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/unf/ - Lewd!

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File: 1418236588091.png (89.89 KB, 900x583, 137334_-_artist-peachspice….png)


Psssh, Dweebs


>Gilda will never bully you into licking her sweaty paws


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Dweeb, you're nowhere cool enough to even kiss the ground these babies touched


It's all I ever wanted ;_;


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Hmmm, I might let you try your luck if you can get me something


What would that be, Gilda?


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Something hard to drink and a, uh… stuffed action figure. I lost my old one somewhere


Those sure seem like some strange requests, but okay, anything for you! I'll be back soon.

>Anon headed out to go get what the griffon wanted, along the way trying hard to think what sort of drink and action figure she'd want. And why she wanted them, too. He ends up going to a few shops and soon comes back to Gilda's place, presenting her with what he got her.

Here you go! This is, uh, a bottle of hard cider, and here's some generic dog plushie I picked up. Is this good enough for you?


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>hard cider
Good find, dweeb. That homegrown stuff is a delicacy round here

>generic dog plushie

Close but no paw, dweeb. Try again


Hmm. I'm not sure what you'd like. Any hints?


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Not a dog, that's for sure.
I will tell you that its got wings


Oh, yourself?
You can have mine; luckily I brought it with me.


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>of yourself
Flattering. But flattery won't help much, dweeb. I was thinking something else.
You're running out of guesses


My only other guess is an eagle. Am I right?


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Aaaaa! Wrong!
Sorry, dweeb. No paw licking for you


But… I need this!


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Yeah?… fine, I guess I'll give you one more chance. But only one.
Use it wisely and be careful with it, dweeb.


Just a regular griffon?


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Mmmnope. Wrong again dweeb. Sorry, but you're the biggest loser this time.


But now what will I do? I'm craving your paws, Gilda…

Nice trips, by the way.


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>But now what will I do?
You got me the drink so I guess you could make a decent foot rest
>sits down and raises paws

>Nice trips



Certainly. I hope this is satisfactory enough for you.
>kneels down in front of the griffon and lowers his head a bit below Gilda's paws, looking down and allowing her to rest her paws on him.


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>rests paws on his shoulders
>relaxes back with a sigh
>opens the cider and starts drinking
Not bad. Not bad at all


T-thank you.
>giving the air around him a small sniff, he noticed something was off
Hey, uh, Gilda… something smells funny. It isn't your paws, is it?


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>stops drinking for a moment
Huh? You think something's off?
What do you think it is, dweeb? I can't exactly smell my paws from here


Uh, well, let me check…
>turns head slightly to give one of the griffon paws a small whiff
Yeaaah, I think it definitely is. Do you, um, wash your paws much?


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>pulls the paw away slightly
When I take a shower sometimes. Why, dweeb?


I was just curious, and they smelly pretty strong… sorry.


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Yeah. That kinda happens to furry paws when you have to skip your shower after your morning jog.
It doesn't…
>moves the paw back to lightly squeeze his nose with surprisingly dexterous toes
…bother you, does it, dweeb?


>helplessly gives the griffon toes a long whiff while they bully his nose
>an incredibly musky scent, hard to resist
Nngh… n-no… of course not.


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>lets the paw linger for a moment
Yeah, dweeb? Then why you turning that shade of red?
>squeezes again, a bit harder
>lets go and crosses her legs on his shoulder


It's just… the smell…
>eagerly sniffs in the rotten stench from the griffon's toes, giving a soft moan
It's too strong…


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I noticed. Seems kinda weird to me
>stretches toes
>drinks some more
>relaxes further
But hey, to each dweeb his own


**this is my fetish, someone pls continue**


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Griffon paws get you off, dweeb? You must be fun at parties


if I went to parties, that is
no time for that shit when you have griffon paws to fap to

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