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/unf/ - Lewd!

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File: 1464802097115.jpg (688.79 KB, 1059x1500, 1_Front_Cover.jpg)


I was told to post this.
It's a doujinshi made by Trump of Team Shuffle, who regularly do books like Momo-An and Book of the Beast for furry manga cons.
Trump is my favorite in particular, since he often draws plump women, really good dicks, and lots of good cum shots.


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Unfortunately it's only 8 pages in total, really 6 1/2 if you don't count the cover.


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File: 1464802291689-1.jpg (647.25 KB, 1056x1500, 7.jpg)

File: 1464802291689-2.jpg (779.6 KB, 1030x1500, 8_Back_Cover.jpg)

So yeah that's it. No English translation as of yet, but based on some other translations of his short, non-story works, they're probably just notes on the different ponies and what he thinks of them.


File: 1604086789258-0.png (124.76 KB, 357x357, 1633112.png)


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