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/v/ - Vidya Games


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File: 1519618493652.png (934.77 KB, 1920x1080, 1519249708237.png)


This game has a really dumb name but it's also really fun. Let's set up games and stuff.
Pom is the most ridiculous character in the game


What time do you usually get on? I'd like to get better at the game but am nervous about fighting randoms.


Not the OP, but it doesn't take much to start up if other people are looking for a fight. A lot of people coordinate in the /mlp/ thread for TFH.
Only thing stopping me is third-world ping.


4 or 5 EST usually


Varies wildly for me, depending on inconsistent work hours. Probably ~10 PST on average. Not tonight though, I'm going to sleep.

I will say that ~70% of the people playing the game seem to be brand new to fighting games. You're probably never going to find a better collection of randoms to learn fighting games on.


Anyone interested in playing some games tomorrow or something?


I still would like to play this with MLPG if anyone has it. I never liked the pixel lobby so I think that was one of the reasons why I didn't play this as much. If anyone ever still wants to post ids. I never linked this to the the threads because I didn't want another sorry incident.


Most active group you'll find (which has a couple MLPGers in it, I think) would be the /tfh/ thread on /mlp/.
Not sure you can do direct challenges without going through the pixel lobby, though…


I'll think I'll just keep waiting for matchmaking.


MLPG was fun but I need to get away from ponies. The last 2 days have been a little nice and I don't want to jinx myself.


File: 1545726348078.gif (1.47 MB, 249x334, Rawr.gif)

Matchmaking has been added now, as have pre-fight character interactions.

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