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/unf/ - Lewd!

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this is the premier place to discuss the kindest butthole of them all

our mission is to make sure that a special butthole gets all the special attention it deserves

remember to keep it mellow and yellow


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let's start with a fairly recent and monumental contribution from dotkwa
the panties were sadly unsalvageable, butt of course every good thing hass a price


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perhaps fluttershy's renowned kindness simply doesn't extend to consider the well-being of panties, not even as a human


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we've come to expect modesty from her, but who could witness such a butthole yet leave its praises unsung?

soft yet taut, it springs back into shape after each stretch, you really can't stop trying to spread it and feel your fingers get sucked in just a little more as it contracts


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sometimes you could swear it's pouting at you
maybe you can kiss it better


I want Fluttershy to shit in my mouth.


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now you blew it
fluttershy ran off and she's never coming back


but I just wanted to taste her shit

please come back


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Such a loving butthole


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On model Fluttershy is best Fluttershy


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noone fell for my advertisement in the thread
more flutterbutt for us


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happy new year! let 2015 be another year rich with mellowy yellowy butts


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Le Flutterbee


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