No.459[View All]
First off, I know that there is a perfectly good Dwarf Fortress thread on this board already, which has a number of helpful guides and info graphs posted. But that's not why I'm making this thread, its not a general thread. As always the hiatus is long and MLPG is upset, so I'd thought I'd try and organize a complicated and lengthy vidya project for us to get collectively frustrated over. You know, for fun!
>What is this exactly?
This is a succession/bloodline game of Dwarf Fortress. Chances are if you've heard of Dwarf Fortress, you've heard about the infamous legend of Boatmurdered, a succession game that was done on the Something Awful forums once upon a time. I want to organize a game like that for here.
>What is a succession/bloodline game?
Essentially it works like this: One of us starts a new game in fortress mode and play the game as we see fit. We continue this way until a set amount of time (in this case one in game year, or when Spring Has Arrived!). Once that happens we drop everything no matter what, save and quit, take the save game file and send it to the next person. We continue like this until the fort is inevitably destroyed or until this whole thing just falls apart or gets no interest. Which ever.
As we do, we take various screen shots of notable events or people or projects or simply things you want to point out and post them here with your commentary. You can be humorous or serious or do it in a journal style, however. Just be engaging and have fun.
>What do I do if I want to participate?
The game is open for all of MLPG. Simply post here expressing your want to be in this and I'll put you on the list. However keep in mind that this thing is going to be screwy on its own, so if you are completely new to Dwarf Fortress this is not exactly the best way for you to start learn.
Oh and for simplicity's sake, post with a name. More then one anon will just get confusing.
>What you will I need?
If you don't already, you'll want to download the latest version of Dwarf Fortress (0.34.11). Compatibility will be key here so everyone will need the same version. Besides that you'll need to know how take screen shots of your game and also how to pretty them up in a separate program, if you want to do that. Dwarf Therapist is also recommended, but not strictly needed.
>How will we be sending/receiving each other our save files?
We'll work that out based on what's easiest for everyone, probably being either email or drop box or some other easy free file sharing application.
>How long will I have to play/post my stuff/until I need to end my turn and send my save?
We'll work that out once I get an idea of how many people/how much enthusiasm there is for this. At the moment I'm thinking giving everyone about a one week deadline, but that's subject to change, especially as things progress or there's issues. We'll see.
175 posts and 154 image replies omitted. Click reply to view. No.797
>Map Upload
>ETA: 30min~
>>798Oh jeeze this thing is getting silly
>>740Ok then, you're up! Go for it.
I was almost finished then the multi post gadget crashes. I'm cry. one moment.
>>844At least it has cabochons. The cabochons redeem it.
Good job Marker.
>>853Tropico: Dwarf Fortress Edition
In which El Presidente makes golden statues to raise the spirits of his subterranean subjects.
>>857Note: this happened at the exact same moment as the kid.
Also: a Dwarven caravan is off screen. I will let you astute reader infer what the conclusion will be.
>>861TL;dr some fishermen died trying to run, then the caravan guards annihilated the goblins. Not too bad.
Look, horses!
>>869Time flies by so fast.
Also why is that guy crying, life is great in the golden city.
>make a world in dwarf fortress
>play legends
>read though historical figures
>there is a demon that has been living a thousand yeas
>said demon has also be writing all the books in the world
[View All] (175 posts and 154 image replies omitted)