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/v/ - Vidya Games

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File: 1435805610021.png (1.28 KB, 201x73, based fP.png)


Why is no one talking about this little game?


What is it?


Its a game about ponies getting lost in the woods


No one's talking about it because it's dumb and pointless

but there's an MLPG server here: http://outpost.mlpg.co/


I like it, but noone cares about my opinion.


File: 1438041968794.png (350.88 KB, 638x670, doc ponders2.png)


Just tried it myself today for the first time

Its definitely got potential but there isn't much to do in it currently. I am sure once more stuff is put in and there is some kind of goal the horses can work towards people will gravitate to it more.

Also people randomly teleporting onto your head in the middle of nowhere kind of ruins the whole feeling of it


File: 1460687566542.png (4.88 KB, 121x161, long pony.png)

is server down?
why is it down?


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File: 1480284010281-3.png (176.16 KB, 1366x768, pixel art pone.png)

For Noaar


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File: 1480285909896-1.png (58.3 KB, 589x839, you will never be a pony h….png)


File: 1480735911256.png (101.3 KB, 358x321, my screen.png)

this is gettin weirder by the minute


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right there with you, brother


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File: 1480746487561-1.png (20.49 KB, 428x497, OP (the Chosen).png)

File: 1480746487561-2.png (46.45 KB, 780x470, boots.png)


I understand that princes fP's server has been down for months but now OP's too?

Does someone know why?


Sorry for the lack of communication. I ran into issues getting the server to start properly and just never figured it out. And now that OP has a 24/7 server going I thought it wouldn't be missed much. If there is still interest in a 2nd server please let me know and I will give it another shot.


well, OP's server is back but with the new changes is still unstable
like those weird shadows overlapping and the character sprites above structures.
It would be cool to still have a previous and more reliable version running


Old server and map files!



File: 1529855939877.png (153.94 KB, 1152x864, everfreeoutpost2.PNG)

>tfw server is down

>a few months ago I made a screenshot of all the ponies on it.

>that feel…

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