogs, burgers, and the making for smores, he heads back to the airship.


"I heard bits and pieces of rumors about the Treibheanna's gathering of allies, especially while in Vitral," Estuary says. "If what even half of what I heard was true… I doubt we're in for an easier time than those who went into Tartarus."

Estuary glances over the food that you've chosen. "If there is anything that seldom changes in any era, it's food. Nearly a millennium since the fall of Vadahara, and a continent away, and ponies are still putting hay and sauce upon bread."

As you get back to the airship, you find that the others are gathered as well, working together to put away all the gathered foodstuffs in the cabinets and barrels of the airship's larder.


"Hmm…" Pryce hums in thought, seeing that either way things went, it'd be tough times ahead.

"It's good food, right? Don't need to change something working just fine." Pryce thinks a moment. "Have you really been around for a millennium?"

Pryce steps back onto the airship, seeing everypony put away the food they all shopped out for. KP as well doing his part.
"After we're done, I was thinking we could camp out tonight…" Pryce says to the group, putting his supplies out to add to his suggestion.


"You lose count somewhere around the 700 range," Estuary jokes, deadpan as ever.

As you suggest a camping night, some of the others' exhaustion recedes, and the mood rises. "Now that's a throwback," River says. "Lucky that you managed to find marshmallows, too."

"Is that real chocolate!?" Sugar exclaims, nearly leaping.

"Get in line, young lady," Vortigern says. "That's got my name written all over it." She and Sugar stare each other down. How serious they are is unknown.

"We should establish a rationing policy of our own before a fight breaks out," Renee says.


Pryce smiles as he can feel the mood lift in the ship.
"It took a bit of hunting and haggling, but it's all good quality," Pryce says as the girls jump at the sweets. "But first, we need to get a nice spot outside set up, and get a campfire going."
He says, putting the snacks back into the bag before anypony sneaks some off.
"Hmm, we'll need some tents too. I could conjure some up I think."


With that newfound energy, the others go to retrieve bedrolls and pillows and blankets for the evening. Estuary, apparently something of a stranger to this, starts to slither outside. "I shall keep watch while you are out. Do not forget that demonkind are more active at night. The moon may be waning, but come moonrise, you and Vortigern need to join my efforts in watchkeeping."


>"This is gonna be great! I can't remember the last time I went camping!"
KP says with excitement, going to get some pillows, as well as Lockjaw's bed to bring outside.

"I haven't forgotten, but there aren't many places we can do this nowadays. Need to take the opportunity when we have it, right?"
He answers Estuary.

As the others get their base supplies, Pryce steps outside, pulling off his bracelet and attempts to conjure some tents for the group.
>Hat Magic [Tents] [1d10]

Roll #1 9 = 9


You procure some simple small tents for your group, and wrap up just as the others gather outside with their bedrolls and such. The pets seem a little energized now as join everyone walking some distance to the treeline southwest of where the airship is parked. The ladies split up to look for a suitable camping spot, and Vortigern, flying overhead, soon announces her discovery, of a cleared area devoid of grass and given some natural fortifications of rock.

You make your way over there with the others, and while they start to set up their tents, Zjetya and River gather some sticks and rocks to make a firepit.


"Hope there's enough here…" Pryce mutters as he gathers the tents in his telekinesis, carrying them over to the spot Vortigern pointed out. He sets the tents out for everypony to take their own at set up. KP helps gather some sticks as well, while Pryce fetches a pan from the ship for the burgers, as well as gathering some more sturdy branches to skewer the dogs and marshmallows with.

"Looks pretty nice out tonight. Perfect for this."


Indeed, the midyear is pleasantly warm, and the skies clear despite the ominous portents of earlier. Zjetya gets a small fire going, and the others, having completed their tents, sit around the firepit, not-so-patiently watching you to see when you'll get that grill going. Estuary is notably absent, assumedly having taken a position nearby to watch for demons.


Pryce sets the pan over the fire, letting it heat it up as he gets the food out.
"Alright, who wants a burger and who wants a dog?" He asks the group, putting burgers down in the pan and skewering some dogs and propping them up over the fire.

"Sir Estuary! Which do you prefer?" Pryce calls out to the knight, knowing he can't be too far, and not wanting to leave him out of the meal.


Vortigern, Spitshine, Sugar and Renee all raise their hooves when you say burger. River and Zjetya raise their hooves for a hot dog.

Lockjaw and the other carnivorous pets sniff the pan with disappointment as they realize you're cooking hay, not meat.

Estuary offers no response. You may have to surprise him.


Pryce throws down six burgers, the four as requested, one for KP, and one for Estuary, figuring he'd like the classic grill food. Pryce skewers up three dogs, two for River and Zjetya and one for himself. He let's them cook, letting the smell fill the air, flipping and rotating after a few minutes. Then once they're reached that perfect sear he pulls them off, plating them up on buns and serving to each, leaving the condiments and toppings to each personal chef to attend to. KP covers his in ketchup and relish. And after those, Pryce takes some of the pet meat snacks and throws them into the pan to give them a little sear for Lockjaw and the other pets so they can partake in the campfire grilling too.


The others offer you a great amount of gratitude, and get to dressing their meals with no small amount of condiments and sides. You see that Sugar and Spitshine bought diced onions, potato salad, and many kinds of sauces and greens, to the delight of the party.

Lockjaw, Spark and Pucchini nearly lose their minds as they see the meat getting grilled, running about and jumping on and off everything in sight with anticipation. Zjetya offers to watch the meat as you finish putting toppings on Estuary's burger, allowing you to go take it to the samurai yourself.


Pryce chuckles as the pets get overexcited as they see their own treats getting grilled. He leaves the pan, and his hay dog, under Zjetya's watch as he dresses up a burger with all the fixings, reminiscent of a what a local town diner would serve, as he takes it over to Estuary.

"Can't keep watch on an empty stomach," He says as he comes up by the samurai, holding out the plate for him.


Estuary is facing away from you as you approach, and all you see of him is his robe and conical hat. As you hold the plate close enough for him to take… the hat slides off of the sticks that it had been crudely propped upon.

You don't even hear him drop down from the treeline; you barely manage to sense his presence rush up from above and behind. A sword-blade peeks out from the corner of your eye, in a position where it would be effortless to cut you down. As you are held up, a gooey hoof takes the plate from you. Estuary, clothed in a light robe, sheathes the sword and inspects the burger. "Pickles…"

He pauses for quite a while, then takes a bite, chewing it thoughtfully.



Pryce tenses up a bit as the sword comes up into his view, the campfire vibe leaving him off-guard and forgetting how ruthless Sir Estuary is and can be.
"Glad you enjoy," Pryce says wit ha nervous chuckle as the samurai enjoys the burger. "You know, you can relax by the fire for a little bit. We'll be having smores soon."


"Your training shall begin tomorrow, following the conclusion of all business with this Sir Einmal," Estuary says as if you had not invited him to the campfire. "Inform the others that they should be ready."

He leaps back into the trees, burger in tow. "Bring me one once you are ready to take over the watch for the night."


"I'll be ready, and I'll let the others know as well," Pryce says to the statement, seeing that he's not going to budge from keeping watch.
"You got it, see you then." Pryce says as he hops back up into the trees, turning to head back to the camp and his dinner.


When you get back, most of the others are still taking their time with their main courses. Your dog sits near the fire to keep it warm, covered with ketchup, mustard, relish, grilled onion, even jalapeno and cilantro.

Unsurprisingly, Vortigern and Sugar have already finished their burgers and dogs, and have moved onto making s'mores. Vortigern, holding her share of chocolate, quietly directs Spitshine to distract Sugar. He does, and Vortigern gives Sugar's s'more a decent portion of her chocolate. Sugar notices this, and splits the shared chocolate in two, and puts it back on Vortigern's s'more. Vortigern, eyes narrowing, splits that already-split chocolate in two, and puts it back onto Sugar's. Sugar does the same once s'more. The two stare each other down.

"Hey, what's the big idea?" Vortigern growls with mock offense. "Trying to out-generous me?"
"I just didn't want to hear you whine all night about not getting enough chocolate," Sugar retorts.
The two get to play-bickering. Spitshine, greatly intimidated, backs away.


"Wow, really loaded it up, eh?" Pryce comments, seeing the dog Zjetya prepared for him. He sits dog, picking up his dog and taking a bite, enjoying the savory taste of a grilled treat.

>"We're gonna have to really stock up next time we pick up sweets."

KP comments to Spitshine, sitting by him and seeing his intimidation.

"If you keep splitting up the chocolate you won't have enough for seconds," Pryce jests at the competing generosity. He looks around the campfire as they're all in good moods, sitting back and enjoying the good vibes they have. Out of curisoity, while munching on his hay dog, Pryce takes a marshmallow from the bag and holds it in his fire hoof, wondering if it could roast from it.


"Zjetya and I couldn't decide what you'd like best," River says. "So we threw a bit of everything on there."

"Oh, that's what we forgot!" Zjetya exclaims. She grabs the bowl of potato salad. "Want some?"

The marshmallow doesn't cook merely from you holding it, not until you consciously will the flames of your arm to cook it. A useful in-built safety measure, it seems.

While Sugar and Vortigern bicker, Renee sneaks away the chocolate and marshmallows, splitting them up among the others. She takes the plates and starts to clean them with a bit of water.


"Good choice, though I'd enjoy anything you two would pick out," Pryce says in thanks. As Zjetya offers potato salad, he nods. "Sure, gotta have the full course." He says, sliding his plate over.

KP takes his marshmallow, piercing it with a stick and holding it over the campfire giddily, getting that perfect golden brown exterior.

As Pryce figures out the fine tuning of the flames for his foreleg, he smiles, not needing to worry about burning things, and then starts to ponder what utilities he could use this for. However, being lost in thought he forgets he is actually holding it, leading the marshmallow to start to burn and become a sticky mess over his hoof.
"Ah, aww…"


Lockjaw comes over and, heedless of the fire, munches the burned marshmallow right off your hoof. Zjetya laughs as she serves you the potato salad. "Lockjaw had the right idea there. No such thing as an overcooked marshmallow."

As the others get their s'mores going, the elated mood from earlier calms, but doesn't sink down into the depression it was in before. Though the others are undoubtedly wondering what will become of your allies, for now at least, they are at ease, simply enjoying the company and atmosphere of a simple night under the stars.

Vortigern eventually stands, carrying a s'more. "I'm off to switch with Sir Estuary. Pryce, you'll be after me, alright?"

"I'll take the last watch," Renee offers.


Pryce gives Lockjaw a pat as he snatches away the crispy marshmallow. "Guess so, good cleanup too."

Pryce finishes off his hay dog, and his serving of potato salad. Nice comfort food to finish off the night with. He takes another marshmallow, and focuses this time to get a nice golden crisp, getting just the little bit of extra char on the edges before dropping it on the chocolate and smushing it between the crackers, giving it a taste to see how a self-cooking works.

He nods towards Vortigern as she announces the watch shift.
"Got it."


Absolutely delicious. The others, having cleaned up by now, lay upon their bedrolls near their tents. River, near the center, is teaching the others some basic astronomy, pointing out constellations and their lore.

Sir Estuary slithers back, silently eating his s'more.


The new leg is proving to be plenty useful Pryce notes after finishing off his classic snack. As Estuary slithers back, Pryce looks over to him.
"Enjoying desert?"


"I've not thought to have one of these in some hundreds of years," Estuary notes. "A rare treat. I suspect in the near future it will be even rarer. Ecclesia may have improved the lot of the people here, but if their forces in the south are pushed back north, times will get worse than the people believe possible."

The others grimace, but pretend not to hear Estuary, instead wanting to focus, if only for a while, on the stargazing.


Pryce starts wit ha smile as Sir Estuary sounds to be enjoying the treat, though it falls as he continues and the mood drops a bit.
"Well, I'm sure that won't come to pass," Pryce says, keeping up hope. With the focus on the stars, Pryce looks to Estuary again.
"How'd the sky look back in your day? Must have some old stories from then, right?"


"Same as it ever was," Estuary says. "But the people then called the constellations by other names. I did not have much of an eye for seeing shapes in the stars."

He listens awhile from afar as River names constellations. "… Sounds like some of the Vadaharan and Jibayini constellations seem to have survived under new names… other old ones have been revised in new shapes, or must share their space in the sky with new neighbors. Hmm. That was always the interest of the King."


"Good that some things stick around," Pryce comments. "It was? As a King, I imagine he must've gotten a name or story up in the stars to."


"He would have," Estuary says. "The Vadaharan kings were believed to be immortalized as a constellation, in a ceremony after their death. Because of his and the Queen's transformations into demons by Buiwong and his lackeys, such a ceremony never occurred."


Pryce is silent a moment at the news.
"…We could still do that, couldn't we?"


"Not the way it was intended, but… yes."


"Better late than never, right? Once things are more settled around here, we can do that ceremony first thing," Pryce offers.


"…Very well. I will need time to adapt the ceremony to our current circumstances, anyway."

The fire has dimmed, and the others seem to have gone to sleep already. Estuary rises and puts out the last of the fire, taking care to stir and extinguish the last few coals with a trowel and dirt. When it is done, he nods to you, and heads for his tent.


"If you need any help, I am glad to do anything. I owe the King that."

Pryce nods back as Estuary extinguishes the fire and heads off the bed as the night comes to a close. In the moment of solitude, Pryce thinks back on this situation. How many nights of this would they have left, and the mood was down just from friends leaving. He shakes his head, pulling his mind from falling back into despairing thoughts, standing up and going to relieve Vortigern to take watch.


When you approach Vortigern, sitting perched in a high tree overlooking the area, you see she is clutching a peculiar doll, soft and resembling some form of strange bear. She quickly tucks it away as you approach, and wordlessly heads off to bed. Some hours later, Renee approaches, and slithers up the tree like a snail to take your place as the watch.

The morning rays warm and illuminate your tent, waking you. Like yesterday, you wake up with your flame-arm gone, leaving only the stump at the shoulder. With simple force of will, your flame-arm sparks to life. Handy to know you won't burn down anything or give yourself carbon monoxide poisoning while asleep.


"Night," Pryce says as Vortigern heads off to bed. As he keeps watch, he finds himself needing to constantly refocus on the task and not how the others are fairing. He keeps his Memory Pluck at his side, ready in case needed. Time seems to go forever until Renee comes up to take his place.
"Good night," He says to her, heading back to camp and his tent.

Pryce wakes in the morning, startled a moment at seeing only the stump remaining, before remembering and re-igniting it. Something that he'll need to get used to. He thinks a moment, and tries to will it back out, wondering if it is like a lighter, or only extinguishes when unconscious.
After his test, he stretches, and steps outside to take the tent down.


The flame-arm vanishes, just as you wish it. This however greatly displeases Zjetya, who you nearly run into as you exit your tent. She looks disapprovingly at your stump, taking some flint from her belt. "Nope. Turn that back on or I'm igniting your coat."

You can see that the others have already broken down most of camp. Renee and River busy themselves with making a light breakfast on a small campfire.


"Hey, hey, just testing how it works. It's a new limb afterall," Pryce says, flicking her flame leg back on as Zjetya threatens to make a replacement fire. "Good aspect to have to keep it from being a distraction."

Pryce takes down his tent, bundling it up nice and neatly, before joining the others by the fire for breakfast.


Zjetya gives the flame-arm a tight hug, then leans back and squeezes the bicep. "Hey, the King captured your muscles pretty well there… not sure how, but he did."

River jealously squeezes your other arm, giving Zjetya a look. Zjetya blows her a kiss.

"We called ahead," Renee says, obviously disappointed she can't mess with Flow in a comparable fashion now. "We will be able to meet Sir Einmal early in the afternoon, so we should leave soon. The others are already getting the airship ready for departure."


Pryce chuckles as Zjetya gives the flame leg a tight hug as it reappears. "I did leave a good imprint on the ember. He probably had a decent blueprint to work with," Pryce comments as both mares claim a limb each. He returns the hugs, spreading a wing over each for a good morning.

"Alright," He answers to Renee as she informs him. "This'll be good to teach some of flight controls as well, since it's a safe enough route there."


"Yes, the skies should be clear enough with the morning sun," River says. "Observer and Volkama did leave notes on how the turrets work, just in case. Sir Estuary seemed most interested in those."

"Oh yeah, we had to promise him he'd get to shoot targets at Lilane to get him to wait," Zjetya says. "We wanted to let you sleep in a bit. A gunfire wake-up call didn't seem too appealing after you took a late-night watch."

After breakfast, you make for the airship, where you find the others inside. The kids sit at the couch, giving the pets their morning grooming, while Vortigern and Estuary study the operator's manual at the control-sphere.


"Suppose he would be the best to run those," Pryce muses. "And thank you," He adds to them for sparing a canon alarm.

Pryce heads up to the airship with the others, setting the tent and camping supplies in one of the storage spaces. KP gives Lockjaw a nice brushing after cleaning the water in Hopper's tank.

"Alright, let's get a head on to Lilane. I'll fly us over, anypony who wants to learn can watch. Should be easy enough to show what it takes before doing any training flights."


Lockjaw drops off some old scales with his brushing, as usual. Spitshine ponders them for a moment. "Say… what have you been doing with his old scales?"

Lockjaw rolls over, and Hopper, who was sitting nearby, shrieks and jumps away before he can be flattened. Lockjaw is heedless of the destruction he almost caused.

Estuary and Vortigern, carrying Spark on her shoulder, join you as you set the airship to take off. They watch in relative silence, only interrupting to ask brief questions on this or that step. Estuary makes notes on the levers and switches and the orders in which they must be adjusted.


>"I've just been tossing them. Why?"
KP questions as he scoops up the discarded scales. When Lockjaw nearly flattens Hopper, KP gives the deviljho a light bop on the nose.
>"Lockjaw, look before you roll! We don't crush family."

Pryce goes through the take off steps slowly, ensuring they can be followed with ease. Starting up the ship, taking into the air, control and stability, all the usual. He flies over to Lilane, starting to wonder what the process for joining the Vermillion Corps will entail.
He glances up to Vortigern, seeing Spark on her shoulder.
"How's he holding up?"


Lockjaw flails about, slapping KP with his tail hard enough to sting. It was playful, but a deviljho's idea of play is far different than most other creatures'. Hopper squirts him with the water staff. Perhaps it may pay to invest in training for Lockjaw… and maybe even make him KP's familar.

"I was thinking," Spitshine continues. "If Lockjaw's a shrunken version of a gigantic powerful monster, his scales should be worth something. Hey, maybe we could even make something out of 'em. Monster hides of all kinds are sought after for making into armor. His scales should have some utility. Either way, keep a stash of 'em."

Vortigern rubs the dragon's head. "Not all that well. He hardly ate last night or this morning. I must smell quite like Shorthorned after that hug, because he won't play with any of the pets or children, he just stays with me. I hope to get him in better spirits soon."


KP sharply inhales as the tail slaps him, rubbing the sore spot as he huffs at the lizard.
>"The witches did seem to quick to get him small again when the magic was undid in Threecoin… Alright, I'll start keeping them."
He says, keeping the collected pile this time on hoof and notesto find a place to store them.
>"But he's not getting any more brushing until he learns to respect his surroundings!"
He says sternly, looking and directing it to Lockjaw to get his point to the deviljho.

"I hope so too. Don't think there'd be any dragon trainers around or easily accessible, and I know Flaming wouldn't like it if he was sad the whole time away."


Lockjaw looks confused and sad as he is scolded, clearly not understanding the charge or the punishment.

"Oh, I can train him," Vortigern says. "Him and Lockjaw. I just don't want either of them to become more attached to me than their true masters."

Some hours pass in transit, until you hear a far-off chime signaling the coming of the first hour. Lilane, nestled in hills as it is, still retains some of the morning fog that was burned off elsewhere. You park in the usual place, on an open plateau, as the gatekeepers make ready to let you all in.


KP hides the brush away to amplify his threat.

"Won't have any worries on that with Lockjaw, but I can see the concern with Spark. We should have gotten a photo, that could've helped maybe."

Pryce goes through the landing procedures as he did with take off, going slow and making sure it's easy to pick up, since it is one of the more important parts. Once the ship is landed and secure, Pryce makes ready to head into the camp to meet with Sir Einmal.
"Everypony stick together now. Don't want to get caught up in anything else they have going on, or disrupt any training or preparations they're going through."


Lockjaw flops over, playing dead. He remains dead even as the others make ready to disembark back into the familiar town-turned-fortress.



As you exit the airship, you see that Lilane's fortifications continue to grow by the day. Laity laborers work at the fortress town's walls, protected by armed guards, both looking weary from the constant vigilance against demonic attack. Scouts monitor the skies from atop their watchtowers.

Zjetya leads the way to the longhouse, buttoning up her armored jacket as she goes. You see a very tall and stately unicorn stallion guarding the longhouse doors. His mane, tail and beard are all a gray and black tangle, yet underneath his apparent raggedness is the serenity of a saintly ikon. He wears a robe that is marked with symbols of the old Union religion, yet it is of the same make and material as the modern Ecclesian armoed jacket.


KP ignores the dead play, following the others up to the door of the airship. But, then he stops after Lockjaw commits hard to the bit, turning back to nudge the deviljho back over.
>"Come on, we don't leave anyjho behind."

Seeing the massive bulwark of Lilane has a somewhat comforting feeling, seeing that some places will be safe from the demon threat to come.

Pryce follows Zjetya's lead as they go to the guardhouse. He looks to the ragged guard in front of the doors as they arrive.
"Hello, we're here to meet with Sir Einmal."


Lockjaw gets back up, a bit reluctantly, his head low as he reflects on his wrongdoing (or so it might appear, beasts being mute).

The guard looks down at you all with an appraising gaze, his eyes bright gold and speckled with a bloody amber. As his eyes slide over, judging each member of your party in turn, the pets get very nervous; all except for Lockjaw slink away to hide in clothing, and Lockjaw lowers his head – not in submission, but as a beast confronted by a predator.

Just as the others, getting nervous themselves, get ready to say something to the silent guard, he steps aside, and gestures to the end of the hall.

Wordlessly, they leave the guard behind, and you eventually reach the end, where you see a somewhat corpulent pegasus with a rigid haircut standing over a desk, inspecting a wide variety of papyrus slips. The whole room is a mess of papyruswork.

"Guten morgen, everyone," the pegasus greets. "You must be Sir Pryce zhe Just, ja?"


Pryce expected security to be high with the current situation, though even he feels the judging stare a bit, less nervous and more concerned if there's a lack of trust in Ecclesia. When they're finally let past, Pryce nods and enters.

"I am," He greets in return. "And you must be Sir Einmal. It's a pleasure to meet you, with how busy I've heard you been."


Zjetya stands at attention and gives Sir Einmal the Ecclesian salute, but he merely smiles in response. "At ease, Evangelist," he says, almost before the salute is done. Zjetya looks a bit disarmed by his quick dismissal, but already Einmal is offering everyone hoofshakes, which the others accept. His grip is strong yet not overbearing.

"Ja, zo many zhings to take care of zhese days, und vith everyone else having all zhe fun on zhe front lines, zhey've gone und left zhe burden of zhe paperwork to me," Einmal says. "I hope zhat Crocodile did not give you too hard a time at zhe door."

"No more than a worthy guard should," Sir Estuary says.

"Gut, gut," Einmal continues. "You vill have to excuse him for not offering you any tea. He has taken a vow of silence until he has at last finished praying for the souls of all zhe deceased since zhe Rapture… und at zhe current state of affairs, I am afraid he may be silent forevermore."

Einmal sighs and clicks some of the papers together, stress plain upon his brow. "…Tea, anyone?"


"Not much more than I expected," Pryce answers on Crocodile's greeting. "If we do our best, hopefully that won't be too much longer then."

At the offer of tea, Pryce nods to be polite.
"If you're offering."


Einmal briefly steps from the room, flags down a nearby scribe and passes them a key. "Bitte, prepare some tea from mein personal reserve, und make some for yourself if you vish."

The scribe agrees and goes to another room to prepare the tea.

"Sir, while we wait," Zjetya says. "We had some things to ask you."

"Ach, zhe extension of your assignment?" Einmal asks. Zjetya nods. "Ja, Rooster left me a note. I've gotten a head start on zhe paperwork, I'll just need you to complete zhe rest."

He hands Zjetya a few sheets. Zjetya glances briefly at you and Renee, then makes her mark on the papyrus where indicated.


Pryce has visible relief as Einmal already has the paperwork for Zjetya's extension prepared.
"I'd also like to talk about the Vermilion Corps. Rooster recommended it as a good way to work together."


"Ach! I confess I'd hoped to hear zhat from you," Einmal says. He takes a seat, and gestures for the others to do the same. Sugar and Spitshine fetch some more seats from other nearby rooms.

"You may have heard already," Einmal says. "But I vill cover zhe basics just to ensure ve are on zhe same page. Zhe Vermillion Corps is a new branch of zhe Ecclesian mission to take back zhe Vorld for mortalkind. Created as a compromise for demon hunters who, for one reason or another, could not cooperate vith Ecclesian authority, yet also possessed skills und knowledge vhich ve did not vant to do vithout."

You find that your interactions with Freischutz are proving to be very helpful for deciphering Einmal's accent.

"As a member of zhe Vermillion Corps, you vill not take direct orders from Ecclesian personnel, but rather be issued missions vhich you can take or deny at your discretion. But, once you have taken a mission, you vill be expected to fulfill zhe mission's goals vithin reason, extenuating circumstances notwithstanding. Ve have come to accept zhat missions seldom go according to expectations or plan.

"You vill have a measure of support from Ecclesian resources und personnel, but Ecclesian soldiers vill have a higher priority zhan you for support requests, in exchange to zheir loyalty to our banner, you understand. A consistent record of excellence in zhe field may improve zhe support you can receive.

"Finally, if you vanted to do any travel, in zhis new vorld, zhe Vermillion Corps has you covered!" he chuckles. "Your missions may take you far beyond vhere our troops have moved, owing to your status as a mercenary."

He pauses to think. "I zhink zhat covers all but zhe finer details. Have you questions?"


Pryce takes a seat, the enthusiasm sounding like they'll be there for a bit. The run down of the Vermillion Corps benefits almost sound like he's going through recruitment again, bringing up those fond memories of the past.

"Sounds all as expected from what Rooster mentioned," Pryce comments, thinking of what questions he'd have and should ask. "I should ask how support will be handled, as I imagine that'd be difficult with the lengths of travel you mention. And, a little more important matter, I heard there is work going on with Ornifex. I'll take that mission."


The servant comes back with the requested tea, which Einmal thanks them for.

"Ja, zhere are small teams dedicated solely to getting requested support out to zhe Corps, vherever zhey may be. I should emphasize zhat you can request materials, but not reinforcements. Only your brothers-in-arms of zhe Corps can come to your aid, und only if zhey are villing. Evangelist Zjetya need not worry about zhat restriction owing to her assignment."

As you request to take on work in Ornifex, Einmal nods and begins to fish around in a folder for the relevant papers.

"If I may interject on that note?" Renee asks.

"Yes, Sister?" Einmal asks.

Renee gulps, and steadies herself with a breath. "What are the odds that I can make a request of my own deployment – if I join Ecclesia to take to the front lines as a war medic?"


"Anywhere? Seems like a lot to ask for a delivery, even for support," Pryce comments, feeling that travel must be harder for others than them with their airship. "Is there a list of who is in the Corps? It would be helpful to know who we can call on if we ever need the help."
As Einmal mentions Zjetya's assignment again, Pryce looks to her.
"What is your assignment, if I may ask?" He asks out of curiosity.

When Renee speaks up for her own service, sits patiently, knowing a potential medic would be a much higher priority, and seeing how nervous she is about the matter.


"Vell if ve are going to ask you to go somevhere und get something done, it vould not exactly do to leave you stranded und vithout any form of aid!" Einmal says. "Ve are vorking on getting formalized rank information, but it is not yet available. Besides, such information would become very quickly outdated. I vill not lie to you – many die, und many are recruited. As vith all Ecclesian branches, zhis is dangerous vork."

Zjetya pauses, fishing for a way to answer… "…I'll explain it once we're done here."

Einmal raises arches his eyebrow, but seems to respect Zjetya's reticence, and turns now to Renee. "I cannot promise zhat you vill be able to pick und choose your deployment, especially as a var medic," he begins. "But vith your history as a Unionist nun, und your direct experience at zhe very epicenter of zhe Rapture… vell, I doubt any of zhe leadership vould be strictly opposed to zhe possibility of some exceptions. If I may be so presumptuous – are zhere old friends you vish to meet again?"

"Yes," Renee answers. "I take it I am not the first to ask on these grounds."

"Ja, it is not an uncommon occurrence," Einmal says. "Just as many have joined to avenge zhe fallen, many others join to reunite with zhose who still live. But var is var, und a conflict as far-reaching as ours has many areas vhich are understaffed und overwhelmed. I can try, but I cannot promise. Is zhis acceptable to you?"

Renee grimaces. "…If I may have a moment to decide?"



"Right, should expect mercenary work especially to not be the safest of jobs to have. I'll just have to keep attention then," Pryce comments.

As Zjetya seems reluctant to answer, Pryce also is a little more intrigued, though he doesn't push further, assuming it to be of being around higher ranks of Ecclesia.

When Renee speaks of joining to reunite with old friends, Pryce thinks back to the days before the rapture, and all the others they travelled with that they never met again. Leather and Glass survived it all, so naturally others would have too. If there was a reason to join, this certainly is one that can't be faulted.


"I take it mein sales pitch has vorked, zhen?" Einmal asks.

"Ja, I mean yes," Spitshine says. "Where do I sign?"

Einmal frowns. "I vill allow a colt to join und get himself killed."

"If you knew my experience–" Spitshine begins.

"Nein, I vill not accept your supposed resume," Einmal says.

"The colt can fight," Onion says. "But I'm just as against it as you, Sir Einmal. Spitshine, you ain't signin' up for nothin'. Not like you much like takin' and followin' orders, anyway."

"Onion, now you choose to speak–" Spitshine grumbles.

"But, I didn't hear nothin' about no upper age limits, did I?" Onion continues. "Einmal, how about it? Can a senior join?"

"Yes," Estuary says. "If there are upper age limits I am afraid that one such as I am excluded as well."

"Ach! One at a time!" Einmal protests. "Look, vhy don't you all take a moment und vork out among yourselves who vishes to join the Corps?"


"I was already decided before coming here. With what's coming we can't afford to not work together," Pryce answers.

"I don't think that's the greatest idea," Pryce comments as Spitshine speaks up on joining. When the others start to question their own eligability, Pryce is taken aback.
"Is there a point to more of us signing up? We'll all be together anyways," He says in minor protest, concerned of more of their group tying up in Ecclesia.


Estuary hits you with a stern glare. "Having multiple enlisted among us will ensure that, if one of the enlisted were to perish, the others would still be assured of the benefits and support the Vermillion Corps enjoys from Ecclesia proper."

As silence falls over your group at the grim thought, the scribe comes back and sets the tea down upon the desk. Einmal thanks them and begins to pour you all a cup.

"Vell, anyvay, mein answer has not changed, Spitshine," Einmal says. "I vill not permit anyone not of age to enlist in anything besides zhe Laity, per Ecclesian law. Zhose of you still interested in joining the Corps shall take these."

He hands out a sheaf of papyrus sheets. Estuary, Onion and River each take one, leaving Spitshine and Sugar to sit back, neither one having an interest in Laity work.

"Und for you," Einmal says to Renee, handing her a different papyrus. "For if you decide to join Ecclesia. Und if not, simply give it back to one of zhe scribes here unfiled. I understand you endured much at zhe time of zhe Rapture, so I shall not attempt to persuade you one way or zhe other."

Renee nods, looking over the papyrus.


Pryce meets back Estuary's glare, knowing the point he made is for the safety of the group, but he refuses to accept it as a possibility.
"That won't be happening."

As Einmal hands out the sheets, Pryce takes one and starts to fill it out, not pushing the matter more as everypony else takes one as well.

>"You really wanted to sign up for this?"

KP asks Spitshine as the kids sit back and wait.


Estuary's expression is hard and unreadable. "I said the same thing, once. And you disproved it."

He looks away, only to make his mark on the papyrus. Onion and River finish theirs as well… Eventually, after much deliberation, Renee turns in her papyrus as well, all filled out.

"Very gut, danke," Einmal says, apparently wishing to keep things short with the tension in the air. He begins to fill in his portion of the paperwork. "I must request you step outside for a time vhile I verify zhe mission data. Feel free to take zhe cups vith you, you have mein trust vith zhe porcelain."

Spitshine nods to KP as he and the others stand up. "I can fight just as good as any of you, and I'm not going to just let everyone else pull my weight, even if I'm young. Dad had me fighting for as long as I can remember."


Pryce dwells on Estuary's response, but shakes it from his mind. A part says he needs to be realistic about the odds, but his conviction cannot accept that. He stayed on the surface to protect his new family, and to keep the demons from swarming the Seal to reach the others. He can't second guess or doubt himself now regardless.

After Einmal collects the papers, Pryce nods, taking his tea cup to finish it as he was too focused with the papers and thought to drink it. He holds it in his fire hoof to help warm it back a little.

>"Things will get tough, but I don't think they're denying your capability. This kinda stuff is a big commitment, and it's not like knighthood where you're trained for most things."

KP says, trying to support Spitshine's ability.
He asks as he brings up fighting for so long.


You step out from Einmal's office, but he points you in the direction of a side-room that has been turned into a makeshift lounge so that you don't need to wither under Crocodile's appraising stare.

"I believe this will be my goodbye, then," Renee says, bluntly getting to it.
"It seems that we all have our own paths from here," Vortigern says. "I did not know you for long, but I was glad for your company."
"You as well," Renee says. She looks over to you, for out of the current group she has known you the longest.

Spitshine grumbles a bit about the first part, but seems to take pride in the second, even as his slavedriver father takes focus in the conversation. "Yeah. I was quick and on the small side. So, he taught me to maximize that in my fighting, make what some people'd think of as a weakness into my strength."


Pryce looks to Renee as she jumps immediately to the goodbyes, feeling torn over another friend leaving.
"It's not goodbye, we'll see each other again when this is over, and when the others come back," Pryce says, looking on a brighter side.

>"Oh yea, you did ambush us or something when we met first met you, right?"

KP mentions from Pryce's memories of that event.
>"Sneaking around is pretty good too, we'll probably need a lot of that if we find anymore places like Mariposa or that Birdcage."


"Right…" Renee says, stirring her tea. Her head slumps lightly. "I am sorry, it must seem I am trying to run out the door now that Flow is gone…"
River shakes her head. "He is not gone, nor do we think of you as abandoning us."
"Yeah," Zjetya says. "It's like you said, friends of yours are on the front lines. We're going to Ornifex on a similar note."
She nods to Vortigern, who bows her head in both acknowledgment and gratitude.
"So do what you gotta do," Zjetya says. "But don't get yourself killed, or else you're really gonna be in deep shit with us."
"I'll miss that crass tone," Renee says.
"Oh don't worry," Onion laughs. "Joining a military, you'll hear plenty worse than what we say."
"Are you so sure? You're all hard to top in that regard," Renee says.
Vortigern snorts so hard she nearly spews tea all across the room.

"Yep," Spitshine says. "Seems so long ago now, huh? That was before your time too… technically."


Pryce chuckles at Renee's comment, and Vortigern's reaction.
"We are a colorful bunch, just means we're hard to forget. And hey, after we finish in Ornifex we might see each other again when we check back in with Ecclesia."

>"Yea, alright feels a little weird when I think back to those times, just makes them feel even more like ages ago."
KP comments.
>"You know, you could ask to join in with Sir Estuary's training, since I heard he was gonna give the big guy lessons. Could show off what you got"


"I will be glad for a reunion," Renee says. "So you'd best stay alive, otherwise you'll be the ones in deep shit. Sir Gegenschein boasted of Ecclesia's power to resurrect the dead – I'll be sure to bring you back to give you a good beating!"
"Whoa, she's going even further than I am!" Zjetya laughs.
"We won't disappoint you," River says.
Renee nods to her. "We may have met as foes, but I was glad to see any of my countryponies survive the Rapture, regardless of their old lives. River, you are as fine a doctor as I have ever met. I have faith the others' health will be in good hooves."
River casts her eyes downward, blushing at the high praise. "Thank you… all who share a battlefield with you will be in good hooves, too."

A light knock comes at the doorway, and a scribe informs you that Einmal is ready to see you again.

"Say, there's an idea," Spitshine says.
"I was going to suggest we attend even if we didn't have an interest in fighting," Sugar says. "I think your other self and the samurai are going to butt heads sooner or later. Someone should stand by just in case it turns into a second duel."


"We'll have a grand party for it." Pryce says for the reunion. He smiles as the others give their partings, and Renee's compliment to River.

When they hear the knock, Pryce nods, tea finished.
"Let's finish these sign-ups then,"
He says, heading back to EInmal's office.

>"I don't think they'd go that far… Well, maybe not as drastic as that one went."


As Estuary rises, Renee taps his arm.
"Sir Estuary," she begins. "I knew you not for long, but I witnessed some of your duels – with both Pryce, and Flow. You are a powerful and caring soul… and to be direct, I think your grimly realistic outlook is not unwarranted."
Estuary lightly snorts with petty satisfaction.
"All I ask," Renee continues. "Is that you allow Sir Pryce's optimism – however naive it may seem to you – to inure your spirit against darkness. There is enough of it in the world without us brewing more in our hearts."
Estuary's smile fades, but he nods. "I will judge fairly."
"Thank you," Renee says. "I look forward to the day Flow and I may participate in your training ourselves."

Back at Einmal's office, a new array of papers is spread upon his desk. "I appreciate zhe patience. Let's get to zhe details.

"Zhe people of Ornifex are in zhe midst of a civil var. In short, an uprising of zhe tribes und poorest of zheir flying city-states against zhose of zheir vealthy aristocracy, und zhe priesthood of zhe dragons. It seems, based on latest reports, zhat zhey are at a stalemate.

"Zhe mission, in short, is to ascertain vhich of zhe two sides is more of an asset to Ecclesian aims – vhich is to say, peace und prosperity in zhis region – and tip ze scales against the other. A prolonged civil var hast no use for us. Strike decisively, und be sure zhey know who to zhank for the aid."


"They're rising up against the priesthood?" Pryce questions. For a moment, the situation reminds him of the attack on Heartholme on the night of the Rapture.
He listens to the goal of the mission, thinking it over. He opens his mouth to speak, then shuts it, thinking again.
"So you want it ended, then. …How long has it been going on?" He asks Einmal, though also glances to Zjetya and Vortigern, since that it was their home as well.


"Vhy don't I let zhe locals answer some of those questions," Einmal says.
Vortigern nods. "Some might say that it has been going on for nearly five years, although the dragon priesthood only officially declared it war two years ago. My own war began long before that."
"Your efforts earned you many titles," Einmal says. "Terrorist, serial killer, assassin, blasphemer… quite an impressive list."
"Thank you," Vortigern responds, somewhat flatly. "For awhile, the dragon priesthood blamed me as the start of all the evil, and soon I found myself credited for many crimes, battles and other lash-outs against the priesthood that I did not do. The insurrectionists played into it just as much as the priesthood, and I became an unwitting hero to them."
"Absolutely," Zjetya adds. "I can't tell you how many times I got a request to sing one of your epics, even if they didn't all agree as to what exactly you did."


"That sounds horrible," Pryce comments as Vortigern explains her start in it, remembering the memories he saw before when Vortigern tested him. "They just used you as a scapegoat."
Pryce looks back to Einmal.
"Five years this has been going… This won't be something that can be easily or quickly resolved."


"I had no qualms about using this false infamy to my own advantage," Vortigern dismisses. "Like Ecclesia, I am nothing if not practical."
Einmal chuckles. "Ach. Ja, I hope you shall understand, Ecclesia has heretofore been a neutral party, uninvolved in zhe conflict of Ornifex. Provoking zhe ire of zhe insurrectionists or zhe dragonic priesthood vithout sufficient reason to believe ve vould benefit vas not acceptable."
"No, I understand," Vortigern says. "You had your own people to think about, just as I did."
Zjetya remains quiet apart from a thoughtful grumble.
"So it goes," Einmal says. "A final detail, however. Ve have many conflicting reports about the role of demonkind in zhis conflict. It sounds like zhe insurrectionists have either recruited demon tamers into zheir ranks, or have zheir own home-grown methods of demon taming. Ve ask zhat you investigate zhese reports und, if possible, stamp out zhe practice among them."


"Still, though. To push false blame onto you… That's not right."

When Zjetya grumbles, Pryce looks to her.
"Is something the matter?"

He turns back to Einmal as he adds the last detail of demon tamers. Pryce frowns, remembering the last encounter he had with one.
"I'd deal with that either way. Don't worry on that front," He assures. He then thinks a moment. "…One last question. Has anypony else taken or attempted to help this mission before? Or will we be the first of Ecclesia to aid?"


"Such concerns are best forgotten in war," Vortigern grunts. Zjetya remains silent, shaking her head.
"You shall be zhe first," Einmal says. "Ecclesia ist spread thin as it is, und besides: I vanted to save zhis mission for groups who vere experienced, und I believe you shall agree zhat your group has seen its share of var und even diplomacy vith demonkind. I may send other members of zhe Corps your vay if you or I deem it necessary."


"Alright. I think we should see the situation first before looking for reinforcements. A smaller group would make a better first impression I feel," Pryce comments. "That's all for now then, until we see Ornifex ourselves."


"Very gut, I shall record you in zhe mission log," Einmal says, offering everyone another round of hoof-shakes. "You have our zhanks, und I hope to hear soon of your success."

He looks to Renee. "Sister, I appear to have made an error on your papyrus. It seems you vill not be an official member of Ecclesia until tomorrow at first light. Until zhen, ve have no authority to issue you orders or demand your attendance anyvere. Oh vell, I see no reason to vaste good papyrus redoing it."

Renee lightly snorts. "I see… well, none of us are immune to making such errors. Rest assured I shall report at first light as expected."

"Danke. Now zhen, you may leave your teacups on zhe tray zhere, everypony."


Pryce shakes Einmal's hoof as they are finalized with the details.
"And thank you, for the opportunity."

Pryce sets his cup on the tray, standing as their business is over.
"Suppose we should start preparing and checking our supplies for the task ahead then."


"There'll be time for that," Zjetya says, lowering her voice. "I promised I'd talk earlier. Let's head for the airship."

With that, she leads the way out, and towards the airship.


Pryce nods, and follows Zjetya as she leads the group back to the airship.

Once they're past the Ecclesian gates, Pryce speaks up.
"Are you not happy with how they're handling this?"


Zjetya does not respond until you are all securely within the airship, and gathered in its living room.
"It doesn't have anything to do with that," Zjetya says. "I might have mixed feelings about going home, but… well, earlier you asked about my assignment, and to be honest, I still kind of hoped that nobody would ask about that. But after everything that happened between you me and River from the leadup to Threecoins and afterward, it'd be pretty fucked of me to still keep secrets from everyone."

"What's this about an assignment?" River asks. "I thought that was just a part of record keeping about where Ecclesian soldiers come and go."

"In a sense," Zjetya says. "But let's back up. When you first left Lilane, nobody questioned why Rus Tea and I joined up with you. I'm glad it worked out that way, meant I didn't have to weigh whether to tell you the truth…"

The others tense slightly at the thought of being lied to.

"It was, well…" Zjetya says, pausing. "It was to keep an eye on you all, and report your behavior and activities."


"Secrets? It's just an assignment, isn't it?" Pryce questions, wondering the implications here, or if there is more beyond it.

When she mentions nopony questioned why her and Rus joined the group, he thinks back, realizing they did join up pretty quickly, though the trouble Shei and him caused, and other feelings, did lend to him not thinking to deeply on it.

When Zjetya reveals she was tasked to keep watch and report on them, Pryce doesn't respond right away. His expression is a bit flat, contemplative.
"…Is that it?"
He asks in a casual way, not seeing it as a big deal.


Zjetya seems taken aback by the general lack of reaction.
"You were assigned to spy on us, then," River says. "Or at least, that's what you feared you were confessing to."
"Right," Zjetya says. "You're all… taking this rather well."
Renee nods. "Had we not been on the cordial terms that we were with Ecclesia, it would have been more of a problem. As it stands, I confess I am disappointed we did not learn this sooner, but before we get to that, why don't you explain your side of things more?"
"Well… alright," Zjetya says. "As part of its aggressive recruitment policy, Ecclesia keeps tabs on all groups of demon hunters that it has failed to enlist in Ecclesia or the Vermillion Corps. It does this by enlisting more sociable members – like me and Rus – and ingratiating them among those independent hunters to make sure they don't actively work against Ecclesian aims."
River starts to frown. "And… what would you have done if we did?"
"Depends what you did and why," Zjetya says. "If I deemed it appropriate… I had standing permission to open fire. But that would have only been if you, like… started sacrificing civilians to demons, or something. Real ugly shit that even a friendly bunch like you all would kill people over."


"I'm not surprised Ecclesia would do something like that," Pryce responds as Zjetya is shocked at them taking it well. "And, well… that is kinda what I heard changelings do, right?"

As she explains further what the details were and what could have happened, Pryce frowns at the thought of the her and Rus turning on the party, even though it wouldn't have happened.
"Yea, there's no worries there."

Then, he pauses.
"Wait… If your assignment was to keep watch when we weren't allied… How long did it get extended now that we're part of the Vermillion Corps?"
He asks with concern.


"Way to stereotype," Zjetya deadpans, bopping you on the snoot.
"Starved for love, were we?" River continues. Zjetya nudges Lockjaw and orders her to sic River. Lockjaw snorts and bumps his chin against her leg, but nothing more beyond that.

As you ask the obvious follow-up, Zjetya sits back, folding her arms. "Well, that's part of my bigger point. See, technically Rus and I shouldn't have been given that assignment in the first place. Amy and Shorthorned should have, because they're technically Ecclesians themselves. However, I heard they got recruited by Ichimonji, who's notorious for hating and half-assing paperwork. And with how hectic the aftermath of the night in Circadia was, Ichimonji pushed off all that paperwork longer than she usually does.

"The result is that as far as anyone else in Ecclesia knew, Amy and Shorthorned weren't enlisted, and so your group had nobody to monitor and report on you. It was Sir Einmal who chose me and Rus to be your keepers. Now that most of you are in the VC, I'm technically out of a job – members of the VC can take on monitoring assignments. But, because Sir Einmal is one of the few Choristers who actually takes the time to do all that damn paperwork, and because he's the only Chorister who doesn't have his hooves full with war, he just rubber-stamped the paperwork, even though I should be on higher priority tasks. Come to think of it, Rooster or Sir Holy Hours probably saw this discrepancy when they got my exemption from the Tartarus Expedition. But they either didn't want to deal with Sir Einmal getting annoyed or wanted to respect our wishes."

"I'd wager the latter," River says. "The other Choristers seemed supportive of our abstinence."

Vortigern suppresses a laugh.

"But it sounds like Ecclesia's a labyrinth of bureaucracy," she continues. "And so soon after its very inception. I suppose old habits survive even the end of the world."


"One that worked out well," Pryce chuckles as Zjetya boops him, returning the gesture.

As she goes on the explain the full situation and the lucky mishandling of paperwork that allowed their group to form as it has, Pryce feels some relief that the renewed extension would likely stick for quite some time.
"Rooster himself seemed supportive when I made the request, and they did honor my service to the Church the other day," Pryce says, commenting on the ceremony before they left for Threecoin. "We'll just have to do a good job with the Corp to add onto that respect so you won't have to go anywhere."
Pryce says to Zjetya with conviction.
"It'll have to do unless there's a way to get your out of the order."


"That aside, I'm sorry I never told you all," Zjetya says. "Won't be any more secrets from here on out."
Renee tilts her head. "I had a feeling that Sir Einmal knew more than he should have, for one who never met any of us. It seems a recurring theme that our benefactors and malefactors are always a bit too well informed about our dealings."
"When dealing with gods, assassins and politicians, it comes with the territory," Estuary says. "Nonetheless, if that was all the confessing you had to do, it's time to begin training."
"Oh, and Pryce," Vortigern says. "Travel to Ornifex by airship should take us about a week. Our supplies should last us."


"Like I said, I'm not surprised they went that route. At least we can trust our friends to be open," Pryce says on the matter as they all agree on how the other factions operate.

"Good, that's one less thing to worry about then," He responds to the update from Vortigern.

Then he turns to Estuary as he states training can start.
"We might need more distance from Lilane. They aren't too fond of fighting in their territory."


"Right," River says. "Between your fight with Shei and Flow's magatsuhi overload, a third episode might get us all permanently exiled from this settlement."
"We'd have to find another place to crash," Zjetya says. "It's this and Fantasia that have been our little safe havens to hole up."
"There's Threecoins now," Vortigern suggests. "Especially now that the Witches are likely taking spouses from among the Ecclesians…" Suddenly, she gasps. "Oh dear… I believe a stop there may be warranted anyway. I do wonder how Regina is taking Box's absence."

Estuary folds his arms with a frown. "Romantic woes are secondary to our safety and health. I was told that this place would permit target practice."

"Pouting is unbecoming," Renee lightly scolds the samurai. "This is a Laity stronghold, a haven for non-combatant Ecclesians and their guards. Gunfire so close to their walls would only provoke alarm. Even the Spooks and Choristers practiced their fighting in the wilderness nearby. We should go get someone's permission before we begin the volleys."

"Very well," Estuary concedes. "But I was not 'pouting.'"

"You're doing it right now…" Renee counters.

Estuary grunts.


"Threecoins does sound like a better place. There's plenty of open territory to not worry about getting in anypony's way, or Regina could use that illusion magic of hers to make us an arena," Pryce suggests. When Vortigern brings up Regina's and Box's quick separation, he also feels for how she must be dealing. "Stopping by either way would be good."
He thinks a moment.
"There is also the payment of that armor order you two made," Pryce comments to River and Zjetya.

"I don't think they were expecting cannon target practice anyways," Pryce interjects on Sir Estuary's pouting.


Estuary's grunts turn to grumbles. "Then if Sister Renee is to stay behind and enlist in the Ecclesian military at first light tomorrow, that would mean we should stay here and idle time away until we can depart for Threecoins."

"Is that such a bad thing?" Vortigern asks.

"Clan-Mother Vortigern," Estuary says. "I would think that you would have a similar view to mine on the training and discipline of this group."

"They may not have had as formal training as you and me," Vortigern says, "But their experience has made them warriors capable of overcoming great odds."

"Not against what I have heard tell that the Treibheanna can now boast," Estuary says. "There is no time to be dawdling or worrying over romance with all the maturity of colts and fillies. We have taken enough time away from training as it is."

Vortigern frowns, mulling over the truth of Estuary's words against her desire for you all to have a chance at relaxation…


"We could always do lighter, non-cannon based training," Pryce suggests, seeing the back and forth. "Getting a read on where we're at would be a better start rather than jumping direct into training too, no?" He offers as a compromise.


"Very well, but this day is young and I shall not see it wasted," Estuary says. "Have everyone meet me one mile north of Lilane in an hour."

With that, he slithers out, taking with him some papyrus and a quill pen.

Zjetya snorts. "We should find him a girlfriend."

"He is not wrong in his concerns," Vortigern says. "Only in his presentation do I think as old-fashioned a one such as him errs."

"Sure, but he needs to chill out too," Zjetya says. "We're not gonna get very many chances to do that from here on out…"


"See you then," Pryce says as Estuary slithers out to prepare.

"He seemed to unwind a tad when we were camping last night. After our duel and seeing King Neo Advent again, he's probably still needing some time to move on," Pryce muses.

Pryce nods in agreement.
"Mmm, we'll just need to make the most of the time we can then."
With an hour before Estuary's training, Pryce fetches the book Fairy Castle gave him after the Unweaving session to read through.
"Good time as any to catch up on some other training."


Much of the afternoon is spent, in some form or another, with training. You study Fairy Castle's grimoire, learning some of the theory behind the school of Spellweaving, but as with all things, the only true teacher is practice.

Renee secures permission for you all to take the airship to a makeshift training yard some distance north of Lilane, where Sir Estuary is both teacher and student. He teaches everyone many exercises for improving endurance and strength, but surprisingly makes little mention of combat. He keeps quiet as you teach him and the others in the operation of the airship, even when you run them through the operation of the ship's forward, starboard and port gatling guns.

You find that Volkama left behind detailed instructions on the manufacture of more bullets for the gatling guns. Although you have a modest supply as it is, your group quickly agrees not to use the ammo for target practice given the long journey beginning tomorrow.

Furthermore, you spend some time showing Spitshine how to conjure weapons. As he has no experience in conjuration, he isn't able to reproduce your methods, but he listens to the theory nonetheless. Sugar doesn't have natural ability for magic, and it seems she's more interested in the martial techniques Estuary shares.

Vortigern and KP are in charge of training the pets, and she leaves Hopper and Lockjaw to KP's instruction as she has her hooves full with the others. Lockjaw seems a little down still, and is more obedient to KP's orders, much to Hopper's satisfaction.


Pryce takes in the teachings of Spellweaving, feeling like he has a better grasp on the topic. After the labyrinth before the Great Seal, it's a technique that'll be highly valuable.

The training focusing more on exercises rather than combat was a surprise, though a welcome one. Having a day without battle is good to let him body relax, and there's hasn't been much time either for general exercise as well.
He goes deep into detail when teaching the operation of the airship, both for extra caution as it's their home and to be extra sure of his own ability as well in flying it.

When the moment comes, Pryce follows on his offer to teach Spitshine conjuration, starting with the basic fundamentals and theory. He loans Spitshine his bracelet for the lesson to help him practice, having been a conduit of his own for so long it's more receptive to that style of magic. Most of his teachings here focus on memorizing the form of weapons, being able to produce the image in your mind to near perfect detail.

KP meanwhile focuses on the pets, reading through his grimoire on Beast-Mastery and practicing the bubble spell he learned. He's still a bit upset with Lockjaw, but the deviljho being more tame this time helps ease that off. He also spends a little time planning out tricks for shows as well with the three of them.


[During the Savior's time camping at the unrealm city at the mouth of Tartarus Shei continues his work in the dead of everyone's sleep.]

Shei and Amy lay on a bed together, within the small realm of his cape. The furniture made up of the same velvety matter that makes up the walls, the floors, the ceiling, the material as the cape itself. She mimes sleeping, as he lays patiently beside Amy's resting body. Waiting for her to snore before gently leaving the bed.

Shei slips out from under her and carefully he saunders silently through the room before reaching his reach. Retrieving a chilled bottle of wine from its content Shei is now prepared to visit the Bodhidharma. His body still one with his spirit at the time phases into a spiritual essence and moves into his lantern.

>Astral Projection

[1d10] Entering Bodhidharma's abode inside the lantern

Roll #1 10 = 10


The Bodhidharma's temple has been fortified since the last you entered. Spiritual guardians, wrought in the shapes of ogres and lean, needly rakshasa stand at eternal attention around its high walls, their flesh and armor of red standing out against the ethereal blue of the space. These newer guardians seem not to recognize you, or seem to not care, for they glare at you hungrily as you approach. The guardians of a higher stock, those resembling lions and oni, intervene with gestures and words of an ancient language, then direct you to the temple's inner grounds.

Outside, in the inner grounds' grassy patio, the Bodhidharma lounges, balanced as he often is, on a spear. "…I wouldn't count on it. You will get yourself destroyed all the faster relying on a backup plan."


Shei is more curious than threatened by the Rakshasa, though the thought of immediately regretting a lack of care does go through his mind. He offers his thanks to the higher guardians that direct him to the temple.

Just as Shei-Sher arrives with a bottle of wine in his arms it seems Bodhidharma already has an answer prepared for him.

"But we haven't even talked about it" Shei complains "And here-" He offers the wine "I brought you a chilled bottle. I made it myself. The least you could do is humor me until you've had your fill of drink."


"Oh, I don't even know what you were planning," the Bodhidharma laughs. "But knowing you, I decided to take a shot in the dark. I doubt I was off by much. Why have you come here?"

The bottle floats up, and he flicks away the cork, having a sip. "Hmm… mortals do love their poisons, don't they?"


>"mortals do love their poisons, don't they?"
"It is a habit -yes" Shei sits crossed on the grassy lawn of the patio "I have to give credit, when credit is due. You hit close enough to the mark- I like to make plans from A to Z but that doesn't strike me as such a bad thing. Could very well be the makings of a wise man! Some would say." Shei playfully boasts

"However this isn't so much a plan, as much as me asking you for training."


"Out with it, then. I can train you in what I know – so what do you seek to obtain?"

He passes the bottle back to you to share.


The training takes up the majority of the day, with breaks for meals and the like, but the focus for the group is in learning, and the meals are not much longer than they need be, that they can all get back to their exercises.

Come nightfall, the group is beat, and they eat and bathe to rest for the morrow. The mood is somewhat somber at Renee's future departure, but since they have said their goodbyes already, they are prepared for it.

You spend the evening chastely running more W&W for Zjetya, River and Lockjaw. Through the night you discover that Zjetya has been furtively making drawings of the setting in her spare time. Entrana looks like a nice place.


Come morning, you wake up in your quarters, finding that Lockjaw has not joined you in bed this time. Rather, he is curled up at the foot of KP's bed, still humbled by the earlier scolding yet still in a cuddly mood.

You smell breakfast… burned breakfast, and hear some light bickering.


Shei takes the bottle and has a gulp of it before passing it back to Bodhidharma "Keh- you aren't much for the art of conversation are you- Alright then. Recall how you sent back the corruption set on you by that demon who possessed your core. I want you to train me in the same art, so I might be able to fight back Tartarus's corruption when it gains a foothold on my corpse- should I die prematurely. And not only me, I want you to train my band as well in the same art. I have been trained in the basics of working Qi, and I am possessor of Dhyana, you should be able to train me like any other angel if you'll have me as your student."


"It was I who brought to the People the secrets of writing, not of speechcraft. You will have to seek elsewhere for a conversationalist."

He listens to your request, then has another sip. "Indeed, I was not far off. I fought off Demonic corruption, not that of Tartarus. If you perish and attempt to use my teachings for protection, you may fancy yourself wearing mighty armor, when in reality, you will only be clothed in corpse-wrappings. I will not teach you if it merely emboldens you to get yourself killed. I may teach you if you think Demonic possession and infection are more likely outcomes."


The day's training reminds Pryce of his time back in the Church during his Knight training. While it is tiring, the old memories invigorate his spirit as he adjusts back to the habits.

A second night of goodbye's isn't the best of moods, but the forewarning of this one and the small distance helps soothe it, being more of a 'see you later' given how the looming Treibheanna threat will put them all back together possibly.

Unwinding with W&W helps relax after it all, some classic fun and a workout for the mind too. As he spots Zjetya making drawings for the game, Pryce keeps silent, deciding to comment the next night when he's not as exhausted.

Pryce opens his eyes, first looking down at his shoulder assuming his leg burnt the bed. Remembering that it snuffs itself when he sleeps, he exhales in relief. Awake, he picks it up as the classic smell of burnt food, and the bickering gives a sour note to the start of the day. He climbs out of bed, re-igniting his leg as he heads towards the kitchen to see what's going on. For now, he lets KP sleep in a little bit, no need to wake him and Lockjaw with breakfast being delayed.


As you enter the kitchen, you see the hapless Sir Estuary standing at the oven, a burnt meal before him. He and Vortigern are lightly bickering, but it does not seem to be so severe a conflict. Off to the side, Onion is busy salvaging what he can of the food and preparing more.

"Pryce," Estuary says in greeting.
"Oh, good morning," Vortigern says.
Sugar and Spitshine can be seen through the windows, giving their pets their morning walk.

It appears Renee, River and Zjetya are still asleep.


"Morning," Pryce greets, seeing that Sir Estuary has taken the role of chef today. He looks between him and Vortigern. "Was there a mishap?"

He also notes the lack of River and Zjetya, odd since they're usually at the table before he gets there. W&W must've tired them out.


Vortigern arches her brow at Estuary, and the samurai, though his stoic expression will not betray it, is obviously flustered.

"It appears," Estuary begins. "That one who sups only on water has little talent of the culinary arts."
"And?" Vortigern prods.
"That the crew's limited rations are not to be trifled with," Estuary continues.
"But, we appreciate the gesture," Onion says, giving Vortigern a look for being hard on the old samurai. "Now go wake up yer harem, boy, we got a long journey ahead."


"Demonic Possessions and infections may very well be things we encounter in Tartarus. But that wasn't my intent. Although, there is another reason for me asking. You see- I have something of a mental impairment. Since my kindling I am being constantly wracked with the sounds of static, although it is far more than that. This static is like a fissure that roots into my very soul, making me non-singular in my mind and spirit. It is.. extremely bewildering -irritating to say the least, but most of all it is distracting to an agonizing degree. I presumed your methods were rooted in restraint and that might help me to control myself.


Pryce smirks, finding it hard to not chuckle at Sir Estuary being unable to cook.
"We can return the favor for all the teaching you're giving us then," He says to lighten the mood.

"It's not a harem, we're a triad," Pryce corrects, a little flustered himself as Onion points him to wake the mares. He turns and goes to find the two of them.

KP now wakes up, a burnt smell can only go ignored for so long, even for a fire mage. He stretches and yawns, seeing Lockjaw curled up at the foot of his bed. He gives the little deviljho a nudge.
>"Must not be anything serious if you aren't up… Let's go see what it is."
He hops out of bed, scoops Hopper out of his aquarium gently, and heads on to find the smell.


"I can proffer my aid in that matter, yes," the Bodhidharma says. "But know this: If you take heed of my methods, and against my warning, use them to foolhardy ends, others may throw away their lives trying to save you. If that should happen, and one I can still save would sacrifice themselves attempting to thwart your suicidal foolishness… I will save the one I still can. I agreed to the Pact of service and protection, but so did you – if you would not protect your own life as well, others should not die needlessly protecting yours."

He pauses, glaring at you sternly. "Am I clear?"

KP enters the kitchen to see Onion serving some slightly-but-not-irredeemably burnt hayggs and haycon, and some rationed pieces of fruit and cups of cider. Estuary's embarrassed expression explains much despite his silence. Lockjaw and Hopper don't seem to mind much; Lockjaw will eat anything and Hopper always has a personal reserve of dried flies… morbidly prepared by Busta.

After knocking on River's door and waiting for a time, she exits… as does Zjetya. River hops lightly in surprise as she sees you.

"Ah… good morning!" River says.
"Don't worry," Zjetya says. "We were just, uh… writing."

Zjetya is illiterate in Equish.


>"Heheh, guess you went to ofar in the other direction, huh?"
KP says in light jest as he reads the room, hopping up in his seat as Onion serves out the food.
>"Thank you!"
He also doesn't mind too much, he appreciates the effort.

Pryce is is slightly taken aback as River is surprised to see him.
"Good morning River, good morning Zjetya," Pryce greets, looking between the two at theirs. "Oh, River was giving you some lessons?"


Shei-Sher holds his head to maintain eye contact with the Bodhidharma as he sits on the grassy lawn. Understanding that his friend is already proctoring him in the wisdom of his faults. And at Bodhidharma's statement, Shei feels shame.

"I understand. I have become a wild creature, and although I place such little value on my own life. I could never forgive myself for endangering my family. I'm sorry Bodhidharma, I will protect my life just as I should protect my comrades." Shei bows his head recognizing Bodhidharma as his teacher "Then- will you instruct the Malakhim as well?"


"It appears I have much to learn," Estuary says, having recovered a bit from earlier. Your gratitude helps. "A warrior must never forget such truths."

"She was givin' me somethin' alri–"
"That's enough out of you," River says. "Now come on–"
"If you insist!"
"Aaaaagh! Pryce, breakfast! Now!"

River practically runs out of the room to the table. Zjetya smirks. "Really though… I had a bad dream. Felt a bit… safer sleeping in River's room… after I woke up, I saw she was up reading, so I asked if I could spend the night. Didn't want to wake you."

"Yes, but only if they will accept my instruction in the akashic arts of music. Youngsters today… hardly do they know what they do when they flail about on their newfangled magitech lutes and skin drums. Call them in here and I shall give them a real instruction in the arts."


>"Always good to prepare a little bit in everything. No show can run with a one trick pony afterall."
KP responds with his own sagely sounding advice from his family, taking a bit bite of hayggs.

Pryce blinks from the exchange, lost as River sprints out to get breakfast. He turns to Zjetya as she explains.
"I'm glad she was there for you. Though, I wouldn't have minded, I'm always open for either of you if you need me," He says assuredly. "What was it, if I may ask?


Shei picks himself up from his seat on the grass, with some more pluck in his attitude he says "Cripes- We're open to suggestions but not a new sound. Dare suppose we could take you on for a few lessons. I'll gather the boys."

And with that Shei takes his leave of the lantern later convening with his Malakhim to update them on his request to be trained by the Bodhidharma and reconvening at the Bodhidharma's abode that night to begin their first lesson.

[mini session end]



The Bodhidharma subjects you and the Malakhim to grueling and old-fashioned training in the ancient ways of music and mediation, whose secrets sustained him against the treachery of the false angel Miracle.


"Us… getting taken out by the ancient dragons before we can even get close to Ornifex," Zjetya says. "Every place that has withstood collapse in the wake of the demonic invasion did so for a reason. And if the insurrectionists are using demons like Sir Einmal said… I wonder if there will be much of them left by the time we get there."

Renee calls in Sugar and Spitshine, and everyone sits down for breakfast. After it's finished, Renee attempts to get started on the dishes, but Vortigern stops her.

"Relax, Sister," Vortigern says. "I heard you up all night packing and making ready for your departure. Be at ease, we'll take care of this."

"…Thanks," Renee says. You see her small collection of worldly possessions are bound up by the door in a saddlebag.


Pryce puts a wings around Zjetya.
"Nothings going to take us out like that. We're going to help, not to conquer or attack like demons," He says confidently. "If needed, we can walk to avoid any unneeded attention if they do have dragons guarding."

Pryce walks with her to the breakfast table, taking a seat between Zjetya and River.

"Good luck, Renee," Pryce says to follow the call on her to relax. "Whoever ends up being by your side on the field will be lucky to have your skills."


Zjetya does not reply, but leans into your hug.

Renee nods at your praise. "You as well," she says. "I shall call when I can, so keep your conches handy."


The others clean up while Renee reluctantly obeys their wishes for her to take it easy before her departure. Once at last the meal is done and the airship tidy, the sun is risen, and Renee is due for her departure. She meets you all out on the grass, and the final goodbyes are brief, though she does not leave without issuing everyone – even the pets – a hug farewell. When at last she turns to leave, Lockjaw innocently tries to follow her, and only after a bit of commanding from KP does he seem to understand that Renee is leaving by herself. The deviljho's head hangs, and his mood drops.

Vortigern gestures for you all to step back onto the airship before you can dwell overmuch on this latest separation from your party. "Let's be off, then. It's three days to Threecoins, then four more to Ornifex. Let's go while we have enough sunlight to travel in safety."


"I shall."

Pryce and KP do their share of helping with cleanup, KP doing a little extra to help make sure Renee's last bits with them that morning are calm.
The goodbyes have a better tone with the rising sun, having a more hopeful atmosphere to it.

Pryce turns as Vortigern makes the call to depart.
"We have a lot of flying ahead of us. Anypony want to try taking the wheel this time?"
He offers, using the suggestion to put the practice to the test to keep spirits up.



Roll #1 77, 22, 54 = 153


"Dibs," Spitshine says.
Sugar snorts. "Can your hooves even reach the pedals?"
"This thing's got auto-fly, I'll be fine."

The others hop aboard, and the airship takes off – with Vortigern getting the first flight.


Your travel to Threecoins is generally safe, though not without incident. From time and again, you come across old wreckages, caravans, mostly. Some are months old, others weeks old, though none are overly recent. Though some seem to have been the victims of demonic attack, others show signs of having been hit by mortal weaponry… arrows and explosives, not the gunpowder or magitech employed by Ecclesia.

You note that there are rather few demons in sight on your travels, even fewer than what you saw on your first travel there. Only twice are you assailed by demons, and both times, gunfire bursts from the gatling guns are enough to chase them off before a true aerial battle can take place. Perhaps the Treibheanna have taken all worth taking in this region…

At last, on the dawn of the third day, you see the high walls of Threecoins looming on the horizon.


"We can adjust the seat as needed," Pryce chuckles as the kids jump to dibs.

As they fly towards Threecoin, Pryce notes the sights, abandoned wreckage showing nothing in the long stretch between fortifications. At least it appears no greater force aside the Treibheanna would be doing it. The few skirmishes help keep him alert, and thankful they were only skirmishes.
In the lulls he reads the book on Unweaving, figuring it'd be best to grasp the concept before they reach Threecoins to be safe, as well as doing a little planning to W&W.
KP practices his beast taming, and trying out his bubble spell on all kinds of substances to get the most use out of it.

When the walls finally come into view, Pryce looks out towards the city on the horizon.
"Threecoins, straight ahead! Should be only a little bit more now," He announces. "Wonder how they're holding up."


Lockjaw remains in a funk through all of KP's attempted Beastmaster training. Though his kind is a nomadic species, it seems he was still fond of those he only knew a short while.

As the airship approaches the city, signals from the Witches below direct you to park at a more cleared out area in the northeastern quadrant of the city, far from the dilapidated western and southern quadrants on the other side of the great river. The space is near the southern end of the northeastern quadrant, amid spaces for caravans and boats making the river their port.


KP frowns as Lockjaw seems to not be into the training during the travel, and starts to feel a tad guilty over how he was acting the day before they took off.
As Threecoins comes into view, KP picks Lockjaw up to see out the window.
>"Cheer up little guy, look! This is where we first met, remember?"

When they land, signaled down to a clear area, the entrance makes Pryce feel better off seeing they are handling things well still.
"Guess they're setting up for expectant travelers now. That's a good sign."


Lockjaw perks up a little at seeing the city of witches again, and makes his way outside with the others, a little energy returned to his steps.

As you exit the Silver Stream, making your way to the main streets, you see that the population density seems to have dropped. However, contra to this, there seem to be quite a few Ecclesians about, mingling with the Witches. Morale is quite high among them.

"Regina's castle is to the northeast," Vortigern says. "Let's head there first, then come back here to see if we can't restock on supplies."
"Wonder if Ecclesia's gotten to them first…" River muses.


Pryce looks around the city, seeing the place not too crowded and spirits high. It's a good sign to see.

"We shouldn't have to worry about that, the witches were more keen on bartering than anything else. That might've slowed any Ecclesian trade," He comments as they make their way to Regina's.


River gets ready to conjure a Dark Corridor to the Library of the Sacrosanct, but Zjetya stops her.
"Regina's probably not in the best of moods at the moment," she says. "We'd better announce ourselves first."
"A fair point," River concedes.
"That Fairy Castle should know," Onion suggests. "Pryce, her abode was somewhere 'round these parts, wannit?"


"Also good to be polite too, checking in first before walking in."

Pryce nods to Onion. "Yea, her hut is down this way," He says, leading the way for the group down to Fairy Castle's.


You pass by the Public Gardens as you head northwest through the city streets, back into the business district. Along the way, you see more of Threecoins' sudden change in population – a plethora of male Ecclesians mingling with the Witches, or at least those who remain.

In time, you come to Fairy Castle's humble stone-and-thatch hut, at the end of the street, marked by her extensive gardens in the front yard. When you knock, she opens the door, and you can see Prickly Pear sitting near the back, her eyes shut in a meditative expression.

"Well well," Fairy Castle says, not bothering to lower her voice for Prickly Pear's meditations. Prickly grimaces, but keeps her eyes shut. "If it isn't the matchmakers. Come to work your magic again on my sisters?"

"I take it the negotiations with Ecclesia worked out just fine," Onion says.

"Swimmingly," Fairy says. "You know how long it's been since these Witches have met a stallion who wasn't trying to stake or burn them?"

"One might think a devout and militaristic nation would not be so quick to embrace literal Witches," River says.

Fairy Castle just laughs. "You've much to learn of religion and magic if that comes as a surprise. Come in, come in, sit anywhere."


"It's good to see things worked out well. Seeing ponies get along not because they're preparing for battle is a good sight nowadays," Pryce comments on the topic.

"On that, how is Regina doing? We wanted to check in since we're passing by," He says, getting a seat for RIver and Zjetya before taking one himself.


There aren't any seats in the spartan hut, just warm, hard-packed earth. The others all sit wherever there is open space. You see that Fairy Castle has not yet fully recovered from the Kindling, the old Shekinah leaning more on her staff with more stilted movements.

"Exhausted," Fairy says. "Only a few days ago you lot came in like a damn whirlwind and practically upended this Coven. Bringing the Queen-Mother back from the brink of despair… introducing her to a good and charming monsterpony… your resolve to stop the Witches of Gehenna… it's been almost too much for the girl. I had to comfort her the night that Box fellow went into Tartarus. And, when Ecclesians arrived with negotiations in mind, it was I who had to keep her focused through the talks."


Pryce frowns hearing how much Regina has gone through.
"Oh, guess we should come back later then to give her some space to recover from all that. …What did the negotiations cover, if I may ask?"


"It might do her some good to see you," Fairy says. "Then again… a reminder of Box may not be helpful. I'll leave it to your judgment."

Turning to the question of negotiations, she continues. "What you have no doubt seen on the city streets is the fruit of the negotiations. The Chorister Metalweave proposed an alliance between Ecclesia and the Coven, as an alternative to the Coven's earlier reliance on the White Dance, the Dove Incense and the strange gods they summoned.

"So far, it seems to be working well. Those Witches who desired companionship have found themselves good company. Those who desired a change of scenery as well have been able to move according to Ecclesian operations. Regina fully accepted the departure of those who wished to leave after hearing her confession of the Replica and Replicant plan.

"That Metalweave seemed a reasonable fellow, despite his leanings. Despite scouring his drafted proposals for many hours, Regina and I found little to haggle over, besides the theological concession. The gods summoned by the Dove Incense saved our lives time and again from the Treibheanna's demons, so they were hard to part with. Regina has a mind to propose their induction into the Ecclesian pantheon."

"But…" River says. "What if those gods are connected to the Treibheanna?"

"I find it unlikely, given they drove off Treibheannan demons," Fairy says. "But it is not impossible… they seemed old, near-forgotten gods… in a position where even mortals can bargain with them."


"Hmm, maybe familiar faces would help. We can at least tell her they got to the Great Seal ok," Pryce surmises.

"That's good, seems everypony is happy with the agreement. Inducting the gods sounds like a good avenue to take, I don't think Ecclesia would turn down something that has proven to work against demons."


Zjetya folds her arms, frowning as she tries to ponder over something.

"We shall see how well the treaty proceeds," Fairy says. "Ecclesia would do well to remember that Witches are not to be trifled with. If they should mistreat the sisters of our Coven…"

"I doubt that will be a concern," River says. "Even one such as I, an enemy of the old Church, can say that much. The Ecclesian leadership is composed of the most pragmatic of the survivors of the old order – assassins, schemers and warlords. Any misconduct on the part of its lower rank-and-file will doubtlessly be met by swift and brutal judgment, and, I imagine, recompense. They would not be so foolish as to endanger a treaty with powerful allies given the current conditions."

"For their sake, I hope you are right," Fairy says. "Or else Regina will have another annihilated civilization to her credit."


"Do you think we should wait?" Pryce asks Zjetya, seeing her ponder on something.

"I don't think there's anything to worry about with the lower ranks, it should be fine," He adds. "She's annihilated civilizations?" He questions after Fairy's warning.


"It's not that," Zjetya says. "I just wonder how Chorister Metalweave got here before us. It took us three days by airship, and Ecclesia doesn't exactly have a lot of those lying around."

"Yours is the only airship we have seen," Fairy adds. "And we did not observe how Metalweave came or went."

Fairy nods. "The Country of Red Thunder, or what remained of it. It was guilty of state-sanctioned sectarian persecution, then in its twilight years, the abominable practice of slavery. When the Witches of Gehenna betrayed Regina into slavery as their sacrifice, it was all perfectly legal, and Regina had none but her illusion magic to save her. When the demons invaded our world, and we fled northwest, Regina annihilated what remained of that corrupt and decadent country without hesitation. Given their previous attempts to do the same to us – not one of our Coven even thought of stopping her."

The others shiver, but seem like they're not about to critique her actions.


"They do have some ways of getting around, there's was the one who first took the dove incense. Figure they'd use their quickest method of travel to get to negotiations with the details they gave us for Orniflex's situation."

"…I can't really blame or say I'd do otherwise in a situation like that. But, I do know we can make sure that sort of stuff doesn't happen again."


Onion and Spitshine look particularly disquieted. Fairy's expression is grim, but she sighs, and nods. "Now then, that dreary history aside, why don't I get you some–"

"Pssst…" Prickly Pear hisses. Fairy Castle ignores her. "Psst… psst!"
"What!?" Fairy snaps at her apprentice.
"I wanna say hi to everybody!"
"Then do it, hembra," Fairy says. "Witches do not ask permission."
Prickly grumbles, but leaps out of her meditative posture. "Hey everyone! Did you all come here to train too?"
"Ah, yes," Fairy says. "I'd nearly forgotten in the onslaught of all the recent events. How have you fared with my teachings?"


"Hi Prickly," Pryce says, waving as she finishes her meditation.
"I've been reading through the book you gave me, and with practice I think I've gotten a good handle on Unweaving."

>"I've gotten pretty good with my new staff too!"

KP chimes in.


Lockjaw runs up and gives Prickly a friendly headbutt. She returns the gesture, easily bowling over the friendly deviljho, then produces some meat snacks for him, which he gratefully enjoys.
"Good," Fairy says. "If you are not in a rush, perhaps we can while away the day with further instruction. There is more to metamagic than simply Unweaving."


"We're not in too big of a rush, we did stop by to resupply after all, in addition to checking on Regina," Pryce answers. "There is? What else is there?" He asks, curiosity piqued.


"Weaving, of course," Prickly Pear says. "Now that you know how to take apart a spell, you must know also how to repair it. And not just in the way it was when you Unwove it, but in any shape you desire, even bound up with another spell. It will take a day of instruction to impart this to you."

Onion scratches his head. "This is all a bit over my head, Pryce. I can take the others who won't be attending the lesson around town if you want to stay here and learn."


"Undoing a spell and remaking it to use myself? That… sounds amazing!"
His growing excitement is halting a moment as Onion speaks up to take leave.
"Oh, yea, sure. You guys can get the supplies. I'll catch back up after the lessons."


You remain with Fairy Castle, while the others decide to handle resupply operations. A long day follows of instruction, study and practice, and occasionally enduring Fairy's very discriminatory gender norms.

Come evening, Fairy Castle, already still recovering from her work as the Shekinah of Wacachan, yawns, cutting off the words of wisdom she had been imparting. She squints through one of the hut's windows at the setting sunlight, and grunts. "Mmmph. I will take that as a sign that 'tis time to end the lesson. Well then, colt, have you any confidence you took any knowledge from what I shared?"


While the lesson for this day isn't as physical as Sir Estuary's training, it is almost as exhausting on the mental front as Pryce puts his all into the new school of magic, and a little more as well to challenge Fairy's gender norm comments.

Pryce sits down as Fairy Castle ends the lesson, taking a deep breath and exhaling in relief.
"I am more than confident, I know I will have this mastered by the next time we meet."


"Good, see to it that you do," Fairy says, lightly tapping the top of your horn with her staff. "I have not taught a male before, and I do so only because of what you have done for Regina and this Coven. I will not have any student of mine sully my name through a lack of skill and wit. Go forth and make this magic your own."

"What she's saying is that you don't gotta go home, but you can't stay here," Prickly Pear adds.

"Not unless you're going to help with chores," Fairy says.


Pryce winces as his horn is tapped, nodding after at her words.
"I'll make you proud."

He stands up, looking out the window to gauge the time by the sun.
"I can help some before I meet back with the others. It's the least I can do for teaching me all this."


Prickly enlists you for a time in the gardens out front, and after some weeding and harvesting of edible fruits, the others come back. Some signs of sweat and fatigue suggest that, following the resupply run, Estuary snuck in a training session.

"Lessons go well?" River asks.
"He's a quick learner," Prickly says with a nod, before heading inside. "Sit in the shade, I'll get you all some water."


Pryce looks up from the gardening as the others return, looking like they've been through a deal themselves.
"Great, can't wait to try it out more," He answers River. "Guessing you all did some training yourselves?"


"Yes, it's every day," Zjetya says.
"Were it not for the impending sundown, I would have you join as well," Estuary says. "Come on, we should be getting to the most defensible place in this city before dark."
"That will be the Library," Fairy says. She gestures to the streets, and you can see that many witches and their newfound companions are taking broomsticks to the northeast. "Regina has opened its many doors to all the city's remaining inhabitants for nighttime shelter, since we can no longer rely on the Dove Incense to summon the gods for protection. To their credit, the males of the Ecclesian Congregation are stalwart defenders, the few times we have been attacked."
Prickly Pear comes back with the waters, and the others make their rest quick at the thought of taking shelter in a safe place for the night.
"I know we've had our problems with angels," Zjetya says. "But, being away from their presence in Lilane's reminding me how dangerous most of the world is now."


"Can't imagine a safer place here, after our own run through it," Pryce comments as they're all given water. "Glad they're doing their part, sounds like things are going smoothly enough here."

"It is dangerous out here, but places like this show ponies are working together against it. We always have that hope," Pryce says in good spirits.


"If we're going to be sleeping over at Regina's anyway," River says. "I got to see enough of the Library on our first trip that I could take us somewhere respectably far enough from her castle. Let's retrieve whatever necessities are back aboard the Stream and find a place there for the night."
"Maybe we can catch Regina on the way in," Onion says. "Gauge whether she's up for an impromptu visit."


"Looked like things all worked out then. I imagine she might be out and about while everypony is coming in anyways, be a good time to catch her," Pryce comments.

"Alright, let's grab what we need off the ship and head over to the Library," He says, up and ready. "Hmm, maybe I should ask her for some tips on W&W…" He thinks aloud.


Prickly and Fairy lock up their shop, preparing to depart for the Library by broomstick. Meanwhile, your group gathers a few necessities – bedding, pet food, some W&W supplies and snacks – and lines up to enter the Dark Corridor. River looks hesitant about conjuring it, given the episode she suffered at the edge of Tartarus… but she sticks out her hoof, and the Dark Corridor appears at her command. She and the others are quick to proceed through, all the same.


The Corridor deposits everyone at the edge of the lake atop the Library of the Sacrosanct. From here you can see Regina's mushroom castle beyond the wisteria forest. Regina, in her usual gargantuan form, listlessly lies outside it, looking for all the world like a dejected cat, her tail swishing about in a lifeless stupor.


After they gather their supplies, Pryce stands beside River seeing her hesitance on conjuring a Corridor, ready to aid her after what happened in the labyrinth. Thankfully it goes fine.

He looks around as they step out beside the lake at the Library. Regina being easy to spot takes out the questions of if they'd be able to find her or not. Pryce leads on for the group to go greet her first before they find a spot to settle.

"Hello Regina," Pryce greets as they approach. "Is everything going alright?"


Regina frowns as she looks down at you, and bats you aside, though with little force or energy. "Curse you for introducing me to so great a gentlecolt and then letting him march off into the utter darkness… were I not a Queen-Mother, I would have followed him."


Pryce steps back as Regina bats him aside, frowning at how depressed she seems.
"He fared very well on the way to the Seal, better than most, if that helps any," Pryce says, trying to look at a brighter side and how well Box would fare.


"Yes, he demonstrated his many defensive and subversive skills for my amusement on our date," Regina says. "But until he is back, knowing he will be near Vizsla and Mudi… I don't even want to think about it."

Lockjaw boldly trots forward and throws himself onto Regina's plentiful fluff. Regina absently scratches him with a small claw.


Pryce thinks a bit, feeling that mentioning the expedition or Vizsla and Mudi more might only further sour her mood.
"…Would you like to join us for some W&W? We were going to play some before bed."


"I don't want to QM. There's only so much you can do that before you get burned out," Regina protests.
"Pryce is actually pretty good at it," Zjetya says. "We'll just make him do it."
Regina's ears twitch a little in interest. "Oh… okay."


"Yea, I've been doing a campaign where they're exploring a mysterious island. You can join in for that, or I can start a new one if you'd like," He offers, seeing Regina having some slight interest.


Regina's ears twitch even more at the thought of a mystery. "Okay… now you've talked me into it. Let's go inside, I have a special room just for these sorts of things."


"Lead the way," Pryce says, following after Regina.
"Wonder if we should set up a room for games on the ship," He comments to the others, the idea sounding like a good one.


For a few hours that night, you and your now much smaller group of friends and allies are not trapped in a dying world infested by insatiable demons, but on a small and sunny island. There, the worst that might happen to someone is a bad scrap with a monster, treated by a week or so of recovery relaxing near the sand and waves. Regina, having made a very small Breezie who favors the Dual Blades, gradually improves in mood by the end of the night. She permits you all to stay in her mushroom castle, for it has many rooms.


A relaxing game is the best end to the day, the party exploring the high peaks on the far side of the island. Seeing Regina's mood lighten up as well makes it all the better, Pryce mentally noting down to do this again when they next pass through Threecoin.
Once the night ticks by and it's time for bed, and they're granted a stay in the castle, Pryce thanks Regina for the hospitality, picking out a smaller room to be modest.


…a small pair of hands slapping your face– a spritz of water shocks you, thereafter. Your body is numb, and prickles stab every bit of skin, into the muscle, as you are jostled awake.

The room is pitch-dark, and only the light magical glow of Hopper's staff provides some tiny illumination. He squeaks, but softly, as he tries to rouse you to waking.


Pryce's eyes snap open from the tiny slaps and water spritz, mild panic setting in as his mind jumps back to the ordeals they first faced at the Library. When he sees it is only Hopper, he calms slightly, taking a breath as he wipes his face off.
"What is it Hopper? Is something wrong?" He asks, knowing Hopper would have some reason to be waking him.


Hopper's squeaking is fearful, and hushed, yet urgent. He makes no gestures, and in general seems tensed to flee in a hurry, in any direction.

Deep, starless midnight weighs upon the room.


Pryce scoops up Hopper if his good hoof, igniting his other foreleg as he gets out of bed and steps out into the hall to ease Hopper.
"It's okay little guy, nothing's going to happen."


Hopper backs up against your arm, holding his staff aloft for protection.

Guided by the light of your flame-arm, you walk towards the nearest wall, and follow it east toward the door to the hall… which… should be… somewhere around here…

Further and further you walk… yet you reach nothing.


Pryce pauses when he can't find the door, keeping a calm head and not giving into panic.
"Might just be a lingering illusion or something…"
His horn lights, focusing on the wall as he attempts to Unweave any magic that might be on it.
>Unweave [Wall] [1d10]

Roll #1 9 = 9


Nothing comes of your spell.

It is at this time that a peculiar vertigo makes itself known in your mind– and the feeling seems to stretch backward into your memories just as much as it does the present, as if you had been feeling this since waking, but only now sensed it. And the vertigo is like that you might drift away in any direction, without warning, heedless of any obstacle or gravity… and that, beyond the dark… there would be some titan of the shadows to greet y–

Hopper suddenly screeches, retreating up your arm in a panic so fierce that he drops his staff, and something floods upon you!


Pryce holds his hoof on the wall, trying to keep steady and grounded as this vertigo overwhelms his mind. Hopper's screech startles him, combined with the sudden impact his horn instinctively lights to grab whatever the thing is in his telekinesis to hold it at bay.
>Telekinesis [Grab] [1d10]

Roll #1 7 = 7


"…ce… Pr– Pryce, stop!"

With a shuddering gasp, one reality breaks into another.

You lay in the room you had picked last night. Your blankets and clothing are drenched with now-frigid sweat, though you yourself feel as though you were burned. You hold Estuary in your telekinetic grasp, and Zjetya and Vortigern stand behind him, frozen in shock.

In his own room, KP lays delirious and inert, barely managing to keep his eyes half-open through a bad fever, his nightmares bleeding into reality, and vice versa. River kneels at his side, providing treatment. Onion and the other kids hold the pets at bay outside the door.


Pryce holds still, body tense as his surroundings have changed again. He looks at the force that flooded him, seeing Estuary. Still, it takes him a moment for realization to set in, before releasing the goo pony.
"Wh… What's going on?" He asks through shaky breathes as the burning sensation starts to set in.

KP mumbles now and then as the nightmares and fever take their toll on him, lacking the strength to speak more through the treatment.


Vortigern pushes into the room, urging you to lay back down. "You and KP have come down with strange fevers. River is treating KP right now. I found him collapsed in the hall early this morning. You seem to be doing better than him, but River is still having a hard time with his ailment."

"We looked for Regina, but she's nowhere to be found," Zjetya says. "I'm gonna go deeper into the Library, and get more healers if I can't find her. I just had to see that you were okay."

Despite your fever, you notice Hopper sitting nearby. He looks as fearful as he was in the dream, shivering and disturbed.


"What?" Pryce mutters, at first wanting to go check on KP himself, but as Vortigern comes in to urge him to rest, Pryce sits back on the bed. Or, collapses back, feeling the fatigue of the panicked wake-up come over him, as well as his foreleg extinguishing.
"A fever… Are you sure? I woke up… and everything was dark, like a void," He explains, confused. "I'm fine… I'm fine," He says to Zjetya, though they're just words.

He looks to Hopper, seeing him as he was in the dream.
"Is Hopper alright? He's not sick too, is he?"


"I am not a veterinarian, but he seems fine, healthy anyway," Vortigern says. "I used some healing magic on him just to be sure. Something has him agitated– nobody can get near him."

"Go back to sleep, though it may be hard," Estuary commands. He takes the sweaty blanket off and replaces it with a fresh one. "But call us if you should have any need."


"He's just worried," Pryce responds to Hopper's diagnosis. "I'll be okay little guy," He says to Hopper.

He lays down, pulling up the fresh blanket.
"If I need… but I'll be fine after some rest," He says to Sir Estuary. "And, I'm sorry for grabbing you."


"Apologize only for your shoddy technique," Estuary says. "I could have easily escaped that grab."

Vortigern shoulders him aside and gives him a scolding glance for kicking you while you're down. Estuary rolls his eyes and departs, while Vortigern leaves you with a glass of water.

>Timeskip available


"We'll try it again when I'm better," Pryce responds with a tired chuckle.
"Thank you," He says to Vortigern for the water, taking a sip and laying back down to try and get some rest after that nightmare.
>Good to Skip


Time and space melt by, as you drift in a humid stew of nightmares. Yet time and again, some current always draws you back, back to that darkness… where you recall, time and again, the presence of something awaiting, as it has been waiting… though for you or for another, never can you tell, for all it takes is the sweltering wetness of that something's hungering gaze, projected more from odorous tongue than eye, for your every sense to rebel and thrash, shaking you back into the blinding, ignorant light…

You open your eyes to sunlight, coming in through the window, along with a breeze, but despite the light you feel rather cold.

KP, in fact, is downright frigid. He wakes, at last freed from fever and ache, and sees River holding his ice staff. She uses it to puff out very measured gusts of cold air, apparently to counteract the heat of fever. Yet now that he is healthier, she might as well be freezing the poor colt.

Lockjaw, wrapped up tight in a blanket, is laying near KP, snoozing.


Pryce opens his eyes, feeling tired still as those nightmares hang over his head. Shivering, he pulls the blanket in tight around himself, the change from freezing from burning not much of a welcome one. From his cocoon, he looks around the room to check for Hopper to see how his watchful frog is fairing.

KP's teeth chatter, pulling in his blanket before he opens his eyes slowly as he feels the gusts of air.
>"C-C-Can you turn up th-th-the heat?"
He mutters to River, seeing her by the bedside.


Hopper lays at your shoulder. Though he looks tired, he appears more calm now. Upon hearing your stirring, he faces you, squeaking inquisitively.

River nearly drops the staff with shock as KP speaks, then hurries to his side to examine him. "My word… a full recovery…? Regina was right! How do you feel? Can you move everything? Use magic?"


"Good to see you're doing well," Pryce says with a smile as Hopper looks better. "Think I still need more though, feel like I was stuck in a freezer."

>"Wh-What happened?"
KP asks as River checks him over.
>"I'm c-c-cold, and, uh… I th-th-think so…"
He lights his horn to try lifting up the staff to check his magic.


KP is able to lift the staff just fine, and River nods, performing a few more checks. As she does, Lockjaw wakes up, and upon seeing KP awake and well, nearly tackles the colt, his tail slapping the bed giddily. River nudges him back. "Zjetya! Bring that soup up!"
"Already!?" Zjetya shouts from afar. "Damnit, it's not ready– shit!"
You can hear some ingredients dropping to the floor, followed by Zjetya scooping them up and blowing them off.

Shortly after the commotion from Zjetya, Vortigern sticks her head in. "Well well, look who decided to wake up. You might have guessed, but KP is doing better, and so you are as a result. Looks like Regina's treatment worked."


KP laughs as Lockjaw tackles him over and they bounce on the bed.
>"Soup? How late is it?"
He asks curiously.

"I'm feeling a bit better. What did Regina do?" Pryce asks.


"Morning, three days after our arrival in Threecoins," River says. "It is not the usual breakfast, but it will be good for you."

Zjetya comes in with a bowl of hearty-looking soup and a serving tray, then gives KP a good hug. River does as well, then steps out of the room. "I'm going to check on Pryce. Bring KP up to speed, alright?"
"Hey, I'm no academic, I don't really get it myself…" Zjetya complains, then turns to KP. "So, I guess what happened is…"

"The night we arrived, demons infiltrated the lower levels of the Library," Vortigern says. "They were attempting to enact some kind of elaborate ritual, before they were caught by the Eccleisans. Two Ecclesians died, and many others were injured, but the demons were slain. Though the ritual was thwarted, all the Replica and Replicant witches suffered fevers and the flu, and I would guess that KP's origin as a magical construct caused him to succumb as well – infecting you through your sympathetic connection. Regina was the one who treated him, and indirectly, you, using the magical reagants she used to construct the Replicas and Replicants in the first place."

River enters, and smiles with relief to see you healthy. She comes in for a hug, which combined with the two KP just got, warms you back up to comfortable levels.


>"Three days?!"
KP says with some concern. When Zjetya comes in with the soup, he calms down, not wanting to spill it. He returns both hugs heartily after hearing it's been three days.

>"I'm glad everypony is okay now,"

KP comments after the explaination.
>"Where's Regina now?"

Pryce first is concerned, then feels a mixture of guilt that he couldn't help fend off the demons.
"I'll have to thank her when I see her next. …A ritual to make all the witches sick, was that their intention or was it going to be far worse if not stopped?"

As River pops into the room and comes over for a hug, Pryce returns it, though with only the only hoof, still bundled up and the other not materialized.


"Asleep," Zjetya says. "She'll probably be cat-napping for a good while, she was up pretty late treating the afflicted."

Soon, Estuary comes in with another bowl of soup, and a shot glass of fly soup for Hopper. It seems Estuary is much more competent at making a liquid-based meal, for both soups look delicious. Hopper eagerly tucks in, his mood rapidly improving.

"They don't quite know the demons's ultimate aim; the sickness seemed to be a side-effect caused by the release of malignant aether from the ritual's disruption. My bet is that it would have been much, much worse. In any case, Regina and her assistants are exhausted."


>"Gotta do something nice for her after helping with this."
KP says, pondering.
>"Wonder if there's any good giftshops in town."

He takes a spoon of the soup Zjetya brought, giving it a taste.

"Thank you," Pryce says in thanks as Estuary brings in soup for him and Hopper, taking a spoonful of it now that he's feeling warmer.

"Given it was demons, fevers seem the best outcome then. Though I would think they wouldn't try going for a ritual approach, and just attack when everypony was sleeping if they wanted to be stealthy," He muses, concerned in thinking over the demon's goal.


Mmm… soup.

"We'll check in with her tonight, after she's had a chance to sleep," River says. "I have heard that Sir Einmal has lifted Metalweave's prohibition against the White Dance, and it will be performed nightly again."
"How can Ecclesia get anything done with such an organizational structure…?" Vortigern wonders. "Snap judgments, disunified leadership, and an insatiable appetite for control…"
"Zjetya was telling me about it back in Lilane," River says. "Seems nobody truly knows… hence Gegenschein's not-so-secret plans for a revived monarchy, taking a page from Mariposan Alicorn worship."


The soup is a great dish after such an illness, already helping KP feel better than before.
>"This is great! What'd ya put in it Zjetya?"

"I don't like that something like this had to happen to allow proven methods to be used, but at least Ecclesia seems to acknowledge mistakes," Pryce comments on the situation. He takes a few more spoonfuls.
"I know some of their order was from the old Church, but it seems like nopony among their ranks has experience running anything more than an order, or if any do they're getting undermined. …The former Emperor is part of their rank, though I guess they want to shed off most of the old ways."


"Vortigern will have to give you the recipe…" Zjetya admits. "She just kinda left me in charge of the stove after she got it all set up."

Onion enters, carrying a nice juicy cut of meat. Lockjaw nearly topples the bed as he leaps off to grab the cut. Onion quickly sets the plate down and zips back, checking his hand to ensure he still has all his fingers.

"Make sure that lizard a yours in't sick, now," Onion says. "Li'l fella spent all that time sleeping next to you, tryin' to cool you off with his cold hide. He was hard to console when you wouldn't wake up."

"That's hardly the half of it," River scoffs. "I do hope Renee won't find herself a victim of their mismanagement. Zjetya might very well have a promising future as a statesmare for all that she was explaining to me of their foolishness. Ruled by 12 members of equal political authority, chosen from three factions that historically manipulated and schemed against one another… how do they resolve stalemates in vote? Why is martial strength a prerequisite for political rule? If it weren't for Laciela and Yareakh being chosen as their first queens I would applaud their removal of the kritarchy in favor of monarchy."

Vortigern clears her throat. "That's enough of a crash course in theory," she says. "Pryce, eat and get some more sleep. I'll wake you when Regina is ready to receive visitors herself. If you are well enough for it, we should leave tomorrow."


>"Well you did a good job keeping watch on it. The temperature is perfect."
KP says with a smile. He then holds his soup steady as Lockjaw quickly scrambles for the meat and shakes the bed in the process. He looks down at the little deviljho as Onion informs what a stalwart guardian he was.
>"He really did that?"
KP says, hearttouched.
>"He doesn't look like he's sick, but I'll ask River to check on him."

"Renee has a good head on her shoulders, and being a medic she'll probably be able to speak against any poor management on her part and get through them."

Pryce nods to Vortigern.
"I'm fine, feeling better now. One night of sleep was enough, really," He says, not wanting to causing too much worry with everypony working on keeping him and KP well.


After a bit longer chit-chatting with you both, your guests depart, allowing Pryce and KP time to stretch and bathe after being incapacitated for so long. KP in particular feels rather energetic – perhaps a bonus of Regina's treatment.


After cleaning up and moving out of bed for the first time after three days, KP gives Lockjaw a big hug for watching over him.
>"I'm sorry for how I acted the other day, I know you didn't mean to hit me with your tail You're a good deviljho. Now, let's go find some paper and crayons."
He says, apologizing and having a new goal.

Pryce after cleaning up finds it a little bit harder to adjust. Unaware it's been three days in bed and without a leg, he finds himself almost off balance when he reignites it. He takes a bit longer to do some stretches and some basic exercise to get back into a proper form.


KP and Pryce eventually meet up while KP is in the process of finding some art supplies in one of Regina's many rooms. Your allies, save for Hopper and Lockjaw, are nowhere to be seen in all this Castle.


Pryce comes across KP as he's shuffling through boxes to look for art supplies, smiling as he sees his younger self up and full of energy after the illness.
"Good to see you're doing alright."
KP hops up from the box, looking back.
>"Yup! I feel great!"
"What are looking for?"
>"Stuff to make a thank you card for Regina! It's the least I can do for all her help."
"Yea, everypony really came through for us."
>"Hmm, I should make everypony a card then. Three days of care is a lot."
"Th-Three days?!"
>"Yea, didn't they mention that?"
"That would explain the off feeling… Here, let me help you with those cards."
Together they finish the hunt for the art supplies, then they go look for the others.


After gathering your supplies, you head outside, where you can see, as visible as ever, Regina's giant form, lounging by the lakeside. A short jaunt later, you see that she lies half-asleep by the waters, smiling contentedly as all your allies, save for Vortigern, walk across her back and shoulders, evidently providing a keen massage. Zjetya looks up, then signals for the others to clear out. From the treeline, Vortigern suddenly dive-bombs down, and strikes Regina's back with a careful blow. The satisfying crrrrrikt! of popping vertebrae is the reward. The others climb back up to resume their work.


Pryce and KP head outside, pets in tow, when they can't find sign of the others in the Castle. Seeing Regina in the distance, KP takes lead first to go say thanks. But once they see the others, they pause at the sight of the party giving Regina a massage. Pryce winces as Vortigern dive bombs down, despite the effectiveness of it.
>"Wow! That looks like fun!"
KP exclaims.


Regina opens one eye. "You two can be next, if you wish."
"Hey," Zjetya snaps admonishingly. "Not 'til we're done with you. You don't just spend that many days saving lives and not get rewarded."
"Pryce, your special somepony is holding me hostage," Regina complains with a yawn."


File: 1642481766412.png (4.58 MB, 720x1280, KP Regina Card.png)

"Hardly sounds like a complaint," Pryce says with a chuckle. "But on that, thank you for all you did."
>"Yea! Here, I made you this!"
KP says, pulling out the card he made.
>"Thanks a bunch!"


Regina's eyes widen as she sees the tiny card, and she even tears up a little. She holds it gently in her paws, and a sealing spell comes over it to defend it from time and the elements.
"The gratitude is all mine," Regina says, then pats KP on the head.


KP smiles as he sees Regina likes it.
>"I'm glad you were there, can't imagine what would've happened otherwise."
"Doubly so. Those fever dreams alone still leave me uneasy."

KP looks up at the others going about the massage.
>"How long have you guys been going at that?"


"About half an hour," River says.
"And a bit longer would be nice," Regina says. "I did save the Pryces' lives."
Zjetya scoffs. "Now who's holding who hostage?"

After the jokes, Regina leans in toward Pryce. "Tell me… what did you see during those dreams?"


KP laughs at the turnaround of feeling.
>"Can I help?"

"Not much, but they were always the same. Just a void of darkness, an overwhelming sense of vertigo, and a feeling that something was watching me, like it was expected something to be there."


River flies down, and picks up KP to have him join.

Regina nods to Pryce. "You wouldn't be the only one," she whispers. "The Replicas and Replicants who could remember their dreams all told me similar things. KP was easily the worst case I dealt with… I'd be surprised if he remembered anything, but if he did, it'd be that."


KP treads around on Regina's back as he's lifted up, seeing if it's as soft as it looked.

("Do you think it meant something? Maybe part of whatever ritual the demons were trying?") He whispers back.
He then looks up towards the others.
"Hey, KP, how did you feel during those days. Remember anything?"
KP pauses mid-hop, thinking a moment.
>"Huh, I'm not sure…"
He ponders, trying to see if he can remember anything from the three days when he was sick.


KP could sink into the fluffier parts if he's not careful. Box would do well to come back alive. But as he thinks back to those dreadful days of fever, he can remember nothing, being absolutely floored by the sickness.

"We haven't yet decrypted the ritual mysteries," Regina says. "But I think those nightmares were a shadow of the real intent. No rite that elaborate would have been necessary for summoning. It looked more like an attempted resurrection. It could not have been, for only mortals are capable of that, but something similar, perhaps."


>"Nope! Can't remember a thing."
KP answers back, going back to moving through the sea of fluff, hopping through the higher parts.

"Not summoning or resurrection… Do you think they were trying to create something? Maybe some sort of advanced conjuration, or alchemy?" Pryce suggests. "It affected the Replicants and KP, so it could be something similar possibly."


Regina's eyes suddenly shoot open wider than you've ever seen them. "Pryce… what was KP's origin?"


"A mage named Calque cast a spell on me back when we were in Mariposa, creating KP. I don't know the specifics of the spell, but there is a connection so anything that happens to him happens to me."


"But why that shape? Why younger, and not a direct clone?"


"He used the spell to attempt to use KP as a hostage. We found out later he used the spell on himself too, also making a child form of himself, so it might just be how the spell works. His clone was trying to go save and marry Sugar while the original Calque was old, so maybe it's to make a younger body of the target for whatever reason."


"He also shared all my memories up to when he was made, so maybe it's just based off the memories of the target."


"Born from a spell of memory– of course! Just as the Replicas and Replicants!" Regina exclaims. "Their ritual must have been trying to make its victims remember something, false or no. A more permanent kind of mass hallucination. With its disruption came an assault on memory, bringing those born from memory to what may have been the brink of death, had they not been healed."


"But, what would be the point of making all of them remember something, real or not? And why target the witches for that too?" Pryce wonders.
"Those dreams, it did feel like whatever… thing, was there, it was waiting for something. Do you think they're trying to find somepony in specific? Making them remember whatever this was to go seek it out?"


"Belief affects reality," Regina says.
"And one is not dead until they are forgotten," Estuary adds. "Perhaps it was a resurrection, of a sort."
"And that was why the Ecclesians didn't want us to perform the White Dance further," Regina says as the dots connect. "For even if we knew little of its origin, those forgotten gods invoked by it revived, all the same."


"Feels like it'd be easier to target normal villages or ponies than a city of witches," Pryce comments. "Either way, at least there was nothing too concrete in those dreams, so whatever they wanted back or wanted to make won't be coming around."


"There aren't exactly a lot of those just lying around anymore," Regina says. "They would be hard pressed to find mortals who have not yet fallen under the rule of demons, or demon hunters, or other powerful despots. And besides… if you're going to mind-harvest someone, you might as well mind-harvest someone with power."

With a yawn, she rolls to one side, and all those who were on her back hurriedly run over to the upright side.

"Give us a little warning before you do that," Vortigern says.
"Oh, my apologies," Regina says, batting at Vortigern with a paw. "But you must not have had many cats growing up – we are capricious after all."
"No, my pets were all bears," Vortigern admits. She starts to look forlorn at the thought. "If you find that all is well here tonight, then…"
"I understand," Regina says. "You've a mission to do. Please, do not let me keep you overlong. With the White Dance reinstated we will be well-defended come nightfall."


"I suppose that's true…" Pryce admits.

KP runs along to avoid being thrown off or rolled over, hopping up after Regina settles.
>"Do it again! That was fun!"

"I am feeling well enough to travel, any further rest can be done on the ship," Pryce says on the front of their mission. "Contact us if anything else happens, or if anything else comes from that attempted ritual. We'll always be open to help if you need it."


Regina rolls again, this time to the opposite side. Everyone else leaps away, but KP, lacking wings and with legs too stubby to run, ends up squished beneath her fur. However, it is not painful, more like lying under a comfy plethora of blankets. The others peek over to make sure KP's alright, and seeing that he is, leave him there.

Regina nods and yawns, offering a claw to shake. "Then, if we do not see each other again before you depart, farewell, and do not be strangers. The doors of my castle will always open to friends."


KP pokes his head out from under the fur, laughing.
>"Hah, it's like a giant pillow fort!"

Pryce shakes Regina's claw.
"We won't, still need to continue that W&W game sometime," Pryce says with a smile. "We'll see you again soon."


Regina stretches once more, and is asleep in record time.

>timeskip available but pausing once initiated


As Regina quickly goes into a at nap, Pryce looks to the others.
"How have things been the past few days while we were bedridden?" He asks to get a catch up before they start preparations to depart.

KP squeezes out from under Regina to not disturb her rest.
>"I hope we didn't take up all your time."


"We used the time well," Estuary says. "While you were out, everyone save for the foals got a chance to fly the airship and practice the guns. We'll still have flight even if any of us are… incapacitated," he concludes, putting extra weight on that last word.

"In general, we've been training in all fields," Vortigern affirms. "So don't think that just because you've been out sick means you get a pass on the workouts."

"Still need to show me how to conjure weapons too," Spitshine says.

"Yeah, I wanna learn that too," Zjetya says. "Round out my options… I'm too dependent on what little magic I have right now."


"That's good, one less worry to have," Pryce comments on being told nearly everypony knows how to fly the ship now, ignoring the last implication.
>"How was it? I know you've been looking forward to testing them."
KP asks Estuary about the gun practice.

"Don't worry, I'm not taking any passes. I need to work extra to get back up to full strength anyways," Pryce assures Vortigern.

Pryce nods to Spitshine, then looks to Zjetya as she chimes in on wanting to learn conjuration too.
"I'm always glad to take on more students. River, are you interested any?" He asks, extending the offer.
>"But your magic is super strong and cool! Is that a bad thing?"
KP asks Zjetya as she mentions being too dependent.


"Vortigern refuses to let me fire with ammo," Estuary says.
"We need to be sparing about that," Vortigern says. "Even if we can make more, we shouldn't waste resources."
"Though I complain, I did not think your decision unwise," Estuary says.

"I can already conjure and dismiss my spear," River says. "But I can learn your other tricks if you will teach me."

Zjetya smirks at KP. "As your older self has demonstrated, it's best to have more than one good thing."


KP chuckles at Estuary's further denial of the guns.
>"Heh, well you got dibs whenever we do need to use them then."

"Of course, the more we share the better," Pryce says to River. He then looks up to check the time, unsure of what it is after being out of commission for three days. "Is there any preparation the needs to be done for the ship? We could do a little lesson before we take off. Or on the ship, if somepony else takes over flying."

KP nods.
>"Oh definitely. Oh! Think about all the cool acts we could do with you all learning conjuration!"
KP exclaims excitedly.


It's early afternoon, by your judgment.

"She's ready to fly when you are," Vortigern says.
"Didn't you say you were raised by a traveling circus?" Spitshine asks. "At this rate, you're gonna be raising one too."


"Suppose we should start flying, still quite a ways to Orniflex isn't it? We can practice on the ship."

Pryce nods.
"Apple doesn't fall far from the tree it seems," He says with a laugh. "Maybe we'll run into them one of these days… Wonder what new things they came up with after all this time." He says fondly.


The others agree, and give their last farewells to Regina, before departing for the airship. It will be about three more days to Ornifex at this rate.

>Pick 1 spell and up to 2 students to teach it to


Pryce gathers his things and heads up to the airship, plotting along how best to teach his conjuring to others.

"Alright, I'll start with Spitshine since I promised you, and Zjetya, since you asked," Pryce decides once they're on the airship.

>Teaching Conjure Weapon to Spitshine and Zjetya.


Over the course of three-odd days, you train with both Zjetya and Spitshine in the arts of conjuration. The two have some difficulty with the theory, having lacked much robust education in this field of magic – but when it comes to the practical application, they seem to get it. By the end of the third day, the two are able to, at least temporarily, summon small objects no larger than pebbles. Sometimes, they're even warm to the touch, taking influence no doubt from you and your command of fire.

Then, shortly after the dawn of the fourth day –

You can hear it before you can see it. A paradoxical inversion – light travels farther than sound. And yet…


The far-off sound of slow and serene chimes heralds its appearance – a great mountain, where once the horizon seemed only to hold a distant mist. Its summit is hid behind layers of clouds that seem to go only higher and higher the higher you look, without end. Below the clouds is a thickly misted forest, covering most if not all of the rock.

Vortigern stands at the fore window, silently beholding her former home. One hoof rests, without life, upon the glass.



Pryce teaches with some new found enthusiasm as he goes through the basics and theory of conjuration, feeling a level of pride as Spitshine and Zjetya are able to start making things of their own, however small.

Pryce take the lead on flying the ship on the fourth day as they near Orniflex, feeling the need to be at the helm if anything does threaten the ship as some were worried of.
As the mist breaks and land comes to view with the chimes greeting them, Pryce looks ahead as their destination is finally before them. KP hops up to look out the window, looking in awe at the mountain that streaches on forever.
>"Wooow! It doesn't stop at all!"

"…Where should I look to land?" Pryce asks after a moment of silence, seeing Vortigern taking a moment at seeing her home again.


"You need to get low as quick as you can," Vortigern says. "Disable the ship's cloud emitters and make sure they stay off. Head for the deepest forest you can find – I'll direct our route. You'll need to follow my instructions to the letter."

"To the letter, huh?" Zjetya laughs, her anxiety plain to see. She doesn't even want to look at the clouds. "Good thing I'm not steering today…"

Vortigern sighs, and the two share a look.


"Got it," Pryce says, follow Vortigern's instructions as he brings the ship down to the forests and turns off the cloud emitters.

>"Why do we need to keep the cloud emitters off?"

KP asks Vortigern.

"We'll be fine, don't worry," Pryce says to Zjetya, attempting to help ease the anxiety.


"They say mountain weather changes by the minute," Vortigern says. "But on that mountain, it never changes. Those clouds have been taken from all the surrounding skies, and fortified into permanent fixtures, just as a land-dweller would build a house from earth and lumber. If they see a cloud they fancy, they'll simply abduct it – so that includes our weather factory turned airship."

Vortigern stands by the captain's chair, giving constant instructions on the precise movements to take. At first it seems that you're simply flying along the contours of the mountains of the valley. But, as time goes on, as Vortigern's seemingly interminable instructions continue, you start to see faint glimmers of some spectral energy flashing around the ship, in a slow but accelerating rhythm.

"Now, look out, and tell me what you see," Vortigern says.

>roll perception


>"I know pegasi build their homes out of clouds, but this seems a little extreme. Why do they need so many clouds?"

Pryce follows each instruction to the word as Vortigern directs throughs the valley and trees. He glances over as the energy shines here and there, assuming this is what Vortigern is mentioning.

"Aside from those flashes?" Pryce asks as he looks out ahead.
>Perception [1d10]

Roll #1 8 = 8


Zjetya pats KP on the head. "Cause they want them. And when some… beings want things, they get them. Even then, nothing is ever enough."

Vortigern nods. "You should be seeing it soon. Look, down there."

She points to the horizon below, to terraced hills of green and stone. But, with another flash around the ship, you see now something previously invisible – structures. Houses of earth, houses built into trees. Bridges connecting them. Communal fires. And pegasi, lots and lots of pegasi. The females are similar in height to Vortigern – quite large compared to eastern and southern mares, while the stallions are comparable in height to their eastern and southern counterparts.

The pegasi of the village turn, reaching for bows and other ranged weaponry. Quickly, Vortigern runs for the exit. "Hang back."

She hops out of the airship, and with her powerful wings, bolts for the village.


KP says, understanding the point Zjetya gets at.
>"…Is it the dragons?"

"So the village is kept hidden until you get close?" Pryce asks with amazement as the earthy village comes into view. He brings the ship to a stop as Vortigern quickly bolts out, likely to tell the pegasi they're not a threat as they quickly run for weaponry.

>"This place is so cool! It's like everypony has a treehouse as their normal house!"

KP comments as they wait, looking out through the window.


The pegasi stop in amazement as they see Vortigern approach… but the weapons don't lower. It's almost like they'd be ready to fire at her instead of the ship now. The ship might as well not have even entered their airspace as far as they're concerned. It seems that there's not a friendly eye for Vortigern anywhere…

At least until a blur of a pony streaks across the air, tackling Vortigern. The two wheel about in the air, seemingly locked in brutal combat – until you can see the two of them laughing as they wrestle and hug. The blur turns out to have been a stallion, a few inches shorter than Pryce, but a pegasus as well. He looks to be about Vortigern's age, but the two are rubbing noses as if they were a young couple once more. The village folk look to the stallion with respect, but it's mixed with their animus for Vortigern.

Estuary steps away from the exit, his hoof leaving his swords.

Vortigern gestures to the airship, signaling for you to land in a cleared space to the west.


KP gasps as Vortigern is tackled out of the air, but as things look to be alright he sighs in relief.

Pryce brings the airship down in the cleared space Vortigern points out. Once landed, he makes ready to head out to see how the reception will be.
"Doesn't look like the most welcome reception out there, hope things will go easy here."


You step out, and see Vortigern and her special somepony land in the grass. The stallion disregards the angry onlookers, and Vortigern gestures to you. She remains silent. It takes the others a second, but they seem to get why.

"So, you're the pack of vagabonds and vagrants I've heard about," the stallion says, his accent hard to parse at first.. Up close, you can see his body is very muscled, covered with scars and other mementos of battles. He wears thick leather armor and a warm tunic. "Name's Grantz the Great. I see you followed her instructions well enough."


"Hello," Pryce greets as Vortigern and her special somepony approach. "I'm Sir Pryce Etac, and yes, followed them to the letter as instructed," Pryce responds, extending a hoof in greeting. "You've heard about us?" He asks, a little confused.

>"Whoa, so you're… Vortigern's special somepony?"

KP asks, seeing the battle-worn stallion.


Vortigern nearly spills the beans, but remains silent.

"Of course," Grantz says. "She writes me nearly daily."

The others introduce themselves to Grantz. Once they're done, shyly, like a young pony, Vortigern tugs on Grantz's sleeve, and gestures to the far end of the village.

"Right," Grantz says. "Ye'll be wantin' summat to snack on after that long flight. Come on to our home. I'm sure we've also got some fresh water for ye, sir samurai."

"I appreciate it," Estuary says with no irony.


"Oh, didn't think mail could travel that quick," Pryce comments. "So you must know the gist of why we're here then, I assume?"
KP chuckles seeing Vortigern tug on Grantz's sleeve, a big contrast to what they've seen of her.

"This is a nice village you have, everything looks so lively," Pryce comments as Grantz leads them through to their home, looking around as the place is a welcome change to the demon torn landscapes they flew over.
KP looks around in equal awe at all the homes, and the pegasi.
>"Wow… they're all so big…"
He says in surprise at the height of the females.


"They're delivered by divine spiders," Grantz says. "I don't look gift spiders in the mandibles."

Grantz doesn't respond to your comment on the village, going quiet as he and Vortigern endure the stares of the other villagers. At last, you reach one of the larger and more fortified huts of the village, and Grantz lets you in. The interior is simple, yet still colorful. Woven rugs and tapestries decorate the floor and walls, and a low fire warms the inside. A large bear sleeps by the fire, with a few half-chewed dolls laying partly underneath it.

As Grantz goes to check on the cauldron over the fire, Vortigern checks to make sure the front door is locked. Then–

"So how was your day, love?" Vortigern asks in an accent as dense as Grantz's.

He nearly drops the spoon, his wings flared out as wide as they'll go, and he spins around in disbelief.

Vortigern is openly crying with a wide smile.




"Can't say I'd do otherwise in that spot," Pryce comments on the delivery system despite the spider's origin.

As they enter, Pryce looks around the cottage, not what he would've expected of Vortigern's home but also fitting at the same time. KP looks over at the bear, amazed that they have such a large animal as a pet he assumes.

When Vortigern makes her reveal, Pryce says nothing, not wanting to intrude on this happy moment.
KP however can't keep the sweet sentiment down at the heartfelt surprise.


"Watch o–!" River gasps. Estuary and Onion quickly usher everyone aside as Grantz tackles Vortigern again, for he would have bowled the whole party over had they not moved. This time, the two kiss, and Grantz, briefly, allows himself a tear.

The two pull away from one another, and Grantz is wide-eyed. "Ach… you've got some story to tell, don't you?"

"I do," Vortigern says. She clears her throat and looks to the rest of you. "First," she continues in the common southeastern dialect. "We'll show you to where you can stay for the time being."

"Right," Grantz says. "We've plenty of empty rooms–"

"They'll have the guest houses," Vortigern quickly corrects him.

"Yeah…" Zjetya says. "We'll take the guest houses."

"Uh-oh," Grantz says.

"I think we can probably find them ourselves–" River says. Vortigern, agreeing, tosses her a handful of keys. River nods and bolts for the front door.


Pryce steps back as everypony quick moves aside, seeing that hearing Vortigern's voice again must be like a miracle to Grantz now.

>"Aww, we're leaving already? I wanna see the bear!"

KP says as the topic switches to them moving to the guest houses.
"We'll let them catch up, there's must be plenty to talk about it sounds like," Pryce says, leading KP along as he follows River.


Red-faced, River trots away from the house as if it were burning down – which it very well might be in a second.

We get it, get on with it!

Right, right…

River heads to the northeast, where you see a trio of quite large treehouses, built securely into the branches of the giant leafy trees at the edge of the surrounding forest. The treehouses are connected by well-reinforced bridges, and are quite spacious. The others start climbing the ladders hanging from the branches, quickly sorting themselves. Estuary and Onion look like they'll take one house. Spitshine, KP, Sugar and the pets head for the second one, leaving River, Zjetya and you with the last treehouse.


"Are you feeling alright River?" Pryce asks with concern.

When they find the treehouses, KP quickly runs over to head up and check it out.
>"Look how big they are! This village is awesome!"

"Been a while since we've stayed in anything resembling a proper house," Pryce muses, looking back at all the travelling they've been through thus far as the triad heads to their guest spot.


Zjetya smirks. "Nope, and only you hold the cure. Or, I guess I could try–"

River bonks Zjetya with her spear, and Zjetya, laughing, hip-checks her.

"Mmm," Estuary grumbles.

Onion is similarly perturbed. The children, however, are having quite a bit of fun poking around in the treehouses.


When you open your treehouse, you can see that it is near-fantastical in design. High-up beds, plush blankets, old arts-and-crafts trinkets hanging up, depicting pegasi having fun in the clouds, fighting, chasing monsters, and in general, having quite a happy time. Toy spears and dragoon armor sit in a corner.

It all looks… quite, quite old.


"Oh? Here, let me remedy that then," Pryce says, horn glowing white as he casts some restorative magic on River.
"You don't need to cover these things up you know," He follows, assuming the back and forth being River trying to tough it out.

When they enter the treehouse, Pryce pauses as he glances over the art and toys set about.
"…These must've been the kids' rooms."


Nothing seems to change for her.
"I'm gonna have to prescribe something else," Zjetya says.
"Don't you even hint at it."
"I don't think he'd get it anyway. And you're not gonna get it either!"

The innuendo stops cold as the mares piece it together.

"Guest rooms…" Zjetya repeats. "You don't think…"
"…They might have given up," River states. "Well… perhaps it is my past experience talking, but that would make sense, considering this village."


"Perhaps it's best we found them ourselves then, let them have their reunion untarnished," Pryce comments, walking around the room, remembering the memories Vortigern showed him.
"What do you mean?" Pryce asks River.


"This entire village – it's plainly wrong," River says. "I mean, I know you were born a unicorn, but seriously, Pryce… have you ever heard of a monoethnic society of pegasi living upon the ground?"


"That… is a good point," Pryce says, thinking on the revelation. "They were giving Vortigern pretty terrible looks, and we had to follow that strict path to just get here. Maybe they had to stay here from the things Vortigern did, the village getting punished for the individual maybe?"
Pryce looks to Zjetya.
"Do you know anything about this place?" He asks given this is her home turf more or less.


"Not this place specifically," Zjetya says. "I was always more wrapped up in the business of the Hanging Gardens. But, you're not far off. Vortigern wasn't the cause of this place being landlocked, but she definitely didn't help in that regard. The Divine Dragons have had a policy of controlling the clouds of Ornifex, gradually taking more and more from the pegasus tribes of the mountains. Vortigern's blasphemies against Yongning-si, and her killings of the Dragonic Avowed – they would have definitely brought more and more punishments upon the pegasus tribes."


"Can't say I know what it's like living in the sky, but being forced out of your home is terrible no matter the place or cause."
Pryce pauses. sitting on the bed and thinking things over.
"Zjetya, what are your opinions on the priesthood here?"


"I don't have a single good word to say," Zjetya says. "But my contempt of them isn't really the same as Vortigern's. The tribes that refused to surrender and assimilate to the Avowed's rule have been under some pretty ugly attrition… the lottery of valediction being some of the worst of it."


"The lottery… Vortigern showed me that," Pryce comments, remembering Vortigern showed him the result of the one that took her children. He then sighs. "I thought there'd be a way to settle both sides of this conflict to keep it as neutral as possible and not upend this region for Ecclesia, but it seems there's not many redeeming factors for the priesthood and the Avowed."


"You know there's no way Vortigern or the Dragon would accept a neutral outcome, right?" Zjetya asks, incredulous. "Even if they have no loyalty to Ecclesia, the two fought to destroy the Avowed and the dragons beyond Yongning-si, no matter how stacked the battle was against them."

She sighs. "Besides… if you wanted to keep things neutral… I might just have to oppose you too."


"I didn't mean entirely neutral," Pryce says, quickly correcting himself. "I meant more like, dealing with the corrupted parts of them. They can't all be bad, right?"

Pryce steps over to Zjetya as she sighs.
"I promised you I'd help with this civil war. If it means I have to take out all the dragons myself, I'll do it," He assures, not liking the idea of them being opposed. "I'm just wondering what the best thing to do is now that we're here."


"Pryce, this is war," River says. "Hoping for something as surgical, optimistic and idealistic as 'dealing with just the corrupted parts,' has no place here."
"Sounds like the insurrectionists have turned to demon power to stand against the overwhelming strength of the dragons," Zjetya says. "With those being the firepower of the sides, I'm not going to count on anything coming to a peaceable or nuanced outcome."


"I know, but I can't just toss aside the possibility, no matter how small. I know it's foolish to rely on them, so I don't plan to, but we've had near miracles before," He responds.

"It's not going to be easy any way it ends up going. The best outcome would be keeping the damage controlled." He pauses a moment. "…First thing we should do is see how they're using demon power. Unless their method prevents the corruptive effects, that's a disaster waiting to happen."


"Yeah," Zjetya says. "Tomorrow, let's go investigate with Vortigern's help. There's no way a bunch of outsiders like us are going to be welcome walking around, asking prying questions about their war efforts. For today, we'll have to make do."


"We'll plan what we can for tonight," Pryce nods in agreement. "Where would our first stop be? And what should we expect around here for the locals?"


"There's not too much I know about these folk," Zjetya says. "I doubt a lot of them speak Equish unless they're traders or move around a lot. Their native language and mine derived from the same source, so we should be able to communicate. I'll really have to disguise my accent, though, otherwise we could find ourselves in a fight pretty quick… The more I think about it, the more it sounds like Grantz or Vortigern will have to take the lead."

"Not like we'll have them until tomorrow…" River grumbles.

"I know a few ways we could kill time," Zjetya says.

"In here!?" River gawks.

"…I wasn't even using a saucy tone of voice that time," Zjetya says. "This is all in your head. And not in Pryce's."

River withers up.

"Really, I was thinking we'd go for a walk through the woods or something. Then come back and play W&W," Zjetya continues. "Unless there's anything better we can get done?"



"Disguising should be easy though, right?" Pryce comments. "But it would look better if we have either of them around, if the locals are that strongly against outsiders."

He tilts his head at the back nd forth, whatever it is flying over his head.
"A walk sounds nice, actually. Can't get much else done now anyways."


"Yeah, but even so, they saw me in my mothpony form," Zjetya says. "I probably should have thought about disguising before I stepped out, but I'm a bit too comfortable in this form now. Didn't have that old changeling knee-jerk reaction. In any case, mothponies aren't from around here. And, if I tried to disguise as a local, they'd probably suspect something was up. Seems small enough of a village where everyone recognizes everyone."

When you assent to the walk, Zjetya and River nod, going to get the others.


"That's a good point. Anypony walking through here would draw eyes if they don't live here already. We'll just wait for tomorrow then."

Pryce follows them out as they set to get the others for the walk. He looks out over the village, wondering how things will go tomorrow.


Zjetya and River go and spread the word to the others to gauge their reactions. Naturally, the lot of them are on board, taking a few provisions with them for the day hike.

As they climb down, however, Estuary frowns. "…I shall remain. The intel was that the insurrectionists have turned to demonic power. Though we haven't yet encountered any demons here, we should assign a guard to our airship – just in case."

Onion ruffles his mustache. "Think we can afford to relax 'round here, no? Grantz seemed pretty respected."

"While Vortigern was reviled," Estuary answers. "And we were seen first arriving with her. It's fair to assume our reputation will be as tarnished."


"I think we'd notice if they were using demonic power here when we arrived, but that is a good point either way. The airship is practically our home now, can't let anything happen to it," Pryce agrees with Estuary.

>"Too bad we can't make it guard itself."

KP comments as he comes down for the walk, carrying Hopper on his head.
>"Then you could come with us instead of being stuck alone here."


Estuary nods, and departs for the airship, much to Onion's disappointment.

"Sumpin tells me he'd want to guard it solo even if it had some fancy automation like that," Onion says to KP. "Reckon it's going to be some time 'til he warms up to how friendly-like this group of ours gets."

>roll navigation when ready for the hike


>"He'll warm up eventually I bet. Travelling with friends is the best way to do that!"

"When things lighten up more, he'll come around I feel," Pryce adds.
With the rest of the group good, Pryce takes on the lead for the hike, curious to see what this area of the country looks like.
>Navigation [1d10]

Roll #1 6 = 6


Heading for the treeline, you soon find a worn dirt trail, marked with signage you can't read. Zjetya smirks proudly. "And Rus Tea called me illiterate… Equish just ain't my language. Alright, do we want a waterfall, or a flower field? River, sorry, but you'd better not eat them."

River grumbles. "Waterfall, then."
Onion strokes his mustache. "Flower field."
"Flower field," "Waterfall," Sugar and Spitshine say simultaneously, then scrunch their snouts at eachother.

"Guess you're the deciding vote," Zjetya says, turning to you.


Pryce chuckles a bit as Zjetya proudly counters the claims of illiteracy.

"Hmm… Don't see too many waterfalls around. Let's go there."
KP adds with enthusiasm.


Together, you set off on the northeastern trail towards the hilly areas, leaving the north-northeastern trail for some other time. The earth is hard packed and well-worn, suggesting many years of use and care. Your pace is a bit slow to stay close to the children and pets, but it makes for a rather relaxing time. Though they would be loathe to admit it, not having Sir Estuary around seems to have put others at ease. Surely he would have found some way to make this into training, too…

After an hour or so of following the trail up the hills, you come to a rocky area overlooking a low valley, a pleasant-looking place for a break. River, who has already doffed her coat to stay cool in the summer light, makes an executive decision – and immediately throws herself to the ground, rolling around in the grass while snorting and making other distinctly horse sounds.


The slow walk is quite enjoyable. Not having many opportunities to take it easy or casual lately, its a welcome change of pace and a good way to unwind before beginning the deeper investigations of Ornifex.

"Great view, isn't it?" Pryce says as they come to the overlook, looking back as River throws herself down to roll around in the grass. He smiles, and lays back in the grass himself.
"Good time for break."

KP goes over to the edge of the rocky overlook, looking down at the valley.
>"This would be great for sledding if it was winter!"


Sugar glances up at the clouds surrounding Ornifex. "I do wonder… maybe it's never winter around here. Or, it could be winter year around. They've got all the clouds up there, they probably keep control over the weather all the time, too."

Lockjaw, Katcher and Pucchini enjoy a bit of the limited sunlight and chase each other around, play-fighting with tiny roars of amusement.


>"Aww, that's lame. Everypony down here is missing out on so much!"
KP griefs, then gets an idea. Holding his Hearth's Chilling staff high, he gives it a twirl and then sends down a wave of ice along the valley to make a nice path of ice for sliding.


KP makes a nice ice slide down one of the gentler hill-slopes, and the pets stop their play to investigate it… before Katcher goes for it, sliding all the way down! Pucchini and Lockjaw soon follow. Even River stops horsing around to enjoy the amusing sight.

Zjetya pats your head. "Sorry champ, guess you won't be able to enjoy the ride."

Before Zjetya can complete the innuendo, River sends herself down the slide and does a corkscrew in the air as she reaches the jump at the bottom.


>"Whoa! That' so cool!"
KP says in amazement as River does a corkscrew finisher off the slide.
>"River catch me!"
KP then shouts as he jumps down the slide himself to also get some big jumps.

"I could always turn my leg off to not make it a water slide," Pryce responds with a laugh. "Or just go down quick enough to avoid it."


River flies in parallel with KP, then as he reaches the end of the slide, she lets him fall for just a bit, before she catches him and brings him back up to the top.

Zjetya pauses after you speak, mouth screwed up to poorly conceal a laugh. "I'm irredeemable… I can't decide which part of that sentence I wanna make a dirty joke out of the most."

She shrugs, then hip-bumps you down the slide without warning!

>roll for a stunt, or wipe out on a failure


KP holds his forelegs out wide as he goes off the jump, feeling that brief moment of freefall before River catches him, cheering as they fly back to the top.
>"That was great, let's go again!"

"Huh, what's dirty about i—!?"
Pryce questions before he's suddenly bumped down the slide. He turns over in place as he zips down, getting his bearings quick as he goes to recover into a loop de loop after the jump.
>Stunt [1d10]

Roll #1 9 = 9


You recover with grace, and the slide is so exhilarating on the way down that you decide to do two loops in the air as you hit the jump.

River holds KP tight for the second round, then lets the two of them fall for just another second longer this time, before flying back up to safety.


Pryce touches down with a pose, wings spread wide when sticking the landing with showponyship. He turns back to look up the hill.
"Okay! Your turn now Zjetya!"

>"We should get something like this for the ship! Almost makes me wish I had wings!"

KP says in excitement as River takes him for another trip through the air.


Zjetya smirks, then approaches the slide. She leaps, and touches down onto the ice, but rather than slide, she skates down, crouching with a smirk…! As she hits the jump, she cartwheels about for an alarming distance, and just when it seems she'll crash-land in the valley floor, she peels out, and arcs back up to the hilltop!

"Feeling showboaty, are we?" River scoffs. "You've got quite a bit of energy, it seems."

"This is news to you?" Zjetya laughs.

Sugar and Spitshine take their turn on the slide, clinging together for safety, and Onion follows after them, strumming his guitar all the while.



Pryce stomps his hooves in applause as Zjetya makes for a show of her slide.
"A singer and an acrobat, impressive." Pryce compliments as he flies back up to the hill top.
>"We got all the bases covered for our own circus!"
KP adds.


Eventually everyone gathers on the hilltop after taking a few more rounds on the slide, stopping to drink some water after the fun.

"I'm sure they'll love that one someday," Onion says. "But for now, it's startin' to get mighty hot. Everyone ready to get moseyin' again?"


Pryce nods in agreement. "Let's get moving then. We can relax by the waterfall before it gets too hot."
After everypony's refreshed, Pryce leads on down the path to continue their hike.


You and your group continue along the path, sticking to the shade wherever it might be found. As the elevation of the trail increases along the hills, the trees become sparse, and the path exposed to sunlight. Mercifully, however, there is a light breeze in these hills, permitting you some reprieve from the sun's warming rays before you can cook.

Soon enough, as the path descends a little… a distant shhhh of water shushes the breeze and the rustling of brush and branch. The others perk up as they hear it, and speed up, their pace revitalized.

As you near the sounds, you can see a bank of a wide river surrounded by willows and great mossy boulders. Further up north, great slabs of slickrock lean into one another, and a vast current of water sprays down them, forming a waterfall a few spans taller than the airship. Four great terraced layers comprise the waterfall, each with small pools in the distances between each layer, a result of the rocks that have fallen into the water long ago and been caught, making many swimming holes.


KP hurries along excitedly as they start to hear the waterfall approach in the distance.
>"Whoa! Look at it!"
KP shouts in amazement when they get into view, seeing the massive waterfall and beautiful sight.

"It is breathtaking. Now be careful, don't want to get caught up in the water or slip on the rocks," He says, directed towards the kids.


Pretty much everyone disregards that advice, and scampers up to the waterfall to find a place to set their belongings and take a swim.


Pryce sighs with a laugh, realizing how futile it was to try and get everypony to take it slow. As they all set up their things, Pryce flies up to the top of the waterfall to take in the sights around from the high point.

KP meanwhile goes to find a nice stable pool for Hopper and the pets.


The waterfall is more imposing than the ice slide, so to start, the others have divided themselves up into little groups for dipping into the water, folding up their clothes off to the side. KP takes charge of the pets, while Spitshine and Sugar favor a spot of low intensity they can sit in without fear of getting blown away. Onion however, braves the stronger currents further below. Zjetya and River, then, also near the top, are a bit apprehensive about getting into the water, and take it slowly, crouching in and shaking their wings often to keep them dry, like a pair of birds.


Pryce looks overhead as everypony breaks themselves up into groups, looking that nopony is pushing their risks too far. Seeing River and Zjetya apprehensive with being in the higher parts of the fall, Pryce swims out deep.
"Come on, it's not that bad," He says for encouragement.

KP swings his staff around, using the spell he learned so far from his beast mastery to fill up his spot with bubbles for the pets to play with.


River and Zjetya glance at each other for a bit, then look back to you. "You really were a unicorn before this, huh, Pryce?" Zjetya asks.
"This is how us winged ponies tend to get into water," River says. "Hot springs are a rare exception, as a result of how relaxing the warm water is. But cold water like this, it's a cross-racial, cross-cultural phenomenon that we mimic birds when getting in. Even griffons do it."

Lockjaw splashes about giddily, as do Katcher and Pucchini, while Hopper, having set his hat and robe aside, goes for a somewhat longer swim. He makes sure to stay far from the edge of the fall, and within KP's sight.


"Huh… never really noticed that," Pryce comments as the duo explain proper water etiquette. "Isn't that a bit odd though for you Zjetya, since you're more of a moth?"

KP splashes around with the pets, getting into a ferocious splash war as he uses the bubbles to form little islands to hide behind.


"Us changelings know how to adapt to local culture," Zjetya explains. "C'mon try it, it's fun. Just pretend you're a duck or something."


"Alright, sure," Pryce says, swimming back to the shore. This time he goes in more slowly, copying the more steady entry, dipping into the water for only a moment and shaking his wings.

"Hmm, I kinda get it, but I'd rather just dive in," He comments after a bit of it.


"You're no fun," River admonishes, shaking her head.

"Quack, quack," Zjetya says, swimming upstream. River follows her, quacking as well.


"Just feels like ducks should be saved for the bathtub," Pryce retorts to their comments of him not being fun as they swim off.
After they've swum off a bit, Pryce dives underwater to catch up underneath, intent to spring up to surprise with a little splashing for traditional water fun.
>Surprise [1d10]

Roll #1 4 = 4


You suddenly re-emerge from below the surface of the water, intent on spooking the two ducks!

But, it's just Lockjaw there. Zjetya and River are currently further upstream.

Lockjaw appears to be having a bit of trouble, and he's splashing about with an uncomfortable grimace and grunts.


Pryce looks around, wondering if he overshot it. Seeing Lockjaw having trouble, Pryce swims over and puts a hoof around the little deviljho.
"Having trouble Lockjaw?" He asks with concern. His horn glows, reaching into the water to pull out a little floaty ring for the deviljho to help him out.
>Hat Magic [1d10]

Roll #1 3 = 3


Lockjaw disrupts your spell by clambering onto your back, preferring you as his floaty instead.


"Heh, alright. Hold on tight, we got some catching up to do," Pryce says, taking Lockjaw on board as he swims upstream to catch up the River and Zjetya.


Lockjaw grunts happily, splashing his hind legs as you ferry him across the way. You catch up to your two special someponies, finding them lazily floating in the shallows, enjoying the mingling of cool water with the warm sunlight.


With Lockjaw secure, Pryce swims up to catch up with Zjetya and River.
"Had to play ferry. Hope I didn't keep you waiting too long," He greets once he rejoins.


Zjetya and River stifle yawns, splashing you half-heartedly with their wings. That might be the extent of the answer you're getting.


"Come on, the walk wasn't that exhausting now," Pryce splashes back, with a little laugh at their responses.


"Perchance not, but the sunlight certainly is," River says.
"This is definitely naptime weather," Zjetya agrees. "It's rare enough that the landlocked areas are permitted sunlight, so let's take advantage of it."


"They don't allow areas to get sunlight here?" Pryce questions. "Seems like that'd be difficult if they horde the clouds up high."

Pryce does think over the idea. He tries again to conjure a floaty for Lockjaw, a little raft this time for him to pilot, so he can be self-sufficient on the river.
>Hat magic [Inflatable Raft] [1d10]

Roll #1 9 = 9


Zjetya nods, even as she floats in the water. The result is that she gets water on her face, a fact much to her chagrin. She continues as she wipes off her face. "It might sound silly, but limiting sunlight exposure for the lands below helps to keep them in line. You ever feel bummed out during the winter? It's hard to keep up a revolution when morale's down, so they limit how much sunlight everyone gets. Not to mention the affect on crops and such."

Lockjaw hops into the raft, sticking his legs through holes in the bottom which permit him to paddle. Eagerly he takes off, and immediately rams into River Spring. Bemused, she pushes him around with one hoof, much to his delight.


Pryce chuckles as Lockjaw plays around in his raft.

"Affecting the crops would definitely keep them in line… Seems like they're doing all but outright imprisonment with all the restrictions the more of them I hear," He comments.


"Oh, don't worry, they're doing plenty of that too, last time I was there. Fighting against dragons who claim godhood isn't looked kindly upon anywhere in a draconic theocracy."


"Seems a civil war was going to happen no matter what here," He mutters in thought. He looks up to the sky, with the supposed rare sunlight.
"Maybe we should take advantage of this while we can."


Apparently, the others agree. Having gone back to shore, River and Lockjaw are curled up asleep together. When you look over to ask Zjetya her input, you find her asleep on your shoulder.


Pryce smiles, seeing the others way ahead of him. He swims back to shore gently to not wake Zjetya, and setting her besides River while taking a spot with a respectable distance himself. He dozes off to sleep, with fleeting thoughts on setting to make this a common occurrence for this area again when they're done.


Sleep comes easy, and is wondrously restful, between the aid of the afternoon sun, the exhaustion of the walk and swim, and the ambience of wind and grass and water, their natural music more calming than any mortalmade song.


>Some time later…

You feel Lockjaw's large lower jaw bumping against your snout, mixed with the hot breath of his nostrils as he snorts and sniffs you.


Pryce stirs a bit, raising a hoof to boop his deviljho alarm.
"Hmm? What is it Lockjaw?" He asks, drowsy and half asleep.


It's a bit later into the afternoon, as you can see. Spitshine sits watch, as the others snooze. Sugar, Onion and KP lay nearby, having gotten their own chances to nap. Presumably, Spitshine got the last watch.

Lockjaw continues to sniff at you, drooling a little. It takes no adept beast tamer to realize he's hungry.

As you shake off your sleep, you realize that all are present, except for Hopper. KP would know that Hopper was there when he laid down for his own nap, but that the frog was acting a little off towards the end…


Pryce sits up, stretching after the nap, seeing everypony else followed suit.
"Ah, hungry? Hmm, let's get you something better than those little meat snacks," He says after a moment of thought with the opportunity at hoof.
He conjures up a simple fishing rod, walking to the river side to try and catch lunch for the apex predator.

He looks around, then looks to Spitshine.
"Have you seen Hopper around?"


Lockjaw sits by your side, patiently watching you for the delivery of food.

>roll for fishing

Spitshine shakes his head. "I don't know where he's off to. He was gone when Onion woke me up for watch duty. I doubt he's gone far. This is his kinda turf, isn't it?"


Pryce flicks out the lure, and waits.
> <>< [1d10]

"It is, but we are in foreign territory. Got to be cautious."

Roll #1 7 = 7


Lockjaw hops up and down as you hook a mid-sized trout. He'd probably eat it as it is, but you could always try to raise your cooking skill too…

"True… since you're awake, you wanna go look for him while I keep watch over the others?" Spitshine offers.


Pryce reels in the trout, unhooking it and holding it out for Lockjaw to snap up.
"Yea. He's a hardy frog, but I don't want to risk anyone getting lost out here."
Pryce stands ups, and offers the fishing pole over to Spitshine if he wants.
"I'll be back as quick as I can," He says, turning off to look for the missing frog.
>Search [1d10]

Roll #1 8 = 8


Spitshine nods, taking your place on the bank while Lockjaw makes short, messy work of the first course.

After scanning the topmost stretch of river and finding nothing, you retrace the others' steps, and head down to the pools below, searching among the rocks and crannies that might offer a frog shelter…

Somewhere in the reeds, you hear soft ribbiting.


Pryce searches around, making sure to check every spot a frog could fit in. As he heads down and hears ribbits, he approaches carefully, not wanting to spook Hopper in case he's napping.


Small bubbles containing leaves, sticks and such float out of the reeds before you. peering through from a distance, you see Hopper, back in his full wizard outfit… and another frog is nearby. This second frog watches as Hopper performs small cantrips with his staff of water, the two occasionally ribbiting when a trick goes off successfully.

Even without an amulet of frogspeak, something's obviously going on here…


Pryce smiles, seeing Hopper get into the full showmanship of magic. He keeps his distance, watching to see how the show goes further.


However, it really doesn't. The other frog ribbits and examines Hopper, while Hopper holds his staff close and looks askance… almost bashfully.


looks off to the side*


When the other frog gets closer to Hopper, Pryce is able to pick up from his reaction that he was playing up a show to impress her.
He quickly backs up, giving them their privacy and not wanting to get in the way.


You leave the frogs to their froggy business, slipping away unnoticed.


Pryce heads back to the where the others are, relieved to know Hopper isn't too far off.


Back at the main camp, you see that Spitshine and Onion are fishing together now, while Lockjaw runs little laps of excitement behind them. Probably not great for attracting fish…

Meanwhile, River, Zjetya and Sugar are sleepily stretching, trying to wake up after the last of their nap (and not to fall into another one).


"Come on Lockjaw, gotta be patient if you want more fish," He says, ushering the deviljho over.
"Everypony rest well?" He asks over the the trio shaking off the last bits of nap.


Lockjaw runs over and crashes against your leg in his excitement. He doesn't seem to mind, turning his fall into a dust bath.

The three nod, then survey the area.

"Hopper still swimming around?" Sugar asks, ushering Pucchini and Katcher to her side.


Pryce chuckles at Lockjaw's enthusiasm, giving him a belly rub.

"Oh, uh, yea. He's off doing his own thing," Pryce answers, stumbling a little over his words.


Sugar nods, then goes over to sit with Spitshine and Onion as the two fish.

Some time later…

As you sit on the bank, watching Lockjaw make short work of his third fish, at last his appetite satiated, you hear some hopping coming from behind you. You look over, and see that Hopper is coming back to the group. However, his gaze is downcast, and his pace is lifeless.


Pryce looks between Lockjaw finishing his meal and watching the river flow on by. When he starts to hear hopping off in the distance, he turns and looks, however when he sees Hopper look down, Pryce grows concerned.
He gets up, walking over to his little buddy.
"…Did something happen Hopper?" He asks with concern.


Hopper sighs. You didn't know frogs were capable of that… he's completely deflated.

Perhaps – heartbreak has struck.


Pryce reaches down to pick up Hopper, feeling he needs one.
"Oh… did things not go well?" He asks. "I looked around for you earlier and saw you doing a little show. You were doing great, so I figured you'd be fine."
He pauses.
"Anything I can do to help out?"


Hopper doesn't react to your offer, just laying there as you pick him up. With a melancholic personality like his, he'll probably need some time to process it all before recovery can begin.


"It's okay, I'll be there for you through this."
Pryce brings Hopper over to the riverside, sitting down with him to let them have a moment in silence as the others pass the time.


Hopper weakly squeaks, idly carving shapes in the sand beside you. Despite his reticence and depression, you can sense he is grateful for your company.


Pryce spreads a wing in support, putting only the tips of feathers around Hopper to not engulf him completely.


The group spends another hour or so at the watering-hole, having gotten all the swimming, fishing, napping and music playing they'd wanted all done. When the sun's light starts to adopt a shade of sleepy orange, Onion strums a loud chord to get everyone's attention.

"Reckon it's best we head on out, folks," he announces with just a twinge of regret. "They might have demon tamers among their number, but this still ain't no land to be caught out after dark. Got all your gear all packed?"


Pryce nods.
"Shouldn't leave Sir Estuary alone all day either," He adds, packing up his things. "Best while there's still light out too, some places look even better with the evening light."


So begins the hike back to the village, mercifully much easier now that it's mostly downhill. As sunset nears, your party often finds themselves treated to glimpses of a fiery distant sky, illumined by a brilliant gold diamond between the branches of the high forest. They say nothing when watching this, for a kind of inspired awe. The skies above you are still cloudy, held there under the oppressive influence of Ornifex's draconic rulers, but for once, they beget a beautiful vista, for the clouds are stained so many shades of orange and red by this approaching sunset.


Pryce smiles as they're greeted with such a breathtaking view on the way back, making him remember the travels he had back with his family caravan. He keeps silent, taking in the moment while they're able to, enjoying the calm walk back to the village.


Soon enough, the treehouses come within sight, and Vortigern's great house beyond it. No lights are on within, and only a few lit lanterns are visible in their village, mostly belonging to the great many pegasi who float about on the first hour of the night watch.

Despite their earlier naps, your allies look like they're quite ready for some more sleep, and so they split up and make for their designated treehouses. Spending so many days in an airship has a way of draining its riders.


As they reach the village, Pryce does think of going to check on Sir Estuary, but with the night stretching on and the walk having its toll, he figures the old knight is fine.
He heads to his designated treehouse with River and Zjetya.
"Quite a day, wasn't it?"


"Yeah," Zjetya says. "Wasn't thrilled knowing we'd meet the villagers, but that Grantz guy really saved the day with how quick he showed up."

River sighs. "They make the most adorable couple."

"And we make the most adorable triad," Zjetya says, flicking moth-dust at River, to her annoyance and amusement.


"That was good timing on his part. Hope tomorrow will go smoothly," Pryce comments.

He chuckles at Zjetya's retort to River.
"That's an easy claim when you make your own glitter."


"Well, speaking of couples," River says. "Now that we're not flying anymore, let's get Spitshine and Sugar over for some W&W."

"Oh yeah!" Zjetya says. "She's into weapons, she'd be a big fan of all that stuff you wrote up, Pryce."


"There's an idea, bet they'd love to play," Pryce comments. "Should set up a game for the whole group one of these days." He says, rolling with the idea.

"Hmm, wonder if Catcher and Pucchini would play like Lockjaw did."


River nods and flies over to the other treehouse, then comes back shortly. Sugar and Spitshine climb up into your treehouse with their pets coming with them.

"We invited Onion too, but he said he was gonna hang out with Sir Estuary," Spitshine says. "So, what's all this about? River was gushing about some kind of game."

"I wasn't gushing!" River protests.

"Yeah, was surging," Sugar corrects. "It was a swelling tide of good words."

"Since when are you so literary!?" River snaps.


"It's nice to hear I've done such a good job," Pryce jokes as the kids egg River on.

"It's a game we borrow from Regina, Witches & Wargs. It's sort of a collaborative story mixed with an adventure game. We've been using this setting I've made, if you're interested," He starts, then going on to give them a summary of Monster Island.


"An Island, huh…" Spitshine says. "Never seen one of those before. Let's give it a shot, then."

"Is there going to be a lot of math?" Sugar asks.

"Yup," Zjetya asks. Spitshine looks disappointed, and Sugar intrigued.

"It's fairly Simple," River consoles. "You only need a 10-sided die and a few scraps of papyrus. Even Lockjaw managed to play."


"You don't even notice it once the game is going," Pryce adds seeing Spitshine's disappointment. "Let's start with your characters. What do you want to play as?"


"Jeez, askin' the big questions right out of the gate," Spitshine says. "Let's back up a bit, what's something I can ease into?"

"Upgrade system!?" Sugar gasps when you finally get to that part in your explanation. "And wait, back up, what was that about carving?"

Lockjaw approaches the table, something screeching and wriggling in his mouth. He nearly unhinges his jaw, and deposits a very annoyed Hopper onto the table. Lockjaw goes to get water to wash out the mucus… but his intent is unmistakable – getting Hopper out of his funk.



"Knight is a pretty standard class to start with, Tracker is fairly straightforward too," Pryce suggests to Spitshine.

Pryce chuckles as Sugar starts to get into the extra mechanics of the ruleset.
"So to you get most of your weapons and armor you need to defeat monsters for their parts…" Pryce goes on to start explaining, until Lockjaw comes in and drops off Hopper. Pryce gives Hopper a little pet to help him forget his forcible escort.
"Wanna join in?"


"If you use a Tracker, you'd be set to go with the bowgun," Sugar says. "In fact, with blah blah blah blah…"

Sugar starts to overwhelm Spitshine with optimization strategies, math, and material names. He shakes like a leaf in a storm, eyes turning to spirals at the information overload.

Hopper grumbles a little, leering at Lockjaw, but brings his focus back to you, and gives a noncommittal grunt. Perhaps some of those magic rules would perk up his spirit…


"Alright, let's not get too ahead of ourselves here. This is only the first session afterall," Pryce says to help stem the flow of rules to Spitshine.

"What would you like to play as Hopper? There's some fun magic classes to pick from, for shooting spells, summoning creatures, or playing with illusions," He lists to entice the frog in.


Hopper taps his staff three times. Perhaps that means – the third option?


"Alright, how about the Illusionist? You can practically change how the world is viewed, and you get to pick from Mage spells and Bard tricks too," Pryce suggests, showing Hopper the classes.


Hopper squeaks softly as he looks over the page. He still strikes you as rather… moody… but it's a slight improvement.


"Like it, eh?" Pryce asks as encouragement as he sees Hopper showing some interest. With him on board Pryce helps him, Spitshine, and Sugar all work out their character sheets.


By the end of it all, they've all got their characters. Spitshine still looks uncertain about all this 'mathematics' business, Hopper is still in a funk, Sugar is quite excited, Lockjaw has at last returned with fresh breath, and River and Zjetya are naturally eager to get back to the nightly games of Covenkeeper and your custom module.


Pryce looks around as everypony is gathered and eager to play. With sheets and paper set up, Pryce plays up the narrator voice to set the scene as he speaks to Spitshine, Sugar, and Hopper.
"After many days at sea, your destination finally comes into sight. Entrana Island, a new territory fresh with opportunities and experiences. You've set out to take these bounties for yourselves, and from the sound of it, you won't need to wait long. You already hear from the other passengers about rumors of giant beasts and other creatures that supposedly roam this so called paradise. Talk bustles up as the docks come in view, the hype already started to give some second thoughts of this trip."

Pryce then looks to River, Zjetya, and Lockjaw.
"In the distance you see another boat coming to the island, a mix of tourists, would-be hunters, and all other kinds. With all the help you've provided the small island settlement, you've picked up acting as the welcoming committee to introduce newcomers to what they can expect here. But, you also have a second motive. A monster has been nabbing away at the town's food supply, and you've been too short staffed to corner it down, always eluding you into the night. Maybe some ponies here can help, if they can handle it."


"I'll wave them down as they approach," River says.

"I'll be brooding in the island cafeteria like always," Zjetya says.

Lockjaw seems to be playing around in the sand, judging by how he nudges the figurines.

"Wha…" Spitshine says.

"Just narrate what your guy is doing," Sugar instructs.

"Uh… skip me," Spitshine says, getting a bit of stage fright.

Sugar rolls her eyes. "I'll step off the boat and wave hello as we see everyone," Sugar says.

Hopper looks like he'll follow suit, but quietly.


"it's alright, step in when you're ready," Pryce says with a smile as Spitshine gets nervous. He then puts the narrator voice back on.
"Seems only the three of you stop by to the local, "Pryce says, gesturing to River, "The other passengers seem to be more interested in the sights and unpacking, with a few on the boat looking to be rethinking their choice."

"You sit in dark corner of the cafeteria, your claimed territory. They're serving sloppy hayburgers today," He says to Zjetya.

"As you play around in the sand, a small octopus made of water swims up to the shore, a curious look in it's eye as it watches ypu," He says to Lockjaw.


"You three look like you're made of sterner stuff than the tourists," River says. "You must be here to help us fight."

"That's correct, but they didn't let us bring weapons," Sugar says. "It'll be a bit hard without those."

"You'll find that having to start from scratch will be to your advantage," River says then turns to you. "Okay, I'll show the new guys where they can get weapons."

"I'll eat my burger until I notice the others passing by."

"Can I hang out with the guy and the octopus?" Spitshine asks.

Lockjaw grunts affirmatively.

Hopper moves his piece towards the cafeteria.


Pryce nods to Spitshine.
"As you play around in the sand, the octopus starts to mimic your motions, playing around in the sand as well. Seems it's never been this close to land before and is fascinated by the sight," Pryce says to Lockjaw. "You also head over, being quite a first sight to see on the island. The octopus takes notice as well, and has shifted its focus over to you," He says to Spitshine.

"You lead on over to the guardhouse, opening the door and showing off the arsenal they have in stock. There's a clean stock of weapons prepped for new recruits or backup replacements, whichever would apply at the time," He says to River and Sugar.

"You head on over to the cafeteria, the fresh smell of the day's special filling the air. There's a few others already grabbing a bite to eat, though in the corner you see a rather imposing mare," He says to Hopper.
"As you enjoy your burger, you see a new face entering the cafeteria. A goo pony, looking to be more than just a passing tourist," He says to Zjetya.


Lockjaw and Spitshine hang out with the octopus for a little while, then Spitshine moves their pieces over to the cafeteria. He frowns like he's having trouble thinking of things to say.

Sensing his difficulty, Zjetya taps her piece. "I'll order a round of water for all the new guys, then give them the run-down on the situation with the monster."

"You have to *act it out," River prods. "Get into the acting spirit."

Spitshine scrunches his snout, but Zjetya steps in again. "I'm still warming up. We'll get into the dramaturgy later."

"What a 10-Bit word…" River says.

"Yeah, all of Rus's favorite books had 'em," Zjetya says.


"No need to rush. Everypony gets into the game at their own speed," Pryce adds as he notes Zjetya helping Spitshine ease up to the concept of roleplaying.

"A round of water of brought over to your table, and you fill in the newcomers on the situation, seeing if they'd like to help. Every evening a beast finds its way to the village's food supplies, and no matter the methods used to deter or capture it it always finds a away out. It doesn't help it seems to walk on walls and ceilings with ease either. It all comes down to simple horsepower, overwhelming it to tire it out is the best way to stop it now."


Everyone at the table glares at you for the awful pun… but then confusion falls over their faces. That's not a pun, that's not even wordplay, that's just a regular term… they all look at one another several times, then silently agree to leave this disturbance in consensual reality behind them.

"Yeah, I'll agree to help," Spitshine says.
Hopper squeaks affirmatively.
Lockjaw is currently sipping from his water bowl, truly in-character.

"So in that case, I'll bring them over to join everyone else," Zjetya adds.

"Oh jeez…" Spitshine mutters. "That's where the weapons are, yeah?"

"Yeah, you'll get to pick one," Zjetya explains.

"Pryce… gimme some help here," Spitshine says.


Pryce moves the pieces over to the Armory, setting them with River and Sugar's.
"You all head to the Armory to gear up and prepare, alright to find others ahead of you. More the merrier, as they say," He narrates.

"Alright, the Dual Blades are a good easy pick to start with. You get to roll more dice, and if you ever get a ten you roll an extra one," Pryce suggests to Spitshine for simplicity.

Soon their weapons are picked, Dual Blades for Spitshine, Gunlance for Sugar, Hammer for Hopper, Lance for Lockjaw, Bowgun for River, and Zjetya's custom cello-scythe Hunting Horn.
"You all pick out your weapons and practice a bit to get a feel for the new ones. Soon enough, you notice the sun starting to descend on the horizon. From your past experiences…" He says to Zjetya and River. "You surmise the beast will make its move soon. Now would be a good time to work out your approach, or plan on how to stop it from escaping."


"Oh!" Sugar gasps. "Oh, oh, oh!" She looks around as if unsure if she can just jump in out of order.
"You don't gotta wait to be called on," Zjetya says. "Go for it."
"Let's set up a trap where it usually shows up!" Sugar says.
"A good idea to be sure," River says. "What trap did you have in mind?"
"Uhh… I dunno!" Sugar says. "I didn't think that far ahead."
River chuckles. "Well, any other ideas?"
Spitshine clicks his tongue. "Uh, depending how big it is, we could drop something big on it. Did it leave anything broken behind? Like a broken shed or maybe a crate?"


"There's enough assorted supplies across the town to build most kind of traps with ease," Pryce answers to Sugar's suggestion.

"One of the guard posts was taken out a few days prior when it was escaping. It hasn't been repaired yet, so there's some large stone chunks there that could be used," He says to Spitshine.


"Do we have enough time to set it up though?" Sugar suddenly considers.
"It's up in the air, so you'd better roll," Zjetya suggests.
"Yeah!" Sugar says. "Spitshine, you good with this?"
"I… y-yeah, let's do it!" Spitshine says, getting a little energy now that he's engaged.
The two roll to set up a trap in time for the monster's appearance.


"We'll keep an eye on the most recent trails the monster made as it came into camp," River says.

[2d10] She and Zjetya roll perception

Hopper moves his and Lockjaw's pieces to Zjetya and River's positions for additional support. Lockjaw doesn't intervene, silently glad for Hopper's rising mood.

Roll #1 7, 2 = 9 / Roll #2 4, 9 = 13


Pryce looks over the dice as they're thrown down.
"Alright, while the rest go to keep watch for the beast, you two go about the town gathering supplies. Near the food storage, you set up a simple cage trap, propped up with a pole. After placing some food inside for bait, you have a solid trap to either hopefully lure or chase it into," Pryce narrates to Spitshine and Sugar.

"The rest of you move out to watch over the town border and check the more used paths of escape, which isn't too hard to see given the claw marks in the dist. Dusk starts to set in, but with the four of you you manage to spot it early this time. Low to the ground, a long, leathery invader skulks through the hills. It moves with purpose, having learned plenty of the layout over these past few nights. It's still off a ways, unaware of the numbers waiting for it," He trails off, leaving it open for the party to decide what to do next.


Zjetya and River both look to the young ones and pets for leadership, and the pets, to the young ones. Sugar and Spitshine look to one another, expecting the other to come up with the grand plan.

"Wait, I just thought of something," Sugar says. "What if it's too big for the trap?"
"Uh… err…" Spitshine fumbles, before a certain focus comes to his eyes. "Don't worry about that. Even an insufficient trap can prove better than you expect it to. Let's hang back and quietly observe from a distance until it springs it."

Hopper and Lockjaw nod.


Pryce smiles as Spitshine starts to get into a groove.

"You all sit back and wait, watching as the creature comes in close. As it enters the soft light of the village outskirts, the newcomers see something unlike they've seen before. A horrid leech like beast, moving about with wide spread limbs. If it wasn't for it's movement, it would be hard to tell which way it was even facing, no discernable face to be see, the only notes being a maw of razor fangs as it's head lifts up to sniff the air, turning to face towards the trap. It approaches the free food, the bait proving to be quite effective as it nears the box. It slithers around the pole, almost getting a free meal from you all. Luckily, it's size plays against it as it cannot help but take out the pole as it gorges on its meal, the cage coming down onto it. A haunting roar fills the village as it trashes against its prison. It's held for now, but it might not be long…"


"Attack?" River asks.
"Attack," Zjetya agrees.
"Attack…" Spitshine murmurs, desperately running calculations in his mind.
"Attack!" Sugar declares.
If Lockjaw and Hopper had punctuation to spare, they'd probably say the same.

River uses Repeating Fire! (Bowgun)

Zjetya uses Enfeeble! (Hunting Horn)

Spitshine uses Special Ammo: Poison! (Bowgun)

Sugar uses Sharpen! (Switch-Axe)

Hopper uses Inspire! (Hunting Horn)

Lockjaw uses Earthen Strike! (Unarmed)

Roll #1 7 + 1 = 8 / Roll #2 5 + 1 = 6 / Roll #3 3 + 1 = 4 / Roll #4 7 + 1 = 8 / Roll #5 9 + 1 = 10 / Roll #6 1 + 2 = 3


"Taking advantage of the beast's confusion, you all draw your weapons to attack!"
Pryce looks over the dice thrown, jotting a few things down.
"Hopper starts with a mighty war cry with his horn, inspiring you all as you rush in. Sugar quickly sharpens up her axe, ensuring it'll break through any monster's hide. River fires a narrow, striking the beast in it's side as it roars in pain. But as Lockjaw rushes in to strike, it bursts free from it's cage with great force, knocking him to the ground. A shower of splinters fly everywhere, unfortunately hitting Spitshine and throwing his aim off, his arrow flying off to the side as he's scratched up. Zjetya plays out a haunting tune on her guitar, the beast swaying a bit as it's affected by the eerie music. Lockjaw is helpless, and Spitshine takes 2 hits of damage."

"The creatures roars in its freedom, eyeing your group, looking as if it's to run away again. However, it eyes the helpless dragon on the ground before it. You can swear it smiles, as if taunting, as it pounces forward for what it sees as a quick free meal!"
>Gigginox Pounce [1d10]

Roll #1 4 = 4


River uses Repeating Fire again!

Zjetya uses a basic attack!

Spitshine uses Marksman Shot!

Sugar uses Great Strike!

Hopper uses Inspire again!

Lockjaw tries to get up!


Roll #1 1 + 3 = 4 / Roll #2 6 + 2 = 8 / Roll #3 7 + 2 = 9 / Roll #4 9 + 3 = 12 / Roll #5 1 + 1 = 2 / Roll #6 10 + 2 = 12


River and Hopper shriek in harmony at their dice results, much to Sugar and Zjetya's amusement. Lockjaw, meanwhile, goes absolutely nuts, thrashing about on the floor for no apparent reason, other than having fun.


Pryce can't help but chuckle a little at the harmonious shrieks of River and Hopper.

"The beast descends upon Lockjaw, but before it can land, Spitshine and Sugar move in tandem, her axe striking the creatures chest putting a halt to it's descend for the arrow to strike true, flinging the monster backwards and tumbling across the dirt! Lockjaw rolls up to his feet with ease, ready to go, while Zjetya follows up on the creature's folly with a strike on its back. Meanwhile, Hopper hits a sour note on his horn, playing an ear-piercing shriek. This hits River especially hard, her focuses breaking as the string of her bowgun snaps back, causing her to drop her gun as she stumbles back from the string. River is helpless. Everypony gets a -1 penalty next turn."

"The monster shakes off the dust as it rights itself, looking panicked and ready to flee. In desperation, it looks to Sugar, a rise of static in the air can be felt as a ball of lightning shoots out from it's mouth, aiming to take out the closest threat to buy itself some time!"
>Gigginox Lightning Shock [1d10]

Roll #1 4 = 4


River tries to recover.

Zjetya uses another basic attack!

Spitshine uses a basic attack!

Sugar retaliates!

Hopper attempts Melody: Revitalize on River!

Lockjaw attempts a basic attack!

Roll #1 2 = 2 / Roll #2 10 = 10 / Roll #3 8 = 8 / Roll #4 7 + 1 = 8 / Roll #5 10 = 10 / Roll #6 4 + 1 = 5


"Sugar deftly avoids the lightning, striking the beast with a counter across the face. It roars, reeling back as an arrow from spitshine embeds into it's shoulder. Finding itself heavily outnumbered, it turns, attempting to flee to fight another day. Before it can take it's first step however, Zjetya comes down from above. Like a reaper in action, and one deadly swing of her cello-scythe, the monster finally meets its end."

"Lockjaw pounces on the fallen foe, making sure it truly is down for the count, while Hopper plays a melody to help relieve the pain on River as she gets back up. The creature is finally defeated, and the town's food supply is now safe again."


The party cheers, and go in for their carves.

In order: River, Zjetya, Spitshine, Sugar, Hopper, Lockjaw.


Roll #1 5, 9, 6, 2, 7, 9 = 38


"The veterans explain to the newcomers the island's custom to use as much of the monsters as they can, both for how they're mostly reliant purely on what the island provides, and how these creatures provide very sturdy materials. With careful knifework, you all manage to get a good Pelt and a Charge Hide from the Gigginox, except for Sugar, who only manages to get a simple pelt alone."

"The moon is starting to rise up in the sky, the first night for the newcomers has fallen on the island."


"Okay, how do you guys wanna spend the night?" Zjetya asks.
Sugar looks to Spitshine, obviously keen on him keeping up with being into the game.
"Well…" he fumbles, until an idea clicks. "Obviously we gotta get cleaned up and then hit the night life. Find out where everyone kicks back after a hunt!"
"A good plan," River says. "We can wrap up the session with that, then?"
Zjetya nods, and Hopper and Lockjaw grunt in affirmation.


Pryce nods as they decide their next step.
"You all head back to the guard hut, where you can clean up yourselves and your gear, and store your loot if you want to leave it there. After that, you head to the tavern, the main hangout spot to relax after a hunt or just a long day, with food, drink, and some games. As you all enter, those inside look to you with baited breath."

"Those shrieks… did it come back again?"
"Did it get our food?"
"Did you stop it?"

"Seems they all are full of questions, not surprising with the volume of the fight."


"We'll recount the battle to the gathered townsfolk," Spitshine says.
"And make us sound cool with dramatic music," Zjetya says. "We've got two hunting horn users right here!"


"You regale the townsfolk with your plans, setup, and triumphant battle with the beast, while Zjetya and Hopper add in fitting dramatic and bombastic music. They hang onto your every word, and when news that it was defeated and the food saved, they cheer for their heroes!"

"They did it!"
"Our food is saved!"
"Three cheers for our heroes!"
"First round for them is on me!"

"And all such more. This night looks like it'll be the best welcoming party you've seen."


"We won, then?" Spitshine asks.
"The point of the game is not truly to 'win,'" River elucidates. "We win simply by gathering together as friends to tell a story as a team and have fun, aided by a bit of random chance."
"Hell yeah we won!" Zjetya says. She bowls over Spitshine's figurine with a well-tossed die. Spitshine snorts and retaliates in kind. Sugar laughs, and the pets look equally amused. River shrugs, okay with coexisting with their notion of fun as well.


Pryce chuckles at the celebration over winning.
""Sounds like a good spot to wrap up for the night. So, what did you think?"
He asks Sugar and Spitshine, seeing if they're hooked for more games.


"That was really fun," Spitshine says. "The maths weren't as hard as I thought they'd be."
"You're telling me," Zjetya says. "I can't even read this stuff and I can still play."
"We still need to get on that, lest Rust Tea have license to castigate you for fewer books read after she comes back from Tartarus," River says.
"You and Pryce will be my readers," Zjetya says. "Books are best enjoyed with friends, like music. I think there's something there – Ecclesia invented audio-recording magitech after all. Maybe they could be called, like… audio-books… or something."

Sugar looks at the camera.


"Listening to a recording of a book? Hm, could be something good there," Pryce muses over the idea.

He looks out the window, seeing the time after their campaign.
"We probably should be getting to bed soon, no telling what tomorrow will bring…"


The kids yawn and collect their figurines and sheets, departing for their own treehouses with KP and their pets. You, Hopper and Zjetya and River are left in your own treehouse. Your marefriends put away the books, and look, with a little sadness, at the beds provided them. There are three beds here, each too small for you to take.


Pryce looks at the beds, feeling it wouldn't be right to use them even if they were of proper size.
He takes off his bracelet, focusing intently as he tries to conjure up some makeshift mattresses, or at least one, for them to use.
>Hat Magic [Beds] [1d10]

Roll #1 10 = 10


You conjure three cots, one for each of you. River and Zjetya take and spread theirs out on the treehouse floors,


Pryce spreads his out in the middle of the treehouse, all prepped and set.
"Night River, Night Zjetya," He says as they all settle in.


"Night," the two say, near enough to touch wings but with enough respectful distance that even a strict marm at the knight's seminary could not find fault at your conduct.

Hopper settles into his aquarium, while across the way, Lockjaw shoves his way under KP's arm, resting his bulk atop KP. It's a bit of a heavy and scaly blanket, but a very protective one.


Pryce pulls over his blanket after the wing taps, shutting his eyes and drifting to sleep while thinking over the trials that lie ahead for them in this land.

KP holds Lockjaw in close instinctively in his sleep, as if Lockjaw was a big stuffed animal.


Warm rays and shuffling cloth awake you. Pryce awakens to River and Zjetya folding up their cots nice and compact to be put back into your bracelet-dimension, while KP awakens to Sugar and Spitshine dividing up breakfast for their pets.


Pryce wakes up, igniting his leg as he steps out of his cot to help them pack.
"Mornin'," he greets with a stretch.

KP hops out of bed, getting some breakfast for Lockjaw and Hopper as he wakes his pets to get them ready for the day.


Lockjaw does a big stretch in the sun, and Hopper does a smaller, subtler stretch in his tank, joining KP for breakfast.

Zjetya and River sleepily grunt their greetings, and once they are all ready, they step outside. It is sunrise, and the northern air is chilly, not yet warmed even by the summer sun.


KP sets up some meat snacks for Lockjaw, and some grubs for Hopper.
>"Think we'll be going up that mountain today?"
KP asks Spitshine and Sugar as they all take care of their pets.

Pryce steps outside, a slight shiver running through him with the morning chill.
"Wonder how early things around here start moving…" He thinks aloud, of the village and region in general. He goes to check in on the others, and on Vortigern and Grantz since they'll be their guides through this land.


The village is one of early risers, as you can see. Most pegasi are already up to their morning chores, lighting fires, taking down clean laundry, and so on. Vortigern is out near the base of her house, chopping wood. Grantz flies toward the trail you took yesterday, fishing nets slung over his shoulder.

"Hard to say," Spitshine says. "We don't know yet what the war's been like for this village. They seemed pretty tense when we got here yesterday, though."
"With Vortigern here, I wonder if they'll be more confident to fight," Sugar says.


Pryce approaches Vortigern, waving in greeting as he sees most of the villagers about in chore work.
"Morning Vortigern," He greets. "Things look to get busy quick here," He follows, commenting on the early risers.

>"Yea, they didn't seem to like outsiders too much."

KP comments on their welcoming.
>"I wonder if we'll get to see any of those dragons here."


Vortigern nods. She sets down her splitting maul since you all are nearby, and gestures to a nearby kettle. You can smell coffee inside.

My people, industrious, she mouths.

As the others gather together, you see that Onion and Estuary aren't here yet. They must still be aboard the airship.

"Dragons wouldn't be a welcome sight around here," Zjetya says. "Nor would drakes. They might look sideways at Spark, or Lockjaw for that matter."
"Eek!" River gasps, as she looks about the village. She's staring at a number of nearby bears which walk alongside certain tough-looking villagers. Despite how huge the bears are, they appear quite docile.


"Hmm… Do you think if we offered to help with some things, it'd help with our investigations any?"

>"Really? He doesn't even have wings though."

KP says, looking at Lockjaw with a little concern that he might not be liked here.

>"Whoa! Lok at all of them!"

KP exclaims with awe at the sight of bears being a seemingly common pet of the populace.
"Is this normal for your people too?" Pryce asks Vortigern.


Vortigern nods. Respect hard work.

"Why aren't you talking?" Zjetya asks.

"…Oh," Vortigern says. "I forgot I could do that."

"How?" Zjetya asks.

"It's been a while since I was able to, force of habit," Vortigern explains. "Besides, I'm still waking up from last night."

Zjetya restrains herself.

"Sleeping in my own bed next to my husband and our pet again…" Vortigern sighs. "…It's the first time in the last six months I got a good night's sleep."

"I'm glad you were able to get that," River says. "But, that's really your pet?"

"Yes, and we aren't unique in that regard," Vortigern says. "Lots of ponies here keep bears. They're the last word in personal defense around this neck of the woods."

"Tough crowd," Spitshine says. "We'll have to carry more than our share of weight to look good to people who can tame bears."

"That's a fact," Vortigern agrees. "Go get Onion and Estuary. The villagers will want to see our whole group contributing before they'll welcome us."


"With bears for protection, I can't imagine what's out in these woods then," Pryce comments.
He nods to Vortigern, and heads off to the ship to fetch Onion and Estuary.

>"Can they do any tricks?"

KP asks Vortigern, still fascinated by the bear pets.


"Sure," Vortigern says. "Vidanya, come here."

Her pet bear approaches.

"Sit, Vidanya," Vortigern orders. The bear does, and Vortigern looks back to you.

"I think he said 'tricks,' as in plural," Zjetya prompts.

Vortigern looks back to the bear, who has laid down to snooze. "Vidanya, sit."

The bear sits up. Vortigern looks back to you.

When you get back to the airship with River, you see that Onion and Estuary are stuck in an arm-wrestling match. Both of them have their other forearms behind the table, as they grimace and strain, evenly matched.


KP stomps his hooves in applause at the well trained bear.
>"Wow! How long did it take to teach that?"

Pryce sees the arm-wrestling match, approaching the table in silence to not distract the two. However, as it goes with neither budging, it seems they could use a shift.
"Morning Estuary, Morning Onion. We're all gathering at Vortigern's. …How long has this been going?"


"Only a few months," Vortigern says. She flops onto Vidanya as a pillow, and Vidanya lays back down to snooze. Lockjaw curls up with them. Spark, who had been huddled next to the kettle for warmth, joins them.

"Hmm…" River says. "Now would be a good time to start working, I suppose. They're looking rather content there."

"N-no," Vortigern yawns. "I'll be up in… a few… snzzzzzzzzzz…"

"Best of seven now," Onion says.

"Winner gets to make breakfast," Estuary says.


>"Should we finish up her chores?"
KP asks as Vortigern dozes off on her bear bed.

"I won't distract then, but to inform we're thinking in helping out with anything the villagers here might need, to help get on their welcoming side more."


Zjetya nods, and starts to delegate the chores between you, herself, Spitshine and Sugar. She takes most of the heavy lifting, and leaves the lighter stuff to you and the other young'uns.

Onion and Estuary nod, and relent from their arm-wrestle. Onion flips a coin, Estuary calls heads, and Onion surreptitiously palms it to heads. Estuary doesn't acknowledge the trick if he even saw it, but goes off to get breakfast ready.

Onion then heads out with you and River to assist with the village chores.


KP sets to the chores diligently, making sure to help enough so that Vortigern can spend her first day back home without needing to be bogged down. He also tries to get Lockjaw to help out too to look better for the village after hearing he might get odd looks for being close to dragon in appearance.

Pryce leads to the village as they head back to work on helping out.
"Wonder where we should start…" He mutters, not wanting to overstep bounds. He looks to see where he can help with his magic, figuring that might be of good aid with the village being all pegasi.


There's not much Lockjaw can do considering his stubby arms, but with some teaching, you learn him to stack firewood after Zjetya chops it. Suspicious glares land on you, but seeing Lockjaw working for the good of the village deters the villagers from doing or saying anything untoward.

After Estuary makes you some breakfast (soup, as per his specialty), you look around the village to see where you can help. Language barriers present a considerable obstacle; most here don't speak Equish, and don't care to interpret for an outsider through visual communications.

After some futile trying, you see Grantz come back, accompanied by two other villagers. Each of them carries fish in one of the nets that Grantz brought – they must have gone up early to the waterfall ahead of them. After hearing your intent, Grantz has you help prepare some fish, for the trained bears. Afterward, you help distribute the fish to the "berserkers" – the warriors of the village who fight alongside their bears.

Later, with the sun burning through the last of the morning's mist, you all are gathered near Vortigern's house, having completed the morning chores. Grantz exits the house through a side door, carrying a tray with ceramic mugs of water on his back. Vortigern stands to help serve, but Zjetya, on Grantz's orders, hip-checks her into sitting back down. Vortigern had been trying to help for quite some time now, but Grantz wouldn't permit his wife to do anything more than recline on Vidanya and relax.


The trouble of the language barrier lapsed Pryce's mind, this proving to be more of a hassle than he assumed. Luckily when Grantz returns it turns around smoothly, glad to help out with preparation and distribution of food, something sure to get on good sides quick.

>"Wow, you guys sure do a lot of stuff early."

KP comments as they're gathered back at Vortigern's house to rest a moment after chores.
>"Reminds me of how we'd forage when travelling around way back."

Pryce chuckles a little as Zjetya helps step in to make sure Vortigern keeps in a relaxed state.
"If anypony deserves some rest it'd be you Vortigern. We can handle things today."


"Here I thought ours was a matriarchal society," Vortigern says. All the pets, minus Hopper, are curled up with her.
"It is," Grantz says. "So, the Clan-Mother should get to kick back while we get to work."

She leers at his cheeky logic, but smiles when he comes in for a nose bump.

"I like this system of government," Zjetya says. "When are we gonna adopt it, Pryce?"

"After more pressing existential threats are extinguished," Estuary says. "Grantz, Vortigern. In addition to Vortigern's reasons for returning to Ornifex, we are here as emissaries of the Ecclesian Vermillion Corps. We've questions we wish to ask regarding the uprising."

"Ah, yes, Vortigern mentioned such things," Grantz says. "I appreciate how quick you are to get to business. But before your questions, I've some of my own. First of all, what has Ecclesia to do with this conflict when it has its hooves so full to the south?"


"We can worry about that once we settle down," Pryce answers Zjetya.

"We were tasking to help end the civil war, with hopes that it might give a good incentive to ally with Ecclesia," Pryce explains to Gantz. "And also to examine rumors of demon taming in this area."


"That a proposal?" Zjetya jokes.

Ignoring the side-banter, Grantz sits in the grass, his posture high and bold despite his seated position. You can sense that this is a minor ritual of political matters for this region. Perhaps it may be best to imitate him.

He scratches his chin as he listens to your explanation. "Ah, end the civil war and investigate demonic activity. A nice little weekend to-do list! Hmph. At least Ecclesia has sent delegates ahead of its planned conquest this time."

Zjetya, sobering up, sits beside you in Grantz's pose. "I take it you've heard of Ecclesia's other recent political maneuvers."

"Of course," Grantz answers. "The other nations of the northwest have surrendered quite quickly to this growing empire. You will find we are not so easily governable as they. We are even giving dragons a run for their money! I am afraid the draconic stereotypes about us 'hillbillies' have some truth."

River and Estuary sit at your other side, while the others start to back up to give room to this sparking debate.


"No, er, not for now, I mean…" Pryce stammers a bit, the concept of proposal throwing him off.

As Grantz shifts posture to talk deeply on the matter, Pryce turns his focus to this matter, holding his own posture high in reflection of him.
"They didn't tell us of any plans for conquest, though, I can't say what further plans they could have, if any. They don't care which side wins, just that it ends with the peace being a favor done by Ecclesia," Pryce adds, then listening as Grantz and Zjetya speak of Ecclesia other involvement in the region.
"I don't plan on helping Ecclesia replace the dragons, so there's no worries from our group there," He adds.


"The proper and civilized dragons look disparagingly upon the squalor and depravity of we 'hillfolk'," Grantz says. "Every one of us, moonshiners and bearkin, illiterate and unwashed. So they say. I must wonder how such hillfolk have eluded the dragons' rule for so long, then."

He listens as you spell out Ecclesia's current neutrality. "You talk of Ecclesia not holding a preference on the victor, yet here you are, speaking with the leadership of the rebellion… say, then, whether the dragons are also currently hosting dignitaries from Ecclesia?"

Zjetya gulps, and doesn't answer. Her expression suggests she doesn't know whether the Choir would consider such an approach.


Pryce takes a moment to think on the possibility. The thought never occurred that there could be Ecclesians working with the dragons already.
"We are only acting in their mercenary division, more or less. There very well could be others speaking with them already," He comments. "But, my stance is against the dragons, regardless of how Ecclesia falls on the topic."


"Do the rest of you feel akin?" Grantz asks, looking over your companions. Each of them nods in turn.

"Even you, Ecclesian?" he asks, looking directly at Zjetya.

Zjetya has a small start, and looks aside. "Pfft," she scoffs after a moment. "I wouldn't have joined them in the first place if I thought they'd side with those shitheads up there."

"Confident words," Grantz notes. "But talk is easy. What would Ecclesia say, were it ever – hypothetically – discovered… that demonic power bolstered our ranks?"


"Ecclesia… the orders were to stomp it out. Ecclesia could take out everypony involved, maybe just imprisoning if it wasn't too extreme of a use," Pryce answers.
"For our job here, I would just put a stop to it. Things have gotten complicated all over, and from what I've heard so far of the Dragons, I couldn't blame this hypothetical resort, but I couldn't let it continue afterwards when the problem is fixed either."


"Their law shall find no enforcer nor officiator here," Grantz answers simply. "If they could find any evidence to begin with, that is. Superstitious hillfolk such as us, allowing a demon to sully the work of our liberation? Preposterous.

"In any case… as I said, talk is easy. If all Ecclesia intended for you to do was talk, I've had my fill of it. But if they intend to offer aid, I may extend my ear a bit further to hear the terms – but not much further. We keep ourselves busy up here, and time is a precious commodity."


Pryce says nothing further on the the demon talk, knowing it'll be something to deal with later.

"For what Ecclesia intends for aid, is already here," Pryce answers simply. "We can call for more assistance, but that's on the stipulation of anypony else being free to come. I am intent on helping and stopping this war, so any information about the dragons, who's in charge, or where we can go for more will help."


"I see," Grantz says. He pauses, falling silent for a time. He gives a glance to Vortigern, and she, a light nod in return.

"I will take this matter to my council, and you will have your answer anon," Grantz says. "Make yourselves at home during your wait. But by now, you will have seen that we are a busy people, even when at home.

"Understood," Onion says.

Grantz rises, as does Vortigern, much to the disappointment of the pets curled up with her. The two walk off, heads kept close together as they make for a larger cabin across the village.


Pryce nods.

After Grantz and Vortigern leave, Pryce looks to Zjetya.
"What are the chances that Ecclesia would have send multiple groups?" He asks, though the question is open for the group to weigh in on. "Do you think we might end up fighting other mercenaries sent to help the dragons?"


Zjetya shakes her head. "No clue… I didn't consider it. Never worked for Einmal before, but from what I heard, it'd be his style to cover all his bases. I'd assume he's sent a diplomatic gesture to the Dragons, at the very least."

"You used to work mostly under Sir Ichimonji's command, correct?" River asks.

Zjetya nods. "On paper, all the Choir can command all the Laity and Congregation. But in practice, every Chorister had their preferred groups of soldiers they each called on the most. They say Einmal had the smallest number of usuals, but he knew how to get shit done despite that. He never left any stone unturned or button undone, as the gossip goes. I bet it's probably the same with the Vermillion Corps as with the full soldiery."

"We should get a conch call out," Onion says. "See if we can't get some confirmation on that."

"Indeed," Estuary agrees.


"Covering all his bases, I would hope that's for stopping the war to help and not just to be done with it to pull in recruits after," Pryce comments as he gets a conch out to call Sir Einmal.
"…Do you think there's any reason he wouldn't tell us, if there were others here?"


Nobody picks up… the current might be busy, or perhaps Einmal likes to sleep in.

"Probably the latter," Zjetya observes (of the narration, not your words).

She shakes her head to your question. "I dunno… those I know who worked with him always said they could never quite get a read on him. Sometimes he was open about his plans, other times secretive. A lot of the times, it seemed like he was scheming against his own interests, only for his plans to pan out better than anyone expected, even when working with fewer resources and personnel."

"Something of a genius, then…" Estuary observes. His tone is strategic, not complimentary – as if he were sizing up a foe.


"So there's no real way of knowing then…" Pryce mutters, setting down the conch when there's no answer. "The war will end no matter what, that much is certain. We'll just have to make sure there's as little damage as possible if he is fueling both sides to escalate it for that goal."

Pryce nods in agreement with Estuary.
"Let's hope that he wouldn't throw away good soldiers against each other if they are tight on forces. Until then, we should keep busy until Vortigern and Gantz get back…"


"What say you to my going alone to the country of the dragons, milord?" Estuary whispers, even out of earshot of the others. "I would spy out the workings of other Vermillion Corps agents, or else, the state of the war from the side of the dragons."

The others, seeing Estuary get that look in his eye, figure you're having a private conversation, and split off again to see where their help can be offered, and, even, accepted.


("Extra knowledge will be great to have…") Pryce thinks a moment. ("I'd rather not split up the group, but if I had to trust anypony doing a solo task, it'd be you. Make it quick though, we don't know how fast things may move around here.")
("And you can just call me Pryce. Milord doesn't sound right.") He adds after.


("Be forewarned that Ornifex is a vast land,") Estuary says. ("Days, or weeks may pass, afore I return. Do not contact me by conch; I will contact you, and coordinate our future rendezvous… milord.")

Ignoring your last order, he turns and makes for the airship.

Spitshine, frowning, turns to you. "What was that about?"


("Alright. Stay safe, Sir Estuary,") Pryce says as the knight heads off for the ship, a little annoyed at the continued title.

Pryce looks down to Spitshine as he asks what is up.
"Sir Estuary is going to see if there are any other Ecclesians or Vermillion Corps agents working here, or what else there is," He explains.


"Tch…" Spitshine frowns. "I guess it's a smart move… but I wanted to train with that guy again. Would it kill him to chill now and then?"
"Possibly," River says, performing her best (good-natured) impression of Renee. "Goo Ponies are susceptible to the cold, after all."
"He's already 'icy' in that sense…" Spitshine bemoans.
"Hey! Lazy-bones!" Sugar calls to Spitshine. "I found some chores for you!"
Spitshine shrugs and follows after her.
"At least she's starting to warm up some," River adds.


"I could always help you train," Pryce offers. "We could work some more on conjuring."

Pryce chuckles at Zjetya's impression.
"He's an old knight, it'll take him some time," He says in agreement with River.

As the kids get to chores, Pryce also helps out where he can too, not to leave too much work for anypony.


*River's impression


By now, the villagers have recognized you're there to work. Whether for genuine good will or simply to earn their good graces, they seem not to care, by this point. You've still yet to earn their trust, but a little work goes a long way for folk such as these.

Noon approaches, though by then, even the more assiduous of the villagers has retired from the work, seeking shade to hide from the summer's brutal heat. Many snack on chips and spicy vegetable dip. For your work, you are rewarded with bowls of your own.

As you approach the end of your snacks, sitting in the shade of the other side of Vortigern's house, Vortigern and Grantz approach you. They sit in the formal posture adopted earlier. Once your group has assumed the same, they begin.

"We, the council of the myriad rebel villages, accept Ecclesia's offer of aid, limited though it may be in this trying time," Grantz announces. "We look forward to a cordial relationship – and an honest and reciprocal one, at that."


The work takes its toll, but it helps to keep active and connect with the villagers. The spicy dip is a nice treat, a welcome snack despite the heat.

As they meet with Grantz and Vortigern again, Pryce sits in the formal pose. As Grantz announces they'll accept their aid, Pryce nods in a formal acceptance.
"I'm glad we can work together for this," He says with relief that they've been welcomed officially. "If I may ask, how many other villages are there?"


"Thirty villages and hamlets in total," Grantz says. "At least, those with enough spine to rebel. They are scattered across this range. The others, further up the mountain, remain the 'willing' thralls of the Dragons."


"Thirty… Where would you recommend we start with this situation?"


"Our current aim has been cutting off the tributary system, by which the Dragons keep our people starved. The Dracoknights have choked out inter-village trade, and exact tribute from all the villages still loyal to Yongning-si.

"This is done under pretense of protection from banditry, wildlife attacks, and welfare in the event of natural disaster or poor harvest times. In practice, they keep the people just prosperous enough to afford the tribute, and a little comfort, but not enough to build meaningful wealth, by which they can be independent of the welfare. If ever things get too good for villages, an increase in 'bandit attacks' and 'unfortunate accidents' sets things right.

"The Dracoknights are careful to maintain plausible deniability in all their exacting of the tributes. Outwardly, they keep to law and order, and smear our rebellion daily as the very bandits the subjugated villagers fear. It doesn't help that Ornifex is a land firmly steeped in the belief of karma. From Vortigern's correspondence, I gather similar concepts exist in your southeastern religion, too. Anyway, the hard times of this year are blamed squarely upon our rebellion, and the concept of karma is useful for 'proving' it."


"That's terrible," Pryce says, hearing the abuse of the tributary system.
"…When is the next tribute? We could follow the Dracoknights after that, or if they have any specific targets when posing as bandits, we can catch them and show the other villages what they're doing."


"Sir Pryce," Grantz says. "I hope I didn't put you under any false pretenses when accepting your offer of aid. Grateful though the council is for *material* aid, we are not accepting suggestions of strategies or tactics. We are going to ride out in advance of the next tribute at the end of this month and kill every Dracoknight we find."

A chill passes through River and Zjetya, though Spitshine and Onion appear unfazed. Sugar is blank-faced, but a little uncertainty remains in her eyes. Vortigern says nothing, and her grimace is resolute and stoic… but she avoids your eye contact.


Pryce is silent at the statement. He can't be surprised that they'd go to such measure with all he's heard and what's been done, but such a flat explanation of it still catches one offguard.
"…I see," Is all he says at first, pausing for another moment. "What else do the Dracoknights do, aside form collect tributes?"


"Most are feckless layabouts who live in the relative comfort the Dragons grant them. Rare is the time they can be bothered to perform their stated duties, yet they will gladly reap the pay and luxury the Dragons provide for betraying their own race. If they can be said to do anything, it is that they, most of the time, cause the violence they are supposed to protect our people from. A few rare ones do indeed patrol for bandits from the kingdoms beyond our borders, and serve the people in other ways. Those ones do not make it very high in the Dracoknight hierarchy."


"So, will you be wanting our help in dealing with them, or did you have something else in mind?" He asks, seeing that the villages already have their own plans in motion.


"Our aim is to kill the Dracoknights coming to take tribute, and blame the deaths on what remains of the former trader networks of the loyalist villages. It hardly matters if the villagers are convinced, only that the rest of the Dracoknight leadership, and the Dragons themselves, are convinced. I hear you are an accomplished stage magician – you are experienced in directing your audience's attention just at what you want them to see. That is the essence of a trick, is it not?"


"It is an essence, yes. So we'll be helping to make it look like the traders did it, but wouldn't that just make them descend on all the villages, possibly even worse than they've already done?"


Grantz nods. "At least, that's what we want the loyalists to fear."


"To spur them to join your cause then…" Pryce thinks a moment. "How are you planning your assault on the Dracoknights? If you take all of them out or intercept them, it would be far more difficult to plant the idea that traders did it."


As you continue your questions, he waves you down.

"What is the purpose of wings?"


"To fly?" Pryce answers, unsure where the question is going.


"To fly above that which is below you, and beyond that which is above you," Grantz says. "Those who choose to cower upon the ground… those who dare not look up at the sky to see where they may go… bring shame upon that glorious gift. It is true that the Dracoknights rarely employ violence – but not to keep the loyalists in line. Only to simulate a little economic hardship. To provide an excuse, a scapegoat, for those few loyalists who dream of flight, to blame their failures upon. For most… if the Dracoknights stopped exacting tribute… if they stopped showing up altogether… they would continue leaving out the tribute. Continue sending forth their sons and daughters for conscription. That is what Draconic rule has done to their wings. Pinned them down so tightly that, even if the bonds were removed, they would never dare to fly again.

"We *cannot* spur our own people, our very kinsfolk, to join the rebel cause," Grantz says. "So long as even the slightest notion of peace and order remains open to them, they would defect back to the rulers who have done nothing but take from them. But– what we can do is send them hurtling over the cliff's edge. Burn the bridges they stand upon. If they would cling to the ground, we will send them hurtling toward the ground until they learn to fly again."

He looks at your wings. "Surely you will understand."


Pryce looks back at his wings, thinking back to when he got them.
"I haven't had these for long, but, I do understand where you're coming from. My family, when I was young, we travelled around to entertain. We spread hope and good times to help lift others up, and I became a knight to go beyond and push that further."
Pryce pauses a moment.
"Do you have to cull the Dracoknights and wait for retribution to come in hopes of pushing the loyalists?" Pryce asks. "Showing them the defeated knights can give the same effect, but allow time for them to join, and an opportunity to see that they can fly above their oppressors."


Grantz… chuckles. He shakes his head as if talking to a clever child, and not to an accomplished warrior. "Vortigern mentioned this would be a point of contention. But, this is the reality: Our forces are too outnumbered and undersupplied to risk the effort of capturing Dracoknights," Grantz counters. "The resources necessary to care for hostages is just too great of a burden for our side. Besides – they're granted power from dragons. These aren't just garden-variety soldiers. If they get their strength back in captivity, they won't remain captive for long. I don't intend to torture Dracoknights just to keep them weak enough to remain restrained. I'm no demon."


Pryce feels a little insulted from the tone, and the jump of assumption to torture to enable captivity, but he doesn't jump on it to not break the alliance being built.
"If they've been granted power, then surely it can be taken away. If that can be done, then their deaths can be spared and it can show these villages the knights can be overcome."


"We've dealt with power thieves before," River says. "It's a more common ability than one might think."
"Do any of you possess that power?" Grantz asks.
None in your group respond.
"Then it's a moot point," Grantz says. "The council has already given its approval to our plan of attack. Make yourselves ready to ride out in four days."
Protest is plain in the eyes of your allies, but they restrain themselves from speaking.


"What power do the dragons give them? I may be able to do something, depending on what exactly it is," Pryce asks, not giving up on finding a better way to deal with the knights.


"Overall enhancement of strength, speed and magical ability," Grantz says. "But not a great enhancement of physical or magical defenses. This, we believe to be a check on any Dracoknights hatching any plans to rebel and take power for themselves. Point being, the only way to stop Dracoknights is to get the drop on them and overwhelm them before they can even look anyone's direction. It's guerilla warfare, or death."

"Then, we'd better take time to prepare ourselves," River says.

"Wh–" Zjetya says, turning to River with confusion.

"We've an ambush to plan, don't we? We'd better get on with it," River says.

"Right…" Grantz says. He looks a little leery of her sudden turn, but doesn't press. "Make use of what you can in the village, provided you give my people fair compensation for anything you borrow. Now, as Chieftan, I have no shortage of my own preparations. Gentlecolts, fillies."

He rises to leave, as does Vortigern.


Pryce goes to speak further, but halts as River speaks up on preparations. He nods in agreement.
"We'll be sure to," He says to Grantz on compensation.

After he and Vortigern leave, Pryce looks to River.
"Get an idea?"


"It clicked for me when you brought up taking away power," River says. "Mudi possesses that power – as does Buiwong."
"He's a bit busy to come through for our aid, isn't he?" Zjetya asks. "Mocha too."
"True enough," River says. "But his daughter – Mocha's mother – is still in this world, as are the rest of that family."
Onion raises his eyebrows. "Mocha said Buiwong was powerful protective of all them – it was a struggle just to get him to accept Mocha being out and about."
"Then it's a good thing he's a bit busy," River says.
"Got a way to contact them?" Spitshine asks.
"Possibly," River says. "If what I've got back on the airship is what I think it is. Let's retrieve it."


>"Oh yea, I was talking with Mocha about them before we got into Tartarus! I bet they'd help out!"
KP says enthusiastically.

Pryce looks a bit off-put on the idea.
"Could we trust power deriving from him? If the dragons are just using magic I could Unweave it," He says, not fully on-board with going with a Buiwong resort.


"I believe this to be the genuine article," River says. "And should you ever be knocked out or separated from us, we will want a backup to counteract the power of the Dracoknights.

"Following your battle with Estuary, I heard the outcome of Vortigern's duel with Shorthorned… and the discussion with Buiwong that followed. That night, I felt myself compelled to speak with him about my own past allegiances…"

She trails off a little, her eyes hazy with distant memories. "…When we at last concluded our talks, he gave me something."

When you reach the airship, River heads to her room, sorts through her belongings, and retrieves a locked chest. From inside, she retrieves what at first appears to be a ball of yarn – made of spider's silk.

"A parting gift," River says. "If and when we need a place to hide. But I should warn you, it will not activate if any foes are in our vicinity. He made it clear how many restrictions he put on it, lest the wrong powers come across what this silk hides."


Pryce still feels torn on the idea, but he trusts River in that it should be fine.
"Alright, a backup would be helpful if anything like that were to happen."

Pryce pauses in thoughtful concern when River mentions speaking on with Buiwong about the past allegiance, but doesn't push the subject.

Pryce looks down at the ball of silk.
"So this will be our means of contact?"

>"Do we follow it, or do we make a circle with it?"

KP asks curiously.


"From what he told me…" River begins, looking about the airship. She then winds back her foreleg and rolls the ball across the floor, but holds onto the loose string. The ball rolls and banks off an open doorway, losing some momentum…

…But as it looks as if it may roll to a halt, it starts to move again, of its own accord, and rolls off. With widened eyes, the others creep after it, following the string. The ball has rolled under the couch in the central room. Onion and Zjetya scoot it aside, and find a hole in the ground where there was none before. There is pitch darkness on the other side, and the spider-silk leads directly into it.


KP follows after the ball eagerly, while Pryce holds some caution as they trail after it. When the couch is moved to reveal a hole, both peer down into it.
"I'll check it first," Pryce says, lighting his horn as he steps into the hole, being the first to check in case anything nefarious is at play.


Your light does nothing to illuminate the darkness, until you're all the way through the portal. A brief disorientation follows – as the portal flings you towards a dark, star-studded sky, which is now below you. A new gravity takes hold, and you manage to stick the landing onto high grasses, near the portal.

You're in the midst of a dark forest, with cramped, close-clumped trees stretching far higher into the sky than any of even the greatest trees of your world. The shadows are different here – things are either lit or they are totally dark, there is no gradient to speak of (cel-shading).


Pryce spreads his wings as he falls suddenly through the portal to help balance himself. After landing, he looks around the dark forest, the lighting putting him on edge with the total void that exists for some shadows.
"Hello? Is anypony there?" He calls out through the trees, wondering if this is the location they were supposed to go, or if there is further travel to be made.


You see no obvious path, and no voice greets you… but you can sense presences nearby. No telling how many; could be one, or a multitude… your spiritual senses feel dim, and foggy, by the power of this zone.


Pryce pauses in thought a moment, then heads towards the presences with caution. He hasn't seen the others follow him yet, they're likely still on the ship still, so it'll be safer to check now then to bring them along. He keeps on guard as his senses feel damped by this area, ready to react if this is indeed a trap.


A glint of starlight illuminates a blade of damp, jagged teeth. Far ahead of you lurks the mouth of a wolf. That, and a sliver of its face, is all you can see. Judging by the size of what little you can see, the wolf's height is on par with yours.

A low rumbling growl breaks the still air, and is echoed all about… this wolf is not alone.


Pryce holds his ground, turning or running would instigate a chase immediately. He keeps eye contact with the glint of teeth he can see, to not be caught off guard by this one, waiting if it means to attack or will pass.


A cold, damp touch electrifies your shoulder, as you feel another wolf, eluding your notice, approach from the side to smell you. Other shapes lurk just behind that wolf.

A few moments of inspection pass, and the wolf's haunches relax. Its ears lean back, but in a decidedly friendly way, not a hostile posture. The wolf steps fully out of the shadows, then stops, turning to look back at you.

Seems it wishes for you to follow.


Pryce nearly snaps to the side as he feels the touch, his training and nerves keeping him from doing. He watches as the wolf inspects him, not showing any hostility or threat.
When it relaxes it posture and continues on, then giving the feel to follow, Pryce cautiously follows behind.


Subtle waves in the shadows surrounding indicate that a small retinue of wolves has joined you, either guarding, shepherding, or judging you from the peripheries…

…and, after some time of walking, you see another source of light, this one coming from ahead, and not above. Candlelight through a glass window. Between the trunks and through the branches, you see a vast, three-storied cabin, guarded by a great stone wall and a moat, though the bridge is down. This small castle is the only such fixture of civilization you can see in the area.


Pryce walks with the pack as they traverse the forest, keeping on a light guard.

He peers ahead as light finally breaks through, showing the cabin, the first notable sight here. If this area is where Buiwong's family is settled, then this should be their home. Pryce steps forward towards the bridge.


As you approach the bridge, the lead wolf abruptly halts, forcing you to halt as well, lest you crash into it. The wolf gives a triplet bark –

–And a great lattice of twisting, chaotic energy rises up from the bridge and moat, all manners of colors and sounds reverberating from the energetic nets. A flashback follows, as you recall your first breach of one of Buiwong's lairs, so many months ago… one such lattice turned you into an Alicorn.

A few moments after the trap is disarmed, the door of the manor opens, and a silhouette pokes its head around the corner. The figure takes a second to assess the situation… then raises a hoof.

"Hiii!" the voice, female, greets. "It's safe to cross. Come on in!"


Pryce stops behind the wolf, wondering if he stepped out of line. He then looks up as the rainbow of energy flies up from the moat, starting to question if this is really the right place they were going.

"Uh, hello! I hope I'm not interrupting anything," Pryce calls out as the voice greets him, holding a moment before crossing the bridge.


"Well, we weren't expecting guests so soon after we heard," the voice says, holding open the door. Once you enter, and your eyes adjust to the light, you find yourself in a spacious foyer. To your right is an open dining room, and across from that, on the left, is a room dominated by a pool table. Other tables with other games are along the walls.

You see now your host: A light green earth pony drider, with black-and-white striped hair like Mocha. She wears a similar modest poncho. She seems to be a year or two younger than Mocha.

"Are you hurt at all?" the mare asks. "Thirsty? Starving? Cursed?"


"Some things came up. Well, more of questions," Pryce comments as he enters, looking around the surprisingly decorated foyer.
"No, no, I'm fine," He answers to the questions, surprised on the hospitality. "I'm guessing you're Mocha's sister?"


"I'm Mint Leaf," the mare says, with a nod. "I'm one of her sisters. Metis is somewhere around here. Our brothers are out with Pops. C'mon and have a seat."

While she heads to a cushion in the dining room (indeed, there are no chairs anywhere to see; less suitable for the drider physiology), you hear another set of legs walking about. From the doorway adjacent to the dining room comes another drider; this one, a zebra mare, also wearing a poncho.

"Ohh! Don't tell me…" the mare says, tapping her chin. "You're… uh… Heeeex… Errr… Pryce! Pryce, right?"


"Nice to meet you Mint," Pryce says, then follows her to the dining room. When another voice calls out, guessing his name, Pryce nods.
"That's right. And you must be… Mocha's mother?"


"That's right," the zebra drider says. "I'm Matryoshka. I've heard so much about you all from dad and Mocha! Oh, you stay right there, I'll put some tea on."

Matryoshka heads back to the other room, and you hear a fire lighting. "Hope you weren't planning on leaving in a hurry," Mint says. "Once it's tea time, guests are here to stay. So, what did you want to ask?"


"Oh, you don't need…" Pryce trails off, seeing that the tea won't stop no matter what's said.

"Not really, though the others probably are still waiting to see if it was safe to come in here," He comments. "Oh, right. Well, we have a situation, and River suggested asking one of you for help in taking away power."


"Help, huh…?" Mint asks. "…If it involves going outside, that's going to be a question for Mom and Pops. Mocha might have worn down them and Grandpa with her persistence, but Grandpa and Pops weren't the most thrilled about it. They used to kvetch about it all the time while Grandpa was still around."


"I guess that would depend on if any of you could help with this," Pryce answers. "We're dealing with dragon powered knights, and taking away that power is the only idea we have to avoid the whole group getting killed."

Pryce nods as Mint brings up the difficulty on leaving.
"Yea, Mocha mentioned something along those lines before. Would they be willing to talk on the matter if it comes to that?"


"You've made it to the house. That's proof enough you're worth talking to," Mint says. "Nobody gets to this point without the wolves' assessment. You might not have noticed, owing to the spiritual dampening on this little realm, but the wolves led you past countless hurdles and traps to get here – not just the stuff on the bridge and in the moat. So, I already know you're good people, and so will everyone else. Tell you what, why don't you check back in with your friends so they don't panic and send in a rescue party? I'll send word to Pops while you're out."


"I assumed they were pets of some kind, didn't expect they're be guardians as well."

As Mint says she'll give word while they wait, Pryce nods, standing to head out.
"Good idea. I'll be back soon," He says before making the way back to the ship.


"You're telling me you don't get the wordplay!?" Mint gasps, aghast. "Oh jeez, you'll have a hard time here…"

With that cryptic warning on your mind, you head back out, and a wolf retinue (though smaller this time) escorts you back the direction you came, until you step into the portal, and back out into the airship.

After getting your bearings in the familiar gravity of your own world, you see that the others are, contrary to Mint's prediction, not organizing a rescue party. You see them through the front windows of the airship, dozing off in the shade of a tree on the village outskirts. Most of the villagers are doing similarly, taking refuge from the summer sunlight in a wide-scale siesta. They sleep just as hard as they work, it seems.


As Pryce reenters the airship, he looks around wondering where the others are. When he finally spots them outside, he heads out, opting to nudge River awake first to inform her from the nap since it was her idea.


"Hmmph, hmm?" River stammers, peering out through narrowed eyes. "Awake. I'm awake…"

The others rise with similar reluctance, stretching and yawning.

"How was it?" Zjetya asks. "We thought about coming to get you, but decided you had it under control. Plus it's naptime."


"It went well, it was safe to enter, and I got in touch with them. I laid out the situation, and came back to check on you guys while we wait for their dad to get back to talk." Pryce says, keeping the names out to help keep to the secrecy given they're in a secure location.


Zjetya nods. "Let's not keep them waiting, then."

The others collect themselves and walk off their lingering drowsiness, making ready to accompany you to the secret castle.


Pryce leads the group over to the yarn portal to head into the secret dimension.
"Keep an eye out, we'll be getting a wolf escort. They're friendly though."


When you get back to the portal, the wolf retinue is already waiting for you. Seems they understood the brief nature of your absence, and put a guard on the portal to await you. The others are puzzled and hesitant at the sight of this escort, but when they see the lead wolf turn away and walk through the forest, they ease up somewhat.


"Its ok, they're leading us to the castle," Pryce says as he sees the others at unease at first. Once the lead wolf starts to walk ahead, Pryce gestures for the others to follow.


The others, still a bit unnerved by the situation and the uncanny light of the realm, proceed in silence. Only River seems to be a bit at ease; her time aiding Buiwong no doubt afforded her a certain familiarity with his dimensional decorations.

Soon enough you're back at the moat, and again the lead wolf barks thrice, lifting the final supernatural blockade. The others, astounded, watch the lattice lift into the air, until a familiar voice calls.

"Tea's all ready!" Mint Leaf says. "C'mon in!"


Pryce leads on, keeping the pace comfortable to help ease anypony against the eerie atmosphere they walk through.

"Sorry if we kept you waiting," Pryce calls back as they return to the bridge, leads the others across.

>"Wow, they sound friendly,"

KP comments, eager to see Mocha's family.


In the dining room, you see the full group of seven, sitting on a ring of cushions with a tea-table between them. Though some wolves are inside, sitting guard by the family, they leave an additional cushion open, presumably for Mocha.

Just as KP saw in the portraits, it's a family of Matryoshka and her earth pony husband, and five of their six earth drider children, though they're a few years older than they were in the portrait.

"Oh, wow!" Matryoshka says. "I heard you were a big group, but I lost track of who was going where. Mint, can you get more cushions?"

"Sure can," Mint says, getting up.

The others look about with amazement at the comfy manor.


>"Hello! It's great to finally meet all you!"
KP greets after they enter the dining room, looking with awe at the drider family.

"Hope its not too much of a hassle to have everypony here," Pryce comments as the matriarch requests more cushions.


"Don't even let that thought cross your mind," Matryoshka says. "We love guests, even if we rarely get them. I was so excited when Dad asked me if we'd be okay with the idea of this realm doubling as a shelter."

"Don't get a lot of people this way, do you?" Zjetya asks as Mint comes back with more cushions.

"No," Matryoshka says. "Though, I suppose it's a sign they don't need extra shelter… hopefully."

"It's… rather dangerous out there," River says.

The husband nods with a grave grimace. "Hence, the protections on the entrance… have a seat, everyone. We've heard a lot about you, but go ahead and introduce yourselves."


"Don't imagine you'd get any guests out here," Pryce comments with the remoteness and unique entryway.

Pryce nods as they're asked to introduce themselves.
"My name is Pryce," He greets, keeping it simple given the rough history with Buiwong.

>"I'm KP! Mocha told me a bit about you guys before we split up,"

KP chimes in after.


Your other allies give their names as well, keeping it light on the details.

"There's another guy with us," Zjetya says. "But he couldn't make it. Name's Estuary."

The family, in response, gives their introductions as well: Matryoshka, the mother. Mint Leaf, the middle sister, and Metis, the youngest sister. Then there's the father, Archer, his eldest son Alloy, the middle son Acacia, and the youngest son, Almond.

"And we've heard our share about your adventures, too," Archer says. "Darn near a few books' worth, at that."

Matryoshka brings out a tray of honey and jam biscuits, and Metis follows with the tea set. "Help yourselves, everyone," Matryoshka says.


"You've all been kept up on things then?" Pryce asks.

When snacks are brought out, KP takes a biscuit eagerly.

Pryce feels a little questioning, focusing more on the task at hoof to not appear rude.


"More or less," Archer says. He doesn't sound all too thrilled about that.

"Oh, that reminds me," Matryoshka says. "Mint mentioned you had some questions for us?

In the background, the five drider youths are busy chit-chatting with your allies. Though your allies are reticent at first, the driders seem not to mind, keeping up conversation in spite of it.


"We did, yes," Pryce says, looking back from the chitchat. "We were wondering if any of you could help us with removing powers."


"Removing power?" Archer repeats.

River nods. "Here's the situation that we're in…"

She lays out the basic details of the situation affecting Vortigern's people, and your desire to mitigate any unnecessary killing.

Matryoshka nods. "I see. Well, that ability does run in our blood, from Dad. We could help…"

Mint Leaf and Alloy look to Archer with wide, "Didn't-I-tell-you-this-was-gonna-happen?" eyes.

Archer wears the frown of one very annoyed that they can see the logic in their opponent's argument. "I never should have listened to a word out of Mocha's mouth…"


"I know this is a bit much to ask given the situation, and I don't blame you if you refuse. But we don't have too much time and we don't have any other options really," Pryce follows after seeing the dislike Archer is having to this situation.


"I've already set a precedent," Archer says. "Letting Mocha sweet-talk me into letting her have an adventure. Now my daughter's somewhere in Tartarus."

"Kicking ass," Almond says.

"Language," Matryoshka says.

"Sorry," Almond chuckles.

"So, I don't have any grounds to deny the same right to the others," Archer continues.

A loud gasp of enthusiasm rises from the kids.

"If, and only if–" Archer interjects. "They can pass my trial."


Pryce feels some guilt at having pushed the idea, despite the drider kids being excited for the idea.
"A trial?" Pryce repeats, curious to how this is unfolding.


"In order to leave on a prolonged adventure," Archer begins. "They must land eight consecutive strikes on me, before I can land three strikes on them, in a one-on-one duel."

"So far, only Mocha accomplished that," Metis says. "Even though we all tried."

"That's how you need to be able to fight demons," Archer says. "If you can't manage that on even a mortal, you won't have any chance out there."

"Ehhh," Almond says. "You got some of Ma's power, I wouldn't call you 'mortal' anymore."

"But even BEFORE I got that, I finished a much more grueling challenge, to which this trial doesn't even hold a candle," Archer says. "Against Buiwong… I landed eight hundred strikes."

"Teeeechnically he only had to land eighty consecutive strikes," Matryoshka says. "But between all his different attempts, he racked up about 814."

"I'm humble, so I round down," Archer says with a snort.


"…How close have any of you gotten?" Pryce asks the others with concern.

"You had to fight Buiwong?" Pryce asks after Archer says he had to do similar before.


"To take Matryoshka out on a date," Archer answers with a nod. "He was going to make me fight him again for each successive date but considering I got eight hundred just for the first one, we called it even."

"Most of that first date was me treating his injuries," Matryoshka shares with a laugh.

Alloy raises his hoof. "I'm the closest, with five. But, Pop, don't you think the current circumstances merit waiving the test?"

"You heard the recap," Archer says. "These Dracoknights sound like they're on-par with demon tamers. And since tamers rarely fight with just one demon, I'd consider a Dracoknight a stronger opponent. You're lucky I don't bump it up to sixteen strikes."


>"What was the most hits in a row you got against him?"
KP asks Archer.

"Can we help them?" Pryce questions. "We only have four days, and we all work as a team already. The chances of anypony being by themselves is slim to none."


"Well, eighty," Archer says to KP. "But counting unsuccessful attempts… seventy-nine. I had nightmares for a month about coming that close and then dropping the combo. It was downright embarrassing."

He shakes his head at you. "Not in the actual duel. Even if you have a team, you need to be able to hold your own in case the worst happens. But, you're welcome to train with them. Some new combat experience might be just what they need."

The drider kids discuss the prospect with excitement.


>"Oh wow, you must've fought him a lot then. How long did it take you to finally beat that challenge?"

"I wouldn't step the line on a family duel," Pryce assures. "But thank you for allowing us to help train."
Pryce then looks over to the kids as they are all excited over this new opening.
"Will all of you be trying?"


"I think it was… a little over a year, right?" Archer asks.

"Just about, yeah," Matryoshka says.

"How many of you can train us?" Mint Leaf asks.

"I'm open to helpin'," Onion says.

"As am I," River says. "As someone who once worked for Buiwong, I have lots of combat experience."

"This ain't really my forte," Zjetya says. "But if you need a cheerleader, call me."

Alloy nods. "So, three possible trainers. I believe those of us with the highest previous scores should take priority."

"Us three, then," Metis says, gesturing to Mint and Alloy.

"Tch," Acacia grumbles.

"Think of it as a chance to learn through study," Alloy says. "We're getting thrown right in to the gauntlet directly."

"He's got a point," Almond concedes.


>"A whole year? You must've been pretty determined."
KP says with awe.

"Is Estuary was here, he could train all you without issue," Pryce comments as they decide who will train. "Studying can still teach you a lot. But if we have extra time we can give you some focus too," Pryce offers to Acacia and Almond.
"So, when would you like to start?" He asks the rest.


"Sounds like you're on a tight deadline, so you can start now," Archer says.

The kids are about to cheer.

"After chores," Matryoshka corrects.

"Ah, right, after chores," Archer agrees.

The kids softly sigh.

>Training montage available whenever


"Well, we can help were we can to help things along," Pryce offers to help them through their chores to set on to the training quicker.


Your allies join in with polishing off the tea and the biscuits, after which the kids show you about the manor as you take care of the myriad chores. Even demi-demigods must keep a clean bathroom and a tidy bedroom, it seems.


KP has a myriad of questions as they go throughout the manor doing chores, mostly with every photo they see. Pryce helps out dutifully, still surprised at the contrast of the manor to what he knows of Buiwong.

Once chores are done and its ready for training to begin, Pryce leaves the area to do so up to the kids to decide.
"So, what are you trained in so far? Any specialties you've focused on?"


The drider siblings take turn answering KP's questions. Sounds like domestic life is peaceful here, if isolated. Every one of the siblings wants to see the outside world, but Archer has been steadfast on his policy, and though Matryoshka is more sympathetic, she agrees with Archer's rules.

KP also sees many images of an elder zebra mare among the family portraits, though she herself doesn't seem to be around the house.

In the training yard out back, the siblings all go over their powers, Attributes, as well as their best scores against Archer.

>Alloy: Dark Knight; Melee; 5 strikes

>Mint Leaf: Toxicologist; Poison; 4 strikes
>Metis: Deathmaster; Illusion 4 strikes
>Acacia: Ninja; Smoke; 3 strikes
>Almond: Charlatan; Light; 3 strikes

>Each of them are considered Minibosses per the expanded ruleset


>"Is that your grandma?"
KP asks after seeing the elder zebra mare in many of the photos.
>"Is she out somewhere else?"

"Sounds like you're all pretty close in the challenge. All have a similar base of training too…" Pryce mulls over, looking to River and Onion. "What do you think, should we train them one on one, or train them as a class?"


"Last I heard, she was looking after what remains of Buiwong's cultus," Alloy explains. "Buiwong wanted her to remain where it's safe, but hiding from danger has never been her style."

"A classroom approach's the best," Onion says. "Direct experience is good and all, but observation's half the battle. All you siblings keep an eye on each other, you may be able to identify what's holdin' your siblings back."

River nods. "I agree."

The siblings nod, and their foreheads shift, producing several more sets of eyes for maximum observational studying.


>"Aw. Does she ever stop by? I'd be fun to meet the whole family."

"Sounds like a plan, get as much in as possible," Pryce agrees.
When the kids produce more spider eyes, Pryce is ever so slightly unnerved.
"Before we start, what is your father's fighting style?"


"He's kind of like a scorpion," Metis says. "You couldn't really see when he was sitting down earlier, but his long tail gives him good reach. He favors axes and clubs when he fights. And he's always just a bit faster than you expect. He likes to bluff with delayed movements, but don't count on being able to out-speed him."


"Long reach, heavy weapons, and pretty fast. He's pretty skilled then. Alright, we'll focus more on training up your skills and improving your combat prowess. You've fought him plenty enough that training to counter that style probably won't help much. A fresh, outside look might just be what gives the edge," Pryce details.
"Alright, since you have the most hits in Alloy, we'll start with you."

> Engage training montage


You train with the drider siblings over the next three days, each getting a turn to spar with you, Onion and River. Meanwhile, Matryoshka enlists Spitshine and Sugar to help take care of the chores in and around the house. Though the two are disappointed to miss out on watching the fights, they're more than eager to pay back Matryoshka's boundless kindness – which entails being treated to lunch and afternoon tea when you take respites from training.

In the evenings, you return to the airship to tend to your own domestic duties, and the nights are full of strategizing for future trainings.

The main obstacles to the driders is their impatience. This, as you learn, stems from their situation at home. In fact, this only recently became their home, near seven months ago. They used to live in the outside world, in the outskirts of Accorsia's former western colonies, since liberated by Buiwong's cultus. On the eve of what came to be known as the One Night War and the Rapture, Buiwong ushered his family into the shelter, if the worst should happen – and it did. They have been allowed outside only precious few times since then, scouting with Archer. The destitution of mortalkind, and the ravages of demonkind, have only affirmed Archer and Buiwong's policies of keeping the family hidden away in their shelter… much to the displeasure of the driders.


Pryce recalls on some of his knight training to pass to help bolster up the driders, along with some of the training Sir Estuary has put them through so far. As it comes across that they're a it impatient, Pryce then tries to showcase the effectiveness of waiting, using some techniques of stage magic and some of his own fighting styles to show that the payoff is worth the time.

After the third day, Pryce looks over the driders, thinking on their progress.
"…I think its time to challenge your father," He says to them after a moment of thought.


A nervous silence falls over the five, but after a beat, they nod.


Alloy approaches the back door, and knocks upon it. A few moments later, the door opens. At the threshold stands Archer, his armor and wooden training weapons already equipped.

Without a word, he leads them out to the training yard you've become so familiar with in the past three days. Matryoshka, Spitshine and Sugar follow as well, with the snacks for the audience.

Archer takes his place at one end of the training yard, and the driders face him from the other.

"You'll each get a shot at a duel," Archer says. "I'm already warmed up, so don't count on getting an advantage or disadvantage on that front. If more than one of you succeeds on landing eight consecutive hits… the winners will duel it out for the right to accompany these 'Saviors.'"

A stir flashes through the driders.

"Hey, we'll still have passed the trial," Metis says. "So, we should be free to return to the outside world. Wasn't that the deal Mocha made?"

"The difference is that she had a group to go with," Archer says. "A group led by none other than Buiwong himself. Like him, this group's going to be facing a force capable of holding their own against demons. So, only the best of you can join them."

The frustrations grow… but none raise an objection.


Pryce almost speaks up on the new restriction that only one of them can leave, even if multiple pass the trial, but he doesn't. While they need the help, and they've put in plenty of training, he can't step into family matters.

"Just remember, if you can beat it now, you can beat it again in the future," He says to add a brighter side of encouragement to the driders.



Five explosive bouts follow.

Neither side shows even a drop of mercy, pulling out every technique and trick they have up their ponchos. Magic, weapons and divine powers fly forth, and are answered with counters, parries and dodges.

Each concludes in less than thirty seconds.

After they do–

Somewhat unsurprisingly–

Alloy, Mint Leaf and Metis breathe sighs of relief and disbelief on the sidelines… while Acacia and Almond sit aside in disappointment. Alloy and his sisters all got eight strikes, while Acacia and Almond came just shy, with six each.

Archer sits with Matryoshka, wiping himself with a towel as he sips his tea.


KP stomps his hooves in applause after the fights.
>"Whoa, that was intense!"
He cheers.

Pryce gives a more modest applause, knowing there's still more to go.
"Good job, all of you," He says, then looks to Acacia and Almond. "You doubled your last record after only three days of training. I'm sure you'll have it after a little more."


The three victors say nothing to you. Your allies look on with concern, but something in the eyes of the three urges them to remain silent.

Alloy, Metis and Mint Leaf take their positions in the training yard again.

"The first to win eight strikes on any opponent or combination of opponents takes it," Archer says.

He raises his hoof, the the three raise their weapons.



The six drider siblings had all been something of minor celebrities among Buiwong's cultus in its heydey, but they denied any worship proffered them, preferring instead to be treated as peers… friends, even.

The death reports had come in soon after the Rapture's conclusion.

As such.

Every drider recognized dozens of names on the register.

Mocha, the most of all.

She was, for months, completely inconsolable.

"Friends?" I thought I was a "friend?"
Friends help one another.
But I just hid. It's what I was told to do– but I took that, glad for a convenient excuse. I was terrified of what would happen if I followed granddad.
I failed my friends.

Until, on the very first day of the fourth month, she launched an all-out campaign to pester her father. Challenging him, day and night, until he relented either by her victory in combat, or in sheer annoyance. Archer went to Buiwong– but he had no luck in deterring her either.

Just as Archer pursued Buiwong until he landed eight hundred strikes.

So too did Mocha pursue Archer until she landed eighty.

And on the day of her departure, those siblings of hers gave chase to their father as well.

A kind of revenge, perhaps, for being hid away from the horrors of the world. And, revenge against the horrors of the world that led to so many deaths.

Mmm… no. Mocha's just not the vengeful type.

So her friends in the cultus would say.

She just really likes being out and about and having fun. Not much more to life, is there? In the end, that's what we're fighting for.



It concludes in less than thirty seconds.

Alloy stands the victor. Metis and Mint Leaf have laid down their weapons in acknowledgement of his win… with downcast eyes.


Pryce watches the siblings fight out for the right to venture outside, finishing as fast as it is extreme. He waits a moment for them to compose after, then steps over to them.
"You all did great," He says to congratulate. "I know I'll see you out there soon."


Alloy steps back a bit in shock. His eyes are conflicted, and a grimace curls his lip. But then, a gasp breaks his dismay. Mint Leaf and Metis have both given him a side-hug, despite their disappointment. Alloy's dismay gives way to relief, and he returns the hug.

"Well-done, you three," Archer says to the trio – though his daughters still look down. He leaves them for the time being. "Alloy, go get yourself packed. I want that room tidy enough for a guest by evening."

"Y-yes, Pop," Alloy stammers, and scoots off.

"Now," Archer continues, before frowning at his daughters. "What's got you two so down?"

"We lost," Metis says. "After everything."

"Ah, that's a shame," Archer agrees, as if hearing the news for the first time. Mint Leaf clicks her tongue with annoyance, and looks ready to call it a day…

"Obviously, you'll have to find a less dangerous adventure," Archer says. "I heard Thespia's kids are out and about in the south with your grandmother. I don't think you could keep up with your grandmother – most people can't – but you always got along well with your cousins."

"H-huh?" Metis asks.

"Whaddya mean, 'huh'?" Archer scoffs. "You passed the trial. You can get going and stop trying to ambush me after tea time – provided you find yourself a group to go with."

Metis and Mint Leaf stand there a moment, then flop to the ground as if they were part slug, not part spider.


Matryoshka giggles.


Pryce chuckles a little as Archer reveals the other two can go out as well, just not on their journey.
"Thank you again, for helping us," Pryce says to the patriarch.


Archer nods, while Matryoshka goes to scoop up her daughters.

"Thank you for giving them the push they needed to beat me," Archer says. "Now, you'll understand if we take a bit to set our affairs in order. We'll send Alloy to meet you outside the moat once we've said our goodbyes."

Taking his meaning, your allies get ready to step away from the manor grounds so the family can have their goodbyes in private.


"Of course," Pryce says with a nod, leaving with the others to give the spider clan their privacy.

"That went better than I thought it would, glad they all took well to the training," Pryce comments once they're past manor grounds.


Zjetya nods. "Always thought Mocha was a bit odd in comparison to her grandpa. But she's as well-adjusted as the rest of her immediate family– he's the eccentric one."
River nods. "I never got to meet them before now. Hard to believe they're so calm, being so near the heart of a cult of chaos."

You and your allies continue to chat as you wait just outside the moat. Soon, you see the front doors open. Matryoshka and Archer see out Alloy, who's wearing a large backpack on his spider-half. Alloy turns to his parents and bows his head. The two of them each give him a peck on the forehead, and a hug… then Alloy turns towards the moat, and walks off. Matryoshka looks quite forlorn, and leans on Archer's shoulder.

When Alloy gets to you, he gulps, tapping his forelegs together.

"…Shall we be off?" he asks.


"Maybe being related kept them away from the fanaticism," Pryce ponders.

When the driders step back outside, Pryce turns as they give their goodbyes to Alloy. He nods as he approaches, seeing the bit of nervousness in him, feeling a little guilty over the circumstances for this.
"Mhm, let's be off," Pryce says, waving goodbye and thank you to Archer and Matryoshka as he turns to lead Alloy off to the outside.


The wolves see you out. Even though you've spent the last few days training together, Alloy seems a little shy and nervous, though his expression remains stoic and blank.

At last you return to the airship. Alloy is the last to step through the portal, pausing to give all the guardian wolfspider dogs a good petting farewell. When at last he and the dogs have had their fill (not really, but time is of the essence), he steps through the portal, and it closes behind him. River retrieves the ball of silk, which has rolled back up of its own accord.

Alloy looks over the airship in awe and silence.


Pryce gives Alloy a moment to take in the airship, it alone likely a overwhelming contrast to their home.
"This is the airship, our little homebase," Pryce describes. "You can look around a pick out a room, but we do set out tomorrow, if you want to look around outside instead."


"Yes sir, I will," Alloy says. "But first– I don't think I did a formal introduction."

He bows his head, his arms rigidly at his sides.

"My name is Alloy, first son of Matryoshka, demigodess of sewing! Second grandson of Lord Buiwong, god of spiders and fables! I earned my talent-name from my natural gift in the ways of metalworking! I will do everything I can to advance our quest! I do not have any food allergies! Thank you for having me!"

A few lines into his introductions, your allies all started bowing as well. Once he's done, they lift their heads.

"Riiight…" River says. "Well, as much as it is appreciated, such formalities are not necessary. Please feel welcome and relaxed here."

Onion nods. "Hungry?"

"No sir," Alloy says, apparently not catching the note about formalities. "Thank you, sir."

"Estuary would get along with you," Zjetya jokes.

"I'm glad to hear it, ma'am," Alloy says.

"My title's milord," Spitshine says. "Just for the record."

"And mine is Her Highness the Demonsmasher," Sugar says.

"I will be sure to remember them, milord and your Highness the Demonsmasher," Alloy says.

"Don't bully the new fella," Onion says, clicking his tongue at the kids.


Pryce bows his head, Alloy's introduction sounding as if he was a knight.

>"Oh, oh! Can mine be Beastmaster?"

KP adds in with the kids granting themselves titles.

"Anyways, we're glad to have you aboard. Let's find a spot for your bag so you can relax and we can catch you up to speed.," Pryce offers, giving Alloy a tour of the ship.
"And metalworking you say? That'll come in helpful."


"Not 'til ye earn that title, bud," Onion says, and frowns at Spitshine and Sugar. "Yer still in trainin' just like these two."

The two chuckle mischievously.

Alloy nods to you. "I got my name for repairing my Pop's weapons. I'll be able to keep things maintained around here."
"Hold up," Zjetya says. "You got the name Alloy only after you were old enough to fix a weapon?"
Alloy nods. "In Western Accorsian cultures, children generally aren't given personal names until they demonstrate what makes them unique – personalities, interests, talents, and so on. Once they do, their parents or other caretakers decide on an auspicious name based on what the child's like. Everyone in my family got names like that."



As you turn to leave, you hear spider legs skittering toward you. "Oh, just one last thing!" Matryoshka says.

When she reaches you, she hands Spitshine and Sugar a pair of dark cloth bundles. "For all your hard work the past few days. Go ahead, open them!"

Sugar and Spitshine thank her, looking a bit bashful at how much the matron of the house was bestowing on them, strangers until recently. They unfold the bundles nonetheless, which as they discover are a pair of soft, comfortable ponchos. With admiration and gratitude, the kids quickly throw them on.

"Whoa, this fits perfectly!" Sugar remarks.
"Yeah, these are great," Spitshine says. "But when did you take our measurements?"
"Didn't need to," Matryoshka boasts. "Demigoddess of sewing here. I could have made these in my sleep. Come back anytime if you need these repaired, or if you need other repairs… or for any reason really."
"Got it," Sugar says. "We won't be strangers."

Finally, after giving Alloy one last final hug, Matryoshka lets you leave her web.


>KP also gets a poncho

KP unfolds his bundle, surprised and excited over the gift. When he sees its a poncho, he quickly throws it on to see how it fits.
>"Wow, thanks!"
KP says in gratitude.
>"We'll stop back when we got everything all cleared up!"
He says with a nod as Matryoshka leaves an open invitation to visit again.

>"Heh, we look like a little trio of bandits."

KP chuckles at Spits, Sugar, and his new wardrobe.


>"Aww… Well I call dibs on Beastmaster when I do earn it."
KP declares.

"What do you get called before that? It must get confusing with all those siblings before any of you had proper names," Pryce asks out of curiosity.


"It's a bit embarrassing," Alloy says. "But we were called by a word that can mean 'love' or 'young one' in the local language. The exact word varies depending where you are, but most cultures in the west had the same practice. Buffalo do the same, for instance. In big families like ours, they use synonyms for each new successive child. Then, when one child gets their personal name, the old 'youth name' gets passed on to the next one born, like a hand-me-down."

"Sounds pretty tight knit," Zjetya says. "Almost like a hive."

"There are many changelings in the west," Alloy confirms. "I would guess they influenced the practice greatly."


>"Aww, that's sweet."
KP comments at the name Alloy says was used for them.

"Sharing a name, a family or clan like that would be very close," Pryce says, then looks to Zjetya, "Did your hive do something like that?"


"Not the whole earn-your-name thing," Zjetya says. "We didn't really do 'names' to begin with, at least in the sense of words. It's sequences of notes that we go by. So I would be–"

Zjetya whistles a sequence of sweet-sounding tones.

"…So I picked the name 'Zjetya' to make it easier for Ecclesians to talk to me," Zjetya concludes.

River and the others try whistling Zjetya's true name, to mixed success. She suppresses a cringe, but smiles like she appreciates the thought.


"It sounds like a song, a perfect fit," Pryce says with a smile, trying to whistle it himself.

>"Are we gonna need to learn a lot of these when we visit your hive?"

KP asks.

Roll #1 7 = 7


You manage to echo Zjetya's performance, but it will take quite some time to be able to call it up without her doing it first.

"If we meet them, they'll probably give you their 'city names,' the ones they use when they're out and about elsewhere in Ornifex," Zjetya says. "Especially the Queen, you'd need a whole concert reservation to pronounce her full true name. So she just goes by–"

Abruptly, she clears her throat and goes to get some water. River raises an eyebrow.

With the conversation turning, Alloy excuses himself to pick a room and get his belongings unpacked.


Pryce notes to practice some more to get Zjetya's hive-name down.

>"We got almost a full band with us, we should start practising!"

KP adds with enthusiasm.

When Zjetya excuses herself, Pryce is equally as questioning. He nods to Alloy as he excuses himself, leaving the drider to unpack and settle.
"Was that a bit odd?" He asks to River, before following after Zjetya.


River nods and follows after Zjetya. "Excuse me, miss–" River says, and whistles Zjetya's name, a little better this time. "The Queen goes by…"

Zjetya almost chokes on her water, but sighs. "Promise you won't laugh?"

"I wouldn't laugh at your mother," River says. "Unless she told a joke."

"Okaaaay," Zjetya concedes. "Her city or common name is– Beans."

River snorts.

"You promised!" Zjetya growls. "She was very sensitive when she learned how people reacted to it."

"I'm sorry but, she chose that name, yes?" River chuckles. "Could she not have picked another if she found it embarrassing?"

"She's a… unique character," Zjetya says. "The story is that she, on a diplomatic excursion, ate at a working class establishment without grasping the class hierarchy in Ornifex. She had a bean burrito, and liked it so much that she wanted to know the name of the dish. When her guards told her, she liked the sound of 'Queen Beans' so much that she insisted the whole hive call her that."

"Well for the record, it is a nice rhyme," River says, her smile betraying just a hint of guilt for her amusement.

"Yeah…" Zjetya says. "But in Ornifex, they roast her pretty mercilessly for it."

"You sure you don't mean 'bake?'" Onion jokes, to the others' mirth.

"Hey c'mon," Zjetya groans, even as she smirks. "It would be funnier if there weren't consequences for it. Our standing in Ornifex depends on how the greater society views changelings. The Queen has made some strides for improving the hives standing, but things like that are what make the aristocracy look down on us."

She pauses. "Doesn't help that she's the latest in a pretty long succession line… she's the fourteenth queen."


"Promise," Pryce swears.

However, when the Queen's name is revealed, KP lets a little chuckle.
>"Hehe, I like it!"
Pryce keeps it a little better together, however a grin does grow on his face at the news.
"Well, from what you told me before on food for changelings, its must've been the best burrito around," He adds to lighten it up. He then pauses a moment.
"…So, no offense on this question… Would that mean your last name is Beans?" Pryce asks as if he's tip-hoofing across ice.

"Looking down on over a name, seems there's nothing good mentioned about any of the higher standings around here," Pryce says with disappointment hearing how the name has impacted their perception. "Fourteenth? How recently?"


"Yeah, yeah, yuk it up," Zjetya says. She reaches down to tickle KP's ribs, but KP can't feel her touch. He sees that her hoof has made contact with his side, but the poncho is in the way– it's not hard to imagine that there's some kind of protective enchantment in the poncho's fibers.

"I was part of her first egg clutch," Zjetya continues. "Which makes me eligible to become a queen. So yeah, I'd be Princess Zjetya Beans, heir to Queen Beans the XIVth."

The others bow to her, upon learning she's royalty. Zjetya does seem pretty amused by this, and taps them each on the shoulder with a soup spoon.


>"Huh, didn't feel that at all. This must be a thick poncho."
KP comments when he's shielded from the tickle.

"A princess?" Pryce says, surprised and awe. "We're pretty lucky then," He comments to River.
As the others bow, Pryce joins in suit, enjoying seeing her amusement.

>"Wow, you could be a queen! Does that mean we'd be the royal court?"

KP says in amazement.


"Yeah, every Queen needs her jesters," Zjetya jokes.

River blushes, and doesn't respond to you. Perhaps she is considering the dynamics of that relationship… it might behoove you to learn more of how the 'Beans' Hive handles distinctions of royalty.

Alloy soon comes out of his room, just as the conversation among your allies veers towards dinner. Overhearing, Alloy volunteers to help with cooking and stewing.

>timeskip ready when you are


KP salutes in response.
>"I'll make sure you'll never be bored Your Highness."
He says as if he was a proper knight.

"Eligble to be queen, then. What would that entail?" Pryce asks, curious to how the hierarchies of changelings work.


"Well first off, your society's notions of authority are pretty different than ours," Zjetya says. "In my hive at least, it's all pretty egalitarian. Subsisting off love means it's easier for resources and property to be held in common. If even one of us needs something, all their fellow lings will try to contribute – even the queen and king. The whole royal authority thing is more for ruling in disagreements, and taking command during emergencies, so that chaos and panic doesn't ruin an evacuation, or a battle plan. The only reason I'm eligible to be a ruler is because I was in Queen Beans' first egg clutch. That's just the way it works to keep succession as simple as it can be. If I didn't take over after the current queen, I could make my own hive, in theory. Same with my brood-siblings, the other princesses and princes from the clutch. But besides that, we're really not given much special treatment over other lings in the hive."

She sighs with nostalgia, glancing at the soup spoon. She raises it like a royal scepter.

"Oh, but if you wanna pamper me and shower me with gifts, like you would for one of your eastern kings, be my guest," she adds with a wink.


"Sounds like changeling society is just one big family. Things must work out pretty well there," Pryce comments as they go about preparing dinner. "Starting your own hive wouldn't cause contention or anything?"

Pryce chuckles at the pampering comment.
"When we get time I'll throw you and River a traditional Royal Ball."


"Long as there's enough love to go around, it wouldn't be a huge issue," Zjetya says. "I've heard that, back in the day, most major city-states on the western coast would have, if nothing else, a contractual alliance with a changeling hive. The city-state provides love, the changelings provide labor, magical services, or sometimes espionage."

River perks up a little. "Now that would be quite fun… I always wanted to attend one."

"If it's a royal ball, I get to pick your outfits," Zjetya says, her eyebrows wiggling with sin.

In the background, Alloy, Onion and the kids are busy preparing dinner.


"I wonder what changed to stop that, or if those deals just never picked up elsewhere," Pryce wonders.

"Of course, future Queen's orders," Pryce says with a bow of his head in agreement, unaware of her intent.


"Unfortunately, having a deal with shapeshifters makes your imagination run wild," Zjetya says. "It's not long before senators, aristocrats and leaders of guilds and companies start imagining spies and double agents around every corner. It's part of what had us on the fringe in Ornifex too."

River nods in sympathy. "Perhaps with the liberation from the dragons, things may improve?"

"It's something I had hoped to bring up to the council," Zjetya says.

Dinner is soon served. Alloy has led the others in making a hearty pasta, given you have a big day tomorrow.


"A shame things turn that way. But, I know things will improve here at least. They're sure to change their opinion with you on our side," Pryce says in hopeful tones as dinner is served.


An atmosphere of hope prevails over dinner… but afterward, with the attack on the horizon, certain thoughts refuse to leave your mind…

That night, as you lay in bed, images and questions move into place in your mind. Some puzzles can only be solved just as one nears sleep, after all…

…Grantz has been insistent on killing the Dracoknights… and yet, they are comprised of conscripted youths from the Ornifex Pegasus tribes. Why would the village council be okay with risking the deaths of their own young…?

Speaking of the council, you recall learning from Vortigern that she had been exiled from the village by the council, for rigging the drawing of that year's conscription… yet, neither she nor Grantz mentioned anything about the exile being lifted, or pardoned…

…come to think of it… have you seen any council members besides Grantz…?


Pryce lays in bed, looking up to the ceiling as thoughts rise up in his head, figuring their dwelling can help ease him off into slumber. As they drift to the coming day and the attack they've worked to try and keep from being a bloodbath, he tries to rationalize them as changing times. Most of what he heard of the tribes here was from some time ago, things must've just gotten desperate.
Though, perhaps the timing seems quite odd for that with their arrival…
Sleep before a big day is always the roughest.




The next morning, your allies waste no time being up and ready. By the time you're up, Alloy has already gotten breakfast started. You eat and clean with urgency, and soon, are heading out the door. Talk is sparse as the others mentally prepare themselves for what lies ahead.

You step outside the airship, finding the villagers have taken a similar pace, fortifying the town wall and all defensible structures, in case anything goes wrong with the fighting force mostly outside the village today. Grantz should probably be in the council-house, or nearby it.


Pryce is up, ready and prepared quick for the day ahead. He glances across the prep the village is going through as they step off the ship, seeming to be preparing for the worst.
"Let's meet with Grantz quick, this might change their plans considerably,"
Pryce says to the others, heading towards the council-house to find him.


Alloy is quite nervous as you pass through the village, and indeed, you sense the eyes of the villagers examining this new visitor. However, none of them look at Alloy for very long, nor give him any peculiar looks. Seems that him being with you is a vouch for his character.

As you approach the front doors of the council-house, you see Grantz and Vortigern sitting outside. They are enjoying tea, and talking idly. You would not know the day's agenda, simply from looking at them. As they see your entourage approaching, they wave you over in greeting.


>"Got a bit of stagefright?"
KP asks Alloy as he sees the nervousness of the drider as they walk through the village.

Pryce wavs to Vortigern and Grantz as they approach.
"Morning Grantz, Vortigern. We need to talk about the plan for the dragonknights, we have a solution to avoid unnecessary deaths."


"I was concerned the people here would be more suspicious of my appearance," Alloy says. "But they seem indifferent… or if worse, they aren't showing it at least."

Grantz arches his eyebrow. "My forces have already been briefed on the plan of action. Changing things at the last minute risks confusion, miscommunication, failure."

He pauses to sip his drink, his eyes not leaving yours all the while. "What could this 'solution' of yours possibly be?"


>"Nah, they're all pretty welcoming after a bit here. With the dragons and changelings around too, I don't think you stick out much."
KP says to assure Alloy.

"We don't need to change much, just making the goal be capture instead of extermination," Pryce says to make it simple. As Grantz asks for the solution, Pryce gestures for Alloy to step forward for introduction.
"This is Alloy, he can help with taking away the dragon's power from the dracoknights."


Grantz eyes Alloy as the latter steps forward.

"It's as Sir Pryce says," Alloy begins. "As a demigod–"
Grantz clears his throat, motioning for Alloy to quiet down.
"A word of advice," Grantz whispers. "Take care not to say the 'g' word too loud around here. Gods and divinity are an extremely unpopular subject among my people, considering our foes are dragon gods themselves. But, continue."
"N-noted, thank you," Alloy whispers back. Then, regaining a little composure, he continues. "My… heritage gives me an ability to drain power from my foes, even to the point of unconsciousness or death, if necessary. I'm aware of the battles we're facing today and tomorrow. If you put me on point, I can subdue the Dracoknights so they'll no longer be a problem, whether they're taken hostage or manage to escape."

Grantz takes a moment to ponder the proposal…

"Great!" he says.

The others breathe a little sigh of relief.

"And there's… how many of you?" Grantz asks.

"Just me, sir," Alloy says.

"…I see," Grantz says. "So, Pryce, you'd like me to put the burden of an entire battle plan onto… one gentlecolt's shoulders. Am I understanding you correctly?"

Vortigern frowns, but keeps her silence.

>persuasion rolls will be necessary here…


When Grantz shows enthusiasm after Alloy explains his power, Pryce feels relief over the ease of it. However, the follow-up cuts that short.
"Not at all. We all came here to help. Alloy may be the only one who can remove powers, but the rest of us can and will help in subduing the dracoknights. If we need to do that for an extended period to give Alloy proper time to work, then we will," Pryce explains to put forth their dedication to this.
>Persuasion [1d10]

Roll #1 8 = 8


"And when they catch wise to your tactics, focus their fire on Alloy, and kill him, what's your backup plan?" Grantz deadpans.

Alloy swallows hard.


"I won't let that happen," Pryce says sternly. "I' wouldn't bring somepony out her without the intention of also seeing them home after."
He turns to Alloy, seeing that the topic probably isn't boding well on him.
"You've trained a lot, you don't need to worry," He adds to help him relax.

Pryce then looks back to Grantz.
"Your original plan was to kill the dracoknights. A surprise attack or ambush would only work once, and then you'd need to face them down as any other battle would go. We can operate the same for this plan, only instead aiming to subdue and disarm. After that, we can remove their power, not letting catch wise until after its too late for them to stop it."
>Persuasion [1d10]

Roll #1 4 = 4


"Talk is cheap, Pryce," Grantz says, and stares you down. "I will leave you to answer to the loved ones left behind when bold words and easy promises fail you, when you fail to save a comrade, or a non-combatant, because you took unwarranted mercy on a foe who would not take mercy on you."

"Grantz," Vortigern says. "That's enough. Even in the worse case scenario, our side has gained another soldier. I've fought alongside Alloy's elder sister. If he can fight half as well as her, I wouldn't want to cross him."

Finding himself outnumbered is only looking like it's bothering Grantz further… this could go south quickly.


"I know its not easy," Pryce says, trying to speak with understanding of the toll the villages have gone through. "But look at what we're trying to help with. These dragons have lorded over these lands abusing their power. Fighting back and fending them off will change things. But if we show the mercy they never did, sparing the lives we can when they have not, things will change for the better far more easily when the dust settles." He says, looking to the village leader.
>Persuasion [1d10]

Roll #1 1 = 1


"Enough," Grantz says. "I will not hear any more of an outsider's fantasies. You should learn our history before you pretend to know our future."

As Grantz rises to leave…

"I agree," Alloy says.

Grantz raises his head, concealing his surprise.

"So rather than waste time trying to argue about it, let me demonstrate what I'm trying to offer," Alloy continues. His voice has taken on a strange… viscosity that it did not possess earlier.


Roll #1 5 + 7 = 12


"Let me take point in only the first ambush," Alloy continues. "And I'll demonstrate why Sir Pryce's plan is the right choice. If any of your soldiers are hurt to the point that they can't continue onto the next ambush, we'll abide by your plans for all the following encounters. My abilities can kill as easily as they can knock the target unconscious, as I said."

Grantz is silent for a while, his expression unreadable…

"Just one battle," Grantz says. "That's the extent of your chances. Be ready to move at the top of the hour."

He gets up to finish preparations, while your allies silently recover from the tension of the argument.


Pryce watches as Alloy speaks up for the plan and a chance to show himself. When Grantz agrees, Pryce nods as he announces them to be ready.
"We shall."

After he leaves, Pryce looks to Alloy.
"Thank you, I don't think I could've gotten him to agree with how that was going."


"Don't thank me yet," Alloy whispers. "I had to use a different gift of my divine heritage to make that work…"

As Alloy alludes to the truth of the matter– your holy quest rushes back to the theatre of your memories. Your orders on behalf of the Union to thwart the schemes of the outlawed Buiwong cultus, his manipulation and deception of your allies, the war of gods, the burning of churches… the shattering of reality, the deluge of angels and demons back into the mortal realm…


Pryce's expression falls into one of concern at the whisper. "…What do you mean?" He asks slowly. All the past months of his life, the journey and the strife caused by Buiwong, rise in his mind. He tries not to assume the worst, but it is difficult.

Roll #1 3 = 3


You can feel spiders crawling around your legs… you look down for them… they must be invisible spiders… many of them…

"I… leaned on his will," Alloy confesses. "Definitely wasn't easy, I'd wager I just barely managed to push him into letting us pursue our plan. When it wears off, he might have some questions… but for now, we're in the clear."

The spiders have begun to ascend your legs, slipping beneath your cloak, armor, and clothing.


Pryce shakes a hoof at the sensation, trying to shake off the spiders that must be there.
"No, no, you can't just do that…" Pryce says, his voice raising a bit, accusatory and horrified. "There's boundaries you don't cross. You can't, I won't let that start up again!"
His wings ruffle, and he starts to feel very uncomfortable.


Alloy suddenly backs off, while your allies fold in around you. But you can hardly see or hear them… For a moment, one that you could swear lasted eons… Alloy's face is a masque of Buiwong's.

"…ce. Pryce, my boy."
"Hey, are you there!?"
"Everyone give him space to breathe!"

Warmth and light envelop you, and the spiders– you realize now they were never there. Only your allies. You sweat profusely, and Hopper splashes you with cool water, revivifying you.

KP is folded up beside you, semi-conscious, like one trapped in sleep paralysis. Lockjaw nudges and shoves him, trying to get him back up, while Spitshine and Sugar check his vitals.

Alloy is gone.


It takes a moment for Pryce to realize what's going on or what his surroundings are, even taking some seconds after being splashed before he snaps back into reality.
"Wh… What's going on?" He asks, dazed. He looks around at everypony, not feeling so great as he tries to collect himself. He sees KP even worse off, his face falling.
"What happened?"

Then, after a moment. "…Where's Alloy?"


"You were whispering with Alloy," Zjetya said. "Then you started to lose it."
River points with her wing around the side of the council-house. "Vortigern took him over there. The poor soul was starting to tear up…"

KP gradually comes to, finding himself surrounded by Sugar, Spitshine and Lockjaw. The jho practically bowls over the kids as he runs about KP, trying to roll him up onto his hooves.

You see that there are a few onlookers among the villagers. Onion gives them a thumbs-up… as well as a stare that says, "Mind your own damn business."

"If anyone asks," Onion says. "You had a bad allergic reaction. Ginger tea. Damn shame, it's real good for ya otherwise."


"He… oh no," Pryce mutters, feeling an immense wave of guilt fall over him.

KP grumbles as he starts to come too.
>"Whu… What happened?"
He says weakly before Lockjaw rushes over. It takes some effort to push him to his hooves, and he keeps to hanging onto the deviljho for support.

Pryce glances to some of the onlookers, then to Onion.
"When did I pass out? I didn't do anything, did I?"


Lockjaw lays himself flat. He's already wearing his saddle – he must have had someone else set it up this morning. Looks like KP won't be going anywhere without Lockjaw at his side this time.

Onion shakes his head. "Y'were only loopy for a few seconds. Yelled s'mth'n 'bout things starting up again. But with the way y'were shaking, I thought y'were havin' a seizure. I tried to get y'to lay on the grass, but River stepped in an healed y'before you could hurt yourself."

You hear hoofsteps approaching. Vortigern and Alloy are back, with Alloy hiding just behind Vortigern.

"Are you alright, sir?" Alloy asks.


KP throws himself onto Lockjaw, taking the support.
>"I don't even remember what happened."

Pryce frowns as Onion retells what happened, feeling awful at losing control like that.
He looks up at Alloy and Vortigern as they return.
"I'm… fine," He answers, though his face betrays it. "I'm sorry, Alloy. I shouldn't have snapped at you like that. …A lot of bad memories came up."


Lockjaw rises, ever a trusty steed.

"No, I'm sorry," Alloy says, bowing his head. "I acted rashly; I was afraid we were about to lose what I had come all this way to do… what I had finally managed to beat my father to do… I'll take full responsibility when it wears off."

"When it does," Vortigern says, her expression grave. "Let me talk to Grantz first."


Pryce stands up, Alloy's apology making his guilt all the worse.
"Still, I should've had better control over myself. I could've explained how we handle things before, and I shouldn't have put past feelings on you. I'm sorry for how I acted" Pryce says. "In the future, let's avoid those methods."


Alloy nods, and extends his hoof for a shake.


Pryce takes his hoof to shake, glad to have reconciled.



Near the top of the hour, you see Grantz and a group of warriors gathering near the village perimeter, by a great outer gate. Grantz floats above them, performing head-counts. Several of the warriors are distinguished by their war-paint – they must be the captains.

It's go time. Select an ally to be your battle companion.


As the warriors start to gather, Pryce looks to the group for themselves to get ready.
"Seems its time now… River," He says, looking to her. "I need you to stick with me. I'm not entirely sure what happened earlier, but if something like that comes up again I'll need you to help me snap out of it."


River nods. Hopper splashes your ear with water. Seems he doesn't intend on sitting this out, either.

Vortigern looks to Onion. "I hope you don't mind, but as I was going to tell you earlier, I've volunteered you for remaining with the village for this raid, along with the kids."

"I was just gonna ask about that myself," Zjetya says. "What're the village defenses looking like?"

"I'm heading those," Vortigern says. "Along with about a third of our fighting force. Will you join us?"

"Yep," Zjetya says.

Sugar and Spitshine look disappointed, but they know the game's out of their hooves at this point.


Pryce flicks his ear as it's spritzed, looking down to Hopper.
"And you too, can't forget about my little buddy," He says, scooping up the frog.

"I don't plan on letting any of them slip through, but be safe out there," Pryce says to Zjetya as she takes on for joining the village defense.

"Look at it this way, somepony has to look after our home," Pryce says to Sugar and Spitshine for their disappointment.
KP nods in agreement.
>"Nopony will get to our airship without our say!"


The others give their goodbyes and well-wishes, and then, you part ways.

As you, River and Alloy reach the edge of Grantz's group, he sees you, and nods. He raises a hoof, and the chatter from the gathered warriors falls silent.

Grantz begins to speak to the warriors in the language of the tribe. As he does, the warriors part ways, allowing a path for you and Alloy to step forward.

Assuming you do, Grantz continues. You hear your name, and that of River and Alloy, a few times each. The warriors look a bit confused, but none raise any objections. You feel eyes sizing you up… but the work you've put in for the village as of late has softened what would otherwise be cold and sharp appraisals.

Grantz then shouts something, and the warriors salute him, beating their chests twice. They start to organize around the small number of captains with their specialty warpaint. He descends and turns to you. "You got all that?" he asks, a gruff joke.


As Pryce walks to join Grantz's group, he feels a small tinge of discomfort, their small group splitting even further as they prepare to battle. But, he can't let this be a distraction, if he does his job the others have nothing to worry about.

He looks up when Grantz speaks, then steps forward at the gesture. He glances around the warriors as they're eyed up, likely questioning their new plan.
Pryce nods as Grantz comes up to them. "I get the gist, if you want to run it one more time," He jokes in return. "I assure you, we won't let you or the villages down."


"The battle plan is to find the Dracoknight's tribute caravan while they're en-route," Grantz explains. "Once found, we'll approach from a high altitude to evade their lookouts, descend, and then dive-bomb them on my signal. We have to scatter them before they can take formation. They'll be spear-fighters, like us, so the ideal tactic is to isolate them, then harass them in pincer teams from behind, as far away from the business end of the spear as possible. They're trained to drop their spears and switch to secondary weapons in events like that. It's the window provided by this weapon switching where we can deal the most damage."

He looks to Alloy. "And it's where you'll have the key opening to drain their power. My people will guard you as best they can."

Alloy gulps, and suppresses a look of guilt. "Understood, sir."

"If we have to retreat, I'll count on you to provide the distraction, magician," Grantz adds. "Our people stick to ritual magic. The magic you have at your command is an edge only you can boast in this fight."


Pryce nods. "Understood. What should we expect from them, or the power they have from the dragons, when the fighting starts?" He asks to know what to expect in the fray.


"They'll want to form a phalanx," Grantz says. "Or other formations. That's why we have to separate them. The spear's greatest strengths are its greatest weaknesses; it's long, and one end's pretty dangerous. But it's a pain to maneuver in a hurry if you're got from the sides or back. Hence, the secondary weapons. As for their draconic powers, they can increase their speed and power for a time, so even when outnumbered and surrounded, they're no easy targets. That's why we need to be quick to shut them down, or retreat. And if we retreat, scatter until you're sure you're alone. Our village is hidden by ritual magic. Now that you've been here awhile, you're attuned to it– you'll be able to get back by making a beeline for the outer wall. But, if they follow you into the illusory zone surrounding the village, they can still chip away at the magic if they realize what's going on. Understood?"

River and Alloy nod.


"Isolate, work fast, and don't lead them back to the village. Understood," Pryce nods, set on the plan.


Grantz looks back to Alloy. "Since you're flightless, you're riding in a palanquin."

Alloy looks surprised. "Thank y–"

"Don't get comfortable," Grantz interrupts. "The injured, the captive, and the dead will ride back on them. If they get filled up, it's a long walk back."

"U-understood," Alloy answers, then goes to find an open seat among the palanquin-fliers.

Grantz takes the lead at the village gates. They part, and he leads the fighting forces out.


Pryce says nothing, but is determined to ensure there won't be any dead filling those palaquins after this mission.

As Grantz begins the lead out, Pryce looks to River.
"Looks like its time," He says, following as they march off to take on the dracoknights.


Pryce pauses for a moment before they start.
"One sec, before we head out," He says to River. His horn glows white, and he taps it to her forehead, establishing a thread between them.
"Just to be safe."
>White Threads [Auto]


>Attribute: Buff
>Tags: Spell; Ranged; Automatic
>Effect: Create a telepathic link with the Target.
>Duration: Until Dispelled
>Recharge: N/A


River nods. You can sense her struggle to find a bit of levity in this, your forging telepathic bonds so soon after your episode with Alloy's "enhanced persuasion…" but the dread of battle makes her disposition too grave for joking.

The pegasus warriors rise into the sky, and you along with them.

>roll for perception


Pryce feels as if he should say something with the looming dread, but with this bond he feels it's enough, their focus is needed for what's to come.

He takes flight, following along the warriors, aligning his mind in preparation for the battle.
>Perception [1d10]

Roll #1 1 = 1


The pegasi tribal warriors ascend higher and higher into the sky, threatening even to breach into one of the lower layer of clouds, for cover. Wind, water and ice chill you, a stark contrast to the summer heat. Alloy, captive in his palanquin, draws his poncho about himself, and shivers.

Some time later, Grantz signals you to fly higher. Before you can see the reason why, clouds rush into your eyes, forcing them shut from the sting of the vapors. You're flying blind now.


Pryce climbs higher into the sky with the warriors, higher than he's ever flown before himself. The decreasing temperature takes some getting used to, even with his fiery foreleg to provide some warmth.
Pryce barely notices the signal to even greater heights before the clouds start to blind him. He tries to wipe the vapors away from his face, attempting to fly upward.
River, can you see? These clouds are blinding me, I can't tell where I'm going. He thinks out to her, glad for this thread as he tries to regain his vision.
>Clear the clouds [1d10]

Roll #1 9 = 9


You sense River flying ahead. She manifests her spear, and trails out the pommel to touch upon your forearm, until you clear out the clouds from your vision.

And not a moment too soon, either– Grantz has raised his forearm, and drops it down, like the blade of a guillotine.

The pegasi warriors dive at his order, bound for an unknown destination.

>roll to dive!


Pryce follows with the spear, keeping up until his sight returns. When it comes to with Grantz calling to drop, Pryce grows a little concerned that he's cutting these calls too close. But still, he keeps up, diving with the others at the command.
>Dive [1d10]

Roll #1 5 = 5


Your heart and stomach race downward – or rather, upward – as you join the others in their dive. Blades of vapor and wind cut across your skin, and as you hurtle down through the clouds, your body protests, fearing the ground being too close below–!

But when the clouds do break, you can see a large detachment of armored pegasi, as well as a smaller number of armored griffons and kirin, far below, heading for a great, walled village. The tribal warriors fan out, aiming to split the detachment.

You have the initiative for now– but it won't last long.


Pryce takes a moment once the dive breaks, not used to doing such drastic and quick flight maneuvers. He looks down at the detachment, their target in sight. he is surprised to see kirin with the group, assuming that they'd be only fliers given the terrain and with how they come from much higher up. But he can't take time to dwell on such things.

As the warriors spread out, Pryce moves towards the rear of the detachment, if in the possibility they need to cut off their retreat. His magic holds onto the hilt of his Memory-Pluck, and his horn glows to prepare an array of flaming arrows for himself.
>Homing Magic [Flare] [1d10]
>Flare [Fire]: Bright flashes and loud bangs disorient the target, adding one stack of Flare when hit. When a target reaches 4 stacks, they are stunned that turn.

Roll #1 6 = 6


In seconds, shouts of chaos and confusion erupt from the Dracoknights, as they all too late sense the tribal warriors descending upon them. The detachment tries to form up, but hails of stones and crossbow shots disrupt their movements. In an instant, a frenzied melee breaks out as the two groups meet. Axes and spearpoints glint in the light.

As you draw your weapon and conjure an arrow, you and River descend upon a lone Dracoknight. His face is impossible to see behind his wyvern-like helm, but he's remaining cautious. He turns to face you, and River sweeps behind him, her own shortspear drawn.


The Dracoknight tries to take you out first!

[1d10+3] Shatter

While he's occupied, River goes for his side!

[1d10+3] Basic Attack

>Dynamic Duo specifies "Start of Combat," therefore it is being considered Turn Zero

>Declaring Dynamic Duo on Pryce
>Holding Instant Action for now

Roll #1 9 + 3 = 12 / Roll #2 5 + 3 = 8


Pryce raises his blade, meeting the Dracoknight head on to keep himself as the target. He dashes forward, swinging his sword out at the knight to clash, whistling a tune as the battle begins.
>Basic Attack [DC5] [1d10]
>Hymn of the Cedar Tree Shrine [Self] [1d10]
>Radience [1d10]

Attribute: Debuff
Tags: Single, Guarded (Reduces Critfail Damage by half)
Effect: Steals a Target's Skill upon hit, enabling you to use it while they can't; Normal success = 1 Use, Critical = 2 uses; Only one (1) Skill can be stolen at a time
Duration: Until used or Dispelled
Recharge: N/A

Attribute: Buff
Tags: Spell; Instant
Effect: Target will take only 1 Hit of damage from every damage source each turn.
Duration: 2 Turns or 3 on Critical Success
Recharge: 3 Turns after Effect ends

Attribute: Buff
Tags: Free Action
Effect: Generate Roll - 5 Sparks for use of Will of the King Skills.
Duration: N/A
Recharge: N/A

Attribute: Buff
Tags: Passive; Instant
Effect: While worn, the Cloak takes half of all damage and negative Effects on your behalf; As an Instant action, you can inflict all stored damage and negative Effects onto a Target to whom you can touch the hem of the cloak.
Duration: N/A
Recharge: N/A

Roll #1 10 = 10 / Roll #2 6 = 6 / Roll #3 8 = 8


Attribute: Almighty or Weapon Attribute
Tags: Passive; Free
Effect: If this character scores a Critical Hit on an Attack in Combat, all other Savior-aligned allies can make a single Basic Attack as a bonus Free Action. Failures on this Attack do not result in retaliatory damage. Critical Hits scored on this attack do not proc further activations of STW, and STW can only Activate once per turn.
Duration: N/A
Recharge: N/A


>River's STW attack (Almighty)


Roll #1 10 + 3 = 13


You tank much of the initial hit on your cloak, and it greedily drinks up the excess damage.

>3 hits stored, Pryce 7/6, HCTS activated, 3 Sparks

Between you and River, you pummel the Dracoknight, leaping in and backing out whenever he tries to jab you or her with either end of the spear.

>Pick a single 1-point Cleric or Paladin Skill

River cracks the Dracoknight in the jaw with the pommel of her shortspear, and he goes down into the dirt.

"Alloy!" she shouts, but you can see that he's occupied with other combatants.

The Dracoknight's trying to rise…

>will recover next turn unless restrained


>Homing Magic: 1 [Flare]
>SSC: 3 hits
>Sparks: 3
>Hymn of the Cedar-Tree Shrine: 2 turns

Pryce keeps his sword at the ready after they quickly down the first knight, seeing a flash of his abilities through his sword.
>Choosing Word of Power

With Alloy occupied, Pryce looks down at the Dracoknight. He takes the living chain out of his cloak, and sets it out to bind the knight.
"We'll work our way over to him."
>Chain [1d10]

Attribute: Debuff
Tags: N/A
Effect: This chain can be given orders to wrap around anything; Requires a roll of 9 or higher to break free; Reassembles over a period of 24 hours if broken.
Duration: Until Dispelled
Recharge: 24 Hours after broken

Roll #1 7 = 7


The Dracoknight swings at the chain with an axe, but River knocks the weapon from his grip, and you bind him up.

No time for catching your breath, however– a pair of griffon Dracoknights have seen you capture the first knight, and rush in, shields and spears readied!

[1d10+4] Smite vs. River

[1d10+4] Spellbreaker vs. Pryce (targeting SSC)

River retaliates with a beam of light from her spear-tip!

[1d10+4] Wrath, Light Attribute

Roll #1 3 + 4 = 7 / Roll #2 4 + 4 = 8 / Roll #3 4 + 4 = 8


>Homing Magic: 1 [Flare]
>SSC: 3 hits
>Sparks: 3
>Hymn of the Cedar-Tree Shrine: 1 turns

Pryce turns as two more knights rush towards them right after they chain up their first foe. Pivoting on his hooves, Pryce raises his sword defensively and faces the Dracoknight charging towards River first.
"HALT!" Pryce shouts, channeling the skill stolen from the previous knight to bring down his ally.
>Word of Power [1d10]
>Radiance [1d10]

>Word of Power: In combat, forces an enemy to miss their next attack and renders them helpless on a crit. Outside combat, can extract information on a success.


Attribute: Buff
Tags: Free Action
Effect: Generate Roll - 5 Sparks for use of Will of the King Skills.
Duration: N/A
Recharge: N/A


Attribute: Buff
Tags: Passive; Instant
Effect: While worn, the Cloak takes half of all damage and negative Effects on your behalf; As an Instant action, you can inflict all stored damage and negative Effects onto a Target to whom you can touch the hem of the cloak.
Duration: N/A
Recharge: N/A

Roll #1 3 = 3 / Roll #2 9 = 9


A peal of dragonfire blasts River for 3 Hits, and you for 1, storing 2 Hits in your cloak. However, the bolt of antimagic sent by the other disables the cloak, and the energy it stores dissipates. River retaliates with a ray of burning light, which knocks the Dracoknights back. They stumble as the light blinds them for a moment, affording you an opening to attack!

River strikes the first one!

[1d10+3] Basic Attack

Roll #1 4 + 3 = 7


>Homing Magic: 1 [Flare]
>SSC: 3 hits
>Sparks: 7

Pryce weathers the flame, holding firm as the dracoknights land their first strikes. With them blinded, Pryce joins River's assault on the first one, striking out with his sword, and his flaming arrow trailing behind.
>Basic Attack [DC5] [1d10]
>Homing Magic Bolt [Flare, Instant] [1d10]
>Radiance [1d10]

Attribute: Debuff
Tags: Single, Guarded (Reduces Critfail Damage by half)
Effect: Steals a Target's Skill upon hit, enabling you to use it while they can't; Normal success = 1 Use, Critical = 2 uses; Only one (1) Skill can be stolen at a time
Duration: Until used or Dispelled
Recharge: N/A

Attribute: Buff
Tags: Free Action
Effect: Generate Roll - 5 Sparks for use of Will of the King Skills.
Duration: N/A
Recharge: N/A

Roll #1 4 = 4 / Roll #2 3 = 3 / Roll #3 6 = 6


Your attacks fail to connect, as the Dracoknights stab at the open air until their eyes clear up. River however knocks the first off-balance, and he and his fellow drop their spears in favor of their axes.

[2d10+4] Shatter vs. Pryce, River

Roll #1 4, 6 + 4 = 14


>SSC: 0 hits
>Sparks: 8

Pryce sidesteps as his attacks fall to the wayside, not wanting to get caught in their erratic swinging. Pryce removes his bracelet, his horn glowing as flames pour from the ring, conjuring his own weapon to step-up as the knights change their own to be more fitting. He sings a low tune, fire welling in front of River as a crossed pair of wings form to shield her from the oncoming attack.
>Conjure Weapon: Rapier (Single, Shield) [DC5, Flare] [1d10+1]
>Wildfire Aegis [Auto, On River]
>Radiance [1d10]

Attribute: Buff
Tags: Spell; Automatic
Effect: Summon a floating shield Minion with 20 HP; It can be assigned to and take damage for any Target; It can use the Skills Brushfire, Hunker Down and Hakarmell.
Duration: Until dismissed or defeated
Recharge: 3 Turns after dismissal or defeat

Attribute: Buff
Tags: Free Action
Effect: Generate Roll - 5 Sparks for use of Will of the King Skills.
Duration: N/A
Recharge: N/A

Roll #1 7 + 1 = 8 / Roll #2 8 = 8


3 Sparks gained.

You shield River just before the knight's attack connects!

>Seneh 15 / 20 HP

You withstand the other one's hit as you conjure your weapon

>Pryce takes 2 Hits, send 2 to SSC

Basic attacks from the Dracoknights:

River uses Wrath

Roll #1 10, 4 + 3 = 17 / Roll #2 10 + 4 = 14


>SSC: 2 hits
>Sparks: 11
>Conjured Weapon: Flare, Single, Shield
>Seneh Aegis: 15 / 20 HP

Pryce gives his rapier a twirl. Despite the few hits he's taken, he's feeling quite energized. A similar feeling when he was fighting Sir Estuary. He focuses on this, tapping back into that gift King Advent gave him.
>Will of the King [Instant Auto]

Sparks sparkle around Pryce as his body glows, taking back on that brilliant form. Full of pep, Pryce waves his sword with a flourish, pointing to one of the Dracoknights, and waving it towards the other, the air shimmering as he changes his perspective.
>Sphinx Illusion [Automatic] [Redirecting the one Dracoknight's 10 to the other]

He then dashes forward, giving a quick swipe of his rapier across the Dracoknight under his spell.
>Save The World [From River] [Flare, DC5] [1d10+2]

Attribute: Buff
Tags: Auto Instant
Requirement: Possessing 9 Sparks or more
Effect: Gain +1 to all Rolls and Will of the King's Skills
Duration: Until Dispelled or all Sparks are used.
Recharge: 2 Turns after Effect ends

Attribute: Debuff
Tags: Automatic; Spell
Effect: Pay 3 Sparks as a Cost; Pick two Targets, and switch their appearance in a flawless illusion; all Actions which Targeted one now Target the other.
Duration: Until Dispelled
Recharge: N/A

Attribute: Almighty or Weapon Attribute
Tags: Passive; Free
Effect: If this character scores a Critical Hit on an Attack in Combat, all other Savior-aligned allies can make a single Basic Attack as a bonus Free Action. Failures on this Attack do not result in retaliatory damage. Critical Hits scored on this attack do not proc further activations of STW, and STW can only Activate once per turn.
Duration: N/A
Recharge: N/A

Roll #1 10 + 2 = 12


It's hardly even worth describing how badly you and River trounce the two. The knights are unconscious before they can even hit the ground. River slides in to bind their wings and claws– and a shadow of another knight emerges from the chaos to blindside her!

But, just as your muscles twitch to protect River, a shadow drops onto this would-be ambusher. Alloy, his form having grown, crumples the knight, his mandibles sharp and gleaming. A stream of energy rises from the knight's head, and his already-feeble struggles soon stop altogether, as Alloy feasts on his power.

River, evidently no stranger to the phenomenon, only looks for a moment before she finishes restraining the knights.


>SSC: 2 hits
>Sparks: 8
>Conjured Weapon: Flare, Single, Shield
>Seneh Aegis: 15 / 20 HP

Pryce gets on guard as the new shadow drops onto the knight ambusher. It takes him a moment to catch its Alloy, relaxing at seeing a friendly face. The draining of energy holds his focus another moment, before he gets back to reality.
"How are the others holding up?" He asks Alloy as he grabs the first knight they bound to the rest to be depowered.


"About even, but they're getting stronger," Alloy gasps, catching his breath. "Looks like they've got three commanders– Grantz has one, he sent me to get another. You two have the last one."

"Right!" River says. "Breaking their morale is faster. Up for it, Pryce?"


Pryce nods.
"We wouldn't want them to regroup either, let's do it."
He then looks back to Alloy.
"Do you know where the last one is?"


"That way, I think," Alloy says, gesturing south. "Hard to tell. Guy in a big helmet!"

He finishes tying up the drained knight with his free spider-legs. "Alright. I gotta go!"


"Got it," Pryce says, spreading his wings. "Let's get this guy quick."
He salutes farewell as Alloy sets back off, and takes flight with River to track the helmetted commander to the south.


>Perception [1d10]

Roll #1 4 = 4


As you take to the skies over the battlefield, you're clipped by a passing stone. As more fly your way, you quickly get a sense of which combination of the local language's words means something like "Shoot them!"

>roll 2 dodges, DC 8



Roll #1 5, 1 + 3 = 9


>SSC: 2 hits
>Sparks: 8
>Conjured Weapon: Flare, Single, Shield
>Seneh Aegis: 15 / 20 HP

Pryce weaves through the oncoming stones as best he can, while singing a tune to help fend them away.
>Dodge [2d10+1]
>Hymn of the Cedar-Tree Shrine [Instant] [1d10+1]

Meanwhile his Aegis hovers protectively in front of River, shielding her from any rocks that get close.
>Hunker Down [Auto]

Attribute: Buff
Tags: Spell; Instant
Effect: Target will take only 1 Hit of damage from every damage source each turn.
Duration: 2 Turns or 3 on Critical Success
Recharge: 3 Turns after Effect ends

Attribute: Buff, Fire
Tags: Automatic; Spell
Effect: Halve all incoming damage for this Turn; Inflict all taken damage upon the attacker, with the Fire Attribute.
Duration: N/A
Recharge: 3 Turns

Roll #1 10, 3 + 1 = 14 / Roll #2 5 + 1 = 6


With deft piloting, you and River weave among the shots, with your shield blocking and deflecting those you can't avoid.

>Seneh 12/20

River whistles. You follow her eyes, to where a huge griffon has positioned himself upon a rocky outcropping overlooking the battlefield. He's clad in a greathelm wrought in the form of a dragon's serpentine head, and he wields a long whip of chain.


A surge from below– Grantz's soldiers swarm the dracoknights below, peeling at their formation! The griffon commander squawks orders and cracks his whip, striking at Grantz's forces!


>SSC: 2 hits
>Sparks: 8
>Conjured Weapon: Flare, Single, Shield
>Seneh Aegis: 15 / 20 HP

Pryce looks down at the griffon as he caws out commands. His focus is peeled away, giving them a prime opportunity for one solid play. Pryce's horn glows white as he takes a breath, steadying and focusing himself. Then, he flies up high, looking over the two armies clashing. Looking at the field, his horn glows brilliantly, wings spread as the light glows over the battlefield and washing out the commander's voice.
>Prayer for Deliverance [Self] [Instant] [1d10+1]
>Mass Hallucination [Commander's voice is silent] [1d10+1]

Attribute: Buff
Tag: Instant
Effect: Double the Target's Max Hits and restore them to full Hits; This lasts until the next time they go Helpless; This does not stack.
Duration: N/A
Recharge: 3 Turns

Attribute: Mind; Buff/Debuff
Tags: Spell
Effect: Cause all Targets to feel a certain way, believe an idea, or share a convincing hallucination. DC for Social rolls against them is reduced by 3.
Duration: Until the end of Combat
Recharge: Once per day

Roll #1 10 + 1 = 11 / Roll #2 6 + 1 = 7


As your light engulfs the sky, you see a great number of the soldiers below stagger and space out, the battle momentarily forgotten. Grant'z soldiers seize the chance, striking spears and axes from their foes' grasps, and throwing about chain bindings to apprehend the stunned dracoknights.

The commander snarls, then himself appears confused, seeing the tide sweeping his forces. Without hesitation, he draws a horn from among his weapons– side, long, curling and ornate, marked with several characters you don't recognize, evidently magical in nature. He raises it, and with a deep breath, blasts it!

[1d10+2] DC 10 against Mass Hallucination

River sends a blast of light against him!

[1d10+4] Wrath

Roll #1 6 + 2 = 8 / Roll #2 9 + 4 = 13


>SSC: 2 hits
>Sparks: 8
>Conjured Weapon: Flare, Single, Shield
>Seneh Aegis: 12 / 20 HP

Pryce eyes the horn, and with the quick movement of a skilled magician gets to work. With a flourish of his left hoof, his bracelet slides off and is flicked in the air. Meanwhile, his right tucks under his wing and pulls out a glowing deck of cards, shuffling them before tossing them to his left. As he catches the cards, his pumps his right hoof up through his falling bracelet to conjure over the commander's horn, while at the same moment giving a flick with his left to send a burning card down at him.
>Hat Magic [Commander's Horn] [1d10+1]
>Blind Shuffle [Flare] [1d10+1] - Suit [1d4]

Tags: Ranged; Spell
Effect: Pay 1 Spark as a Cost; Deal Damage; Roll 1d4 to determine Suit (1-Shield, 2-Sword, 3-Rose, 4-Acorn), and on crit success, roll 1d3 to determine Face (Jack, Queen, King); Additional Effects vary by Suit and Face; If a card is drawn a second time, reroll for a different card.
Duration: Variable
Recharge: N/A
Shield: Counterattack damage and critfails from this Target to Pryce are reduced by half until the end of Combat
Sword: Deals double damage
Rose: Targets all Enemies in Pryce's Range
Acorn: Reduces all damage the Target will deal this turn by half
Jack: Shuffle the deck, refreshing all cards
Queen: Choose the suit the next instance of Blind Shuffle draws
King: Pick the exact card Blind Shuffle draws, and make it Automatic

Roll #1 4 + 1 = 5 / Roll #2 6 + 1 = 7 / Roll #3 3 = 3


>Card - 6 of Roses


Contrary to what one might expect from a horn of that design, no blast issues forth, but instead, a series of overlapping tones: countless phonemes, vocalizations from a female singer, overlapping in a cacophony. As the sound reaches you and River, you are dazed, and plummet from the sky. You would crash-land, but River's spell strikes true, and disrupts the commander's blowing.

With the cacophony disrupted, you manage to touch down onto the earth, and try to steal the horn from afar. Yet, the commander's grip is stronger, and he shakes you off. The commander whips at the air, though he fails to hit you or River.

>Helpless this turn due to Wrath

River invokes a blinding light, to devastate the morale of the foe!

[1d10+4] Mass Hallucination

Roll #1 9 + 4 = 13


>SSC: 2 hits
>Sparks: 7
>Conjured Weapon: Flare, Single, Shield
>Seneh Aegis: 12 / 20 HP

Pryce staggers from the slightly rough landing. Whatever that horn was, they can't let it be blown again. As River emits a blinding light, Pryce steps forward towards the commander. With a flick of his hoof and a sweep of his wings, the sides of a large box spring up around the griffon to seal them up.
>Magic Box [1d10+1]

Attribute: Debuff
Tags: Spell
Effect: Pay 3 Sparks as a Cost; Form a 3-section box around the Target, covering Head, Torso and Limbs; You can separate one of the boxes without dealing damage to the Target, with Effects based on which part was separated; Head: The Target's Actions are applied to random Targets; Limbs: Target cannot move or use non-Spell Tagged Skills until reattached; You can pay 1 additional Spark to completely separate all three boxes in a single Action, incapacitating the Target until someone puts them back together.
Duration: Until Dispelled
Recharge: N/A

Roll #1 5 + 1 = 6


As the commander rages, more and more of the dracoknights are felled, losing their weapons and their coordination as confusion and panic overtake them. More are captured, while others break formation to flee, or even to surrender. The nail in the coffin is the sight of the peculiar boxes forming around the commander's body, sealing him from view. He thrashes about inside, and it's a struggle to hold him steady!

[1d10+2] the commander tries to break free!

Roll #1 9 + 2 = 11


>SSC: 2 hits
>Sparks: 4
>Conjured Weapon: Flare, Single, Shield
>Seneh Aegis: 12 / 20 HP

Pryce glances away for just a moment, concern over the dracoknights breaking to flee. But his focus snaps back, trusting Grantz and the soldiers to take care of them. For now, his focus is the commander. With the box shaking to contain the griffon, Pryce quickly swoops over to it. With a glimmer of light sparkling over the ornate container, Pryce grabs the middle box and slides it back, breaking the commander down to pieces.
>Separation [1d10+1]

Attribute: Debuff
Tags: Spell
Effect: Pay 3 Sparks as a Cost; Form a 3-section box around the Target, covering Head, Torso and Limbs; You can separate one of the boxes without dealing damage to the Target, with Effects based on which part was separated; Head: The Target's Actions are applied to random Targets; Limbs: Target cannot move or use non-Spell Tagged Skills until reattached;
>You can pay 1 additional Spark to completely separate all three boxes in a single Action, incapacitating the Target until someone puts them back together.
Duration: Until Dispelled
Recharge: N/A

Roll #1 10 + 1 = 11


The doors and sides of the box thunder, threatening to break from the commander's thrashing, but in a dramatic flourish, you slam the panels down, and twist the three sections, splitting them apart. Though the commander is unharmed, the display and the disturbing implications are all that's needed to dissolve the dracoknights' morale. Grantz's men capture the rest that they can, but a few manage to flee, with pursuers hot on their tails.


>SSC: 2 hits
>Sparks: 3
>Conjured Weapon: Flare, Single, Shield
>Seneh Aegis: 12 / 20 HP

Pryce sighs in relief after the trick is finished, glad he was able to act in time.
"He'll be good like that for Alloy to get to. Let's help get the rest," Pryce says, spreading his wings to help chase down the last free escapes.
>Pursue [1d10+1]

Roll #1 10 + 1 = 11


Over the course of an hour, you aid the hunting effort, combing the skies with Grantz's forces to pin down the dracoknights. Each time you find some, you and River corner them with flourishes of fire and magic, until Grantz's soldiers are able to restrain them. Not all of them go quietly, and both you and the soldiers get your fair share of nicks and bruises in the process of capture.

When the last of the trails goes cold, you and Grantz's forces regroup upon a plateau within eyeshot of the village to which the dracoknights had been flying. The prisoners are gathered, bound and gagged. You don't count any corpses on either side… but this has come at its own cost. All the combatants have their share of injuries, some much graver than others. Deep gouges, broken limbs, head trauma, made more plentiful due to the order to capture, rather than kill their opponents, a factor that no doubt prolonged the fighting. River has joined the auxiliaries in treating the injuries, but the work will take many days to be complete.


Pryce settles down after they regroup, finding his legs wobbling a bit after the extended battle. While longer than anything he's done for quite some time, he also feels some strain after extensive use of his new power, even his magic feels drained. If not for Sir Estuary's training, he'd likely be in with the more gravely injured as well.

"…Did we get them all?"
He asks, looking to Grantz, hoping this decision to capture will be better for the long run.


"We got enough," Grantz says as he floats over the plateau, surveying the scene. "Anyone who did manage to slip away is in for a difficult hike home. That's good, of course. News needs to reach the capital that the tribute ended in an ambush, that almost everyone…"

He furrows his brow. "…got captured."

A haze of confusion is visible in his eyes, still distant– for now. You see Alloy looking sidelong at Grantz…


"I suppose you're right, knowing it was an ambush would make them rethink any retaliation for some time at leas," Pryce surmises.
Seeing Grantz trail off, then seeing Alloy keeping a look on him, Pryce steps over to the drider with a slightly judgy look
"How are you holding up, Alloy?"
He asks, not making it direct on calling out any influence, while also trying to keep his composure after what happened last time.


"Oh, I'm fine…" Alloy says, a bit too loud, before his voice drops like a brick.

"It's wearing off…" he whispers.


("You've been doing that this whole time?") Pryce whispers, concerned both over the continuous influence but also the outcome if such.
("What exactly will happen when it does?")


["No, it's left over from when I used my power earlier,"] Alloy whispers. ["It would have lasted longer if I was more practiced, but I've only done this a few times. He'll get really confused here soon. He obviously remembers that the plan was to kill the whole tributary force, so it won't be long before he realizes that he changed the plans at the last second for no apparent reason. Then, he might ask some really bad questions…"]

He looks to the southwest. ["Vortigern said she would talk to him when it did, but the fight took too long, we're too far away…"]

He leans in. ["Should I…"]


("No, no. Shouldn't put any more fog or strain on his mind.")
Pryce thinks, looking a bit grim at the possibility of things going south very quickly.
("I think I can take care of this, hopefully.") He says, before going quickly to get River.


You catch River during a gap between the patients. She's having trouble, it seems; the tribesmen are leery of a healer from foreign lands, but they aren't in much of a position to question her treatment, especially in light of her efficacy. As she turns to greet you, wiping at her hooves, her eyes suddenly turn upward.

"Sir Pryce," Grantz says.

He hovers above and behind you, and slowly floats down closer to you, though he does not land.

"Think you could lend a hoof with helping the injured?" He chuckles. "Looks like we should have brought more palanquins. I… didn't expect we'd have this many passengers for the way back."

River clears her throat and goes back to treating the injured.


Pryce is about to speak, until Grantz interrupts. He turns to face him.
"Of course. I'm glad to help in any way I can," He says, glad that it wasn't too bad.
He steps beside River to help assist her, and leans in to whisper.
("Can your corridor reach the village? We need to get Vortigern quickly.")


["Yes, but I'll have to hide. If they see me using it, there's sure to be an uproar."]

River excuses herself from the auxiliaries and heads up the hill, making for a grove of bushes and trees.

As you aid the [relatively] able-bodied with loading the wounded and captured onto the palanquins, it's quickly obvious that there isn't enough space for well over half of the would-be passengers.

Your ears burn… Each time you glance his way, Grantz stares at you. His expression for the first few times is puzzled, but… that's quickly wearing off. If nothing gets him off this subject soon, this is not going to end well.


Pryce grows more and more anxious each time he meets gaze with Grantz. He'd hope that maybe he'd be welcome to this idea now that the battle is done, but all they really have is defenseless targets if he's still fixated on the slaughter.
As their palanquins quickly fill, Pryce steps back and attempts to conjure some more to help cover the rest of the injured to make it easier for the return trip.
>Hat Magic [Palaquins] [1d10]
He then gets an idea to hopefully by some time.
"So, Grantz. You mentioned before your people prefer ritual based magic. How did that come about?" He asks, hoping a different topic might keep his mind at bay.

Roll #1 6 = 6


You only manage to conjure one. It's of adequate construction, but it won't be able to hold more than a few more passengers.

Grantz's expression is blank, and he doesn't respond.

Just as you might be inclined to do or say something else, just to cut the tension…

Grantz laughs, again.


Pryce looks over the palanquin. Good enough, he must be more exhausted than he thought.
Feeling the tension built with Grantz, Pryce's concern grows, until he laughs.
"Eheh… uh, what's so funny?"


As he laughs, Grantz practically pulls you in for a side-hug, clapping you on the far shoulder.

He lets his arm remain there for longer than he should.

"Well obviously, *you* aren't the one who hypnotized me! Had me paranoid for a second."

He continues to laugh, and doesn't let you free. He looks straight ahead, at the captive soldiers.

"Question is, then… who did?"

In the distant treeline, you see River and Vortigern emerge from the groves.


"H-Hypnotized?" Pryce repeats, now knowing the jig is up. "I-uh…"
He stammers, until seeing River and Vortigern off in the distance.
"Things didn't go bad, did they?" He asks cautiously.


As Grantz sees Vortigern and River zipping down the hill toward you, he scratches his chin with intrigue. "Ah… your group's bringing all sorts of powers to the table."

As Vortigern flies in, she skids to a halt on the plateau, and moves in to give Grantz a hug– in so doing, forcing him to let you go.

"The battle…" Vortigern begins.

"…went great!" Grantz says and gestures at the captives. "See for yourself."

"I see… good, good…" Vortigern says. Her expression of disbelief and concern suggests River painted a much more dire picture of things.

"Couldn't have done it without the warriors," Grantz says. "I think this calls for a feast. And, we'll have to give especially high honors to…"

He looks back at you. "Well, that's what I'm trying to figure out now. Say, Sir Pryce, tell it to me straight: Who do I have to thank for changing my mind on the battle plans?"


Pryce steps aside as Vortigern moves in, glad to have some distance in this moment.
"Just in time," He says to River.

"You're… not upset?" Pryce questions as Grantz seems to be very upbeat about the situation, hesitant to say anything yet.


"Upset?" Grantz repeats, and scoffs. "Over what? Not only do I have my wife back, I apparently have new allies who can not only cover vast distances in short time, but can also completely obliterate and rewrite somebody's iron-clad resolve – almost – without their notice. These are going to give us an edge over our adversaries."

He looks down the hill, toward the village to which the dracoknights had been heading for the tribute collection.

"Now, I need to get down there with some of my warriors and announce the terms of their surrender. I'll have the rest of you move back the captives and the injured to our village so they can be treated and given their quarters."

Vortigern's expression becomes troubled as she pieces together the parts she missed…


"I'm glad to hear you're alright with it," Pryce says with relief. "I should also apologize on behalf for that, things were kind of tense."


"Ah, don't worry," Grantz says. "I'm sure we'll figure out a way to set things right."

On that ominous note, Grantz gathers those of the warriors who are hurt the least badly. They commander your new palanquin, which contains one of the captive commanders and his subordinates, and they pull it down toward the pegasus village.

"Grantz!" Vortigern calls. He stops, and turns her way. Vortigern says something in the native tongue of the people, in a grave tone. Grantz's face betrays no emotional reaction, and he replies in the same language, before continuing on.

"Tch…" Vortigern grumbles. She turns to you and River. "Let's take a dark corridor back to our village. I'll have to go with you. You've proven your loyalty to our people, but ferrying the warriors through such an ominous means of transport would only disturb them."


Pryce has a nervous chuckle, worried about what Alloy might have to go through to make amends.

"What was that about?" Pryce asks on the grave sounding exchange between the two.
"At least it'll help in carrying everypony back, I imagine we'd be working into next morning doing it otherwise," Pryce comments on the eeriness the corridor would add on. "I'm just glad it worked here. With the flight we had to get in here I thought we'd be stuck out here having to handle Grantz's realization alone."


"I warned him not to escalate anything he didn't have to," Vortigern says. "He agreed."

Over the next few hours, you and the able-bodied accompany Vortigern through the Dark Corridor, loading the injured and the captive back to the hidden village.

Although you don't stay long in the hidden village, during your time there you are able to tell that there was some fighting here as well. There are injured among Grantz's people; the damage is not severe, but the introduction of prisoners, along with Grantz's own injured warriors, is going to strain things.

Eventually, you get back to the plateau, ready to make the last transport run as sunset comes… but the last group of prisoners is not there.

You see Grantz approaching from the direction of the tributary village.


After the first trip back with the injured and captives, upon seeing there was fighting back in the village Pryce takes a moment to check on Zjetya and the kids to make sure they're alright.

As they get to the end of the the task, Pryce pauses when the last bit aren't around. He looks around, wondering if they were able to escape given the time, possibly enough to recover. When Grantz approaches, Pryce waves out to him in greeting, and tries to keep calm.
"How did things go with the village?"


Out of your party, only Onion has any harm, but it's just some bruises. Since he and the others are occupied with other tasks, you keep your reunion short. You gather that some of the brigand tribes indeed took the opportunity to skirmish with the hidden village, but it wasn't long before the brigands were driven off.

Back at the plateau, Grantz waves back.

"They accepted their surrender without too much dickering," he reports. "And – I don't even know how I didn't think of this sooner – I've made them take their share of the captives."

"…Good," Vortigern says. "Are they going to contribute any fighters to the cause?"

"Oh, they'll give us plenty," Grantz says. "Now, Pryce."

He holds out a horn, similar to the one that the Dracoknight commander you fought carried. "Don't suppose you grabbed one of these yourself, did you?"


He's relieved to see no pony got seriously injured, but a tinge of guilt that he couldn't protect them still sits on his shoulders.

"Ah, I was wondering where the rest of them went," Pryce says to the news. "Good idea, it spreads out the responsibility and won't strain the village too much."

Pryce looks down at the horn.
"I tried, but he he was holding onto it tightly and things were getting hectic."


"Well, hopefully they can wring it out of him intact," Grantz says. "Alloy recovered this one, while the commander I fought destroyed his after it was clear he wasn't going to beat me. If all three of them were armed with this, and they were adamant about not letting them fall into enemy hooves, they've probably got some enchantment. Take this, and see if you can't appraise it, will you?"


"Shouldn't be too hard in his current state, at least," Pryce comments on how his commander was left.

"It's definitely something powerful. The commander we fought blew his for only a second, but it disrupted almost everything."
Pryce takes the horn, looking it over to see if he can pick up anything else from a close look.
>Examine [1d10]
"Do you think it has any connection to the dragon empowerment they had?"

Roll #1 2 = 2


The horn is intricately designed, and not reminiscent of any culture you've seen before. If it is from Yongning-si, then perhaps Zjetya may be able to shed more light on it.

"Must be," Grantz says. "They started pushing us back pretty good after the horn sounded. If Alloy and I hadn't been so quick to take out our targets, this might have ended very differently. Speaking of which, we should be back ourselves. If I miss any of the feasting, I'm taking it off of your plate, Pryce."

The cordial joking puts Vortigern at ease, at least a little bit.


Pryce tucks the horn away in his robe for now.

"You'll have to be quick then. I haven't been in a battle like that for some time, and it works up quite an appetite," Pryce jests as they head back to the village.


As you get back to the hidden village, you see that the preparations for supper are under way. Near the communal dining hall, large cauldrons hang over stone-ringed pits, where cooks' assistants bicker as they try to start the fires. Knives clack against cooking boards, and vegetable chunks are moved from board to bowl.

In the distance, you see your allies, relieved of their guard duties, making for the airship to get cleaned up before they eat.


Pryce is surprised at how they're already in the process of dinner prep as they return. The village must be a well run machine.

Seeing the rest of their group heading back to the ship, Pryce makes his way over to reunite, and to flag down Zjetya.
"Hey, Zjetya. We found this horn on some of the dracoknights, have you seen anything like this before?" He asks, showing her the commander's horn.


Zjetya stares at the horn with recognition, and disdain. "These markings in particular, no… but the style is definitely straight from the Yongning-si aristocracy. This was made by the nobility, for sure. Probably imbued with power by the dragon priests. They wouldn't just give these out lightly, though. I'm surprised you found it in this battle."

"A commander of the dracoknights had it," River says. "He tried to blow it when the battle was turning against them, but we countered the enchantment before it could take effect. The others who had them broke them when they lost."

"Huh…" Zjetya ponders.


"Made by nobility and enchanted by priests. It can't just be for status, they went to use it during the fight when things weren't going well," Pryce ponders, wonder what it could mean. "…Could they have expected retaliation today, or is it just coincidence?"

Pryce looks to Zjetya.
"Would there be anypony who could decipher the markings that isn't aligned with the dragons?"


"We'd need to know more about their plans, and their intelligence, to say decisively either way," River says.

Zjetya nods, and then looks back at the horn. "Well… I could give it a try. Or, shit, quicker way would be to just blow the thing."


"Hopefully Sir Estuary finds out some of what they're planning on his scouting."

Pryce looks over the horn.
"Couldn't hurt I suppose, though we should go to the outskirts of the village just to be safe."


River conjures a dark corridor. "Let's be quick then. Vortigern mentioned it was borscht night."

"Every night's been borscht night," Zjetya says.

"You complain like you haven't been at the front of the line for every one."

"Yeah, and I wanna be at the front of the line for this one!"

The Dark Corridor puts you near the trailhead you took some time ago, when you hiked to the waterfall.


Pryce chuckles. "Alright, just a quick music practice then."

After they corridor to a more distant location, Pryce peers around, wondering where to blow the horn. He turns to face the waterfall, figuring the water would be good to see the sound. He holds up the horn like the commander did, and blows.



A discordant cacophony blasts from the mouth of the horn, every phoneme, from the mouth of a female vocalist. Screaming, chanting, begging, crooning, wailing, humming, raging. Notes and chords plucked by the handful from the very sheet music, and flung into the air, clashing like glass, stone and metal tossed about by battle. Yet, in the very next instant after the initial attack, a serenity and clarity of purpose settles upon your mind. You feel full, your strength revitalized, and yet, distant, outside your own body. At times the feeling is too much, a cup running over, needing to be discharged– in battle.

Just before you reach to conjure a weapon at the impelling of this feeling, you regain control and tear the horn from your mouth. River stands nearby, her ears flattened, her hooves pacing and stamping at the ground. She unscrews her eyes, and looks at you– then her eyes dart back to the one standing before her.

Zjetya stands in a state of shock, her eyes cast upward toward the great mountain, at the top of which perches Yongning-si. Her face is blank with horror– and recognition.


Pryce looks down at the horn, breathing heavily as to correct himself from the urge to fight. He almost drops the horn out of instinct, to distance that feeling further, but stops against it out of fear something worse would come out if it broke. He sees River, having a similarly harsh reaction from it. His look follows hers as she turns to Zjetya.
Seeing her face, struck blank like that, he steps forward, putting a hoof on her shoulder.


Zjetya gasps as you touch her, and blinks rapidly, her eyes trembling, like an insect struggling to regain its flight after being struck. River approaches as well, and the extra presence seems to bring Zjetya back down to earth – she practically collapses into a sitting posture.

"I… know that voice," Zjetya breathes. "It's… Sarajinae."


Pryce sits down next to Zjetya, a pillar for her to lean on if she needs.
"Sarajinae?" Pryce questions, then looks at the horn. "That was somepony's voice we heard?"


Zjetya forces out a dry chuckle. "Hey… don't act like you're not familiar… H-heh, maybe if you saw a picture, you'd remember."

She stands up, takes a few paces back, and transforms, taking on the beige and earthy tones, the wings, the fluff, the antennae, that you used to associate with her for so long… the mothpony disguise that you first saw her in when you first met.

River's eyes widen with recognition. "Sarajinae… it was her guise you took on when you left Yongning-si… in order to let her see the world through you."

"Yeah, that old dream…" Zjetya mutters, reverting to her current appearance. "Sounds like she hasn't gotten out much since I last saw her though. Her voice, being used as a weapon by the Dracoknights…"

"Then, is she…?" River asks.

"I don't think she's hurt," Zjetya says. "This thing… now that I'm seeing it up close, it's a modified caller conch. And the blasts are modified recordings of her voice. She must be in some kind of position of honor with the Dracoknights."


When Zjetya shapeshifts, Pryce feels a ping of guilt that he didn't piece it together before.
"How could I forget, she meant a lot to you."

Pryce looks at the horn, the feeling it gave when they blew it feels like nothing that'd come from a pony.
"Her voice was able to do… that?"


"I don't know how much of it is the conch, and how much of it is her," Zjetya says. "We'd need to break this thing down to learn more."

"Could she be songspinning?" River asks.

"That'd be my guess," Zjetya says. "Using more offensive powers than what you use, Pryce."

"Then, if we go up there…" River says.

"There's a chance… no, we'd definitely run into her," Zjetya says. "I was… planning on seeing her, anyway, no matter what had happened to her while I was gone."

She shivers, and River offers her a wing, an offer she takes.

"Still…" Zjetya mutters.



Dark, wet spots dot the ground.

"She's… alive," Zjetya whispers, grimacing as tears line her eyes.


"If this is a conch, do you think we could reverse it and contact her?" Pryce proposes.

As she speaks of what may come and the realization, Pryce puts a wing around Zjetya as well.
"We'll find her, and we'll get her away from these dragons. I promise."


"Not without knowing her contact code," River says.

"I… already tried," Zjetya says, regaining a bit of her composure. "Her old, personal one, I mean. No connection. Either her old one's broken… or she's not answering it. Really, it could be either option. Dumb bitch always forgot to answer."

River's eyebrows arch at the language.

"Oh please," Zjetya says. "When we meet her, be prepared for her to make me look like a Heidia school teacher."

"Let's look forward to that," River says, finding it a nicer alternative than some of the other possible ways you could meet. "Anyway… borscht nigh–"

"Fuck!" Zjetya says. "It better not be cold by the time we get back."


"I… huh," Pryce is surprised at the comment, though for old friends its not too far off how he's heard some knights talk to each other.

"Would you want to hold onto this then?" Pryce offers the horn to Zjetya, for sentimentality.

When it shifts back to dinner talk, Pryce chuckles.
"I can handle re-heating, it'll be fine."


"Might as well," Zjetya says, and bags the caller conch.

River conjures up a dark corridor before you can be any more late for dinner. It's a good thing, too, as with the first battles won, everyone gathered is quite hungry, and the potwatchers have to slap at hooves and wings with ladles to discourage anyone from taking more than their fair portion of food. There is borscht, beer and bread, crackers, fish, and even whole chunks of potatoes and beets that the overwhelmed cooks were simply too exhausted to finish chopping. Despite worries of food shortages from housing and feeding prisoners of war, you and KP end up stuffed.

As cleanup begins, there is less celebrating around town than one might hope, but mainly from how tired the fighting has left everyone.


With the surprises and turnabouts the day has had, the dinner is a great cap-end to help cleanse the mind and celebrate the success they achieved.

After the feast is finished, Pryce helps in the cleanup, offering to take on as much as needed to help cover for the exhausted. Though through it all the thought of what will come next now that they've fought the knights lingers on his mind.


Some time later, the dishes are washed, the waste gathered and given to the bears, and the shifts assigned for nighttime watch. For your time on the front lines, you and your allies are spared these night shifts. As such, you're free for a few hours yet. The sun is long in the sky with summer, and you've time yet to check in with whoever you might wish to see.


With the chores done and time open, Pryce goes to check in on the kids to see how they fared while he was off on the mission.


KP, Sugar, Spitshine and the pets are busy in the grass near Vortigern's house. The pets play a mock battle, charging in and out to make jabs at Vidanya, and dodge from imagined attacks. Vidanya lays on one side, lazily pawing their direction to keep up the flow of the mock fight. Vortigern looks on from a chair, just to be on the safe side.


KP cheers on the pets as they play fight their fearsome foe, and also cheers on Vidanya as well for doing her part in fending off the attacks.

Pryce smiles seeing them have fun.
"How's everypony been today?"


"Good!" Spitshine says. "Finally saw some action."

"From quite the distance," Vortigern says. "The kids got nowhere near the walls."

"Bandit skirmishers," Sugar says. "They know the area well enough to get past the illusory field around the village. Must have seen the warriors leaving en masse and wanted to check things out. The fighting was all ranged, though. They buzzed off before they got too close."

"And I hit one," Spitshine says.

"I hit two," Sugar brags in a stage-whisper.

"It's true," Vortigern confirms, then adds her own whisper. "KP didn't have any strange fainting episodes or anything, though Lockjaw fretted for him all day."


("That's good, hopefully no more of those happen.") Pryce whispers back to Vortigern.

"Good, you two were able to hold down the fort."
>"Yea, they were awesome!"
"Which reminds me, I have something for you Spitshine."


"Hmm?" Spitshine asks. "Whuzzat?"

River looks to Vortigern. "With today's victory, what comes next for the rebellion?"

Vortigern sits up. "This month's council-meeting is due to take place in three days' time. I'll be remaining behind to oversee the village's defenses, while Grantz will attend in my place, as usual. Alloy's going with him."

"Wow, that's some initiative from Alloy," Zjetya says.

"I don't think Alloy knows yet," Vortigern says. "The decision was Grantz's."

"I… see…" River says.


Pryce takes out a small box and hands it to Spitshine, containing the moonlight prism he picked up back in Threecoins.
"I saw this at one of the shops back in Threecoin, and thought it'd be a good gift after we held that quartet at the barber shop. I meant to give it to you earlier, but the past few days have been pretty busy."

"I hope we didn't pull Alloy into anything to big," Pryce comments at hearing Grantz pulling Alloy into the council-meeting.


>Hearing [1d10]

Roll #1 6 = 6


Spitshine's eyes widen, and he forgets his usual flippancy. He takes the box gingerly, clearly afraid of dropping or breaking it. He steadies it with telekinesis and his hoof, both. "…Th-thank you," he says.

You almost hear a hint of another syllable in Spitshine's voice, but he catches it before it can fully form. "

…When can we start practicing with it?" he asks after a pause to regain himself.

"It's too early to tell," River says. "I have a feeling I'll be needed here at the village. So, Zjetya– can you go with them?"

"Yeah…" Zjetya says, though she sounds unsure. "But, I dunno how well my presence would go over at the council meeting."


Pryce smiles, glad to see Spitshine enjoys the gift.
"We could practice today if you wanted, still plenty of time before night," Pryce offers.

"I could go too," Pryce suggests. "After how today's confrontation went, it'd be good to keep the idea of our strategy going forward."


Spitshine smiles. Not a smirk, but a smile. "Yeah! Whenever you're ready."

Vortigern nods, and to Zjetya, she adds: "You'll want to make it widely known you're a dissident against the dragons. To have both outsider help, and a renegade from our enemy's people, could look quite good depending how well Grantz spins it."

Zjetya nods, seeing the logic.

>timeskip to tomorrow available


"Great! We can start with a little singing warmup and head back to the ship and pick up the scrolls to practice," Pryce says with equal enthusiasm. Then he thinks a moment before looking over to Zjetya.
"Do you know a good song recommendation to start with?"


"Hmm," Zjetya thinks. "Most of my hometown ones aren't in your language, but there's an Ecclesian classic I can teach you."

She says she's teaching you, but it's more like reminding you– the song is actually Accorsian in origin, but only spiked in popularity during the westward exodus, and thus is more associated with Ecclesia.



Pryce can't help but tap his hoof along with the beat.
"That is a classic, great pick Zjetya."

"Alright Spitshine, follow after me. A one, two, and…"
>Good to timeskip


Over the next three days until the council meeting, Pryce helps aid around they village as they have been, as well as offering his aid in tending to the injured when more hooves are needed.

His primary focus however, during any downtime has been training. Keeping up in his physical training with Sir Estuary's absence and teaching Spitshine the art of Songspinning with the scrolls he has (with help from Zjetya to keep on tune).
With the split they needed to fight the knights and defend the village, and the new discovery that Sarajinae is alive and being used, the stakes have grown more than Pryce initially thought. The possibility of failure needs to be pushed aside, especially with these new additions.


Alloy is surprised when he learns that he's going to the council-meeting. Grantz is far too busy over the next three days, but in one brief moment, he does set aside time to talk to Alloy about it. It's a mostly one-sided talk, however– Grantz praises Alloy for the utility he demonstrated during the interception of the tribute-takers, and wants to inform both the rebel villages and the loyalists of this new development. Alloy, finding himself swept along in Grantz's force of personality, meekly thanks him and agrees to go along.

With how often your group finds itself split up, Onion and River join in with the training; Onion teaches wilderness scavenging and survival, and River teaches non-magical first aid. Sugar chafes at being told she'll be staying behind again, but a promise of combat training from Vortigern softens her disappointment somewhat.


When the morning comes to travel, you, Alloy and Zjetya pack your things, which includes Hopper. Breakfast is kept light and brief so you won't cramp up on the way. Then, just as you did for the interception mission, you make your way to the east end of the village, to the great gate. There, you see Vortigern and Grantz waiting with a small retinue. Your allies follow behind to see you off.


When the morning to depart comes, Pryce double and triple checks to make sure everything is pack and everypony is good. Hopper tagging along is a surprise, but with how Pryce has had those episodes, Hopper being there to snap him out of it is welcome.

As they gather at the gate, Pryce waves to Vortigern and Grantz as they approach.
>"Be safe Hopper! And the rest of you!"
"We will, and we'll be back before you know it."
Pryce then looks to Grantz.
"What should we expect at this meeting?"


"A lot of standing around and looking pretty," Grantz jokes. "The further north we go, the fewer people there speak your language. So, I'll handle the talking and translation."

A palanquin arrives for Alloy, but he shakes his head. "I-I didn't w-want to be rude last time, but I can keep up."

Grantz nods. "Alright. We'll take it anyway. No telling if we'll be ambushed along the way. Could always use a few more prisoners."

Once you and your allies confirmm you're ready, Grantz and Vortigern share their goodbyes, and your allies give you their own well wishes. Then you proceed through the gates, and strike up a north-northeast flight pattern.

>make 3 perception rolls


"Alright, sounds like the typical diplomat meetings back in the day."

"Hopefully we don't," Pryce comments on the possibility of being ambushed.

As they give their farewells and part off towards the north, Pryce takes note to be extra aware now at the possibility of being attacked. It has been three days, more dragonknights could be on the move now for retribution.
>Perception [3d10]

Roll #1 4, 7, 5 = 16


Grantz leads, even a distance ahead of his retinue. You didn't see how he fought during the sneak attack against the tribute-takers, but something tells you he might protect his retinue more than they'd protect him, if you were attacked. The flight starts off a bit on the slow side, perhaps out of courtesy to Alloy. But, you see Alloy skittering between the ground and the trees, easily keeping pace without even elevating his breathing. With that assessment, Grantz accelerates, pushing onward.

The way you take isn't direct, but roundabout, sometimes low in the treeline, and at other times, high into the clouds. Alloy demonstrates an incredible feat, hooking webs onto the palanquin, which he uses to then slingshot himself into the air. His webs even take hold of clouds, and spread out into wispy nets that take hold of the very air currents. The retinue mutters among themselves, obviously impressed.

As you continue along this way, you realize the meaning behind this evasive travel. In addition to taking advantage of the natural air currents molded by the weather and geography, to ensure easy travel, it seems you are avoiding the territories of brigands. There are runic markings and charms, etched and hung here and there upon the largest of the trees and the boulders in the area. Many have been tarnished, or covered over by newer markings, suggesting a history of territorial disputes.

You stop briefly to break for water, taking shelter in the mouth of a natural cave. Grantz seems eager to continue, lest you lose too much momentum.

>roll 3 more


The sight of brigand markings on the territory gives concern. Pryce assumed they were taking a semi-indirect route in case of dracoknight activity, but seeing how many groups are laying their claim over each other makes Pryce wonder how bad this land really is, though dealing with it would have to come after the Dragons themselves.

"Those webs are impressive, I didn't think anypony aside from pegasi could make use of clouds," Pryce says to Alloy during their brief stop.

>Perception [3d10]

Roll #1 6, 2, 10 = 18


"Oh, that's… that's nothing. I had plenty of time to practice," Alloy says, a bit shy at your praise around the others.

Before Alloy can make the air too awkward, Grantz cuts the break, and directs you onward. The approach is the same as before, the paths roundabout, circuitous, even doubling back to intercept potential attackers. Here and there you sense stirrings, where perhaps someone might be weighing his odds… but no arrow or sling-stone comes. For what it's worth, you start to develop a sense of the land and its borders, shifty as they are.

Grantz directs you and the others to descend, parallel with the treeline. You recall the time when Vortigern first led you into her hidden village… you should really start getting names for these places.


With these excursions, Pryce feels a bit more confident about the split up of the group. Despite the others staying back, he's getting a feel for the land, so if anything does happen he has confidence he could lead them to safety, or find them if things went bad.

As they're set to descend, Pryce follows Grantz's lead.
"Have we arrived?"


"Right," Grantz says. "Must have seen this on the way in."

Like before, you fly into mist, slowing and sticking close to avoid trees, hills and the other kinds of hazards… and then, just as the mist threatens to waterlog your clothes, it thins, revealing a gate beyond. Grantz touches down, as do the others. The gates open without him so much as slowing his pace, or announcing his presence.

Beyond the gates, you see a village of similar construction to Vortigern's. This is the second you have seen of the thirty villages Grantz told you about. It seems a good bit larger than Vortigern's– must be why they hold the meetings here.

The gate guards hail Grantz as he enters… showing an awful amount of deference toward a male for a matriarchal society. Perhaps it is his role as the leader of the rebellion…? But, he waves them off, a bit annoyed at their gestures.


Pryce looks around the village as they enter, wondering if they sensed they were near to be ready like that.
"Were we late, or is that how it always is coming here?" Pryce comments.


"It's due to begin in the afternoon," Grantz says. "We have a bit of time to unwind and eat before we're needed. I'll show you to the inn. I'll warn you: Might not be as comfortable as the treehouse."

Grantz leads the way through the village, and every time someone recognizes him, they either get out of his way, or stop to try to greet him, something he has little patience for, though his reactions remain polite, if not curt. There is an inn on one of the many terraced hills. Grantz lets you in, and speaks to the keeper at the desk. The keeper nods, and begins passing out keys.

"In three hours, meet me in the lobby here," Grantz says. "Take one of my guard if you want to go outside. They know where most everything of note is around town."


"Really? This village looks fairly well, I'd be surprised if their inn wasn't well."

Pryce notes Grantz's reactions to the villagers, the meeting must be weighing on him. That or the village's must differ quite a bit in how they go about things.

After they reach the inn and get their keys, Pryce nods.
"Three hours, got it."
He turns to Zjetya and Alloy.
"Want to take a look around? It'll probably do good to get aquanted before the meeting."


"Absolutely," Zjetya says. "I'm starving."

Grantz conveys the meaning to your designated chauffeur.

"Is there somewhere here we can exchange currency?" Alloy asks, but Grantz shakes his head.

"If anyone asks, tell them you're with me. They won't charge you," Grantz says.

"Oh, err… alright," Alloy says, not looking entirely comfortable with this level of luxury.


"Good idea, that was quite a flight too," Pryce agrees on the idea of food.

"You sure?" He questions as Grantz says they won't need to worry about money. Seeing Alloy looking uncomfortable about it, Pryce changes tone to help assure him.
"We can take on some extra chores back in your village to make up for whatever we order," He adds.


Your chauffeur leads you outside. Compared to the more even ground of Vortigern's village, this one is built along steeper and more compact hills, ridges and ravines, likely carved when the nearby river was much stronger and higher. Although the people have tried to compensate with their terracing, the town is still rather maze-like.

Still, your chauffeur is patient, and takes you through some streets to a small tavern. Most of the patrons sup on light cider, and the special for today looks to be seasoned bread accompanied by a bowl of dipping sauce.

The menu-board has a few entries that have been crossed out for quite some time. "Dessert menu," Zjetya whispers, nodding at it. "Looks like imports are still knocked out with the demon invasion."


The village walk, while rough, is a good hike.

Pryce looks up at the menu, frowning as a number of dishes are marked off.
"Hopefully we fix that once everything's done with," Pryce comments. "Any local dishes you'd recognize for a recommendation?" Pryce asks Zjetya, glancing over the rest of the menu. In addition to that, Pryce would also order the special for the group.


"Let's stick with the special," Zjetya says. "Even if Grantz offered, I don't want to spend too much of his money."

The server brings you water and the special. Upon closer inspection, you find that the bread is sturdy, and rounded like a scoop. As for the dip, the sauce is only the top layer. Beneath it is a dense mash of vegetables, legumes and spices. Some might be put off by such stiff bread, but it's necessary to scoop up the delicious dip.

Zjetya, of course, being unable to get nutrients from the dish, sits cheek-to-cheek with you at the booth. Your energy declines a little, as she passively absorbs your love on the down-low. Fortunately, this means you're able to share half of her special so that she doesn't get too full to early.

Before you know it, you and your entourage have polished off your dishes.

>timeskp to meeting available


When Zjetya sits up close with him at the booth, it leaves him a bit flustered.
"Z-Zjetya, we're in p—" He stammers, before catching it. "O-Oh, right, you said you're hungry. Forgot that."

The special is a neat novelty, the bread acting as an edible utensil. Pryce is surprised he hasn't seen a dish like this before.

>Good to timeskip


Zjetya's clearly pleased with herself at your reaction, but she doesn't push it, being that you are in public and all.

When you're done, the chauffeur says something to the server– probably that you're with Grantz. Alloy slips a couple coins beneath one of the bread plates while the chauffeur isn't looking.

You head back to the inn, as Grantz instructed, and find him in the lobby. You take a little time in your rooms to freshen up, then head back out.

Then, Grantz leads you nearer to the center of the village, to one of the broadest buildings you've seen in this region yet, a large hall. Many ornate tapestries hang from the many stone pillars holding up the roof– undoubtedly, symbols of each village. The building is well-guarded, and the guards hail you as you enter.

Once inside the foyer of the hall, Grantz flags down one of the pegasi inside, says something and gestures back at you. The pegasus nods and heads for one of the many smaller doors in a nearby corridor.

"Some extra seating," Grantz explains. "I need to put on airs, so go on ahead. My retinue will show you the way."

With that, Grantz leaves for another of the small doors. The chauffeur from earlier gestures for you to follow him.


Pryce looks over the tapestries that adorn the building they approach. This village must be the center of them all to be dedicated to meetings with a building as this.

Pryce nods as Grantz translates the exchange.
"Got it, see you in there."

Pryce follows the chauffer as he leads them to their spot.
"I wonder how this will go… Hopefully it goes smoothly with how that ambush went," He says to Zjetya and Alloy as they walk.


You enter the grand central chamber of the meeting-hall. Inside is a large room, terraced like much of the village. The highest layer of the terracing is marked by a grand, horseshoe-shaped table. At the table are eleven ornate chairs. Ten of the chairs are marked by three symbols, each one taken from the symbols on the tapestries outside. The eleventh chair, the one in the very center, is unmarked. The middle layer of the terracing is home to its own, but less impressive table, and a number of less decorated seats. The lowest layer, the ground floor, is home to a wide, elevated podium, presumably for petitioners and other outside speakers.

A number of attendants enter the room, bringing out extra chairs and cushions on a wheeled cart. They cooperate in setting the chairs in the middle layer, periodically consulting a chart. Once they're done, they exit, and the chauffeur gestures to one of the areas. You gather that's where you're to be seated.

In the distance, a horn calls out the hours: four blasts. The meeting is about to begin.


Pryce gazes up at the highest terrace, likely where the village leaders will sit. Only ten marked chairs, he wonders if that's all the villages or just the ones that are rebelling against the dragons.
As the chauffeur points them to their seating area, Pryce nods in thanks as they go.

When the horn blows, Pryce feels a little tinge of nervousness, having been some time since he's had to sit in on any larger formal political meetings.


From a door on the upper level, six elderly stallions emerge, each wearing a decorated ceremonial robe and amulet. Grantz, although he's approaching middle age, is easily the youngest among the leaders. Five elders walk over to their corresponding seats. One elder, wearing a plain ceremonial robe, walks to the seat in the middle. From the central door, on the ground level, a collection of less-decorated individuals enters the room. They look like guards, personal assistants, and so on. These ones climb to the middle terrace, taking their places in front of their corresponding elder.

Once all the guests have sat, the elder at the central seat says something in a formal tone, and the seven elders take their seats.


You notice that, on the western side of the upper terrace, there are four empty seats, where presumably, four more elders are supposed to sit. Numbering from west to east, they're the second, third, fourth and fifth seats. There is an elder sitting in the first seat, and he looks somewhat uncomfortable being separated from the other elders by this gap of four empty seats. However, those four seats are still left empty, awaiting their designated occupants. The spaces in the middle terrace, where the retinues of the four absent elders would sit, are also empty.

The elder in the central seat continues to speak in his formal tone, when the central doors are thrown open. Four small groups enter, contempt written on their faces. They ascend to the middle terrace, and take their places in front of the four empty seats. The central elder scolds them, but they say nothing in their defense, instead glaring up at the seven elders who are present.


When only seven elders enter, Pryce wonders where the last remaining four could be. Maybe those four are villages that don't agree with the rebellion.
Pryce sits intently, despite not understanding the local language he is sure to pay attention and try to understand as much as possible. When the speech is interrupted, Pryce looks down at the four groups. Them being without their leader only makes Pryce question more the situation that's going on.


The language barrier makes it impossible to grasp the specifics of the meeting, but you are able to glean some generals. The one in the central seat seems to be some kind of court arbiter. His solemn declarations control the pace of the council-meeting. Each of the present elders speaks in turn, his words book-ended by the arbiter's formulaic dictates. Occasionally, one of the latecomers interrupts the elders with a sneering remark, perhaps an insult or crass remark, and suffers the cold reprimand of the arbiter.

When it comes time for Grantz to speak, his words are curt, simple and laconic, just as he is when talking to you. While the elders occasionally looked bored or distracted when the other elders spoke, all attention is upon Grantz when he speaks. In a similar way, the hecklers are even more hostile, even agitated, during Grantz's turn. It's here that a few are finally escorted out by the council guards.

"Sir Pryce," Grantz says. "Zjetya, Alloy. Why don't you stand up and give us a few words about your contributions to our cause? I'll translate."

Zjetya's a bit startled, her attention having been on the peculiar dynamics of this meeting. She looks to you to break the ice.


The tension feels high with the interruptions of the latecomers, leaving Pryce to feel almost as if they're intruding on something they shouldn't be seeing. When they intensify during Grantz's time, Pryce feels confident they're against the rebellion entirely.

When Grantz introduces them, Pryce stands up. Seeing Zjetya' startle, he takes the lead for their introduction.
"Hello, I am Sir Pryce Etac. This is Zjetya, and Alloy," He starts, introducing them. "My friends and I came here to help aid in the fight against the dragons. Zjetya was the first to tell me and the rest of our group the situation, and we're fully devoted to seeing the dragons overthrown. So far we have ambushed a recent dracoknight tribute caravan, capturing them all and stripping them of their powers to no longer be a threat, thanks to Alloy," He says, mentioned both of their contributions to help highlight the aid they've all brought.


Grantz provides a translation after you speak. Zjetya, having gotten a little confidence, steps up next.

"Like Sir Pryce said, I'm Zjetya, Evangelist of Ecclesia."

The name "Ecclesia" inspires some murmurs among the gathered.

"More than that…" Zjetya says. You can tell an idea has come to mind. She continues in her native language, prompting gasps and more whispering among the meeting's attendants. She speaks for a little while, and though you can't pick out everything, you recognize enough words at this point to understand she's denouncing her former homeland, and former sovereigns, to legitimize Grantz's rebellion.

When she's done, she steps back, and gestures to Alloy. For lack of a common language, Alloy continues in equish.

"I'm Alloy, as the others have said," he says, speaking slow to fight his stutter. "I'm the son of– an accomplished sorceress, and a mighty warrior."

You recall Grantz's suggestion not to mention Alloy's divine heritage…

"I fought a dracoknight commander in single combat, and used secret magic to disable his ability to strengthen himself. With my power, it's my intention to tip the scales of this uprising in favor of the rebellion. My family has, for generations, fought for the freedom of the underclasses and the subjugated. This family tradition, I share with you."

Even Grantz's eyebrows arch, and as he translates, many of the gathered have similar reactions. Horrified, Alloy looks your way for reassurance, not realizing that his audience is rather impressed.


The murmurings of the council sound good as Zjetya and Alloy take their turns in introductions.
Pryce does keep a straight face through Alloy's explanation, fighting his internal gut reaction at hearing a tradition of fighting for freedom stemming from Buiwong.

Pryce steps beside Alloy and gives him a pat on the shoulder as one would after a good sports game to congratulate and reassure him. He then steps forward to speak again.
"As you can see, we have a wide variety of experiences, magic, and all carry determination to help the cause. And with the help of Alloy's talent and magic, our ambush on the caravan went off without any deaths, something we could achieve for the whole rebellion."


Grantz relays that as well. By this point, the hecklers in front of the four empty seats have turned their baleful gazes upon you, with contempt to rival that which they showed toward Grantz. Alloy keeps his eyes away, while Zjetya stares back at the dissidents with a stony poker face. Grantz continues speaking for a little while, before sitting back down, as do you and your companions.

The arbiter of the council goes back to conducting the meeting. Other elders speak, though nothing as noteworthy as your introduction occurs. Next, a number of petitioners are let into the council-chamber by the guards. They go to the podium and speak, and this or that council-member responds to them.

You notice that, with each petitioner who comes to the podium, it seems that Grantz has the final word on whatever matter they raise to the council. Either their words are directed at Grantz, or the council-member who speaks prompts Grantz to answer, at some point. Of course, this is to say nothing about the hecklers, who take every chance they get to interject their two bits, until the last of them are shown the door.

Grantz deals about as patiently as he can with this barrage of dull bureaucratic work. But, when the council arbiter starts to conclude the meeting, Grantz's relief is plainly visible. Everyone rises, the arbiter says some final words in a solemn tone, and then both the elders and attendants file out.

Your chauffeur helps to guide you back out of the meeting-hall, so that you can wait for Grantz in the dwindling sunlight of the late afternoon. Zjetya and Alloy stretch, greedily taking in as much fresh air and light as they can get.


Pryce meets the gaze of the rabble-rousers, not letting their stares chip away as his determined stance.
The rest of the meeting after their part almost feels like a blur, more from his now grown focus on the heckling factions than the tedium of the meeting itself. He wonders if they'll have more things to watch for now than just the dracoknights or raiders on the flight back. This all, and another nagging feeling in his head.

When it comes to a close in a rather simple manner, Pryce feels some relief that it had an air of normalcy.
"That went better than I thought, at least it seems so. Did you catch most of what they said Zjetya?" He asks, given she speaks the native language.

As they're led out to a waiting spot for Grantz, Pryce streches out the stiffness from sitting so long. After a moment to them to relax and unwind, Pryce looks to Alloy. He doesn't speak at first, looking to be mulling his thoughts carefully, weighing the moment. Then,
"Alloy… That family tradition of yours…" He pauses. "Who started it?"


"Just a lot of logistical stuff," Zjetya says. "Requests to loosen curfews, questions about delayed public works, that kinda thing. A lot of it sounded like it'd be out of Grantz's wheelhouse, so I don't get why they all went to him."

Alloy blinks with genuine confusion, and blank-headedness. You see some lingering sweat on his forehead, left over from the meeting. Then, he gasps. "Oh, th-that? Honestly, I forgot I'd said that. I got really aware of everyone's eyes on me, so I just started to ramble… next thing I knew, the meeting was over."

It takes him a second to process your facial expression, then gulps, and takes half a step back. "I-I… I take it… y-you might see things… differently, huh…"


Pryce keeps a stern look at Alloy as he speaks up. Its with the stammering the Pryce closes his eyes and takes a deep breath.
"Sorry, I'm not trying to put anything on you," He says, trying to avoid repeating the situation from the other day.
"But, I just don't see how you and Mocha came out like this. Even hearing that inside… I don't believe any of this could have come from Buiwong," He says, though despite his apology his tone still carries a harshness.


Bringing up his family changes something in Alloy. He stands up a little straighter, and tilts his head. "…Just what did you mean by that?" he asks, without any stutter or stammer.

Zjetya clears her throat.


"You're nearly the exact opposite of Buiwong. He;s underhoofed, deceitful, manipulative… He ruined the world!" Pryce starts. "You? You've been courteous, helpful, kind. Mocha too was a good ally. Your whole family I've met are, well, all not him," He continues, Zjetya's attempt of interjection falling on deaf ears.


Alloy's still irritated by you bringing up his family, but he holds his tongue until you're done.

"I'm not going to justify or condemn what grandfather did," Alloy says. "I… can't. I'd like to say that, if I was him, I would have done it differently, but the truth is that I just don't know what I would have done. And I don't know why he did what he did. Maybe that's cowardly, but you're going to have to take it up with him yourself if you want to hash it out. But for better or worse, I'm not his opposite, I'm his grandson. Mocha's his granddaughter. My family are part of him, and he's part of us."

"Would this be a bad time?" Grantz asks. He's been here for a bit, you realize, since Zjetya tried to interject.

"A great time, actually," Alloy says.

"Meetings are done for today," Grantz says. "They'll continue tomorrow. You're welcome to show up, but it's probably going to be a lot drier than today, if you can believe it. We return day after tomorrow. As for tonight, it's free to do as you please."

"Good," Alloy says. "See you tomorrow."


Pryce is about to comment back, until Grantz speaks up this time.
"They seemed pretty receptive to us in there," Pryce says to Grantz, shifting the topic of Buiwong for the moment. "Those that kept interrupting, I take it those villages aren't too keen on being rebels?"


Alloy leaves for the inn.

Grantz nods. "Yes, those were the representatives for the loyalist faction. They'll see reason… sooner or later. Bringing them a few more trophies off of Dracoknight commanders would definitely help."

Zjetya sighs, worn out by the meeting, and now by Alloy, so she lacks questions for Grantz.


"I'm surprised they bothered to show. They didn't seem to care for anything being discussed, and their leaders didn't even come, so why spend the trip?" Pryce questions. "Though, I suppose this is better than doing anything worse or outright fighting."


"To keep tabs on the rest of us, and stay informed about what we're planning together," Grantz suggests. "And, probably a bit of jealousy."

He claps you on the shoulder. "I'll find you tomorrow when it's time for the next meeting. Keep up on your training, though. It's never a vacation when we're here."

Grantz heads off too. Zjetya glances in the direction Alloy went, but doesn't say anything.


"Hope they're just keeping tabs, and not reporting anything," Pryce adds.
"Alright, see you later then," He says as Grantz heads off. He sees Zjetya looking off in Alloy's direction, starting to realize he may have been out of line for saying what he did here of all places.
"I have to give him some space, things will just get worse right now," He says, dancing around the subject.


"Yeah…" Zjetya says. "I probably wouldn't have hit him with that so soon after he had to speak in front of a huge crowd. Which… not to say you weren't factually right, but… eh, I'm not the right person to talk about this. River told me all about what happened, what she and the others did… but it's not the same as actually being there, seeing it happen, having it happen to you. Maybe she could help you more about this."

She thinks for a bit. "In fact… I think a conch call back to the village might be in order. My room's at the end, and Alloy's adjacent…"

Rather than set up a dirty joke, Zjetya lowers her voice. "I wanna call Vortigern."


"I should've waited, you're right. It's just.. hard to hear anypony painting Buiwong in a positive way."

"Did something come up?" Pryce questions as Zjetya suggests a conch call, but then says to Vortigern, wondering if there was something from the meeting that was lost in translation on him.


"It was around the time that the loyalist hecklers got kicked out of the meeting," Zjetya says. "One of them said that the Gang of Four send their regards. Four empty council seats, four groups of loyalists. Grantz didn't say anything too specific when you asked about the loyalists… I dunno, I can't shake the feeling there's something there."


"The Gang of Four?" Pryce is silent a moment. They gave him a look nearly, if not worse, than the ones to Grantz.
"Let's call her, if there is something we can't afford to not know. …We should probably head to the inn, keep it private."


You head back to the inn, to Zjetya's room. Vortigern picks up after a bit. After greetings, she gets down to business.

"Grantz says the meeting went smoothly," Vortigern says. "Though I can only imagine how dull it was to someone who doesn't speak the language at all."

"Don't worry," Zjetya says. "I brought some papyrus and crayons for Pryce. But… there were hecklers in the audience. Loyalists. It sounded like they worked for the 'Gang of Four'… and four council-members were absent. Grantz didn't clue us in on that. What did we miss?"

"…Hm," Vortigern says. "Do you want the short or long version?"


Pryce chuckles at Zjetya's bit. "It wasn't too bad."

"The long version, we should know if they're a concern or not," Pryce answers.


"Right, well…" Vortigern begins. "Sugar, could you bring me some water?"

Zjetya brings you some as well, anticipating a long discussion.

"Our tribe is divided into 10 clans, each overseeing three villages. The Clan-Mother of the largest village in each clan holds a seat on the tribal council. With how busy Clan-Mothers are, it is custom to send a representative to the monthly tribal meetings – usually the Clan-Mother's husband or wife. Each representative has no political authority of their own, only borrowing the Clan-Mother's.

"When I left my village to stalk the nobles of Yongning-si, Grantz and I… were a bit dishonest to our village. We pretended as if I had betrayed Grantz, running out to join the aristocracy along with my three children, who had been chosen by the lottery to be drafted into the Dracoknight corps. Grantz was already well-liked by our people, and so, combined with the sympathy garnered by my false betrayal, the people voted in our village council not to oust me as Clan-Mother, so that Grantz could continue to rule via my authority, while I spied on our foes for him.

"Grantz was one of the only voices of resistance on the tribal council. Although many of the future rebel villages were sympathetic to him at the time, they were kept in line by the loyalists, led by the Gang of Four: Four corrupt representatives, who essentially passed down the agenda of the draconic lords onto our people. Anyone who opposed them suffered a string of misfortunes– and soon, so did their families, their friends, distant relatives… and anyone who obediently followed them enjoyed some rather good luck. So, even though the Gang of Four didn't have a majority of votes in themselves, it was effortless to launder their agenda – or rather, the draconic lords' agenda – under the guise of representative democracy.



"Grantz repeatedly attempted to launch official investigations into the Gang's corruption. If they could be found guilty, they could be ousted per the tribal constitution. Over a long and excruciating period, he and I gathered enough evidence all but decisively proving their guilt in not just corruption, but in blackmail, extortion, and fraud. The key, however, was to find a means by which they could be summoned to court. You see, cases concerning representative misconduct had to be raised, then voted on, during the monthly tribal meetings. The arbiter of the council also serves as the tribal judge. Requisitioning his time requires a separate vote."

"That sounds like a perfect setup for protecting corrupt representatives," Zjetya says.

"Precisely," Vortigern says. "These rules – and the position of the council arbiter – were added to the tribal constitution by a laundered vote some generations ago. The draconic lords have always wanted corrupt Clan-Mothers and representatives to lead us, under a thin veneer of political legitimacy. Anyway…

"Grantz, however, found an obscure provision in the constitution. The emergency arbitration replacement. By gathering a petition sponsored by three representatives, and signed by an outlandishly high percentage of each village's population, they could force a tribal court case past the need for voting, and select a different arbiter to hear the case. I found out later that it was one of the oldest provisions in the constitution, a holdover from a very early draft, when our villages were nothing but squabbling war-bands."

"Weren't all the representatives under the Gang's control?" Zjetya asks.

"At first," Vortigern says. "Grantz managed to sway two of the oldest representatives to his side: Yvain, and Calogrenant. He'd gotten almost twice the number of signatures needed from everyone in our clan's three villages. When they saw that, they realized that change was possible, and they agreed to get signatures of their own."


Vortigern sighs. "That's… when I handed the Gang the best deus ex machina they could have asked for.

"At the next month's meeting, Grantz, Yvain and Calogrenant invoked the emergency arbitration replacement provision… only for the arbiter to shut them down. I had been unmasked as the serial killer responsible for the spate of murders among Yongning-si's mortal aristocracy. I'd been spotted on my last killing. One of my target's grandchildren. I… couldn't bring myself to eliminate the witness. I intimidated them until they fainted, hoping they'd forget what they saw… but they had enough of my description to identify me. I was de facto exiled from all of Ornifex, retroactive from the time of the earliest murder they could pin on me– ironically, it was one I hadn't conducted, but rather was an act of inter-aristocrat intrigue.

"In any case, I lost my position as Clan-Mother. As such, Grantz couldn't borrow my political authority. And so, he was no longer a valid sponsor for the provision. He was in shock, but quietly prepared to leave the meeting.

"Yvain and Calogrenant, however… lost their composure. Being too old to care for niceties and court etiquette, Calogrenant went off on a tirade against the council, mocking, insulting and castigating them for letting the Gang turn a democracy into an autocracy. Yvain, however, went a bridge too far. He attested to how Grantz showed him and Calogrenant a vision of a different future, and pledged to all the council, most of all to the Gang of Four, that he and Calogrenant would do the same. That they would find another who was brave enough to believe in tribal independence, and would try again. That, I believe, was worse than the insults. A megalomaniac can weather scathing insults all day, but true defiance, true resistance that defies their subjugation and manipulation– that's something they can't stand. They already considered Grantz a lost cause, but for more of the council to turn, to act like Grantz, was unacceptable.

"All of that took place on the first day of the month's tribal meeting. You've seen by now that tribal meetings always take place over two days, unless extended. Well, Grantz prepared to leave for home, being that he could no longer participate in the meeting as a representative.



"The next morning, the morning of the second meeting-day… someone found Yvain and Calogrenant."


"What do you mean, 'found?'" Zjetya asks.

"In the forests surrounding the village. Back then, brigand activity was much rarer. As such, young and old commonly hiked in the wilderness surrounding most village walls without much fear. They might take a weapon or charm, but going everywhere with armed guards was seldom necessary. It was one of these recreational hikers who found them. As for what happened, well…

"Their injuries were consistent with brigand attacks, matching both the weapons they commonly use, and the severity of the damage. Brigands almost never kill their targets. All their valuables were gone as well. However, Calogrenant appeared to have stumbled during the attack, and struck his head on a boulder. He expired there. Yvain was left comatose… it's only the ritual magic of his village that keeps him in this world."


"So…" Zjetya says. "It could have really been brigands, or someone who knew how to make it look like a brigand attack."

"It wouldn't have mattered, in either case," Vortigern says. "Because Grantz had already decided it was the Gang of Four. Maybe it was their own men. Maybe they'd gone to the trouble of contracting brigands. Even if it honestly was a random attack by brigands, Grantz could have easily imagined some means, however tenuous and circumtantial, to tie it all back to the Gang of Four. For example, nobody knew the full extent of the network they used to intimidate their fellow repesentatives, but local brigand attacks on trading caravans was an occasional misfortune suffered by dissenting voters."

"There had to have been an investigation, right?" Zjetya asks. "Two representatives dying…"

"The council arbiter said they would look into things, but since they still had enough representatives gathered to hold quorum, the meeting for that day would continue."

"You're kidding… but then… it sounds like the Gang had pretty much reestablished control. Why weren't they here at the meeting yesterday?"


"Because during that afternoon's meeting, Grantz walked into the meeting-chamber, gave Calogrenant and Yvain's regards to the representatives… and killed each member of the Gang of Four.


"To sell out your other tribesponies, what could they have been offered to do this?"
Pryce comments at the start, hearing how corruption was able to start. He listens on through the rest, concern growing on his face as he hears that misfortune follows those who opposed the gang, and moreso at the hearing the deaths of Yvain and Calogrenant.

"He killed them?" Pryce repeats at the news. "So have they not been replaced, or are they too afraid to appear now?"


"I'm not too sure," Vortigern says. She doesn't sound particularly concerned about the murders she just credited to Grantz. "Even if they have, there's no way they'd want to cooperate with the council now. As far as I care, the loyalist villages are enemy territories we'll have to contend with as we revolt against the dragons."

"That's putting it lightly…" Zjetya says.

"I'm not looking forward to all the political reorganizing we'll have to do, and I'm sure Grantz isn't either. It sounded like nothing could advance in the meeting without someone asking him his opinion. Be prepared to sit through that again. Naturally, there are some who are glad that the Gang of Four is gone. But Grantz's extreme solution demonstrated that there are many sycophants among our tribe's leadership, just looking for the next strongman to obey. It might be convenient for now, to have them all under our orders, but it's not a good look to preach independence and then exert autocratic rule. Remind him to take a light hoof to matters tomorrow, will you?"


"I had that feeling too. Their representatives certainly weren't receptive today, especially when we spoke," Pryce agrees.

"I could tell this isn't the stuff he wants to put up with. I'll be sure to let him know," He says. "Are things fairing well back there?"


"Speaking of brigands, our scouts had more run-ins with them. Nothing we couldn't handle. They didn't get as close to the village as they did last time, but it's clear their activity has kicked up. Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if the loyalists are funding this activity, especially now that Grantz and I are back at the head of the rebellion."

"Need us to teach 'em a lesson?" Zjetya asks.

"Hah, anything to get out of more meetings, huh?" Vortigern jokes.

"Y-yes…" Zjetya confesses.

"Well, I'm sure we'll find something for you to fight soon. Don't worry about our safety, just keep Grantz protected until you're home. We'll figure out a quest for you then. Was there anything else to discuss?"


"I'm glad things having gotten too bad then," Pryce says.
"No, that's all for now. Thank you, we'll stay safe."


With that, Vortigern hangs up. Zjetya can't help but scoff. "Wasn't expecting to get into the weeds of political intrigue… I think I'm gonna call the others, then crash early tonight."

>timeskip to tomorrow available


"I figured we'd have to get involved to some degree, but not dive into a fray like this so early," Pryce comments, processing all that Vortigern said.

After a moment of thought, Pryce speaks up again.
"We should share a room tonight."


"What, without River?" Zjetya jokes.


"Well, yes. She's not here so—" Pryce stops as it clicks. "N-Not like that! I mean, for safety." He corrects in a fluster.


"Safety?" Zjetya repeats. "You really think we might be attacked here? Hmm… you know, I didn't see the Gang's lackeys leaving town yet… alright. Get your things from your room and come on over. But, I get the bed. Oh, and…"

She glances over at the adjacent wall, where Alloy's been put up. "…I'll tell Alloy to keep an ear out tonight."


"I don't know if we will, but I'd rather be safe than sorry," Pryce says. He looks over to the wall, thinking back to the talk earlier. "We'll all need to stick together tomorrow too."

"Of course, I wouldn't ask you to take the floor. I can conjure myself a bedroll and screen divider," Pryce says as he steps out to gather his stuff.
>Good to timeskip


It's a little difficult to get to sleep with everything that you've learned today, but when sleep does come, it is sound, owing to the extra security.

Morning arrives without incident. Your dreams were unpleasant, but soon forgotten, save for the lingering memory of what happened in Threecoins. You see Zjetya brushing her mane in the mirror. Breakfast can be smelled from the main room of the inn.


Pryce wakes up, a little groggy from the worry but the sight that nothing happened helps alleve that.
Though, as he re-lights his leg and stands, seeing Zjetya first thing in the same room as he gets up throws him for a different loop.
"…U-uh, good morning Zjetya."


"Morning," Zjetya says, and smirks. "Gonna take some time to get used to seeing this, huh?"

Hopper splashes you with water to get you focused again.


"Y-Yea, a lot of time," Pryce says before being spritzed. He gives his head a shake.
"Thanks Hopper. I'll go freshen up real quick, then we can check on Alloy and breakfast," Pryce says, looking back to Zjetya, then around the room, then heads to the bathroom to dry off and take care of his morning routine.


You bathe and dress yourself, and as you open the door to get some food, you hear the door next to yours opens as well. Alloy steps out, and double-takes as you step out of Zjetya's room.

"Oh, um… good morning, Sir Pryce, Zjetya," he says, with a hanged head and downcast eyes. He looks rather apologetic for someone so offended earlier.

"Ah, good morning," Zjetya says. She gives you a knowing glance, then walks past you and Alloy, giving you the speaking space you need.


Pryce cleans up, picks up Hopper, and heads out into the hall with Zjetya. When he sees Alloy doing the same and they cross, he pauses.
"Good morning, Alloy," He says. The talk has weighed on his mind, and seeing Alloy so downcast makes him realize he was far out of line.
"I want to apologize for yesterday. I shouldn't have pushed the topic, and it wasn't fair for me to tie my feelings on Buiwong to you."


"Oh, um, well… thank you," Alloy stammers. "But, I want to apologize too… I overreacted. It's a… tough subject for all of us.

"Our grandfather went out of his way to keep us all out of his business. Mocha didn't just have to convince our dad to let her go– that was nothing in comparison to convincing our grandfather… even now, I feel like we're all still learning the full extent of everything that happened… from his banishment out of the Beyond, to everything going on today. In his words, he wanted to keep us safe. But that required keeping us in the dark about what he was doing… about the people who got hurt along the way.

"There's a side of him that you've never known… but by the same token, there's a side of him we've never known, either. You have your reasons for feeling the way you do… so do we. I'm going to have to choose what side I land on, sooner rather than later."

He taps his hooves together, and blinks. "Ah, sorry… rambling again."


"No, you reacted fine. I crossed a line for family," Pryce apologies again. "I should've realized this before when we met you all."

"No no, it's fine," With his apology on apology and Alloy's stammer, Pryce gives an awkward chuckle.
"Want to get some breakfast?" He offers before they get into a loop.


"S-sounds good," Alloy says, moving with relief away from the awkward moment. In the dining room of the inn, you find your allies. Grantz sits at his own table, flanked by his guard, while Zjetya has gotten you a separate table. It looks like the special for this morning is a plate of dumplings, along with chopped vegetables, and tea. Zjetya's pulled up a chair adjacent to her own– evidently your seat for more flank-to-flank love conduction.


The warm smell of breakfast and tea is a nice perk up as they enter the dining room, a good start before the meeting to come later.
Pryce takes his seat next to Zjetya, face red as the bump together.
"Good breakfast today," He says, looking at the special.


"Mm," Alloy agrees as he finishes one. "I get the sense that a lot of these villages all have their own spin on the same dishes."

After she's full, Zjetya takes Hopper outside so he can get some insects. Meanwhile, Grantz reminds you that the meetings are due to take place in the early afternoon. You'll meet here like usual, before heading to the council-hall. But until then, you've got the morning to spend as you like.


"Makes sense, since the variety of ingredients won't change much here. I can see them trading recipes during these meetings too."

Once they're all full from breakfast, and with the morning open, Pryce proposes an idea.
"We should tour the village. It'd probably help the cause if we get more used to the area, and the locals."


Zjetya nods. "Sure, could be fun."
Alloy starts to stack the empty plates for want of something to do. "Well, while you guys do that, I'll–"
"You should come with!" Zjetya says.
"Oh, but… um… I was gonna… books…" Alloy mumbles.
"Those books will be there when we're done, but we won't always be in this area," Zjetya says. "C'mon."
"Heh, I guess that's true," Alloy admits.


Pryce chuckles at Alloy's mumble.
"It'll be as adventurous as any book. Closest to the capitol for the tribe as I can imagine, there's sure to be fun sights to see."

"Hmm, wonder what we should look for first, or ask Grantz's chauffeur for places to see. Do you think they'd have an entertainment center?"


Zjetya turns to the chauffeur, and relays your question. He responds, and Zjetya jots down some notes in the native language.

"Okay," she says. "Let's get outta, my little ponies… and frog."

Hopper wonders why everyone likes saying that phrase so much.


"I take that as a good sign," Pryce notes as Zjetya jots down some info from the chauffeur.

"We're not that little," Pryce jests. "But, lead the way princess."
He says as he lifts up Hopper to perch on his head for the tour.


"Okay," Zjetya says as you exit the inn. "Security's tight around the village ever since what happened to Yvain and Calogrenant, so the only hiking we can do is pretty close to the village's walls. Besides that, there's supposed to be a flyting in a bit. And if all else fails there's always the town's library. I asked if there was work to be done, but since we're technically Grantz's emissaries, there's a few reasons why they wouldn't let us pitch in."


Pryce mulls over the options as they decide what to do to spend time.
"Alright. Hiking may not be the best option all things considered. Helping out could help our image and the cause with the locals… What's a flyting?" He asks, curious.


"A verbal duel of sorts," Zjetya says. "Two competitors, or teams of competitors, square up in a theatre. Whoever can insult the other in the cleverest, funniest way – according to the audience – takes the prize, whatever it might be. Apparently it's just going to be a practice run for the local team today, but we can sit in all the same. Of course, most of the punchlines will probably fly right over your heads. So, what'll you vote?"

"I mean…" Alloy hazards. "Is it too obvious for me to vote for the library?"


"A verbal duel, that sounds fun to sit in on, if you don't mind translating," Pryce votes. "Could be good to pick up the local language too."

"We can stop by the library if this doesn't turn out well," Pryce adds to Alloy.


"With the pace that these can go, no way I can translate fast enough," Zjetya says. "But I'll teach you the swears at least."

"That can be useful in a way," Alloy agrees.

Hopper makes his way down toward your cloak, and crawls into a special, enchanted pocket– a parting gift sewn by Volkama. Doesn't seem like the flyting would be his thing, and besides, it's time for his morning nap.


"They really use that many?" Pryce questions.

As Hopper crawls into his pocket for a nap, Pryce gives him a little pat.
"Alright, let's check this flyting out."


You make your way to the town's amphitheater, a little far off, separated from the town center by a charitable distance, so as not to disturb anyone's sleep or good taste with noise. A small audience has already gathered, while the flyting team goes through their vocal warmups.

When it begins, the performers gather in a semi-circle. Two, the first duelists, approach the center of the ring, evidently the first stars. The others begin the beat, mostly a cappella, with occasional stomps. The duelists launch into a rally of insults, retorts, wordplay and wit, or so you imagine without a grasp of their language. Zjetya's a decent enough judge of quality, however, so it's easy to take a little secondhoof amusement from her. Perhaps that's a bit of what it's like to be a changeling.

It goes on for some time, during which there's a couple duels which turn into stage brawls. Per Zjetya, seems like the offending opponents went a bridge too far here or there. In all, it's to the audience's delight. At the end, however, with the disputes settled, the performers gather and bow. The audience wing-clap their applause, and then they start to file out.


While the language goes over his head, aside from Zjetya's fill-in, the display itself is enjoyable. It's like a more rough stage play in presentation, especially so as they break into brawls.
As it comes to an end, Pryce gives a stomp of applause.
"That was fun, can't say I've seen much like this back in Hearthome. Is this the usual entertainment in Ornifex?" Pryce asks Zjetya, curious after seeing her enjoyment and amusement.


"Plus or minus a wingful of cultural differences, yeah, a pretty popular art form," Zjetya says. "These guys… well, they'll have a hard time in the tournament scene, but for locals, it's good enough."

With some time left to spare before the meeting, Alloy suggests checking out the library, a suggestion that gets Hopper's attention.

>timeskip to meeting available


"I can see why it's popular, it looks like it'd be fun to try sometime," Pryce says. "They'll have a hard time? How intense do tournaments get?"

Since there's still some time to kill, Pryce is in agreement for a library visit for Alloy, and to see what kind of literature they have after seeing their entertainment.


"No offense," Zjetya says. "But you're a bit too kind-hearted for it. They're not just intense, they get mean. Even I didn't want to throw my crown in the ring."

She looks Alloy's way, and he shakes his head. "Not for me."

You spend the time you have left at the library. Hung prominently for display are historical tapestries, organized by clan and village. Migrations, battles, plagues, discoveries; good and bad all recorded here. Though you get a sense each clan's got its share of unique tales and artistic styles, each tapestry converges – not physically, but with an event: The descent of ominous lacunae, large spots in the tapestries that are completely blank. Surrounding them are myriad wyrms, drakes and other lesser draconics.


"Really?" Pryce says with pause. "Didn't think it'd be too bad from the music part of it…"

When they hang around the library, Pryce finds himself drawn to the tapestries, a bit being that its not stuck in the native language so he can pick up on it more. He stops on each one as he sees they all have the same common thread, a swarm of dragons.
"How long ago did the dragons show up?" He asks Zjetya.


"That's a complicated question," Zjetya half-whispers, motioning for you to keep your voice down too. "Up in Yongning-si, they'd say that they've been here forever, but for the people down here, it's… mm, somewhere around 84 and 144 years ago."

"That's a pretty sizable gap in dates," Alloy observes.

"Right," Zjetya says. "Because not everyone agrees as to what you mean by 'the dragons.' There's wyverns, drakes, dragons, and–" She lowers her voice to say, "the Draconic Lords. A lot of people on both sides of this conflict like to pretend they're all just one big group– to the detriment of those actually in those groups."


Pryce takes note, and lowers his voice.
"There's a notable distinction between the groups?" Pryce asks. "Does that mean some dragons don't align with the the Draconic Lords?"


Zjetya nods. "Not that you'd be able to know if you only heard the belligerents talking about the oppression and the uprising."

She makes sure nobody else is looking, then points to part of one tapestry. You can see that it's a place where newer thread has been woven into older thread. It would seem that the tapestry was finished at one point, then resumed, as more history unfolded. Near that point of continuation, you see places where it appears that threads have been excised, cut out and then replaced. Those patches of excision – of historical removal – appear to be about the same size, or larger, than the patches displaying the pegasi villagers.


Pryce looks at the tapestry Zjetya points out. After hearing about the tribal politics yesterday from Vortigern, and now this, he's unsure if its good or bad that he doesn't know the local language.
"Why would they cover up dragons that would be on their side? Isn't that reductionist, when they could've had more allies?"


"I don't exactly know," Zjetya says. "All I know is that at some point, the dragons – sapient mortals like you and me – migrated en masse to Yongning-si. Laborer, merchant, aristocrat, whatever their social standing was. The griffons and vola broke away too, going off on their own, pretty much without any kind of warning or explanation. This tore apart lots of little hamlets and villages in Ornifex, who just lost huge chunks of their population. In some of those places, the pegasi who were left behind got pretty furious. They banded together and started destroying any evidence that the other races, with whom they had gotten along before, were ever there."

Alloy grits his teeth behind his lips, deeply troubled.


"That's…" Pryce trails off, unsure of how to even respond. "…Do you think things will be fine here once we're done?"


"Nothing ever improves quickly," Zjetya says. "But… well, they say that most Ornifexans used to get along fairly well, no matter who or what they were. Things might not be able to go back to the way they were, precisely, but… things never do. But they can become good again, in a new way."

Alloy nods. "That's what my family believes, too."


"Guess that can be said of the whole world right now," Pryce comments, thinking of the journey the rest of their group is going on through Tartarus.


Zjetya nods. "Maybe we should have Grantz bring it up at the meeting this afternoon, see if the rebels have anything to say about it?"

"I dunno…" Alloy says. "Could go over pretty badly… but it did seem like they all answered to him yesterday. More than he would have liked, even. Even if those old prejudices are still there, they might be too afraid of Grantz to go against him."

>timeskip to meeting available


"No, we can bring it up later. Our goal is to take down the Draconic Lords, and I don't want to push our luck after getting him to side with our non-lethal plan," Pryce says, nodding in agreement with Alloy. "We wouldn't want to add to much onto the plate now anyways either."

>Good to timeskip


You return to the inn, where Grantz waits. Like yesterday, you move together, and Grantz departs for the separate chamber to put on the ceremonial garb for the proceedings.

Zjetya gestures to you and Alloy as the chauffeur leads you to the main chamber again. "Check your seats when you get in," she whispers. "Just in case the Gang's reps got any funny ideas after seeing us at yesterday's meeting."


("Do you think they'd be that brazen to do it in a public space?") Pryce whispers as they head to the main chamber.
When they reach their seats, Pryce gives them a cautionary check for any tampering before any of them sit.
>Check Seats [1d10]

Roll #1 3 = 3


You and the others check your seats, much to the annoyance of the attendants who had to prepare the place earlier. But, it seems like everything's all in order. Alloy and Zjetya sit, and so do you, as the others file in, councilor and entourage in kind, and take their own seats.


With everything looking to be fine, Pryce eases somewhat as to keep a good appearance. In the meantime, he keeps a lookout to see of the any of the protestors from yesterday show up again, wondering how today's meeting will go.


Just like yesterday, right before the meeting begins, one last group shoves their way into the chamber with immaculate timing. They're, in fact, a different group of wealthy-looking youths, but they go to sit in the same spot as where the representatives of the Gang of Four sat yesterday. The guards eye them with annoyance, but the arbitrator of the meeting says something to the guards, and they stand down. No doubt this new group is working with yesterday's protestors, but since they've technically committed no foul yet, they can't be ejected, it seems.

The meeting begins as yesterday's did. Grantz reluctantly leads, and his apparent sycophants among the rest of the village council repeatedly prompt him. You can sense him trying to keep things moving along as speedily as they can, but like with anything bureaucratic, it takes its sweet time.


The new group, looking different from the others, gives Pryce some curiosity. Were they better behaved ponies sent after yesterday's issue, or is it just a simple replacement regardless.

As it the meeting begins again, Pryce sits by patiently. After the discussion with Vortigern, Grantz's intent to move things quickly is more apparent. He can only imagine how much more he's speeding this along now that they've made direct progress against the Dragons now.


Much unlike yesterday, however, the protestors remain oddly silent. They don't interject, crack wise or go to the center podium to make frivolous statements or questions to the councilors.


That doesn't mean they're just sitting by idly, however. Every time your eyes are not on them, you can feel at least one of them glaring at you. Then, when you look back at them, they're looking away, feigning disinterest– or sometimes, taking notes. Sometimes you catch councilors double-taking at the silent protestors, shifting uncomfortably in their seats, as they ask themselves whether that protestor was just glaring at them or not…

Grantz continues the meeting, apparently undisturbed by this intimidation tactic. You aren't called upon like yesterday, but that monotony only adds to the pressure the protestors put upon you…


Pryce is not one to mind attention, given his stage performing background. But the constant turn away, he can't help but feel they're either studying or planning something.
("Are you two getting any weird feelings from those four?") Pryce whispers to Zjetya and Alloy.


The two of them nod quietly. Alloy, already prone to stage fright, mostly just tries to ignore them. But Zjetya, a bit of a performer herself and not one to be intimidated, offers them no reaction.

Eventually, after fielding questions and comments from the general public, the meeting wraps up. Sooner than expected, both from Grantz's expediting of the discussions, and from the lack of interruptions from the loyalist protestors. Alloy starts to rise, eager to get gone, but Zjetya subtly motions to him, and he sits. She keeps an eye on the loyalists, electing to let them leave first… just in case they have any funny ideas. Though, soon enough, they do leave. As far as you can tell, without incident.


When the meeting feels to end early, Pryce also almost gets up until he sees Zjetya's gesture. He waits, seeing the gang leave first.
("We're going to need to watch our back until we get back to the village I feel.") He whispers.


("Makes me wonder how long they've been watching us,") Alloy whispers.
("Alloy… you can use the Dark Corridor, right?") Zjetya asks.
Alloy nods.
("Good," Zjetya says. "We can skip town in a hurry if we need to.")

Grantz enters the meeting-chamber from the main door, looking about as if he'd been looking for you for awhile.

"Ah, there you are," he says when he sees you. "Phew. That's the last of it for this month. You're free to go as you please, now."


("Might be for the best, could avoid them trailing and ambushing us on the way back.")

When Grantz enters, Pryce looks up.
"Ah, yea we were just talking about that. Say, uh, I noticed there were different representatives today instead of those protestors yesterday. Can they swap out like that?"


Grantz nods. "I let them more or less do as they please. Especially when it's these guys. Those punks from yesterday are always annoying."
"Do they usually stare everyone down?" Zjetya asks.
"Hmm… they might've been feeling more bold today. Now that the rebellion's getting more active, and we've got some new faces, the hecklers from yesterday must have sent the silent, brooding ones to appraise you."
"And they sent you the Gang of Four's regards…" Zjetya probes. "Just like yesterday."
"Ah," Grantz says. "You need a little history lesson?"

Grantz seems unaware that Vortigern informed you already of his history with the Gang. Alloy and Zjetya seem like they want to let you answer this one.


"We already got filled in a little by Vortigern," Pryce answers. "After how those hecklers acted we called her after to ask how these meetings usually go."

"If they were appraising us, do you think they're going to try something today?"


Grantz chuckles. "Well, they usually end off with their little death threat, that's not out of the ordinary. But normally it's just me and my guys at these meetings. This time, I have all of you. Trouble is… they don't know just how tough you guys are. They've heard me talk about your accomplishments, but I'm sure they think I'm enhancing the truth. So, I'd say let them try something. Then, demonstrate the error of their ways. It's the only way that spoiled rich punks like them learn."


"I see your point, and I'm not threatened that they could do much, but…" Pryce glances back at Zjetya momentarily. "I don't want to put anypony in danger just to prove a point."


"We've been in danger since we arrived," Grantz says with a shake of his head. "And most places we go to from here, that'll stay the same. As I'm sure Vortigern told you, she considers this enemy territory."
"Think it's dangerous enough for us to leave early?" Zjetya asks.
Grantz looks disappointed. "It'd be a bad look to leave town on account of some obnoxious loyalists. But, I don't have authority over you. Decide what you will."


"I know, but there's a difference between being in danger and seeking it out," Pryce says. He thinks over the situation, knowing that it wouldn't help their cause or morale if they made it look like the loyalists bullied them out.

"Alloy, if anything happens, get Zjetya out of here and back to the others."


Zjetya grumbles at the suggestion, and while Alloy notices it, he nods in affirmation.

"Right, well…" Grantz begins, looking like the last thing he's up for is getting into another dispute. "If anything does happen, you also have my permission to make an example out of your attackers. I know a good lawyer."

Chuckling to himself, he flies off.


Pryce nods as Grantz flies off.

"I wonder if we should take a walk around town, or should we just lie low at the inn…" Pryce muses over what they should do next aloud.
He turns to Zjetya, noticing her grumble.
"Something wrong?"


"I'm not mad that you want Alloy to get me out of danger if shit goes sideways," Zjetya says. "I'm mad that that's a reasonable response. In Ecclesia I could get by with letting others do the fighting while I support from afar… but more and more that's looking like it's not gonna be an option anymore."


"I know you're a great support," Pryce starts, seeing where she's coming from. "But without knowing what these guys do, I don't want to risk you getting hurt."

A she comments how a supporting might not be in the picture for too much longer, he thinks a moment.
"…You could join in on my training, if you'd like."


"Heh, thought you'd never ask," Zjetya says. "I guess I could grace those with my presence."

"They have a pretty martial culture around here," Alloy says. "So I don't think we'd have trouble finding a place to train…"

He lowers his voice. "Though, a training yard is a good place to stage an 'unfortunate accident.'"

"True…" Zjetya grumbles.


Pryce thinks on what Grantz said.

"We don't need to use any of the equipment here, I can conjure anything we'd need. Just need an open space, and its better than waiting idly by until its time to head back."


Zjetya nods.

"I already got my share of training," Alloy says. "So I'll let you two spar while I keep an eye out."

You go off in search of a training yard. Along the way you run into one of Grantz's retinue, apparently off-duty. He directs you to one typically used by the village's warriors, and you make your way there.

>training can be timeskipped or RP'd


"Good idea, thanks Alloy."

"So, do you want to start with weapon practice, or hoof to hoof? Or start with some exercise to warm up?" Pryce asks Zjetya as they make their way to the training yard.


"It's gonna be really difficult not to crack dirty jokes this entire time," Zjetya says. There's a few other warriors practicing in the yard, but it's spacious enough, and subdivided by marker stones and rope, so you shouldn't have trouble.

Zjetya clears her throat. "I'm starting from very little, besides some gunplay, so we'd better get to the basics."


"What do you mean?" Pryce asks, confused on the jokes.

"Alright, let's start with some basic weapon practice to get a feel for that then, and save strength training for the ship," Pryce begins. He takes off his bracelet, conjuring out two swords from it, though with the blades replaced with rods to avoid injury.
"We'll begin with swords, and then we can move to whichever weapon you'd prefer to specialize in," He says, handing her one.


"I'll tell you when you're older," Zjetya says.

As she takes the sword, you can see you've got your work cut out for you. She tries to take a steady stance with it, and her limited experience with guns affords her some amount of intuitive fundamentals – mostly in her posture. But her grip is awkward, her elbows all wrong, and holding it in her mouth only makes the problem worse.

"Not often you can say that," Zjetya notes.


"Huh?" Pryce is left further confused.

As Zjetya takes her stance, Pryce is realizing just how much he'll have to work here, not just in skill but in the technique of fighting, considering the difference between unicorn and changeling.
"Hmm… We'll have to work on weapon choice if you're using your mouth…" He hums, thinking over the approach, recalling the training he went through as he steps over to Zjetya.
"If you're fighting like this, you'll want to adjust your forelegs. Keep your shoulders broad and elbows tight, and have your back legs sturdy to keep your body steady when you block," Pryce says, helping her adjust her posture to better form. "Keeping your center of gravity forward is key to blocking, and your head low so you can spring up with momentum when you attack."


Zjetya, surprisingly, puts away the jokes long enough for her to take in your lesson. Although a bit clumsy at first, she adjusts to your directions.

"Hmm, alright… okay, I think I got it," she says, taking the stance a few times to get a feel for it. "Try and hit me, see if I can block it."


Pryce smiles, seeing Zjetya's quick progress.
"Alright. I'll go for an overhead swing, nice and gentle to start," He says, giving instruction. "You'll want to tilt your head so your sword swings at mine across it. You can twist your body with your swing to add more force as well."
Pryce takes his practice sword in his telekinesis, holds it up in a ready stance so Zjetya can prepare, and then swings it down easy so she'll only be bopped at worse.
>Swing [1d10]

Roll #1 2 = 2



Roll #1 7 = 7


Zjetya blocks it without much difficulty. She seems to have grasped the basics well enough– but only a long period of practice will drill these lessons in enough to be reliable in battle.


"Nice job!" Pryce congratulates as Zjetya blocks the hit. "Some more practice and we could try some actual sparring. Good for some more?"


"Yeah, but you could put a little more sauce on it this time, no need to hold back, y'know!"


"Are you sure?" Pryce says cautiously. "Should probably focus on endurance training after this then."
Pryce brings up his sword.
"I'll cycle through different swings, see how you can adjust between them. I'll start with a horizontal swing!"
Pryce begins with the instructing, bringing up his swings to bonk level if they connect.
>Swings [1d10]

>Good to skip to end of training

Roll #1 3 = 3



Roll #1 10 = 10


With aplomb, Zjetya deflects your strike. She signals for another, growing more eager now that she's got a hang of it. This continues until she eventually does mess up a parry, and get bonked at which point she grows frustrated and wishes to be done with the whole thing… only to, a little while later, demand with newfound enthusiasm that the training resume.

It continues until she is well and truly worn out, at which point you decide to retire for the afternoon. Alloy comes from his hiding-place, and reports that his watch was all fairly ordinary as far as he could tell. Yet he adds the cautious caveat that he is a stranger to this land and these people, and could always have missed something.


Pryce plays patiently and supportively through the training, having seen other hot-headed squires go through the same dismissal at their first faux pas.

Pryce sets his bat aside as Zjetya reaches her limit, smiling proudly.
"You did amazing Zjetya! You got the makings of a knight in you if you keep it up with this pace."

When Alloy reports on his watch, Pryce nods in thanks.
"I'm sure they wouldn't have been too unnoticeable, they sound to be rather direct if they were going to do something."


"If I do become one, do I get two girlfriends of my own?" Zjetya jokes.

"Maybe…" Alloy says – in response to what you said, as he generally pretends not to hear Zjetya's spicy lines. "We should stay alert tonight, still. Today's dissidents seemed much subtler than yesterday's."


"Th-That's not a knight perk, it's… something else," Pryce says, caught off guard. "You already have two special someponies too."

"Right. I don't suspect they've do anything in town… If anything, they might try to do something to our rooms, or when we leave the village."


Zjetya smirks, evidently having thought of a supremely saucy retort, but noting that the chaste Alloy is here, she just wiggles her eyebrows, allowing you to infer the content.

Alloy nods as you list off possibilities. "Yeah… I'm gonna head back and check my room. So, I'll see you in the evening. Just give me a shout if something goes wrong."


The smirk alone leaves Pryce a little flustered. But Alloy's interjection gives him a little space to breath.
"Got you, see you later," He says.

"Let's find a spot to cool down and refresh," He then says to Zjetya, proper rest for training being an important factor.


You find a shaded spot with Zjetya, and share some water. The afternoon grows long, and as the sun goes down, a light breeze picks up to help you relax.


The shade and breeze are soothing after their practice spar. The moment feels serene, despite the air of danger.
"I was thinking a bit," Pryce starts after some silence. "After hearing the tribes' history down here, and seeing those tapestries… How did you hive handle things when the dragons came?"


"We ended up under new management," Zjetya says. "Basically, our hive actually used to be a pretty big labor powerhouse for the whole region. The tribes of Ornifex would pay us a tithe of emotions, which we'd store and distribute based on our needs. In exchange, we'd send out groups of drones to areas that needed help. Fighting monsters, taking in harvests, cleaning up after bad storms… stuff like that.

"But when the Draconic Lords took over, they put a stop to that real quick. Our tithe was outlawed, but they provided us with all the emotions we needed – provided that we obeyed the orders transmitted by their representatives. We didn't get much of a choice in the matter, but this pretty much put a rift between us and all the tribes of the area. The ones who felt the worst about us called us sellouts, traitors, oppressors… shit like that."


"That's terrible… Calling you all that, not caring you didn't have a choice."
Pryce looks up, thinking.
"So I'm guessing you all live higher up the mountain?"


"Right, just below Yongning-si, on the underside of it in fact," Zjetya says. "I'm sure you can guess we didn't live there at first. First we lived in the cave systems about halfway up Tiantang Yan, which is what we call the big ol' mountain that takes up most of Ornifex. But, we got relocated too… so that was just more evidence for onlookers that we had joined up with the draconic lords."


"They pulled you out of your home too?!" He says, shocked. "Seems everything got torn up here… I know there's a lot of work to be done afterwards, but I ensure we're not leaving until your family has their old home back."


"Well… to be fair…" Zjetya says, shrugging at your intense response. "The royalty of the time of the Draconic Lords' arrival wasn't exactly the royalty of today. You never know what each ruling dynasty's gonna be like, but the royals were pretty receptive to the takeover, and forced everyone else to comply. Not being entirely in charge was a hard pill to swallow, but the perks that came with serving the Draconic Lords was enough for the royals to adjust. There was a rebellion from the changelings who didn't want to go, but they got squished in pretty short order… actually, there's even a rumor that the Beans dynasty's descended from one of the royal egg clutch who had joined the rebels in secret."


"Oh… Well, I guess its a pretty solid rumor considering you," Pryce says. "The option should still be open, if things are split now."


"It'd take a damn miracle to set things right again," Zjetya sighs. "…but if there's anything we've done time and again, it's put together those miracles ourselves."

She shivers a little. "Alright, it's getting chilly. Wanna head back?"


"Mhm, we'll see it happen. That I'm sure of."

When Zjetya shivers, Pryce steps up, getting her on his side with his fire leg and putting a wing around her.
"Yea, let's head back."


>Checking room on return [1d10]

Roll #1 2 = 2



Roll #1 6 = 6


You check your room, as does Zjetya and Alloy. All three look to be in proper order. That night, like the previous one, you go ahead and sleep on the floor of Zjetya's room, just to be safe. The thought of the silent, brooding dissidents who showed up today lingers in your mind for a time… but sleep approaches, slow as ever, and you're able to get some sleep.

–"eeeeEEEEE! EEEEE! EEE!!!"

Hopper's coarse screeching jolts you awake, then a thump, felt through the floor, the beating of wings, soon receding. You and Zjetya scramble to get up and armed. You light your arm to illuminate the room–


–and realize that you can see through the door, out into the hallway.


There's a conspicuous gap in the door, where it seems someone used a set of tools to gouge out a knot in the wood. This side of the door is soaked in water around the gap. Hopper, still screeching at the top of his lungs, is armed with his staff, its magic crystal running low on aether. He apparently shot at the gap with everything the staff had.


Pryce jumps up as he hears the screeching, fearing the worst. Hearing it as Hopper's alert, he directs his attention to the door at the sight of the water and now open space. Without missing a beat, he dives through his robe's pockets, pulling out his lexicon, flipping the pages open as he horn glows a deep blue, channeling the books magic to be sent down the hall to fill it with illusionary knights to startle and halt whoever tried to break in.
>Lexicon of Moon's Dread [1d10]
"Zjetya! Are you alright?"


Attribute: Debuff
Tags: Spell; Illusion
Effect: On success, Common Enemies are Incapacitated; Minibosses lose half their Actions; Bosses lose 1/3 their Actions; Superbosses lose 1 Action; Can Target up to 10 Enemies, but increase Recharge by 1 per Target.
Duration: Roll - 5 Turns
Recharge: X Turns, where X is the number of Targets

Roll #1 8 = 8


"Shit ass kill fuck fucker!!!" Zjetya screams, half-awake, as she chucks random objects toward the gap in the door. From the hall, ghostly shouts overlap, calling out for their target to halt. You hear Alloy's door fly open, then the clamor of violence in the dark.


"Good," Pryce says, hearing Zjetya is fine. He gives Hopper a pat to help calm the frog. When he hears Alloy's door open and fighting begin, Pryce steps forward.
"Stand guard Hopper," He says before opening their door to enter the hallway.
His flaming leg intensifies, lighting up the hall with a soothing glow.
"That's enough now! Everypony lie down their arms!" Pryce speaks down the corridor, standing tall to see who attempted to break in while attempting to deescalate the commotion.
>Mass Hallucination [Calm] [1d10]


Attribute: Mind; Buff/Debuff
Tags: Spell
Effect: Cause all Targets to feel a certain way, believe an idea, or share a convincing hallucination. DC for Social rolls against them is reduced by 3.
Duration: Until the end of Combat
Recharge: Once per day

Roll #1 3 = 3


Hopper finally stops screeching, coughing as you pat his back. Yet he remains resolute even as he rests his throat.

As you barge out into the hall, a shape slams into you– a large pegasus, half-wrapped in spider's silk. A villager, you'd guess. He probably wouldn't have understood your order, but he wouldn't have obeyed it even so.

Alloy darts in from the side, and with the villager wedged against you, he takes the chance to tighten the villager's bonds, pinning his arms within his wings to choke out any chance of escape. With it done, you're able to push him off of you, and Alloy drops the villager to the ground. Alloy then looks you over, and gasps, "You alright?"


Pryce braces himself against the door as the pegasus slams into him, catching the bound up villager. After Alloy finishes tying up his wings, Pryce stands proper, leg flame lowering back to normal.
"Yea, we're alright. Hopper alerted us before they could do anything. Did they try breaking into your room too?"
Pryce asks as he looks over the villager, seeing if its one of the trouble makers from the meetings.


You don't recognize the villager at all. He definitely wasn't at the meeting, at the very least.

Alloy looks toward the doors. Like with the door to Zjetya's room, the door to Alloy's has a small gap in it now, chiseled out with wood-carving tools.

"At first, I thought he was trying to break in," Alloy says. "A spider alerted me, and I pretended to be asleep to lure him in… but once he carved the knot out of the door, he went over to Zjetya's room. I think this was meant to send a message, not to break in."

You notice that the third room – the one you were supposed to occupy tonight and yesterday – doesn't have any kind of damage done to it. Evidently, this villager knew nobody was home… you were being watched, even here.


"They must have thought little of us if this was the message they were sending… Unless they have a follow up coming later…"
He looks at his old door, sitting untouched.
"It'd be safe to assume anyways, to not be caught off guard."

Pryce steps back to their room.
"Zjetya, do you think you can ask this villager some questions to figure out the intent here, or if they were just hired?"


Zjetya nods, and with Alloy's help, she drags the villager down to the ground floor. By now, other guests of the inn are coming out to check out the commotion.

Back in your room, you find that Hopper's sitting in a bowl of water. Zjetya must have poured him that to ease his throat after all that emergency screeching.


Pryce picks up Hopper with his bowl, not wanting to leave any of them alone now after this incident. He then follows down as they move the villager to the ground floor.
"Suppose we should start with asking who sent him to drill the doors before making any further accusations."


The villager's been sat down at a table in the dining hall. A few others are gathered, Grantz and his guards among them. Some are wearing comfy-looking pajamas and nightcaps.

Zjetya turns to you as you draw near. "Pryce… did you clobber this guy on the head or something?"

The villager's just sitting there, eyes straight forward. He isn't bound, and while he's restrained tightly, he shows no discomfort, nor even distress at having been captured.


"I used a stun spell when Hopper woke us up, why?"
When Pryce looks past and sees the villager staring blankly, he is a little concerned.
"It wouldn't last this long… Hold on."
Pryce's horn glows as he attempts to unweave the magic on the villager, wondering if maybe he went too hard at the suddenness of it.
>Spellweaving [1d10]


Attribute: Buff/Debuff
Tags: Spell; Ranged
Effect: Target any Spell-tagged Effect and on success, Negate and/or Dispel it; You can then use that Effect for your own purposes with the original roll.
Duration: N/A
Recharge: The Recharge period of the Spell Effect you Unweaved

Roll #1 5 = 5


You can tell that you've removed what little remained of your magic from the villager. However, there wasn't enough power there for him to be stunned this badly. Still, the villager remains blank-faced. Zjetya says a few words to him, but there's no response whatsoever, not even a twitch or a blink that might signal that he even heard her.

"Here," Grantz says, stepping forward. "Let me t–"

Grantz drops his arm down like a falling tree, ready to crush the villager's head. He stops short with perfect control, his hoof less than a centimeter from the villager's eyes… but there was no reaction whatsoever from the villager. Even Grantz's guards flinched a little, but the hostage, not at all.


Even Pryce flinches with Grantz's action. With nothing drawing a response, Pryce grows concerned.
"They drilled the door, so they were able to act before… Could they have been controlled to do that?"
Thinking of other solutions, Pryce steps up to the villager, putting a hoof on their shoulder as his horn glows white, attempting a deeper dispel if this cause is magical.
>Mantra of Purity [1d10+1]
>Pallisade [Auto]


Attribute: Buff
Tags: Instant
Effect: Dispel all Status Effects on the Target and makes them immune to Status Effects for the next 3 Turns
Duration: 3 Turns
Recharge: 1 Turn


Attribute: Buff
Tag: Automatic
Effect: Choose one Ally. Negate any Spell-tagged effect that affects yourself or them for 3 Turns.
Duration: 3 Turns
Recharge: 2 Turns after Effect ends

Roll #1 5 + 1 = 6


You sense that something has indeed affected the villager, something supernatural in origin… but whatever it is, it is far beyond the boundaries of mere magic.

Grantz nods. "Looks that way. He's no mere stoic. Hypnosis, maybe… he might have handlers, then."

Two pegasi descend from the sunroof of the inn. They report to Grantz. He nods, and looks to you. "Seems like there were others, but they slipped away."


"Whatever it is, it's something serious."

"If there was a group… Could this be preventative? Something to shut a pony down if they got caught to not say anything?"
Pryce thinks a moment.
"I wonder, could it just be physical…"
Pryce's horn glows white again, and he taps it to the villager's head to form a link, wondering if they're still conscious in any way.
>White Thread [Auto]


Attribute: Buff
Tags: Spell; Ranged; Automatic
Effect: Create a telepathic link with the Target.
Duration: Until Dispelled
Recharge: N/A


>Add this before Pryce casts White Threads.
"I'm going to make a mental connection, see if he's still conscious in any ways."


Just as a blanket or garment becomes wrinkled, folding over itself, so too does the world around you fold. You are certain you finished your warning to the others, before turning back to the inert villager. Yet as you reach out to his mind, the memory of your words warps, as if you were already meeting your consciousness to his before you finished speaking. And then– the sinking.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HwotQAI51AU [Volume Warning, some notes randomly much louder than others]

An incredible vertigo overtakes you, as does an incredible, rushing recession inward, as though you collapsed into yourself at the same time that your senses expand in every direction, a full sphere about you, seeing both above and below, heaven earth tartarus earth water fire air wood metal.

And the senses earthly and senses lower gather up anguish. Pains of the joints and the back. Cuts deep and infected. Persisting paranoia of pain recurring, twinging aches, demons around corners and below overhangs and behind eyes. War and demons and arguments and unreliable wagon needs repairing again and clothes wearing thin and foods losing taste and the sneaking suspicions and the unbearable disappointment of waking up from dreamlands far preferable to this world. Anguish constant, piling up, dirt that fills no matter how much you dig away and tribute tax increases each moon and neighbor's been stealing my firewood even if I can't prove it and will grandfather be able to stand and grandmother keep forgetting or will she finally recognize us again


Yet– you begin to rise, for the other end of your White Thread has been rising all this time, until the Threads are above you, and indeed they spin upwards, meeting the sunlight to twist into a joyous golden ladder staircase ramp helix, an impossible distance ascending. Yet it is not so impossible after all, for what is impossible with joygladness lovingkindness and gratitude, gratitude? impossible is nothing now! In the skies the villager flies with no movement of wings, wings spread wide to the sky all around you, a marble of white and blue and clouds and light where there is nothing but love and light and the 333 numbers of 7777777 angels pulling and turning the gearworks as one, pulling upwards all the millions strong family of the chosen ones of the ######## #####!

You're being pulled upward with them– and your wings spread like the villager's.


Pryce shuts his eyes when the vertigo hits him, half to keep steady and half in shock from the reaction. This hasn't happened when he used the thread before… He opens his eyes after a few seconds, steeling himself to the possibility that this pony must have suffered immense mental trauma to give a reaction like this.
The senses are almost overwhelming, he feels heavy as this all rushes through his mind, Pryce can only feel concern for the anguish that must've been tolerated. Relief comes as it breaks to the warm bliss. Pryce looks up, eyes following the thread as it goes upward. He almost begins to follow it, seeing the good here, a positive light in this mind.
But as he sees the angels, he cannot see this as good. His mind can only think of the Rapture, and the abduction of so many. It is then he sees himself being pulled up as well, and he immediately pulls back against it, fighting against the force that lifts him up.
>Resist [1d10]

Roll #1 1 = 1


You rise and ascend and elevate and vibrate, higher in joy and frequency and wavelength waves, waves of the things all things, all love-quotients with responsible sustainable love element for existence great and small, rising up lines, axes, graphs, matrices? Even that a useful illusion, all paths, narrow but many, united in love, a universal song-language! Prosperity here on this earth and in the clouds! Numbers arising ascending into the infinite! Number-paths to the new heaven-age! Numbers, infinite! Numbers comprise the angels, 256 bit integer unsigned angels! Floating double angels! All booleans healed, all negatives absolute value truth! Love product and quotient, music is money math paid to Caesar, profits for prophets!The D##co##c L#r#s are here and free! They're here!!! they're here!!! accept them accept them accept them accept them

You feel something curling around your hoof… a string… soft, delicate, yet sturdy… the silk of a spider?


Pryce can't help but smile against his will. The infinite joy bounding about is infectious, how could you not have the biggest grin?
When Pryce feels the string touch his hoof, he reaches down and takes hold immediately. Anything to keep himself bound to the ground.
>Pull Down [1d10]

Roll #1 8 = 8


"For shame, Sir Pryce! You need to get your ass back in church if you're falling for this bullshit!" a voice scolds you as you grasp the thread.

The voice– instantly and unmistakably familiar. That of the old Spider himself.

Forces rocket you downward, through the dark clouds… yet somehow, once you're past the brief terror of falling, the sensation of being on the ground once more is a world more comfortable than that of floating. You're back in the dining-hall of the inn. The villager remains inert before you, and Zjetya and Buiwong– no, you double-take, and see Alloy… standing there, grimacing with concern.


A brief sense of panic shoots through Pryce as he hears Buiwong's voice, and contention of this being a saving grace.
He shuts his eyes again at the sudden falling, tensed until well after he feels the ground solid again below him. When he finally opens them and sees he's back in the inn. Again, he freezes momentarily at the sight of Buiwong, only loosening after he blinks and sees it is Alloy next to Zjetya.
"I'm… I'm back," He says, more to assure himself, taking a deep breath, shaken from the experience.


"What do you mean, back?" Zjetya asks. "…you went somewhere?"

By her tone, you sense no disbelief… only a growing sense of horror. Alloy says nothing, and by the look on his face, he knows already what happened.


"I… How long has it been since I connected the thread to the villager?" Pryce asks. Seeing Alloy's face, the remembering the voice, he feels not much has passed for the others.

He shakes his head again, looking to Zjetya.
"I saw… there was a lot of dread. And then, an overwhelming lift of… positivity. It was the feeling of angels, and I could see the thread I connected already high above. It… reminded me of the Rapture."


"Only a few minutes," Zjetya says. "You just told us you were going to try connecting to his mind… then you were as blank-faced as he was. We figured the damage was serious, and I had a bad feeling it was gonna get to you too."

Alloy nods. "I think I know what happened… he's become enraptured. The Draconic Lords… are more than just dragons. They're probably gods."


"It might have, but thankfully I had help to pull me out of it," Pryce looks to Alloy. "Thank you for that."

"Possibly. After this, it may be safe to say they're working with or have the power of angels. Which, with the demon tamers Ecclessia told us about here, makes this a messy situation."
Pryce looks back to the villager.
"And we don't have any tools to deal with the worst we've seen angels being capable of."


"Uh… I don't wanna take credit for what someone else did," Alloy mutters, clearly fearing how you might react.

"Well shit," Zjetya says. "Now what, then?"

As Grantz translates for his guards, they ponder the implications for the revolution.


"…Well, I can't deny help like that when backed into a corner."

Pryce thinks a moment, still concerned about the villager's status.
"He doesn't look to have that glass affliction we saw in Vitral, so they aren't as aggressive as that was, assuming they could do that same. That might change if there's a lot of demon hunters, meaning we might need to act quicker before things escalate," Pryce says, looking over the villager to check if there is any glass.
"If there are angels, I would think they'd be open to discussion, but after that vision, they might be claiming this as territory, which they might not be willing to cede."

"…We should plan to fight both dragons and angels, and be cautious of any offerings of help from anypony up there."


There's no glass anywhere on him.

Zjetya and Alloy nod. Grantz says some things to the innkeeper, who nods. Together with a few of Grantz's retinue, they collect the inert villager, and set about finding a place to keep him for the night.

"Well, after everything," Grantz says. "I think an early departure's worth considering again. What say you?"

Before you can consider the proposal, you notice a new weight in your pocket.

Inside, you find a single link of a black chain.


Pryce is about to agree, but before he can, he looks down as he feels something in his pocket. He reaches in, pulling out the black chain piece.
"Huh, what's this?"


It has an unmistakably familiar air about it… Zjetya checks her pockets as well, and finds one of her own.

Sensing that something's amiss, Alloy steps forward towards Grantz. "I can take us back to the village in a hurry," he offers.

Grantz nods. "Take ten to gather your things– and tidy up the room. Fortunately we won't be charged for damages."


Pryce looks at Zjetya as she also pulls out a piece of chain, concerned that they've found identical objects on their person (pony).
"Right, we'll clean up what we can," Pryce says as Grantz calls for a leave.

As Pryce heads back up to the room with Zjetya, he looks at the chain again.
"They didn't get into our room… Do you have any idea what these are?" He asks her.


Zjetya's expression is troubled, and she doesn't answer right away. Instead, she presents the chain to Hopper. He looks it over… and lets out a sad squeak.

"…I think something bad happened down in Tartarus," Zjetya says at last.


"…What?" Pryce says. "No, no that can't be it. We wouldn't get anything up here if something went wrong." He answers, turning to go get his things.
From his tone, he's rejecting the idea something wrong could have happened to the others.


"But they left the Great Seal open," Zjetya says. "Granted, Kerberos is guarding it… but with all the abilities and powers that our group has, I really don't think it's impossible we'd get some kind of notice… besides, Hopper… seems to agree."


Pryce shakes his head, stopping his packing.
"Exactly, they have a lot of abilities and powers. Nothing could get in their way… even in Tartarus."


Zjetya goes silent again, then sighs and packs her things in silence. She delays for a little bit, pretending to check over the room one more final time for lost items– and yet another time… but you can tell she's waiting for you to reconsider.


Pryce hasn't moved. Zjetya can see him looking down at the chain piece, standing like there's a weight over his shoulders.
"When I said we'll see each other again soon, I didn't mean like this…" She can hear him speak faintly.


Zjetya stands next to you with downcast eyes, saying nothing.


The silence lingers a few moments. Then, Pryce takes off his bracelet. Holding it and the chain, and in magician's fashion, Pryce taps the two together twice before they slip through each other and become interlinked on the third. He places it back on his hoof, and a wing around Zjetya.
"One of them had to send it. We'll need to finish faster to be at the Gate before they are," He says resolutely.
Though his words are strong, his wing holds tightly to her, needing a steady shoulder.


Zjetya nods, touching her cheek to yours, before the two of you walk out, carrying Hopper with you. You meet Grantz in the lobby, along with his guards, as well as Alloy. Grantz notices the grim atmosphere, but says nothing about it. When Alloy confirms that everyone's here, he opens a Dark Corridor for you.


Pryce wonders if River found a chain as well, wondering how she is fairing now with this news if she did.
When they all gathering in the lobby and Alloy opens a Corridor back, Pryce steps through with his first intent being finding River.


Though Grantz and his number are a little unnerved by the Dark Corridor, as before, your trip through is uneventful, and you end up just outside the airship in the village's wagon-yard, just as dawn breaks over the horizon.

You make your way eastward, while villagers who rose early this morning call with surprise to their companions at the sight of Grantz. Soon the village is awoken, and Vortigern flies out to meet you at the village square to give Grantz a hug. Behind her trails River, as well as Sugar, Spitshine and Onion, who come up to greet you… and you can tell from a glance that they know.


As they reach the village and the others run out to greet them, Pryce goes forward to take River in close, to share the same support as with Zjetya.

KP is more somber and not as enthusiastic, with the air heavy as it is. Pryce lowers down Hopper, who KP takes in a hug


Though Hopper isn't normally one for hugs, for KP, he endures it. Vortigern and Grantz go off to the village meeting-hall, leaving you and your companions some space.

Spitshine clicks his tongue. "If people could just stop splitting off on their own…"

"Wasn't it necessary?" Sugar asks. "For us to achieve peace, we needed to fight on multiple fronts…"

"I mean, Estuary," Spitshine clarifies. "I wanna know if he got one of these too. We should make something out of them. Mainly so I don't misplace mine."


"Sir Estuary was a part of our group. He may have only joined up before we split, but he was still one of us. I can only wonder how he's doing aside from now though."

Pryce looks down at the chain now added to his bracelet.
"We could bind them to what's important to each of us, so we'll always have them by our side," Pryce suggests as a idea.


The others look at their chain links, contemplating what to hang them from.

"Well," River says. "Before that, let's not catch cold out here."

She leads the way into the meeting-hall of the village. You note that it's a smaller, less decorated version of the building in which the representatives of the tribal leadership held their meetings. More importantly, perhaps, it's warm inside. River finds you an empty room, and you sit down.

"So, how'd it all go?" River asks.


The warmth of the meeting-hall is welcome, though most of it comes from being with the others now in this moment.
"It went fairly well… at first. We got a good glimpse of the others tribes, and the ones that are against us, and then…" Pryce details to the others what they learned from the meetings and the details Grantz and Vortigern gave them on the tribal politics and falling out with the loyalist tribes, and then the attempted attack that came just moments ago. "…The pony we caught though was completely out if it. And when I checked his mental state, I found the influence of angels."


River and Onion start jotting down notes on all the politicking as you recap the situation.

"Angels?" River repeats. "You think Metatron may be involved?"
"Maybe," Zjetya asks. "Though I don't think anyone's spotted him or his forces in a long time. Last we saw them was way down southwest in Vitral."
Onion nods. "Not impossible for them to have already stirred up trouble here, though."


"It's hard to say if he's involved. From the vision I saw the angels were speaking as saviors, I didn't get the same impression as the ones in Vitral who were fighting the demons. It could be a separate group, though if Ecclesia heard of the growing number of demon tamers here, I wouldn't be surprised if Metatron or others moved here as well," Pryce surmises.

"Either way, we'll need to move with extra caution now. I don't know what they did to that villager, or how, but we don't have any means now to counter it. We should also assume that glass condition could be at play as well, and we don't have the Ember anymore to reverse that either."


River's eyes suddenly shoot wide-open. "Zjetya! The horn– the Caller Conch with Sarajinae's voice… do you think it could be related?"

Zjetya turns pale as she thinks it over. "Well… thinking back to how it took us out of things when we tried it… it doesn't sound terribly different to what happened to that villager. And, if these angels really are tied up with the Draconic Lords, and Sarajinae's up where they live… it's possible."


"You think it could have been a horn that did that?"
Pryce thinks back to their test of the horn they took.
"Zjetya, what was Sarajinae's personality like? Did she fight, or lead anything? Did she have any magic or talent in riling ponies up?"


"Mmm… maybe," Zjetya says. "We only heard it for a second before we stopped, but its effect was strong. That guy may have been exposed to… but, wait, that shit was loud! We'd have definitely heard it if he'd been subject to it."

"Maybe it wasn't the conch," River says. "But, whatever phenomenon enchanted the conch to give it the power that Sarajinae's voice… has…"

Zjetya leans back in horror. "She… do you think… it's possible we could've… just missed her?"


Seeing Zjetya's horror at the thought, Pryce puts a comforting wing around her.
"I'm sure nothing's happened to her. If they're using her voice for this kind of power, then they'll be keeping her safe to keep using it."

"They had a day and some between seeing us and attempting that attack. It's possible they could have controlled the ponies from afar and sent them after us so we wouldn't here or be able to interfere," He suggests on how it could have been done, He then thinks a moment.
"We should look into sound blocking for when we go up the mountain, on the chance it could be done quieter than the horn."


"I'm starting to worry something hasn't happened to her…" Zjetya says. "What if… she's willingly working with them?"

River taps her hoof in thought. "I think that Pryce and I would notice a look-alike of our significant other running around. It's still too early to blame her for what happened to the villager, and we don't even have enough clues to say one way or the other. For now, we should focus on what we can do rather than what may or may not be true."

The others nod in agreement.

"Yeah, guess you're right…" Zjetya mutters.


"River's right, we can't make assumptions. We'll put a stop to the dragons and angels, get Sarajinae out of there, and then worry about anything else after."

"That said, after today they're surely aware of us now, and they know at the very least of the Dark Corridor and Alloy's ability to take away power. They'll be on high alert, so getting up there is going to be a bigger challenge now. Getting out will too, since we saw in Vitral how the angel magic can interfere with the Corridor. We may have to make a move sooner than we thought."


Zjetya nods again, a bit lifeless despite the reassurance. It looks like the very thought of Sarajinae's involvement has taken out all her energy.

"Well, with that," River says. "I say we take counsel from our rebel leaders."


Pryce frowns with concern seeing Zjetya drained in such a way. He isn't sure how to help further in this situation more than he can, only to pray that Sarajinae isn't willingly active in this stunt.

Pryce nods in agreement with River.
"Yea, let's organize and figure out our next step."


You leave the small side-room and enter the main meeting hall where Vortigern and Grantz went. Inside, you see that this hall is modeled like the main meeting room of the village council hall, although less ornate and more decorated with local symbols and styles. At first, Vortigern is there by herself at the lead chair, but Grantz soon enters from a side-door, carrying a tray atop which are a couple of bowls and cups. He's even wearing an apron. Zjetya, despite her dour mood, can't help but smirk at the sight. Grantz catches this, but he's too proud to be embarrassed for his role in upholding the matriarchy. "Coffee or tea?" he asks.

Your entourage give their orders, and then Zjetya nudges you. "That's a lot of drinks he's gonna have to make. Go help him."

River chuckles, and so does Spitshine, until Sugar prods him. Onion, though lacking a lady of his own, gets into the spirit and heads for the stairs up.


Pryce is prepared to wait as they enter the hall, seeing only Vortigern at the table. That is until Grantz enters, and Zjetya prods for him to help.
"Right, back in a jiff," He agrees, heading over to help Grantz with serving drinks for their crew.


You and the lads go into the side room, where you find a small kitchenette with a number of provisions for long meetings. There are even extra aprons. It's a bit of a struggle to get one to fit Spitshine, but with some clever modifications by Alloy, you manage to get him fitted out. You then make some drinks and warm some biscuits and honey from storage, and bring them out to where the ladies are sat, discussing the developments in the war. When you walk in, they chuckle and compliment you, which leaves Spitshine, Alloy and Onion with a glow of confidence.

They give you a minute to pass things out, and then another for you to sit and enjoy your own drink and breakfast. By now, the food and the service have clearly raised Zjetya's spirits from their earlier dread.

"Pryce, Alloy," Vortigern says. "As I told the others, things have quieted somewhat here. Which is good– after the attack this morning, I've decided your group needs to lay low for a time. I don't mind if the loyalists think they've scared us into backing down. Let them think that and get overconfident for all I care. It's preferable to an attack actually landing on you."

Grantz looks discontent with the decision, but raises no objections. "We won't be on vacation by any means," Grantz says. "I'm sure we'll find some more local tasks for you to do in the meantime."


Pryce serves out breakfast with a smile, the easier of the chores they've done about so far. And seeing Zjetya's spirits raise also makes it worthwhile.

After Vortigern gives them her summary after they all sit to partake in breakfast too, Pryce nods in agreement though is left with questions.
"If you think it's best, then I agree. But how long should we lay low? We should be preparing to move quickly, shouldn't we?" He follows, wondering what their strategy going forward will be.


"Until the results of the meeting come in, to put it briefly," Vortigern says.
"Oh, yeah," Zjetya says. "Forgot to translate that part earlier. The fealty agreements, right?"
Grantz nods. "I've called upon the other tribes to make a final decision about whose side they'll take. Many wanted to delay siding with either the rebellion or the loyalists, hoping that the war will stall out before they have to act. They have til week's end to cast their lot, or we will cast it for them."
Vortigern nods. "On a related note… Pryce, Alloy, you're the best suited to answer this. We've traveled together long enough that I hope we can discuss all things openly and honestly."
This prelude sets your allies ill at ease, and they look about the room…
"I want to know," Vortigern continues. "If Alloy's divine power of mental influence will be a suitable bulwark against that very same power which the draconic lords and their angels wield."
Alloy tenses, and shivers. He avoids your gaze… but… don't spiders have eight eyes…?

You feel eyes upon you…


"So we don't know who's entirely on our side yet then," Pryce says as they give the reason for waiting.

When Vortigern lays out the question of how defended they are from the angels, Pryce is silent, thinking it over a moment. The pressure of Alloy avoiding his gaze and the eyes make him review this carefully.
"I… cannot say for certain. When I connected to that pony's mind, there was an overwhelming positivity, but I could only think of the Rapture from what I saw. And with Alloy's power, I still see and hear Buiwong. I don't know how much these impacted me in that moment, but it still took effort to escape that vision. The best I can say is with our knowledge of it now, we could resist it for a moment, and it'll take all of our effort to reject it in that moment to avoid ending up like that villager."


Vortigern nods then looks to Alloy. When he realizes that you're taking this in stride, he clears his throat. "I'd have to test it… but assuming they're similar enough powers, it should work in theory. I may have to increase the strength of my influence to fully repel the other one. Now, I wouldn't be strong enough to fend off a draconic lord directly, but I don't think the villager we fought got hypnotized by them personally. More likely, by one of their servants, using a weaker version of the same general power. Them, I could probably keep at bay, in case they tried to influence us directly… and without leaving any permanent damage."

"How do you feel about testing it on prisoners?" Vortigern asks.

"Excuse me!?" Alloy snaps.

"The prisoners of war we have here show signs like that which the captured villager shows," Vortigern says. "You may be able to help them return to a general sanity, if your power can reduce the influence of the draconic lords on them."

"I guess…" Alloy mutters. "Still… testing on POWs…?"

"You can say no," Vortigern says. "But if you're concerned for the ethics of it, understand that our foes have already cast the die further than any of us could. And you'd be doing it to heal, not to compel them to fight, as the lords have."

Alloy, troubled, does not answer right away.


The mention of permanent damage leaves Pryce with some worry on what they're dealing with, but he does trust that Alloy wouldn't do anything with malicious intent or damage on purpose.
When Vortigern suggests testing his power and training on the prisoners, Pryce also is thrown off guard. It feels wrong when they've already been through enough. But, after the glass condition they saw in Vitral, their options of dealing with angelic afflictions is limited, if not null entirely. And then his mind lingers to the question of Sarajinae, if she could also be affected by the draconic lords and angels in this way to be working for them.

"…If it is to heal, that is our best bet," Pryce says as a suggestion. "We don't know if the dragon lords or the angels intended to reverse this at some point, of if they even can. The last time we could undo one of their effects took an artifact, and we don't have anything close to that anymore. But, the decision is up to you Alloy. I don't want to push you if you're not comfortable with it."


Hearing you vouch for him with trust changes something in Alloy. A weight lifts from his shoulders… and from yours as well, as the pressure of the eyes goes away– you realize that, from the start, it came from inside your own mind.

Alloy nods to Vortigern. "Okay… I'll try it."

"Good," Vortigern says. "I'll allot you some of my circle of wise women to help."

She looks over to the rest of your group. "While you lay low, the village could use help with curtailing the region's monster population. With the uprising, we haven't been able to spare the fighters to keep numbers balanced."

River looks intrigued. "You need someone to play monster hunter for you?"

Sugar looks at the camera.

"Uhh, yes," Vortigern says, with the demeanor of one who realizes she has missed a joke but doesn't want to admit it.

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