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 No.756270[Watch Thread][Reply][Last 50 Posts]

The Echoes are changed to their core.

Skylord Lysander is dead. The veil of the Cuckoo's Egg is lifted, revealing a new and altered world. The old chaos runs rampant. In a distant land, the flame of ambition is lit in a woman's heart. And somewhere, sometime, the drifters who were at the heart of it all awaken, amidst the ash and rubble of their former home.

Runes of Union hang in the sky, radiating their primordial spell. The world is unmade and remade again. Beyond the scope of the light they knew, and beyond the reach of the terror and dark, the drifters tread now, peering through the fog of the Conjunction, in search of answers…
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The dragoness does not attempt to hide her dissatisfaction with the state of their adventure. "As if the starvation and dehydration was not enough. The gods challenge us once more." She says, scoffing at that last statement. She begins to spread her wings as the aching pain of exhaustion shoots through them, keeping her grounded.

"If we cannot find shelter, we must hurry into this town." She says, surveying the landscape in a vain attempt to find anything that would help.

Perception [1d10]

Roll #1 7 = 7


"I would have found it if it was destroyed" Aegis says plainly
"It could have decided to leave… I haven't made use of it much, if at all… Perhaps one of the demons got impatient and decided it should go into someone else's hooves so they could get them to come after me, since I didn't manage to keep my end of a deal"

Upon hearing the serpents up to trouble again, Aegis stands up and trots after Dalliance


"Up to it again? We'd best go see what's up, yeah?" he offers, grabbing his bow and running out after Dalliance.


"Hmm.. I could certainly check. The fall damaged my notes quite badly, but perhaps there's still something of use on gunpowder.."

Pulling out the remains of my Alchemy notes, I carefully flip through what's left on the hunt for gunpowder recipes.
[1d10] notes search

Having checked for Information, my search was interrupted by the sounds of the serpents' arrival.

Packing away my notes, I follow after Dalliance in concern, tense at the thought of the serpent's strange gaze.

Roll #1 6 = 6


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 No.756430[Watch Thread][Reply]

Pitstops. Small buildings that exist between cities all across Equestria. Often there will be rusting down autocarriages and chariots rusting around them in makeshift walls. Among many of the pony tribes these are considered neutral ground for all to gain respite from. These pitstops are centers for trade and could be the basis for many cities if they had better fortifications.

A pair of heavily armed and armored ponies have arrived at such a pitstop in the northwest, where tall buildings vie for vertical control against tall forests both dead and alive. It is midday and there are few inhabitants resting here.
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Grimsley grimaces at the molerat biting at him. He stomps on its enlarged head.

>Unarmed attack with 10 grit


Tora, dismissing the rats as basically harmless, moves to just hit that big bastard with another pair of strikes.



Grimsley looks to the big diamond dog. "I suggest you run," he says in a flat tone.

>rolling to intimidate with a Charisma of 2


Roll #1 1 = 1


I also try to make the molerats flee with angry irish horse noises with a Charisma of 7


Roll #1 6 = 6


You stop the molerat's head and its skull explodes under your armored hoof.

You hit the Diamond's weapon out of his hand and break off the last of his armor, he would be dead here but.

Covered in blood of a fallen pet, the shivering Diamond Dog nods and starts digging his way back into the ground he burst from.

You stomp and snort with the correct vigor to scare off these remaining molerats who dig and burrow back into the ground as fast as they can.

It is quiet again, dark still. Ahead of you is a bridge made of old grey sandcrete with ruins of a shanty on it.


 No.673155[Watch Thread][Reply][Last 50 Posts]

>Time moves in one direction, memory in another.

Calling sheets for the 85th session of TimeQuest
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"Dad… got a call from work to go to Ponyville about some elites. It's serious… we're going to be out for a few days, probably," Onyxia says, trying to word it as nice as she can.


Nero pulls Ahatsunu behind Him and tanks the shot [only the 5 hits, for 1 DMG]. The buckshot slams into His chest ineffectually. Rather then respond immediately, Nero looks back to Wizard Luke.

"Why does everypony keep forgetting how many of us are bullet-proof?"


You catch Wizard Luke in the middle of doing crunches while floating in 0-G's "I'm not bullet proof, I simply ignore the bullets through sheer mental tenacity. No magic about it. Either bullets stop you or they don't."

You see Wizard Luke traveling forward effortless in zero gravity, but by the effort of continuous and effective mid air crunches.


Solethik nods, "Honest to hive truth. It's not like it's common, you can count the number of instances in the last decade on your hooves, but some infiltrators get so wrapped up in their charade they lose themselves in it."
"What about their constant need to feed on love? Surely that'd give them some kind of hint." Celestia asks, equally incredulous.
"It tends to happen with infiltrators who've worked their way into a constant and steady source of love, healthy marriage or kids and all that so they can absorb the love so frequently they don't even realize they're subsisting off of it. It's stupidly rare but it's a thing."

As you ask Celestia if it's her first time, she nods, "Actually, yes! My word, I wish I could stop to appreciate the feeling for a bit. I've always wondered-" she pauses, "Wait, is it not YOUR first time, Nero?"

You pull yourself through the air, floating gracefully(?) through the bridge of the ship in lack of gravity as you snatch up the globs of alcohol as they pour out of the bottle. You find your way to a control console, wherein some of the alcohol drops its way onto one of the circuits and, in a freak accident, you suddenly feel gravity restore, the hooves of Nero touching down nearby against the still cold metal.

However, this same act seems to fry something else in the controls, and as you comment on crashing into the moon, Nero suddenly says from behind you, "I don't think that's going to be a problem."

You see that the moon is not on your direct path as you're coming out of Earth's orbit. The sun starts to pull into view, glaring against the screen before establishing itself dead center in the middle. You notice the acceleration steadily increasing.

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She sets the crew down back in their spots. "Now, can anyone repair our ship?"

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 No.752299[Watch Thread][Reply][Last 50 Posts]



Hello user! Today's date is Tuesday, November 14th, 601 A.F.N. You have no scheduled events for today.
>Command Prompt:

/sys:(User: 0130)/Prog/Quests/Carousel/Thread 1.0



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After a long, fruitless night of discussing plans and alternatives, you each end up asleep in various locations in Lucy's apartment. The following morning Lucy heads with you to Glam who nervously fiddles with his claws as you approach. After his long apology about misunderstandings and how he owes you a favor for trying to kill you, you head out of Thorn street for now.

Lucy hesitates as you step down into the subway station. After a moment's consideration she steps down with the rest of you, bearing only a pair of saddlebags and her katana strewn across her back. This mission was a success with Lucy coming back to Centro with you. But her knowledge of [null] and the task at hand has only really added more questions.

>Despite this, you feel like you have learned something from this tumultuous trip. +3 Karma to all party members.

After a much more uneventful return trip than the one you took out to Thorn you all find yourself back at Centro. The skies are cloudy and dull. The dogs are suspiciously absent.

Lucy speaks up. "Cute place. Not one of Cherry's safehouses I remember though. That means we have basically nothing to work with for this heist. That means not enough firepower to kick the door down and hold off security. Seems like the stealth approach is our best bet. Objections?"


He snorts with displeasure at meeting up with Glam again. "You yellow little shit. Next time, it'll be double- no, triple the pay, up front, or you can find some other goon to do your dirty work."


He takes a look around, arms folded. "None from me. I can work with stealth. Seems like the easiest way to go about it. Forget the uniforms."


I mean with enough time I can get a decent gang together of holograms to act as muscle for us."


He nods. "Once things inevitably go tits up we'll need some meat shields for sure. Can't see this going any other way than punching our way out."


>That's a total of 4 Karma, I think!
"Stealth is fine by me, yup. It'd probably be a bad idea to risk making too much noise, even if we had the gear to. Need me to try scouting ahead?"

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 No.753511[Watch Thread][Reply][Last 50 Posts]


Seven months ago, five drifters arrived in the far flung pocket of reality known to the outside world as the Echoes. With nothing save for their names and the clothes on their backs, they carved out a living for themselves, beginning a journey across the foreign land, gaining new allies and new enemies alike. The winds swept them across the wilds, bringing them to a forsaken desert known as the Shifting Sands, where they met someone they did not expect: a being long thought myth, known to many as Discord. Wisely opting not to free him, or retrieve the artifact he coveted, they moved on.

In Braildorn, one of the great cities built in this world, they crossed their most mortal foe of all: Lysander, a dragon of great renown and a collector of rare and magical items. They bested him, claiming his ship as their own, and were marked as his enemies forevermore. This caught the attention of an unusual couple: Dawn Chorus, a great magician, and her knight Carabas. Mortal foes of Lysander, they joined forces with the drifters, explaining the object of his desire: the Cuckoo's Egg, a harbinger of dimensional annihilation, and the very same artifact they had discovered in the Sands. Lysander wished to claim it in the name of an entity that haunts the Echoes, known only as the Oneiromancer. With the help of Cecile Grosvenor, Lady of Braildorn, these three would stop at nothing to claim the Egg for themselves.

Fate carried them across the plains, back to the fiery Shifting Sands. There, Discord was freed, and Lysander was on his way to retrieve the Egg for himself. Not only that, but he had betrayed the Oneiromancer; he rejected the entity from Outside, wanting the Egg for himself and claiming some of the Oneiromancer's powers. A great battle ensued, and Carabas was lost amidst the sands, but the Egg was wrenched from Lysander's claws, safe with the drifters, for now.

While traveling with the Egg, the party was subject to several fortunate and misfortunate adventures including the return of the Oneiromancer to the corporeal plane. The question remained of what to do with the Egg from here; after much deliberation, a plan was hatched. They would set sail for the Isle of Glass, a forsaken, beast-infested rock far removed from the rest of the Echoes. Here, they would challenge Lysander to a decisive combat, and deterPost too long. Click here to view the full text.
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It's a rock. It could be thrown at an enemy. Quite thrilling.

The carrot is barely stomachable. She watches expectantly, eager to please. "Living off sunlight?" she parrots. "Like the plants do? How strange. Though, no stranger than being kidnapped by mute cultists only to escape to find the sun having vanished, I suppose."

She blinks at your question. "No, what for?" she asks, completely genuinely. "I don't need to eat, or drink, or sleep. What's it like, anyway? I'm curious now."


"It is… carnal. Unexplainable. It is merely a form of desire that can be satiated. At least, that's what the most devoted said. I… really cannot explain it." She says, almost confused at the question.

"Sleep however, I could not go without. It is nice to be able to stop the day and spend time away from it. It is like sorting ones life into little periods of sixteen or so hours. It is… comfortable." She says, yawning at the tail end of it.


"Ah. Well, that cements it then. You should probably do that when you're ready, and I'll keep watch for anything that happens in the night. I'm used to spending a lot of time alone at night anyway. When I was with Father, I'd go on walks through the city at night. …It wasn't a nice place. Gloomy. Unwelcoming. Lifeless, even. The people there were… suffering. And my father always wanted me to…" She trails off. She doesn't seem to have many good memories.

"…I wouldn't go back there. Looking back on it. Have you ever been there? Last Hearth? It's… well, I don't know where we are now, but it's on the northern side of the river. Inland, at the foot of the great mountain."


The dragon nods solemnly before settling down for the night. "Nicola, if you need anything, even just to talk. Do not hesitate to wake me. I do not want you to be lonely." She says, closing her eyes and laying down.\

She speaks with her eyes closed. "I have not been there." She yawns. "But we will face it together, and whatever happens, happens." She says, her usual prose lost to sleepiness.


She nods as she sits down. "Thanks. But I should be okay. Really. …Sleep well, Tlawili." She seems unsure of whether she should be saying that, awkwardly shuffling to face away from you, and stand guard.

The floor is hard and uncomfortable, but you'll have to make do. Seems that storm's going to pass over, at least. It takes a while to get comfortable, but eventually, you slip away, drifting into a deep, dreamless slumber. Time will only tell what tomorrow will bring.
>+2 Enlightenment points!

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 No.749927[Watch Thread][Reply][Last 50 Posts]

The party have continued their journey, continuing due south towards the perilous Isle of Glass. On their adventures, they have sought out the sorcerer Black Pudding, rescuing him from the clutches of the false Oneiromancer Malverlain. They have since learned that Pudding has apparently destroyed the Beldam, eliminating a potential ally of theirs. He has offered to join them in their travels, at least for a time. Since then, the party have ventured due south, to the pirate town of Broome, their final stop before continuing onward. Here, they have stopped to rest, recover, and resupply for the battle to come…
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Zunden works to replace her runes such.

>Frozen Return

>Frozen Union

Roll #1 3 = 3 / Roll #2 6 = 6


>Zunden takes more time making the Frozen return rune, each failed roll taking up more of her night


Roll #1 10 = 10 / Roll #2 7 = 7 / Roll #3 2 = 2


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A full moon looms on the horizon. The waves roil. Far to the northwest, a great storm brews, staining the black skies eigengrau.

The drifters have their final meal. Drink their final drinks. Sleep their final sleeps before the quiet comes.

Etrigan watches from the prow. Just staring out at the waves under the moonstruck sky. Will he remain after all this is done? Should he exist anymore? …Does he exist?

A part of him longs for release. To be free of this half-life.

But perhaps a half life is better than none at all.

Gawain polishes his armor, and tempers his beloved sword. The greatest challenge a knight can face awaits. Yet is he truly a knight, or merely a pretender? What is knighthood, really?

This wasn't meant to be his fight; yet, it's one that has to be fought. Not for knighthood, but for everyone. Everywhere.
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Across the bay…


Gavrilo puts down his spyglass with a lopsided grin. It's in range. Finally. Now the real show begins.

He un-manifests the spyglass and takes to the air, flying out of the crow's nest and onto the bridge. He trots eagerly below the upper deck, with its helm and guns. Past the main deck, where the armory, capstan and galley are. Down past the lower decks, past the captain's storage, cockpit and cabins, and into the hold.

This long, cold room is kept in good condition. Cruel meat hooks line the walls, with those… things… the boss brought with him hanging from them, like marionettes. He notices that feral cat on rent from Grosvenor working on one of them.

A single grey and white cuckoo bird stands perched near an iron table; whatever lies on top is covered by a stained sheet. Gavrilo's lip curls a little. He doesn't fancy what's under it, but whatever pays.

"Boss. I've seen it. We're in range now. Is it time?"

The bird's head turns to the newcomer.
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 No.746978[Watch Thread][Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Our heroes have journeyed far and faced many dangers, culminating in their daring escapade in the arid city of Galatian, where they retrieved the Heart of the Sun once and for all, crossing the agents of the sinister warlord Styr Thenn. Aided by one of his former servants, a zorse named Kothbiro, they destroyed the precious jewel, that none could claim it.

Their actions will not go without repercussions, however. They are in hostile territory, on the run from Thenn's servants. Aided by a mysterious ally known only as the Fire Witch, they travel now to the closest pocket of civilization on the borders of Thenn's territory. From there, only the stars and I know what awaits them…
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"I see. Were such tactics common in your homeland?"


"Or lead it into chargin. Some boars can change the way they're headed, but most gotta stop and turn. Kilt a big ole devil pig that way. Stuck it in the ribs after it ran by."

"Wild things ain't usually light sleepers. Takes some doin to sneak up on em. Best to track and ambush."

I nod. "Here, I imagine."


"It likely does not sleep in the open. We will have it cornered in its den? Does that sound right?"


"Hmm.. quite the dangerouss possition, i would imagine. a beasst backed into a den would likely gore one of uss before we could sstop it, much too closse."


"Ah. I never presided over the military tactics of our empire. Trakali usually had such an overwhelming numbers advantage it rarely mattered. I trust whatever Noghu and Thungr come up with." She says with emphasis on the and.

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 No.703584[Watch Thread][Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Two candles flicker on either side of a dusty old tome. The leather-bound cover creaks open and words slowly etch themselves into the paper. This old book begins to spin you a yarn. A tale of a small mountain village. A grand quest gone wrong. Self-sacrifice gone unrewarded. And, perhaps most of all, biting off a little more than you should chew.

Post Sheets
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Her smile fades and her lips slowly draw into a thin line. "A wake? For?" She patiently waits for someone to explain, and turns her attention completely on Nepenthe as he finally begins.

Her face cycles through a number of emotions as you retell the evening's events, finally settling on a passive discomfort. When you finally finish, there's a long silence. "I suppose that explains why the curse didn't touch me," she says. "All those years mother thought- I thought…" She pauses and shuffles, trying to hide a faint shudder. Her eyes are hard, but a faint glimmer at the corners betrays her attempts to mask her emotions. She takes a deep breath, slowly lets it out, and nods. "Well," she continues. "Thank you. I have a lot to think about. At any rate, we're all in your debt. If you hadn't come along I can't imagine the town would've lasted much longer."


"Tis simply my duty. I needn't thanks for saving the innocent from the predations of those most unholy forces."


"A sordid case," he concludes grimly. "It was our pleasure to get to the bottom of it all, and bring some closure to this nightmare."


Reverie nods at Scorched's response, "It's our job."


"Your job or not, thank you either way. I'm sure Burgermeister Stone has a reward lined up for you, at least. Couldn't say how much. Probably not enough." She glances down at the letter again. "If it isn't a sum that seems fair then come back here and talk to me. Or talk to me after the feast. I don't know how much father left, but I don't think anyone would argue at least some of it going to you three."

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 No.746445[Watch Thread][Reply]

>pic is how I feel right now



Last time, the fighting in the casino raged on. Though it is heavily falling out of the Protectorate's favor, they aren't out yet.

The bear-like minion made of fetal tissue attacks Blossom.
>Rolled a 3

Floop successfully heals himself, but fails to charge his arcane magic.

Meanwhile, Tourmaline shoots a Lifestream beam at Floop.
>rolled an 8

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Now that she has sufficient firepower, she leaves the bathroom and goes back to the battlefield, much more quietly this time, making sure she stays out of sight.


Roll #1 10 = 10


"Filled like a gambler, not a thief. Just the money you brought for our boy's night out. I'm gonna keep an ear to the vault door, if I heard guards then be ready to go, otherwise get packed up." Gimmick says, jittering as he listens in on the other end, taking a shot to slow his nerves momentarily.
Talent, then Perception
[1d10] (+3, -3)

Roll #1 3 = 3


Spin promptly smacks his gun against the wall and tries this again.

[1d10] Marksman shot on Teddy

Roll #1 1 = 1



Another headache makes it hard to concentrate again. -1 to the next appraisal.



Stirs nods and starts packing. [1d10]

The only thing you hear is the moaning of the half dead guards you left outside the vault door.


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Tourmaline, sweating and wheezing, refuses to give up. "I am a hunter from the Protectorate!" she declares in her high pitched voice, shrill from exertion. "We do NOT back down! We do NOT go down! We-"

She is silenced as a bullet goes straight through her skull.

"Are not bulletproof," Barid says, his gun barrel smoking.

Tourmaline's minions squeal an ear-splitting, grating screech. They start melting, leaving behind only a mess of gore on the ground. Once Teddy's extra mass is gone, he folds in on himself until he returns to being just a normal Teddy bear. Then, both Tourmaline's body and Teddy disappear in a flash, teleported by the black box.

The rest of you are left in the silence, exhausted from what just transpired. There are few people left in the casino at this point. The ones remaining seem to have been watching the fight with morbid fascination, wide-eyed with horror and amusement.

"Woooo!" one pony shouts from the other end of the large room.

In the silence that follows, you hear sirens approaching from outside.

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 No.743859[Watch Thread][Reply][Last 50 Posts]

The party have concluded their business in Withick, having made an ally of Sprig, gaining a new companion in the form of the griffon Sir Gawain, and being rejoined by Aegis. However, not all is well. They have been effectively forced to flee the peaceful swamp town due to a new threat, a nefarious assassin and old enemy of Hermodur's called Gavrilo. Employed by Lysander, Gavrilo has delivered a mysterious dagger to the party, its purpose unknown.

Not all is despair, however. The party have decided on a heading after much debate; they have opted to head southeast, retracing their original journey and traveling back towards Durenwol Fen. There, they hope to strike a deal with the Beldam, a captive spirit of the swamp, and have her keep the Cuckoo's Egg safe from harm in exchange for her freedom. To do that, however, they will first need to deal with their old acquaintance Black Pudding, an adversary of the Beldam. With his current whereabouts unknown, the party have opted to follow his trail, heading to his last known whereabouts: The cursed hamlet of Larkstead, which has been plagued by a false Oneiromancer. This mysterious entity is a puppet of Lysander and Grosvenor, intended to act as a threat to distract from their true intentions…
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He nods at your offer, pointing you in the right direction.

The rest of the journey is rather uneventful. Still recovering from the attack, Wake talks even less than usual, save to give directions. You eventually begin to come up on the town he called Broome; if it weren't for his directions, you wouldn't recognize it as a settlement from afar. It is a cliffside cove packed to the rafters with ancient shipwrecks, as if they've been gathered and mashed violently into the one place. Ships of all shapes and sizes make up this place, clustered next to and even on top of each other, some at awkward angles. Some, you notice, are even jutting OUT of each other, as if they've phased into each other and merged. You can see several smaller ships going to and from the place, and in the town, you can see its denizens flying around or crawling like monkeys up the rigging connecting the ships.

"This is Broome," Wake croaks. "Neutral ground for many in these lands. Be careful who you speak to in this place. It can get unruly." Looking around, most of the ships that are seaworthy look rather menacing; you can only assume this place is a haven for pirates.


She looks around, in awe of the craftsmanship of the ships looking so futuristic to her. Her eyes also go to the ones working on ships, reminding her of times in both Trakali and outside of it. After gathering her things and Wake's she turns to ask him.

"Is there somewhere I can take you for further care?" She offers, feeling inadequate in her own abilities. "Wounds can last long after the pain ends, Kalidan." She says, not noticing her slip on names.


It goes over Wake's head. "I will seek out a friend in town who can treat this. There's nothing more you can do for me now. Thank you."

You bring the fishing boat up at an unused jetty. Wake is strong enough to walk by now, gathering his belongings and getting off the boat. Before he starts heading off, he pauses, digs in his pocket, and gives you some spare change; the coin is similar to what you've seen used in your time. "Even here, money talks, I'm afraid. Take this. Rent yourself a room in the tavern called Her Majesty. Speak to the owner Parzival and mention my name. He'll be able to find you some honest work, if you're willing to stay."
>+50 bits


She takes the coinage with a nod. "Thank you. May you always have a friend in Tra-" She stops herself. "May you always walk in the light." She says, putting the coins in her satchel.

"I will stay, but not for long. Growing attached to another homeland…" She loses her meaning. "… I cannot do it right now." She says, conflicted on her conviction.

Tlawīli walks away, taking in the sights of a new town as usual, but not hesitating to find the tavern as soon as she can.

Navigation [1d10]

Roll #1 5 = 5


He extends his hand in friendship to you. "Goodbye for now then, Tlawili. I hope you find some peace in this land." With that, he nods goodbye, and you go your separate ways.

You set off into Broome, with little more than the clothes on your back. As you explore this strange place, with its unfamiliar technologies and strange races, you ponder the possibilities. This is a new beginning. What has happened cannot be undone. It is on you now to start again.


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